What Joey Needs

by LunarStaircase

11 Mar 2024 3195 readers Score 8.7 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Joseph didn’t really think hard about how or why there was a flood of his favorite protein drink, Buff Milk™, creeping down his throat as he suckled on something because it all felt so warm. His eyes were glued shut, his legs felt like he had done the ten leg days then a hundred squats, and on top of that his dick felt weirdly warm and cushioned. He didn’t want to admit it but he did like it when his girl stuck her fingers in his ass, it just felt good…fingering felt good to him, and right now he had the feeling but times ten. His hands were stuck inside something fluffy which didn’t really let him rub his eyes or more importantly touch his dick which was frustrating him. Clenching and tensing in horny frustration caused him to gasp, this caused the trickle of warm protein-infused milk to slow and the euphoric warm high slowly disappeared as realization set in for Joseph.

He didn’t remember how he got here.

In his head he knew that he went to some frat party with friends and his girlfriend who kind of wasn’t his girlfriend since they were on a break but also she was his girlfriend? 

He had a shot, tequila. 

Just one shot and now he’s…he started touching his crotch causing him to realize his dick was sealed in a pillow-like cushion. He felt the ropes tying him down that a few seconds ago he was blind to in his milk-drinking lust. The idea of one being tied around his cock quickly popped in his head and was then quickly discarded but not before causing a bit of twitch in his dick.

He broke free of the ropes, and he tore off the blindfold that was on his face. 

Immediately he undid the buttons on his romper and revealed a puffy diaper which was a blue camo color and quite big. He also pressed his hand deep into it just to test how it’d feel. 

When he looked around he realized that he’s in a crib that’s the perfect size for him and in a nursery that’s exactly like the one he’s always dreamed that Stan…Stan? He looks over to the right, there’s a person in a similar babyish outfit to him leaning on a crib as they played with a DS. Climbing out the crib was a difficult feat but one that became exceptionally easy once he took off his Looney Tunes socks, those were actually his. Once he got himself outside of the crib, diaper jiggling as he did, there was just a bright happy face on Stan who was wearing khaki shorts with duckies on them as well as a Batman shirt. The mittens that were on his hands fell off, Joseph could see the peaking of a diaper but it wasn’t as bad as the one he had on which was only covered by a dark blue romper. Stan didn’t seem to mind or even care about Joseph and his escape instead playing with his DS or occasionally rubbing his crotch hard then giving up with an angry huff. 

There was a changing table with a bunch of cool looking camo diapers, pink ones with unicorns on them and basic looking white ones that Joseph decided to inspect since he felt awkward about Stan and his presence for a bunch of reasons but the biggest one was the idea that maybe he and Stan came here willingly? The white diapers had a weird springy gel in them. 

Penguin waddling over to the other side of the room got him towards a door with a bunch of stars on it. There was no handle and no budge when he pushed on it. His hand almost moved to knock on the door but he quickly backed off on doing that. There was no other exit in the room, at least not one that Joseph could see. There was a giant closet which he presumed was filled with more “appropriate” clothes, a room with a bathtub symbol on a sign, and a toybox which was the next thing that Joseph inspected. Another penguin waddle got Joseph to the toybox which he opened. The toybox was split into two sections: one with a bunch of sex toys and another with a bunch of video games as well as lego kits. 

Okay so maybe instead of Stan being in a mindbreak situation where he’s fine being here forever instead he’s just been bored here and needed something to distract him?

Doesn’t make sense and doesn’t explain why Stan’s just been sitting on his cute-looking short and diaper covered butt which Joseph really wanted to spank or at least feel on his lap even if he was also covered in a diaper which was really really making it hard not to be hard so if he could some get his hand down his-

He was not-he was going to try his best not to jerk off in front of one of his close friends who he knew for almost half his life even if he has been for sure leaking pre- into his diaper for at least five minutes by now. 

Joseph touches a Pokemon game from the earlier DS lineup then places it back and then waddles once more to his friend. He saw Stan huff as he once more tried to brutally rub his crotch like he was trying to rub a stain out of it and so Joseph put his hand on Stan’s shoulder. Stan’s hand tries to pry Joseph’s fingers but not to get him off his shoulder instead to hold his hand as he tries to one-handedly play his game while pausing to rub himself again. Twiddling and playing with Joseph’s fingers as he did what he was doing, Joseph lowered himself to a sitting level as his diaper kept his ass a good few inches off the ground. There was a twitch in his stomach but thankfully it wasn’t the final death knell in his adulthood, just a hunger. However, there was this swollen feeling in his bladder which definitely could be held in his diaper which even seemed to have wetness indicators due to the lil blue stripes it had. 

