Yes Sir

by LittleBuddy

21 Nov 2023 6109 readers Score 9.7 (66 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 6

Bought and Used

I waited a week to call Max’s number on the card.

My boss had avoided me that week, working from home and not coming into the office. I was the one who was mad at him, but he was the one who was staying clear of seeing me. I was furious, being used like that. I guess I had thought of “our relationship” to mean a little more to me than it did to him. But then again, what WAS I doing after all? I was losing it, shirking my duties at home, drifting farther away from my wife while becoming entangled with my boss.

This was getting out of hand. I remembered back in university, and that club I ventured into seeking out another similar older man, and the mess I had gotten myself into. Or rather, the group of men that had gotten into me and the cleanup I had to do. So Friday, when Dennis Gibson still didn’t show up, or even send word to me that he was sorry for anything that happened at his place, I took the card that Max Semenov had slipped into my hand after he had fucked me and called the number.

His thick Russian accent picked it up, slightly out of breath. “Yeah?” he said rather gruffly, sounding almost annoyed.

“Uh Mr. Semenov?”

“Speaking.” His voice was harsh, and I immediately pictured the stocky brute, his thick fingers brushing along my skin frowning into the phone. Oddly, my cock stiffened.

“You gave me your card the other night at Mr. Gibson’s and told me to call you. It’s Brian.”

I waited, hearing the heavy breathing on the other before he spoke, this time with a softer tone.

“Ah. My Brian. I was hoping you call me.” His accent added to the picture in my head of the forceful nature of him. And that fat cock of his. “You have, uh how they say, good timing.” He gave a little chuckle and continued speaking. “I could use you tonight, if you are free. I am in need of one more boy.”

I wasn’t expecting that, but after the week I had, and the way I was feeling about my boss Dennis, I was out for some sort of revenge. No time like the present.

I took a deep, confident breath. “I could be free for tonight. Anything for you Sir. You name it.”

He gave a small laugh and I heard him inhale deeply. “I am in need of someone like you to come to my club tonight. It would be like last time, at Gibson’s house yah?”

I swallowed hard, picturing the twinky Nico there with me, trading bosses. It wouldn’t be so bad to be riding the big brute’s dick once again. It had been over a week. The pity sex Dennis gave me immediately afterwards did nothing to apologize for the sudden betrayal I had felt as he gave me so easily to this giant Russian business man.

Yet the uneasiness of going to a “club” wasn’t lost on me again. But I pushed that memory back and told myself it wasn’t going to be like that again. “Sure thing. What do you need me to do?”

Again, the slight laugh and then he cleared his throat. “Nothing more than last time. You in the mood for some big cock? You be ready for it, yah?”

I stiffened more at the memory of Max’s thick cock, his bull sized body. “Yeah, I will be ready. Where and when?”

He gave me the address, and told me it was an exclusive club. I was to come to the side door that was black, ring the buzzer and speak to the man outside. Strict orders to say I was there to meet Semenov and I was the entertainment. At this point, I didn’t care. I felt like I had been used by Dennis, and I decided I would get even with him by taking control and letting myself be the one to dictate to whom I would be used by. This will show him.

I went home and luckily became the doting dad and husband for the evening, as I was told I didn’t need to arrive until 10pm. A Friday night meeting was not so unusual lately, as Dennis and I were in the habit of hooking up on Fridays. But tonight, I wasn’t going to his place.

After showering and putting on a suit with no tie, white oxford shirt crisp and clean, I headed out to the unknown location downtown. I had never heard of this “club” as Max Semenov described it, but the address took me to a large building tucked away in the middle of other establishments. There was a small alleyway down the one side so I parked as near to it as I could and hurriedly made my way to the darkened corner. This was eerily familiar, flashing back to when I was 20, finding a similar side alley and a door, two big bouncers, the club owner, and what happened inside.

I stopped hesitantly, suddenly worried about what I was getting myself into when I looked up at the awning, the small light bulb hanging underneath, amplifying the figure by the door. He was a big man, dressed in a black suit with dark shades on even though it was 10 o’clock at night. He turned my way as I approached, and I saw him touch his ear. He lifted his chin and stepped in front of me as I turned towards the door behind him.

