Torturing Kai

by Argengo

26 Dec 2017 7385 readers Score 8.9 (73 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“What do you mean, you don’t like pizza?” Chrissy questions, shocked.

“I dunno it’s just… weird” Kai responds.

“You loved it when we were kids though!”

“Well, yeah, when we were kids. Now there’s other stuff to think about, like health.”

“Oh, I get it. Mr. Muscles here needs to eat healthy.” she smiles, as she teasingly pokes at Kai’s abs

“Anyway, before I go, you know that pizza place I work at? They’d probably hire you on the spot if you went.” she says, messily scribbling down the address.

“Really? On the spot? Why?”

Chrissy emptily blinks twice. “Wait, you’re actually considering the job? Oh Lord, what gift have thou presented upon us, a 20 year old man finally on the lookout for a job” she says, dramatically getting up from the chair and shifting through the room.

“Hey! There were reasons… you know that…” Kai protested, “Besides, I can’t have Mom paying for ALL of college.”

“I’m kidding,” Chrissy grins, “Boy problems, ugh.”

There was a brief pause as Chrissy collected her things to go.

“You’re a good kid.” she says, shuffling her hand through his short, brown hair.

“Right! I almost forgot, the pizza place. The delivery people they hire are a little more… attractive. Something about certain customers wanting a little sexual tension with their deliveries. I don’t understand the appeal, but you do you, right?”

“Having a pretty face gets you the job?” Kai suspiciously asks.

“It’s like 95% of the requirement, yeah” Chrissy laughs, on her way to the door.
“Watch out, world! My little brother’s finally coming!” She shouts as she closes the door behind her.

Kai smiles. Pizza delivery, huh. Guess it’s a not a bad place to start, he thinks, getting up and grabbing his keys, making a quick drive to the pizza place.

Kai arrives at the entrance, shaking off the nerves and adjusting his shirt. He breathes, then opens the door.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing back here! We’re already short on hands today, you need to keep delivering!” A man immediately shouts at Kai.

“Um, I don’t work here… yet” Kai adds.

“Oh, you look the type we’d hire around here… should’ve noticed you aren’t wearing a suit” he mutters. “You want a job? We’re swamped today, could always use the help.”

On sight, Kai thinks, half smiling.

“Yeah, I actually--” Kai starts.

“Great.” the man interrupts, shoving a massive stack of pizzas into Kai’s arms, “Get delivering.”

“This many? Won’t they get… cold?” Kai questions.

“Idiot! They’re ordering for you, not pizza!” The man shouts while poking at Kai’s bicep, as if it was obvious, “GET DELIVERING!”

The man ushers Kai out of the building, “We’ll get you fitted for the suit your next shift.”

“What’s this about a suit?”

“Company policy, apparently makes our guys look taller, stronger... not that you’d need that,” the man comments.

“And always remember, our clients are incredibly important… so if they ask for a little favor, you do it. Anything.” the man orders, closing the door.

Great start, Kai thinks, entering his car.

First delivery… Andrew… Hey! He lives pretty close to us!

Shortly after leaving the pizza place, Kai pulls up to a overbearingly grand mansion.

This is… unexpected, he thinks to himself as he look into the distance, almost able to see his shed of a home.

Anything they ask, anything they ask, Kai repeats to himself, not wanting to mess up his very first delivery.

A couple knocks on the door get immediately answered.

“Hi! I’m from--” Kai begins.

“Come in.” Andrew snarls.


Kai looks around the disturbingly vacant house, “So, Andrew, you live here alone?”

“Call me Sir” Andrew orders, ignoring the question. “Drink this.”

“Okay…?” I hope not all of my deliveries are like this, Kai thinks as he finishes the unknown liquid. “You planning on eating the entire pizza yours--”

Everything goes black.

Kai slowly regains his senses as he sees Andrew’s outline in a chair, and… a camera?

“Welcome to my personal dungeon,” Andrew says while bowing.

“Wh-what? What happened?” Kai mumbles.

“Let’s just say you just drank something a little fun,” he responds.

“You know you didn’t have to knock me out… I would’ve done what you asked.” Kai says, beginning to feel like himself again.

“Really, you would’ve gotten naked, strapped yourself onto a wooden horse, shoved a dildo up your ass, then handcuffed yourself.” Andrew sarcastically asks, rolling his eyes.

