The Interpreter

by The Interpreter

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London 1993

I’d been called to Interpret during one of those big International Political Conferences about aid and giving money to poorer countries, one of those huge inter-governmental junkets where Presidents and Prime Ministers from Rich and Poor nations get together and make promises and complaints and so on. Jaw achingly boring stuff, but the pay was good, and the hotel accommodation was excellent.

I was on duty doing French to Italian and German, and so not much work to do. You are usually given notice of the script that the dignitary is going to say during their speech. It helps us a lot as we can make some notes in advance about some unfamiliar phraseology of technical words. You must keep a watch out and an ear open for deviations to what you have been given.

Usually, we are dumped to one side of the conference hall or at the back of the hall or even worse, in another room or building, in individual booths full of wires and a headset and microphone. Some places don’t even consider giving us air-conditioning or heating.

This time we were in London, a decent city with plenty to do after a hard day of thinking about words and phrases and interpreting and more positively for me, some great gay venues. I’d met quite a number of hot guys in London and had lots of great action too.

We had the usual pre-conference meeting, and I met some colleagues I’d not seen for some time and some more regular friends. There were about fifty interpreters there. One of my British colleagues, Janet, introduced me to a new interpreter who was at his first assignment. I was interested in him for two reasons. Firstly, his language skills were Greek, Albanian, French, Spanish and English. The first two a bit different to the others. Secondly, he was young-ish, handsome, and very do-able and inside his suit jacket there seemed to be a decent body worth exploring. I would have liked to have got him into bed at the click of my fingers. His name was Alec, and he was from Oxford. We chatted for a while and I felt there was some connection, for me it was sexual for sure, and I felt that with Alex it was friendship. What I did get from the youngster was that he was nervous.

As it turned out, he was assigned the booth next to mine. I was happy for this as I could watch him and study his good looks and think all kinds of dirty things I could do with him.

After the briefing, we went to our booths and tried out the various circuits that we have between the various glass booths and the desks of the two hundred and fifty plus delegates sitting in the Conference hall checking that we could hear the speakers and that they could hear us as well.

These days nearly everyone who comes to these conferences speaks or understands English, French or Spanish, but there are some who either can’t be bothered or are very unsure of what they can say or understand, and then there are those who just want to show off and give their speeches in a language other than their own or lapse back into their own language so the folks back home can watch them on the local TV. So we interpreters are there sometimes as decorations and there are times when we can be very busy and times when we have next to nothing to do for a full session, and then there are the times when an argument breaks out and we really have to think on our feet and to be diplomatic at the same time.

The conference started smoothly enough, and I saw Alec in his booth talking away somewhat nervously into his microphone in Spanish as I was doing French. I looked at his tidy black hair, shiny, luscious, and tidy and thought of my hands in there holding his head as I kissed his sensual lips and looking into his dark eyes. That would lead to all kinds of hot gay sexual fun.

I thought I caught him glance at me and give me a smile as he was reading the script we had been given to interpret by the speaker and I tapped my headphones to remind him to also listen to what was being said.

We get a break after three speeches or so, depending on the length of each of the speech given, and I saw our supervisor Janet talking to Alec. I wandered over to them both and she said for Alec to talk to me. I was happy for this as it gave me the chance to be close to the handsome man. We grabbed a drink and chatted for fifteen minutes or so about each other. He was just twenty-three years old, not long out of a University College in Oxford and it had been his life ambition to be an interpreter. He was eager to know my history and work out of Geneva and Lugano and I was happy to talk to him and watch his face. I was almost desperate to kiss him. He was also looking at me in an admiring attitude.

We went back to our glass boxes to continue our work. During our second session I was able to have a break and to take off my headphones. I wasn’t required for a speech, though I had the notes. Alec, next door was translating away also reading the notes. Suddenly there was consternation on the conference floor. The speaker was annoyed at something, and I put my headphones back to listen to what was being said.

“My words are not being spoken properly”, the African dignitary was shouting, “I must protest at words being put in my mouth”. The other delegates were looking up at the interpreting booths and I looked down the line at my colleagues who were looking back at me puzzled and I turned to look the other way to find Alec, next to me looking emotional, and flustered and looking at the notes he had been given. The conference had stopped, and I heard the chairman ask for assistance from the Interpreting Supervisor. That was Janet, and I saw the door to Alec’s booth open and he walked out, and Janet took his place. Now I had work to do as for a change I had to interpret Janets words to the chairman, apologising for a mix up, and asking the speaker to continue his speech.