“Can I help you?” His deep voice asked me quietly. He was obviously a bouncer, and a big one at that, dwarfing me by his width and size. I was suddenly scared even more, picturing the big black bouncer at the club I was at only years ago, and the image of him standing over me in that sling…

I stared up at this man, taller than me by at least 6 inches and stared down at my own feet, shuddering a bit as I swallowed hard. I looked down both sides of the building and realized I was alone. I saw the buzzer on the side of the door, and figured I didn’t need to ring with this big white guy standing in my way.

“Mr. Semenov sent for me. I’m the entertainment.” I said with an awkward squeak to my voice.

He actually smiled and I felt him looking me over, head to toe. “Right.” He turned his head sideways into his shoulder and spoke. “Abe, I got the other one.”

I smiled up at him as he stood there, gorilla arms hanging by his side. I couldn’t tell if he was looking at me with his shades on, so I just sort of waited there, wondering if this was after all a good idea.

The door opened suddenly and another large man in a similar dark suit filled the doorway. “Follow me.” He said looking down at me.

“Thanks Abe.” The first bouncer said as I began to move forward. “Have fun.” He said to me and smiled, showing off a wide grin and a set of white teeth against his dark face.

Inside I could hear house music, the thumping of a deep base and electronic beats. It was loud, but coming from a far off room. The corridor was lit, and I turned to look up at the 6 foot something wide receiver that had indicated I follow him. He had a crew cut, and reminded me of an old football player – Howie Long, with his square jaw and broad shoulders, beady little eyes and an all-round presence. “This way.” He said, lifting up a big arm and pointing down the hallway, before he turned and began walking as if I was to follow him.

I did, passing no doors for a long while, which made me wonder where it was we were going and where the music was coming from.

He stopped suddenly at the first door on our left and folded his large hands at his crotch. “In here. You can take your jacket off and put it in locker 3 where you will find an accessory to wear.” He paused for a moment as his hand reached the knob. “You sure about this?”

It was suddenly an odd question I wasn’t expecting to answer. “Uh, yeah. I guess.” Walking into a strange club got me gang banged before, so this couldn’t be any worse, so I hoped anyway.

He hesitated again, and then bent down a bit. “If you need anything, I’m just outside here.”

He opened the door and I could see a light in the distance. It looked like a locker room, with a light coming from a shower type area. I stepped in and realized there were two others in the room by the further door. Abe shut the door behind me and the two figures turned to look at me.

They were dressed like me, in dress pants, with no jackets just a collared shirt opened at the neck, wearing a partial mask on their face that covered their eyes.

The first one, wearing a simple black mask that looked like he stole it from Robin, the caped crusader’s young ward approached me. He was the skinniest one and as he took a step forward, I heard his familiar voice. “I figured you’d be here. Max was quite taken by you.” It was Nico, the little twink from last weekend that my boss fucked in front of me. There was an air to his voice, almost a disdain, when it was me that had the contempt.

“Yeah. What is this?” I said aloud, turning to the other guy in the room, who looked to be about my size and build, broader than Nico and about my age.

“First time?” His voice was smooth, calm and collected as I studied the weird shape of his mask. It hid more of his face, gold detail around the top and sides, and down the nose, making him look more ornate than Nico. He had a great chin, and the shape of his cheekbones accentuated the mask nicely, making him look downright hot and sexy in the mask he had on. His body looked equally impressive, pecs obvious in his shirt and a nice trim waist. He pointed to the locker and I could see the number 3 on it. “That’s yours. Put the mask on as it’s almost time.” He eyed me, taking in my body and then moved around me, checking out my ass. “Looks like you’re my competition tonight if anyone’s after a muscle boy.”

“If anyone’s after…” I heard myself say. Nico was already moving to the locker the other guy pointed out and removed the mask from inside.

“Put this on now and take off the coat or else Mr. Semenov will be furious. No one’s to see your face initially.” Nico handed me the mask and held his hands out impatiently, pointing to my suit jacket. I shucked it without thinking and handed it over, watching him take it and practically run to the locker with it as I took the mask he had given me and studied it.

The mask was wider than Nico’s, black with gold triangles and squares along the top and bottom, making it look almost harlequin like. I put it on, stretching the elastic around the back over my short dark brown hair and put it in place. It almost covered the entire upper portion of my face. I turned to Nico as he returned and saw him shake his head.

“What?” I asked.

Nico gave me a sarcastic grin. “That makes your eyes pop out.”

