Turning Chase

by Chase Huxley

2 Oct 2023 7034 readers Score 9.5 (99 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

For story updates, reader polls, and AI renderings of how characters might look (both SFW and NSFW), feel free to check out my Twitter: twitter.com/chasehuxley6. 

Thank you to folks who voted in the recent Twitter poll. 75% indicated they wanted rough, raunchy, dominating sex in this chapter... Ask and you shall receive. 

For those of you who do not enjoy raunch/humiliation/coercion/etc. please feel free to stop reading this chapter after “Officer Eastwood” is introduced – the sex scenes between Chase and the cop are not essential to the plot of the rest of the story. 

Chapter 10

Ryan Bennett and Atticus “Vanders” Vanderbilt were both thoroughly enjoying themselves at lunch. The two neighbors had similar senses of humor, and both carried the same warm, positive aura about them. As such, they had a great chemistry and already developed somewhat of a bromance within the few months Vanders had moved into the neighborhood.

Ryan had felt nervous coming into the lunch, given he and his son just fucked the brains out of Vanders’ “godson” on Vanders’ own bed, sofa, and kitchen counter a few days ago. Ryan was generally known as a fine, upstanding gentleman. And he was, except for his major Achilles heel: sex. Given his stunning good looks, charisma, and financial success, horny men and women alike were constantly throwing themselves at the 37-year-old hunk. Several of his friends’ wives had attempted to seduce him, but Ryan resisted all of these attempts except for two gorgeous babes that broke his oft-tested willpower. 

Even years after they happened, Ryan frequently regretted those transgressions and reminded himself never to cuck another man again, no matter how much the scenario aroused him. But thanks to Joaquin’s guile and sexual prowess, Ryan had lapsed once again. When Vanders asked Ryan out for lunch shortly after his tryst with Brad and Joaquin, the tennis club co-owner felt nervous butterflies in his stomach.

He took Vanders out to a very nice steakhouse and paid the check beforehand for a preset menu, hoping that this would partially assuage his guilt. But shortly after the two buddies embraced and the conversation flowed, Ryan’s nerves quickly calmed as the two men joked and laughed for the next two hours. 

By the latter half of the lunch, Vanders confided to Ryan about his porn management business. The 37-year-old hypersexual hunk was enthralled by this, thinking it was super cool how Vanders managed to find such success in that space. Since youth, Ryan had always fantasized about what life would be like as a porn star, getting to fuck hundreds, even thousands of men and women over the course of a career. After all, Ryan had the equipment and stamina for it, but alas, he knew it would always remain just a fantasy.

Vanders was plenty upset at Ryan when he first discovered what happened and spent a sleepless night thinking of various ways to get revenge. But with a day to calm down, he was able to hide his anger during the duration of the lunch. He’d already punished Joaquin. The teen’s cock was all locked up, and he’d remain in chastity for one month.

As for Brad and Ryan, Vanders resigned himself to the fact that there wasn’t much he could do to get even at them, and that was just life sometimes. His revenge would merely take the form of showing Ryan the videographic evidence of his indiscretion and letting him tremble for a bit, thinking it might get leaked or something.

Right as the waiter came to take the dishes away, Vanders texted Ryan video clip of security footage showing him and Brad tag teaming Joaquin on the kitchen counter. “Hey man, check your phone. Just sent you something that might just rock your world…” Ryan smiled, curious what it might be. It took the video a minute to load on his phone. Vanders watched as his face turned white and became possessed with a look of horror. 

“Shit, I’m so sorry man…I know we done did you dirty.” Ryan began profusely apologizing, for what seemed like several minutes. Sweat dripped down the 37-year-old’s handsome but furrowed face, and dark pit stains tarnished his Lacoste polo shirt. Vanders kept a neutral poker face as he coolly listened to the desperate apologies.

