Vlad The Impaler

by Derek D

26 Nov 2022 400 readers Score 9.8 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chris stepped out of the elevator into the large apartment. He was familiar with it now. “Good evening, Chris”, the familiar voice spoke in his mind. Chris immediately made his way to the bedroom where he knew Vladimir awaited. As Chris removed his shirt, Vladimir said, “Please, that can wait. Would you have a glass of wine with me”? Chris immediately felt his mind become free. If he wanted to, he could try to make a run for the elevator, though it probably wouldn’t open for him. Chris realized he didn’t want to anyway. He was curious that Vladimir had released him and wanted to share a glass of wine with him. He wondered why, “You knew I wouldn’t bolt”. Vladimir smiled as he offered Chris a chair across from the one he had chosen, after retrieving a fresh bottle of wine. After Chris took a seat, Vladimir did as well. As he poured wine into each of their glasses, Vladimir said, “Actually I wasn’t sure if you would bolt or not. I’m glad you did not”. Chris replied, “To be honest with you, I’m not sure why I didn’t”. Vladimir sipped his wine and said, “Curiosity, perhaps”. Chris took a sip of his wine and realized it was very top shelf stuff, then said, “Yes, I am curious. Why would you want to share a glass of wine with me when you could just get this over with and then go out and probably have wine with some of the most powerful people in the world? You smell of old money. I don’t mean that literally, you understand. I’m just confused about why you’d wish to choose me to share a glass of very expensive wine”. Vladimir smiled and said, “I have no need to mingle with the rich and powerful. On the contrary, I loathe their company. It may also expose me needlessly. As for why I choose you, Chris. I am not really sure. Maybe it’s out of guilt or maybe it’s because of your purity of soul. I chose Josh for similar reasons to share my thoughts. I never had to summon him and then hold his mind in thrall as he gave of himself willingly in gratitude of the longer life that I was able to provide him. You are different in that unfortunately, I am not providing you with a longer life, but a shorter one. I regret that, though I have no control of it. But I choose to free your mind in hopes to share some private moments with me. I’d like to know you better, Chris”. Chris wasn’t sure what to say, but he began, “First off, I really think you’re badly mistaken on that purity of soul crap. I’m just a regular guy that has been unable to shed the grief of losing my wife and unborn child. If anything, my soul is shattered from that grief. Maybe that’s why I’m unafraid of you. I am aware of the fate that is in store for me if I don’t find a way to break your curse and..”. Chris stopped talking, afraid he had betrayed their plan. Chris felt like something just briefly touched his mind, but it was gone instantly. Vladimir seemed to be in thought for a moment, but then his smile resumed, “No one wishes the curse to be broken more than I, Chris. If you were to find a way, I would be grateful and indebted to you. I am glad you are unafraid of me. I do not wish to be feared, just understood”. Chris felt his comment of not being afraid had been a bit rude, “I’m sorry for the outburst Vladimir. I do understand you to a point. We both share in the loss of our beloveds. I wish I could change that for both of us, but it seems beyond either of our grasp. I will be honest with you though, that if I find a way to break the curse, even if it leads to your ending, I will do so, whether or not it even leads to my own ending. If that is the way it must be to stop just one more life from being cut short due to your curse, then so be it”. Vladimir smiled and said, “I would like to call you my friend, Chris, though as my victim that may seem impossible. I have existed for hundreds of years, and death does not frighten me. I salute you in your endeavor to find an end to this curse. I wish you luck in your ongoing progress. I had to find a new life-giver last night as the one I called somehow resisted me. That has never happened before”. Chris wondered what Vladimir meant by ‘ongoing progress’? Why had Vladimir told him about someone resisting his call the night before? Did he know? Vladimir then raised his glass in a toast. Chris raised his glass as well and then Vladimir said, “To my ending”, and then clinked Chris’s glass since Chris had frozen after what Vladimir had said. Vladimir then set his glass down and said, “It is time”. Chris understood and set his own glass down after emptying it. He then stripped, took his position on the bed, and Vladimir soon penetrated him. Chris was soon enjoying the cock gliding over his prostate and Vladimir’s balls and crotch slapping against his upturned butt cheeks. Soon he felt the flood of Vladimir’s cum filling him with power and his own cock aching, desperate to cum. He soon felt the emptiness as Vladimir pulled his spent cock from him, then surprisingly kiss each of his cheeks before slowly moving down to take his cock into his mouth. Chris didn’t have time to consider why Vladimir had kissed his cheeks before the sensation of Vladimir’s mouth on his cock sent him into orbit. In no time he was firing his seed into Vladimir’s throat as explosions were going off in his head. The last thing Chris recalled was Vladimir smiling down at him saying, “Thank you my friend. You are our best hope”.

