Wade, the Clumsy Cop

by Robert Foley

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It didn’t take me long to get back to work at the Frothy Dog. My Mom had insisted I take some days off to recover from what happened. I had obliged, but the boredom at home was similar to that of going back to work, so I felt like it didn’t really matter. So, two days after what happened, I was back in the shop, making coffee.

I had read the local newspaper where the events had been described. It had said two police officers and the coffee shop owner had been taken hostage. But none of the details or even the motive were described. And that’s because nobody knew. The police had given an official statement, in which none of the sexual acts that Louis had performed on the officers were mentioned. It was mentioned that the suspect had been arrested and taken into custody. Investigation was supposedly still ongoing considering the motive.

It was a little weird to be back at first, but soon I was happy to be working again. I was happy to just have a regular day. Although at certain times, I recalled what had happened. Every time I went into the supply closet, I pictured Wade’s smooth muscular body, tied up, unconscious, with cum all over his rippling stomach. It was a picture that wouldn’t soon leave my mind. And I didn’t want it to. I remembered I had taken a photo of the two unconscious cops, but I had felt guilty about taking it and hadn’t looked at it.

My second day back at work was a Saturday. The shop was only open until 1 PM today and closed on Sundays. And Monday was Memorial Day. It was a quiet morning and part of me was dreading to have two days and a half off. I knew I was just going to think about Wade and about what had happened and drive myself crazy.

It was 12:45 PM when I was cleaning up the last things, getting ready for the shop to close, when suddenly the door opened. It was rare for anyone to come in at this time. I turned around and suddenly I was facing Wade. He wasn’t in his uniform. Instead he wore a dark blue T-shirt, white shorts and flip flops. Both the shirt and the shorts looked very tight on him. I looked at him. He smiled.

“Hey Randy”, he said.

I took too long to say anything.

“H-hi”, I stumbled.

“I just wanted to check up on you.”

I smiled back.

I composed myself.

“Here, have a seat”, I said, pointing to one of the tables.

“Do you want anything?”

“A water would be great”, he replied.

It was a hot day at 87 degrees (31 Celsius), and it was only late May. I got Wade and myself an ice water as he talked to me sitting at the table.

“I can’t believe you went back to work right away”, he said.

“I… I took a few days off.”

“Oh, good. It’s no small thing, what we experienced, you know.”

“I know”, I said.

A short silence happened.

“I thought you did great”, Wade suddenly said.

“What do you mean?”, I said as I brought the two ice waters to the table.

“Thanks”, he said, “I mean, you stayed calm, and… you tried to get the guy to stop by reasoning with him. I was very impressed.”

I blushed.

“Well, thanks.”

“I’m very happy to see you’re doing OK”, Wade then said. “I’ve been thinking about you these past few days.”

I was surprised. We kept eye contact as he took a sip of water.

“You have?”

“Yeah. I was so relieved I didn’t let anything happen to you. We’ve known each other for so long.”

I smiled as he said this. It was true. But then again, we didn’t really know each other either. Our relationship had always been superficial.

“So”, he continued, “I have an offer. I’ve been given some unpaid leave to recover from all this and the county chief is lending me his beach house for the week. I was wondering if you would want to come with me.”

“Beach house? Where?”

“Panama City. Six hour drive.”

I realized I had said I wanted to go back to work, but all of a sudden, I wanted nothing more but to take the week off. I hesitated on what to say as I saw him down his drink.

“Oh, don’t worry, there’s two bedrooms, nothing weird”, he said once he put down the glass.

He had seen me thinking, and had assumed the reason for my silence. He didn’t get that I would want the something weird.

“Oh, it’s not that. It sounds fantastic. I’m just not sure I could leave the shop for that long.”

“Of course. I understand”, he said, looking down. He seemed disappointed.

“I’ll have to arrange a few things”, I said, “Could you pick me up in, say, 90 minutes?”

Wade’s beautiful face lit up.


“Yeah, I’d love to go on a trip and relax a little, sounds great!”

I absolutely loved that something I said made him happy.

“OK, cool. I’ll let you get to it then”, he said as he got up. “Thanks so much for the water! I’ll come pick you up at 2.30!”

