The Sex Train

by Grant

7 Jun 2023 5526 readers Score 9.2 (100 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Jamie sat on the old forlorn sofa, naked, stroking his cock. He felt the eyes of the others on him. He knew how they would watch, how they would look at him, and his cock flexed in his hand then drooled its slick. He smeared it over the head and moaned whorishly, playing his role.


Fall was in the air despite the temperatures still hitting the low eighties during the day. The leaves were turning, and the air felt drier, and another year was in progress at the university. Classes had been underway for three weeks, long enough for everyone to be in their routine. Studying, hanging out with newly made friends, and going to classes during the week.

Among the students, there was a freshman who was still struggling to fit in. He felt like a kid among men, didn’t feel as rebellious and outgoing as the others on his floor in the dorm. He was five six, weighed less than a hundred twenty-eight pounds, had a body he considered that of a kid, nearly hairless, and a baby face that barely needed shaving, and that mainly on the chin and over the upper lip. He knew he exaggerated his appearance, considered himself in a lesser light than others, for there had been girls flirting with him in high school, and if he wasn’t mistaken, a girl in his English class was trying to get him to ask her out. He pushed his hair back from his eyes knowing it was one of his better attributes. It was jet black, thick and wavy, and he kept it long enough on top to hang down over his green eyes.

He passed the entry to the student union and saw his reflection in the windows. That is Jamie, a freshman, who is failing calculus, he thought as he looked at himself just before turning away and headed across the street.

Jamie looked at the other boys, feeling his desire for them. Those that were tall, those that were his height, and those in between. So many different builds, various hair colors, skin tones, eye colors, he didn’t know where to draw the line, and even if he should do so. His roommate had intrigued him, but he quickly realized Derek was so straight that at times he thought of him as asexual. There were others on the floor, far too many that captured his eye. He considered the boys from high school; those he had seen in P.E. and the last few summers at the church campground showers. Boys becoming men, with body hair and cocks that hung heavily over sacs. It was the one area he wasn’t the smallest, the one that looked like a little boy. He remembered what Robert had said when he got him behind that warehouse. Since Robert was from the next town over, he had gotten up the nerve to hit him up online, thinking no one in his school would ever find out.

It was his first online hookup, and his first time with another boy, and he had stood behind that warehouse and let that boy unbutton his shirt and kiss his chest, tongue his nipples, then bit down on one. It had hurt but his cock flexed within the confines of his shorts. Then he watched that boy undo his cargo shorts letting them fall to the ground. His boxers had been obscenely tented out with his erection.

“Jesus,” Robert had uttered as he fumbled with the boxers to get them down too.

It made his cock flex to think of it again how that boy down on knees and struggled to suck his cock. How that boy slobbered and tongued it until he thought he would come. Then he was shocked to watch the older boy stand and face the wall, pants already undone and around his ankles.

“Stick me. Put that fat cock in me.”

And he had done it. Twice, the second time lubed with the cum from his first.


Entering Sanford Hall, Jamie went up the stairs, heading to the second floor. Calculus was in room 214, and if he didn’t hurry, he would be late again.

The lecture was like all before, a graduate student telling them how to do the first one or two problems, then assigning the next eight to ten problems for homework. It was frustrating, for there was no discussion about the principles of the equations, what they really meant or how you would apply them in the real world. No context that would cause any of it to make sense.

Jamie needed help and fast, for he was failing. There had been a test the week before and he had made a fifty-four. A failing grade, and he knew the course would only get harder.

Jamie got back to his dorm, feeling down about calculus. One class that was making his first semester miserable. He decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs to the third floor, and as he waited, he looked at the bulletin board covered with notices. Someone selling a bicycle, and another selling tickets to a concert in Atlanta, and tacked in the middle an announcement about a yoga class, a dog walking company seeking students for part time hours, and along the bottom, an advertisement for tutoring.

Senior student looking to tutor others.

Evenings or Weekends; Hours negotiable.

English, Literature, Physics, and Math, especially Calculus.

Call ***.***.****


It was on yellow paper and stood out among all the other flyers. Jamie read it again, thinking it was too perfect. A senior who understood calculus, willing to tutor others. The elevator chimed and the door slid open. He pulled the flyer from the bulletin board, stuffed it in his pocket and stepped into the elevator.



His first meeting with the tutor was at three o’clock on Friday afternoon in the library. Jamie had just enough time to get back to his dorm after his last class, lighten up his backpack, leaving only the calculus textbook and his notebook, and head out the door.

The library was quiet few students among the tables or stacks, for no one wanted to be there on a Friday. Jamie followed the directions Simon, the tutor, had given him. Third floor, far right wall behind the section for American Studies at one of the tables along the wall. As he moved through the library, he wondered why Simon had chosen such a remote location, for he passed empty tables in nearly every section. He finally got to the remote corner and passed through an aisle in the stacks to find there were only six tables along the wall, all empty except the one in the very corner. The guy was reading a novel and didn’t see him approach. Jamie sized him up as best he could. Black framed glasses and brown hair that looked like it had never seen a comb, tousled and unruly. As he approached, he saw one of the reasons, as the guy ran a hand through it making no attempt at making it look neater. The guy saw him and marked his place in the novel, setting it the side.

“Are you Simon?” asked Jamie.

“You must me Jamie. Come, sit,” Simon replied.

Jamie moved to the table across from Simon, pulling the chair back.

“No, not over there. Sit next to me so I can see what you’re doing.”

Jamie eased down in the chair while looking at Simon. He saw the long lean arms and how the shirt fit loose, and the long neck up to a face that had a hard jawline and prominent cheeks. Simon was lean, almost skinny, but he felt the senior’s presence, how it seemed to overpower him. He opened his textbook and stuttered and stammered through the problems he was having trouble understanding.

“You said you have a graduate student for an instructor,” asked Simon.


“Some of them can be really good but sounds like you got a lazy fuck just getting in his hours. Slide that book over here and let me explain this to you.”

For nearly an hour, Simon explained the equations to him, what each aspect represented, giving examples of their use. When Simon pushed the textbook in front of him, telling him to do the next problems, Jamie found most were far simpler to do now that he understood them. Simon checked his work, then checked the time.

“Two hours or there about, so that will be fifty bucks.”

Simon pulled out his wallet and slipped out part of the cash he had withdrawn the night before; a twenty-dollar bill and three tens.

“Thanks, Simon. Are you free one day next week, like Wednesday or Thursday…or maybe Friday?”

Simon looked Jamie in the eye, then leaned back, pulled out his cellphone, and pulled up his calendar.

“I can do Thursday late afternoon or maybe sometime Friday. I’ll text you a time and location.”

“Okay. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

They stood together, Jamie picking up the textbook and notebook and shoving them in his backpack. When he stood straight, he realized Simon was still next to him as he comprehended the senior’s height. Six foot or taller, and as he suspected, a lean skinny body. But there was something to the eyes behind the glasses, a vivid blue Jamie had not noticed before.

“See you next week,” said Simon as he moved past him and into an aisle of the stacks.


That night, Jamie found he had the dorm room to himself, because Derek, his roommate, had gone back to the architectural studio to work on a project. He finished an English paper, printed it out, and put it in his backpack. Then he scrolled through different websites just killing time. After about a half hour, he looked at the door to his room, making sure it was locked, then pulled up the gay hookup site. When he arrived on campus and had the room to himself for the first time, he had created a profile. He had stripped, got his cock hard, and taken a photo. He cropped it from his chin down to his knees, showing his two hands on his cock, the head and part of the shaft still visible. Now he scrolled through all the hits. Guys who wanted to suck him off, guys who wanted him to fuck them, and guys who wanted to fuck him, one after the next he scrolled through them knowing he wasn’t prepared to respond to any of them. Not yet. Maybe next time, he told himself as he looked at the profiles scrolling by.


Meanwhile, in an old apartment building on the edge of downtown, Simon finished a paper, sending it to the printer. He looked around the small living room, how he and his roommates had jammed a small sofa against the front wall below the window, with a coffee table in front and an armchair at one end with the television at the other end against the side wall. He sat at the small dining table with the kitchen along the wall behind him. Everything was too close together, for along the back wall of the living area sat two small desks side by side. Logan sat at one, hunched over his laptop working on some assignment. An open laptop sat on the other desk where Chase had left it to go to the bathroom.

The apartment was meant for two people, not three, and the room that revealed this the most was the bedroom. They had tried to put three twin beds in it, and it didn’t even leave a proper path to the bathroom, much less the closet they all shared. So, the room had one king size bed in it. It filled the room but left the side open with the doors to the closet and bathroom.

The three of them knew how it looked, deflecting the comments by their friends about how they must fight all the time. But they didn’t fight. They fucked. A lot. It was a private joke among the three roommates how they got more sex than any of their friends. It hadn’t started out that way. It started with the three of them financially strapped and looking for a way to save money. A place to live was one of their biggest expenses, and the three of them sharing a one bedroom in the old complex was a substantial savings for their budgets.

Simon looked at Logan, wondering if he would continue to seek male companionship after college, or if the bisexual jock would go back to women. He doubted it, but one never knew for sure what someone would do, especially when it came to sex. Chase came back into the room, taking a seat at his desk. Never had someone been named so appropriately, for Chase could come across as a player, always flirting, with men and women. But Simon knew Chase wasn’t bisexual, just someone who liked the chase, getting the attention of someone regardless of their sex. But when it came time to take someone home, as he did on occasion, it was always some guy.

Simon turned back to his computer and pulled up the gay site for hooking up. All three of them had a profile, and he pulled up Logan’s profile first, always amused by the jocks who wanted to experiment. Mother fuckers wanted a cock in the ass and just couldn’t come right out and admit it, and it amused the three of them. They had played up the derisive labels their friends had bestowed upon them, made them a part of their profiles. He was the nerd, the bookish one who liked to read and talk of philosophy, and he had quoted John Waters, “If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!” It was done as sarcastic humor, but there was a kernel of truth to it. Then he put the usual stats in his profile: six foot one, brown hair, brown eyes, one hundred and sixty pounds, and eight inches. The kind of shit no one cared about when he was balls deep in their ass.

Logan was the jock, in every way, for he was big, muscular, a body built from working out. He had played football and baseball in high school, a legend from what one of his friends had said, but not good enough for college where the competition was greater. Simon knew the stats by heart for Logan would repeat them whenever someone asked, and guys desperate to be fucked, asked. Six foot three, two hundred and thirty pounds, reddish-brown hair, grey eyes, and a fat seven-inch cock.

Simon heard Chase utter a profanity and looked over considering his label. The player. Mr. Charming as some sarcastically referred to him. Chase was their pretty boy, with a smooth baby face, blonde hair, vivid blue eyes, five foot eleven with an average build, and a curved seven inches of cock.

And a wide flared head, Simon thought, thinking about how it felt hammering his prostate making him cum.

Absentmindedly, Simon scanned the hits to their profiles, then bored with the usual replies, he began to flip through profiles that were within a mile of campus. There was the forestry major who was bi-sexual and wanted to be tied up and fucked, the architecture major who sought someone black or Latino, a guy who left a lot out of the description in his profile who was seeking a jock, someone to spank him and make him their bitch, and Simon laughed out loud.

“What is it?” asked Logan.

“Just one of the profiles. You want a bitch for the weekend?” Simon replied.

“Hell no. That sounds like some high maintenance shit.”

“I don’t think he would be high maintenance, but he would probably run when he found out there would be two more in the room.”

Simon continued scrolling through the different profiles. He stopped when he saw a picture of a cock too big for the two hands holding it. He looked at it, the flared head and the smooth hard shaft disappearing into the hands, hands that looked small and feminine. It was a nice cock, he had to admit, and the body was nice too, in that lean boyish build so many claimed to have but didn’t. He admired the smooth skin, so white it almost glowed on the screen, and how there were a few moles scattered over it. One below the right nipple, two along the left side, and on the neck three little ones that if connected would make a nice little triangle.

“Fuck me!” Simon exclaimed.

“What?” Logan and Chase asked in unison.

“The freshman I tutored this afternoon is in here.”

“Are you sure?” asked Chase as Logan and he came over to see the profile.

“I’m sure of it.”

“Fuck, look at the size of that cock,” Logan uttered.

“No shit,” said Chase. “What does he look like?” he asked Simon as he leaned over his shoulder.

“What you want to know is he cute. Yeah, like a little baby-faced boy.”

“What do you mean?” asked Logan.

“Look at his profile,” said Simon pointing at the description below the picture.

Gay White Male, five foot six, black hair, green eyes, smooth slim body, one hundred twenty-eight pounds, and eleven inches.

“Fuck, eleven inches,” Chase uttered.

“Looks like goddamn eleven inches,” Logan added scrolling back up to the photo. “Just look at it.”

“You didn’t say if he was cute or not,” said Chase.

“He’s cute. A real cute little boy,” Simon replied.

Logan chuckled. “A little boy with a big dick. You think he would play around?”

“You want to find out?” asked Simon.

“Fuck, yeah,” Chase replied.

Simon picked up his cellphone and brought up Jamie’s number.

“Jamie? You’re fucking kidding me,” said Logan, laughing as he watched Simon.

“Nope. A nice androgynous name,” Simon replied grinning at Logan.

Simon hit ‘message’ then began to type.

Let’s meet next Friday. 7:00 P.M. 438 Payne Street, Apt. 6-123.

Simon hit send and set his phone down.

“Okay, now we wait.”


His cellphone binged, and Jamie picked it up to see who messaged him. It was Simon and he pictured the tall lean senior, the tousled hair, the black framed glasses, and the long fingers that touched his every time they traded pencils or the calculator. He read the text, curious why they were meeting at an apartment. He quickly realized it would be Simon’s place, on a Friday night. As he typed his reply confirming he would see him then, he wondered why the senior would give up a Friday night to tutor him.

Come Friday night, he would find out.


Jamie woke from his nap and sat up confused at first as to the time of day. Then he remembered it was Friday afternoon. He normally didn’t take naps, but he had sat up the night before writing papers and reading assignments until nearly two in the morning, so when he got back to the dorm, he was exhausted.

He climbed out of bed to take a shower and get dressed. He saw himself in the mirror. Tousled hair sticking out on one side and a red imprint on his left cheek from where it had pressed into his pillow. He needed a hot shower in the worst way, and he grabbed up his towel and toiletry case, dug out a clean pair of boxers, and headed to the bathroom.