So the first question that Joseph asked to Stan wasn’t “why are we here” but instead, “Are you wet too, Stan?”

Stan said, “Nah, I’m good, Joey, It’s just a little hard to get my training undies off and I really want to cum also I have a cage on which makes it even harder,” which got Joey’s dick almost to cutting through his diaper level sharp. Joseph without anything more than base horny desires guiding him plopped the game-addicted Stan onto his padded lap which caused Stan to nestle his butt into Joseph causing Joseph to thrust forward. 

Joseph snapped out of it and asked Stan, “Stan, how the fuck did we get here? Who put these on me?”

Stan threw out an exasperated moan, stood up then crouched back down now facing Joseph.

“So I’m going to sound insane and like I hope you get how insane this already is and just like go with it. So basically we lost a game; I bet that you were lying about being into-” he looked around at the crib and changing table “-since so far you were lying every other time but I lost which meant we lost.”

“I’m lost.”

“There was a game host…he was like making our kinkiest fantasies come true and fortunately I got dragged into yours. I’m guessing no matter what I’d have been fucked…not literally,” Stan finished. He toyed with his closed DS as he rubbed his thighs together in a blatant attempt to get off.


“So…so you’re fine with me being into this?” Joseph asked.

“I mean I wouldn’t have really thought about this but I’m like literally open to anything. Like I told you my exes were kinky…maybe kinkier than I mentioned but there’s no real limit for me aside from being extremely controlled or beaten. Prob just because I’m a free spirit and plus this place just makes me want to do this. It’s I guess part of the magic, ” he answered.

“So can I ask about-” he looked down at Stan still rubbing his crotch “-that?”

“Oh yeah, so basically…let me just show you. It’ll be faster plus I don’t mind.”

Stan stood up and undid the button on his shorts pulling them to reveal a cute set of bulky briefs with bears on them. Stan then slowly pulled down his “training undies” struggling to do so. Eventually Stan revealed his cock which was caged with a diaper-shaped keyhole on his cock cage. 

“Like I can still get horny and I really really like this situation, I’m probably also a bit of an exhibitionist, but if I don’t get this thing off me it’s going to be covered in my cum. I mean it’ll prob be the worst orgasm I ever had but I need it,” Stan said with a little whimper.

Joseph remembered what Stan said before about having sex in the gym locker room with his ex or…in the various bathrooms around campus but he didn’t think this would have interested Stan which made Joseph really really happy. 

They both looked at each other and Stan without any warning rubbed his cage-bound cock on the romper-covered padding that Joseph was wearing which didn’t magically open the cage but also didn’t seem to stop or make Stan want to stop humping Joseph. Stan’s shorts and padded underwear were at his feet as he whimpered and moaned as his body begged to cum. Joseph felt himself wanting to burst in every single aspect possible when it came to his dick but he didn’t want to…feel this lost. He thought that if this day ever came, which he didn’t think it could, then he wanted Stan and Dante to be his…daddies. Instead, Joseph was still his slightly older friend, still a big brother figure, who was now rubbing his dick on Joseph’s diaper.

Joseph had tried to slip his hand into his diaper which as big as it was somehow had an airtight grip to his body which caused him to also whimper and moan at the denial of his orgasm. He instead decided to fully rub against Stan as hard as he could, diaper shuffling all around as he did.

Both men pressed deeply into each other in a futile attempt to cum.

Ten minutes, ten minutes of this passed as they continued but now as a sweaty heap on the floor each with the other’s legs wrapped around the other.

Joseph’s diaper rattled and jiggled with each hump and thrust as he realized that he needed to really move to feel anything through the padding. He had already flooded his diaper and turned its camo blue into a greenish camo color as the blue stripes also became green once it got wet enough. Stan didn’t realize it but his shorts had become pastel colored and his training diaper became a thicker diaper, not as thick as Joseph’s, with a dragon ball on it and a tail on the back. The dragon ball diaper and his pastel short crawled back up till his body was clothed in a dragon ball themed onesie.

