The Kinksters are Alright

by Alex Ryder

19 Sep 2023 1035 readers Score 9.6 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Justin's reunion with Liam will alter his life forever. He realizes that he never really fell out of love with him. Harrison's behavior is heading down a dangerous path and he might not be able to stay in control much longer. In a scene reminiscent of an experience he had with Jack, Blaze has some fun on his own - until Charlie shows up and joins him. Their holes get quite a workout.

Chapter 14 - Extreme

As Liam walked with Justin to his room, he thought he could feel electricity in the air. Liam’s memories of Justin washed over him and with them came not only an unbridled desire, but a feeling of rage. He was extremely nervous that he might push Justin too far and that Justin would push back. It was clear that Justin could still physically destroy Liam with little effort. 

The anticipation of what was to come made Liam's heart race as they stepped into the room. Justin seemed to appreciate the moment, or he was messing with Liam’s head, he quickly kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his clothing. He stood there naked, hovering over Liam, his cock looking very threatening in its size and hardness. Liam felt like he should abandon his plan, that maybe he should just let Justin take him like he always did. That was what Justin was thinking. As he turned to walk toward the bed, he saw the dresser. His mind went immediately to that night. The rage returned.

“Get on the fucking bed.” Liam demanded of Justin, who quietly obeyed, thinking he was just playing along for the fun of it.

Liam stripped his clothes off and his large cock was also standing at attention. It was a reminder to Justin that Liam had a more than ten inch cock. This was something he paid little attention to when they were younger. Now it filled him with fear. If he let Liam fuck him, the pain would be unbearable. Liam was much bigger than any of the few other cocks he’s had in his ass. He was rethinking letting Liam do this. 

“Hey buddy, I forgot what a monster you have there.”

“Yeah, because the only time you paid attention to my dick was when you were punching me in the balls. Are you worried it’s gonna hurt? Because it is going to fucking hurt.”

Justin looked up at Liam with dread. Liam’s eyes were full of love and longing, as well as the desire to hurt Justin. The two men embraced each other. As soon as Liam felt Justin's body against his and the heat of his skin, it was like he was back in Justin’s bedroom all those years ago. Liam wanted Justin and his feelings of love and devotion were all coming back to him. He kissed Justin with the same intensity he did when they were together, which only served to fuel his passion further.

They kissed and groped at each other for a while. It was evident to both of them that they had been wanting this, that they needed this, that it had been far too long since they had done this. Liam was just confirming his long standing feelings, Justin was feeling himself drifting further and deeper into Liam’s clutches once again.

“God damn, Justy, I have missed you so fucking much.” 

“I missed you too, Liam. More than I fucking realized.”

“Just because I’m feeling nostalgic, don’t think I’m not going to fucking violate you.”

“I don’t think I’d stop you even if I could.”

Liam was the aggressor, and he wanted to use Justin with no mercy. He was determined to make the night unforgettable, just in case this was his only opportunity to be with Justin again. Liam lifted Justin’s thick, muscular legs over his head. The look of panic on Justin’s face was just the inspiration he needed. There was no more second guessing what he was going to do. Liam glared at Justin and snarled as he thrust his huge, hard cock deep into Justin's very tight ass. 


Liam’s menacing laugh was not at all comforting to Justin. He held his cock deep in Justin’s ass and whispered ominously at him, “you never stopped when I screamed.” He pulled back and held still for a moment, teasing Justin as if he might show him some mercy and pull out, then he rammed his cock back into him and started fucking him. Justin just whimpered and cried at the excruciating pain he was feeling. He’d never been fucked so roughly by such a big cock.

Liam’s thrusts were savage and animalistic; each one more intense than the last until pleasure and pain became one for both of them. Liam pushed Justin to his absolute limit, leaving him no choice but to succumb to the abuse. Justin had no idea what to do. He had never been in this position before. He was strong enough to launch Liam off of him and end this. He could make Liam regret this aggression. For some reason though, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He never wanted anything like this, but with Liam, he accepted it. He was disturbed by how much he was starting to enjoy this, from Liam. It was Liam that he was responding to, that he was willing to submit to. 

“Oh, fuck Liam, fuck…” Saying it was hard for him, almost impossible. He’d never yelled out for someone to fuck him. He’d never actually begged for it. “...fuck…fuck, Liam…fuck me. FUCK ME HARD! HARDER. FUCK ME! FUUUUCK ME LIAMMMM!!!

That was all Liam needed to hear, he knew he was totally in control. He knew he had Justin exactly where he wanted him. Liam grabbed Justin’s face, spit on it and growled, “see what a fucking little bitch you are. I knew I could take you down, you fucking son of a bitch. I FUCKING HATE YOU!” Liam smacked Justin’s face multiple times, each time harder than the last. He grabbed Justin’s hair and pulled on it, forcing his head down. Tears poured from Justin’s eyes. This just made Liam go even harder. 

Liam pushed himself to his limits, driving Justin deeper into agony than either of them could have imagined, and the torment only grew more intense with time. He brought Justin to depths of misery that only he had administered. Being the abused was something he had never known before, and each moment seemed endless as Liam’s torturous rage fuck continued.

The constant motion of Liam pounding into Justin had pushed them up against the headboard. Liam grabbed Justin’s neck, the memories of that last night together vividly playing in his mind, and pounded his head against it. He was fucking him so hard, pushing him with such ferocity against the headboard that it seemed like it would split in two. Both men were surprised at just how powerful Liam was at this moment. Justin was lightheaded and drifted in and out of consciousness. He just laid there, letting Liam’s unusually powerful thrusts pound Justin hard against the unforgiving surface, barely even feeling the jolts of pain shooting through him. It was Liam who was losing control this time. 