The bathroom door swung open as he approached, and Myles came out. Yellow boxers and no shirt revealing the upper body. A tanned skin tone, black hair, and dark brown eyes, it was a body he had seen before feeling desire for it every time. Myles Apostolos, another freshman, about five ten and nice body and friendly personality. Jamie didn’t know much about Myles other than what he could see and knew he was in room 205. Of the guys on his floor, there were four or five he would risk being caught to have sex with them, and Myles was at the top of the list.

“Hey Jamie, ready for the weekend?”

“I guess. You?”

“Yep. Some of are going to hear Epidemic play at The Alley. You want to go?”

“I can’t; I’ve meeting someone later,” Jamie replied, leaving out the part that it was a tutoring session, for he knew how lame that would sound.

“Maybe next time,” said Myles as he headed to his room, and for a minute Jamie wondered about how Myles looked at him. Was it one that he knew well or was he projecting what he wanted it to be onto Myles. Probably the latter, and he entered the bathroom to shower.

Once back in his room, Jamie realized he didn’t have time to eat before going to Simon’s, so he would wait until afterward and grab a burger somewhere. He slipped on cargo shorts and a tank top for the bicycle ride over would make him hot despite the cool temperatures. Then he headed out for his tutoring lesson.


Jamie pulled into the drive of the complex, noting how it was one of the oldest in the area, and probably in town. He road down the hill to the back of the property to the last building. Building six, which faced the parking lot, and on the other side, the next street. His bicycle secured in a rack he moved down the canopy along the building looking for unit 123. He came to the end of the building realizing the unit faced the street behind the property. It was not one of the most desirous units.

He circled around the end of the building, past the stairs to the other side, moving down the walk until he came to the room. Two quick raps on the door and he waited. He waited for so long he started to knock again, but the door finally swung open, and Simon stood there in a ratty worn T-shirt and gym shorts that looked like they were cut off sweatpants with legs a bit too short.

“Right on time; come on in,” said Simon moving back to let him enter.

He stepped into the small apartment. It was larger than his dorm room with its separate bedroom and a bath they didn’t have to share with a whole floor of others, but it felt smaller, cramped, with the living area furniture up against the front wall and two desks along the back wall. A small round table sat wedged between the living area and the kitchen with four chairs positioned around it, one with a backpack in it. The kitchen was along the side wall just inside the door; a small frig, sink in about four feet of cabinetry, then a range in the corner.

“Grab a seat and let’s get started,” said Simon, taking one of the dining chairs at the table.

Jamie took the chair with his back to the kitchen. He wondered about Simon’s roommate, if he was in back or out for the night, but he didn’t ask. Textbook on the table, he pulled out his notebook and opened it to the last problems he had worked on during lunch. Simon scooted closer, too close, and he tried not to think of Simon in a physical way, even as he scanned the long legs disappearing under the table.

“Where have you gotten with your assignment,” said Simon, and Jamie flipped open the textbook to show him.


“Do you understand it now?” asked Simon, pushing back from the table.

“Yeah, it makes sense now. I don’t know why the instructor can’t explain it like this,” said Jamie as he put his textbook into his backpack.

As if right on cue, the bedroom door swung open, and Jamie looked up to see a big muscular guy filling it.

“Hey, you must be Jamie. I’m Logan.”

“Hey,” Jamie replied trying not to stare but he couldn’t help it. The big broad shoulders and pecs with definition he had only seen on television or online. Tall, filling the door frame, and dressed only in a white towel. Logan was using another to towel dry his hair.

“You guys finished with the tutoring?” asked Logan.

“Yeah, we’re done,” Simon replied.

“We’re thinking pizza for dinner. Sound good?”


“Jamie, you’re staying, right?”

“Huh?” Jamie replied trying to move his eyes up from the outline of cock within the towel to Logan’s face, knowing he should be looking him in the eye.

“Pizza; dinner? Sound good?” Logan asked.

“I…huh…I can’t. I only brought enough cash to pay Simon.”

“Don’t worry about it; we got it,” said Logan, then he turned and looked back into the bedroom. “Pizza it is and order for four.” Then he stepped into the bedroom, pushing the door closed.

Jamie looked at Simon wondering who else was in the apartment.

“It’s Chase, our other roommate,” said Simon.

“There are three of you in this apartment?”

“Yep. We were in high school together and not one of us wanted to have to work part time jobs all the time to support ourselves. So, we agreed to share a cheap apartment.”

“Wow,” Jamie uttered, trying to imagine living with Simon and Logan, much less one more. He wondered how long it would be before he gave himself away as gay.

The bedroom door swung open again and the third roommate came out. Jamie sized him up, finding this roommate was more average in height and build, but unlike Simon and Logan, the two of them handsome, this roommate was more of a pretty boy, with blonde hair and blue eyes and such an attractive face.

“Hey Jamie, I’m Chase.”


“The pizza should be here in about forty,” said Chase, going to the armchair and flopping down.

Jamie looked at how he was dressed. A baggy tank top, one so large he wondered if it belonged to Logan, and a pair of ragged shorts that looked like a pair of khakis with the legs cut off.

“Clean off the coffee table and we’ll eat over there,” said Simon as he went to the frig. “Jamie, you want a beer?”

Jamie had never had a beer, only slipping some of his father’s whiskey a few times, but he didn’t want to feel like a kid among the seniors.

“Yes, thanks.”

Simon handed him a cold sweating bottle, then went to the sofa, handing one to Chase as he passed. At first, time seemed to pass so slowly, Jamie was not sure how to react to the two seniors. But Chase asked about his major and he told of being in Environmental Studies, then listened to Simon and Chase talk of their majors and how it had been for them on campus. Suddenly he found himself with his second beer laughing at something Chase said about Logan.

A knock at the door and Chase jumped up out of the armchair to answer it. Logan came out of the bedroom still in a towel and sat next to Simon on the sofa. Transaction complete, Chase came back into the living area, setting two pizza boxes on the coffee table, then sitting back in the armchair.

“Come on, Jamie, pull a chair over. Let’s eat,” said Simon.

Jamie sat opposite Simon and Logan. He pulled a slice from the closest box and began to eat, watching Logan scarf down a slice and go for another. Simon ate slowly, one bite then another, and Chase took bites between his commentary about some professor in biology.

But Jamie wasn’t following what Chase was talking about, for all he could focus on was how Logan held his legs apart, the towel taut around them, and in the opening between them, his cock was fully exposed. A flaccid cock over its sac. Jamie couldn’t take his eyes off it. How it lay heavy over the sac, then the slow turn and elongating until it looked half hard. He swallowed hard and forced himself to look over at Chase.

He tried not to think of it. Tried not to wonder about Simon and Chase, what their cocks looked like. If he was more daring, didn’t feel out of place with the three seniors he could say something cliché about how he would show them his if they would show him theirs. He looked at Simon with the loose gym shorts and how he swore he could make out the outline of cock and how it threatened to slip free of the left leg opening. He looked over at Chase and imagined slipping his hand up one of the loose leg openings until he could touch him. As hard as he tried to imagine what their cocks looked like, he did everything in his power not to look straight across the coffee table and up that towel at Logan’s cock. He had it burned into his memory, knowing he would masturbate to it for nights to come.

“…nice profile by the way.”

Jamie caught some of what Chase was saying and realized it was directed at him. He saw the seniors looking at him, waiting for a response.


“I said you have a nice profile,” Chase replied.


“Yeah, the one online,” said Logan.

“You saw my profile…online,” Jamie replied, then he looked at Simon, knowing without being told it was him that found it. “How did you know it was me?”

“The three little moles on your neck,” Simon replied, adding “right here on your neck,” as he pointed to where they were located just below the jaw.

Jamie touched his neck, rubbing over the place, he knew where the three little moles were located.

“Nice cock, by the way,” said Logan.

“T-t-thanks,” Jamie replied. “I think,” he added under his breath.

“We’ll show you ours if you show us yours,” said Chase.

Jamie swallowed wrong and choked, the suggestion too close to his imaginings.

“You’re not serious,” he finally managed to reply.

“Serious as a heart attack,” replied Logan, pulling the towel loose and pulling each side over, dropping it on the sofa. He sat naked, taking his cock in hand, and manipulating it.

“Will you hang out with us?” asked Simon.

Jamie looked from Logan stroking his hardening cock to Simon, nodding his head.

“Then get naked,” said Logan leaning back while stroking his cock with a teasing slow move of his hand.

Jamie watched Simon sit up, tug off his T-shirt, tossing it on the floor. Simon raised his ass and slid the gym shorts down revealing he wore nothing underneath. His cock flopped back against his abdomen, already hard.

“Nasty fuck, you just have to think about it and you’re hard,” said Logan looking at Simon’s cock, then over to Jamie. “You like watching, don’t you?”

Jamie didn’t reply for movement to his left captured his eye and he watched Chase toss the tank top on the floor, undo the shorts, spreading them open revealing he too was sans underwear. The khaki shorts were pushed down the legs until over the knees where they dropped to the ankles. Chase slipped his left foot free, then kicked the shorts off the right.

“Jamie,” Simon whispered. “Take off your clothes.”

Jamie finally moved, eyes going from Chase to Simon to Logan and back again. He slipped off the tank top tossing it on the floor as carelessly as the others. He undid his cargo shorts and removed them, leaving him in boxers that were tented by his hardening cock. The thick tube of flesh pushing for freedom from its confinement. He raised his ass and slipped the boxers down his legs letting them fall to his feet.

“Goddamn, that is nice,” said Logan.

“Get it hard,” Chase whispered as he stroked his own cock.

Jamie watched them, as they watched him. He wondered if they would just masturbate until each one of them came. It would be enough, or so he told himself, knowing the lie of it. He wanted more, a lot more.

Simon reached over and grabbed Logan by the hair on top of his head and pulled him to lean over. He wiped his cock across the lips, smacked the face with it, then pushed Logan’s head down until lips pressed to the head.

“Suck me, you dumb jock bastard,” Simon uttered in a low voice.

Jamie gasped as he watched Simon’s cock disappear into Logan’s mouth. And he stroked his hardening cock until working all eleven thick inches. He saw Simon, then Chase watching him, and he slid down in the chair, ass right on the edge of the seat, spread his legs, and let them watch as he used two hands, suddenly no longer shy. He wanted them to watch him. He wanted their eyes on him as he stroked his cock.

“Let me,” said Chase going to his knees on the floor and coming up to his side.

Chase leaned over his left leg and down to his cock. Lips touched it, then slid over the head and down a few inches. It wasn’t halfway down, not nearly, but it was enough, and Jamie moaned as he felt Chase settle into an up and down rhythm with lips tight around his cock.

The room filled with the sound of sucking, slurping, moans, and profane utterances. Jamie watched the head over his lap move up and down, then he would raise his eyes and watch Logan moving on Simon’s cock, head moving up and down.

“Fuck,” Simon uttered, grabbing Logan’s head, and pushing it down. He shuddered, then tried to push upward as he came.

Jamie watched every moment of Simon’s release and how Logan took it, every drop, and swallowed. It was too much to watch while Chase sucked his cock. He bucked upward, choking him, then jerked and shuddered as he filled Chase’s mouth with cum.

Jamie fell back, eyes closed, trying to get his breath. When he opened his eyes, Chase stood before him stroking a slick wet cock.

“Will you do me?”

“Yes,” Jamie replied, sitting up and moving forward. He held that hard cock in his hand, felt its form, the shape of the shaft and how a vein snaked along its length. He rubbed the head across his lips feeling the spongy texture of it, then he slipped his lips over it and pushed forward until half of Chase’s cock was in his mouth.

“Suck me, you nerdy bitch,” said Logan from the sofa.

Jamie knew it was Simon, Logan had referred, and he didn’t need to see. He was focused on Chase, servicing the cock in his mouth, savoring the way it filled it, slid over his tongue, pushed outward on his cheeks, or flexed up against the roof of his mouth when he pushed forward.

Chase grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back until the spit-soaked cock hovered in his face.

“I like to see it,” Chase uttered, as he took his cock in hand and stroked it.

Jamie knew what Chase meant to do. It was obvious how Chase pushed and pulled his head until it was underneath the head of the cock. The hand moved faster and faster, until a blur. Jamie knew what to do, how it would spurn Chase to cum. He moved his mouth up close to the head of the cock with his mouth wide open.

“Fuck…take it. Take it,” Chase uttered as he began to shiver and shake.

The first wad hit the roof of Jamie’s mouth, the next roped across his face, lips to forehead, then the next fell into his mouth. Chase loosened his hold and Jamie took the spurting cock into his mouth, drawing out wad after wad until Chase was spent and trying to push his head off it.

“Stop, stop, you fiend, stop,” Chase cried out, finally getting his cock free.

With cum dripping down his face, Jamie looked over in time to see Logan holding Simon’s head and pumping cum into his mouth.

Jamie wondered if that was it. The end of their sexual play. He didn’t want it to end, as he absentmindedly stroked his still hard, very slick cock.

“Come sit with us,” said Logan, as Simon and he sat down on each end of the sofa.

Chase pulled him to his feet and with a little push, got him to move, circling the coffee table and getting between Simon and Logan.

Hands were on him immediately, one on his cock while the other rubbed over his chest across sensitive nipples. He sat back, then scooted his ass forward, spreading his legs, letting the two seniors have their way. The hand on his chest rubbed downward, over his abdomen then around his cock until tugging on his sac. Lips touched his neck and he turned to Simon and kissed him as he felt Logan’s lips touch his neck, then move across his shoulders. He moaned and shuddered with the manipulation, and the hand on his cock became slick from his drooling cock. He tried to push upward through it, then he tried to spread his legs even more. Logan lifted his left leg resting it across his own legs. It spread him open, and the hand tugging and toying with his sac moved further down, fingers raking the skin, until touching his opening. A rub across it, a circling rub, then a press against its tightness. He moaned into Simon’s mouth as the finger breached his tightness and sank into his hole.

One finger, then two worked the tightness from his opening. He tried to work his hips, to push down on those fingers, to get them deeper into his hole. He was sitting back watching Simon kiss and tongue his nipples, knowing it was the smiling Logan working his ass.

“Can we fuck you?” asked Logan.

“Yes,” Jamie replied breathlessly.