He only spoke sparingly, wanting to see always confident alpha male grovel before him. He continued his plan to scare the sense back into Ryan. “You know what would happen if this video somehow leaked out? Sex tape of Brad Bennett, backup quarterback at a Big 12 school…fucking another dude with his own dad?” Ryan shivered at these words.

Vander continued, “My word, imagine what a killing Joaquin would make if he sold these vids to a bidder? I betcha he’d pull in at least a million bucks, set himself up for life…and who knows, maybe Brad will benefit too, the whole nation will know his name and he could be the next Kim Kardashian if he’s opportunistic enough…or maybe he could just change careers and become one of my porn boys, haha.”

Ryan trembled and tears welled up in his eyes. Seeing the grown man tear up, Vanders began feeling sorry for the man and decided it was time to soften and offer his forgiveness. But suddenly, Ryan blurted out, “No, please…I’ll do anything if you promise to delete the vids. I-I ain’t got a million dollars of liquid cash right now, but I could find a way to pay it over time…or…or I’d even take his place. I’ll make any videos you want me to, just leave please have mercy on Brad.” Ryan felt dizzy and he could barely get his thoughts straight. In his overwhelmed state of mind, he truly believed Vanders would actually be angry enough to leak the video; after all, they did just plow his 19-year-old stepson in his own fucking bed…there was no denying they had deeply wronged Vanders. 

Vanders raised his eyebrows, shocked at the idea of Ryan offering himself up to be one of Vanders’ “boys”. He had only intended to scare Ryan a little—see him squirm for a while, and then forgive him. But now Vanders’ cock was rock hard and taking over his decision-making facilities. Vander thought to himself, “well, dang…I’m subjecting Joaquin to a month of chastity for this…am I really just gonna let Ryan, the adult in the room, go off easy like this? No, that wouldn’t be fair.” 

Vanders looked Ryan dead in the eyes and asked, “You’d really become one of my porn boys to make up for this?” Ryan’s heart lifted slightly as he felt a glimmer of home—there was a chance to save Brad. He firmly replied, “Yes. I’d do it. I wronged, you man. I’ll do anythin’ so long as your promise no video of Brad gets out. The young buck’s only 20, just a dumb kid. I was the man in the room, and I dropped the ball by not doing the right thing.” 

Vanders paused for a pregnant moment. “Sir, you have yourself a deal.” He stood up and walked towards the parking lot, gesturing for Ryan to follow.


Chase was having an excellent week in San Antonio. In a turn of events he could not have predicted at the start of the summer, he was at a football camp for long snapping. Last month, Brad had started teaching Chase how to snap a football, just for shits and giggles. To everyone’s surprise, Chase was a natural. With barely any practice, he could nail a dime from 15 yards. 

As a D1 quarterback, Brad had witnessed football snapping at close-to the highest levels, and felt that Chase had as much, if not more talent than the best long snappers in the NCAA. A couple of his teammates were coaching at this camp in San Antonio, and he convinced them to let Chase join them last minute, even though the registration deadline had passed. 

It was a day camp, so Brad booked an Airbnb apartment for Chase to stay in for the duration of the camp. He’d been making good money on TikTok and could easily afford to shell out a thousand dollars for his little bro. Plus, paying for the housing was a good way to entice his to go, as Chase was reluctant to attend a football camp after he’d already given up the sport for three years to focus on rugby and wrestling.

Now, Chase was glad he listened to Brad. He utterly dominated all week. One of the college coaches even told Chase he was even more consistent than himself at placing the ball, and just needed to add a tiny bit more speed to match NCAA-level long snappers.

But for Chase, the best part of the camp was that it gave him a welcome distraction from what happened between him and his stepdad in Colorado. They had unbelievable sex that, had Chase not been completely dialed-in with adrenalin-fueled training, would have been all he could thing about during the day. Now it only dominated his thoughts at night, when he would jack-off furiously to the memories for the incredible, passionate lovemaking.