Pacifiers were clipped to both of the boys as they desperately tried to cum without realizing the changes happening to them and the room. The cribs became a joint larger crib, and the bathroom got restocked with new supplies. The toybox filled with toys that they’d better appreciate which meant for Joseph he got a few more prostate-intensive ones and Stan got more bondage related ones.

Any potties, both big and small, were hidden from sight.

Their adult clothes worn by torso-only mannequins with bulge sizes accurate to both boys in a glass case at the back of the room including all stains they got during their time at the main party: splashes of alcohol, cum stains, and any other wet marks.

What was even worse was that the social media accounts for both boys were getting “revised” into each picture of them having a blatant diaper or another babyish piece of clothing. Their nudes got replaced with diaper reveals; Joey unzipping his jean zipper to show a peak of his pretty pink diaper and Stan taking off his shirt revealing the ruffle of his diaper. History remaking them into well-known diaper lovers and they didn’t even know that instead all they were still thinking about was cumming. 

The click-clacking of shoes caused the duo to stop and instead reflect on the immense embarrassment of being caught like this even if it was by the showman and master of ceremonies managing this very event, Rafael. Rafael walked in with a typical purple blazer, white dress shirt, a bejeweled harness, a bright purple diaper, and a simple red mahogany cane which he set down near the changing table.

“It seems you two have had a lot of fun since I left you here? Hasn’t even been an hour, you guys…want some help?” Rafael asks as he drops into a squat, grunting hard.

They both looked at the beautiful man as the lavender diaper of his expanded and they realized a similar fate awaited both of them if they didn’t get out of here soon.

Stan shook his head up and down as Joey just watched.

“Didn’t expect to be using this thing anytime soon but honestly I get the convenience but I prefer the aesthetic over…crapping in this thing-” he pokes at his diaper which perfectly ripples “-but there’s a first time for everything. Plus, I could use a nap, you guys wouldn’t mind if I joined you on my break?” Rafael asks.

Stan shook his head up and down as Joey rubbed his diaper while looking intensely at Rafael.

Rafael claps and in comes a buff looking guy with a cap on that says “Professional Adult”. 

He was perfectly toned and…was one of Joey’s classmates in his Philosophy class who he thought had a perfectly toned ass mainly because he did. Rick, Joey’s classmate, only had an old man briefs on which were pure white and wifebeater which was one of Joey’s fantasies which caused Joey to almost pass out in embarrassment and horniness. His balls hung low in those tighty whities and his dick had a nice angle to it. 

Rick snatched up Rafael quickly bringing him to the changing table and in less than ten seconds completely cleaning him, leaving his dick and balls exposed to the other two boys as he and they sucked on their pacis. Rick went to the toybox pulling out a long thick dildo and pulling down his underwear as if comparing them, he kept going till he found a dildo that oddly looked like his. After heading back to Rafael, he lubed his fingers up with a bottle of astroglide prepping Rafael for his Rick dick dildo. In a swift yet gentle motion he worked the dildo into Rafael which suddenly came to life as it became a vibrator steadily teasing Rafael’s prostate. Rick took out a bowl filled with water and razor from a drawer in the changing table. Manipulating Rafael’s genitals as he swiftly removed every lick of hair from his bottom. He applied a cream to the freshly shaved areas and Rafael complied to this as he sucked on a paci. A new purple diaper was placed onto the master of ceremonies but the rest of his outfit was mostly stripped leaving as a beautiful diapered boy with harness on who was sucking hard on a paci as his nipples became glass cutters. Rick took him over to the crib that the two other boys and Rafael would share.

Joey couldn’t hold it anymore and squatted as his diaper swang back and forth as he readied to fill it. Out came a plug plopping into Joey’s diaper as he then proceeded to properly fill it further. Rick came over, squeezed Joey’s diaper in the front and back, and then walked the boy over to the changing table. Joey was beyond embarrassed yet still obedient as Rick helped him up, he picked out a purple diaper for Joey too. He untaped Joey, removing his dirty diaper and plug, replacing the old diaper with a new purple one, and completely cleaning Joey’s bottom. No shaving for Joey but there was a lot more jerking his dick with the oil and cream he applied for diaper rash.

