Unintended Payback

by Ashton

29 Dec 2021 1645 readers Score 9.3 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hudson made his way across the large lobby in the sprawling office building where he worked. He had been employed at Marquee Marketing since he graduated from college six years ago. Now at the age of 28 he was doing well.

He was well respected in the company and had moved up the ranks, to where he now was bringing down over six figures and living comfortably on his own. He had a nice 3-bedroom house on a large river that flowed through the mid-sized city he called home.

Harper waved at him, tossing her auburn hair out of her face and flashing him a bright smile. He waved back and kept on walking hoping to avoid the likely awkward conversation. You know, ‘why haven’t you called me?’ ‘I had a good time and would like to see you again.’ ‘You doing anything this weekend?’

It wasn’t like he didn’t like her. She was alright. Damn good looking and eager to jump into bed anytime he wanted. But he had just, I don’t know, just grown tired of her, I guess would be the best way to put it.

Hudson had no trouble getting dates, at 5’11”, 165 lbs, with his athletic body, blond hair, striking grey eyes and farm boy good looks. He had a deep base voice that always drew attention. Playing sports through most of his life, as well as still playing hockey in a local beer league gave him a natural toned physique. One that would draw open mouthed stares whenever he would walk down the beach.

In college and the next few years that followed he always had a hot babe on his arm. He had no trouble satisfying them with his 7.5” cock. They always came back for more. But it seemed these last couple of years he found himself dating less and less. The sex was still good, but just not as satisfying. He did not know what it was, but he was looking for something different.

There were these feelings he kept fighting. He was raised on a small farm by deeply religious parents. The family went to church three times a week. Men and women were put on this earth to procreate. Sex with the same sex was forbidden and immoral. This had been pounded into his head his entire life.

When Hudson would browse porn on the internet, lately he found himself drawn more to the man in the sex video rather than the babe the man was pounding. The way his muscles flexed, the sweat on his crisp pecs, the look on his face as he drove into her. The muscled glutes, the hairy legs…

“Hey, look out!”

“Oh shit!” Hudson said as he made contact with the large gray trash bin being pushed across the lobby, his laptop tumbling out of his hands and into the bin. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” He looked at the young guy holding the bin with the broad smile. He couldn’t be much over 20-years-old.

“I’m sorry man. I am supposed to watch out for you guys and stay out of your way.” The hot guy said as he reached into the bin and retrieved my laptop.

“Please, dude. This was not your fault. Totally mine. Hudson.” As I reached out my hand.

“I’m Aiden. Are you OK?” As he handed me back my undamaged computer.

Hudson stared at the handsome stud in front of him. He had incredible hazel eyes that just sparkled in the sunlight streaming through the skylight. He looked maybe an inch shorter than him and maybe 10 lbs lighter. He had handsome Scandinavian looks with light stubble across his crisp jawline. His square chin had a sexy dent in the middle…

“Dude. Are you OK?” Snapping me out of my staring trance.

“Ah, yes, Ah I am. Sorry for running into you. I have not seen you here before. Are you new?”

“I have been working nights for the custodial company the last couple of months, but I just started working days with them this week. It’s a few more hours and I need all I can get to pay for college.”

“Oh yeah? Where do you go?”

“The Community college downtown, majoring in computer science. I also do some computer repair and connected home stuff on the side.”

“Really. I have been having issues with my google assistant connecting with my garage door, and it is driving me crazy. Works fine with my door lock, lights and home environment, but simply refuses to work on the garage door. Is that something you are able to work on?”

“Oh yeah. That should be easy.” He said with a cocky smile.

“That would be great. When would you be able to look at it? I live just a few miles from here.”

“Would Saturday work for you?”

“Saturday would be great. I’ve got a thing in the morning but anytime in the afternoon would be fine. Say 3PM? Here’s my card with my cell. Address is written on the back.”