After the final day of camp, Chase was out clubbing with a couple of the college-aged coaches who were buddies with Brad. They made a fake ID for Chase and took him to a midtown club that was conveniently only a 15 minute walk from Chase’s Airbnb. It was a little past midnight and the guys were planning on leaving to go to another bar.

But Chase’s was tangled up with a douchey-looking frat boy named Chadwick who had just finished his junior year at FSU. He looked to be part Italian and part Middle Eastern, smelled strongly of Abercrombie cologne, and wore a backwards flat bill cap and a gold chain. He had huge arms and just enough bodyfat to not have a six-pack but still maintain decent muscle definition overall. He’d been aggressively pursuing Chase for the past hour, squeezing the 18-year-old’s ass at every opportunity, “accidentally” brushing his hand over his crotch, and now ramming his tongue down his throat while fondling Chase’s round pecs with both hands.

As the college football buddies asked Chase if he wanted to head with them to the other bar, Chase told them he’d stay back as Chadwick was going to bring Chase home to spend the night. The guys were cool with this and just told Chase to text them when he got to the home. A few minutes after Chase’s buddies headed out, Chadwick squeezed the sexy teen’s crotch and spoke into his ear. “Let’s get outta here.”

As soon as they left the club, Chadwick led Chase to a narrow side alley and dropped his pants. His curved, 7 inch cock sprung to attention. Chase didn’t need any prodding before he crouched down and began blowing the sexy fuckboy. Chadwick accidentally blurted out, “Shitttt, bro, you suck dick like ten times better than my boyfriend…” Chase was too focused on relaxing his throat and massaging the shaft with his tongue to pay attention to what the frat boy was saying.

Chadwick was a quick cummer. In only two or three minutes his body began convulsing as orgasmic pleasure possessed his body. As he did so, his phone began ringing. He ignored the ringtone and pulled his cock out, shooting his load all over Chase’s forehead. It was a thick, heavy load. Chadwick then took his cock to massage the cum, all over the handsome jock’s face and hair. Normally, he’d snap a pic with his phone to remember his conquest, but his phone was ringing, so he checked it instead.

It was his boyfriend. Chadwick had put his phone on do-not-disturb, but there was a setting that automatically overrode do-not-disturb if the same number called 5 separate times in a short time period. Clearly, his boyfriend was on to him. Fuck, Chadwick thought, one of his boyfriend’s buddies must have seen him with Chase and snitched.

Chase had not gotten his own rocks off yet, and Chadwick had to think quick. He hastily made up a lie that his roommate had a flat tire and that he needed to go rescue him. Chase had mentioned that his Airbnb was only 15 minutes away, so Chadwick asked if he could walk himself home. Chase, considerate as always, demonstrated concern for the supposedly stranded roommate and reassured Chadwick he’d be fine walking home. 

Chadwick ran off. “Thanks, buddy, you’re the best. That was a great fucking blowjob too. I had a great time, just hit me up if you’re even back in town this summer.” Chase signed as he watched the frat star dash off. I guess its another night alone with my right hand, he thought. Chase picked up two bottles of barely-consumed Bud Light, which belonged to Chadwick and himself, and slowly sauntered off. He didn’t realize he was walking in the wrong direction. 


Officer Gus Eastwood was partway through his night patrol shift when he decided to drive over to a pharmacy to purchase a stick of deodorant. He’d forgotten to put any on earlier. And though he’d showered before heading to work, he’d been lightly sweating and could begin to smell himself a little bit. His ex-girlfriend used to love his scent and constantly bury her face in his armpit when they cuddled; but Gus was not a fan of masculine scents and preferred to slather on healthy amounts of antiperspirant now that he was single.


On his way to the nearest 24-hour Walgreens, he noticed a muscular-looking guy walking somewhat off-balance along the otherwise empty sidewalk. As he pulled closer, he noticed the dude was holding two bottles of Bud Light.

Officer Eastwood had been apolitical for most his life, but the past few years, he started listening to some rightwing podcasts that loved to bash Anheuser Busch. Normally, he would just drive by and carry on his business, but tonight, Officer Eastwood decided it’d be fun to heckle this guy a little and give him a bit of a hard time.