Sensing he was really hurting Justin, Liam pulled out and moved back on the bed. “ROLL THE FUCK OVER!!” he commanded. Justin was barely able to breathe, let alone move, so Liam just grabbed him and turned him over himself. He grabbed Justin by the hair and raised his head up only to spit again in his face. 

Liam resumed his assault on Justin’s ass. For what seemed like an eternity, Liam pounded into Justin with relentless force. He brutalized Justin with his furious thrusts. His thick cock ripped into Justin deeper and further with each hate-filled stroke. Justin was subjected to unspeakable agony as Liam vented his wrath upon him.

Liam smacked and punched at Justin while he continued to fuck him. His energy was fading. The adrenaline rush of getting to finally give Justin what he thought he deserved had subsided. He simply couldn’t go on anymore. Liam pulled his cock out of Justin’s sore ass and climbed up his back so he could deliver his final act of humiliation. He grabbed Justin by the hair and held his head up. With his other hand, he jerked his cock until he blasted a load of cum all over Justin’s face. 

“Well, fuck! That felt much better than I thought it would!” Liam exclaimed as he jumped off the bed and went for his cigarettes. “Jesus. I haven’t had a fucking cigarette in way too long. I think I’m going to smoke the whole fucking pack.” He lit a cigarette and sat back on the big cushy chair next to the bed. He watched Justin as he tried to figure out what had just happened.

Justin was stunned. He was trying to comprehend what he just let happen to him. In all of his life he’d never been treated that way. No one was able to do anything even remotely like that to him, he was simply too big, too strong. He is the one who ravaged his lovers, inflicted the pain and humiliation, made them cower and cry. Now, here he was, cum plastered all over his face, his ass and body sore from such a brutal assault. He just laid there on his stomach, still naked and vulnerable, too overwhelmed to even move.

“Hey! Justy! Are you ok over there?” Liam said between drags on his second cigarette. He waited for Justin to respond, but there was nothing. He just laid there. “Justin? Are you so fucking stupefied at how it feels to have the shit kicked out of you by someone fucking you that you can’t move? Or do I need to call 911? Hmm, or should I call your fucking father?”

Justin rolled over and sat up slightly, he looked over at Liam with cum dripping from one side of his face. “Fuck…you…Liam…that was fucking low.” He just plunked back down into the pillows. “Tell me what the fuck I need to do to get you to stop. Anything. I’ll do fucking anything. I’ll be your fucking bitch. Just please, Liam, please, I don’t fucking understand this. You said we’re good, then you beat the fuck out of me and now you’re just being a dick. I get it. You are fucking mad. You have every right to be. I just want to be with you and…feel good. I’m really happy you found me. Help me understand.” Justin said in a tired, raspy voice as he stared up at the ceiling.

Liam sat quietly, looking over at poor exhausted Justin. He was satisfied he’d made his point and knew he really didn’t need to go as far as he did. Ultimately, he couldn’t control his rage and anger. He truly wanted to break Justin and make him feel the pain and agony he caused others. Someone had to and it likely had to be Liam. He took the last drag of his cigarette and got up from his chair. He stepped over to the phone and called room service. “What do you drink?” he asked Justin as he dialed. 

“Bourbon. Fucking bourbon,” Justin replied, sounding very defeated.

“Hey, Liam McGrew, room 943……I need a full bourbon service. Ice, glasses, sweet vermouth, cherries, that kind of shit…….Woodford. You know what, make it two bottles. Send some snacks too……You know, cheese, crackers, nuts, whatever……Thanks.”

After he hung up the phone, Liam went into the bathroom and got two warm cloths and a towel. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat on the bed. “Come on, sit up.” Justin managed to sit up in the bed and looked over at Liam. “You probably need this,” he said as he opened the water bottle and handed it to Justin. Then, he began to wash the cum from Justin’s face. He was gentle and careful. He used the second cloth to wipe his face and neck clean, wiping him down with the towel after. It was like a mom cleaning her kid's face after he was playing outside. He set the towel aside and took Justin’s head in his hands, pulling his head down and kissing him on his forehead. They both sat there silently for a few minutes, just looking at each other. Their trance was interrupted by a knock at the door. Liam got up, threw on a pair of shorts and grabbed everything from the attendant.

Liam poured two Manhattans and brought them to Justin, who hadn’t moved from his spot. He handed Justin a glass and held his up. “Here’s to moving forward.” They clinked glasses and drank healthy sips from them. “Do you remember when you’d do this for me? Clean me up after you tore me apart? You were always so gentle. It was so weird how you could go from monster to mother in just a few minutes.”

“Yeah, I remember. I wanted to take care of you. I thought you needed me to…to get you through it all. I was wrong to think you couldn’t handle yourself.”

“Back then I couldn’t. I needed you to protect me. I wanted you to take care of me. You made me so happy. I didn’t need to be anything else.”

“Then I fucked it up.”

“I’m not completely in the clear here. Sure, you almost killed me, but I begged you to. I wanted you to do all those things to me. I could have stopped that at any time.”

Justin brushed his hand through Liam’s hair. “You are still so adorable. Your smile. Your eyes…” he hesitated, looked up and let out a deep sigh, “Fuck! This is…Liam…I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you. I tried so hard to forget you. I managed to push you out of my head for so long, but then…Calista…I was afraid of hunting her, so I avoided being with her. I had to tell her about…about us. Once I started thinking about it. You entered my mind again. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Shit. I haven’t told anyone about this.” Justin finished his drink. “I feel terrible…like I’m still going to hurt someone.”