Jon waited and eventually took the potatoes and vegetables off the grill to keep them from burning. He left the grill on in hopes that Chris would return soon.

Darkness had now fallen more than an hour ago and Chris was not responding to Jon’s calls, so a tearful Jon turned off the grill and put the food away. He then went in and sat in the living room and waited. There was nothing else he could do. He thought that if he’d insisted on going along with Chris to the store that maybe they’d be together right now. He should have insisted, but Chris had plenty of time to get there and back. Did the Impaler have something to do with the freak accident in front of Chris? At that moment, Jon wished he could find this Impaler and impale him with a butcher knife. His death would surely be a blessing for all. Jon just cried until he dozed off.

Just before sunrise, Jon awoke to the sound of a car pulling up. He jumped up and ran to the door. As he opened the door, he saw Chris in his car with a blank look on his face. Jon ran to the car calling out, “Chris! Chris! I’m so sorry”. As Jon reached the car, Chris seemed to become aware of him, “Jon, what are you doing here”? Jon opened the driver’s door and said, “I’ve been waiting for you all night, Chris. He got you didn’t he”? Chris looked at Jon and asked, “Who got me? What’s going on? I just want to go to bed”. Jon helped Chris out of the car and then noticed the bag with the steaks inside. He grabbed them knowing they may not be any good now. He then walked a slightly confused Chris inside. Chris walked inside and continued to walk until he was in his bedroom. He seemed to be ignoring Jon as he undressed down to his briefs and then climbed into bed. Jon asked, “Chris, do you remember anything about where you were last night?" Chris turned and looked at Jon as if he had just realized he was there, “Jon? What are you doing here”? Jon sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Chris’s shoulder, “I’ve been here all night, Chris, waiting for you to return. I should have gone with you. I’m sorry”. Chris said, “Gone with me where?” Then Chris’s eyes suddenly opened wide, “The steaks”! Jon squeezed his shoulder and said, “I brought them in and put them in the fridge. I don’t know if they’re any good now though. I’m really worried, Chris. I thought we had this, but somehow fate or this Impaler, threw a wrench in our plans”. Chris motioned for Jon to join him in his bed. Jon pulled off his t-shirt and then looked at Chris questioningly. Chris smiled and nodded and then Jon removed his shorts and climbed into bed in his briefs. While they both laid on their backs, Chris said, “About those plans, Jon. I’m not sure how, but I have a feeling he knows”.  Jon rolled onto his side and asked, “He knows about our plan”? Chris rolled on his side to face Jon, “Yeah, I think so. I don’t how I know. I just do”. Jon leaned in and they hugged tightly. Chris said, “We can still do this Jon. I’m sure of it”. They broke the hug and Chris saw a tear run down Jon’s cheek. Jon rolled over onto his other side, away from Chris and said, “I hope you’re right Chris, but if he knows, he’ll be prepared”. Chris moved up against Jon’s back and put his arm over his shoulder a squeezed, “Maybe he will be, but we have to try, if not for us, for future victims”. Jon nodded and then pressed back further against Chris and said, “Hold me like this all night, Chris. It makes me feel safer”.

Jon woke up a couple hours later. Chris was still snuggled against his back, holding him tightly. It felt so good, so right. Jon began thinking about the last few weeks. How he had always been finding one-nighters to satisfy his sexual urges and how he had always pushed Chris to get over his grief and start dating women again. Then this Impaler entered the picture, turning both their worlds upside down. What was bothering Jon though, was whether or not the changes were all bad. They were definitely going to have to face the Impaler, but he and Chris were closer than they’d ever been. Some might say too close, but Jon wasn’t so sure. Recently he’d had thoughts about kissing Chris. He wondered how different a man’s kiss might be. He also recalled the excitement he had felt the other morning when Chris’s rigid cock was sliding in his butt crack. He had cum from the excitement and wondered how Chris’s cock would feel if it was actually inside him. The Impaler was obviously fucking him, but he couldn’t remember any of it and never seemed to feel sore the next day. How would it feel to get fucked without being under some kind of spell? Jon found himself hard just thinking about it. He pushed back into Chris and was surprised as Chris squeezed him with his arm and pushed against him harder and groaned in his sleep. There was no doubt that Chris’s cock was beginning to harden. Jon’s cock was throbbing now. It had also oozed a considerable amount of precum causing a significant wet spot in his briefs.

Chris woke up in his bed. He was pressed tightly against the butt of his best friend, Jon. He felt Jon push back into him and his cock responded. It felt good as his cock grew hard while pressed tightly against his bud’s solid globes. It was odd though that as he did this, he was seeing it from above the bed, like he wasn’t in his body.