Chase was straddling the line between being tipsy and flat-out drunk as he walked home. He’d walked in the wrong direction for a while and was now backtracking to get back to his Airbnb. Suddenly, he saw red and blue lights shine brightly and heard police sirens ring behind him for a few seconds.

Chase felt no panic. As a handsome, athletic white boy growing up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood, he felt a great deal of trust in the police. He always greeted any policemen he encountered and thanked them for their service. This time, he figured the officer was probably checking to make sure he was okay and might even offer to give him a ride home.

“Howdy!” Officer Eastwood yelled as he pulled up next to Chase and stepped out of his cruiser. As the boy turned around, Officer Eastwood was surprised at was a handsome, strapping lad he was. Given his recent bias against Bud Light, he was expecting to find some bookish-looking hipster rather than a muscular, All-American jock.

Chase was likewise impressed with the officer’s looks. He was over 6 feet tall and had a sturdy, well-constructed face with a 5’oclock shadow beginning to emerge. He carried himself with an athletic posture and probably packed some good muscle under his uniform. The way he moved and was so self-assured and masculine, it screamed alpha male.


 “Whatchu doin’ walking alone in the streets drunk as a skunk?” Chase explained he was living alone in an Airbnb and was just walking home after hanging out with this buddies. 

Even in his highly-tipsy state, Chase spoke politely the officer, trying his best to avoid ogling the stud. Officer Eastwood greeted Chase sternly, then said, “You know it’s against the law to carry open containers like that on streets other than the Riverwalk. I’ll be needin’ to write you a citation, buddy. Have your ID on you?” Chase was taken aback, surprised to have such a minor rule actually enforced against him; in most other parts of Texas, people were allowed to carry open containers so long as they weren’t in a vehicle. Still, he apologized and handed over his ID, hoping to get in the officer’s good graces. 

Inebriated, Chase accidentally handed over the fake ID he’d used to get into the club. He realized his mistake as the officer was in the process of scanning it, and stumbled over to correct his mistake. Eastwood acted pissed. “You realize what a serious offense that is, giving false documentation to an officer.” He took Chase’s actual drivers license but for some reason decided not to scan it, putting it in his pocket instead.

He then made Chase take a breathalyzer test. While waiting a few moments for the results to come out, Officer Eastwood asked, “what’re you doin’ drinking fuckin’ Bug Light anyway…you some woke activist or somethin’?” Chase responded, “Naw, Sir. I just like the taste.” Eastwood ignored him and continued, “You that Dylan Mulvananicky or whatever the name is?” Chase shook his head, “No, I don’t follow her, but I think she’s fine. Just out there trying to live her life, just like the rest of us.” Eastwood scoffed. So the boy was a woke punk after all. 

He changed his tone to feign urgency. “You got any weapons on you?” Chase felt confused, why was he only just now asking this? “No, Sir, just my phone and walle-“ The officer suddenly grabbed him, pressed him against the side of the cruiser, and roughly shackled his wrists behind him with handcuffs.

What the fuck, Chase thought, completely bewildered by the situation. Eastwood pinned the boy and whispered threateningly into his ear, “I don’t think I can trust a punk like you. I asked you for you ID and you give me a frickin’ fake. You tell me you’re not a wokie but yet you stand with Bud Light.” He then grabs the collar of Chase’s plain white Banana Republic cotton V-neck and easily rips it apart. Chase gasped, “What the fuck, man?!” Eastwood ignored him and ripped the shirt all the way to the bottom, leaving it hanging off the boy’s waist like a skirt. He then rubs his hands across the boy’s toned, muscular torso, groping his abs and pert nipples.

Chase could smell the man. It was an intensely masculine odor, untainted by any touch of deodorant. Chase felt his cock rise to full mast, pushing uncomfortably against his tight jeans. He had often fantasized about getting used by a cop, but now was not the time to throw a boner. Eastwood smacked Chase’s ass hard, “Quit struggling, bitch.” Chase was not even struggling, and it confused him why the hunky officer was being so rough. Another spank. 