“Saturday at 3PM it is then. See you this weekend.” He said with a smile while pushing the bin past me. I couldn’t help but look back at him. His muscular ass filled out the light grey work pants, showing off his sweet bubble butt. ‘Damn, what the fuck? Was I drooling?’ I wiped the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand.

The last two days of the week seemed to drag by. Each time I would see him he would wave and smile broadly, whether he was pushing a mop bucket or a trash bin. ‘Why did my cock start to grow each time I saw him?’ I could not wait for Saturday to come.

Saturday finally came and Hudson looked out the window just as the old beat-up Saturn turned into his drive. “Hey you made it.” As I opened the door.

“Yeah, It was pretty easy. Nice house. I love the setting.” As the college kid made his way to the window looking over the wide river.

“Thanks. It’s peaceful here and yet real close to town.”

In no time he had found the glitch in the garage door system and had it working correctly. We sat around on the deck drinking a cold one and shooting the breeze.

“How much do I owe you?”

“$20 should do it.”

“I will give you no less than $50. You did a great job. Most companies charge $80 just to show up.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“Do you have anything going on tonight?”

“Not really. Was just going to go downtown and chill.”

“There is a new brewery that just opened last month. I have been wanting to try it out. You down?”

“Sure. Sounds great.”

We took an Uber down to the brewery. The time flew by. After a few strong craft brews and he started to open up. He lived about 30 miles out of town with his parents. They owned a small struggling business and things were tight. He had to move back home so he could afford community college. I loved listening to him talk. We talked and laughed and drank for hours.

“Dude. It is getting late. I better call an Uber. I know we hardly know each other, but you should probably not be driving. You are welcome to crash at my place tonight.”

“Bro, are you sure? That would be awesome. I do not like to drink and drive.”

Aiden was super appreciative (after some back and forth) when I paid the bill. After the Uber dropped us off, I showed Aiden to the guest room. We were both a little tipsy and went right to bed. I lay there in my bed thinking of the hot stud in the next room. ‘Why the fuck did I want to go into his room? See if he was asleep? Climb into bed with him? What the fuck?!’ My cock was hard and dripping.

Over the next month we hung out on a regular basis. He quickly became my best friend. I loved hanging with him. I always paid the bill when we went out, to which he would normally protest. We played frisbee golf on the course near my house. Went for long hikes on the trail system along the river, all kinds of things – anything to spend time with him.

One day we were hanging out and I had a terrible headache. “Damn, my head is killing me. Fucking headache.”

“Want me to message your temples? That usually helps relieve a headache.”

“Anything is worth a try. Thanks man.”

“Lay down on the couch.” He lifted my head and placed it in his lap and began to push on my temples and message my head.

“Ahhh man, that feels so good. You are really helping.”

I lay there on my back, my head in his lap drinking in the feeling of relief. Then I felt something else. I could feel his hard cock on the back of my head as he continued to work his strong fingers and hands on the sides of my head.

I wanted to turn over and mouth his cock thru his shorts. I wanted to pull his head down into a full kiss. Press my lips against his full red lips. God he was so hot I just wanted to…..

‘No stop! I can’t fuck up this friendship. I do not want to lose him. He means too much to me. He will freak if I try to act. Do I want to act? Be a fag? Oh god!’ My mind was a mess. ‘He can’t be gay. He has a girlfriend. Maybe he’s bi.’ I lay there paralyzed with lust and fear.

A couple of weeks later we were hanging out with some friends at my place. It was Aiden’s 22nd birthday. The drinks were flowing as we sat around the fire on the bank of the river. The night passed quickly, and we each had too much to drink. ‘Whose idea was it to start doing shots?’

The party broke up and Aiden, being too drunk to drive, crashed at my place. We were walking down the hallway toward our bedrooms when I stopped at his doorway to give Aiden a hug good night. I could barely stand. Next thing I know I walk into his room and crash down on his bed. I am lying on my back, fully clothed and passed out.

