The Portrait of a Strict Disciplinarian

by Jason Land

16 Jan 2021 358 readers Score 9.3 (5 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

New readers should start reading this novel at Chapter 1.  The chapters do not stand alone, but are sequential components of an erotic novel in which there are 36 chapters in all, which are intended to be read in numerical order. 

By the time he had finished embellishing Hallam’s arse with the cane, Brad, whose own uncontrollable man-meat had been chomping at the bit since the moment he had walked into the punishment room and seeing Hallam naked and being prepared for flogging, was almost on the verge of a spontaneous orgasm. He had become so sexually aroused by what he was doing to Hallam that had the flogging gone on any longer, his balls would have exploded  and sent, as they clearly were ready still ready to do, an uncontrollable  tsunami of spunk to his cock. As it was, his tight fitting underpants were was already completely soaked with his continuous emissions. Looking at DD, who had merely been an observer to the proceedings, he saw that he too had been sexually mightily aroused by what he had witnessed, confirming yet again, if indeed confirmation was necessary, the close link between corporal punishment and sex.

Back in Brad’s apartment, the two of them stripped off their wet clothes and with no word passing between them, threw themselves on each other, beginning a long session of sex, which both of them found necessary to relieve the tension which they had build up as Hallam was being flogged. Brad was the prime mover as he literally flung DD flat onto his back on the bed, shafted him without thought of lubrication and then proceeded to hammer his hole as if there was to be no tomorrow. His normal sense of mutuality was completely forgotten in his uncontrolled, carnal desire to satisfy, come what may, his own immediate needs. For Brad, it was almost a lifesaving operation, for he was totally in the thrall of the tension that flogging Hallam had induced in him and his only objective at that moment, was to seek the relief which sex alone could bring.

And so, without any thought for DD’s feelings, he hammered away at his hole regardless of how his partner and lover might be feeling.  Brad was totally in the grip of the imperious commands of sex, as he allowed himself to rape – yes that is the word – DD. But the end was not long in coming, as Brad was already so psyched up before he penetrated DD that he climaxed very quickly, dumping his load deep inside his partner with that one, last powerful, signature thrust of his rock-hard meat. When it came, the relief, which the miracle of the orgasm accompanying his copious ejaculation had brought him, was immediate.  As he withdrew himself from DD, he was immediately again filled with remorse that he had again not been able to control himself and had simply used his lover as a punching bag. Brad was fast learning that he had a conscience from which he could not simply walk away, but to which he had to answer whenever he stepped away from his basic principles. 

But, in fact, he need not have worried about DD, who had himself been ready to fuck any warm body to hand in his desire to relieve the enormously abnormal tension, which just watching Hallam being flogged had engendered in him. He himself had felt exactly the same need as Brad; so, as he felt his anus being battered by his lover’s cock, he fully understood where Brad was coming from. Moreover he found, in spite of everything, that as in the past Brad had rough-fucked him, that he enjoyed the sensation of being quasi-raped; it relieved, to some extent, the tension which was gripping him. But he knew that his own urge to fuck Brad had to be satisfied as being the only way to fully calm himself down. Being rough fucked by his partner was one thing; but he still knew he wanted to do the same thing to Brad.

So, as soon as Brad had withdrawn himself from DD and flopped flat on his back at his partner’s side, DD immediately pounced on him and proceeded to give him a dose of the same shock treatment as he had just experienced himself. DD, with his own boner completely in charge of what was happening and totally out of his control, found himself emulating a pneumatic hammer, as he banged away at Brad’s anus. And just as DD had enjoyed Brad’s brutal treatment, so Brad too found that there was a great deal to be said for the occasional  bout of completely uninhibited rough sex, where his own arse played bottom to a brutal battering by a really competent operator,  which DD undeniably was.