Logan was moving, the coffee table screeching across the vinyl floor. Simon sat up as Logan moved between his legs, taking them behind the knees. Jamie was pulled forward until his ass was at the edge of seat cushion and his head bent up against the back. Simon stroked Logan’s cock until it was rock hard, then guided it to his hole. He felt the initial touch, then the pressure of trying to penetrate him. He clutched the edge of the seat cushion and tried to control his breathing as Logan breached his tightness and sank inch after inch into his hole.

“Fuck, you’re a tight bitch,” Logan uttered as he moved his hips. He pushed, deeper and deeper, until pressed against the spread ass. Then he tugged outward and began to fuck with a steady rhythm.

Jamie felt the fullness of every penetration, the way Logan’s cock moved through his tightness, until he took him easily. He held tight to the edge of the sofa, rocking with their fuck. A hand came down on his chest, rubbed over hard nipples, slid down the middle of his chest, stomach, until pushing at the base of his cock until it stood tall from his groin. Simon leaned over to it, licked the head, the tongue dragging around its flared form and over the drooling slit.

“Fuck,” Jamie whispered.

Then lips pressed down over the head, letting it sink into the warmth of Simon’s mouth. Jamie wanted to shove it deeper, to push upward with his hips, but he only hung onto the side of the sofa and rocked with Logan’s fuck and shivered with the feel of Simon on his cock.

Chase sat next to him opposite Simon.

“Yeah, Simon, suck it. Let me see how much you can handle,” uttered Chase as he leaned over closer. He put his hand on Jamie’s abdomen, the cock between his thumb and index finger, and he held it there as Simon pushed his mouth down on the cock, taking about half of the thick shaft.  He moved his hand around and over the tightened sac until his fingers grazed Logan’s cock, felt the way it pushed inward, then outward, over and over and over. “Fuck, that is hot.”

Logan tightened his grip on each leg, pushing them further apart while maintain his fuck. He had slowed, savoring the feel of Jamie’s tightness around his cock, but he was too aroused to maintain such a slow pace, and he increased it, fucked faster, harder, until the sound of flesh smacking flesh echoed in the room.

“Fuck, fuck me. Do it…do it…” Jamie heard himself utter, unable to hold back.

“Take me…take me,” Logan exclaimed, shoving into Jamie’s depths then shuddering with release.

Logan pulled back, and Simon and Chase got Jamie to move around on the sofa. Chase straddled his waist while stroking his own cock.

“I’ve got to try,” Chase uttered.

Simon held the fat cock up as Chase moved into position. Jamie felt the fingers holding it and he watched intently as Chase moved down on it. A press down on the head, then the tight squeeze as he stretched open to take him.

Logan was by his head, leaning over to watch.

“Jesus, look at that,” Logan uttered, then he turned to Jamie. “Have you fucked someone with that thing before?”

Jamie held tight to Chase’s ankles as the tightness slid down his cock. “Yes,” he uttered, fighting the urge to shove upward.

“No shit. Did he take all of it?”

“Oh, oh, fuck…” Jamie uttered, then nodded his head. “I got most of it in him.”

“Did you hear that,” Logan asked Chase.

“Shut up and let me enjoy it,” Chase replied, sliding down another inch as his body shivered.

Chase began to fuck himself on Jamie. Up and down, he moved his ass on Jamie’s fat cock. He loosened to the penetration, and took more of the cock, sinking his ass over it until taking nearly every inch.

Simon stood behind Chase rubbing his back, shoulders, and neck. Logan sat on the floor by Jamie’s head, watching intently how Chase moved on Jamie’s cock. And Chase fucked, slow, at times just easing down the fat cock until he finally was seated on Jamie’s abdomen. Then he would fuck fast, rough, slamming his ass down. He took his own cock in hand and stroked it. Pushed his own arousal until he felt his building release.

Jamie was pushing upward, just a little, as his own release built. He held tight to Chase’s ankles, struggling to maintain control. Then he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust upward as Chase sank down on his cock. He cried out and shuddered with release, feeling his cock flex with every ejaculation as Jamie kept moving up and down on it. Suddenly cum rained down on his chest and stomach and he saw Chase was coming too.

As soon as Chase was off him, Simon was between his legs. They were held up, together and against Simon’s chest. Then Jamie felt it, Simon’s cock boring into him. There was no hesitation, no holding back, Simon fucked to cum. He lay back, eyes closed, feeling the cock piston inside his hole. He moaned with the feel of it, the fullness of every penetration. Then he felt a mouth on his cock and opened his eyes to see Chase nursing it. A slow suckle like a babe to tit. Chase seemed to know he was spent, and merely sought to suck out the last of his load. When Chase sat back on the floor next to Logan, the two watched as Simon folded him in half, pushing down until his thighs were against his chest, his ass angled upward, and buried cock into it, over and over.

Then Simon pushed inward all the way, ground his hips against the upturned ass, and came.



“Come on, you should shower off before bed,” said Logan holding out a hand to help Jamie stand.

“But I need to get home,” Jamie replied.

“It’s Friday night, or I think it is still Friday night, and you don’t have to be back at the dorm tonight. Come on, let’s shower,” said Logan pushing Jamie around the coffee table and toward the bedroom door.

Jamie didn’t know what he expected. Maybe three single or twin beds crammed into the room, or maybe bunk beds to save space. What he didn’t expect to see was one huge king-sized bed crammed to one side of the room, leaving enough room to get to the doors to the closet and bathroom.

Logan guided him to follow Simon and Chase, and he entered the small bathroom, surprised to see that it had a large shower as compared to the rest of the room, with its small wall-hung sink and toilet between the two.

When Simon was satisfied the shower was warm enough, he stepped in, followed by Chase, Jamie, and Logan. They bathed each other, while bumping bodies, crossing arms and legs, and at times giving one another a simple kiss, a caress of soapy skin, or a cup of an ass cheek.

They had barely dried each other when Chase climbed into bed, followed by Simon. Logan guided Jamie down next to Chase and slipped down behind him. Four bodies lay next to each other. No one said anything, for they were exhausted. Sleep came quickly, especially for Jamie, nestled between two of the seniors feeling their warmth.



Jamie woke confused. Arms and legs lay over him and it was difficult to sit up. Then he remembered he was in the seniors’ apartment, in their bed, and the legs and arms belonged to Logan and Chase. He untangled himself and sat up seeing Simon was already up. He listened out but soon realized Simon was gone. Scooting to the foot of the bed, he eased up then back to the living room to retrieve his clothes. He looked at the sofa where it had begun, and how their clothes lay scattered around the floor.

Once dressed, he eased out of the apartment, slipped around the building to get his bike to head back to the dorm. A quick glance at his watch told him it was 10:40.



Bicycle locked up he headed up the few steps to the main entry of Madison Hall. He was coming up to the doors when Derek came out with his backpack on.

“Are you going to your studio?” asked Jamie.

“Yeah. I started over on part of my design, so I’ve got to get it worked out before Monday,” Derek replied as he came to a stop in front of him. “You didn’t come home last night.”

It was stated as a simple fact, but he heard the question in the tone, what Derek wanted to know.

“My tutor and his roommates ordered pizza and brought out beer. I sort had too much to drink, so I crashed at their place.”

It sounded perfectly plausible, more so than the truth. Actually, I fucked around with three seniors half the night then collapsed in their big king size bed.

Derek laughed. “Good for you. It’s time one of us had some fun. I’ll see you later. Maybe we can do that breakfast buffet in the morning?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

Derek headed down the steps and Jamie entered the dorm, going up the stairs to the second floor. Charlie and Louis from room 208 were heading toward him, no doubt for the stairs to go down. A brief greeting and they were behind him. Myles came out of room 205, shirtless, and fell in beside him.

“Some of us are going to Jack’s Speed Shop for a burger around 12:30. Are you in?”

“Yes. I just need to get cleaned up and changed.”

“Derek said you didn’t come home last night.”

“My tutor and his roommates brought out beer and ordered pizza and I had too much to drink, so I crashed at their place.”

The more he said it the more it sounded like a truth.

“Well, you had more fun than I did last night.”

“I’ll come down to your room when I’m ready.”

“Okay,” Myles replied, then turned into room 221 as Jamie continued to his room.

He saw Richard and Jose, the guys that shared the room, playing video games with Jacque and Lee from across the hall in room 222. As he moved away, he heard the banter between them.



Monday afternoon, Jamie came out of his calculus class in a panic. There was a new principle discussed in the class and he just lost the thread of logic behind it. He pulled out his cellphone while trying to make his way down the crowded corridor, heading to his next class. He brought up Simon’s contact and typed a message to him.

Can we meet today? Just left class and I’m really lost.

He got to his next class, seated in his usual spot when his phone chimed a reply to his message. He fumbled with his phone, then brought up the message.

I’m tutoring someone at 4 in the library. Be there at 6. You know where.

He sat back and smiled, feeling relieved. Then he felt a bit disappointed. Simon didn’t offer to tutor him at the apartment, meaning there would be no repeat of Friday night. He tried to tell himself it was because it was a Monday, and everyone would be hitting the books to do assignments. But another part of him said they had had their fun and would move on to some other boy. “Fuck” he uttered under his breath just as the instructor came into the room. The guy sitting next to him looked over with an amused expression, but Jamie didn’t care how it looked. He just opened the textbook ready for the class to begin.



At five till six, Jamie entered the main library. He crossed the main lobby and went up the stairs to the third floor. He came out of the stacks just as a woman was picking up her backpack to leave. Simon looked over and motioned to the chair next to him.

“Thanks for meeting me,” said Jamie as he came around the table. “I’m fucked if I don’t figure this out,” he added as he set his backpack down to pull out the calculus textbook.

“It can’t be that bad. Let me see what has you stumped. Oh, you’re getting more involved with the evaluation theorem.”

For the next hour, Simon explained the different aspects, then tested Jamie with one of the problems in his assignment.

“That took less time than I expected. You just need to not let the formulas scare you and work your way through them,” said Simon as he set a novel down in front of him and watched Jamie put his book and notebook into his backpack.

“Thanks,” Jamie replied, taking out a twenty to pay him.

“Glad I could help.”

Jamie was ready to leave, but he hesitated, wanting to talk about what happened on Friday night, and if there would ever be a chance to do it again. But he saw Simon seemed to be focusing on the novel, opening it in the place marked.

“Well, I’ll see you later,” said Jamie and he headed toward the stack to move through them to the main aisle.

“Hey, Jamie,” Simon called out just as he was about to enter them.

“Yes?”, Jamie replied, turning to look back.

“Friday night, seven. We’re gonna have a little sex train…with you.”

“Huh?” Jamie uttered in reply, but he saw Simon had turned his focus back on the novel. He eased down the narrow aisle to the main one, and headed to the stairs to leave, all the while replaying what Simon had said, wondering what he meant by the term. He knew it had to be some slang term, and he was going to rush home to look it up. He would use his cellphone, but feared someone may see him searching for the term. If it had any kind of meaning like he was assuming, he did not want someone to see him searching for it.



The second floor of the dorm was a hive of activity when Jamie came out of the elevator. He didn’t make it to his room before being asked to play video games, then go into town for pizza. By the time he got into his room, able to close the door for privacy, it was nearly eleven. He opened his laptop and typed in sex train.

There were references to the term, sites that promised a definition, and sites that offered things totally unrelated. He clicked on one of the sites promising a definition.

Sex Train (also known as train bang): one person having sex with a group of people at the same time, usually the focus and the others taking turns. The term can mean consensual or non-consensual sexual activity.

Jamie considered what it meant and the implications for him. He could see how it could be non-consensual, crossing a line and going too far, but it would be nothing but consensual come Friday night. Curious, he scrolled down to the next term on the website. Orgies and Threesomes. As he started to read, a key turned in the lock and the door swung open. Derek came in carrying his backpack, looking exhausted.

Jamie sat up, closing his laptop as gently and casually as he could, not wanting to bring attention to it.

“You’re not doing an all-nighter?”

“Hell no. I made good progress and I’m beat, and I’ve got to get some sleep,” Derek replied as he dropped his backpack on the floor. “I’m getting a shower and going to bed.”

“I’m almost done, so I’ll turn in too.”



Friday night, two minutes till seven Jamie is knocking on the senior’s door.

At seven twenty-five, the four of them are sitting in the living area with freshly delivered pizza on the coffee table.

While they eat, there is banter back and forth between the three seniors and moments Jamie is red-faced with embarrassment or smiling at some comment. The atmosphere appears to be casual but it’s an illusion because it is sexually charged. Logan is shirtless wearing cotton gym shorts so ragged Jamie can see cock flesh through a hole in the crotch. Simon is shirtless, wearing running shorts. Chase is the only one of the seniors with a top on, the same loose tank top from last week, and a pair of jeans with rips and tears, and the legs frayed. Through the holes all Jamie sees is bare flesh. In the crotch he sees the skin of the nut sac. Jamie knows he has done nothing to lessen the atmosphere. He wore his most ragged shorts, an old pair that was frayed and ripped, and with them he wore a white tank top as loose and oversized as the one Chase wore. He knew nipples were exposed when he moved, and he knew by the looks from the seniors, his cock was on full display where it pushed against the front of the shorts. And it aroused him to think of it, at times having to adjust his cock as it stretched out across his right hip.

At five after eight, Jamie is on the sofa between Chase and Simon, Logan on the floor between his legs. Logan is getting the shorts wet with his ministrations, working lips and tongue over the thick tube of flesh stretching the front. Chase kisses his neck and runs a hand through an arm hole rubbing a nipple, then twisting it until Jamie moans into Simon’s mouth.

Simon pulls the tank top off, then Logan tugs the shorts down the lean legs until they slip easily down to the feet. He pulls the shorts free and tosses them across the room. Jamie is naked, the only one, and it makes him feel the exposure like never before. Not like in a shower room in P.E. or at the camp changing out a wet swimsuit. It’s a nakedness that arouses him, makes him feel his sex, the masculine nature of it. A hand strokes his cock. A mouth sucks on the head. A tongue drags across his chest, working one nipple then the next.

Logan stands, lifting Jamie’s legs as he does so. He is physical in his movement, the big muscular jock, dragging the boy across the seat cushion until his ass is right on the very edge. Logan lifts the legs and hugs them to his chest as he works his hips, slapping the ass with his cock, rubbing the flared head over each cheek, then pushing it between them.

“I’m going first. I want to feel that tight ass around my cock,” said Logan as he pushed against Jamie’s tightness.

