Those tough Marines are just as queer as the rest of us!

by jon martin

27 May 2020 1368 readers Score 9.2 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We were now about halfway through our basic training and the guys who hadn't been able to hack it were gone. The rest of us kind of got off on the whole regime. It was like; "bring it on fuckers, we can handle any shit you can throw at us." The drill instructors were all pretty fair. They drove us hard but not too hard and we all liked it. Until......

A new Major Jenkens had come in as head of the training program and he was a real bully and all around prick. He would show up at various companies and berate the DIs for being too soft on us and then he would pick some poor recruit and zero in on him personally. In our company that happened to be Stan. By the end of that day he was a nervous wreck. Our DI apologized to Stan. He said the Major was out of line and the DIs were all trying to get him contained. That was big because you never admit that your superior officer is wrong even when everyone knows he is. Soon his reputation was all over the base and he became the focus of everyone's anger.

So Stan was in his bunk and all bummed out when his phone buzzed. The BJ lady! At first Stan wasn't interested but I reminded him how a great BJ always lifted his spirits so he sighed and told me to round up the other guys; the BJ gang. I tagged a couple of them as well as our little blonde blue eyed Mormon angel Timmy.

The odds at the beginning of training were that Timmy wouldn't make it past the first week. He appeared sort of effeminate and gay but never indulged in any of the nightly funfests in the bathroom. But looks are deceiving for sure and Timmy turned out to be one of the toughest recruits of all. But he did have one peculiarity. He had seen a porno movie about a guy who "fluffed" the actors who had problems getting or keeping an erection and he was really into trying that. When he found out about the BJ gang (purely by accident) he begged Stan to let him fluff the guys and take their dic pics. ??? Stan was intrigued and agreed to include him in the fun.

BJ lady had put down her pillow and was waiting with licked lips for Stan to present his very substantial boner to her. And I was lip licking ready to get my face between his glorious butt cheeks. I noticed his unit was a little limp as he put it through the fence but it was soon up and more than ready. I felt him getting ready to shoot and when he did he gave a very strong thrust against the fence. Probably getting rid of some of the stress of the day. But instead of the usual heavy after climax breathing I heard, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" very loud. I put my tongue back in my mouth and peered around Stan's ass and then I echoed him. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

A blonde wig lay in the grass next to the pillow. A quick glance up showed that where the wig had been was a balding short haired man! The BJ lady was a guy. And behind the expert make up we saw it wasn't just any guy. "Major Jenkens!!!" we yelled in unison. He was trying to get his wig back on but when Timmy heard the ruckus he rushed over with camera flashing and got three great shots of the evil Major Jenkens in full drag, with wig in hand and a big blob of fresh cum on his upper lip. When Stan saw the pics he rained down kisses on our little Mormon shutterbug (and fluffer) because he knew now that we were getting revenge on that hypocrite bully mother fucker.

We were all laying out plans on how to end Jenkens when a couple days later at morning stations it was announced that Major Jenkens was taking an early out from his military career. Good riddance to some very bad garbage. We talked about taking our revenge further but Stan decided getting rid of him was enough.

"You know," Stan said. "he's probably out there already giving BJs to big rig truckers. Nothing wrong with truckers but they sure as hell don't have the same prime meat as us Marines do"

Then Timmy chimed in. "Yeh, and maybe he'll get terminal throat clap and die in agony!!"

We didn't think throat clap was terminal but it was a pleasing picture.

Timmy again, a little timidly, "Uh, anyone like a little fluffing?"

And that was pretty much the end of the BJ lady at the old chain link fence fantasy.

by jon martin

Email: [email protected]

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