My Mom was absolutely in favor of the idea of me taking some time off. She insisted that she would be fine taking care of the shop for a few days. I quickly packed a few things and I was very much ready to go before it was even 2 PM. As I waited in the driveway I started thinking. What I had dreamed of since I was a teen, was finally happening. I was getting closer to Wade. And the amazing part was that it was from his initiative.

It was great to sit in Wade’s truck and watch him drive. The inside of the truck was very neat and clean, which suited him. I watched his strong arm popping out of that T-shirt, grabbing the wheel. I looked out onto the road and I felt like I was going on a very exciting adventure.

Wade told me about the house we were going to, which was right by the beach. He showed me some photos on his phone while we were at a gas station. It all looked very promising.

We also got to know each other a little better. He asked me some hard hitting questions about how my family had been coping with the loss of my Dad, and if I wanted to be working in the coffeeshop for the rest of my life. I answered him honestly, feeling like I had just opened up to him. I wanted to ask some personal questions in return, but they all felt inappropriate. I went with something more casual.

“How about you, still happy being a police officer?”

He laughed.

“Good question. I was very happy for a long time, but after this week… I don’t know. Get back to me with that after this trip. I’ll need to think about it.”

“Is it because of what happened at the Frothy Dog?”

“Well, I guess. You just hear more and more about the actions of police around the country, and… of course it’s still unsure if that guy’s story about Pinsker is true, but… it’s made me think, I guess.”

I nodded.

“I understand”, I said.

Once we passed Montgomery, Wade asked me about how I had experienced the incident. I told him how I had felt scared but at no time had feared for my life. I had been more worried about him and Damien being OK.

“You are one brave young man”, Wade chuckled.

After a while, he admitted, “I’m not going to lie. Those few seconds when he had come in behind us and I saw Damien on the floor, I was hella scared.”

Wade laughed nervously.

“Of course, I was out cold almost immediately, so it was short-lived.”

“What about when you woke up, handcuffed?”

“I was mostly confused at that point, not so much scared.”

“Didn’t you feel… taken advantage of?”

I looked at him as he drove. He smiled.

“Yeah, I guess. But the way he complimented my body turned me on a little as well.”

There was an awkward silence.

“And I just happen to be quite sensitive down there, so…”

I didn’t know what to say about that as I thought back to the day. I could feel myself getting aroused again. Wade turned on the radio and we continued the drive.

We passed the Alabama border into Florida. Soon enough, conversation returned to other topics, like which books I brought, and what places in the world we would still like to visit. Once we hit Panama City, Wade warned we weren’t there yet. Passing through the entire city to get to the southern side, still took quite a while. Once we had come out the other side, the inland green made way for palm trees and I felt like I was on holiday. I looked out the window and smiled.

All of a sudden, we were there. Wade parked his truck and happily jumped out.

“Look at this! You can hear and smell the ocean!”, he said, spreading his arms. I noticed his shirt lifted as he did that, giving me a slight peek at his smooth, flat stomach.

We both took out the gym bags we packed our stuff in and went inside. At this point it was 8.30 PM, so we decided to have a quick look around before we would head to dinner in a nearby pub. The inside of the house was neat and cozy, but it was really all about the deck at the back, which looked out over the beach and the sea. As promised we each had a bedroom as well as a bathroom. There was a nice kitchen with a large fridge. Outside there was a grill, which was already making me hungry.

“Thanks so much for taking me here”, I said to Wade as I put my hand on his back while we looked out to the ocean.

“You are more than welcome”, he replied, doing the same to me.

“Hungry yet?”, he asked after we had stood in silence for a while.

“Heck yeah”, I replied.

We walked out of the house and took a right. Wade had said that there is a pub close by that his chief had recommended.

“His diet isn’t exactly perfect, but for a first night, it’ll do, I guess”, Wade said.

We took a left and there it was, right before we were back on Thomas Drive.

So there we sat, me having a burger, him having a pizza. His smiley, relaxed face in front of me. His upper body in casualwear. I was thrilled we were doing this. The pub was pretty basic and not really anything special, but just to have Wade in front of me like this, just me and him, it made me feel romantic.

“Hey Randy, can I ask you something?”, he piped up.


“Are you seeing anyone right now?”

I blushed.


“Don’t you feel it’s tough to meet anyone in Geraldine?”

