The Village

by Lil Guy

25 Feb 2024 892 readers Score 9.7 (75 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

From chapter 71: Taylor called me while I was on the way in, “Hey Seth. I got your message and just wanted to let you know that everything is alright.” Then he changed the subject. “How was your vacation?”

“It was awesome… but where are you?” I asked not falling for the deflection tactic.

He was silent for a moment, then I heard him take a deep breath. “The parking lot of the Greene County State Correctional Institution in Pennsylvania” he said in a monotone voice.

“What the hell are you doing there!” I asked.

“My father somehow tracked me down, the prison called and said he wanted to see me” he sighed, “I said yes and drove up here to see him.”

Taylor’s Perspective

Seth seemed a little stunned when I told him where I was, he listened, then there was a long silence before he asked, “Have you gone in to see him yet?”

“No. I’m supposed to go in now but I can’t bring myself to do it, I’ve just been sitting here for over an hour. Thinking.” I answered. “I came all this way and have gone through a million things in my head to say to the guy but have no idea what to really say, Seth” I confessed. “The fucker killed my mom in front of me… I’m pretty sure Hallmark doesn’t make a fucking card for that.”

Seth never gave me the answers, he always just listened and did his best to help me think through things and confront my issues. “What were some of the things you came up with on the ride there?” He asked me.

I sighed again, “I thought about just telling him to go fuck himself then walking out. I thought about telling him how I hate him because he killed my mother, and that drove my grandmother killed herself. I thought about telling him that he stole my childhood and left me all alone in the world forced to live on the streets and do horrible things to survive.” I said then paused before I continued, “Then, I thought about trying another tac, telling him that I’m doing well despite what he did to me. I even thought about forgiving him, but despite over nine hours in the car, I still don’t know what the fuck to say to him.” I took another pause and inhaled, “You know what pisses me off the most, Seth? It’s that despite all the shit I went through, I think I’m turning into a good human… yeah, a little fucked up, but generally good. I try to be good to people, do the right thing, give back when I can, and I’m building a good life for myself… it pisses me off that he’ll see me doing well and think that nothing he did impacted me. But it did, Seth. It changed me. It fucking wrecked me. HE FUCKING WRECKED ME!” I yelled and banged my fists on the steering wheel. “He robbed my mother of her life and me of my childhood… I hate the fucker and I have no clue why I came here!”

Seth was quiet for a moment then asked, “Why do you think you went there? You could’ve just stayed home, something drove you there”

Seth made me think. He always made me think, “I honestly don’t know, Seth. I guess maybe I just want closure.”

“What does that look like?” Seth probed further.

I thought for a bit, then answered honestly, “I have no idea… I just want to live a normal life. I want to stop missing my mom and my grandma, stop hating my dad and resenting that he took them and everything away from me… I guess. But I don’t think a nice little conversation is gonna change anything. I think I’m gonna come back to North Carolina now.” Seth listened as I talked it out with myself.

“Well, he called you, so he must have something to say” Seth said. “Maybe you just go in and listen.” He paused and then took a deep breath, “Listen, Taylor. Not that what my father did to us even slightly compares to what yours did to you… but I hated my father for a lot of years. It took a decade and the death of my mother just for us all to be together in the same room again. We had a lot of failed attempts at reconciliation over the years. Considering the living hell he put you through, I would be blown away if your ending is a reconciliation… so, maybe you just go in. Listen. And if the mood hits you say what’s on your mind. You drove a long way, there must be a reason you accepted the invitation.”

I sat there in silence with Seth on the phone before I sighed and said, “I guess I’m going in.”

“I’m here if you want to talk when you’re done” Seth said, and I thanked him before I hung up. I had met Seth almost a year ago and he changed my life. He was always there and was my biggest supporter. I often wondered what my life would be like if I would’ve met someone like him when I was younger… someone who really gave a shit about me… a foster parent or social worker maybe… just anyone who cared. It could’ve made all the difference in my life. Well, I guess he (and The Village) did make all the difference in my life. I sat there for a few minutes just trying to get the courage to go in. I looked at my Apple Watch then made my way to the daunting building.