A while later I became aware something warm and wet on my neck. I look down in my semi-conscious state, I see Aiden licking and sucking his way up my neck to my jaw. I moan and pass out again.

The next morning, I woke up in my own bed. ‘How did I get there?’ Later we were having coffee, trying to get past the hangover both of us were suffering from. “Dude, were you kissing my neck and jaw last night?” I said with hope in my voice.

“Ah. um I don’t really um remember that. I was pretty drunk.” The hot stud stammered. “Were you in my bed?”

“Yeah, I think I passed out in it on my way to my room. What a night.”

Aiden and I would hang out at least once a week. I was more than happy to foot the bill as I loved spending time with him. Each time he would drop by he would always greet me with a warm, intimate hug, that felt so good. He would press his warm body up against mine – full body contact, groin to groin, his cheek against mine, his warm breath on my neck. By the time we separated my cock would be growing fast.

I wanted to hang out more, but he was often busy, though he rarely said what he was busy doing. It seemed like I was there for him on his schedule. I didn’t care. When we were together it was always a great time. I kept telling myself I was not in love with him – a man – how could I be? It was getting harder to win that argument with myself.

One night we were talking, and Aiden mentioned that his sister was flying down with a girlfriend to Vegas to visit one of their cousins. He was stationed near Vegas, and she would be staying with him in his apartment near the strip. Aiden mentioned that he wished he could have gone with her. He had never been to Vegas and in fact had never flown in an airplane before.

“Let’s go then. I’ll use my miles and we’ll fly down for a four-day weekend. We can stay on the strip and then be able to hang out with your sis and cuz.”

“Are you fucking being serious with me right now?” He shouted with excitement.

“Fuck yeah. Anything for my bro.”

He grabbed me and pulled me in to a long firm hug. I felt his warm lips on my cheek as his strong arms held me tight.

I got him the window seat on the 757 for the trip to Vegas. He was so excited. Like a little kid. He sat pressed against the window, pointing out everything he could identify as we climbed into the sky. It felt so good to listen to him and the excitement in his voice; “look at how tiny the cars are. Hey, there is a river. Look at the snow still on the top of that mountain.”

We landed at night, and he was in awe as we rode down the strip in the Uber to our hotel. “These lights are crazy. Dude this trip is already so dope.”

“Why don’t you shower first, then we can head down to the casino and check it out.” It wasn’t long before he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist while using another towel to dry his hair, his biceps bulging as he worked the towel. I had not seen his bare chest very often and looked at his hairless well-defined pecs. My eyes drifting down to his six pack and his innie belly button. The nice treasure trail leading down to the low hanging white towel, the lower part of his muscular thighs, some remaining water droplets clinging to the hair on his beefy calves…

“Dude, are you checking me out?” Snapping my eyes back up to his smiling face.

“Shit no. Just spacing out while thinking of where we should go first.” I lied.

It was now fall and Aiden had started at the local community college. I told him he could stay at my place to save the 60-mile round trip commute to his home, whenever he wanted. That he could even move in if he wanted. He was grateful for the offer to stay, but I was disappointed that he didn’t say anything about moving in.

After a couple of weeks at school, Aiden started to talk about a guy he had met in one of his classes. He was from Brazil and was in the US on a student visa. Davi was from a wealthy family and was in the US to finish his degree.

After a few more weeks I began to notice a change in Aiden. He showed up one day with a soccer ball, wanting to practice dribbling in my yard. Soccer was big in Brazil he stated. Whenever I texted Aiden to hang out, he would not give me answer till the last minute, like he was waiting for a better offer…from Davi. If I called him, it would go to voice mail.

From our conversations I could tell he was spending more and more time with Davi. I tried to repress the feelings of jealousy and tried to ignore the pain. What was I supposed to do? Tell him I loved him? Tell him to stop cheating on me? God, what was wrong with me?

