The Joker's Wild

by Gabriel

5 Mar 2021 2523 readers Score 9.2 (30 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Batman found himself in one of his worst precarious situations. Tied spread-eagle on top of an old rusting box-spring, minus the mattress. The smokey haze in the room made it hard for him to see where he was. He was just coming around from the effects of whatever incapacitated him. He couldn't remember what happened, he was...somewhere. But that voice that permeated the dark room he was held prisoner in was unmistakable. But, but it couldn't be!

"Well Batman, my old friend, we meet—again!" Bruce scanned the room,twisting and pulling against his restraints. The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"Joker? The hell is this!" Batman exclaimed incredulously. "You're dead! I saw you fall off the roof!" The Joker's sinister laugh echoed off the cold, dark-walls of the isolated warehouse. Batman couldn't see the disembodied voice yet. It was cloaked in the foggy mist. Whoever this was, he was playing some insane, twisted game. The Joker was dead!

"The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." the voice replied. A sinister giggle followed, echoing from somewhere within the misty darkness. "I've always wanted to say that!" it continued.

Batman struggled against the chains that held him down as the Jokers henchmen swooped over him, removing his Batsuit searching his body for any surprise weapons. Cutting it off of his body quickly, stripping him down to just his cowl and white boxers.

"Put all his gear in the car," Joker sneered. "I could always use a few more toys."Joker added as he giggled. Three of his henchmen gathered up Batmans' belongings and whisked them away quickly.

"And see if you can get that impressive Bat-mobile started out there I could use another car to!" He shouted after them. "My other car is the Batmobile!" Joker threw his head back as his sinister-giggle enveloping the surroundings.

Batman did his best to free himself but to no avail. Joker eyed his nemesis, muscles bulging, veins popping. The prominent nipples standing erect in the cold damp environment.

"Cold in here, isn't it Batman." Joker teased.

Batman shot Joker a look, said nothing as he struggled on the box-spring supporting him. It creaked and squeaked in response.

"So I see you're boxer guy, huh Batman! I often wondered what was under that Batsuit, now finally I know!" the Joker barked, laughing out-loud, still out of Batmans line of sight. The misty haze hung low in the room,pockets of it filtered out slowly through the only doorway visible.One of the Jokers henchman couldn't contain himself, running over to the Joker exclaiming,

"We finally get to see who Batman is!" he exclaimed going over to Batman and yanking on his cowl. The Joker quickly pulled him back by his hair, knocking him to the ground and kicking him in the head, laying him out cold.

"You idiot!" he roared, looking down at his groaning, crumpled henchman. "Only I get the honor of unmasking Batman, we'll find out who the true identity of the dynamic dickheads are soon enough!" Joker kicked his fallen henchman in the groin as the man writhed in pain. Joker leaned in close, grabbing the fallen man by the back of the neck and adding, "Patience is a virtue has no one ever told you that."

"In the meantime," Joker continued, releasing the man, "allow me some fun first!" the Joker exclaimed in his shrill voice. The rest of his men laughing and giggling out of sight.

"Who are you!What is this!" Batman shouted, into the darkness. The intense light overhead limited his scope of vision.

"You'll soon find out my troublesome friend, your other half will be joining you...right now!" The shadowy figure said. His voice sinister and menacing. A menacing figure appeared through the cloudy mist into the only light in the room, right above Batman's body. There was no doubt, it was indeed the Joker!

"'re are alive after all." Batman said, seemingly shocked, but not surprised. He leaned up as far as he could, then falling back against the box-spring. Yanking violently against his restraints, his veins popping and bulging atop his pumped muscular frame.

"As I said—greatly exaggerated." the Joker replied as he motioned over to his henchmen to bring a figure, tied up, head covered over to Batman. Chains securing his hands behind his back and wearing leg-irons.

The henchmen removed the hood. It was a badly-beaten up and bloodied Robin! They pushed him on top of Batman. He landed, dead-weight on top of Batmans huge chest, breathing heavy, still unconscious.

"The fuck did you do to him Joker you fucking psycho!" Batman roared. The Joker smiled and leaning in close, inches from Bruce's face.

"Nothing that will compare to what you'll be doing to the boy-wonder, or should I say, blunder, since it was much to easy to capture him." the Joker said laughing out loud. "The both of you in fact, are getting very sloppy and now it'll cost you!"

"The hell are you talking about?" Batman shot back as he struggled.

"You'll see."the Joker sneered menacingly. "Indeed!'