Janet looked at me and indicated with her thumb, waved by her ear that I should go and deal with Alec.

I went outside my booth and Alec was propped up against facing the corridor wall crying. I put my arm around his muscled shoulder and turned him to me. He was as distraught as any man I had ever seen. He collapsed against me sobbing. ‘It was his first job and he’d messed up totally’, he told me between sobs. The gay man in me liked his body against mine and I wondered if I would be able to turn this to my sexual advantage, but, I had to sort out the mess that Alec had made.

“Now then let’s stop this crying and self-pity, you’ve got to make an apology. The quicker you do it the better it’ll be. So let’s get to the office and sort that out.

In the office were a handful of other interpreters on rest. They hadn’t been in the hall when the incident happened and we were stared at by them.

“Now then”, I firmly told Alec, “Let’s rescue your career and write that apology”.

He sat at the laptop on the desk and I dictated the letter for Alec to type out. I asked him what language he was doing when the incident happened and he told me French to Spanish. So I dictated the letter in French and told Alec to also translate it into Spanish. I poured on the “Mea Culpa” by the spades-full, anything to ease the annoyance of the African dignitary and when I finished I had Alec write it out in Spanish and then got one of the other Spanish speakers to check it out for accuracy.

We then printed it off and I had Alec make a second copy for Janet for filing and had the now calmer Alec sign them both. We called for a messenger to collect the envelope to hand to the offended diplomat and I took the second copy to Janet.

“He’ll be off duty until tomorrow morning”, she told me. “Thanks for handling the youngster”. She had no idea just how much I’d like to handle Alec. “I’ll see him at lunch. He’s very upset”.

I went back to my booth just in time to see the envelope being passed to the African and saw him read the letter and look back to our booths. He handed the letter to an aide and said something to him. I got on with my work. I had thirty minutes or so before the “obligatory” two hour lunch all these conferences have.

I went back to the office to see Alec sitting alone looking miserable.

“Come on let’s do lunch and talk”. I told him. My hotel was close by, a hundred and fifty metres or so away and we could eat and talk there. At the hotel, Alec got all weepy again and to avoid a scene, I took him up to my room. Once inside the floodgates opened and as far as Alec was concerned it was the end of the world and he’d never work again ever. I had to force him to look at me for re-assurance. “You apologised instantly; you are working again tomorrow morning; You haven’t been sacked; You have to learn from your mistake and learn from it”, I told him. “The world is screaming for young interpreters like you. Put it behind you”.

He sniffed and looked at me. His face was bleary and tear stained. I sent him to the bathroom to wash his face. He came back looking better and a lot more handsome. “Thank you Mario, You are a friend”. He stepped to me and embraced me tightly and a lot more closely than I thought was necessary. I started to get that unmistakable erection in my suit trousers. Then he startled me. He kissed me. Not the usual greeting of a pec on the cheek that we do with everyone back in Ticino, but a full on lips to lips kiss. I was shocked as it was so unexpected, but I did enjoy it. The embrace was held tighter, and he shuffled his feet so that his lower body was against mine and we were crutch to crutch. I has fucking hard.

Then a moment later I could tell that he was hard too.  He had pushed his crutch against mine deliberately and swayed his pelvis slightly rubbing our hidden erections together. It was unmistakable and I now knew it was deliberate.

I wanted to pull away from him. It was not the thing to do with a colleague when we were on duty; and we were still on duty; well at least I was.

“I fancied you from the moment I saw you and I was so glad we were put in booth next to each other”. The feeling was mutual, though he was chancing his luck by coming onto me like this during our working hours. After all it might have been lunch time but I was still on call for instant urgent translation. As much as I didn’t really want to I had to push him away.

“Alec there is a time and place and this is not it. After work tonight huh? Please don’t get me suspended as well”.

“You promise, tonight”? I promised and showed him how sincere I was by putting his hand on my erection. “Wow you’re huge”. Alec was impressed. Now the problem was what to do with him for the rest of the afternoon. He half solved it himself.