One day Aiden was telling me about the great time he had last weekend bowling. He had never had so much fun bowling. He had a huge smile on his face and was excited to tell me about it. Then suddenly his demeaner changed. Like he remembered who he was telling. “Wow really? Who were you bowling with?

“Well, um it was Davi.” Like he really did not want to tell me.

“Oh, cool. You know I have never met him. Why don’t you bring him by sometime?”

“He is really busy. I could ask and see what he says.” Aiden said with a worried look.

“You know, I don’t even know what he looks like. You got a photo?”

“This is a photo on his facebook.”

I looked at Aiden’s phone at the hot stud in the photo. He was one smokin’ Brazilian. Had to be a little over 6’, about 190 lbs. He had smoldering dark brown eyes and long black hair, almost to his shoulders. He had a model like manly face with a dark 5 o’clock shadow. He looked like he was no stranger to the gym, with those bulging biceps, broad pecs and abs, shown off by that painted on shirt. Damn he was one hot looking stud.

My birthday was coming up and I hoped it would be a good excuse to spend some quality time with Aiden. I asked him if he wanted to hang out downtown and then, so we would not have to drive, I would get a room. That way we could party till late and not have to worry.

He said that he thought he would be able to make it. That kind of hurt, but I was getting used to him not committing to anything too far in advance. I reserved a corner room on the 23rd floor of a fancy hotel in the center of downtown. This was the night I was finally going to make my move. Let him know how I felt about him.

I had texted him a few times the week of the reservation and had not heard back. Again, nothing out of the ordinary, but in this case it hurt more. Finally, the day before he said he was able to make it. While the late notice upset me for a millisecond, I was ecstatic he would be there.

We checked into the hotel and dropped our stuff off in the room. “Damn, this place is nice.”

“Right? Nothing but the best for you bro.” As I gave him a quick hug.

We had a nice dinner and hit a few bars. It was great knowing I would be with him for many hours. We went into a bar as we were making our way slowly back toward the hotel. We had a table against the wall across from the bar. Sitting at the bar were two hot looking babes. Aiden looked across the table at me. “Just a sec. I am going to go ask that girl if I can buy her a drink. Maybe her and her friend will come back to the hotel with us.”

A bunch of thoughts came crashing into my head. ‘You want to bring them back to the room I paid for, without even asking me? This is my birthday, my night and you don’t care what I want? You are going to buy her a drink and have not even offered to pay for anything on my birthday night? I wanted to have you to myself.’

I was not happy that the night I had looked forward to for weeks was falling apart. Mostly for reasons I could not bring myself to admit to him.

He came back to the table with a puzzled look on his face. “What did she say?”

“She said no thanks, that they were lesbians and were not interested.” I could tell that he did not believe them, and he couldn’t believe that a hot guy like him had been turned down.

I was anxious to get out of there and downed my drink. We walked the last two blocks to our hotel. The entire time I am thinking that my plan to make a move on him was done. Destroyed. Here I was planning to finally kiss him, and he was looking for girls to bring back to the room for us. I was heartbroken and needed a stiff drink.

The hotel had a bar on the top floor overlooking the city. “Let’s go to the top and have a nightcap. Have you ever been up there?” I was looking to drown my sorrows.

“Sounds great. I have never been up there.”

We were falling against the elevator walls as we rode down to our room on the 23rd floor. That waiter was far too attentive in bringing rounds of shots, one free round for the birthday boy. After several tries, finally getting the door to stay still, I got the key card to work to our room .

Aiden stood at the window looking out at the lights of the city. “Thish is sho fucking nicesh.” He slurred. “You treat me sho good. My parents treat me like schit. I don’t think they even love me.” He said as he turned and walked to me where I was sitting on the bed, tears streaming down his handsome cheeks. I was shocked, even in my drunken state.

“Dude, it’s OK. I am here for you. I think you are awesome.” With that he started sobbing and collapsed on the floor in front of me. I held his head in my arms and stroked his hair as he wept. I got him to his bed, and I passed out in mine.