Kai shifts around as much as he could in his bonds. “Uh… maybe not” He comments, drink finally wearing off, allowing Kai to assess his surroundings properly.

“But what do you mean, dildo?” Kai questions.

“Oh, you thought this was for no reason?” Andrew responds, placing all nine inches of Kai’s hard phallus into his hands.

“Maybe you were out long enough for your body to grow accustomed to it, as much as it can, anyway” he chuckles, “Let me remind it.”

Andrew reaches for a remote, and switches it to its max setting for a split second.

Kai almost immediately cums. He looks down at his pulsing meat as it drips strings of precum onto both sides of the wooden horse, then back up to Andrew, clearly bewildered.

“One and a half feet” Andrew states with a sadistic grin, “Soft enough to snuggle its way up, stable enough to vibrate on every inch of its length. Beautiful technology, really.”

Andrew switches the remote to its lowest setting, causing the dildo to hum deep inside of Kai, eliciting a moan, before getting out of his seat to walk up to Kai.

Andrew places a blindfold onto Kai before pulling his head close, foreheads touching.

“How many can you do?”

“W-what?” Kai questions.

“Loads. How many can you shoot?” Andrew asks as he pulls Kai’s head back by the hair, drawing a vertical line on Kai’s neck with his tongue.

“I-I’ve never counted. T-though my last partner said it was my best area.” Kai answers.

“Then we’ll find out today.” Andrew whispers into Kai’s ear.

“C-can you turn off the dildo for now?”

“Oh,” Andrew chuckles, blowing hot air onto Kai’s face “it’ll be on for a looong while. But don’t worry about getting bored, it’s amazing technology, like I said. It knows what you like.”

Kai wasn’t quite sure what Andrew meant, but he didn’t dwell on it long as he heard the beep of the camera and a door opening.

“Make sure to shout out how many times you cum for the camera. I’ll know if you don’t, and you don’t want that.” Andrew promises, as he leaves the room, “Let the test begin.”

The door closes as the vibrator’s setting cranks up, ripping an orgasm out of Kai.

“O-one,” Kai states as the dildo quickly picks up its pace to the maximum. Kai’s cock erupts as he hears his seed splattering on the floor several feet in front of him. He leans back and sweat begins to find its way down his body, tracing Kai’s well defined muscles as it flows in the cracks of his pectorals and abs. Kai is given no time to rest as he feels a second orgasm building up.

“T-t-two,” Kai barely manages to gasp. The force of cumming makes Kai convulse, flexing every muscle in his body as he, again, hears his cum hitting the floor.

Time begins to drift away from him as the dildo reaches even deeper into Kai’s body, hitting every ridge in and pleasurable spot, as if it were alive.

“six” Kai whispers, using the last bits of energy to pathetically shake at his bonds. Oh, how he wished there was something to rest against, but the only thing still keeping his worn out body upright as the devilish dildo, still extending and digging through him. Kai cries out as he feels the dildo creating smaller shafts on its sides to torture every zone it had already conquered.

“Stop.. Andr-” Kai catches himself.

“Sir! Make it stop...” Kai pants, hoping his voice could reach Andrew, “I can’t take it...”

But Kai’s cock betrayed him as it eagerly danced with the demon inside him, slapping its cum caked head onto Kai’s abs before releasing again.

“seven” Kai croaks, miserably, as the shot’s cum dripped off his chin and the sides of his body.

More time faded as Kai was no longer capable of thinking about anything aside from the dildo and his orgasms.

Eventually, the door opened.

“So, how many was it?” Andrew asks, brimming with energy, as he removes Kai’s handcuffs and blindfold.

The voice snapped Kai back into reality as he found himself sprawled on the floor next to the wooden horse, realizing he must’ve passed out from the relief of being removed from the still shifting dildo, as if it were looking for Kai’s hole to rummage through.

“Eleven” Kai sputters as Andrew pours ‘water’ into his dry mouth, “how long as I on that thing?”

“Just a few hours. Why? You spent?”

“I don’t think I can move a muscle,” Kai responds, looking at the alien looking dildo with its wiggling knobs protruding from every angle, not quite believing all of that was squirming inside him.

“Well then, it should be my turn soon.” Andrew says with a level cheer Kai didn’t realize Andrew could have. “It should be kicking in right about now,” Andrew states, playfully tossing Kai’s still impressively sized half hard member between his hands.

What? Kai thinks, as his shaft grew back to its full nine inches. Please, no.