I checked in with the guard, then waited in line to go through security. I surrendered my phone, my keys, my wallet, pretty much everything except the clothes on my back, then went into a waiting area. I just sat there on a hard chair I the cold room waiting to see the man who killed my mother. What the hell did he want from me? Shit, he had already take everything I had. They called my name and the guard escorted me through a series of steel doors and into a room with phones and glass partitions, he told me to take a seat at one of the phones. I had seen scenarios like this on TV and in movies, but the reality was so more intense. The chair was metal and I could feel the cold seat through the thin fabric of my dress pants. I could hear bits and pieces of conversations coming from the other visitors. I just sat there waiting for several minutes until he appeared on the other side of the glass. God, I forgot how menacing he was and how much he intimidated me. My father, Ron Schultz, was a big man with cold, steel eyes who moved through life by intimidating and bullying people… I feared him as a child; and at that moment I was a child again. A scared, vulnerable child waiting for my father to take off his belt and beat me with it. God, I hated that man. ‘Why the fuck did I come here?’ I thought to myself. ‘I spent the early years of my childhood hiding behind my mother and avoiding that man, now I drove over nine hours to see him through a glass partition?’ It made no sense.

He sat down on the other side of the glass and picked up his phone, I did the same. “Taylor, you came” he said in that deep, gruff, menacing voice that sent chills down my spine. His voice held so many horrifying memories within its deep vibrato, it just paralyzed me. It took all my strength just to nod. “It’s good to see you, you’re looking good. All grown up.” were the next words from his mouth, again I just nodded. My heart was racing and my vocal chords were rendered useless. “Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.” Then he stopped and looked at me waiting for a response.

That was it? He was sorry? He killed my mother, drove grandma to suicide, put my eleven year old ass out into the world with nothing and no one to care for me… but hey… he was sorry. “That’s it?” I asked. “You’re sorry?”

“Well Yeah, I’ve been getting’ some help in here, and my therapist said I should apologize, and I just thought you should hear it from me in person” He responded with this smile… this fucking smile that was so forced. It was obviously not natural and he probably rehearsed it in front of a mirror (if they even had mirrors in prison).

“Okay then… well if you’re sorry, then I guess all is right with the universe” I said laughing. It was just a scoff, but I was holding back maniacal, uncontrollable laughter. Seriously. Nothing in the world had ever sounded more hilarious to me… he truly believed an ‘I’m sorry’ would erase the past and fix all the wrong… this guy truly was insane. “Hey, pops. Thanks for calling” I said putting the receiver back in its cradle and pushing my chair out to leave.

“Hey!” I heard his muffle yell through the glass, “Get back here, boy we aint finished!” ‘Boy’ that was what he called me when I was in for a beating, ‘boy.’ Still standing, I picked up the receiver and I said, “I’m not your ’boy’ and your apology is as fucking worthless as you were as a father… you can fucking rot in here… or in hell for all I care.” My voice was calm and rational, I wasn’t angry or upset. In fact, I was relieved. It was like this unexpected catharsis… I had this realization that nothing he said would’ve changed a damn thing anyway. My mother was dead, my grandmother was dead, my childhood was awful and nothing could ever be said or done to change those things. I also realized that he was as dead to me as they were. I was on my own… my past was gone, but my future was bright and that was what I had, the present and the future. Then I said “Buh bye” hung up the receiver and walked to the reception desk to reclaim my possessions, I could hear him yelling at me from the other side of the glass as I walked down the hallway. I just smiled to myself as I left him behind.

It’s funny, but deep down I had always blamed myself for my mother’s murder. Maybe he killed her because he hated me and she was always protecting me. Maybe I could’ve been a better kid and he would’ve been nicer to us. Maybe I could’ve been stronger that night and stopped him from killing her. But after that brief visit, after looking into his eyes for just a few minutes; it was clear that I had nothing to do with any of it. He was insane… pure evil; and there wasn’t a damn thing an eleven year old kid could’ve done to change that. That realization changed me. I was whistling as I walked towards the car. Whistling! I was truly happy for the first time in… well, almost forever. Weird. Right? But this weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I got in the car and just sat there for a few minutes, chuckling to myself. What a weird fucking day.

I called Seth who answered on the first ring. “Did you see him?” He asked.

“Yup” I answered with a scoffing laugh.

“Are you okay, Taylor?” Seth asked.

“I am… I am fan-fucking-tastic!” I responded. “He was just a stranger on the other side of the glass, Seth... he wasn’t anything to me except my mother’s murderer.” Then I told him about the visit and ended with, “his therapist told him to apologize, and he just thought… ‘well okay, that’ll fix everything’ That’s fucking crazy, Seth!” Seth listened, agreed, and asked me a few questions to help me think through it, but there was really nothing to think through. That crazy mother fucker killed my mom and that was that. It was suddenly all very black and white to me. I talked to Seth for a while as I drove out of the parking lot and towards Philly. It was about four hours out of my way, but I decided to take a detour and go “home” (if you could call it that). There was no house. No family. Nothing there for me except fuzzy memories (mostly bad). But I thought that maybe going back, driving past my old house, my grandma’s house, visiting the diner where my mom used to take me, etc. would give me some kind of… I don’t know, closure, I guess. I didn’t drive all that way just for a generic apology, I was hoping to get some closure on my past and move on.