During the night I woke to Aiden laying on top of me. His lips were firmly over mine kissing me, his scruffy stubble rubbing against mine. His strong hands on the side of my face. I opened my mouth to his probing tongue, and he drove it against mine. I moaned into his hot mouth as we kissed with a hunger like I had never experienced. We made out in heated passion, my hand on the back of his head bringing his hot red lips tighter to mine. ‘Was I dreaming? Was this really happening? In my drunken state I was not sure, but I was in heaven. He felt so good.

He moved his lips off mine and began to suck on my jaw and then down my neck. He pushed the blanket down and continued to move down my body. He lifted his head and slowly began to move his mouth closer to my hard leaking cock, my Jockey’s the only thing between his steamy mouth and my full erection. I blacked out.

The next day he acted like nothing had happened. We had breakfast while my mind was going crazy. ‘Maybe I did dream it. Did he give me a blow job while I was passed out? Wait, this is the second time that he made out with me when I was passed out. Was that his way of not admitting or having to face his attraction to me?’

I wasn’t going to rock the boat. ‘He made out with me. He must love me but isn’t ready to admit it.’ I was thrilled. It was a small step, but at least a step in the right direction. I wanted to scream it to the rooftops. ‘HE MADE OUT WITH ME! This hot young stud made out with me!’

A few days later I had heard nothing from Aiden. Finally, he texted and asked if I was down to hang. He arrived at my house and gave me a tight hug. The feel of his body again made me weak in the knees. He went to the fridge and cracked open a beer and handed me one. We sat and talked a bit. He then told me he was driving to Chicago that weekend. “Really? Why are you going there?”

I could tell he did not want to answer. “Well, Davi is going back to Brazil for break and needs a ride.”

“You are going to drive six hours round trip just to take him to the airport? He doesn’t want to take the bus or train? It’s supposed to snow this weekend. That will be a hell of a drive for one day.”

“Well, we are going to stay in a hotel the night before, so I will be able to break up the drive.”

My heart was in my throat. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I’m sure all the color drained from my face. ‘Fuck!’ I thought. ‘I had to get ahold of myself, or I was going to break down in front of him. Surely, I would lose him forever if I did. Did he just say break up?’ “Well just drive safe.” Was all I could croak out.

It dawned on me that Davi treated Aiden, like Aiden treated me. That realization did not make me feel any better.

After Davi got back from Brazil, I saw less and less of Aiden. It seemed like there was always a reason we could not hang out. It was obvious to me that Davi took up more of his time or hoping that Davi would be available to hang was enough for Aiden to tell me he was busy. Or even worse, not even answer my text messages.

Even though this had been going on for a few months now, it did not lesson the pain of being ignored or de-prioritized by the one you love. I was constantly thinking; ‘what could I do to make things better? Why didn’t I measure up? Why did I crave another man’s love?’

It had been over a month when Aiden finally decided to hang with me. I was excited to see him again. ‘Would I ever fucking learn?’ He had not been at my place long when he dropped the bomb shell on me.

“I’m going to Brazil during summer break!” He exclaimed with great excitement. “Davi said I could stay with him at his parents place for three weeks, and he would show me the sights of Brazil. Can you believe it?” His gorgeous face was lit up as he told me the horrible news. “I leave in two weeks.”

Though I tried to fight it, I know my face and body language must have transmitted my feelings of sorrow, shock, utter despair. I could not find any words. I forced a fake smile and hugged him close.

After Aiden left, I thought, ‘maybe it is time I faced facts. Aiden did not think of me the way I thought of him. Possibly he thought of Davi that way, but certainly not me. I could finally admit to myself that I had my first true love, but he did not want me.’ That was the most crushing heart break I could ever imagine. Made even worse because I had never been able to take the risk of telling him how I felt about him. ‘How could I go on? How the fuck could I go on?’ I fell on my bed, my muscular body shaking as I sobbed my heart out into my pillow.