Liam took Justin’s glass and made them two more drinks. “Yep, I’m glad I asked for two bottles. And shit! They sent up a jar of bacon!” He popped one in his mouth, “fucking brown sugar bacon!” He brought the drinks and the bacon back to the bed. Justin had made himself a little more comfortable. Liam climbed into bed next to Justin. As they got more cozy, they realized they were both too drunk and too tired to talk anymore. They quietly drank their cocktails and snacked on the jar of bacon. Justin broke the silence.

 “This bacon is fucking everthing.”


“Good morning! How’s my favorite girl?”

“I’m awesome Jack! How are you? I just spoke to you yesterday. Is everything ok?”

“Everything is fabulous!! Maybe I like talking to you everyday. Anyway, I have some good news for you.”

At one time, Jack and Calista spoke on the phone every couple of days. She enjoyed talking to him and occasionally relied on him for advice. Lately, it has become more like once a week, sometimes even less. Jack didn’t necessarily mind. He knew she was becoming her own person and that was not always inclusive of him. 

“Ooooh!! I love good news! Tell me! Tell me!!”

“Remember telling me about that asshole client of yours? Thanks to the fact that Wagner is a spiteful bitch, a certain state assemblyman has resigned.”

“Assemblyman? Like a representati…oh shit! Him? That awful man? He quit?!?”

“Yep. It took a while, but Wagner had a private investigator tail him and they followed him to a meet up point where he picked up a male hustler.”

“What a hypocrite! What did Wagner do?”

“Oh wait, it gets better. The investigator followed him another day and he picked up a boy at a rest area on the highway. He was underage! Somehow the scumbag convinced him to have sex with him.”

“No! Jack! Please tell me that boy wasn’t molested by that disgusting man!”

“He wasn’t. The investigator captured the photos he needed and then followed him to the motel they were about to enter. He confronted the douche and drove the boy home.”

“How can someone be so horrible?”

“Well, pictures somehow ended up at his office. Suddenly he decided he needed to spend more time with his family, gave up his seat and ended his budding campaign for higher office.” 

“Jack! This makes me so happy! I wish we could get rid of everyone like him. Thank you!”

“Thank Wagner. He did the dirty work.”

“OK, I gotta run. I promise I’ll make time for you to come visit soon!”


Harrison’s sexual exploits have been increasing at a rapid pace. Not only is he having sex with Jack and Aidan, Justin, Wesley, his usual fuckbuddies like CJ and the professor, and the guys at the office, but he’s been finding guys on Grindr, Scruff, and Recon. He’s created profiles on all kinds of fetish sites from bareback to fisting and even scat. The more he would poke around online, the more places he would find to try to hook up - especially with guys with kinks and fetishes.

It’s working for him too. Harrison is meeting and hooking up with numerous guys in Milwaukee and Chicago and all points in between. On any given day he could be fucking around with eight to ten guys a day - and he keeps hunting for more. When he was in Toronto with Justin for a business trip, he was unstoppable. He got fucked by Justin a few times, but also found hookups and went to the bath house. 

He’s been exploring his interest in scat with Jack, but still hasn’t told Aidan yet. Aidan is suspicious though. Now, he’s finding guys to explore with as well. He’s been aggressively pushing his limits and finding out what he likes and a few things he doesn’t. He’s come across many creepy and possibly dangerous guys as well. So far, he’s avoided trouble. 

His insatiable appetite for sex hasn’t gotten in the way of his work or school - yet. It also hasn’t cut into his relationships either, though again, Aidan is suspicious that something is up. Harrison is sleeping less to accommodate all of the extra activity. He’s been subsisting on Red Bull, coffee and even adderall. It is inevitable that this train will go off the rails, it seems to be just a matter of when. Harrison has been very good at covering his tracks with Jack and others, but it is getting harder to do.

CJ certainly wasn’t complaining about Harrison’s out of control horniness. He was getting to suck Harrison’s huge cock regularly, was getting fucked more and even got to fist Harrison a few times. On days when they had class at the same time, they had a standard meeting time in the abandoned campus building which was, amazingly, still empty and still regularly used by students to fuck around. As usual, CJ was there waiting for Harrison for their afternoon romp.

Harrison burst into the drab room, a little out of breath. “Hey! Sorry Ceej, I got pulled aside by a prof and she took her time telling me what she needed.”

“You know we only have an hour, mister big cock.”

“Yeah, I fucking know. Sorry. Are you feeling feisty today?” Harrison asked as he pushed CJ against the wall and started kissing him. “Maybe a little, um, odious?” Not letting CJ answer, Harrison smirked and resumed his kissing. “Or punitive? Unrelenting? Tem…pes…tuous?”

“Oh fuck, Harry, you know how much I love words. You’re in a mood today.” CJ grabbed Harrison’s hair and pulled his head back, “so you want me to be a dick to you today?”

“Don’t I deserve it?”

“You always do, you vulgar little harlot.” CJ snipped, then spit in Harrison’s face. He pulled even harder on Harrison’s hair, making him howl. CJ pulled Harrison’s glasses off just before he forced him down on his knees. “I don’t want to break these again,” he said as he tossed them on his backpack.

“You’re really fucking hot when you’re…” Harrison started to say before he was cut off by a hard slap in his face.