Jamie is on his back, head bent against the seatback, ass lifted off the seat cushion feeling Logan pushing to penetrate him. He clutches the edge of the seat cushion and moans as hands touch his chest, rub over his stomach, and stroke his cock keeping it rock hard.

Another push, and Jamie feels the breach of his tightness, the slow penetration by Logan, who sinks over halfway into his hole. Then Logan is fucking him. Fucking relentlessly. Fucking to cum.

Logan eventually shoves into Jamie’s depths, shuddering and jerking as he pumps his load into him. Once spent, he pulls back and as soon as he is off the sofa, Chase is there. He roughly moves Jamie to turn sideways as he gets on his knees between the legs. Chase is holding Jamie by the legs, the left at the knee, pushing it against the back of the sofa, and the right by the ankle holding it up and out. It spreads Jamie’s legs wide apart, ass open for his fuck. He rakes his cock up the ass scooping up Logan’s load then pushes into Jamie’s depth, slowly, inch after inch, until over halfway inside him, then he fucks. Slowly, letting the two of them feel how every inch works through the opening. He works his hips until pressed against the ass, then grinding against it, working cock as deeply as he can. His arousal increases until he is desperate to cum, and he begins to fuck faster, rougher. Then he comes, shoving inward all the way as his cock spurts wad after wad.

 Simon is last, cock leaking and ready to fuck. He penetrates the leaking hole and easily slips all the way in, every inch buried inside Jamie’s ass. He holds Jamie by the back of the knees and folds him in half and begins to fuck. He doesn’t hold back, too aroused after watching the others. He fucks with a brutal pace until muscles burn with his exertion and his skin shines slick and wet. Then he comes, shuddering with every ejaculation.

Once Simon is off the sofa Jamie climbs to his feet. Cum trickles down his thigh and his cock sticks straight out, flexing up and down and drooling its slick until a drop hangs just above the floor. Logan goes to his knees, captures it on his tongue, raising his head until his mouth is over the head of the cock, capturing all of it.

“Nasty bastard,” Chase jokes as they watch Logan suck Jamie’s cock.

Jamie realizes he wants more than a blow job, and he pulls Logan to stand. He pushes him backward toward the bedroom. Logan smiles as he lets Jamie guide him around the living room, through the door, until he is standing at the foot of the bed. Jamie pushes him, making him fall back on the bed. Logan is surprised, but chuckles at the way Jamie has become physical in their play. Then he is surprised again when Jamie takes each of his legs behind the knees and is folding him in half. He feels his ass lift and spread, then he feels that fat cock at his opening, pressing against it.

“You want to fuck me,” Logan asked in a leering tone.

“I am going to fuck you,” Jamie replies as he breaches the tight opening and pushes half his cock into him.

Logan shudders, slams his head back on the bed and clutches at the covers. “OH, fuck…me,” he utters as he feels his opening stretch to take Jamie’s cock.

Chase crawls on the bed next to Logan, then Simon is moving up behind Chase. Jamie looks over and sees Simon enter Chase, easing cock into his depths as he works his own into Logan. He pushes deeper and deeper, working his fat cock into that tight ass until his hips are smacking against the dumb jock bastard’s ass.

“Fuck his ass,” Chase utters as Simon fucks him.

And Jamie fucks harder, faster, until Logan is moaning and grunting, then begging for his fuck. He pushes down on the legs pressing them against the broad chest as he hammers his cock into the ass. He fucks until sweat covers his body, making his hot skin glisten in the dim light.

Chase is flat on his stomach, and Jamie can see Simon’s cock piston in his ass while he keeps up his brutal pace. He feels fingers dig into his thighs, then sees Logan looking up at him, mouth open and eyes glazed over. He feels Logan stroking his own cock between them, the constant rub of the back of a hand against his stomach.

“Fuck, pump that shit in me,” Logan cries out, then begins to shake and jerk.

Jamie feels the hot cum against his stomach as Logan comes. Then he smells it as it smears between them, and it pushes him over the edge. He slams into Logan’s depths with his own release.

As soon as he pulls out of Logan, Simon is suddenly on him, pushing him face first down on the bed. His legs are pushed together as Simon straddles them, then cock is boring into depths. Then Simon is fucking him. As cock hammers his insides, a hand grabs him by the hair and pulls his head up. A cock wipes across his face, rubs wetly over his lips. He sees it is Chase, and he opens his mouth to take the cock.

Cock moves over his tongue, at times pushing out the one cheek or another. He steadies his breathing around it, settles into his role, the one in the middle, taking two cocks.

Simon bounces off his ass as he feels the fullness of every penetration. Then the cocks pull away and Simon is guiding him to his back. Chase moves over him and eases down on his cock. From being fucked, to having Chase’s tight opening working up and down his cock. It’s too much. His arousal increased to the breaking point. He sits up, bearhugs Chase, and rolls him to his back and fucks. He fucks hard, pushing nearly every inch into Chase’s depths.

Then he shudders with release, shoving all the way into Chase with every ejaculation.



Jamie comes up the steps to his dorm, the sun high overhead. It’s nearly noon, and once again he is just getting back after being out all night. He feels the exertions from the night before, how he fucked around with the seniors until not one of them could continue. Now all he wanted was a hot shower and sleep.

Coming out on the second floor, he found it surprisingly quiet. He looked in the open doors, speaking to the guys then continuing to his room. The door was closed and locked, and he knew Derek was no doubt in his studio. The door unlocked, he stepped in leaving it open since he was just going to grab his toiletry case, a towel, and a clean pair of boxers, and head to the bathroom. As he came out, he saw the guys across the hall, Ha-joon and Sam playing video games. Despite being right across from him, they were two of the guys he knew the least. Ha-joon was an exchange student from Korea and very shy, as was Sam, his roommate, a guy Jamie knew less about. Derek had said Sam was from Louisiana, from somewhere south of New Orleans. As he pulled his door shut, they looked up.

“Hey guys; who’s winning?”

“Sam,” Ha-joon replied. Sam only smiled, then the two of them turned back to their game.

Moving down the hall, Richard came out of his room, bicycle helmet in hand.

“Hey, I’m going to ride. You want to go?”

“Sorry. I’m beat and just want to take a nap.”

“Are you just getting home? Derek said you didn’t come home last night.”

“Yes. I crashed at some friend’s place.”

“You must have had a good time.”

How to answer. Jamie wondered if he should answer at all, but Richard was waiting for his reply.

“It was fun, but we drank too much.”

“I guess you do need a nap. Maybe next time,” Richard replied, then headed toward the stairs as Jamie entered the bathroom.

During his shower, back in his room, checking messages on his laptop, then in bed, he replayed the sex from the night before. How it had felt, what the seniors looked like when naked and aroused, the allure of it. Then he thought of the guys on his floor, which ones were doable, which ones might be willing. There was Ha-joon and Sam across the hall, both introverted to a fault. Maybe it meant something, an aspect of being closeted. He considered Richard, then his roommate Jose. Charlie, Louis, and Myles. Glancing over at the other bed, unmade and empty, he tried once again to consider Derek, but of all the guys on the floor, Derek was the least likely. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine sex with one of them, but it never materialized as he drifted into unconscious sleep.



For week after week, Jamie went to the senior’s apartment twice a week. Most weekends were Friday night affairs, getting home on Saturday, but during one rainy weekend, he had spent the entire weekend with the seniors, not getting home until late Sunday night. Then the time for mid-terms arrived and everyone had to study more, sit up late finishing papers, and plow through chapters of textbooks. Jamie missed Wednesday night’s frolicking, for he spent the night at the library until closing, then at his desk typing up a report. Come the weekend, everyone was doing their last big push through their textbooks, preparing for the tests during the next week.

It was Friday afternoon before it was all over, and Jamie sat at his desk excited, ready to resume his visits to the seniors. He called Simon, desperate to confirm a plan for him to come over. As the phone rang for the fourth time, he worried something was up. Simon finally answered, sounding winded.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing much. I was thinking I could come over tonight.”

“OH, I won’t be there. Neither will Chase.”


“We’re going home for the weekend. Chase’s sister is having a birthday party and my grandparents are having a fiftieth anniversary party.”

“Well, you can’t miss that.”

“Let’s plan on next Wednesday night.”

“Wednesday night: it’s a plan.”

“Logan will be around, but I’m not sure what plans he has for the weekend. He mentioned going to hear some band play, but I’m not even sure if that was this weekend.”

“I guess I should leave him alone this weekend.”

“Hey, I’ve got to hang up. Chase is in the car waiting and I need to put some stuff in the trunk.”

“Be careful on the road, and I’ll see you next week,” said Jamie, then he hit ‘end’ and set his phone down on his desk.

“Fuck”, he uttered under his breath, then he went over to his bed and fell back on it wondering what to do. There was always something going on with the guys on the floor. Video games, watching movies or listening to music, or going out to dinner or to hear a band play somewhere. Some had even crashed some frat parties, but none of it was as enticing as a night with the seniors.  

The thought of a weekend just laying around in the dorm felt like the worst punishment.



It was nearly nine o’clock and Jamie was standing outside the apartment door. He had told himself it was going to just be a walk. At first, it was just a walk. Across campus, down to the small park area, then into town, going along one street then the next. But eventually, with barely any forethought, he found himself outside the apartment. He raised his hand to knock, knowing Logan was inside for he could hear music playing. He hesitated, lowered his hand telling himself to go back to the dorm. But he had come all this way, and he should at least just check on Logan, knowing it was a lame ass excuse as soon as he thought of it. He raised his hand again, and again he hesitated.

He was about to lower his hand and head back when the door swung open, and Logan suddenly filled the door frame. Shirtless in those ratty gym shorts, and Jamie thought he looked perfect.

“Were you going to stand out here all night?” asked Logan.


“I saw your shadow come up to the door five minutes ago.”

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t know-”

“Yeah, me too. Come on in,” Logan interrupted, then stepped back to let him enter.

The apartment was darker than usual, only one lamp on and it was on the far corner desk. A laptop was open on it and Jamie realized it was stopped on porn. Suddenly there was a sexually charged atmosphere in the apartment. He felt his heart racing with hope and desire, or was it simply lust?

Logan went to the frig and took two beers out. He twisted the tops off both, then came over to Jamie holding one out to him.

“Well, just don’t stand there, sit.”

Jamie sat on the sofa, expecting Logan to take the armchair, but the big jock came around the coffee table and sat next to him. Close, so very close.

“You’re not here to chit chat, are you?”

It was asked as a legitimate question.


“Good. Drink your beer then let’s fuck. I’m horny as a goddamn goat.”



It wasn’t the same. Not like when the others were there. The playful stripping in the living room, tossing clothes on the floor, then sucking and fucking on the sofa, top of the dining table, or just down in the floor. The bedroom was always after everyone had pumped a load into someone else. But it was just Logan and him, and he let Logan lead him into the bedroom before they did anything. It was just as dimly lit, the only light coming from the closet with its door ajar.

“Let’s not rush it,” Logan whispered, turning Jamie to face him.

“Okay,” Jamie uttered as he stared into the silhouette of Logan’s face feeling fingers work buttons free. His shirt fell open and Logan leaned over to his chest. Lips touched him in the center of it, then moved over to the right nipple. Tongue dragged over it, making it hard, then the lips pressed over it, sucking hard on the flesh. He grabbed Logan by the bulging biceps to steady himself and moaned from the pleasure/pain of the suck. He cried out when teeth bit down on it.

Logan stood before him, towering over him, the broad-shouldered body filling his entire vision. A hand cupped the back of his neck, turning his head up, and lips pressed against his own. It was intimate, passionate, almost desperate, the way their lips pressed together, and tongues dueled. A grope of his crotch making him feel his aroused state, then the tug on the button until it slipped free. Then the lowering of the zipper, and his shorts fell around his ankles. With a tug and push, his boxers landed on top of them. Logan guided him to the bed, and he stepped free of shorts and boxers and lay back on the bed. Naked, fully exposed to Logan’s stare, he reached for his cock and stroked it letting Logan watch him.

“You horny fuck,” Logan whispered as he pushed the gym shorts down then stepped out of them. He moved to the bed, crawled up next to him, and took his cock. “Let me have some of that,” and Jamie felt lips close over the head and slid down a few inches.

“Oh…suck me,” Jamie uttered as he combed his fingers through reddish-brown hair, closed his fist with a handful of it, and began to force Logan down on his cock until nearly choking. “Yeah, suck me.”

Logan sucked while moving between Jamie’s legs. He pushed them apart so he could lie between them. He tongued and licked and sucked on Jamie’s cock while fingering his nuts, working them around in the loose sac. Sinking his mouth down on Jamie’s cock as far as he could, he slipped a finger down until rubbing over the tight opening.

“Yeah…touch me…do it…do it…stick your finger in me,” Jamie uttered breathless as he pumped his hips upward, working his cock into Logan’s mouth.

The penetration, the finger breaching his tight opening and boring into his depths, caused him to push his ass against the hand trying to get the finger deeper inside him. He moaned as Logan twisted it around, then slipped two into him. When three fingers stretched him open, he cried out, shuddering with the feel of it.

“Logan…fuck me…please.”

Hands held his legs behind the knees and Logan pushed them over and down until his thighs pressed against his chest. Ass angled up, spread wide apart, he was ready. Logan whipped his cock back and forth across his ass, then put the head against his opening and eased into him. Inch after inch, Logan pushed that cock into him. The hands tightened their grip on his legs and Logan’s abdomen pressed against his ass.

Jamie felt blanketed by the larger body. The way it hovered over his small frame, big and muscular and aroused, hard cock sunk into his ass connecting them. He lay back and savored the feel of it. The hands holding him down, the fullness of the penetration, and the sheer weight of Logan holding him down.

“Fuck, how can you be so tight,” Logan whispered as he ground his abdomen against Jamie’s ass. Then he began to fuck. To tug upward until his cock nearly slipped free, then a slow steady push down, sinking every inch into him. He slowly increased his pace, fucked with shorter but faster swings of the hip, until the bed began to squeak and rock beneath them.

Jamie dug fingers into Logan’s sides, then ran his hands over the body feeling the flex of muscle and the smooth skin, hot to the touch. He clung to him, worked his body beneath him, trying to increase the pleasure of their fuck.

Logan pulled free and sat at the head of the bed propped against the wall.

