The League of Brothers

by Shay

29 Nov 2020 1895 readers Score 8.4 (35 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The soldiers were all gathered around the fire, talking about everything from the war to titties. Thadeus sat down ,put his sword aside and stretched out his long legs towards the fire. The leather kilts they wore did very little for warmth but he wasn't one to complain.

He accepted a bottle of rum from the soldier beside him and took a swig. The League of brothers shared everything, it was an unspoken thing. Beds, drinks, women, their bodies. Thadeus was bringing the bottle down when he caught Brann's eye from across the fire. He stood a ways from the fire, thighs thick beneath his short kilt.They'd fucked before and Thadeus felt his ass hole clench at the memory.

There was a sudden yell and everyone leapt to their feet as the drums started. Soldiers drunkenly around the fire.Thadeus was jolted to his feet as well, he was reaching for his sword when he felt a hand wrap around his bicep. He stumbled back against a hard body and immediately felt the cock pressed against his back.Rough hands reached up under his kilt and squeezed his ass, the softest part of his body. He felt more than heard Brann spit and then there were was a large wet finger between his cheeks. He grunted when the finger thrust in and hissed when another did the same.

There was nothing nice or finesse about it, there rarely was among the brothers of the League. Brann wanted to fuck and Thadeus was there.

The thick fingers thrust into his ass, the  amazing burn of it kicking Thadeus's dick into life.

" Come on" Brann growled in his ear leading him towards any hard surface. They got as far as the weapons house before Brann was bending Thadeus over a table. Thadeus felt cool air on his slick hole when Brann flapped the kilt to expose his pale ass. He barely had time to brace himself before Brann's thick head was pressing against his hole. With a hard thrust, Brann pushed past the sphincters and drove in. Thadeus let out a cry. It hurt goddamnit. He gritted his teeth, focusing on the fullness he felt as the thick cock pulsed deep inside him.

Brann gripped Thadeus's hips, pulled out and drove in until he hit Thadeus's plump cheeks, aching to fill that hot tightness, to fuck his brother.

" Fuck yes" Thadeus let out, bracing his hands on the table. He grunted on another thrust, the pleasure making him bite his lip.

" Harder brother" he demanded and the table moved with the next thrust. Thadeus relished the pain, wanted it because if he was getting fucked , he was going to take it like a soldier. His head was yanked up by his hair and into a sloppy kiss as Brann's hips slammed his dick home. Thadeus moaned into Brann's mouth as the grip his hips hardened and the dick tore into him even faster, the burn making his thighs tense. He was panting like a bitch in heat now. It felt so good.

" So fucking tight" growled Brann, intent on fucking Thadeus through the table. The tight channel was squeezing his dick , the heat of it calling in the pleasure coiling at the base of his spine. He looked down at the man he was pounding into, at the broad muscled back and firm ass. He wanted to make him yell and so he did with a brutal thrust. Thadeus cried out .

" Yess" Thadeus hissed. Brann did it again and again until Thadeus was panting, his face slack, his lips parted.

Sweat rolled down his back, his thighs tingling against Thadeus'. He made that ass ripple once,twice and then his back snapped straight, his thighs locked and he let go with a yell that Thadeus answered, his muscle ass clamping down on Brann.

The world whited out for a minute and when it cleared, Thadeus's ass was twitching uncontrollably as cum travelled down the back of his thigh. Brann slapped the twitching ass just to watch it bounce and helped Thadeus to his feet. He patted the poor guy's shoulder and left.

by Shay

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