“Shut the fuck up, Harry.” CJ gave him another smack, even harder than the last one. Harrison smiled up at CJ, seeming to dare him to do it again, which he did, several more times. “I love how you cry about not liking pain and somehow you get off on this.” CJ issued a few more smacks, then pulled his head back again and spit in his face.

Something about CJ being such a dorky, unassuming boy being rough with Harrison made him extra horny. Like anything else, CJ didn’t really take this seriously. His delivery of these harsh remarks would seem very unconvincing to most, but it turned Harrison on. He liked seeing his otherwise, cute, cheerful friend get rough. CJ commanded Harrison to pull his pants down and blow him. Harrison did not need to be told twice as he slipped CJ’s seven inch cock into his mouth and began sucking. 

Harrison and CJ were both expert cocksuckers. They sometimes fought over who would get to suck the other off. CJ buried his hands in Harrison’s thick hair and arched his back, “oh please don't ever stop…that mouth…fuck Harry!” 

Faster and faster, Harrison was devouring his buddy’s cock. Harrison was hungry for cock, even though he had sucked off three other guys already that day. He craved more cum. Harrison loved cum and tried to get as much of it as he could. CJ shot pretty big loads, especially if it was the first time of the day, which it was. 

CJ remembered that Harrison wanted him to be rough, so he grabbed his head and yanked his cock out. He looked down at Harrison’s desperate face wanting his cock back in his mouth. He spit on him again. CJ liked spitting on Harrison. Then, CJ suddenly shoved Harrison’s face into his crotch, forcing his cock deep into his throat. Harrison gagged a little as CJ fucked his face, ramming his head back and forth as he pleased, pulling on his hair as he did. Harrison put his hands behind his back, letting CJ have total control over his mouth.

CJ shoved Harrison’s face all the way down on his cock. Harrison took his punishment gladly.  After a while, CJ pulled out and roughly smacked Harrison in the face again, spitting again. Then, he grabbed Harrison’s hair, stepped forward and clumsily pushed Harrison down onto the floor. After a little stumble, CJ mounted Harrison’s mouth shoving his cock deep into his throat. The position was uncomfortable for Harrison with his hands still behind his back, so he tried to maneuver himself, but CJ wasn’t having it. He held Harrison down and fucked his face harder. 

“You love this, you fucking slut!” CJ said breathlessly as he began to shoot his load into Harrison’s throat, pulling out so that he could cum all over his face too. He pulled himself off and quickly turned around and planted his lips on Harrison’s, kissing him for a bit before he began licking his cum off Harrison’s face. When he’d had enough, he laid down next to Harrison. “I fucking love playing with you.”

“Same here, bud. Same here. You were almost convincing this time.”

“Face it Harry, neither of us are very convincing asshole tops. Speaking of tops, how many loads of cum are in your ass right now?”

“Three so far. Why, you want them?”

“They are probably really nasty right now.” CJ leaned up, looked right at Harrison and said seductively, “you’d probably shit on my face.”

“That was suggestive. Maybe if we didn’t have to go to class.” Harrison realized a door had been opened between them and it was his chance to tell him about his exploration. “When we were in New York last time, that is exactly what Jack did to me.”

CJ leapt up and knelt over Harrison. “What?!? Did you say what I think you just said?”

“I think so. Am I grossing you out?”

“Believe it or not, no.”

“Oh, really…that doesn’t bother you?”

“No, Harry. I’m glad it’s out in the open now. I’ve done some scat stuff and I think I like it. I was gonna apologize for being gross, but it sounds like you are too. Am I right?”

“You are correct. I loved it. Jack and I have done it some more.”

“What about that hot piece of perfect ass, Aidan? Please tell me he’s into it! I would pay him for it!”

“I don’t know about Aidan. I haven’t had the nerve to ask him yet. This is really cool. We need to make a date. You know…to explore with each other. That would be fucking hot.”

“Oh man, have you done it with anyone else?”

“I did it with a couple of guys recently.”

“Fuck me! I want all the details of Jack, these other guys. Damn Harry! We have lots to talk about.”

“And try.”

“Oh yes, definitely.”


Once the renovation of their new, massive suite at the Watergate was completed, Blaze and Garrett furnished it and even equipped it with a very nice playroom. They spared no expense on the best equipment. They even bought a state of the art fucking machine. Garrett was finally becoming more comfortable spending their infinite resources. 

They had all of the usual rooms as well, bedrooms, living and dining rooms, and so on. They also set up an office for Garrett who was trying his hand at writing and taking on some other responsibilities. Lastly, they set up a nice little suite for Charlie. It was semi-private with its own entrance, bedroom, bathroom and even a loungey area for him to entertain on his own if he wanted.  

For the most part, the three of them were living together comfortably. The original plan was for Charlie to be a slave, mainly a sex slave, to Blaze and Garrett. Especially Garrett. He was collared and given instructions. Over the months the arrangement seemed to not work. When the three of them played together, Garrett had trouble managing both of their desires and satisfying his own. He preferred to use Charlie on his own. He also preferred to not share Blaze, who had his own connection with Charlie that was on a more intimate level. Charlie began to realize that being a sex slave wasn’t really what he wanted after all. He wanted a relationship more like Blaze and Garrett’s where he could be the sub to a Master and still be his own person. Thanks to his adventures with Blaze, Charlie was enjoying being a top more often, which did not work for Garrett at all.

The challenges created some issues among them for a brief period. Fortunately, the love between Garrett and Blaze was strong and both of them respected Charlie. They managed to work it all out and ended the slave situation. Charlie was remarkably more mature than his years, especially sexually. They still fooled around with Charlie, each in the way they liked. Charlie got the best of both worlds without the hassles of trying to be something he learned he wasn’t. Charlie was going out and exploring on his own and making friends and even hooking up on occasion.