The joker motioned for his men to unshackle Robin, he was stripped naked down to his blue boxers. The head of his cut-dick bulged visibly through them.
"Hmmm...guess you're both boxer guys...mystery solved boys!" the Joker shrieked to his henchmen as they all laughed hysterically in unison in the shadows. All the while Batman struggled but to no avail, he was tied down good. His arms tied above his head,he legs spread wide tied to each end of the creaky old box-spring.The Joker came close his face was a huge sinister grin from ear to ear. He touched Batman's erect nipple. His cold bony fingers puling it and twisting it till Batman winced and screamed in pain! Batmans' cock swelled to semi-rigidness nevertheless. The Joker grinned as he glanced at it twitch in those boxers.

"Getting a rise out of you am I Batman?"

"AHHHHH! You psychotic freak!" Batman sneered. The Joker's grin widened and curved into a horrid smile, releasing his tight grip on his nemeses tit.

"WHAT do I want?'he said snickering. "Isn't it more than apparently obvious!" His henchmens' laugh echoing in the room out of sight somewhere in the foggy haze of the large cold warehouse space.

"The dynamic douche-bag wants to know what I WANTboys! Oh how precious indeed!" The Joker leaning in close to Batmans' face again. His horrid breath made Bruce turn away. "What I want—is revenge." he whispered coolly in Bruce's ear.

Robin was coming around, his voice weak, blood trickled from his nose and mouth. The Joker came over and motioned to one of his men. A burly one came ove rand stripped off Robins boxers. Robin stood naked and semi conscious as the Joker reached into the fly of Batmans' boxer shorts and pulled out his huge semi-rigid cock. Bruce cursed and struggled violently.

"Oh, I'm impressed Batman, that's quite the BAT!" the Joker exclaimed. "Get it men?" the Joker said laughing. "Batman's got quite the BAT!" He doubled over in laughter, his henchmen followed his lead, their cackling ricocheting off the cold damp walls.

"Oh I'm going over big here tonight am I not!" The laughing died down a bit as the Joker's plan for the Dynamic Duo was starting to come into serious focus.

"You two will now be doing something I'm sure you've been secretly fantasizing about for quite a while now." Batman looked up at the Joker with fury in his eyes. "Or who knows, perhaps have already done it!" Joker's long bony finger tracing a path across his jawline slowly.

"You won't get away with this you psycho--you're a dead man! You hear me!"Batman raged. The Jokers face just twisted into his ear-to-ear grin. He ran over to the Boy Wonder and whispered in Robin's ear. Robin's eyes were glazed over as if in some kind of trance, his dick and balls hung low despite the coldness of the room.

When the Joker stopped talking Robin climbed upon Batmans' muscular frame and straddled his body facing him. He reached for Bruce's cock and jerked it hard. It got fully erect immediately. Batman couldn't help but get rock hard, Robin's grip was tight around his dick and his strokes rolled Batmans eyes back into his head.

"Robin! Robin, what're you doing! Snap out of it! Wake up! STOP!" Batman shouted at the oblivious Boy Wonder who kept jacking Bruce's cock. His balls ached they got so tight against his body.

"It's no use Batman, he's going to have a seat on that impressive rod, nothing you can do but enjoy it." Joker said giggling. "A little male bonding!" The giggling exploded into sinister laughing, loudly permeating the room. Batman shot Joker a look of contempt and loathing. His muscles pulling with all their might against his bindings.

"Oh c'mon you overgrown bat, you mean you never thought what it would be like to probe the Boy Blunders' boy-hole?" Joker asked sarcastically. "I'm merely bringing you closer together!"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!"Batman growled, yanking violently against his restraints, the box-spring he was flailing on creaked and squeaked loudly under his furious gyrations. His sweaty muscles flexing and relaxing, breath heavy and labored. Blood pulsed through the thick veins along Bruce's rock hard cock. The huge mushroom head was taking on a reddish hue as Robin continued jacking it.

"Ah, not to worry my angry Batty friend, you'll enjoy this time together with your other half!" he said laughing, throwing his head back, his henchmen giggling and cackling along with him.

Robin was still in some catatonic state. Playing with Bruce's huge balls, caressing them gently but firmly, as he yanked on his huge cock. Precum oozing from the tip lubed it up making it slick. Batman tried to roust Robin out of his hypnotized state but to no avail. Robin's eyes behind his mask seemed not his own. Vacant and distant.

"Robin wake up! Snap out-of-it damn it! You can't do this! Wake up!" Batman shouted. Robin didn't respond he just positioned his hole over Bruce's dickhead. Sitting down on Batman's cock, slowly sliding it deep inside his ass! Batman gasped, as his dickhead pushed inside Robin's tight boy-hole. It felt too good to deny. Bruce tried to squirm away from Robin somehow but that was pointless. He was tied up spread-eagle and could move only an inch at best. There was no way out of his restraints and Robin was all in on riding Bruce's dick...

by Gabriel

Email: [email protected]

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