After what are perhaps best thought of as two mutually enjoyable, pseudo-raping sessions, Brad and DD settled down to an evening of true love making. And so was established a pattern, which, over the next two years, was to be repeated after each occasion when Brad was called upon to administer a judicial birching: an act which was to become a more and more frequent occurrence, as the juvenile courts came down hard and more often on dangerous young miscreants, thereby making their contribution to discouraging violent street crime. The sentences were widely reported in the national press, in the faint hope that the prospect of a birching might prove a deterrent. But, judging from the ever increasing number of judicial birching orders issued by the courts, the increased use of the birch had no effect on the ever increasing incidence of violent street crime. It was not as if Brad did not use the birch on the bare backsides of existing inmates if they deserved it; he did; and with considerable vigour. The inmates, who had become accustomed to the lax performance of his predecessor, rapidly found, to their great regret, that the newly arrived, young Mr. Bradley Caine was no pushover when it came to dishing out punishment and had no hesitation whatsoever of birching the naked arse of anyone whom he thought deserved it; and, in his view, which always prevailed, many did.

But somehow the act of birching a new inmate, whose punishment was mandated by a court order, moved the act to a different level. On such occasions, DD always came along as an observer and wallowed visually in Brad’s expertise as he roasted the poor, unsuspecting, new arrival’s arse. It was rare for any new inmate, arriving with a court order for a birching, to escape from his maiden flogging in the punishment room without experiencing the triple whammy of paddle, birch and cane. So for both DD and Brad, such occasions became exceptionally arousing moments to savour in their lives at Moulton Midmarsh. Now any beating is almost always sexually arousing for the beater and also often for the poor sod being beaten. But for some reason, possibly because DD was always present as an observer, not only were they sexual-arousing for the unfortunate supplicant whose naked arse was the objective of the exercise, but so also, but they also had an extraordinarily intense sexually- arousing effect on both Brad and DD. So post any judicial birching, Brad and DD both fell eagerly upon each other in two bouts of mutually enjoyable rough sex.

So, for Brad, during those first two years at Moulton Midmarsh, his life was very agreeable. If anyone had told him that he would actually enjoy dishing out floggings left, right and centre at an approved school for late teenage offenders at the time he met his late lover, Simon, at his first Brotherhood meeting in Oxford, just three brief years ago, he would have told them that they were mad.  It was only his desire to please Simon, with whom he had, more or less immediately fallen hopelessly in love, coupled with his desire to participate in the sexual activities of the Brotherhood, which had persuaded him, at first reluctantly, to beat his fellow members, even though they were, to the very last man of them, all sadomasochists penitently begging to feel the bite of the cane across their naked backsides prior to sex. 

But his impromptu, successful application for the post at Moulton Midmarsh, written in a moment of despair, when life in Oxford without his beloved Simon, had become just too much for him to bear, had, quite fortuitously, allowed him to find, what he had considered impossible when he had left Oxford. In DD O’Sullivan, he had found the man who had replaced the irreplaceable Simon as his life’s mate. And he had made peace with his own soul, in that he had finally recognised and accepted the fact that beneath his original horror of corporal punishment, there was lurking a sadistic streak, which enabled him to enjoy inflicting pain on the sort of dangerous juvenile miscreants who were condemned to the-not-so-tender-loving-care of an English approved school.

So life at Moulton Midmarsh had become very pleasant for both him and his new lover, DD. It is said that two’s company, three’s a crowd, and by and large this maxim is true. But it is also said, change is as good as a rest and even devoted lovers, such as Brad and DD need relaxation outside of their own mutual embrace.  This was provided regularly each week by the young Jonathan Levitt, the Headmaster’s chief cook and bottle-washer and, most importantly, his bum boy. Jonathan proved to be a sexually highly competent young man with a magnificent endowment of his own; he and supplied the necessary spice to the regular, routine sex-lives of Brad and DD. So Brad and DD embraced Jonathan in a ménage à trois, once or twice a week, welcoming his expertise, which he was as willing to share with them as they were to accept it.

But over and above these private, three-man fuck-fests, which the three of them held, they all three went regularly to the fortnightly Friday night meeting of the TCC – The Top Cocks Club, in Cambridge, where Brad and Jonathan had in the meantime both become members. And Jonathan had not only become a member, but had also been elected, because of the sheer size of his endowment, as the Top Cock of the year, having displaced DD from the place he had held for the last two years. So, all in all, Brad had a very satisfactory sex life in his first two years at Moulton Midmarsh – as indeed did also both DD and Jonathan.  The three of them were all died-in-the-wool, gay, young men, who had had sex handed to them on a plate. So what was there not to like about their lives? Well, all good things come to an end sometime and the status quo at Moulton Midmarsh was no exception.

Continued in Chapter 27

by Jason Land

Email: [email protected]

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