One night, Garrett stuck around late at the BDSM club. He found himself a couple of boys to work over. Blaze had enough of that crowd and decided to go home. Their interests didn’t always line up, which was no problem for them. Charlie was out with some of his new friends and probably wouldn’t be home until late, if at all. Since he didn’t find what he was looking for at the club, Blaze had a lot of pent up anxious energy. He had been extremely busy with work and it was catching up to him. Blaze, who acted more like Jack every day, decided to follow some of Jack’s advice for times like these. Have some solo fun.

This is where the new playroom came in handy. It provided a lot more opportunity for everyone in the household to have their own fun. Just like Jack, Blaze took great pleasure using his ass hard and really got into playing on his own. Garrett was in awe of how much of a power bottom Blaze had become. Sometimes he even had to beg Blaze to fuck him. Of course, Charlie was also a big power bottom too, but he loved being a top too, especially when he could fuck Blaze. 

In the time that they backed off on their situation with Charlie, Garrett and Blaze further deepened their D/s relationship. This included Garrett having more control over Blaze sexually. He kept Blaze in chastity more often, frequently for days or even weeks at a time. It wasn’t uncommon for Blaze to go through his day with a butt plug in his ass. Garrett had more control over when and with whom Blaze could have any kind of sex and even regulated his masturbation. Charlie was off limits at times. Fortunately for Blaze, Garrett knew when he needed a release when he was stressed at work. So, this was a night with few restrictions, though he was still locked in a chastity cage. 

When they moved out of the mansion, everyone took the things they wanted from the massive playrooms that were there. Blaze and Harrison took most of the dildos. This didn’t stop him from buying more. His most recent purchases had been delivered that day, which is probably why he was in such a hurry to get home from the club. 

Blaze bought five new toys and planned to use them all that night. They were all very big - over time, the toys that satisfied Blaze have only gotten bigger. Three of them came from Crackstuffers. A large ‘Tree’ with cone shaped bumps that got bigger as you got down to the base. It was 13 inches long and more than seven around at its widest point. Then there was a 15 inch long ‘Gooseneck’ with a narrow head with a big bump, then tapering down to some ridges, then another big bump before narrowing again. The third was one he was really excited about, the ‘Twister XL’. He’d seen it in a JustForFans video of a russian kid with exceptional ass play skills. It was 17 inches long and was shaped like a screw that started small and got bigger as it went down to an eight inch around base. 

The other two provided their own unique challenges. A Greedy Cluster ‘Steel Wand’ that was more rigid than most dildos and was 21 inches long and more than ten inches around, and a 13 inch Bad Dragon ‘Fenrir’ that was a combination of a dragon and a dog cock with a huge knot that was 13 inches around. It had all kinds of interesting texture to it. Blaze was fond of the animal shaped dildos. 

He’d had a few drinks earlier, which he supplemented with a potent edible and a bottle of poppers. Jack never used them, but Blaze and Charlie sort of enjoyed the way they felt when they were using them sometimes. He intended to go hard on himself, so the poppers were in order. Blaze laid out the new toys, whipped up a big batch of lube and got comfortable on one of the padded mats on the floor.

Blaze set up the first dildo, the Tree, lubed it up and squatted over it. He slowly lowered himself onto it until it was completely inside of him, letting out a long moan as the toy slid into him. After savoring the feeling of a full ass for a few minutes, he began to ride. He bounced up and down easily on a toy that would challenge most boys - and this was the easy one. For more than 20 minutes, Blaze worked his ass, first riding it and then laying on his back and fucking himself with it. He was already on cloud nine.

From there he moved on to the Gooseneck. He started on his back, slowly shoving it in, getting used to the girth and length of the dildo before he increased his speed. Each deliberate thrust of the toy stretched and stimulated both of his rings. As he hit the poppers, he fucked himself more and more vigorously. He continued, uninterrupted, for nearly 30 minutes before giving himself a short break. He had to decide what was next. 

Needing to feel some depth, Blaze picked up the Steel Wand and lubed it up. He took another blast of poppers and began to slide the very long and stiff toy into his ass while lying on his back. It took a few tries, but eventually, he was able to get all 21 inches inside of him. He just laid there taking in the feeling of something so deep inside of him. Unlike most dildos, it didn’t bend as freely, so it provided a whole different sensation. He let the dildo slip out of him and thanks to his lube covered hands, had a hard time picking it back up again.

Charlie wasn’t finding what he wanted at the bars either, so he ended his night early too. He entered his side of the penthouse and got comfortable. He stripped off his clothes, picked out a nice thick butt plug to fill his ass and put on one of his favorite extra tight silicone cock rings. He was feeling horny and went to go see if Blaze or Garrett were in the mood to play. He decided to get some ice cream first. After leaving the kitchen, he saw light and heard noise coming from the playroom. He was pleased to find Blaze there playing. Saying nothing, he stopped in the doorway and ate his ice cream while he watched Blaze fumble around with the long, hard dildo. He wasn’t able to get the right position to really fuck himself and it kept slipping form his hands. He was high on pot and poppers and was clearly frustrated. 

Charlie startled Blaze when he spoke, “Hey Spidey, are you ok? You seem frustrated. Maybe I can help you out?”

“Fuck kiddo! Don’t surprise me like that! Where the fuck did you come from?”

“I got bored at the Lantern. It was a weird crowd tonight. I am kinda glad I came home! I was hoping you’d be horny. Looks like you are!”