I’m travelling back and forth each day to Oxford. How would it be if I shared this room with you for the conference period? Now this was something I’d have no objection to. But for the two weeks? What if we were not sexually compatible. I was set on fucking the arse off this youngster, what if he was a total top? Not much fun for me if he was.

“Let’s give it a couple of nights and see how it goes”.

He brightened up. “OK. Tell you what, I’ll travel back to my room in Oxford and get a couple of changes of clothes and return this evening. Let’s exchange contacts. I’ll call when I’m back close again”.

Yes but let’s be discrete about this. I don’t want Janet or the other’s knowing we are sharing. He agreed. I got another kiss and I had to stop him dropping to his knees to snuggle against my still bulging erection. I had a good idea that Alec had a substantial cock on him, it was so obvious when he was rubbing it against mine, and that body of his must be a winner too. I couldn’t wait for six o’clock to come by.

We had to eat and we went down to the hotel lobby to grab a snack. As we ate, Alec admitted that he faltered at in the interpreting booth because he was thinking of me and not concentrating. That would have to stop. Maybe a good rodgering tonight would sort that out; I could fuck some sense into his young humpy body.

“Andiamo”, I told him. “Let’s go”. At the door I was kissed once more, and I took the chance to grab at his crotch for the first time. I had no idea of length but he was certainly thick.

After eating, I sent him off home to Oxford to get his gear, and I went back to the conference hall and met Janet. I told her I’d sent him back to Oxford and to come back for work tomorrow. She asked if there was a problem that Alex had, and I told her I didn’t know. I wasn’t going to say that it was me.

She praised my handling of the youngster and the apology which had been graciously accepted. I told her it might be better if he had a booth away from me. Alec was maybe getting a bit too close and reliant on me. “Personally”? She asked. I told her no but there was maybe a bit too much gratitude for helping him out after the incident. It would be arranged.

I was back at the hotel room by five thirty and about to step into the shower when he called. He was in the lobby and could I remind him of the room number. He turned up a couple of minutes later with his briefcase and a holdall with his clothes and other gear. I was just in a towel wrapped around my waist. His eyes widened. “Want me already”?

“No I was just about to take a shower, after a hot afternoon in the booth”.

“Cool”, he grinned, maybe I could join you”? And he started to strip off. He was soon naked and hard in front of me. I was right he did have a big thick cock. It must have been just about twenty or twenty one centimetres long and seven or eight in circumference. But it was his body that was sensational. He was well muscled just like a gymnast. Broad shouldered, great pecs and biceps that were well worked on. With a very trim waist and very eye catching abs, with his huge erection he was very desirable. My cock reacted instantly as if it had a mind of its own and was tenting the towel, pushing the material outwards by at least ten or eleven centimetres.

He kissed me again and pulled off the towel and this time, held my cock firmly. I was transfixed by his good looks and sensational body and I brushed the back of my hand over his chest and over his nips. He gasped as my knuckles rubbed against his tits, and thrust his tongue into my open mouth. He looked as if he didn’t know what to do next, not that he was lost and hadn’t a clue, I could tell there was so much he wanted to do that he couldn’t make up his mind.

He reacted by dropping to his knees and staring at my rampant cock. Most guys who go for my cock give it a good sniff first before sucking on it. Alec dived down on me taking nearly all I have. I felt almost instantly, the bend in his throat as I slid further into his mouth and he held me inside of him, expertly working his tongue around my shaft giving me wonderful sensations. I looked down to see his nose deep into my pubic hair and his broad muscled shoulders each side of his head.

He backed off my cock slowly, shaking his head and using his tongue over every millimetre of my shaft and head, finally letting go of it and letting it spring back against my lower belly. I was so hard.  He certainly was a talented cocksucker. He stood up to kiss me again, and I protested that I really needed to get the sweat off my body. I felt clammy and dirty after the day in the booth.

Alec followed me to the shower and I set the temperature to just below hot and having checked I stepped into the shower. Alec joined me and liberally soaped up both of our bodies, encouraging me to the same to him. I just loved the feel of his beautifully muscled body; it was beautifully sculpted, muscled and hard. I enjoyed rinsing his body of the shower gel and licking the contours of his frame all over especially his biceps and abs and teasing his super hard cock by flicking my tongue over the slit.