I called Noah as I drove. He and I had been dating for several months, but we were currently taking a step back and were free to see other people. I had taken him to an Easter party at BroMax Farm and when he saw all the gay couples with kids he started talking about marriage, family, houses with picket fences ,and shit like that… frankly it freaked me the fuck out! I’m only twenty and was pretty much on my own until about a year ago. I was just starting to enjoy life and I wasn’t ready for the things he was getting excited about. We had some long painful talks, and decided to spend the next year together, but separate. So basically, we were dating but had an open relationship, we could do whatever/whoever we wanted and the other would be there for support. Then, next Easter we reevaluate. It was a compromise we could both live with. “He sounds like a psycho” Noah said after I told him the story of my visit. “Why don’t you just drive home?”

“No, I need to face my demons” I responded with a sigh. He understood. After I hung up, I continued my drive. A few hours later I was driving through the familiar streets of my old neighborhood just outside of Philly. Things started to look familiar; it was dirtier than I remembered and everything seemed smaller. I Drove past my old school, past the diner where my mom used to work, past the bar where she had picked up my drunk ass father a countless number of times, and pulled up to the curb in front of a sad little faded blue house. It was an ugly little house with a chain link fence around it like the occupants were being caged. The lawn was dead and brown, it was exactly as we had left it a decade ago. In my mind I could still see my mother’s old Mustang in the driveway and her sitting on the porch drinking a Snapple (she loved that shit). I just sat in the car and looked at the crappy excuse for a home and reminisced. First it was the good times, then I remembered my father stumbling up the porch drunk, mean, and ready to fight with me or mom. He would bully me, she would step in, and he’d hit her. It was more than a weekly occurrence. I started the engine and left… I was there for the good memories not the bad. I drove past where my grandma’s house used to be, but it was gone and there was an apartment complex in its place. Then I went to the diner where my mother used to work and ordered a meatloaf sandwich to go (her favorite and the ultimate comfort food). I got back into the Audi Q7 the dealership let me drive as a reward for being top salesman that month and drove to the final stop on the tour of my childhood.

I had only been there once for Grandma’s funeral, and I wasn’t quite sure where the plot was, but I knew there was a small family plot in that cemetery where my mother, grandmother, grandfather, and a few random extended family members were buried. I wandered around for a while looking at the headstones, some said “mother”, or “father” or had nice epitaphs on them that told you something about the person. One said, “I’d rather be golfing” another said, “Taken too soon,” etc. They were tributes to the loved one buried there. Some of the graves were meticulously manicured with beautiful flowers and landscaping, then I stumbled upon the headstone with my mother’s name. Nothing interesting, the grass around it wasn’t meticulously trimmed, there were no flowers, no epitaphs, just her name and the dates she lived. No one cared. Shit, I cared! Why the hell had I never thought about coming here before? I sat down and ate my meatloaf sandwich while I talked to my mother, nothing heavy I just updated her on my life and told her I missed her and spent some long overdue quality time with her and Grandma. It was later afternoon when I got up and drove to the nearest Home Depot. I had noticed some of the graves had cement planters with flowers, some had green plants around them, I would plant both. I spent a fortune on flowers, plants, planters, and a little set of hand-held gardening tools. I even found little flags that’s said “mother” and “grandmother.” I went back to the cemetery, and even though I have never gardened before in my life I knelt in my dress pants and beautified the fuck out of that cemetery plot. I bought way too much stuff for two graves, so while I was there, I fixed up the rest of the family plot as well. When I was done, I stood and said, “It was good to talk to you. I promise to come back, mom. I love you… You too grandma.: then I took my trash and threw it in a nearby waste can, put my new gardening tools in the trunk of the car and headed to Philly to find a hotel. It was not the day I had planned, but I think I found the closure I had come for. I vowed to myself to come back once a year.