“Oh, I am! Something must be in the air. Glorious had a weird vibe too. I left Garrett there. He found a couple of sleazy boys to flog the shit out of. He’s probably tearing their asses apart now.”

As Charlie knelt down behind Blaze, he looked at the dildos all lined up. “I was wanting to fuck you, but it looks like you’re in the mood for something much bigger than my very ready and willing eight inches.”

“Your cock always pleases me, kiddo, but yeah, I want more. Do you want to play with my new toys with me?”

“Fuck yeah I do!” Charlie picked up the stiff toy Blaze was having trouble with, “Fuck, Spidey, this thing is looooong! And really hard. Are you sure this is ok?” 

“Trust me, it is. Now start slow and slide it all the way in. You know what to do from there.”

Charlie eased the stiff rod deep inside of Blaze, twisting and turning it as he did. The veins and ridges on the hard toy stimulated the sensitive nerve endings that lined the inside of his ass. Blaze was feeling much better now that he was getting the full effect of this dildo. “Awwwww, fuck yeah kiddo…fuuuuuck yeah…”

“I can’t believe it goes all the way in you like that. Yummy.” Charlie started to piston the long toy inside of Blaze’s ass. He started with slow, short strokes and built up to faster, longer ones. He tried not to go too hard since he was still afraid of the toy’s inflexibility, but he did manage to get going pretty fast. Blaze leaned back with his hands over his head and moaned loudly. After about ten minutes, Charlie slid it out. “Show me, Spiderman, show me.”

Blaze pushed out a bright red rosebud for Charlie to enjoy. It reminded him of when Jack did the same for him during an intense assplay session. Charlie took both hands and wrapped them around the beautiful flower and massaged it. He poked the head of his hard, dripping cock in it, just to feel it a little. He then pushed it back in with the dildo and resumed his fucking. He went at random speeds and changed the depth regularly. For the next ten minutes, Blaze’s ass was impaled by the rigid toy. 

“Ok I'm bored with this one. What's next?”

“I already used those two. Try one of those.”

“Shit, you save the fucked up ones for last! What is this? A weird creature dick?” Charlie picked up the Bad Dragon toy and marveled at it. “Wow, it’s heavy! And THIIIIIICK! This is gonna really tear you open. You ready for that, Spidey?”

“Fuck yeah, kiddo.” Blaze smiled admirably at the boy. Charlie was so sweet and adorable. He loved being called Spidey.

After pouring a ton of lube on the weirdly shaped toy, he pumped some into Blaze’ ass. Blaze took a few deep hits of his poppers. “Over here with those,” Charlie demanded. He took a deep hit of his own and started pushing the thick toy into Blaze’s ass. He went nice and slow at first. 

“Awwww fuuuuck boyy…fuuuuuck…yyyyyeahhhhhh…” Blaze put his arms behind his head and arched his back as he stared up at the ceiling, “mother fucker…”

“The knot is next. Damn, this is fucking hot!” 

Charlie made his final push. As the extremely thick knot passed through Blaze’s sphincter, stretching to its limits, Blaze shot up, tried to pull back a little, extended his arms and put his hands up, “Oh fuck! Hold it. Right there.” It was too late, his ass swallowed the rest of the toy to its base. “God fucking damn it! Uhgggggggg!”

“Do you want me to stop? Are you ok? Should I pull it out?”

“Fuck no. Not yet.” Blaze panted heavily as he let his ass adjust to the massive toy inside him. 

“Come on, Blaze. You know you can do this. I’ve seen bigger things in your ass. Like my two fists! Hit those poppers! I’m pulling out and I’m gonna fuck you like I know you want!”

Blaze took another deep hit of poppers and laid back down. He crossed his arms and put them over his face, “yeah boy, go for it…uhhhhhh…FUUUUCKKK!!!” He yelled as Charlie pulled the creature dick all the way out. He didn’t wait long before he pushed it back in, faster than before. Blaze writhed and yelped as Charlie began to fuck him. 

Charlie was fascinated by this toy and how it looked going in and out of Blaze’s ass. This was a formidable dildo, like nothing Charlie had ever played with before. He watched in awe as the sloping tip gave way to the wide, tapered shaft. The toy was oval shaped, almost flat, unlike a regular dildo. Blaze’s hungry ass, consumed the thick shaft, was lined with even thicker ridges. Charlie didn’t hold back and forced the extremely thick knot into his ass. He fucked Blaze harder and faster with every thrust. Charlie was up on his knees to get the best leverage as he went at Blaze like he was a machine. 

Blaze grunted and groaned as he shook his head back and forth, sweat flying off him. His cock was straining against the cage it was locked in. He couldn’t believe he was getting hard. He usually was soft when his ass was being so harshly abused. The anal assault gave him a pleasure so intense that it hurt. It rocked his body, making him twitch and shake. Just as he got used to it and was enjoying the feeling of this odd toy ripping his hole open, Charlie stopped, holding it deep in his ass, almost pushing it inside him entirely.

“This is fucking incredible. I have never seen you, or anyone, like this. It is so fucking hot.”

Blaze propped himself up on his elbows, “oh fuck, Charlie. Fuck. You…wow…”

“I want you to remember this. You have to fuck me with this thing. Just like this.”

“There’s still one more toy to go.”