“Come here,” Logan whispered.

Jamie crawled to him, moved up and over his lap, raking his drooling cock over the flat stomach and chest. He worked his ass over Logan’s cock, keeping it hard.

“Fuck…enough of this tease,” Logan uttered as he lifted Jamie with one hand and used his other to hold his cock up. He eased Jamie down on it, let his weight drop him down until fully seated on the cock.

“Now move that ass. Get me off,” said Logan as he held Jamie by the waist guiding him to rise, then fall back down, over and over, working ass on cock.   

Jamie kept up his movement, feeling Logan sink into his ass with every drop down. He sat up over the cock letting his own drag up Logan’s stomach leaving a trail of slick. It increased his arousal, how the head of his cock moved over the smooth skin. He increased his pace, then took his cock in hand, stroking the shaft and pushing the head against Logan to increase his pleasure.

Logan stared at him with glassy eyes and mouth open, grunting and moaning, while he kept up his fuck. He worked his ass up and down Logan’s cock until is own flexed thick in his hand. He shuddered, then shot a thick wad up Logan’s chest. As he moved upward, dragging the head through his cum, he kept coming, shooting wad after wad on Logan’s chest and stomach. He shivered and shuddered with the way it felt, and how it pushed him to keep going, to keep moving his ass on Logan’s cock as it spasm with his release.

“Goddamn…fuck,” Jamie exclaimed, his cock staying hard, as he maintained the pace of his fuck.

“I’m going to cum,” Logan uttered as he pushed down on Jamie’s thighs, burying his cock inside him. He shuddered as his cock flexed and swelled thicker, then filled Jamie’s hole with cum.



Jamie sat to the side of Logan, stroking his cock. He looked at Logan and saw how Logan was staring at his cock. Wet and slick with cum, he moved his hands up and down all eleven inches.

“You want this?” Jamie asked, waving his cock toward Logan.

“Yes, I do.”

“Show me.”

Logan moved forward, getting on hands and knees. He dropped to his elbows angling his ass upward and causing the cheeks to spread apart just a bit more.

“Okay, do it. Stick me,” Logan uttered.

Jamie moved behind the big jock, pushed the muscular legs apart and knee walked right up to the spread ass. He rubbed his cock over the tight opening until it was wet, then he pushed against it. Logan was so fucking tight, he wondered if he should have loosened him up by fingering him, then he felt a push back, Logan determined to take him.

“Push…push it in me,” Logan uttered breathlessly.

Jamie felt the tight opening give, stretch until the head of his cock squeezed through it. He pushed, slowly, feeling the tight grip the opening had on his cock, fighting his penetration.

“Goddamn,” Logan uttered as he pushed back, taking another inch of Jamie’s cock.

Jamie held Logan by the waist and fucked. Worked his cock into Logan’s ass, pushed inward until nearly every inch disappeared inside him. He fell into a steady rhythm, his pace increasing until the two of them were breathing hard and bodies overheated, sweat trickling down Jamie’s face and chest, and Logan’s back glistened wetly.

Then Jamie pushed inward all the way making Logan cry out and came.



Jamie lay on his side feeling the warmth of Logan’s body against his back. They were exhausted and spent. He settled into the embrace, an arm loose around his side, a hand against his chest. Logan shifted, pressed against his ass, but there was nothing sexual about it. Just a move to a different position.

“What are you going to do tomorrow?” asked Jamie.

“Try to catch up on some reading and write up a paper due on Monday.”


Jamie heard how his reply sounded, the disappointment in it, and knew Logan had to have heard it too.

“Jamie, are you hanging out with any of the guys in the dorm, or maybe someone you’ve met on campus?”

“Yes,” he replied quickly, then added, “some.”

Logan took a deep breath, then moved his head closer.

“You really shouldn’t make us your only real contact with others. Don’t get me wrong, we love you coming over. We had gotten…let’s just say, bored with things. Then you showed up and we found some of the excitement when we first moved here to start college. But you know we graduate next spring. What are you going to do then?”

“That is not until next year.”

“Yes, but it will be here before you know it. When you come back next fall, what will you do?”

“I’ll meet other guys.”

“Why not do that now?”



Jamie came out of the elevator onto his floor of the dorm, another day of classes behind him. It was in every way, just another day. Guys were coming from or going to classes, others were at their desk working on assignments, most were huddled around a television watching some program or playing video games. But it felt different, had ever since last Friday night and the conversation with Logan. They had talked long into the night, about him meeting others who would be around for a while, and if he were truly lucky, someone he wanted in his life after college. It made him aware of how he had leaned on the seniors for more than just sex, but companionship with other guys who were gay, or at least bi-sexual. Logan was still a bit of a mystery when it came to which sex, he desired the most, and the thought made him smile as he unlocked his door.

Movement caught his eye, and he looked down the hall seeing Charlie coming from the bathroom. He looked at the familiar body, Charlie wearing a pair of cotton gym shorts and nothing else. An average build, but one with enough definition to show its masculine nature. He looked at him in a new light, one that was more than a question of whether or not Charlie was doable. He looked at him as another human with the same desires, wants, and needs. Maybe even some of the same fears. Maybe some of the same sexual desires and longings. Maybe, he thought as he entered his room.

Backpack tossed down, telling himself he would work on his assignments later, or maybe put them off until the next day since they were not as intensive as usual. He dropped down into his chair, opened his laptop pulling up one of the sites he liked to browse.

“Hey, you want to go ride bikes?”

Jamie looked over and saw Jose standing in the door. A bit taller than him, better built too. It was obvious now, Jose in just a pair of cargo shorts revealing his smooth upper body, with its darker skin tone. There was times Jose seemed to ooze sexual desire. The way he moved or made references to sex. Richard’s sarcastic nickname for him came to mind. The Latin lover. It was lame, but looking at him now, it fit.

“When are you heading out?” Jamie asked in reply.

“Myles is finishing up some paper, and when he is done, we’re taking off. Might ride out to the park and back. So, you’re in?”

“Yeah, I’ll go.”

“Get changed and meet us in Myles room.”

Looking at the empty doorway, he wondered if there was a guy on the floor that could fill the shoes of the seniors. Anyone that sexually driven, carefree and rowdy and…

Then he realized the word he was looking for was fun. Simply fun. The nature of having a good time, whether during sex, or afterward when lounging around joking with each other or talking about life and subjects of interest to the three seniors.

He considered Jose, Charlie, Myles, even Richard or Jacque or Louis. Then he laughed quietly to himself, with the idea of including Derek on the list. “Just stop,” he uttered to himself as he stood to change clothes. He put on cargo shorts and a T-shirt, slipped his backpack on, and grabbed his helmet.

Entering Myles’ room, he saw Jose sitting at the small desk and in the middle of the room, Myles in just his underwear. The masculine body, dark and seeming mysterious. The skin looked so smooth, the way it reflected light, and when Myles raised his arms to slip into a white jersey that advertised Kona bikes, thick dark hair was visible under each one. Scanning down, he looked at the boxers searching for some outline of cock. Myles moved to pull the tank top down and he thought, there it is. Further down the long legs, the calves covered in dark hair. He wondered what they would feel like rubbing against his own legs, the two of them intertwined in a fuck.

Myles picked up a pair of shorts, dark brown and covered in zippers to concealed pockets. A hiker’s short; Patagonia or some other brand. Jamie looked over at Jose, now wearing a red T-shirt for a Green Day tour, the image on front framed by backpack straps, and white jean shorts. Even with Jose sitting, Jamie could see they fit tight. Would one or the other be willing, he thought as he swung his helmet in a small circle with his right hand.

Someone was talking in the hall, and Jamie turned to see Louis and Richard stroll by.

“You guys up for riding to the park and back,” asked Myles as he picked up his helmet and backpack.

“Yes, let’s do it,” replied Jose getting to his feet.

“I’m in,” Jamie replied.



Jamie pedaled as fast as he could, climbing up the steep grade, Jose in front of him, and Myles just behind him, close enough to hear his heavy breathing. They were in the last stretch of the bike trail, coming around the hill that at times seemed almost mountainous with the steep grades they were forced to navigate. They were sweaty, shirts soaked beneath backpacks and rivulets trickling down their faces.

Jamie felt the burn, the muscles in his legs straining with his exertion, and he smiled with how it made him feel. He watched Jose jump a fallen tree and he followed the same line, pulled up over it in the same manner, and knew Myles would do the same.  

Back on level ground, the trail merging with a foot trail leading back to the entrance, Myles pulled along side of him.

“When we get back, lets get cleaned up and go to that diner over on Washington.”

“Okay,” Jamie replied, then raising his voice to make sure Jose heard him, “did you get that?”

“Yeah, get back, clean up, then the greasy spoon,” Jose joked.

Back on the highways, they rode in a tight line holding to the right. Myles in front, Jose in the middle, and Jamie bringing up the rear. It afforded him the opportunity to watch them while thinking of it.



Seated in a booth along the side of the small dining room, Myles and Jose on one side and on the other, Jamie and Myles’ roommate, Keith. Keith was a vet major and rarely around, so Jamie was surprised to find he was going. Orders had been taken and drinks were in front of each of them. There was talk about their ride, Keith saying he wished he could do more with them. Then the usual conversation about classes, the football team and who they were playing, and finally the gossip about the other guys on the floor. Who was dating, who was fucking around, who got too drunk or fucked up. Keith was as out of the loop as Jamie, a lot of what was being said news to them. It was Myles who asked the question that caught Jamie up short.

“What do you do when gone all night, or all weekend?”

“Just hanging out with some guys,” Jamie replied, unable to hold eye contact with him.

“There was a Sunday afternoon you came back and Ha-joon swore you looked like you had been to a sex party. Said there was a hickey on your neck and your clothes were really messed up.”

“What? Nooo, you didn’t, did you?” asked Jose, smiling with amusement.

“I…” and suddenly Jamie didn’t want to lie about it. There was a guy on the third floor who came out a couple of weeks prior and there had been no abuse or ostracizing. Why couldn’t he do it too. He was sick of sneaking around, and if he was going to find out if one of the other guys was willing, then he knew he had to go first, as it were. “Okay, yeah, I’m messing around the seniors.”

“Aren’t they all guys?” asked Myles, and Jamie saw he had their full undivided attention. Even Keith was waiting for his reply.


“So, your gay?” asked Jose.

“Is there a problem with it?”

“No, no, right guys?” Jose asked the others, then turned back to Jamie without waiting for an answer. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

“Because if some don’t like it, they can make life a bitch.”

“I don’t think anyone on the floor would do that,” said Jose. “Tyler up on the third floor hasn’t had any problems.”

“You know the guy up on the third floor?” asked Jamie.

“Yes. We have a couple of classes together.”

“What about you?” Jamie asked Myles.

He saw it, a moment Myles was flustered, hesitant to answer, then a shift in the posture.

“I’m good but I can see why you didn’t say anything.”



The following Tuesday, a day with fewer classes, but one most had to focus on their studies for the full day of classes the next day. Jamie was at his desk, typing as fast as he could on a paper due in English. His history textbook lay to the side where he had finished doing the assigned reading, and calculus was tucked into his backpack, the assignment finished after a phone call with Simon. He turned to get the novel from his backpack, the one he was using as a reference, when he saw sunlight stretched across the floor. It meant the day was nearing its end and it would soon start getting dark.

A scan of a few marked places, double checking the story line, he turned back to his laptop and began to type again. How long he was at it, he had no idea, but he came to the end, typed his name at the bottom, and saved the file. He rolled back, stretched, then looked at the darkened window, the only light the security light outside shining upward over the window. His stomach growled, making him grin at the timing.

A knock on the door frame and he turned to see Myles standing in it.

“Hey, most of the guys are going for pizza or burgers, but I was thinking of something more substantial.”

“You mean, healthier,” Jamie joked in reply.

“Yes, that too. You want to go to The Red Leaf?”

“Sounds good.”

“Come on down to my room when you are ready to go.


Jamie sat opposite Myles at the small table in the courtyard space that ran along the side of the renovated building. It had been a drug store for the painted sign on the brick side wall had not been removed. The restaurant was busy, and it was obvious to Jamie most of the others were students out on dates. He looked across at Myles wondering if it had been some plan to get him alone. He had been surprised when he had entered Myles’ room to find it would just be the two of them. But he knew better than to ask about it, for Myles had been jittery since leaving the dorm.

“Are you getting desert?” asked Myles as he set his fork down, finally finished with his meal.

“No, I’m stuffed,” Jamie replied.


Jamie looked up, waiting, wondering what Myles had to say.

“It’s nothing. Let’s pay up and get out of here,” Myles finally uttered.

Outside on the sidewalk, they started back toward campus, moving among the other students and residents of the town. Myles brought up Derek, how he seemed gone more than usual, and Jamie told of a deadline the next Friday.

“He doesn’t come in until three or four in the morning, grabs a few hours sleep and is back out the door. It’s insane the hours he keeps,” said Jamie.

They crossed the street that separated the town from the campus, taking a short cut between one of the Engineering buildings and Landon Hall, the original theater building.



Coming out on the second floor, they strolled down the quiet hall until at Myles’ room.

“What are you going to do tonight?” asked Myles.

“Nothing. Maybe watch some TV.”

“Can I come down?”

“Sure, come on.”

Jamie unlocked his door and entered the dimly lit room. He didn’t bother with turning on more lights as he went to his desk to roll out the chair. Myles was behind him, trailing back a few steps, and he heard him close the door, then lock it. It was obvious Myles wanted to be alone with him, and by the way he acted all through dinner, it was now obvious to him Myles had been looking for a time to do so. He sat down and spun around facing his bed where he saw Myles sit down on its edge.

“What do you want to do? TV or play some games?”

“Can we talk?”

“Yes. What’s on your mind?”

Jamie waited patiently for Myles to start.

“You grew up in a small town and know what it’s like.”


“It’s why you didn’t come out until here on campus.”

“That’s right.”

“I bet you were scared how others would react. I mean, well, it must not seem such a big deal now, knowing how it turned out for Tyler and all.”

“Yes. Not knowing what to expect was the hardest part.”

“Must have taken a lot of courage.”

“More like a leap of faith,” Jamie replied in a calm tone.

Myles chuckled nervously, then fell silent.

“Myles, are you gay?” Jamie asked.

Myles nodded, then looked up and smiled.

Jamie smiled back.