That night, I checked into a hotel downtown, and got on Grindr. Hey, everyone has their way of dealing with stress… mine is fucking. Hard, rough, hair-pulling, me on top giving it to a willing sub who is begging me for more, fucking. I was hot, young, new meat in a big city, and my app was blowing up. Daddies, twinks, twunks, old, young; everything! I perused through the ‘hey’s’ the ‘wassup’s the dick pics, the torso shots, and the occasional face pics until one grabbed my attention. ‘Hey, had a rough day, need my ass toe-up by a relentless white top.’ It was from a hot AF black dude. He sent face, dick, full body, and ass shots. Um… DAMN! His body was bangin’, his dick was huge, and his bubble butt was begging to be fucked. One of his pics had him in a leather harness; goddamn he was hot.

I sent back a face pic, a dick pic (hard), and a full body shot. I replied, ‘Rough day too, need to take it out on a hot, tight ass.’

‘Where you?’ he replied.

I texted the name of the hotel and told him to text when he was in the lobby, then added, ‘Wear the fucking harness’ I texted with a devil emoji.

‘Yes sir’ he texted back with a wink emoji adding, ‘Rhino, here.’

‘Taylor’ I replied, then asked, ‘why Rhino?’

‘cuz’a my gigantic horn’ was his answer.  I texted back a laugh emoji before jumping in the shower to get ready. Twenty minutes later he texted a selfie of himself in the lobby. He was holding his black leather jacket open a little so I could see the harness, ‘Here and ready to get fucked’  is all the text said.

‘on my way down’ I texted back before pulling on my shorts and a tight, black tee and jumping on the elevator down to the lobby. I got off and there he was. HOT AF. I walked up to him, held out my fist and said, “You good?”

He shot me a brilliant fucking smile, bumped my fist, and said, “I’m fuckin’ fire. Let’s do this.” I shot him an evil grin and led him to the elevator and up to my room. No more words were exchanged. The door to the room shut behind us, I grabbed his head in my hands, pulled his soft, supple lips to mine, and we made out while his hands pulled down my shorts then stripped me naked. He shed his leather jacket and pulled his own jeans off. There we were, naked except for the leather harness on his chest with a codpiece that covered his ample cock (the pics made it look massive and I was hard just thinking about seeing it in-person). His body felt smooth and muscular as I ran my hands over every inch of his manly perfection while his hands rested on my taut ass. I leaned down and bit his nipples hard. He didn’t protest, in fact he pushed my head tight against his chest wanting more. “That’s it, bite ‘em: He grunted lost in the moment, “Fuck yes, harder, make it hurt” he begged. I bit harder until he yelped, then I soothed the pain with my warm, wet tongue. I moved to the other nipple giving it the same treatment before I stood up and shoved my tongue down his throat, gagging him with it.

After a short, hot, dirty, make out session, I commanded, “Suck my big cock you hot little fuck.” He shot me that smile again then dropped to his knees and started worshipping my phallic god. He held it in his hand admiring it while his other hand cupped and massaged my full cum sac. He looked up at me seductively and licked his lips before he moved his tongue up my shaft… one long lick from my balls to the tip, then back down, and up again. He was looking at me with those beautiful light brown eyes when he went down on me, taking me all the way to the hilt. Fuck, trust me, I’m not a small guy and he took every fucking, aching inch of me. He gulped as he pushed up on my balls trying to get more of me inside his talented, welcoming mouth. Goddamn he was good! I grabbed his head; he had a high-top-fade with tight waves. The sides were shaved bald with just a little stubble and it felt so fucking awesome in the palms of my hands. I held his head steady as I face-fucked him. He choked and sputtered around my big dick, but never pulled back or relented, in fact he grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me deeper into him. This guy wanted all the dick I could give him. He had me in as deep as I could go, holding me there… I have no clue how he was breathing. His hands pulled my ass cheeks apart and I could feel the air tickle my hole. He brushed a finger against it while his tongue swirled around my swollen shaft.

“I gotta fuck you” I growled.

He pulled off my cock and looked up at me wiping the saliva off his lips. With his eyes watering, and choked out, “fuck yeah you do. And you better fuck me hard.” Without another word, he dutifully hopped onto the queen-sized bed, got on all fours, pushed his face into the pillow, presenting his black, bubble butt to me. Fuck it was so smooth and perfect. I jumped up on the bed and knelt behind him, without thinking, I smacked it… and I mean smacked it hard. “OW. FUCK THAT HURT” Rhino wailed, “Do it a-fucking-gain.” I just reacted and smacked it again, even harder this time. “YES!” he screamed. His harness had a strip of leather that went down his back, emphasizing his muscles. It continued down his crack and covered his hole; I moved it aside and pushed my face into it his musky crack. Oh my god, his funk smelled and tasted perfect, I need it so bad. I shoved my tongue deep inside while reaching around to unsnap the codpiece hiding his rhino horn… and he was NOT exaggerating! His hot, black cock felt huge in my hand. With my face buried in his sweet, dark ass I stroked him while he moaned, groaned, and whimpered into the hotel pillow. I pulled his cock back through his legs, licked the tip, down the shaft and up his crack… I was working his sweet hole and gigantic pole at the same time and he was fucking reeling! His ass wiggled and his mouth begged for more. In the heat of lust, I smacked his ass, “YES FUCKER” he yelled. “MORE” so I smacked him again, and again… we were both gone. “Fuck me, white boy” he commanded.