Joey was almost purple himself.

“It’s alright.” Rick said.

“Like dude, I don’t mind doing this. I’m a dom and also I’m getting paid so much by Rafael to do this like…murdering people levels of money. Just enjoy,” Rick continued as he added more baby oil and cream to Joey’s dick and balls.

Within a minute Joey was rediapered and sucking on his pacifier. He was plopped back into his crib with Rafael thrusting at the crib’s mattress.

Stan asked, “...dude could you fuck me?”

Stan was now rubbing at his onesie as he hoped that Rick would open the back hatch and fuck him through his diaper till they both filled it up.

Rick laughed then said, “Maybe tomorrow, cutie. My contract involves getting you two to cum in your diapers, hands-free. If I touch you this whole thing breaks.”

Stan furled his eyebrows as Rick placed him into the crib.

“What does that mean?” asked Stan as he rubbed his diaper and didn’t realize the cage was mysteriously gone. Rick unbuttoned the onesie and Stan’s diaper was purple too.

Rafael stopped humping and said, “Once you guys cum this will be a part of your lives forever. Don’t try to stop it, I’ve been edging both of you for twelve hours straight. If you don’t cum after what I’m going to do then honestly I don’t know how you got here.”

“Wait what, that’s not even fair this is Joey’s thing not-”

“Fuck both of you, I’m not even really into-”

“Stan, you’ve been harder than Joey for hours just waiting for him to look at you in this state. Joey, this is exactly the scenario you wanted to see. Joey, all you read about when it comes to porn: people being forced into diapers forever just because they were horny little guys, guess what? You’re the horny little guy,” said Rafael.

Before either boy could complain, Rafael booped both of their diapers. Their diapers got moist and gripped tightly on each boy including Rafael too. Each one felt something thick and hard in their asshole. Rick air-thrusted and this caused Rafael to thrust himself which caused Joey to moan and shake ending in Stan realizing that they’ve become a daisy chain of phantom diaper fucking. 

Rick got to his knees looking at his briefs realizing that he too was involved in this, he knew if he came then somehow he too would get punished by this game. Each drop of precum that fell into his briefs slowly warped them into something more fitting of a boy his age and his wife beater was slowly turning into overalls. Hundreds of photos and moments of him being a tall pampered junior in college were woven into existence, slamming his pampered butt into his hookups’ faces was something he’d be well known for.

He was the first to lose. 

Screaming and moaning as he tried every trick in the book to keep himself from cumming including: walking, gripping his penis tightly, sitting, and clenching his asshole which was what set off his prostate and Joey who came right after him. Rick magically appeared in the crib, he cuddled Joey in his arms with little thought as they both tried to shake off the after-orgasm goodness but fell deeper into it as they continued to thrust. 

Stan and Rafael phantom-fucked their diapers and each other with an intensity thought only one really had their heart in it. Stan came first and Rafael came immediately after with no real care on his face as he magically pulled out a phone from his diaper. He said, “hmm nice” as he saw a bunch of pictures of himself modeling abdl gear then just swiped his loss out of existence. 

Stan cried into the crib’s mattress, Rafael rubbed his back which just caused Stan to cry harder. 

Rafael flipped the boy and jammed a bottle into Stan’s mouth which he tried to flail out of but it wasn’t long till the milk hit his tongue causing him to enter a deep sleep. He repeated this again with Joey who seemed completely into all of this and finally had given up the embarrassment he had. 

Rick struggled trying to escape the crib whose bars endlessly expanded upward as he tried scaling upwards but fell down but no worries, his diaper cushioned his fall. Rafael grabbed the boy and forced the bottle into his mouth which didn’t work, Rick closed his mouth before then. Rafael pressing his purple diaper into Rick’s back started ticking him which quickly led the bottle to go into Rick’s mouth and with just a drop he too was asleep.

Rafael took a bottle for himself and drank while smiling at each of the boy’s. His harness tight on his body as his diaper got nice and snug on him. His “boss” was nowhere to be found but he’d sure enjoy the sight of this, three boys having to endure growing up again! He snapped his finger and each one in a new clean white diaper and each one would have to deal with a new version of their daily life tomorrow but for now?

Now the question was: What did Rafael want to do next?

by LunarStaircase

Email: [email protected]

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