“Myles, say it.”

Myles’ eyes grew wide, and he grinned. “I’m gay.”

“Do you feel better?”

“Yes. But Jamie, can I…”

Jamie waited for him to continue but saw the nervousness as the right knee bounced up and down.


“Jamie…can I touch you? Can I just feel what its like to touch another guy?”

There was less than three feet between them. Myles could lean forward, reach out, and touch his leg. But Jamie knew Myles wanted to touch him not on the leg but somewhere else. He came to his feet and stepped forward, until he stood between Myles’ legs.

“Yes, you can touch me. I have thought of it and would like you to do it.”

“You thought of it?”

“I’m gay and wondered if anyone around me would be willing, if one of you guys could be gay. If someone was like me and would be willing to be with me. If they would want to be with me.”

“I have thought about it too,” Myles replied as he sat up and reached out.

Jamie felt the first touch, midthigh. It was a light touch, just fingers pressing against his jeans, then raking back and forth. Then the fingers moved upward and it aroused him, made his cock stir within its confines. He knew it would soon be free.

Myles ran his hand over Jamie’s crotch, fingers digging into the denim working along the length of his growing cock. When the fingers pinched down on the head, he moaned and pushed against them.

“Take it out,” Jamie whispered.

He watched the shaking hand reach for the button. A tug and the button slipped free. He watched the hand pull down the zipper then spread his jeans open. His cock tented out his boxers as it continued to grow hard.

“Myles,” Jamie whispered.

Myles knew what he meant and took the jeans and boxers by the waistband and pulled them down until everything was around his ankles. His cock angled out half hard, and he watched how Myles stared at it, then reached out to touch it.

“Fuck, you’re big,” Myles whispered as he ran his fingers along its growing length, then took it in hand, fingers not touching around it, and slowly stroked it.

Jamie closed his eyes, focusing on the feel of the hand on his cock. It stroked his arousal until he was rock hard. He opened his eyes and saw his cock stuck straight out, the head right in Myles’ face. He was tempted to push forward and rub it over the face, maybe across the lips encouraging Myles to take him in the mouth. But he held still, letting Myles set his own pace.

Myles leaned forward, slowly, closing the gap between cock and his face. Jamie held his breath as he waited for the first touch, wondering if it would be the lips, or if Myles would stick out his tongue.

Myles licked the head, and Jamie moaned.

Myles put his lips to the head in a kiss, and Jamie moaned again.

Myles slipped the head into his mouth and pushed forward a few inches and Jamie gasped, sucking in a lung full of air.

“Fuck,” Jamie uttered when Myles began to move on his cock. He watched the head move back and forth, slowly taking a little more of his cock.

Jamie tried to stand still as Myles sucked his cock. He watched the head move back and forth, back and forth, over and over, and every move increased his arousal. He ran a hand over the head feeling the black hair slip through his fingers, tempted to close his hand into a fist and force more cock into the mouth. But he just rested his hand on the hand feeling the rhythm of its movement. It was enough, for he felt his building arousal until he knew it wouldn’t take much more stimulation to get him off.

“Not yet,” he uttered, pushing Myles off his cock. “My turn,” he added as he reached down and helped Myles to his feet. “My turn, mother fucker,” channeling his inner Logan, the jock.

He didn’t waste time toying with Myles. He undid the jeans, and pulled everything down, then guided Myles to step free. He tossed the jeans and boxers to the side, then ran his hands up the hairy legs until he could cup the loose sac with one hand and pull on the cock with the other. The cock thickened and stretched out. He leaned to it, taking it in his mouth.

“Fuck,” Myles uttered.

Jamie sucked, sucked to make Myles come. He wanted him to feel the bliss of that first release with another guy, and he wanted him relaxed and ready for more.

The cock grew hard as he worked his mouth on it. He used his tongue on it, working around the shaft and over the head. He let the head bang against the inside of his cheeks, push to the back of his throat, and flex hard against the roof of his mouth. Fingers dug into his shoulders, and Myles began to rock on his feet, then the slow movement of a fuck, the familiar swing of hips, driving cock deep into his mouth.

“Jamie. Jamie, I’m going to cum,” Myles uttered.

Jamie moved faster, pushing Myles to do it. He felt the cock swell thicker, flex on his tongue, then blast a wad of cum down his throat. Then it filled his mouth with cum.

When he stood, Myles spent but still hard, he took the T-shirt by the hem and lifted it over Myles’ head, stripping him completely. He wanted him naked. He wanted to be naked, and he stepped out of his jeans and boxers while pulling his own T-shirt off.

Myles being taller, it was easy to lean into the neck and kiss it. To move his lips up, then along the jaw. Myles turned his head down, bringing their lips together. They pushed cocks together, Jamie feeling his slide up Myles’ stomach, the drooling head moving slickly over the skin. Myles cupped his ass cheeks and pulled them together. Lips touched his cheek, his neck, then the ear.

“Can I fuck you?” Myles asked in a breathless whisper.

Jamie turned them until he had his back to the bed, and he eased back, pulling Myles to follow.

With Myles hovering over his prone body, he took Myles right hand and pulled it down below his sac until he felt the finger touch his opening.

“Loosen me up,” he whispered.

Myles leaned down and kissed him and he kissed back, increasing the passion between them. He felt the fingers work over his opening, rubbing it, testing its tightness, then the stretch of one finger penetrating him. He moaned and spread his legs further apart.

When three fingers were working his opening, stretching him open, he pushed upward feeling his cock press into Myles’ stomach.

“Do it…fuck me.”

Myles got on his knees between Jamie’s legs. Jamie rested them on Myles’ shoulders. When Myles leaned forward, cock pushed down to align with the opening, it folded the legs over until the ass angled up ready to be fucked.

“Stick me. Come on Myles, fuck my ass,” he uttered, louder than he meant to.  

Myles pushed, slowly, and Jamie felt his hole stretch to take Myles’ cock. He shivered as the cock bore into his depths. He reached around and felt the cock as it slid through his tightness, inch by inch, until his hand was pinned between them.

“Fuck,” James uttered, arching his back, pushing against Myles.

Myles began to move, to tug outward, then pushed inward, over and over, until in the steady rhythm of a fuck. He took each leg behind the knee and pushed down until thighs pressed against chest and he increased his pace. Thrusting inward, smacking against the upturned ass, working his body until the exertion made his muscles burn, his skin hot and beading sweat, and his breathing labored.

Jamie felt the way he was pinned to the bed. It aroused him. Made his cock drool its slick on his chest. Made the cock in his ass feel so pleasurable he didn’t want their fuck to end. But he sensed it, felt the way Myles’ rhythm was off, each thrust inward harder, more desperate. He saw how Myles’ body tensed up tight, every muscle flexing. He knew.

“Pump it in me. Come on, Myles, pump that shit in me.”

Myles smacked against his ass and he felt the fullness of the penetration. The roughness of their fuck, its physicality.

“I’m going to come,” Myles uttered as he slammed into Jamie’s depth, and tried to jam his cock deeper as it flexed with each ejaculation.



Jamie sat up and looked at Myles at the foot of the bed, knees up staring at him. Or precisely, staring at his cock. He stroked it, feeling the weight of it and the slickness he smeared along its length. He assumed Myles wouldn’t want to get fucked, not this first time with him. Maybe he would try to take his cock another time. But Myles moved and he watched him get on his hands and knees, ass turned toward him.

“Let me try,” Myles uttered, then held his head down.

Jamie smiled, pleasantly surprised at Myles’ willingness to continue. He moved up behind him, leaned down and dragged his tongue up the crevice between the ass cheeks. Myles moaned as his tongue moved over his opening. He whimpered when he circled it. He tongued it until it was wet, and Myles was pushing back. He sat up and ran a couple of fingers along the crevice. It was slick to his touch, and he rubbed them up and down, then centered them on the tight opening.

He penetrated Myles, buried one finger in him, then two, then three. He twisted them around, pumped them through the tightness until it loosened. Then he pushed four fingers through the tightness and felt Myles shudder with the penetration.

“Are you okay?” Jamie whispered.

“Yeah…don’t stop.”

Jamie didn’t stop, Instead, he got to his knees and moved up to the spread ass. He rubbed the flared head of his cock up and down the crevice, focusing on the opening smearing it with is slick keeping it wet. Myles dropped from hands to elbows and the ass cheeks spread a bit more.

With a hand on Myles lower back, he held him down. With his other hand, he guided his cock to its target. He pushed against the tightness until he felt the squeeze on his cock, first the head, then inch after inch of the shaft, as he slowly sank into Myles’ ass. He watched it, the way the opening stretched to take him, how Myles shivered beneath his hand, and moaned and grunted and whimpered with his penetration.

“You’ve got over half of me,” Jamie uttered as he held still.

“Fuck, it feels like more.”

“Should I pull back some?”

“NO!” Myles exclaimed, then he dropped his shoulders to the bed, reached back and felt Jamie’s cock where it penetrated him.

Jamie watched the fingers toy with his cock. Felt the way they moved around it where it penetrated him. He pushed deeper and the hand shook. He pushed deeper still. Myles whimpered and dug the fingers of each hand into his thighs. He held still again, letting him loosen to his penetration.

“Okay, I think I can take it now,” Myles whispered after what seemed an eternity.

Jamie held the narrow waist, fingers digging into the firm flesh, and began to fuck. To pull back until only the head was inside him, then push inward, sinking back into him. He built up a steady rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper. He felt cum trickle down his thigh. The fingers dug into them harder. And he increased his pace again.

Then he was coming, filling Myles hole with his load.



Myles lay next to him. They had kissed and fondled flaccid cocks and whispered about what they had done. Three loads each, and Jamie had pumped all three of his into Myles ass. He had swallowed two of Myles’.

“When do you think Derek will come back?” Myles asked.

“Late, if at all.”

“Can I stay a little while? Sleep with you for a bit?”

“I’d like that,” Jamie replied, shifting over to get the sheet pulled over them. He moved down next to Myles, backed up to his chest, and Myles hugged their bodies together and sleep came quickly.



Jamie heard stirring around, a soft uttered ‘oh shit’ and he opened his eyes to see Derek standing in the middle of the room.

“Hey,” said Jamie, then he realized Myles was next to him, still in his bed. “I’m sorry. He was going to just nap a little then go back-“

“It’s okay, really. I was just surprised to see it was Myles,” Derek replied, his tone jovial. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be gone before he wakes up, I’m sure.”

When Jamie woke again, light spilled in around the blinds and Derek’s bed was empty as if he had never been there. Myles finally stirred, stretched, and sat up.

“Oh shit, I slept all night.”

“Yeah, we both did.”

“Derek…he’s not here?”


“Oh good. I was afraid he would have caught us.”

Jamie suppressed the urge to tell him as he climbed out of bed. “Have you thought about how you’ll slip out to go back to your room?” He looked around amused by the image of Myles trying to sneak down the hall.

“No. Maybe no one will be in the hall. I’m going to go before it gets any later.”

Jamie watched Myles ease the door open, look both ways, look back nodding his head, then slip out.



A text message from Simon, and Jamie stepped to the side of the corridor to let others pass on the way to their classes. He opened the message and read it quickly, afraid he would be late for his next class, but unable to wait to see what Simon had to say.

Friday night: 7:00 P.M. – Pizza then sex. Don’t fucking be late.

There was a second message.

Bring a friend or two if you dare.

A smiley face at the end of it. The message seemed laced with sarcasm, but he knew the seniors’ attitude. The more the merrier came to mind as he stepped into the flow of others moving down the corridor, rushing to get to his next class.



Thursday it rained. At times a downpour, but most of the time a slow drizzle that didn’t stop. Jamie went to the cafeteria for lunch, not wanting to venture further than necessary. He shook the worst of the water from his umbrella, then headed for the line. He recognized a few of the guys in front of him, two from his floor, and a few others from one of the other floors.

With tray in hand with baked chicken, rice, and beans, and holding his drink in the other, he moved through the dining area until at one of the tables by the window. Since it was cloudy, most others seemed not to care about sitting along them, but he loved to watch it rain.  He had just started to eat when Myles strolled up, tray in hand, and behind him a guy he recognized from his dorm but didn’t know.

“Hey, can we sit?” Myles asked.

“Of course, grab a seat,” Jamie replied, motioning to the chairs beside and across from him.

Myles sat next to him, closer than usual, and he wondered if it was a conscious move or an unconscious one. He thought of the last two evenings, Myles in his bed, the two of them fucking around. The only difference from last night was Myles wouldn’t stay the night, not after he confessed Derek had come back to their room to find him in his bed. Now he was curious who was with him.

“I’m Jamie, by the way.”

“Tyler, I’m up on the third floor.”

“You’re Tyler,” Jamie replied, suddenly embarrassed at how it came out. But up close, he saw the freckles over the cheeks and nose, the emerald-green color of the eyes, and the full lips, imagining them around his cock. Tyler was a redhead, with hair that was naturally wavy, that looked good no matter how messed up. Then he noticed the delicate hands, long fingers with neatly trimmed nails.

Tyler laughed, then leaned forward. “And you’re Jamie, the one hooking up with seniors.”

It was Jamie’s turn to laugh. He looked to his right at Myles who was blushing, face red.

“Yeah, I know about that too,” said Tyler as he forked a piece of chicken.

It surprised Jamie that Tyler would know about Myles and him. He looked back to Myles with a questioning stare.

“You came out?”

“Just to Keith, then Tyler when we ran into each other this morning at the bookstore.”

“I already knew, to be honest. Jose saw Myles going into your room the night before last and never saw him come back out, then he saw him going into it again last night, and once again closing the door behind him,” said Tyler. He looked over at Myles grinning. “The whore thinks no one notices,” he added jokingly.

“Well, most probably wouldn’t have thought twice about it,” said Myles.

They grew quiet as they ate, with the occasional comment about the rain, how classes were going, and some of the gossip from the dorm. They were nearly finished when Tyler looked across the table at Jamie.

“What’s it like?”

“What?” Jamie asked, not sure what he meant.

“Hooking up with the seniors?”

Jamie smiled. “A bit wild. But I admit it is intense, and fun, and…I’m invited Friday night.”

“You are?” Myles replied.

“Yeah, and you are too, if you want to go,” Jamie replied.

“Seriously, they invited Myles?”

“Actually, they said for me to bring my friends.”

“I’ll be your friend,” Tyler joked.