“Yeah, I guess I know everyone there already, pretty much.”

“Yeah…”, he agreed, before he returned to eat his pizza.

“I can’t say I recall you dating anyone for as long as I’ve known you”, I said.

Wade smiled.

“Oh I have. I was in a pretty long relationship actually. With someone outside of Geraldine.”

“Really?”, I said, “I had no idea!”

Wade insisted paying for dinner, for which I thanked him. When we walked back to the house, he said, “OK. I wanna tell you something, but you have to promise it won’t freak you out and that you’ll keep it a secret.”

I stopped walking and looked at him. I could feel this was a big moment.

“I promise”, I said, as light-heartedly as I could.

“The person I dated was Raymond Fuller, that athlete from Huntsville. You remember him?”

I was silent. Wade had just outed himself to me, as well as a well-known athlete.

“I… I remember.”

“We dated for seven years. We broke up two years ago.”

Raymond was a world-class athlete who I am pretty sure had participated in the Olympics on the 400 meters. I was in awe. He was an African American musclegod and picturing him with Wade, kind of blew my mind. He also must have been about 10 years younger than Wade. My mind was racing as we continued to walk to the house.

When we got to the house, I realized I had failed to react to what Wade had said.

“So, you promise to keep it to yourself?”

“Yeah, but…”

“It’s juicy, right?”

“Yes, very!”

That’s not what I had wanted to say, but in the moment it seemed easier.

What was I going to do with this information? Wade immediately retired to bed once we got home. It had gotten quite late. That night, I lay in bed and just couldn’t fall asleep.

Suddenly I woke up. It was the faint beeping sound of an alarm. I was confused about where I was for a second before I remembered. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:30 AM. The beeping wasn’t coming from there. I realized I must have been hearing Wade’s alarm through the wall.

After continuous beeping persisted I decided to get up and see if I could turn it off. I put on some running shorts and a tanktop and walked to his bedroom. I was shocked to find Wade lying in bed naked, the covers all to one side. His body was like a landscape, with the two rolling hills of his ass taking most of my attention. His beautifully smooth and defined body lay in front of me and I was stunned in silence. I looked for the beeping sound on the far side of the bed. I looked at his face and he was deeply asleep, his mouth wide open.

I finally found his phone being charged on a plug in the wall that our bedrooms shared. I stopped the alarm. The alarm notification had said PCB SUNSET. I smiled. It was still dark out. After contemplating for a while, I decided to try and wake Wade up. I shook his shoulder and immediately he turned and sat up straight.

“Oh my gosh, you scared me”, he said.

“Your alarm was going off.”

“Oh fuck, did I sleep through it?”

I smiled. He didn’t seem fazed about his own nudity. I quickly glanced down at his dick, which looked so pretty and cute while flaccid.


“I wanted to see the sunset.”

“It’s still dark out”, I mentioned.

“Ooh. Wanna join me?”

“Yeah, sounds great!”

Wade got up and picked up some lycra cycling shorts from his bag. He jumped into them and I got to watch him wiggle his large ass into them. He jumped up and down and pulled, and in the end they were on. Shirtless, he walked out on the deck with me. He looked absolutely magnificent in them, his massive buttocks moving around as he slid open the door to the deck and walked out.

The sound of the waves crashing onto the beach had gotten me to fall asleep in the end, there was something so peaceful and relaxing about that sound. Now this also included the beautiful colors of the sunrise and the gorgeous view of Wade in a pair of lycra shorts. I felt like I was in heaven.

After the sun had come up, it was 6:15, and Wade decided to go for a run on the beach. I promised him I would pop to the grocery store. And off he went, running in those tight shorts and no shirt. He looked absolutely fantastic.

I brushed my teeth, got properly dressed and took Wade’s truck to the grocery store, which happened to open at 7:00 AM. I didn’t really know what he liked, so I bought way too much. On the way back, I thought back to what Wade had said the night before. I really wanted to tell him how I felt about him. I wasn’t even sure if he knew I was gay. Rumors usually spread quickly in an Alabama village, but at the same time, I hadn’t heard about his relationship with Raymond. Though it sounded like he had done everything to keep that a secret.

I was putting all the groceries in the fridge when Wade came back from his run. Sweat had made his gorgeous body shiny. I am pretty sure my mouth dropped open as I stared at him.

