The Lawnboys

by LaidBackCoolGuy

5 Dec 2020 3201 readers Score 9.4 (60 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Gabriel is used to having his own way. He ran a tight ship in business and runs his life the same way. Everything is planned, scheduled, and prepared. He is often disappointed by the Lawnboys who can'tkeepan appointment on time. But he is very grateful when they do and shows it.

Gabriel's North Side Home

Thursday afternoon, 2:30 pm

Joel and Colin had spent the morning mowing the lawns of several small properties for clients around town. BJ liked to schedule them together when quality and efficiency mattered. The last several days had been rainy ones, so the whole team was working hard to catch up.

Joel and Colin worked well together. They were the same age, went to school together, and had several friends in common as well. After high school, Colin went off to college leaving his friend behind. Joel worked various construction jobs, first with O'Shaughnessey's, then with the county. That's how he met BJ who got him steady work all year round, including summers with Collin's Lawn and Garden. It wasn’t long after that, that he married his wife, Annette, and settled down.

When Colin returned to Millside Falls after college, he started teaching and coaching at his former high school. He couldn’t believe that a position like this was open, just when he needed it. His immediate boss, Coach Kevin O'Hara, had been working summers for Collins’ Lawn and Garden for the last four years now. Kevin, also a good friend of BJ's, got him the job with the Lawnboys. BJ liked having several more mature adults to help manage the college "kids" who rarely showed any initiative or maturity. That's how he met up with Joel again and their friendship rekindled.

Today, BJ needed efficiency. There was a lot of work to do and he didn't need anybody lollygagging around like the younger men tended to do. Gabriel Thiessen's home was on the job list today. That meant he also needed someone who could do an excellent job and manage Gabriel, who could often be pretty persnickety about what and how things were done. BJ didn't need to worry about that today. He assigned Colin and Joel. He knew they'd do an excellent job.

BJ called Mr. Thiessen at about eight o’clock. He explained what was going on today and said the men would be at his home this afternoon. When Gabriel pressed him for a better time frame, BJ demurred and said somewhere between noon and three. "That's my best guess. I apologize for the inconvenience, sir. I know you like to be on the property when the men work."

"Well, in any case, thanks for the heads up. I do have some work in my office, here at home, to do, so I will be around," Gabriel conceded.

BJ thanked him for being flexible and rang off.


Colin had worked the Thiessen property fairly often, mostly with BJ, and on occasion helping Collins, especially when it came to tree-trimming and heavy lifting. As a six-foot-two coach-athlete, he was well-suited to perform both tasks. On the drive over he warned Joel to be on his best behavior. "Mr. Thiessen demands politeness and respect." Then with a glint in his eyes, he added, "And if he likes you, and thinks you've done a good job, he gives us tips."

"Really? Wow, that's pretty cool," Joel replied as he got out and rounded the truck to remove their machines.

Joel and Colin pulled the truck up to "Mansion Lane," as Colin called it, about 1:15 pm. As soon as Gabriel heard the lawnmower's startup, he finished the last bit of what he was writing and got up from his desk to see which of Collins' Lawnboys was working today. When he saw Colin driving the mower around his side yard, he smiled broadly. Colin was a favorite, Gabriel had to admit.

Gabriel then walked to the other side of the house to see who was working the back yard. It was someone he had never seen before. That made him wary. He didn't like newbies. They often made mistakes. And he didn't like mistakes. But then again, the view of this man mowing his lawn, softened the harshness he sometimes felt for the "boys" Collins sometimes brought over. This was a broad-shouldered younger man with thick arms and round glutes. 'Let's see how he does, shall we?' Gabriel said as he walked down the hall to his kitchen.

In the kitchen, Gabriel grabbed a glass of water before going outside for his inspection. While guzzling it down, he thought, 'Might as well get a pitcher out. Those two will be mighty thirsty doing all that work in this heat. He went to the cupboard and took down one of Marge's favorite ceramic pitchers. He filled it with water, grabbed two tall glass tumblers for the boys, and set them all on a wooden tray he used to carry food and such out to the back porch where he often had his dinners in warm weather.

Colin saw the kitchen door open when he rounded the corner for a new row of mowing. He waved and gave Mr. Thiessen a big smile. Gabriel grinned back, set down the tray on a small table, and waved back. He then pointed to the pitcher and tumblers. Colin nodded and gave him an OK sign. Gabriel turned went back inside. He liked to watch but hated the noise, so he followed their work by moving from window to window to peer out and observe everything the men did.

Having been warned about this client and his demands, Joel concentrated on every detail of what he was doing. He never looked up to see Gabriel pull back the curtain to monitor his work. He also never looked around to see how Colin was doing. He was in the zone, clipping along as fast as the mower could go.

Colin had finished his part of the lawn first. He brought his mower out to the front sidewalk. They'd load everything back up when they completed their work. He walked back around the rear of the house to get some water. 'Oh man, this sure tastes good,' he said to himself as he guzzled his second glass.