I knelt behind his wet hole and pushed my big cock against it. The contrast of my pale white cock against his beautiful dark hole turned sent desire through me. “Wait, wait, wait,” he said as he scurried off the bed and ran to his leather jacket to grab a bottle of lube. He came back to the bed and in a deep voice he whispered, “You’re too big to go in dry, you hot mother fucker” then he shoved his tongue back in my mouth and we made out, stroking each other as we did. He broke the hot kiss by saying “Now fuck the shit outta me” and jumped back into position. Not one to disappoint, I got back into position and pushed my cock into his indescribably hot, tight hole. I started moving in slowly, but Rhino was having none of that shit. He pushed his ass against me and it swallowed my cock whole. “Yyyyeeeesssssss” the black beauty hissed. Now show me you can fuck and don’t go holdin’ back.”

“Is that what you want?” I grunted with an evil grin. “You want this cock hard and rough?”

“Hell yeah, tear that ass up” he replied in pure ecstatic excitement.

“You asked for it you hot little fuck” I replied then I fucked the shit out of him. Seriously, I smacked his ass with all my might then Pushed in as hard and deep as I could. I thrust in and out of that sweet, sweet, bubble ass as hard as I could and I. Was. Fucking. LOVING IT! Oh my god, it was exactly what I needed to put that awful day behind me. I was fucking him with everything I had, my sweat was dripping onto his back and my pubic bone was sore from smacking against his hard ass.

“FUCK YEAH, TAKE ME, WRECK ME, GIMME ALL YOU GOT YOU SEXY MOTHER FUCKER!” He yelled. We were on the sixth floor of the hotel and I guarantee you that the desk clerk could hear us all the way down in the lobby, but who the fuck cared.

I pulled out of him and said, “Roll the fuck over” he obeyed. It took me about two second to put my hot rager back into his tight hole. The look of his face was one of euphoric relief, he was loving it as much as I was. His giant rhino horn was right there and I was face-to-cock with it for the first time. It. Was. Magnificent. The girth, the length, the shape, the veins, the color… everything about it. I leaned in and was shocked to learn that it was long enough for me to take into my mouth while I was still fucking him. Listen, I had fucked a lot of guys over the years but I never was able to suck a guy off and fuck him at the same time. He shifted, lifted his ass off the bed, and put his hand on the back of his thighs. His ass was higher up in the air so I stood on the bed and was fucking down into him when I realized what was happening. This hot, cock hungry mother fucker was sucking his own cock as I fucked him. “Oh, my fucking god that is hot” I growled, mesmerized by the spectacle below me. He smiled around his cock as he looked into my eyes, he knew he was putting on a one-of-a-kind show. I picked up my pace and fucked him as hard and fast as I could. “I’m cumming” I yelled almost as loudly as he did earlier.

He took the tip of his cock out of his mouth and said, “Cum in me. Breed me white bitch. Fuckin’ breed me.” Then he put the massive tool back between his lips and sucked and stroked it as fast as he could. Within seconds, our hot sex session culminated in a simultaneous explosion of hot cum complete with lust-induced primal screaming (goddammit we were loud). My load shot up his ass in spurt after spurt of sweet relief, meanwhile he painted his beautiful face with his own seed. I couldn’t help but lean down and lick him clean… it was a natural reflex, I had to have it! His cum tasted amazing so I shared it with him via a big, wet, sloppy, kiss. Finally, I collapsed on top of him, the puddles of sweat and cum glued our muscular bodies together. FUCK, it was so hot!

When I rolled off him, he asked if he could rinse off in my shower… I joined him. We soaped each other up and down, dried each other off and got dressed. I walked him to the door where he said. “You’re a good fuck. You know how to find me when you get back to Philly” then left.

I laid down in the bed. Sexually satisfied but emotionally wanting. I was alone again.

I missed Noah. I didn't expect that.


To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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