Jon was moving his butt up and down Chris’s hard shaft. He reached down and pushed his briefs under his balls and began rubbing the precum-soaked head of his cock. Then Jon thought how it would feel to have Chris’s warm mouth wrapped around his cock, sucking it. He pushed at the waistband of his briefs at his hips and was able to wriggle them down further, freeing them from his balls, and pushing them down his calves, below his butt cheeks. There was now only Chris’s briefs between his bare butt cheeks and Chris’s steely hard shaft. Chris was obviously developing a large wet spot in his briefs. Jon felt the slick wetness as he slid his butt against Chris’s briefs-covered cock. Jon again tried to fantasize having Chris’s mouth on his cock while impossibly fucking him at the same time. Jon hadn’t thought about what was about to happen next. His balls suddenly tightened, and he couldn’t stop it. He covered his cock the best he could as it violently blasted volley after volley of cum up under his hands, painting his abs, chest and neck with creamy white cum.

Chris was still watching as his best friend wriggled his briefs down his calves and was actually rubbing back into his hard cock. It had his cock hurting badly to cum as he saw Jon’s upper torso get plastered with his own cum. He needed to cum as well and to his surprise, his friend rolled around to face him. Oddly, his friend held him by the head and moved it toward his chest and the cum that pooled there. Chris was drooling as he saw his face approaching the cum.

Jon couldn’t believe what he was doing. Chris could wake up at any moment and see what his best friend was doing to him, but he couldn’t help himself. It was like a foreign hand was guiding his movements. He was totally shocked however, when as he moved Chris’s mouth to the pool of cum between his pecs. Chris’s mouth opened and licked at the cum and continued licking at it even after Jon had released his head, “Oh fuck. Are you awake Chris”? No response, but as Jon lay on his back with Chris licking at his cum, Chris also began humping his side. Suddenly, Chris stopped licking and rolled over and straddled Jon’s waist. Jon was confused, “Chris?” Chris didn’t respond. His eyes were still closed, but he pulled his briefs down over his balls and instantly his cock unloaded, sending globs of cum all over Jon’s chest, face and hair even getting quite a bit in Jon’s gaping mouth. When he had emptied his balls, Chris rolled back off Jon onto his back. His eyes were still closed.

Chris watched as he saw himself licking up Jon’s cum from his chest and could feel his own cock throbbing. He wondered what it would look like if he added his own cum to Jon’s. To his surprise, he watched as he climbed onto Jon’s waist and then blasted cum all over Jon’s chest, face, and hair”. Then he watched as he just rolled off Jon and onto his back. Immediately he was pulled back down and back into his body where he lost consciousness.

Jon didn’t know what had just happened. It wasn’t something that happened in the heat of the moment because he didn’t seem to have control over what he was doing. Chris didn’t seem aware at all of what he was doing. It had happened though as Jon tasted Chris’s cum in his mouth. He glanced down at his glazed chest and then noticed his still stiff rod oozing precum. He grinned and thought, ‘In for a pound’, and began pumping his shaft until he emptied another load on his abs. He needed a shower and glanced over at Chris and smiled, seeing a shiny glaze on his left cheek and a small amount of cum at the corner of his mouth. Jon scooped more of Chris’ and his combined cum into his mouth. ‘Not bad’, he thought to himself and then thought, ‘I think I’m turning gay for my best friend’. Jon eventually extricated himself from his blissful thoughts and took a shower, fingering any cum globs he could find on himself into his mouth before doing so. It didn’t seem to matter if it was Chris’s, his own or a combination of both. He seemed to be acquiring a taste for it.