Jamie sat back and looked at Tyler with a serious smirk. “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Tyler replied. Then he looked at Myles. “You’re in, right?”

“I don’t know. Jamie, are you sure? I mean…seriously?”

“Yes, I’m serious.”



Jamie sat on the old forlorn sofa, naked, stroking his cock. He felt the eyes of the others on him. He knew how they would watch, how they would look at him, and his cock flexed in his hand then drooled its slick. He smeared it over the head and moaned whorishly, playing his role.

He spread his legs apart, held his cock up, straight up, so the guys could comprehend every inch of the eleven. He stroked his hands down its length, and back up, moaning while beginning to work his body, movements almost reptilian, primitive, sexual in nature.

The coffee table with empty pizza boxes on it had been moved by Logan to the side of the room. It opened up the living area, made Jamie feel more exposed in his nudity. He looked to his right where Myles sat in the armchair, a look of surprise still on his face. His cargo shorts started to tent and the very tight, two sizes too small T-shirt revealed the hardening nipples. Next to Myles sat Simon in nothing but running shorts. Directly in front of him, Chase was wearing gym shorts and a tank top, and to Chase’s right, his left, Logan in his ratty, holey gym shorts and a T-shirt so worn and frayed, he didn’t know how it stayed together over the muscular body that was stretching it. Looking further to his left, sitting in one of the desk chairs doing a slow swinging motion, back and forth like he was nervous or anxious or more likely, just sexually wound up, sat Tyler. He wore frayed jeans and an oversized tank top, low cut and loose around the neck and arms. He began to touch himself, to grope and work his cock within the confines of his jeans.

Jamie looked at them, right to left then back right. All dressed to one degree or another, and it was something else that made him aware of his nakedness, of sitting before them with a full erection slowly stroking it. He wondered how long he would have to wait, who would get to the point that they couldn’t hold back. His money was on Logan. He saw how Logan looked at him, as if he could devour him. He slid lower on the seat cushion, spread his legs further apart and moaned as he pumped his cock up through his hands. The head slipped through his upper hand, wet and slick, then disappeared again. He kept to a slow pace, working his cock through his hands so the guys could capture his every move. Capture how his leaking cock slicked them up, and made it glisten in the light when pushed up through them. He moved slowly so as not to get too aroused, for when it started, he meant to ride it out to the end before coming.

“Fuck it.”

Jamie looked at Logan knowing it was he who had said it. Logan came to his feet, the desk chair rolling back from his sudden move. He came toward him, not stopping until standing between his legs. They stared at each other, serious expressions fueled by lust and desire. He smiled, and watched Logan grab the T-shirt at the neck and rip it in two.

“Goddamn it, I’m going to fuck you up,” said Logan as he ripped the T-shirt from his body. He pushed the gym shorts down until they lay around his ankles. The left foot free, he kicked the shorts off to the side with the right. Naked, cock angled upward, getting harder and harder, and he stroked it, roughly, his tight fist smacking against his abdomen with every stroke downward.

Jamie scooted lower, ass right at the edge of the seat cushion and his head bent up against the back. He raised his feet to the seat cushion, with knees up and spread wide apart.

“Well, come on Logan, do it. Do it. Fuck me up.”

Logan grabbed him by the ankles and lifted the legs up, then spread them apart. He bent at the knees while lifting Jamie’s ass until his cock aligned with it. Then he pushed forward, breaching the tight opening. He held still, until Jamie loosened to his penetration.

Jamie clutched the edge of the seat cushion. He had shuddered at the penetration, now he felt aroused by it. He wanted Logan to push deeper, to sink into his depths until he felt the fullness of it.

“Fuck me, you dumb jock bastard.”

Logan hammered Jamie’s ass. The sound of flesh smacking flesh echoed in the room as Logan fucked with greater and greater intensity. He pulled Jamie’s legs to his chest, twisted the small frame, and plunged his cock into the depths of the ass.

“Shit,” Myles uttered.

Jamie looked over and saw Myles had his cock out, stroking it, until Simon reach over, knocked his hand away and did it for him. He looked to his left and saw Tyler undoing his jeans, shirt already removed revealing a lean body. Then he looked up at Logan as felt the physical nature of their fuck. The way cock sank into this depths and Logan’s abdomen hammered his ass.

“Pump it in my ass. Come on, Logan, do it. Come you bastard.”

Logan growled, literally growled, as he shoved his cock into Jamie all the way and shuddered and jerked with his release.

Legs set down, Logan stood and back away, his cock still hard, flexing up and down, drooling one last bead of cum from the slit.

“My turn.”

Jamie looked toward the voice, knowing it was Simon. He saw the now familiar body, naked, cock angled up hard as rock. He waited as Simon came to the sofa, then surprised him by grabbing his legs and rotating him on the sofa. Simon got on it on knees between his legs. He raised them, expecting to rest them on the shoulders, but Simon grabbed each behind the knee and pushed the legs down until his thighs were pressed against his chest. Simon raked up cum leaking from his hole and used it as lube, putting wet cock to his hole. A push and half of Simon’s cock was buried inside him. Another push and abdomen pressed against his upturned ass. Simon held his legs down and his own body up over him. Simon began to fuck, slowly, pulling nearly free, then sinking all the way back into his hole. He knew the position afforded the room the perfect angle to watch the cock piston inside his hole. To see how inch after inch was tugged out, then pushed back in.

“Come on, Simon, fuck me,” Jamie uttered, egging him on.

Jamie felt the hands tighten their hold of his legs, and Simon’s every push into his depths. His own cock lay heavy over his stomach, drooling until a pool formed on it. Simon suddenly began to fuck faster, slamming down against his ass, then there was a push inward, all the way and Simon shuddered with release.

Simon had barely climbed off the sofa when Chase was on Jamie. He guided him to turn over, hands resting on the arm, bent over, ready to be fucked again. He moved up behind Jamie and buried his cock into Jamie’s ass with one hard push. Then he held Jamie by the waist and fucked.

Jamie looked up at Tyler, watching him masturbate as he got fucked. He heard Logan egging Chase on, and Simon telling Myles to watch how Chase kept up a steady pace. He held his head down and watched his own cock swing heavily between his thighs as Chase smacked against his ass.

How long Chase fucked him, Jamie had no idea. A long time, or just a minute, he wasn’t sure, but he felt the tightening grip, then the smack against his ass, only this time Chase kept pushing against it as if he could get deeper. Jamie realized Chase was shuddering and jerking with release. When Chase slipped from his hole and climbed off the sofa, he waited, knowing it was either Myles or Tyler. He looked up and saw Tyler look across the room, gave a nod of his head, then came to his feet.

“Get on your back; I want to see your face when I fuck you,” said Tyler coming to the sofa.

Tyler was shirtless and Jamie watched him work the jeans off each leg then stroke the hard cock sticking straight out. He rolled to his back, stroked his own cock, then raised his legs, holding them behind the knees.

“Come on, Tyler, dick me,” Jamie taunted.

Tyler smiled, moved onto the sofa on his knees until in position. Jamie stared up at him, eyes pleading for him to do it. Tyler pushed his cock down, raked the head through the cum leaking from Jamie’s hole, then pushed into it. He sank halfway, then pushed again, sinking the rest of the way. He braced himself over Jamie, hands on the arm of the sofa and face hovering directly over Jamie’s. Then he undulated his body working cock through the stretched slick hole.

Jamie felt the difference in Tyler’s fuck, how he would work cock into his hole and grind hips against his ass. How the torso undulated, working the cock in and out, and how Tyler never took his eyes off him.

“Fuck…feels good…” Tyler uttered as he increased his pace, moved with greater authority, until rocking Jamie roughly against the arm of the sofa.

“Yeah, fuck his ass,” Logan uttered from across the room.

And Tyler fucked, slowing his pace, then increasing it again, slamming down into Jamie’s ass. His body was suddenly shiny with sweat, and rivulets cascade down his face. He began to lose rhythm, shoved into Jamie harder, rougher, then began to shudder and jerk.

“OH, fuck,” Tyler exclaimed as he shoved into Jamie’s depths and came.

Spent, Tyler slipped off the sofa and for a second just stared down at Jamie, looking at the hard cock, then down at the leaking hole seeing his own cum trickle out. Then he moved away.

Jamie looked over where Myles sat.

“Myles,” he uttered in a low voice. He knew the others were watching Myles too, and he kept his eyes on him, seeing him come to his feet allowing the cargo shorts and boxers to drop around the ankles. Then Myles pulled his T-shirt off and tossed it on the floor. Jamie watched him. Watched as a hand rubbed over the chest, across hard nipples, then down until holding the hard cock. A few slow strokes, and Myles moved toward him.

Jamie held his legs up and spread, letting Myles get in position. He felt the cock touch his ass, rub up and down it, then press against his opening. He saw Myles look to the side and he looked over to see Chase and Logan staring intently, then he saw Simon just to the side, stroking his own cock. Looking up between his legs, he saw Myles was staring down at him.


The cock penetrated him, sank into his depths. Hands grabbed his ankles, spreading his legs wide apart, and Myles began to fuck. A slow steady fuck. He felt every push inward, the fullness of each one. For the longest time, impossibly long, Myles fucked with his slow pace until Jamie thought he would come.

“Come on, Myles, pump it in me,” Jamie uttered.

“Not yet,” Myles replied, and he pulled out and turned to sit down. “Jamie…come…sit.”

Jamie sat up, got on his knees, and moved over him. He faced the guys and lowered his ass on Myles’ cock. He sank down all the way, grinding his ass on it, then he leaned back, feet up on the edge of the sofa, and worked his ass up and down. He fucked himself, worked his ass up and down slowly to feel every goddamn inch, then he hammered his ass down on Myles cock, stroking his arousal until his muscles burned with the exertion. Then he lay against Myles and undulated his body, worked his ass down on the cock until Myles was gasping for breath beneath him. He worked his hips up and down and took his own cock in hand. A slow stroke with both hands as he fucked himself.

Suddenly Myles moved, pushed him up and over to his knees. A hand on the back of the neck pushed his face down into a seat cushion and Myles entered him again, roughly, all the way, hips smacking against ass, and Myles began to fuck.

“Fuck, take me,” Myles uttered as he hammered his cock into Jamie’s depths.

Jamie felt his own cock flop heavily back and forth between his thighs and the sofa squeak and rock beneath him. He felt hands hold his waist tightly, holding him in place, as cock pummeled his insides. Cum trickled down one thigh and he felt like he was burning up as if with a fever.

Then Myles shoved into his depths, lay on his sweaty back, and shuddered with release.



Jamie sat next to Myles, looking at the others. Logan was moving behind Chase who was on his feet and bent over. Tyler was on his knees in front of Chase, sucking his cock. And Simon stood the side watching while stroking his cock. He looked over at Myles and stroked his cock. He was so hard, so aroused it was drooling so much it made it slick.


Myles knew what he wanted. He rose to his feet and backed up to him, straddling his legs. Jamie held his cock up as he moved down to it.

“Fuck, sit on that cock,” uttered Logan.

Jamie watched the ass come down until pressing down on his cock. He felt the resistance to his breaching of the opening, then the unbelievable tight squeeze on the head of his cock as it stretched Myles open. He watched the ass slowly descend. The head disappeared, then a couple of inches of the fat shaft. Myles held still, moved up a little, then descended again. Over and over, Myles moved up and down, each time taking more of his cock.

Myles lay back against him, their heads close together, and Myles turned to him and they kissed. Then Myles began to move, to work his ass up and down into a steady fuck. Jamie held the hips just to feel the movement he felt on his cock. The up and down movement that slowly increased in pace, and eventually moved along every inch of his cock.

“Goddamn he’s got all of it,” said Simon.

Jamie closed his eyes and laid back. He focused on the feel of Myles on his cock, the movement of their fuck, up and down, the tight ring of the opening stroking him. He felt the hot body against his own, the way it moved and vibrated and trapped their heat between them until skin moved slickly against skin.

It was all too much. He was too aroused. Hands on Myles thighs, he pushed down until buried in Myles’ ass. He came, hard, jerking and shuddering beneath Myles. He felt every ejaculation, his cock flexing within him, filling him with cum.



Jamie woke to find he was tangled up in the arms and legs of a couple of the guys. Myles was against his chest, and a look over his shoulder revealed Logan, Chase, and Simon. Where’s Tyler, he wondered, then he heard someone in the bathroom running water. He felt stiff, and wondered if the others would feel the same way. His stomach growled, making him realize he was starving.

“You too?” whispered Myles.

The bathroom door opened, and Tyler came out in his boxers.

“Hey guys, its nearly eleven and I’m starving.”

Jamie and Myles giggled, then sat up.

“We are too. Let’s get dressed, head back to the dorm to clean up, then go eat,” said Jamie. He turned to Logan, leaning close. “Hey, we’re going leave. You guys want to meet up for lunch?”

“Hell no, let us sleep,” came a groggy reply.


Walking across campus heading to the dorm, they giggled about what they had done, then talked about it in vague terms, how they were up until nearly three in the morning, fucking and sucking, and in the end, all piled up in the bed together. Tyler made a joke about how Myles had held Logan down and fucked him, making Jamie laugh and Myles blush.

During the rest of semester and the spring semester, the dynamics between them changed. Jamie rarely went to the seniors alone, usually with Myles and Tyler. Back in the dorm, when one of them had their room to themselves, there would pairings of two or all three of them, fucking to the point of exhaustion.

It was Logan who compared them to their own arrangement. How the three of them were sharing more and more, and he asked when they were going to pick up other guys to share in their pleasure. It was said in jest, Logan’s usual jock bravado, but Jamie knew he was serious. But for the time being, hooking up with the seniors or just spending time together between the three of them was enough.




Summer seemed to hold on longer than usual, even as the leaves changed color. The fall semester was in full swing, the second week finished. Jamie biked across campus, heading back from his day of classes. He cut around a couple of guys riding slow, fell into a steady pace, feeling the dry air hit him in the face. He cut across the main road that separated the campus from the town, making his way along one street then the next, until he was on Payne Street, where he turned into the drive for the old apartment complex and coasted down the hill.

He rolled his bike around the building until standing at the door to 6-123. He took out his keys and unlocked the door. He tossed his backpack down next to the familiar sofa and looked at Myles sitting at the dining table messing around online. He rolled his bike across the room and hung it in the wall rack next to the other two bikes. Tyler was at the desk in the corner, also online.