Kai was unable to protest as Andrew consumed his shaft. He reached out his arms to push Andrew off of him, but his strength had been completely drained, causing his arms to flop on top of Andrew’s head, eventually falling off from the rhythmic movement of Andrew’s sucking.

“You know, you might be the hottest guy I’ve gotten delivery from” Andrew says, mercilessly continuing his onslaught. “All the other guys broke after the whole dildo thing… couldn’t even get hard with the drugs in the water. Guys like that aren’t worth torturing.”

“But you,” Andrew says, briefly pausing his deepthroating to point at Kai with Kai’s stone hard cock, “You’re different.”

The compliment fell on deaf ears as Kai’s head vacantly rolled to its side, arms resting across his chest. Every so often Kai would try to push Andrew off again, but to no avail. Eventually, Kai lost the ability to do even that, left only with the strength to moan and beg.

“stop….” Kai manages, already another hour into Andrew’s relentless swallowing. He could feel his cock growing red and raw inside of Andrew’s throat.

Andrew, somehow even more energized than he was when he started, suggests, “How about this, I’ll let you rest for a bit, but I’m putting back on the cuffs, and we’re relocating to somewhere… more interesting.”

“please, anything.” Kai says before Andrew pops off of Kai’s pole, giving it one last slow lick.

“I’ll see you soon” Andrew whispers to Kai’s pulsing dick.

He’s insane, Kai thinks, before passing out.

Kai awakens to the sound of Andrew loudly slurping on his meat. He shifts around, feeling incredibly revitalized but, as Andrew promised, handcuffed.

“It’s…” Andrew says, checking his watch “7:30. People should be coming in an hour or so.”

“People?” Kai looks around, but a majority of his view is blocked by bushes.

We’re in a park. Kai realizes, horrified.

“Yeah you were out for like six hours. I would’ve let you sleep for a little longer but I couldn’t resist this guy.” Andrew says, sniffing along the length of Kai’s reloaded cock.

Kai couldn’t help but be amazed by Andrew’s shift in attitude towards him as soon as he passed the ‘dildo test’ or whatever. But the thought was quickly pushed away as a breeze reminded him of his situation.

“Is this a gay cruising spot or something? How many people are coming?” Kai demands.

“What?” Andrew says, genuinely shocked, “No, no… I’d never share you. I just thought it’d be more exciting, having all this happen in public. Don’t worry though, I won’t make noise if you don’t.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’m going through with this.” Kai aggressively whispers.

“I’m not sure you have a choice,” Andrew states, “besides, don’t act like you don’t enjoy this.” Andrew pinches out a glob of precum from Kai’s dripping member, “people aren’t even around yet.”

“So, I was thinking” Andrew continues, “let’s just edge you until people show up, then you try your best to not get found out! Sounds fun, right?”

Color drains from Kai’s face.

Does he want us to get caught?

An hour flew by and Kai was already delirious with lust. Precum constantly flowed out of his shaft and puddled in his abs. The sunlight that made it through the bushes made the sweat on Kai’s body glisten, and Kai could only pray that his smell alone wouldn’t give him away.

“Hey! Where do you wanna go today?” Chrissy shouts to her friend from the bench directly next to the bushes Kai and Andrew were in.

Kai was terrified, but Andrew kept silently sucking and pulling on Kai’s throbbing dick.

“You can cum now,” Andrew whispers directly into Kai’s ear, speeding up the beating.

“Wait!” He hisses back, but it was too late.

Kai wished he could pull his hands from behind his back to clasp his mouth shut, but all he had to stop the sound from coming out was his lips and his willpower.

The longest and largest orgasm of Kai’s life tore out of him, and it took him everything in him from moaning. The cum covered him. It splattered on the bushes, on his face, on his everywhere… constant blasts blanketed Kai’s muscled torso. 47 seconds later, Kai was nearly hyperventilating through his nose to get air without making noise.

“Can we go now?” Kai whispers to Andrew, cum dripping into his mouth as soon as he opens it.

“I mean, I didn’t bring your clothes…” Andrew states, violently jerking out the remnants of Kai’s first orgasm of the day “I was planning on   having you walk back naked at like midnight, after everyone leaves.”

Kai’s head rolls over, cum trailing down his face, trying to ignore Andrew as he slowly lapped up the copious amounts of cum off of Kai’s muscles.

Help me.