I looked over at the other guy who was staring at me. “It does.” He said, and he gave me a sly smile. “It really does.” He held out a big hand to me. “Grant.” He held up a finger to his lips, as if it was a secret. His lips looked very kissable suddenly as he leaned into me. “Here. Take this.” I looked down into his hand and saw a small red pill, with a heart embedded into the middle.

“What’s that?” I asked hesitantly. I wasn’t niave, but I figured it was something to make me feel “good.” At least it wasn’t coke, like the last time.

“A little E to help relax you and get you into this.” Without waiting, he took it and held it at my lips. “Open up pretty boy.”

I did, chewing it and swallowing quickly. I was nervous, and was hoping this would take the edge off.

Grant smiled at me and patted my face lightly. “And if I wasn’t here right now ready to go down on someone else tonight, I might just have to take those eyes myself.” He grinned at me, his sexy white smile widening as he popped a pill himself.

The door on the other end of the room opened and a spill of bright lights and loud music filled the small locker room.

“Boys!” A voice bellowed at us from afar. “Time to come in.”

I quickly looked at Grant. “When does this take effect?”

“Soon enough.” And off he moved, confidently walking forward behind Nico who was obviously used to this. I followed, stepping into the louder room and seeing an empty space with a big black riser in the middle surrounded by six chairs, black curtains blocking out three sides of the four walls. The fourth wall not covered by a curtain was the door, the wall painted black and a single light bulb hanging above.

As we stepped in, Abe was on the other side of the door, looking still impressively large and pointed to the riser. Nico was already stepping up onto it, Grant following. As I turned to make sure I was doing the right thing, Abe nodded, gave me a wink and exited back out the way we had come.

The opposite wall door opened and I saw Max Semenov walk briskly into this smaller room for a man his size. The door opening behind him brought in the music louder, this obviously a separate room. Following behind him were figures of other men that I quickly glanced at, looking like they were coming into a business meeting, as I took a step up onto the riser with the other two boys.

“Ah. Good. Three boys for you to choose from gentlemen.” Max’s deep Russian voice bellowed above the music, before the door was closed behind the men walking in.

I counted seven men, including Mr. Semenov. All dressed in expensive suits, and all wearing masks like the ones we had on, except for Max, who’s meaty face sneered at us as he moved closer. Max’s smile lingered, his eyes moving over to all three of us. Max put his hands on his hips, pushing the coattails of his rich dark suit back, his white collared shirt unbuttoned, the crevice of his bulging pecs apparent in the open shirt collar. He put a thick cigar into his lips as the music dulled with the shutting of the door as the six other men moved in to take a seat.

Max pointed to Nico, snapped his fingers and made a gesture with his hand. Nico immediately started to unbutton his collared shirt and turned to me. “Shirts.” He simply said.

I turned to see Grant and Nico begin to unbutton their shirts and slide them off so I slowly followed suit. Grant’s body was impressive, a faint covering of chest hair splattered over a firm set of pecs and washboard abs. Nico was still a skinny smooth twink, not much muscle but all boy with narrow hips as he moved to the centre of the platform. I was smooth as well, and just as ripped and built as Grant. We were three very different examples of what these men wanted, from skinny youth, to smooth jock, to hairy muscle.

I was the last in place, taking a look at the circular array of chairs around the platform. The men themselves seemed large to me, older, and stocky looking. Some had beards, one goateed gentlemen, and the rest clean shaven. I could see dark hair, one completely bald man with the goatee, one almost fully grey and a couple of blonde men. I saw flashes of wedding rings on thick fingers, and thick legs that were crossed as they stared at our naked torsos. I saw one man sit forward, rubbing this hands together. Another adjusted his crotch, pulling at his growing member between his legs as a sneer spread across smooth his smooth jawline.

The largest man, a bulky looking one with a full beard and moustache stood up and moved in front of me, stepping around Max to get a view. He looked like a giant, standing a bit taller than Max, and wider, like a bodybuilder stuffed into a monkey suit trying to look all cleaned up.

“Do we get to touch the merchandise first?” His voice was deep and gruff, and he gave me a small smile showing off straight white teeth behind his dark beard.

To Max’s right, two others stood up, both tall as well, one lean and trimmed, the bald one with the goattee, the other a bit shorter than the rest but stocky, filling out his suit just as well as the bearded brute standing in front of me. I felt on display as the men moved closer.

Max moved to Nico and signaled him closer. Nico turned around, showing off his tight little ass in his slim fitting dress pants. The bald man moved right up to him, sliding a hand over the material and over the curve of his ass. As he did, the big bulky man moved to me and planted his feet wide, crossing his arms over his chest straining to contain the beef within.