Despite being in the apartment for over two weeks, it still felt odd, like they were trespassing on the seniors. But Simon, Chase, and Logan had graduated last Spring, and at Logan’s encouragement, the three of them had signed a lease for the apartment. They kept the living area furniture, the dining table, and one of the desks, getting rid of one of them to make room for their bikes. In the bedroom, the room was still dominated by the king size bed. The only difference was the wall colors. They wanted something different, a way to make the apartment theirs. It was Tyler who suggested it, and arriving early for the term, the three of them painted the living area a dark warm grey and the bedroom, a deep red.

Tyler joked it was their den of iniquity, their pleasure palace, making Myles blush.

“Are you guys ready for tonight?” asked Jamie, standing at the bedroom door.

“Hell, yes,” Tyler replied.

“Yep,” said Myles. “I can’t believe we’re aping the seniors.”

“Me either, but not going to let it stop me,” said Jamie. “I’m going to grab a shower and nap.”

Jamie knew it was incomprehensible that a freshman was coming over. And it was even more strange how Myles had been tutoring him since the start of classes, and last Sunday night Tyler found the boy’s profile online.


5’-10”, 175, 8”

Looking for a good time


A photo that cut off the face and from the knees down. But it was enough for along the right arm a tattoo sleeve of Alice in Wonderland and on the left wrist, a tattoo band that looked tribal in theme. Myles had told them about the tattoos, especially the sleeve, and confirmed it was the same when shown the profile Tyler had discovered.

“Nice cock,” Myles had uttered when he saw the photo of the naked freshman, with a fist around the base of the cock. The head was leaking, a drop trickling down over it. “I wonder how long it’ll take to get Austin out of his clothes?”

“I say within fifteen minutes of finishing the pizza,” said Tyler.

“Will you put money on it?” asked Jamie.

“Five bucks.”

“Myles? What do you say?”

“I bet he’s horny and ready to go before we finish eating. Five minutes or less,” Myles replied.

“Shit, I was going to say that,” said Jamie. “Okay, just to have a different time, I say twenty-five minutes.”

“Just remember to dress like fucking sluts so there is no misunderstanding what our intentions are,” said Tyler, turning to smile at the guys.



Austin pulled into the apartment complex surprised to see one as old as it still standing. He parked his BMW, put up the top, then checked his appearance for the fifth time.

He had been tutored by Myles for nearly two weeks, and with Myles having him come over to his apartment, well, it just had to mean one thing. Myles was going to put out. He had sensed it from their first meeting. This willingness. He had seen how the eyes had scanned his body. It was something he was accustomed to, but not the way Myles had done it. He knew that before the night was over, ole Myles would be taking two or three loads. He was good for it, for there had been no action since the Friday before classes started when he had the Latino boy from down the hall. He couldn’t remember the boy’s name, but he sure could remember how the bastard begged to be fucked.

He went around the building until standing at the appropriate door. He knocked three times with his knuckles.

The door swung open, and Myles came into the frame. The first thing Austin noticed was the haircut, the black hair cut close to the scalp. Then he noticed how Myles was dressed. A yellow football jersey that was a mesh fabric revealing the dark tanned torso, and cotton gym shorts with very short legs.


Austin couldn’t stop himself from looking at Myles from head to toe. He looked at the nipples that looked hard, the smooth skin, and when he looked over the shorts, he realized they were thin fabric, the cock plainly visible. He smiled, wondering how long it would take to get Myles out of them.

“Hey, Austin, come on in. Pizza should be here in about twenty minutes.”

Austin entered the small apartment expecting any roommate of Myles to be gone, so he came up short when he saw two others in the room. At the small dining table sat a guy who looked young, too young for college. He had thick black hair, long enough to cover the ears and conceal the eyes. The guy was small framed with fair skin, really light in tone, then he noticed the three small moles on the neck.

Across the room at the desk in the corner, sat a red head who looked to have an average build.

Three guys in one apartment, a one-bedroom apartment. Austin couldn’t image it, but he looked at the guy at the table, loose tank top and shorts, then the redhead in the corner, who was shirtless wearing just running shorts, he immediately wondered who was playing who, if Myles and his roommates might be setting him up. He smiled at the thought, eager to find out.



The coffee table moved to the side with the two empty pizza boxes on it. On the sofa, exactly five minutes after Tyler finished the last piece sat Austin. Naked, clothes strewn across the floor, cock getting hard from his manipulations. In the armchair sat Myles, leaned back, legs spread, toying his exposed cock where it had slipped out the right leg hole. Opposite Austin, in a dining chair, sat Jamie. He was shirtless, and his shorts bulged obscenely, long fat cock working over to his right thigh. Next to him in the desk chair, Tyler was pushing his shorts down his legs. When he sat back, kicking the shorts off with his right foot, his cock stood up between his thighs hard as rock.

Austin felt outnumbered, knew the three roommates had different plans for him. He stroked his cock as asked, slowly, rubbing his hand over the head, then down the growing length.

“Spread your legs,” said Jamie.

Austin spread his legs further apart. He knew Jamie and Tyler had a clear view of his loose sac.

“Let us watch you finger your hole. Get it loose for us to fuck,” said Jamie.

Austin started to say he was a top, he did the fucking, but he looked at Jamie’s cock as it slipped out of the shorts, pushing upward along the stomach wondering what it would feel like penetrating his ass. He wondered how long the damn thing got, not believing such a small frame guy could carry such a cock. Then he looked at Tyler, watched him stroke a cock equal to his own. To his right, his tutor sat stroking a cock that looked slightly shorter, but it could be an illusion for it was thicker. Not as thick as Jamie’s cock, but damn thick just the same. Stretching a hole to take it would hurt no less.

And they wanted to fuck him. For him to take all three of them. He suddenly felt nervous, almost afraid, a feeling he hadn’t felt in a very long time, but he also felt aroused. He lifted his feet to the edge of the sofa, scooting down lower in the seat. Knees up and spread wide apart, he stroked his cock with his right hand and used the left to reach below his cock and tug on his sac, forcing the nuts to the bottom of it and making it turn red with the tightness. He moaned, stroked his cock, and tugged harder on his sac.

He released his sac and ran his hand further down until he was touching himself. He rubbed fingers over his tight hole. A hole that was virgin, one he knew would not be when he left. He looked at Tyler, naked and stroking a dark red cock. He penetrated his hole, slipped one finger all the way into it. He pumped the finger through his tightness.

“Yeah, get that hole loose.”

Austin looked to his right at Myles, who was working feet free of the shorts, and kicking them away. Myles leaned back and stroked a thick cock, slowly, hand moving along every inch, and he slipped two fingers into his hole. He pumped them through the tightness until he loosened to the penetration.

He looked up and saw Jamie leaned back, ass right at the edge of the seat, legs spread, stroking the massive cock. It still looked wrong, such a small-framed guy carrying such a large cock, and he wanted it to hurt his pride, his sense of his own masculinity. But he felt nothing but arousal. Felt it through his cock as it flexed over his stomach, and through his stretched hole, one that needed further stretching, more finger fucking, and he slipped a third finger into it.

“Myles, you got Austin to come over, so go first. Go fuck his ass,” said Tyler.

Austin realized he could say no, tell the guys he wasn’t into it, not this, but he watched Myles come to his feet stroking his hard cock that was sticking straight out. When standing right in front of him, he wondered if Myles would ask him to suck it first. He knew he’d do it. He’d get on his knees and put his fucking mouth on that drooling slick cock. He would suck it for as long as Myles let him.

“Raise your legs,” said Myles.

Austin knew the significance of it, his submission to him by willingly raising each leg. And he did it, lifted each foot until over his head. Myles grabbed each behind the knee, roughly tugged him forward until his ass was right on the very edge of the sofa and his head bent against the sofa’s back. His ass was spread wide. And his thighs were pushed down until tight against his chest. Cock touched him, pressed against his opening, rubbed over it, then pressed against it again. He felt his hole stretch to accommodate Myles, his body shivering with the penetration. The cock felt twice as thick as it entered his hole. Myles held still, letting him adjust, then pushed deeper, sinking inch after inch into his hole. He must have it all. There couldn’t be more, could there? Myles pushed deeper and he clutched the edge of the seat cushion and cried out.


Before he could consider how he had taken Myles cock, he felt him start to fuck. To tug outward, then push back into his hole. Over and over, Myles worked cock through his tight opening until he loosened to it. He moaned and saw his own cock flex over his stomach with his arousal. And he was so aroused. He wondered if he would come without touching himself.

Myles’ pace increased, faster and faster, and Austin was shocked to feel him sink deeper into his hole, until smacking against his ass. The sound of flesh smacking flesh echoed in the room. It seemed so loud; he wondered if the neighbors could hear it. He found himself hoping so.

Myles pushed down on his legs; his thighs so tight to his chest it was hard to breathe. Then Myles slammed into his ass, and tried to push deeper, then shuddered with release.

Myles was hardly out of his ass and stepped away when Tyler came upon him. Tyler held him by the ankles, spreading his legs wide apart. It increased the feel of his nakedness, his exposure to the guys.

Tyler bent at the knees and moved to him, not stopping until buried his ass. The hands tightened their grip and Tyler began to fuck. There was no slow start, no gentle push of cock into his hole. It was a hard fuck with a furious pace. Hips smacked against his ass, and his moans vibrated.

“Dumb jock bastard, take me. Take my cock,” Tyler uttered.

“Yeah, fuck me,” Austin replied, knowing it was true. He wanted Tyler’s fuck. If Tyler wanted to fuck him fast and rough, then he wanted it too. He wanted to feel the guy hammering his insides, smacking against his ass, while holding him down.

Suddenly his hole felt empty, and he almost cried out ‘no’. He saw Tyler stand, then tug on his legs, spinning him around on the sofa until he lay parallel with the seat. Tyler moved between his legs, hooking them at the elbows. Moving over him, Tyler folded him in half, brought his legs up and over until his ass lifted off the seat cushion. Cock raked over his opening, then plunged back into it all the way. He hammered his head back on the cushion and moaned, whorishly, wantonly, not wanting Tyler to stop.

“Jesus, tear his ass up,” Jamie uttered from across the room.

Yeah, tear my ass up, Austin thought as he watched Tyler, the determination in the face, the sweat trickling down the face and chest, while feeling cock pummel his ass. Then he felt the hands tighten their hold, then Tyler shove into his depths, then kept trying to jam cock even deeper.

“Pump that shit in me,” Austin cried out.

“Fuck, I’m-“ Tyler exclaimed, then shuddered and jerked with release.



Austin lay on the sofa watching Jamie stroke his cock, wondering when he would get up and come to him. He felt cum trickle from his stretched hole, felt the eyes staring back, Tyler and Myles stroking still hard cocks, and Jamie using both hands to stroke his drooling cock until it was slick. He found himself watching Jamie more, eyes focused on that cock. He went from fearing the penetration to wanting it.

“Come on, boy, fuck me.”

Jamie smiled, came to his feet and his cock looked even larger the way it stuck out in front of him.

Austin watched him take the few steps across the room and stand by the sofa.

“Roll over and get on your knees,” said Jamie.

Austin moved up and over, getting on his knees. Jamie got behind him, putting a hand in the middle of his back. With a push, he bent over, resting his chest on the arm of the sofa, and braced his hands on either side. Jamie pushed his legs apart and moved up to his ass. He felt that cock touch his opening, rub across his cheeks, then up and down the cleft between them.

“Spread ‘em.”

He reached back and grabbed each ass cheek, spreading them as commanded. The cock rubbed up and down between them until his ass was slick. The flared head pressed against his opening. He held his head down, waiting. Another push, then another, and he clinched his jaw and shuddered with the pain of penetration as the cock bore into hole.

“Fuck,” Austin uttered when he felt Jamie stop to let him loosen to the penetration.

“Come on, big boy, take that cock,” said Tyler.

Breathing slowed, each breath deeper, fuller, and Austin felt his body relax, and the pain lessen. Then he felt Jamie push deeper.

Slowly, Jamie worked his hole by pushing and tugging outward, until he loosened to the penetration. Then he felt his arousal renew, the lust to be fucked return, and he found himself pushing back on Jamie’s cock. The hands on his waist tightened their grip and Jamie began to fuck him. A steady rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper, giving him a sense of fullness, he didn’t think possible.

He looked down his chest and stomach and watched his cock flop between his thighs as that cock fucked him. His cock grew harder, thicker, until hovering right below his stomach When Jamie increased his pace, fucking him harder, his cock smacked against his stomach. It increased his arousal, caused his cock to drool, and his sac to tighten.

Jamie shifted positions, an angled position that seemed to hammer his insides. His cock flexed and drooled and smacked his stomach as Jamie fucked him with a brutal pace.

“Jesus,” Myles exclaimed.

Austin rocked back and forth as Jamie slammed into him, hips smacking against his ass. It meant he was taking every inch, every goddamn inch was being shoved into his depths. His cock flexed with his arousal, then he came. A wad of cum shot along his chest. The next hit his forehead as he watched it. Then wad after wad rained down on the seat cushion.

Fingers dug into his waist, then Jamie shoved into his depths and cried out. He felt him jerk and shake against his ass and knew he was taking his third load.



It was daylight, late morning, when Austin crossed the parking lot to his car. Before getting into it, he looked back at the building picturing the apartment he had just slipped out of. He thought about their first sex, what Jamie called a sex train, and how he licked up his own cum from the seat cushion. Hours later, he thought he could still smell cum as he got into his car.

Driving through town to his apartment, one of the new complexes on the north side of town, he replayed the night of sex. The three guys fucking him on the sofa, then leading him into the bedroom where he was surprised to see the room painted red and a king size bed taking up most of it. He had been on his hands and knees between Tyler and Myles. He had been riding Jamie and sucking Myles, then he had lay on his stomach, propped on elbows, sucking Jamie while Tyler fucked him again.

He felt exhausted, body fatigued as if he had worked out too hard. But as he turned on Main Street, he smiled. Then he laughed at how the guys defied his persona, pushed him to do what he had refused until sitting in their apartment. He wondered if Myles would invite him back. They were scheduled for a tutoring lesson next Wednesday night but that was going to be in the library where they could look up reference material. He saw himself asking Myles to invite him over, begging him for the invite, and he laughed, knowing he’d do it if that was what it took.

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

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