“You’re crazy! I think you should fuck me with it.” As Charlie pulled the creature cock from Blaze’s ass, he lurched and yelped once more. Charlie was stunned at how torn up Blaze’s hole was. It was loose and gaping, swollen and puckered. Charlie gently rubbed his fingers on it and in it. “Wow! You’re wide open!” Charlie slid his hand in easily, rubbing Blaze’s insides. “Push it out again. It’s gotta be even bigger. Show me!” Once again, Blaze pushed out his fat, wet rosebud. “Mmmmm, I never thought I’d love this as much as I do. It’s amazing! Spidey, your ass is gaping and swollen and fucking beautiful. This rosebud, can I put my tongue in there?”

“Oh fuck yes.”

Charlie dove right into Blaze’s wrecked hole. He was truly amazed at what he was seeing and touching and tasting. He’d seen this before, but something about it being Blaze made it so sexy to him. Charlie even had his own rosebud from his ass getting used so hard, but he still was in awe of Blaze's. He took both hands and spread his hole wide open and stared into his gut. “Holy shit! This is unreal!” He spit several times and shoved his tongue in, swirling it around Blaze’s extended rectum. 

It was too tempting not to, so Charlie pushed his hands in even more. “Can I, please? It will be better than that toy. I promise!”

With a deep sigh, Blaze responded, “yeah, kiddo. My ass is all yours.” He wanted it just as bad as Charlie did.

“You know it is, Spidey.” Charlie covered his hands with more lube and just shoved one of them into Blaze’s ass, making him shout and leap up. Charlie loved getting fisted and happily let Blaze or Garrett do the fisting, but he’s also become obsessed with using Blaze’s ass. This surprise tonight was way more than he expected.  

The cute boy worked his hands in and out in rapid succession while he worked Blaze up. He then eased both hands in at once, easily double fisting Blaze’s very accepting ass. Blaze yelped and grunted as Charlie further destroyed his ass. He was able to shove both arms in more than halfway up his forearm, stretching him wide. Blaze pounded his fists on the floor and grunted, “AAARRRGGGGHHH! Yessss! Fucking fist me boy! Get in there boy!!”

Determined to go even further than he ever had, he slid his left arm into Blaze's hungry hole slowly. He kept going further and further, working patiently but firmly. Charlie felt Blaze’s ass giving way, going well past his elbow. “Oh my fucking God! Is this ok? Fuck! I’m in so far!” 

“Yes! Fuck yes! Hold on a sec, let me turn over.” Charlie’s arm retreated and Blaze flipped over on all fours, giving Charlie a better angle. They both took another hit of poppers. The eager boy added more lube to his arms and went back to work. 

Charlie had no trouble getting his arm back to the depth he had it before. He easily had more room to go. With his arm just past his elbow, he began to slowly twist his hand into Blaze’s ass. He pulled it all the way out and then teased Blaze some more. “Fuck, this is the best fisting yet!” He pushed all the way to the middle of his forearm, and retreated. Pushing back slowly again, more firmly each time. Even deeper each time. Soon, the rest of his arm slid in easily to the elbow. Blaze was in a deep zone, breathing deeply, easily staying relaxed, wanting to accept Charlie deeper than they had ever gone. With a little more pushing, Charlie had moved past the elbow and had his arm fully stretched out, aiming to go deeper. 

“God damn Blaze! I know how this feels! It’s been done to me, but I’ve never had the chance to do this! I’ve been wanting to do this forever. God, I fucking love you!”

“I-I-I...can  tell…” Blaze let out a long sigh. He couldn’t speak. It had been a long time since he had a full arm, up to the shoulder, deep in him. He couldn’t even remember if it was Garrett or Aidan. Of course, he’s done this to others many times. Charlie’s arms were not too thick, but were still causing all sorts of spasms and convulsions. 

It took some time, but soon Charlie’s entire arm disappeared in Blaze’s ass. Blaze made a deep, guttural groan that told Charlie that this was good. Charlie felt Blaze’s ass close around his bicep, Blaze pushed his ass back against his shoulder. Instinctively, probably because he had been fisted so much, Charlie slowly flexed his hand, and gently twisted his arm as he eased back and forth a little. Charlie pulled his arm all the way back and worked him with just his forearm. He pulled his arm out fully, lubed up the other arm up and pushed that one in as deep as he could, with a pretty quick thrust. Blaze was feeling something so deep and intimate he was totally unaware of anything but Charlie fisting him. Charlie pulled his arm out about halfway, and then pushed it back inside. The muscles of Blaze’s ass had a grip on him like it was going to suck him in. Charlie pulled back and pushed back again a bit faster. He did this many times over, making Blaze go wild.

“You’re loving this so much, Blaze! I can’t believe I’m doing this!”

Charlie looked at Blaze’s face. There were tears in the corners of his eyes, his mouth was open, he was drooling, panting and moaning, but he never asked Charlie to stop. The boy continued to thrust his arm in and out again faster and Blaze let out a scream. With no indication he should stop, he did it harder and deeper. Charlie pulled his entire arm out in one quick motion and then shoved it all the way in. He stopped at his elbow and held it there for a moment. 

“I just want to feel this for a while. I just want to feel myself so far inside of you.”

Charlie slowly slid his arm all the way to his shoulder again and just held it there. Both he and Blaze were in a state of bliss, softly breathing and letting this deep intimacy between them settle in. 

“Is it weird that I almost want to climb inside you? Fuck, this feels so good,” he said as he eased his arm back very slowly, making Blaze feel every bit of it until he finally pulled it out. 

“Yeah, kiddo, that is fucking weird. But you were fucking awesome. You have some skills!”

“Being in porn will teach you a few things. I was fisted so many times, I got to know really well how good it feels. Plus, you and Garrett are good teachers.”