“Show me.” He said simply and I turned around slowly. I wasn’t stupid, and realized what I was called for. And this man was just my type. So I looked over my shoulder at him and felt his hand glide up my ass, his big hands lightly grazing me until he squeezed, practically covering both my cheeks in his grip. A low growl emanated from him and I heard him let out a long moan. “Nice.” He finally said before giving my ass a hard smack. “I’ll take this one.”

“Hold on….” I heard another man say from the chair but the bulky man was already moving to the man at the far door holding a briefcase.

“Fuck off. I’m already paying.” He said reaching into his suit jacket for a wad of cash.

“Better chose quickly.” I heard Max shout as he turned to grin at us, giving Nico a quick wink before his eyes fell onto me. He nodded at me, taking a step forward towards the riser where we stood and leaned in to speak to me. “Look at you getting Doc’s attention right away. Good boy.” He gave my ass a hard pat and then turned to the group and held a hand up to Nico. “Remember, you can see if the first bidder wants company. This one is mine, but you know, if you’d like to join us….” He reached out and patted Nico’s ass, shoving the cigar back into his mouth as the bald man stepped up beside him.

I turned to Grant who was already gazing at the bald guy beside Max as a stocky older man stepped up holding a finger up.

“I’ll take you up on that offer again Max, with your permission.”

Max gave a loud laugh. “You don’t need permission Green, just cash. But he’s worth it.”

Green smiled eerily and approached the riser. Nico turned around and let the older man cup his ass. “Same as last time?” Nico bent over, letting the man squeeze his ass a bit. “If so I’ll pay to spend an extra hour with this one again.”

Nico turned around and slid down, squatting in front of the man and took his hand, slipping the man’s thumb into his lips as Green smiled widely. “Thank you Sir.”

Max held out his hands and pointed at a blonde man in a tailored suit as Green pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and counted out twenty bills, handing them over behind his shoulder, keeping his eye on Nico.

We were being bought like prostitutes. I turned to Grant who had his chin down on his chest and was making eyes at the bald man. I turned back to Max, watching this scene unfold as Nico took Green’s hand and stepped down off the riser and began to walk with him to the door. I gazed up at the large bulky man at the far end, arms folded across his chest staring at me. Abe suddenly appeared in front of me and held out his large hand.

“Doc’s all paid up.” He said quietly and helped me down off the riser. I felt a chill run over me and gooseflesh appeared on my upper body as I felt the warmth from Abe’s hands, and the sadness in his eyes as he let me go.

The big bearded man pointed at me from the doorway. “Let’s go boy.”

I looked over, feeling slightly dizzy as the realization of what was about to happen was happening. The big bearded brute was simply staring at me, not smiling, just staring. I froze, feeling the effects of the E beginning to take effect already. I stood up taller, feeling more confident and in control even though I wasn’t, and sized up the man.

He was almost as tall as Max, probably 6’3” or so but wide. His suit looked like it was poured on him, the roundness of his shoulders not hiding his muscular frame. He had a smaller waist than his wide shoulders and large chest, and his legs looked barely encased in his pants, the material stretched to the point that I could see the definition in them. His bearded face made him look mean, yet the mask on his face was a simple black one like Nico’s covering up his upper features which only made him more enticing. The beard itself was trimmed but thick. He looked very attractive, downright sexy in an Eyes Wide Shut sort of way. There was an air of intelligence about him, as he simply stood there quietly, taking it all in. And right now, he was taking all of me in.

“This one’s new so he might need a little coaxing…” Max said aloud from behind me as I neared the big brute

“I’ll give him a tip if he’s worth it.” The brute stated simply, staring at me with his small eyes. A blonde man appeared beside him with an elaborate mask, gold with an almost bird like shape to it, and whispered something to him but the brute shook his head. “No thanks. I want this one all to myself tonight.” The man stepped away and I felt the eyes of this brute staring at me. I held his gaze until he started smiling widely.

“Not sharing tonight?” Max’s voice was close to me, almost to my right. “Go easy on him Doc. Don’t break him.” I heard him give an evil laugh as I hesitantly stepped another foot closer to the big man in front of me.

His eyes were light, almost grey, set back in between the thick nose underneath that black mask. His nose looked like it had been broken a couple times. His cheeks were solid, holding up the bottom of the mask and the dark beard covered the rest of what looked like a very square jawline. I heard him breathe in deeply as his eyes went up and down my body.