I had him moaning and begging me to swallow his cock, calling out to me to suck on his dick. No, I was going to make him wait. What was obvious was that he really fancied me as he was almost forcing himself onto me. It pleased me immensely.

I pulled him out of the shower with me and we took a towel each and dried each other, taking far too much time in certain areas of our bodies, and we made our way naked to the bed, falling onto it in a tight embrace. I felt cleaner and fresher for sex with him and was determined to fuck him.

He was beautiful to look at facially and bodily and I had a problem deciding where to start with him. Alec thankfully took the lead, sitting above me holding my arms back alongside my head and licking my pits, arms and chest.

As I had found out earlier he was an amazing and enthusiastic kisser and it was difficult to stop him so we could do other things. He took the lead by again going down on my cock, sucking, tonguing and licking my cock head, shaft and balls. He accepted my turning it into a sixty nine as I sucked on his delightful cock, loving the liberal amount of pre-cum leaking from his glands.

It was when he went for my hole that I was really happy, his tongue was talented and he knew how to use it and what was much better was when he rolled me on top of him and I was able to sit on his face and felt him opening my arse cheeks to get in deeper into my hole. What I did like seeing was his abs and waist with his thick cock lying on his flat stomach a good five centimetres above his sexy navel. Alec was indeed a big boy.

What excited me even more was his cock bouncing in the air as he was eating my arse. Would it still bounce when I was fucking him?

I was wanted to fuck him badly, and needed to do plenty of preparation.  His hole would need a good loosening up with a few fingers and my tongue in there to get him ready and begging for a log hard fucking. As he lapped away at my hole, I bent down and opened his legs wide with zero resistance and thrust my face into his smooth hole. He groaned out loud, the sound filling the room. “Yes Mario, eat my wiling hole”. He really didn’t have to encourage me but he continued. “Yeah, lick it out and make me feel really good, I just love your lips and tongue licking me so well”. The guy had a dirty mouth when it came to expressing himself. I wondered if he was just as expressive in his other languages. I used my fingers to open up his hole wider. His butt was lightly hairy and very pink. I wondered about his tightness or if he was virgin; another possible excitement. My licking really loosened him up and he expressed his appreciation by really giving my hole a dammed good rimming.

“Fuck I’m loving this action with you Mario, I really wanted this and more when I first saw you, go on get your lips around my fuck-hole and finger me really good”. By the sounds of it Alec was not a virgin when it came to dirty talk.

If I was going to fuck him I needed my cock wetted well, and so I told him to soak my cock with his spit. The fucker below me knew what to do and was soon deep throating my length and I was face fucking him from above. We rolled together to one side which made the sixty-nining a lot easier. I was able to tell him that I was really going to fuck him hard. It was going to be a punishment for the problems he has caused that morning. He needed a long hard fuck to make him truly remorseful I told him.

“Yes, Yes, Mario, I deserve to be punished by you. Please make me sorry for what happened”.  There was really no dread in his voice; instead there was more desire for a hard shafting. I loosened up his arse with my tongue and fingers, thrusting four fingers inside of him two from each hand and stretching his hole wide open and dribbling and spitting loads of spit into him. He was going to need every drop of the liquid.

When I had judged that he was well ready I had him on the bed on all fours his head in the pillow and his sexy butt in the air.

“Ready for your punishment”?

“Yes sir, I’m ready”.

I aimed my cock right in line with his entrance and rammed my dick into him in one rapid thrust, expecting some resistance, but there was none. I was deep into him in a second. He shouted out loud. Not in anger or pain but in delight. “Holy fuck that’s amazing”. Alec I now found out was a very regular bottom.

I don’t have the largest cock in the world, I’ve seen plenty that are much larger than mine and also some which are much smaller on some of the largest men, I suppose I’m satisfactorily larger than average, and as they say it’s all a matter of technique. I’m always reminded of the quote from Mae West, the Hollywood Actress of the thirties and forties who said “I like small men – They try harder”.