After his shower, Jon went into the bedroom with a wet cloth and wiped Chris’s face clean. He wasn’t sure what he could do to get his briefs back on him. He was attempting to work them back up from his ankles when he heard, “Jon, what are you doing”? Jon froze, still holding onto the sides of Chris’s briefs. Finally, Jon just grinned and said, “It’s not what it looks like bro. I just came from the shower, and you seemed to have kicked your briefs down around your ankles. I was just trying to save you some embarrassment. Chris grinned and said, “Sure bro. I guess I should thank you then”. Jon released Chris’s briefs and said, “You’re welcome”, then rolled onto the bed on his back. Jon couldn’t leave it go at that and said, “Chris, I need to be honest with you. You know how things seemed to be happening between us lately. Ever since this Impaler dude has been using us, I’ve been having thoughts. Thoughts about you and me”. Chris jumped in, “Having sex. I know Jon. Me too”. Jon asked, “You think it’s because of this Impaler guy”? Chris nodded, “I’m sure it is, and I realize it’s getting worse”. Chris watched as a tear rolled out of Jon’s eye as he said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t go with you last night. It wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t split up. I should have insisted on going with you”. Chris had a strange feeling come over him and he said, “Jon, what do you think happened Friday night when we kept him from summoning you”? Jon shrugged, “I don’t know and don’t care. He didn’t suck any of my life out of me. That’s all I know”. Chris said, “True, but if he still needs someone’s life force, he must have found someone else, which means someone else out there is slowly dying”. Jon asked, “Are you saying we should just let it happen? Just let him take us so no one else has to suffer”? Chris said, “No! I do think someone else was victimized Friday night to substitute for you, but I’m not saying what we did was a mistake. Think of it as buying time. Unfortunately, others have to sacrifice, but it gives us time to break the cycle, to finally end the curse”. Jon asked, “Do you think we can end it, Chris? You said he’s been around for hundreds of years. You’d think he knows how to survive”. Chris nodded, “He does, but I don’t think he wants to survive. I think he wants to end the curse as much as we do”. Jon said, “Why would he want to cease to exist”? Chris said, “I don’t think he wanted to exist like this in the first place. He just wanted to live out his life with his Lady Catherine and grow old together. He’s hoping that if the curse is ended, they’ll be reunited”. Jon said, “Yeah, well that ending is reserved for fairy tales. I just want to end it and get back to normal”. Chris said, “Yeah, me too but it would be nice to give the guy back a little piece. He’s a victim in this too, remember”? Jon thought for a minute and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right”. Then he thought about what he and Chris had done together the last couple weeks, especially the last two days and asked, “What if things don’t return to normal after this is over? What then”? Chris said, “You mean normal as in between us?”, Chris looked over and saw Jon nod, then he smiled and replied, “Then we take whatever that new normal is and go with it as the best friends that we are”. Jon smiled. He could live with that. Right now, he would prefer that.

As the week went by and Thursday afternoon rolled around, Jon received a message from Chris, “Come over after work. Bring clothes for tomorrow. Need to talk”. Jon was a little puzzled but didn’t mind staying overnight with Chris. He missed having his scent about when he was in bed. It wasn’t like some girl’s perfume. It was more musky, manly, and wild. He had to shift himself in his chair as he was growing hard thinking about it, “Fuck. You’re falling for your best friend, you gay fuck”, then realized he had said that out loud. He was glad none of his coworkers were close enough to hear it. Then after he thought about it, thought, ‘Fuck my coworkers. So what if I’m gay for my best friend’.

Jon arrived home and took a shower, then packed a bag before heading over to Chris’s. He was surprised to find a strange car in Chris’s driveway as he pulled in. Chris was at the door when Jon walked up and let Jon in ahead of him. As he entered the living room, he saw someone sitting in one of the chairs, “Brad, I didn’t expect to see you here”. Brad said, “Hi Jon. The last time I saw you, I thought you were ghosting me. Chris thinks it was something else”. Jon replied, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that Brad. I was totally out of it at the time”. Chris then said, “Jon, can I talk to you alone for a minute”? Jon followed Chris out to the back patio, “Jon, I think we’re going to need a third party if we’re going to get this done”. Jon didn’t understand, “Why would we need a third party. How did you convince him that this Impaler guy really exists”? Chris replied, “He doesn’t know about the Impaler. Look, I told him that we think when we were at the fair the other week. You visited one of the side-shows. This guy hypnotized you and he’s now trying to get something from you”. Jon said, “We never went to any fair. Oh, ok, so I’m going to be the Guinea pig here. I think I’m getting it, but why do we need Brad”?  Chris said, “Remember the reason we stayed together Friday night and what happened on Saturday when we were separated”? Jon said, “Sure, we didn’t have any issues until you got stuck in traffic”. Chris said, “Exactly. If we stay together, he can’t summon either of us. If we’re separated, how do we know where to follow”? Jon said, “So you’re asking Brad to follow whichever one of us gets summoned and relay the destination to the other one of us? Can we trust him”? Chris said, “He’s our friend. Besides, we don’t have much choice”. Jon replied, “You’re right Chris. Let’s do this. You want me to stay tonight though. You think it could happen tonight”? Chris replied, “I don’t want to take any chances. If we take tonight off the table and then have Brad tail you tomorrow, this may just work”. Jon asked an obvious question, “What if Mr. Impaler smells a rat and summons you instead”. Chris shrugged, “I don’t think he will. He seems to give his victims a full week to recuperate. Besides you got last week off remember”. Jon smiled, “True”.