A thick finger and thumb reached out to my bare nipple and he gave it a slight squeeze as his eyes remained fixed on mine. “Very nice.” He said with a soft, slow exhalation. Then a large hand extended to me. “Shall we?”

I felt like a woman being asked for a dance in some fancy ball, this man in his suit holding out his hand as if this was all normal. But it was far from normal. I had just been bought. And if it wasn’t for the feeling of my heart beating furiously in my chest, or the idea of getting back at my boss, I probably would have turned and ran out the back door. But the pill was making me feel lightheaded, and my pulse was pounding in my head. I reached out, seeing my own hand get swallowed up by this beast of a man’s palm. He held it gently and tugged at me to follow, turning his hand over to clasp my hand.

And hand in hand he walked me to the door, his head turned to look at me as we casually moved forward. “You’re everything I wanted tonight. Cute. Muscled. Small.” His eyes went to my bulge. “Well, let’s hope not too small down there.”

I too found myself looking at him, and the size of his arms underneath the material of his suit. “You look like quite the beast yourself.” I said nervously. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be impressed and flirtatious, or just submissive. But the pill was making me feel almost giddy at the prospect of this big man taking me down the hall.

He grinned at me again, his cheeks puffing up, slightly red from alcohol no doubt. “You have no idea boy.”

Boy? I thought to myself. I was in my early thirties, and here was a man in his 40s maybe. I was no boy anymore, but walking hand in hand with him, the size of his body outweighing me by about 100 pounds, I certainly felt like one. Like I was 20 again, getting used by all those strangers that night….

“Doc” as he was called walked me out the door and steered me down the hallway to a door in the distance. I felt like I was in some sex club, music and grunts and groans coming from various places, as we now passed doorways. He held up a key in his free hand and I could see the number 11 on it. I watched the numbers on the doors, some open, others closed with muffled sounds from within until the number 11 appeared. He gave me a grin and released my hand for a moment as he opened the door and pushed the door open for me.

I was surprised by the room, a well decorated hotel looking room, with a big king sized bed in the middle, a few night tables, a small desk in the corner, a full sized dresser and mirror against one wall, a table with four chairs to the one side, and a contraption in the far corner that looked like a sling. This looked all too familiar to me. And now, I was scared.

“Here we are.” His deep voice soothingly said. I felt a hand on my lower back, gently guiding me inside. I shivered, the lightness of his touch a complete contrast to the powerful man standing beside me. But when the door closed, the strength of this man was apparent.

I was pushed up against the wall suddenly, pinned to it by his huge body behind me pressing into me, my arms pulled up and out like a prisoner, his strong hands holding my wrists to the wall. I felt his cock in his pants dig into my backside, and his entire weight pushed me into the wall. A hot breath went down my neck as his beard tickled it. And then his voice, so deep and low, was in my ear.

“I am going to fuck you senseless boy.” He growled into my ear. “If you struggle, it just makes me fuck you harder.”

I groaned a bit, trying to decide if I was going to submit or fight back. But he was way too strong. I felt light headed, and extremely turned on. Dennis Gibson had taught me a thing or too about submission. But Max’s domination had opened me up. Maybe I was this type after all. Someone to be sold. A thing for pleasure. Someone to be used. Again.

I turned my head sideways, the mask on my face rising a bit, to try to look at him as I felt his nose breathing me in. I pushed my ass back against him, wiggling a bit to get the shaft of his hardness into my crack.

“Oh yeah? You think you’re up to giving me what I need?” I cooed at him. The E was taking effect. I wasn’t going to just take it this time. I needed to be somewhat in control.

His head flicked up and a grin spread across his face as he maneuvered his waist, grinding what felt like a very large cock into my pants. “Lookie here. I got me a boy who’s just as rarin’ to go.” He let go of my wrists but pressed me into the wall as he grabbed my cheek. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

I kept my hands splayed on the wall in front of me and spread my legs wider for him, twerking my ass against his tenting poll. “What are you waiting for big fella. Have at it.”