Joel rounded the corner and seeing Colin up on the porch joined him there. "You thirsty?" Colin asked.

"Oh yeah!" Joel exclaimed.

"Here," said Colin, handing Joel the other tumbler. "Mr. Thiessen always leaves us something to drink out here on the porch. Next time you're here working, you'll know and can help yourself."

Setting his glass back on the tray, Joel said, "Thanks."

There was a slight squeak signally the opening of the kitchen door. Colin and Joel turned to see Gabriel coming out with a big smile on his face. He walked over at the two men and asked. "Finished already?"

Colin greeted him politely with a, "Hey there, Mr. Thiessen." The two men shook hands. "We've got the mowing done. Just need to sweep up." Before Gabriel could respond to that, Colin turned to Joel, waving him forward. "You haven't met Joel, yet. He works construction for the county, mostly, but sometimes helps us out mowing lawns."

"Nice to meet you, sir," said Joel as he stepped forward to shake Gabriel's hand.

Gabriel responded with the Brother's handshake. Joel felt the odd thumb move but decided to let it go and say nothing. "Colin, can I see you inside for a moment?" Gabriel asked.

"Sure," Colin responded, "I'll be right there." He turned to Joel and said, "Why don't you bring your mower down to the truck and pull out the rake and brooms. I'll be right back."

Joel nodded and headed for the back yard where he left his mower. Colin picked up the tray and headed for the kitchen. Gabriel, who had watched, and listened, through the screen door, pushed it open for Colin, letting him pass by first. Then Gabriel closed and locked the door, and followed him into the kitchen.

Colin carried the tray to the counter and set it down there. Gabriel was right behind him. Before Colin could turn around to face Gabriel, he felt a hand caress his butt. He froze. The hand slowly wandered over each cheek, gently moving back and forth. And then again. Colin couldn't help it. He always reacted to someone touching him there. Instantly, he was rock hard and pushing out his pants. He bent his waist a bit leaning on the countertop and pushing back against that hand.

Gabriel hummed. "I'm glad it was you who came over today. You always do good work."

"Thank you, sir."

Still bent at the waist, Colin felt something hot and stiff replacing the hands on him. He knew Gabriel had opened his pants because it was his thick cock now running up and down Colin's ass-crack. He heard a chair scrape against the floor as Gabriel pulled it out, flipped it around, and sat down.

"Are you taking remuneration today, there Colin?" Gabriel asked softly, his voice dark and raspy.

"And what remuneration are you offering, sir?" Colin asked.

Gabriel reached up to Colin's hips and turned him. Now Colin faced the seated Gabriel who sat there stroking his cock. Gabriel's hands slid down Colin's hips pushing down his shorts as he did so. Colin wasn't wearing any underwear. Gabriel smiled seeing that. He stared lustily at Colin's prick bouncing in front of his face. "Good, man. You came prepared today. Just like I told you to."

"Yes, sir. I do what I'm told."

Gabriel chuckled, "I like that about you."

With that, Gabriel leaned in and began to lick Colin's prick up and down the rigid shaft. Colin made low moaning sounds, signaling his rising pleasure. That was all Gabriel could take. He took a deep breath and engulfed as much as he could, taking his own pleasure from the arousal of the man in front of him. He sucked that cock, long and hard, giving Colin the pleasure he desired.

Outside, Joel finished up all the sweeping and placed the tools back in their respective brackets on the truck. He pushed both mowers back into place and shut the back gate of the truck. 'Where the hell is Colin?' he said to himself, shaking his head. He wandered around to the back yard. No Colin. He walked up to the back porch and peered through the screen door to see if they were still in there. He saw nothing.

Then he heard a groan. It got louder and louder. 'What's that?' he wondered. 'I wonder if someone's hurt.' Joel didn't wait to find out. He opened the screen door and hurried into the kitchen.

To his amazement, here stood Colin shoving his cock in Gabriel's mouth, again and again, moaning the whole time. If that wasn't enough of a shock, there sat Gabriel with his pants open and his stiff prick protruding out of his trousers. And what a prick it was too!

Joel froze, staring. He had never watched other men in the throes of passion like this. He knew it happened and he had been on the receiving end of things before, like his buddy Colin here. But watching? Whoa, it was hot. His boner poked right up. He began to stroke himself through his pants taking it all in.

Colin happened to turn and catch Joel stroking himself and said, "There's my buddy. Looks like you need some too, man, doncha?" He waved Joel closer as Gabriel slurped on the last bits of semen dripping from his cock. "Open up. Get ready. He'll be glad to take care of you too," Colin instructed.

When Joel undid his belt and opened his chinos, they slid down to his knees, exposing more than he had intended.

"Nice one, man," Colin said, admiringly.