Now I am totally deep in Alec and he loves it. I hold it there for a few seconds before I totally withdraw and ram it back inside again and he calls out again in delight. “Yeah Mario, give it to me like that”.  This is supposed to be a punishment and he’s enjoying it, so I slap the sides of his buttocks hard. Really hard and this time he yelps in pain. The better side of the slap is that it forces his anal shute to tighten around my shaft gripping it hard. I like that feeling. So I slap him hard again on the same side, and he cries out again at the stinging effect of my blow and his arse grips by cock again.

I can see the reddish welt on his skin and get a kick out of it. I decide that he will receive some more spanking from me but not yet. I start giving him a good fucking, pulling my dick mostly out of his hole and ramming it back, and every now and again I pull out fully and ram it back inside again. Alec is now reaching under his body and jacking on his cock.

I keep up the effort of screwing him hard but I’m missing seeing his good looks and his sexy eyes. Yes, I’m going to have to turn him around and over. I have a few ideas about this boy and what I’ll do to him. I whack his rump again, really forcefully, now that it’s been a few minutes since I last hit him and had most probably forgotten just as a reminder that this is supposed to be punishment, pull out his arse and turn him over onto his back.

There is no annoyance in his eyes; in fact they are just as bright as before. He asks me if I’m going to fuck him more. Of course I am. I push his legs right back and get him to hold his ankles, so he exposes his sweet hole to me. He looks ever so ravishing with his dark good looks and his sexy muscled body and I notice his biceps, straining as he holds his legs in the air. My dick throbs at the sight.

I slither closer to him, wanting to kiss him deeply but mindful that this is a reprimand for his fuck up in the booth that morning. Kissing would have to wait. My mouth is full of saliva and I drool the stuff down onto my cock before slamming it deep inside of him again in one go. My eyes are level with his and I can see deep into them and I can tell he loves this.

Raising my body upwards by pushing myself upward using my feet I can get a better angle into his fuck hole and pump into him hard and fast. I raised up my frame, so I can see more of him and his sexy muscled body. With his legs in the air being held by his hands, he looked like he was being crammed into a tight box.

He needed another reminder that this was a chastisement and so he got half a dozen hard clouts once again. This time I could see his eyes. At the first blow there was that slight look of shock and pain but by the last blow he was back to his normal lustful self. The skin where I had administered the spanking was now a deep red, and the outline of my hand was plain to see. It was as if I now owned him.

The fucking continued, and I pounded away and Alec was now verbally encouraging me. Grunting, groaning and moaning in delight, his cock hard and bouncing around his navel.

I had an idea that I wanted to try out on him. I lay down on the bed my cock in the air and I got him to sit on my cock and lean right back. Then I had him lift his legs right back in the air and I wrapped  my arms around his upper legs and clasped my hands around the back of his head so that Alec was locked in position. Alec was flexible enough to achieve it and to be able to fuck himself on my dick.  Somehow we were able to keep our balance and make this work.

He called out in excitement. “I’ve never done this before – it’s great”. I didn’t tell him that I’d never done it before either but that I was excited enough to try. It was not the most comfortable position to be in but the fucking was ok.

We couldn’t hold the position for long and I had to release him from the locking hold.

“I felt like a crab”. He told me after I had unlocked him. I had to giggle.

He took the initiative for the next fuck sitting down on my dick and riding me, in the cowgirl position, or should it be the cowboy position during gay sex. Now Alec was really fucking himself on my dick, satisfying himself. I was happy to see his firm muscled body and good looks and to watch him jack on his cock as he rode me. I reached to twisted his nipples hard, pulling them away from his muscled chest and rubbing the hard points with my thumbnail against my index finger. He winced slightly at first but the pleasure in his eyes soon returned emboldening me to work his nips harder.

He threw his head back in delight, and I wished I had my nip clamps with me, the crocodile teeth clamps. I had read somewhere of a guy who attached the clamps via a leather lace to his cockring and fucked a guy with the clamps attached to the bottom, I’d always secretly wanted to do that to a guy, Alec seemed to be just the right candidate. It had been a while since his last slapping and so I gave him another half dozen hits to the reddened area I had already hit him. They must have really stung as his eyes watered slightly.