Eastwood could also smell Chase. And he detected the easily-recognizable stench of semen, left over from when Chadwick had painted the teen’s face. He definitely had a slut on his hands here. The officer groped Chase’s firm bubble butt, then moved his hand to squeeze his crotch. He smiled, the boy was rock hard. Then, he remembered the boy saying he lived alone in an Airbnb. He softened his tone a bit, “Well, I trust you ain’t got a knife on you…I’m hoping you learned your lesson, boy. Don’t be walkin’ around drunk and carrying a fake ID anymore. I can’t let you out on the streets like this, get in the car.” 

He guided the compliant boy into the backseat of the cruiser but confiscated his phone, wallet, and one of the beer bottles. He then held the phone to Chase’s face, using FaceID to unlock it. He got the Chase’s address from the Airbnb app and drove him home. Chase felt uneasy—were officers allowed to just unlock your phone like that? But he was too drunk to think straight and was just thankful the officer was driving him home, rather than to the station.


In 5 minutes, Eastwood pulled up to the first-floor studio apartment. Chase’s buddies from football camp texted to see if he was okay – Officer Eastwood responded on his behalf, “Yeah I’m doing fine. Goodnight!” He then entered the door code, pulled Chase inside with him, and then threw him the still-handcuffed, shirtless jock onto the bed. He removed his utility belt but kept the rest of his uniform on and then pounced on his prey. Chase let out a shocked, “what the fuck!?” But before he could say more, Eastwood’s lips covered his own.

Chase’s muscles went weak as Eastwood aggressively kissed him and tweaked his erect nipples. Overcome by the euphoric sensation of total surrender, Chase eventually couldn’t help but to kiss back. Eastwood’s tongue moved in strong, dominating strokes as Chase’s delicate mouth received it.

Though he had never fully admitted it, one of Chase’s deepest, darkest fantasies was always to be forcefully ravished by a more powerful man. Now, handcuffed while being pinned to the bed, nipples and mouth being conquered, Chase’s cock leaked copious amount of precum. Eastwood stuck his fingers into Chase’s pants, scooped up the precum, and used it to lubricate his fingers as they continued to massage and twist the conquered boy’s sensitive nipples.

Chase moaned into the alpha male’s mouth, letting out weak whimpers and almost-feminine moans. Eastwood pulled away momentarily to remove his shirt, exposing his muscular bare chest and corded arms. He then rolled Chase over and uncuffed the trembling 18-year-old. He flipped Chase onto his back again, pinned the weaker boy’s arms to the bed, and began licking the boy’s neck. 

He varied his tongue strokes and licked and sucked various locations on Chase’s neck, trying not to leave a hickey. But his uncontrolled passion trumped precision and by the next morning, Chase would wake up with two small hickeys on the base of his neck. After violating every inch of skin on Chase’s neck, Eastwood slid his tongue down to the teen jock’s swollen nipples and suckled them vigorously, making the boy moan loudly. 

He tried to writhe away from the intense stimulation, but Eastwood was too strong, immobilizing him. “P-p-please…sir…uh-so-so sensitive…” Eastwood ignored him and continued hungrily devouring his nipples. He began unbuttoning Chase’s pants and soon slid both pants and precum-soiled underwear off. Chase’s cock stuck out, completely erect. Eastwood spat on his hand and used his palm to rub the head of Chase’s cock while choking the submissive slut with his other hand. “Shut up, bitch…you act like you’re some vestal virgin but your little dick’s leaking like a faucet…don’t tell me you don’t enjoy being used by a real man.” 

Despite his protests and squirms, Chase was secretly loving every moment of this. Though it was a nightmarish situation, in some ways it was actually a dream come true for the submissive slut. Eastwood gradually slid his own pants off and eventually straddled Chase while wearing only his striped boxer briefs. He went in for another, forceful, dominating kiss. 