He growled right in my ear and I could hear him fumbling with his buckle and zipper. I didn’t move, just continued to wiggle my ass until I felt his large hands reach around to hastily undo my pants. His fingers worked expertly, pulling open my pants and undoing my zipper in a hurry. With his chest still holding me against the wall, two big hands yanked my pants down all the way to my ankles, exposing my bare ass. A slap of one cheek made me flinch before I felt a heavy THWAP against the middle of my rump. I strained to see behind me, and caught a glimpse of a meaty looking large cut cock being slapped against my backside. He had his cock out of his pants, still fully dressed, making it look even bigger than it already was. I saw him gob on it and then rub a wet thumb into my ass to find my crack. And then he simply lined himself up, pulling my ass into him, off the wall a bit, and forcing himself into me as fast as he could.

I gasped out when I felt him stretch me open and push in. A sharp blinding pain washed over me as the width of his dick filled my unready ass. I turned my forehead to the wall and gritted my teeth as I felt him sink into me. I willed myself to relax, tried to stop my legs from shaking, and took a couple short deep breaths as I felt my insides screaming.

Instead of beginning any movements, he wrapped both arms around me tight, pushing the material of his pants up against my bare ass and letting out a loud groan as he throbbed inside me.

“There you go you little trouper. Get used to it. Open yourself up boy because I’m going to fuck you all over this room.”

I waited, feeling the beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I felt the waves of nausea go away, the pain subsiding as he took mercy on me. I calmed down, realizing he wasn’t as mean as I initially thought. He was horny, and needed to be in me. But he was suddenly gentle, giving me a moment to adjust. I could hear him moaning as he felt me giving in, the occasional grunt as my ass involuntarily squeezed around its intruder. And then his hands moved up under my mask, and his two index fingers found their way into my mouth to pull my head back.

“You’re mine now.” He groaned and started to fuck me.

I groaned as my body shook with his movements, his fingers holding my mouth open like a gag. He used me, like a whore on that wall at first, my hands pressed out on the wall in front of me as I felt like a rag doll. He pounded me, not caring about the sounds or the noises either one of us was making, until he pulled all the way out without a warning and removed his fingers from my mouth, leaving me panting and empty.

I turned slowly around, seeing that engorged cock still throbbing and slick, pointing directly at me from the open fly in his pants. Fuck he was hot looking, his chest heaving under his suit, his big dick sticking out at me. He reminded me of my former stepfather, and I felt the effects of the drug really take over. I looked at him, seeing the smile on his face looking at me, before my own widened.

I panted, feeling my pants around my ankles as I grabbed my 8 inches and pulled on it, showing him what I had. He eyed it, then grinned at me as he spit into his hand and rubbed his own cock before he pointed at my feet.

“Take those off so I can stretch those muscled legs open wider boy.”

I looked down at my calves seeing the crumpled pants, my black socks and shoes still on , realizing that I wasn’t completely naked, except for the mask. I felt weak in the knees already, but I managed to kick off a shoe at a time, and then bent down to pull my pants off and each sock before turning around, my own cock now at full mast.

“Fuck boy. Look at that big cock on you.” He stepped up to me, making me shiver in anticipation as a big hand grabbed my shaft and tugged on it. His size scared me, the hardness of his body pressing into me again as I felt the wall behind me. I was pinned again, this time facing him as his meaty hand pulled at my aching dick. “Looks like you like getting fucked.” He leered at me, moving his face closer to mine. His free hand moved up my body to my throat, then up to my cheek until his big fingers reached the bottom of my mask, and he pushed it up, over my eyes and onto the top of my head.

His eyes in his mask widened, and his smile appeared again through his beard.

“Well fuck me you’re one hot looking boy.” His mouth moved closer, his face drawing near as our eyes locked. And then his mouth was on mine, and we were both breathing in deeply as he shoved his tongue into my mouth and gave me a wet hungry kiss. I ate him up, lost now in the drug and the feeling of his massive body against mine. I clawed at his suit jacket, wishing it was his flesh I was feeling. He was hungry, but suddenly so was I. I practically climbed up this man, feeling my feet lift off the floor as he groped me, kissing me.

Without breaking away, I felt him slide lower, his two strong arms snaked under my legs and he lifted me all the way up off the floor, his lips still attached to mine as my legs hooked around him and squeezed. I felt his hands under me, and the thick steel rod that he seemed to be lining up to my already aching for it hole. A thick finger fumbled around between my cheeks, until I felt the head of his cock rub against me. My legs were hanging over his forearms as I was moved up higher, too high to keep kissing him. Instead I moaned as he found my entrance, and we stopped to stare at each other. I think we both held our breaths at the feeling. I pushed my back firmly against the wall for leverage, my hands on his shoulders as I hung draped over his strong arms. And in one moment, his cock plunged into me again.