Still using my finger nails on his nips and with him riding my cock deeply he leaned down to me and we kissed. The guy was a great kisser, and I loved his tongue action.

I decided that I’d talk dirty to him and see if he’s get off on it and shoot his load.

“Instead of my fingers how would you like some nip clamps on your tits right now”? I put it to him. There was a moan. “I’ve never done that but I’d sure like to try with you. Have you got some here”? I hadn’t but I could tell he’d like it for sure.

“Have you ever done some S&M”? He fantasised about it but thought he could do some light stuff if there was not too much pain.

Had he ever done threesomes? Yes he had and he enjoyed it, but it had to be with the right guys.

Would Alec do a three some with me? Again yes and he’d be very excited to do it as long as the other guy was compatible.

How would he feel about some of that light S&M in a threesome? At that suggestion I felt his arse tighten around my dick and there was a palpable increase in his jack off rate. That would be great fun, he admitted.

So what about a foursome or group sex? Alec groaned out loud. Yes he’d love to try it out with me, and did I know anyone we could do it with. Now I was getting excited at his open attitude to sex; I like a guy with a free mind.

Would Alec like to have me fuck him and have a huge cock down his throat at the same time?

Oh yes he sure would, and for him to be sitting on my cock like he was at this moment. Alec’s breathing became heavier as I embellished my fantasy I was having a great effect on him.

What if a second cock was to enter his hole as I fucked him?

He was looking into my eyes, his eyes glazed over in concentrated ecstasy and his chest was heaving as he laboured to breathe.

“Yes, I have fantasied about that so often. I want to be used by you and your friends, to be made a slave to you cocks and lusts”.

Now his excitement and voice was higher and he was pulling on his long thick cock like crazy.

“Would you really get someone to fuck me with you at the same time”? I told him that I would and that it would excite me beyond belief.

“Oh man. Oh Man”, he called out, now sitting down hard on my cock. I looked up at his hot body and twisted his nipples really hard. “It’s coming, yeah, it’s coming”, he was almost shouting. The he shot his load. It was like a spray, shooting out from his dick in a constant stream with the juice falling all over my chest, arms and stomach, His arse was clenching my cock inside of him repeatedly as he showered my body with his cum. When he had finished, he collapsed on top of me his head next to mine and I could hear and feel his heavy breathing against my ear.

My cock was still deep inside of him. I had let go of his nipples and wrapped my arms around his back holding him to me. “thank you”, he gasped out at me. “That was great”. When he had recovered, he raised himself off of me, lifted his backside off my dick and rolled over onto the bed. Now we were both covered in his juice. 

“I bet you’d like to cum now”. He stated the obvious to me. “Yes. Jack my dick for me. I want to see if you have the action to get me to cum”. “Anything else”?

“Umm, suck and lick my cock and balls and when I say so lick my nipples”.

Alec did as he was told, and was great. Jacking me expertly licking and sucking my cock as he did so, and when I was close, I had him gently lick my nips. Seeing him do this to me with his dark good looks was a great turn on and he had me shooting just as well as he did.

I watched him make his way to the shower afterwards. The marks on the side of his buttocks had turned blue as I had really bruised him. In the shower he winced as he brushed his nipples under the water. For the rest of the week he had a reminder of our first sex session. I lay off the S&M for the time being. Alec returned to work, much chastened by his first day fuck up and had learned his work lesson. He serviced me in the hotel bedroom each night, badgering me for someone to join us, claiming he didn’t know anyone else.

The conference rolled eventually to its long boring inconclusive end as they usually did. I never got out and about the gay scene in London that time.

I met Alec again a few long years later, when we worked at another long and dismally boring conference where we were sat in booths for hours on end, in Frankfurt if I’m correct. That time we went out into the gay ghetto there and found a couple of hot guys to help me give Alec what he had wanted. My advantage was that I some German, albeit with a strange Swiss accent and Alec didn’t have German as one of his tongues. I had the crocodile clips and my cock ring with me and used them as one of the German guys forced his cock into Alec’s throat, and the other German entered Alec’s man-hole with me. It was all the better as the handsome bottom hadn’t a clue what we were talking about and I for some strange reason couldn’t be bothered to translate for him. It was all the more sexier.

by The Interpreter

Email: [email protected]

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