They went back inside and explained that he would have to be at Jon’s place tomorrow and hang with him the whole night. If anything were to happen, he would call Chris and tell them where they are and where they are going. Brad said, “I have no problem helping you guys out, but I wish you would be straight with me instead of telling me this ‘fair’ bullshit”. “Told you”, Jon said smugly. Chris then sighed and told Brad the whole story about the Impaler. When he finished, Brad shook his head, “Ok, so you can’t tell me the truth for some reason. It must be important, so I’m in”. Brad hung out for dinner and a couple beers and then headed home. Chris and Jon then finished their beers and Chris took a shower. Chris came out of the bathroom in a towel and Jon couldn’t help but watch him as he made his way into the bedroom. Chris emerged from the bedroom in a pair of briefs and holding a familiar rope. Jon grinned and headed toward him holding out his arm. Chris waited for him to undress down to his briefs before tying the rope on his wrist. As he secured the knot, Chris asked Jon to put his finger on it. Jon knew better and they both laughed. They climbed into bed and Jon snuggled up behind Chris and they fell asleep.

The next morning, Chris woke up with Jon spooning him and Chris had thoughts racing through his head. He had flashes of Vladimir fucking him, and then Vladimir’s face changed, and it was Jon sliding his cock into him instead. He subconsciously began rubbing back against Jon’s hard shaft while in his mind he was being fucked by Vladimir/Jon. Before long, Jon joined in and began moving back and forth as he dry-humped Chris’s briefs-covered butt, as his own briefs moistened with his precum. It reached a point where both were about to slide their briefs down so they could actually engage, when a sliver of sun cracked its way through the window. Suddenly, sober minds took control and they both pulled apart and uncomfortably climbed off the bed and began to get ready for work. They discussed the plan for the coming evening and then headed to work.

Chris arrived home and insured he had open communication with Brad. Brad couldn’t believe he had agreed to do this as he thought it was potentially a punk on him at this point. Jon returned home and immediately took a shower before ordering Chinese food for dinner. He was extremely nervous about what might happen this night. He checked with Brad to make sure he was close and sent Chris a text saying, ‘Here we go. Love you Bro’.

Chris was going crazy wondering if they had covered all their bases and insured nothing could go wrong. He was sure something could go wrong and would. He didn’t eat dinner. He had no appetite.

Boredom began to encroach on their steadfast watch and even Jon began feeling like there might be nothing to be concerned about that night. The Impaler was aware of their plan and would not fall for the trap. Suddenly, Jon got up and walked out of his apartment, got into his car, and left. Brad was almost asleep when he realized Jon had entered his car. He quickly started his own car and then sent Chris an alert that Jon was on the move. Chris jumped into action and ran to his own car and headed in the direction Brad had indicated, trying to make sure he remained at least a block away.  Brad informed Chris when Jon entered a hotel parking garage. Chris made sure Brad closed the distance and would know where Jon would go. At the same time, Chris entered the garage and tried to reach Jon quickly.

Jon parked and exited his car and began walking up to a private entrance elevator door. Brad quickly did the same and walked ten feet behind Jon. As Chris drove up, the elevator door opened, and Jon was about to enter, when a confused look came over his face. Chris jumped from his car and asked Brad to park his car and wait for them. Then Chris called to Jon, “Jon, are you ok? You with me”? Jon then became aware and realized Chris was there, and nodded, “Yes Chris, I’m with you, but where are we”? Chris said, “We’re in a hotel parking garage. This elevator is your invitation”. Jon looked at Chris and said, “Then let’s not keep him waiting”. The elevator door stood open, so they both stepped in. As the elevator doors closed and the elevator began to rise, Chris said, “I’ll hang back in the elevator at first. Just try to play along. We’ll surprise him and hopefully between the two of us, we can overpower him. You’re sure you will be able to do what needs to be done”? Jon nodded, “I think so”. As the elevator came to stop, and the doors opened, Jon stepped out. A voice called out to him, “Come in Jon”. Then surprising Jon and Chris both, Vladimir said, “And Chris, please join us as well”. Chris and Jon’s hearts both sank. ‘He knows’.

Chris stepped from the elevator as he and Jon made eye contact. Their plan of surprise was ruined. They slowly walked in the direction the voice had come from. They came to a sudden stop as they gazed upon Vladimir, seated in a high-backed chair, with a smile on his face. Vladimir spoke, “So, you’ve come to break the curse. Did you consider the cost of this? Even if you are successful, it will exact a severe price from you both. Are you prepared for that”? Chris and Jon looked to each other apprehensively, not sure what their next move should be.


End of Chapter 5

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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