As Chase weakly tried to push the stronger man away despite being handcuffed, he could smell the sexy cop’s rich, masculine musk. The powerful pheromones overwhelmed him and made him melt into the bed. As if he could sense what was happening, Officer Eastwood decided to raise his arm and push Chase’s face into his ripe pit. 

As he inhaled the manly musk, Chase turned into a puddle of lust. His inhibition began evaporating as he began gyrating his hips, rubbing his cock against Officer Eastwood’s bulge. Eastwood was amused. So he’s just like my ex…a dirty little pit whore. He pulled his armpit away and gently placed his forehead against Chase’s. He could smell himself on the teen jock. He whispered, “Such a dirty little pig. You like being marked as my bitch don’t you…” 

Chase turned his head away, giving no response. Eastwood flipped the 5’10 muscle jock over onto his stomach. Slapped the boy’s plump ass five times, hard. “Ah…fuck! That hurts, man-oh shit! Aghh!”  Chase’s butt was now covered in red handprints. Eastwood spread the round ass cheeks and stuck his tongue in Chase’s hole. He began rimming the hole like it was his ex’s pussy.

Over the course of the camping trip and the football camp, Chase had let his armpit hair and pubes grow back. But he kept his ass shaved smooth because he liked the convenience and feeling of a smooth hole. As Officer Eastwood came up for air he commented, “Your boyfriend make you keep your ass smooth like a chick? I knew you were a fag…” He dove back in and devoured the sweet hole with renewed vigor.

Chase had come to love the feeling of getting rimmed. His hole had an unusually large number of nerve endings, and the stimulation was driving him crazy. He begged, “Oh…p-puh…please…s-stop…you’re making me so…ughhh…oh my fucking gaw…” His hips thrust uncontrollable into the bed as the pleasure made him writhe and squirm. “Off-oficer…please, Sir…you’re gonna make me…” Eastwood ignored the jock slut’s pathetic whimpers and drove his tongue deep into the hole, penetrating past the winking entrance.

Chase buckled. The athletic jock came. He shot blast after blast of hot cum into the bedsheets as Eastwood relentlessly tongue-fucked his boyhole. Chase moaned into the bed, trying his best to refrain from screaming in ecstasy. Eastwood could not believe he made the 18-year-old cum just from rimming him. Just like a chick, he thought.

He decided to uncuff Chase, then laid his body overtop the exhausted slut. He pulled off his boxers and grinded his 7-inch cock against the boy’s spit-covered ass. He firmly pushed Chase’s wrists against the bed as he dry-humped his conquest. It was Officer Eastwood’s first time with another man, and he thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of having another muscular, athletic man pinned down underneath him. The feeling of completely dominating another male was intoxicating.

He noticed a small bottle of lotion on the nightstand and reached over to grab some. He lathered a generous coating of lotion over his cock and pressed it against Chase’s warm hole. He lowered his entire body again so it was grinding flat against Chase’s muscled back. He whispered into the boy’s ear, “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’ll be dreaming about my cock for this rest of your perverted, slut-boy life.”

Being the submissive slut he was deep inside, Chase felt his cock twitch involuntarily at these words. He’d just cum and he was already horny as hell again. He was a bit nervous about taking the officer’s cock, since he wasn’t sure how good of a lube lotion would be. “Please, go slo—AGHH FUCK!” Eastwood plunged his cock in without warning and bottomed out.

His cock was not nearly as thick as Brad’s or Ryan’s, so Chase was not so much in pain as he was surprised by the quick intrusion. He took deep breaths to relax himself. Officer Eastwood held still for a few seconds to give Chase (barely) some time to adjust. He then began grinding on the boy in slow, rhythmic motions. He alternated between using circular motions and pushing forward and back, sending Chase into a state of immense pleasure.