“Randy, we have to go for a swim before breakfast. The water looks great!”

I smiled at him.

“Come on!”, he encouraged me.

Without thinking, I put the last things in the fridge and followed Wade onto the deck. We ran down the stairs and onto the beach. As I ran, I took off my T-shirt, kicked off my shoes and dropped my shorts and followed Wade’s lycra-clad booty into the ocean, wearing just my white CK boxerbriefs. The water was cold at first, but I quickly got used to it.

Wade and I laughed, throwing water at each other. We rough-housed a bit as Wade tried to pull me under. I wrapped my arms around his waist and wrestled him down instead. It was fun, but the physical contact also aroused me. I realized it had been a while since I last had sex, and my cock’s responses were telling.

Short of breath from the physical activity, but mostly the laughter, we walked out of the ocean. Wade put an arm around my neck.

“That was awesome. I’m so happy you came with me on this trip.”

“I’m so happy you asked me”, I said as we had eye contact. The chemistry was palpable.

Wade smiled and looked down.

“Jesus!”, he exclaimed.


“Do you have a license to carry that thing?”

I looked down and saw my underwear had gotten see-through because of the water. My cock, semi-hard, probably at a good 7 inches, pointing down, was fully visible. I laughed nervously and covered myself.

“Wow”, Wade whispered, after which he said, “I did not see that coming.”

He laughed and pushed me in the shoulder as we walked back to the house.

Back inside, we each went to our showers to clean up. In the shower, I started thinking. I couldn’t recall being this playful since before my father died. As much as I had enjoyed reading and learning, Wade was helping me get a part of myself back that I may have lost.

When I turned off the shower, I took some extra time to make myself look good. I picked out a T-shirt that showed off my arms, I took a long time with my hair so it looked perfect, and I put some cologne on. I was hoping that would give me the confidence to tell Wade how I felt.

When I walked back into the living area, Wade was already in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel. His muscled back still had some drops of water on it. The white towel looked tight on his ginormous ass.

“Hey Randy! I started on some protein pancakes. Want some?”


I sat down and allowed Wade to make me breakfast. We discussed what we wanted to do today. I said I had heard stories about a winery, when Wade shared that he didn’t drink. He suggested just to go out and explore. During our conversation I was transfixed by Wade’s body, even though I had seen it naked twice now. If I was going to have sex with him, I had to speak up.

“Hey, can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure, man, something on your mind?”

Wade turned off the stove for a second and turned around.

“Yeah. Let’s go sit.”

I walked towards the living room’s seating area. Wade came and sat on the sofa across from me. I could see up his towel and saw his large thighs. I had to focus not to get distracted.

“I… I think you’re the best. You’re such a great guy and I’ve always enjoyed seeing you around Geraldine. But there’s something I’ve kept from you. See, I didn’t know you were gay until last night.”

“You didn’t?”, he interrupted me.

“No”, I smiled.

“I thought the entire town knew. I was dishonorably discharged from the navy after they caught a new recruit fucking me in the showers. We both were.”


“I assumed it was at least common knowledge that I had been let go because of my sexuality.”

“Well, I didn’t know.”

“I was a chief petty officer at the time, but this 21 year-old kid really put the moves on me. After a while at sea, it gets lonely.”

“I’ll bet…”

As hot as that story was, it interrupted what I was going to say.

“Anyway”, I continued, “what I wanted to say is, I’ve always had a crush on you.”

Wade raised his eyebrows.

“You. On me?”


“Oh my Lord. That is fantastic.”

I smiled.

“Is it?”

“Yeah! I’ve watched you grow into such a fine looking young man. I’ve really wanted to flirt with you at the Frothy Dog, over and over. Ever since I broke up with Raymond. But I never really did, because I didn’t think you’d be into me.”

There was a short silence where we just looked at each other.

“Oh wow”, Wade said as he suddenly stood up. His towel dropped to the floor, and again his body was exposed right in front of me.

“Oops”, he said. “I’m so clumsy sometimes.”

I smiled as I watched him start to pick up the towel.

“Oh, I think you might wanna leave that”, I replied as I also stood up.