Gabriel pulled off Colin and jolted with surprise when he saw there was someone else standing there. It only took him a moment to shake off the stupor of sucking Colin's cock to recognize Joel. He grinned hungrily when he lowered his eyes and saw what was thrusting out of those pants. Colin stepped aside and motioned Joel to take his place.

Gabriel went right to it, devouring him in one big gulp. Immediately, he started comparing the two cocks in his mind. Colin was of average size and thickness. 'A nice mouthful,' Gabriel always thought. He loved laving his tongue all over it and sucking that shaft.

Joel, on the other hand, was much thicker, and at least an inch and a half or two longer. Gabriel loved sliding his foreskin back revealing a tender and juicy, bulbous knob. He worked to open his throat more and more, trying not to gag as Joel shoved that beautiful cock even further down.

'He's delicious!' Gabriel thought. 'I haven't had a cock this luscious in a while.'

Joel hadn't ever had a mouth work him like this. 'I guess this old guy's been at it a while. He's a heckuva cocksucker. Better than any of my other buds who've tried.'

Colin was getting hard again at the sight of his friend's butt clenching as Joel thrust in and out of Gabriel's mouth. Colin never saw another guy fuck a mouth like he did. Man, it was hot. He stepped closer, standing behind Joel. He reached over and felt his buddy's hot ass, resting it on those rock hard muscles swinging back and forth. Then he squatted down a bit and reached through Joel's legs. He grabbed his swinging balls and held them in his fist.

Joel didn't seem to notice anything Colin was doing. He was so focused on the unexpected pleasure Gabriel was giving him at the other end. That is, until he called out, "I'm coming, sir. It's… Oh, god!"

When Colin heard that, he squeezed Joel's balls and pulled on his sack. That got a loud guttural cry out of Joel. He unloaded squirt after squirt of semen, in short thrust. Then with one hard shove, he splashed the remaining seed, down the willing throat of his cocksucker.

"Man oh, man! Fuck yeah!" Joel began to holler. When he was emptied, he lurched back, pulling his dick out of Gabriel's still open mouth, and bumping right into Colin's half naked body. Colin grabbed a hold of him and held him tightly against him. His cock still hard from watching his bud get sucked off.

Joel felt the unexpected hardness between his cheeks and gasped at the even more unexpected embrace of his friend. Reflexively, he squeezed his cheeks, grabbing onto Colin's boner. When he heard Colin's gasp, he squeezed a few more times, teasing his bud.

Gabriel sat watching the two men, wondering if there was going to be another round. Joel opened his eyes and looked down at Gabriel's still open trousers. His hard prick still poking out. He bent and took that prick in his mouth and began sucking it, returning the favor. 'I'm just being polite,' he thought.

After all that went before, Gabriel was more than ready. He released his seed almost immediately. His load was small, but Joel didn't care, he swallowed it all up. Gabriel was grateful to Joel. Few men did that for him anymore. Usually, he took care of himself after men left his home, as he savored the seed he had just drunk.

All three men straightened up, pulling up their shorts and trousers, packing themselves away as they did so. Colin began recapping what they had done as he got dressed, taking the conversation back to the work they had done for Gabriel.

"All the clean is done. The mowers and all the tools are loaded on the truck," Joel informed Colin.

"That's great, thanks," Colin said. Then he turned to Gabriel, who had himself back together again, and assured him, "We could only get the lawn mowed today because of the rains. But we'll be back in a couple of days to manage everything else. BJ will call you with the timing."

Gabriel motioned for them to head outside again. He stepped between the two men, placing an arm on each one's shoulders. "You've done excellent work today, men." When they were standing on the back porch again, he turned to face Joel and said, "A pleasure to meet you today, Joel."

Joel shook his hand, grinning from ear to ear, "Thank you, sir, but the pleasure was all mine!"


"Collins here," announced Collins as he picked up the ringing phone in his back office.

"Gabriel Thiessen here, Collins," the voice on the phone said.

'Uh oh,' Collins thought. 'A personal call to me isn't a good sign.' "How did everything go today for you, sir? Did the men do OK for you?"

"More than OK, Collins." Collins heard a smile in his voice. That sure surprised him. Gabriel continued, "If you wouldn't mind, I believe you've found a combination of two men who, not only do excellent work, and fast, but are respectful, charming, and polite."

'Whew,' thought Collins. Then he responded, "Good to hear."

In a more serious tone, Gabriel asked, "If you could manage it, would it be possible that Colin and Joel become my regulars, so to speak? I'd be so much more comfortable having them back again."

Collins chuckled to himself, but tried not to let Gabriel hear it, "I'm sure we can arrange that. I'll be sure to share your compliments with them. BJ will be in touch tomorrow to update your schedule for you. How's that?"

"Excellent, sir. I thank you. And have a good rest of your day." Gabriel hung up with a very satisfied grin on his face.