All the while, he whispered obscenities’ into the slutty boy’s ear. “You love this, don’t you, bitch? An alpha male cop, having his way with you, making you his personal boy whore..” Chase moaned pleasurably into the bed, not directly responding to the officer, but conveying a strong message he was probably enjoying this. Eastwood began picking up the base, thrusting hard and steady into Chase’s willing fuck chute.

After a few minutes, Eastwood pulled Chase’s head up by his hair and began kissing the boy. He wrapped one hand around the boy’s throat, but didn’t choke him; he merely enjoyed keeping his hand there, knowing he could choke his personal bitch at any time if he wanted to. Eastwood began cumming in Chase’s ass. “Yeah, take my load, girl…mmmhh fuck yeah! How’s it feel to have another man plant his seed in you…oh shit, that feels good…shit…yeah I bet you’ve let plenty of other guys shoot their loads into you, huh, you lil’ slut.” 

Chase feel so horny and slutty knowing he’d just been bred by a tall, hunky police officer. Whether he admitted it or not, he’d just lived out one of his longtime fantasies.

Eastwood rolled over and lay on his back, catching his breath. Chase began to push himself up and get off the bed. Eastwood grabbed his ankle, “Hold up, boy. I’m not done yet. You got your man all sweaty…gotta take responsibility and lick me clean.” A glob of precum drooled out of Chase’s cock. He obediently turned around, “Wh—what??” 

Eastwood rested both his arms over his head, exposing his damp pits, then gave Chase a single head nod. The slutty teen jock, bowed his head down into the manly armpits and began using his tongue like a washcloth. Licking his new master on his hands and knees, he looked like a doggy. Eastwood grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him into the other armpit. Chase inhaled and his cock throbbed. He cleaned out the alpha cops pits, then his balls and ass crack. 

Officer Eastwood then ordered him to follow him to the bathroom. “Kiss my feet while I take a leak.” Chase, feeling completely humiliated but still ultra-aroused began kissing each of the cop’s toes as he heard a stream of piss unload into the toilet. As Eastwood’s piss stream began dying down, he clenched his Kegel muscles to hold in the last remaining drops of piss. He used his foot to guide Chase’s face up; then, he lifted Chase’s chin with his hand. “Open your mouth, whore.”

He placed his mostly-flacid cock into Chase’s mouth and relaxed, allowing the rest of his piss of to flow down. “You better swallow every drop like a good little fag.”  It was Chase’s first time tasting piss. It had an acrid, slithly-bitter taste, but for some reason, the teen jock continued to stroke his cock while swallowing each last drop of alpha male piss. Eastwood laughed and lightly slapped Chase’s cheeks. “Thatta boy!! Such a good obedient bitch for Daddy. You’d make a good sex slave, you know that?”

He noticed Chase was stroking his cock vigorously, so he ordered him to put his hands behind his back. The cop then walked back towards the bed and ordered Chase to kneel at the foot of the bed. The officer took his own phone out, propped it up on a chair, and hit record. He told Chase to start jacking off again. As the boy did so, Eastwood grabbed the mostly-empty Budlight bottle. He chugged it down until only a small amount of beer remained.

He took the glass bottle, rubbed some lotion on it, and pressed the smooth tip into Chase’s ass. It slipped right into the already-stretched hole. Within less than a minute, Chase orgasmed a second time, shooting his load onto the hardwood floor. Eastwood ended the video, satisfied, he now had something to remember this hot encounter by.

As Eastwood got dressed and headed out the door, he thanked Chase and returned his ID, wallet and phone. “You were such a good lay. I’ll let you off easy this time, but no more walking around these streets with open Budlights okay?” Chase nodded, “Yes, Sir. Understood.”

Chase jacked himself off one more time before drifting off to sleep. As humiliating as it was, Chase knew he’d jack off many more times in the future, fantasizing about this raunchy encounter.

Thank you all for reading! For story updates, reader polls, and AI renderings of how characters might look, feel free to check out my Twitter: @chasehuxley6  

by Chase Huxley

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024