I wasn’t sure what I was doing as I just followed my gut. I looked down at him from my 5’11’’ (180cm), took his head in my hands and kissed him. I almost immediately felt his small cock rise against my leg as I heard him moaning into my mouth. He felt my body up underneath my T-shirt, before I decided to take it off altogether. My own cock was starting to get hard as well, and soon enough his hands were on my crotch.

“Oh my God, this monster”, he said.

He opened my shorts and he pulled my cock out. When it flopped out it was fully hard, a thick 9 inches. Wade took it in his hands, seemingly weighing it.

“Lord almighty”, he said.

Then he stood on his toes and put his dick next to mine as we stood in front of each other. My cock was now poking him in the belly. His met me about halfway.

“That’s so hot”, he decided.

Wade went down to his knees and gave me the best blowjob I had ever had. His mouth felt so good on me, my cock was growing ever more rigid. I knew I had to fuck him soon. It was like there was nothing I had wanted to do more in my life. But there was one thing I wanted to do first.

I picked Wade up to his feet and pushed him toward the sofa.

“Hands and knees”, I instructed. He obeyed.

The way he arched his back and pushed his beautiful ass out, was the stuff of dreams. His pink hole was barely visible in between his large round cheeks. I pushed them apart and I saw the most beautiful hairless hole. I started eating him out to the most beautiful high-pitched, incredulous moans.

“That feels so nice”, Wade was able to say in between the desperate sounds he was making.

By the time I got him nicely wet and loose, I couldn’t hold back any longer. My hard dick slowly went inside of him as I held on to his abs with one hand and his shoulder with the other. Slowly I started fucking him.

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

In what must have been my fourth or fifth thrust, Wade had already orgasmed without touching himself. I stopped fucking him.

“No no, keep going.”

I kept going to the same beautiful moans as before.

When I flipped Wade on his back, I also got the facial expressions, which were quite intense. It was clear he was overtaken by pleasure, but he continued to look at me, which made everything so much hotter. Sweat was dripping from both of our foreheads. When I increased my speed, Wade came a second time within 5 minutes, again, not touching his cock. Once more, I instinctively stopped fucking him. Wade responded by moving his ass up and down my cock, not wanting me to stop. This was incredibly hot and I let him continue doing that for a while.

“Can I sit on you?”, he then asked.

I smiled because I suddenly realized that a police officer had just asked to sit on me.

“You better”, I replied.

I sat up and Wade straddled me, easing his ass onto my cock. His own rock hard cock, small as it was, bounced in front of me. Wade kissed me passionately as he continued riding me. I reached out and touched his cock, which pretty much disappeared in my fist. A few more moans came from Wade until I realized he was cumming in my hand.

“You are a one man seed machine”, I said.

Wade laughed. He kissed me again.

“I told you I was sensitive there”, he whispered.

“You’re sensitive back here as well”, I said as I slapped his ass.

“Yeah, but only my favorite guys know that”, he replied, winking.

I fucked Wade doggy one more time, which made me cum, and we cuddled naked on the sofa for a while. The rest of the holiday was like a long date meets honeymoon. We had so much sex, we feared the chief would never get the smell of semen out of the house. On Memorial Day we had our own barbecue on the deck.

I took lots of photos that week. Wade would get hard whenever I was taking photos of him naked. A very sexy shot of him early in the morning on the deck, with his little cock pointing to the sky was my absolute favorite. When I got home and looked through all the photos, I saw the one I had taken of Wade and Damien passed out. Wade’s stomach was covered in his cum. His head was resting on Damien’s shoulder. Damien was also naked. I deleted the photo, but the image was burned in my brain.


“Babe, four more muffins and a protein bar.”


When Louis Todd appeared in court and the media figured out the complete story, Wade resigned from the police force. In the end, Damien ended up fired. Louis only got a short sentence. He never ended up posting the photo he had taken of Damien and Wade online.

It has now been a few months since Wade and I have started the Frothy Dog in Panama City. It’s a larger shop and it definitely has more clientele. Especially now that summer is coming. It took some saving up, but I am so proud of where we are now. Wade is in charge of making healthy snacks and pastries. He is still quite clumsy, but I wouldn’t want anyone else for the job. Every time he drops something, I get to slap his ass.

And at home, I get to fuck it.


by Robert Foley

Email: [email protected]

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