“Fuck yeah boy!” He yelled into my mouth before he opened wide and practically ate my face, our tongues battling, his mask now askew as my hands felt the solidness of his neck and shoulders. He took a step back, holding me in his arms and stood there lifting me up and down on his cock as we kissed. He was still fully dressed, me completely naked, bouncing up and down on his shaft like a fucking slut.

And I was loving every second.

His cock felt amazing in this position, poking into me so deep that I couldn’t tell if I was leaking precum or piss. I got so lost in the feeling that I broke away from his lips again, my head falling backwards as I hung onto his neck, hearing the grunts and groans from this beast.

“Yeah this is MY hole now!” He roared at me. I felt the room spinning before I realized he was walking me towards the bed. He paused at the end of it, pummeling my ass more in several bearish moves before he lifted me straight up and off and tossed me backwards onto the bed.

He straightened his mask on his face before he stripped off the suit jacket and kicked off his shoes. He was going to get naked. At last, I thought as I straightened up on the bed and watched. His shirt came off first, revealing a bodybuilders physique, hairy and manly, two enormous pecs and a rippling set of abs, all covered in light brown hair that looked like fur. His pants were shoved down, two thick vascular thighs covered in the same hair, his dick smacking his stomach as his briefs were ripped down. He reached down to remove each black sock before he ambled onto the bed, a grizzly bear in all its muscular glory coming at me fast.

I scrambled backwards until a hand gripped an ankle and I was yanked towards him. He pulled that leg straight up and onto his chest and shoulder as he lined himself up again. I looked up at this hairy bodybuilder, still masked, panting at me as he stopped to spit on his cock once again and then shoved it into me, pulling my leg against his chest in a tight strong hold.

We both howled, and I grabbed the duvet cover in my fists as I gritted my teeth and took him roughly inside me for the third time. I watched his body, amazed at the size of this man, and the sculpted torso elongating before me as he stretched up over me. His eyes peered at me from behind his mask and I became infatuated with knowing what he looked like underneath it. A big hand came around my throat again and he held me into the bed, and started to drill my ass hard.

I felt the bed moving, creaking under our weight, but it was silenced by our own sounds, my moans filling the air as he fucked me relentlessly.

“Harder!” I heard my voice yell at him. I saw his eyes widen and his smile widen. He adjusted himself, releasing the clamp around my neck and grabbing both my legs to pull me into him. He held my legs against his hairy body, straight up around his face and he fucked me like that for a while before he turned his face into my left foot and started to lick the underside of it. I squirmed at the sensation but he held me tight, before he pushed my legs wide and came at me.

His mouth smashed against mine, his furry body now rubbing against my smooth one. He pushed my arms upwards, stretching himself out over me. I clamped my legs around him, locking my ankles and hanging on to him as he rocked into me. I have never been fucked this hard, this long, by a man. This was a true beast of a man.

And then he sat up, pulling me up with him, until his legs shifted and I was sitting in his lap, our mouths still attached, now riding his dick furiously.

I gasped again, feeling his hands on my ass lifting me up and down the length of his shaft as he punched something inside me. I felt my body shiver with each plunge and I opened my eyes wide to look at him. Without a word, I yanked the mask off him, looking at his handsome face before I went for his lips again to kiss him madly.

And then I pulled back and just looked at him. He smiled up at me and I took in his face. He was one hot looking man.

“You are one sexy boy.” He grinned at me.

“Oh yeah? Then fuck me like you mean it Daddy.” I heard myself moan as I bent down to kiss him again. This only spurned him on, hugging me tightly and moving again, this time, holding me up as he unbuckled his legs again and he flipped me back down on my back, humping me harder than ever.

“You want me to breed this ass? Make it all mine for real now boy?” He grunted over me as he groped my entire body, pushing his cock so far into me I thought I thought I was going to split in two.

“Yes!” I moaned into him, my hands running all along his furry body, loving the feeling of this hairy beast on top of me. I clung to him like my life depended on it, clawing at his rippled muscles as I felt his cock thickening inside me, my own body shaking now uncontrollably.