"That was an epic fucking fisting, kiddo. You deserve a reward don't you think?" 

"I think so, Spidey! What do you have in mind?”

“You’ll see.” Blaze collected up two of the dildos from the floor, the Steel Wand that Charlie fucked him with earlier and the Twist XL that he didn’t get to try yet. “Get on all fours, boy.”

Charlie did as he was told. Blaze lubed up his hand and applied a healthy amount to Charlie’s hole. He slid a couple of fingers in easily. Despite his youth, Charlie’s porn days and his own slutting around made his ass fairly easy to invade. Of course the endless fuckings he gets from Garrett and Blaze also help keep him loose. Charlie let out a small sigh when he felt Blaze’s fingers moving around in his hole. Then, he felt something blunt prod at his well-stretched hole - it was the Steel Wand. 

The boy let out a deep moan as the toy slid easily inside of him, enjoying the familiar feeling of being filled. Charlie relaxed as the dildo was slid in and out of him at a steady rhythm, letting Blaze go deep into him. Blaze didn’t go too fast, he just wanted to prime Charlie for what was next. After a few minutes, Blaze set the stiff toy aside. Now it was time for the Twist.

“Damn, this fucking thing looks fun. This is your reward for that awesome fist action.”

“Mmmmmmm, thank you Sir.”

Blaze slowly inserted the toy. It started small and grew as you got to the base. The first few inches were like nothing to the boy’s experienced ass. Charlie let out low purring noises as Blaze turned and twisted the threaded dildo, maximizing the screw effect. He kept pushing and twisting as he went deeper. Charlie’s mind was slowly hazing over with the pleasurable feeling of his hole being stretched wider with every inch. Once Blaze had all 17 inches deep into Charlie’s chute, he continued to twist and turn it, making Charlie writhe in ecstasy. 

“Here, you might want this for what’s coming next,” Blaze said as he tossed the poppers over to Charlie. 

“I can’t wait, Spidey. Use my hole, please.” Charlie took two long draws off the poppers as Blaze pulled the Twist from his ass. 

Blaze teased the boy a little, just poking his ass with the tip of the Twist without pushing it in. Charlie groaned with frustration every time the dildo was taken away. Blaze laughed at Charlie’s exasperation. Finally, Blaze pushed the toy in a little more than half way. He twisted it a little then held it in place. Charlie jerked forward with a loud gasp when he felt the head of another dildo - that stiff Wand - pressed against his already full hole. 

“Awwww fuck…” Charlie moaned as Blaze pushed the second toy in. He relaxed the best he could as he put his head on the ground, covering it with his hands. As the second toy was sliding in underneath the first one, his mind was a blur of different sensations. “Ohhhhhh f-f-f-f-fuuuuuuckkkkk…ahhhhhhh…unnnggggghhhhhh…” Charlie hummed as the two toys were really stretching his hole. The mixture of pain darting through his body from his sphincter and the sheer pleasure that washed over him was intense. Blaze pushed the second toy almost completely into Charlie, then slowly twisted the other in deeper so it was next to the first one. Charlie’s bliss filled mind was racing while Blaze kept twisting the thicker toy deeper into him.

Once Blaze felt he could go no further, he started pulling the stiff toy out and then slowly slid it back in. He would pull on one toy as he pushed the other. Charlie let out a loud groan as the two toys shifted inside of him, The feeling of the dildos being pushed and pulled in and out of him made his body tremble. Strained groans spilled from his mouth as Blaze worked him over.

Blaze was feeling mischievous. “I’ll be right back. Don’t let those fall out!” Blaze ran over to the dildo wall, surveyed the collection and grabbed a beaded anal probe. It wasn’t too thick, but seemed perfect for what Blaze wanted to try.

The two toys were tightly wedged in Charlie’s hole. Blaze added some more lube and then he started to push the probe into the small space between them. Suddenly, Charlie arched upward and let a cry fly out of his mouth, his eyes rolling up into his head and fingers clenching into a fist when he felt Blaze forcing the beaded probe into him.

"Oh fucking god!" Charlie cried out, body shaking as he was stuffed open possibly more than he had ever taken before. He blinked back tears as he breathed deeply, trying to focus on how much he wanted this, even though it hurt so much. 

"You're doing so well kiddo." Blaze praised as he nudged the probe in further and simultaneously pushed both dildos a little deeper.  

"UNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHH." Charlie shuddered while Blaze slowly rotated the Twist with one hand and pushed the other one further in with the other. Charlie threw his head back letting out a yelp cry when Blaze started to thrust the two toys in and out of Charlie's widening hole, with the probe stuck in between. Charlie's body started to vibrate as he screamed in pleasure, almost as if his body was going through the motions of orgasming without actually cumming.

Charlie finally couldn’t take it anymore as Blaze started to go faster and faster, it was all too much and he managed to gasp out his safe word.


Everything grinded to a halt in an instant. Blaze eased the toys from Charlie’s ass, one at a time, and admired the gape he’d created. Blaze carefully inserted his fingers, massaging Charlie's stressed rim, trying to ease any pain Charlie was feeling.

"Talk to me, kiddo." Blaze rumbled as Charlie turned around and went to him, grabbing onto him in a hug.

"That was a lot. I fucking loved it, but it was very extra," Charlie gasped out, his body still trembling slightly. “Did I really have three toys in my ass?”

“Oh, yes you did, kiddo. I got a little excited there, but I’m glad you liked it.”

“I am such a lucky boy to have you.”

“I’m even luckier to have you.”

by Alex Ryder

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024