He raised himself up a bit, and grabbed my wrists, pulling my arms sideways and holding them down in his grip as he rammed into me. His legs moved under me, mine draped over his massive thighs bouncing off him as he plowed into me. “This my hole now? Huh? MY HOLE? You want Daddy’s load in you? Want me to breed this fucking ass?!?!?!” He was yelling at me, his face a furrowed look of concentration as he rammed his cock in and out of me. My body was shaking, my head rolling around. I tried to focus on his face, tried to hear the words he was grunting at me. But suddenly, all I could do was ride out the feeling of a rising orgasm rushing through me that he was literally fucking out of me.

“Gonna give you my first load boy. But Daddy’s got a lot more to go yet. Gonna fuck you all night long and make this ass all mine boy!”

I felt it. My toes curled. My back arched up. My ass went numb, as did my face. There were sounds coming out of my drooping mouth. My eyes were barely open but I could see the bearded face just above mine, and the shadow of a muscled mountain on top of me fucking the cum out of me.

I sprayed like a gusher, shuddering under him, my arms completely pinned down as he fucked me like a rag doll, roaring as he watched my cum erupt from my bouncing cock.

“Fuck YES boy. Show Daddy you love getting fucked! Oh fuck YEAH boy! Let it all out!” He kept yelling over me as he continued to thrust in me. He didn’t stop, my body still sputtering as the last of my fluids left my body. I almost passed out it seemed yet he was still going. I felt sweaty, weak, like I was almost done. My entire body went numb.

Until I heard him begin to grunt low, letting the sound build, his pace even faster if that was at all possible. I opened my eyes to see every muscle on his upper body tense up and flex, and he stretched his torso even more, looking up at the ceiling, neck muscles on display and I groaned, reaching up a limp arm to grab a hairy pec.

“Take my load boy! Daddy’s gonna fuckin’ breed this hole now!” And with that, he shoved into me hard and held himself there, not moving, until that loud growl filled the room.

He bucked a couple times, his own body shaking out and gave me another hard thrust that moved the bed, the sounds of our bodies smacking together startling me to open my eyes wider. I grabbed his ass, feeling the fuzziness of it over the flexing muscles as it pushed into me again, rocking the bed further as he grunted out more. I felt full, flooded, and spent.

I felt a drip of his sweat from his forehead drop onto me and then more as he shook over top of me before he slid out of me, leaving me gaping open. His hands left my body and I saw his shape move off the bed, the bed lifting as his weight left it. My legs fell sideways, completely limp and unable to move. I rolled sideways, seemingly incoherent and unaware of anything other than my own breath. I wasn’t sure if it was the pill or the sex that had left me this weak.

I must have made a sound because I heard him laugh, and then felt the bed shift again as his body nuzzled up behind me. A strong arm blanketed me and his beard scratched my neck from behind. Then his deep voice was soothing at my ear.

“What did you say?” His voice was stilted, breathless in my ear as he curled his big hairy body into my smaller smooth one.

“Please don’t let anyone else in.” I mumbled, pressing my body into his, enjoying the feeling, picturing my stepfather behind me and smiling.

He laughed again. “You’re all mine tonight. I’m not letting anyone else in this ass but me. I’ll give you a minute to catch your breath. Cause I’m not done with you yet boy. You’re mine now.”

I felt my heart flip as I felt the thick dick pressing against my ass, his furry body now surrounding me. A heavy leg moved over top of me and I once again was pinned under him. But instead of being frightened, or scared, I nudged backwards into him, grabbing his hairy arm and positioning it around my shoulder and feeling it against my cheek. I missed this, a giant of a man sleeping around me. Feeling the masculinity of a hunk draping over top of my body. I wiggled against him, feeling the curves of his body fitting into mine. Something about this felt safe. My ass was sore, and used, but as I moved I could feel the wetness of his load oozing out of me, his stiff cock near my opening again.

And all I could think about was having it slide back in me.

“I’m not done with you yet either Daddy.” I heard my voice whisper. I heard him give a low guttural groan as I reached behind me and felt for his still thick cock. I could feel his beard move against my neck, his lips making soft kisses as he let me tug on his cock, and move it in between my ass. I could feel just how wet and open I was. And then he rocked me a bit, and he let me get his cock in between my cheeks.

“Good boy.” He purred in my ear, and he pushed forward to help me.

I lifted a leg upwards, showing him I wanted it back inside me. He moved with me, letting me stuff that monster back inside and slowly helped me ease it back into my hole.

“My hole now.” He moaned into my ear.

“Yes sir.” I moaned back, feeling my face going numb again as his meaty dick filled me once again.

by LittleBuddy

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024