The Formal Night Surprise

by ThatAussieGuy

5 May 2023 6606 readers Score 9.3 (145 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

(Nobody needs to worry, I haven't stopped working on Beyond The Blue but some background to my writing; With my new job I spend a lot of time travelling and have spare time where I don't want to have too much screen time so I sit and write. This is one of the stories I've worked on and will have similar over the next couple of weeks. Would as always love the feedback and any questions in the comments. Thanks)

“Dude, I’ve got everything ready for tonight, the limo picks us up at 5 and then picks up the girls from Lucy’s place and then we go to the formal and then picks us up at 10 and takes us to the hotel and suite,” I say as I finally decide which shirt I want to wear with my grey suit.

Tonight is the culmination of 13 years of school with our formal tonight and I’m hopeful that tonight will also be the night that my girlfriend Lucy and I win the cutest couple award given the fact that we’ve been together the longest having started “dating” in 9th grade.

Finishing getting dressed, I look good with my short dark hair still messy but in a stylish way as I head downstairs for the obligatory pictures with Mum and Dad firstly on the stairs, then outside the house before finally some more pictures in front of the limo before getting in.

Sitting there, I’m really excited about tonight but nervous at the same time because for as long as Lucy and I have been together we’ve never really done anything physical together and we’ve both wanted the right time to do it. The limo only has to drive about 500m down the road to pick up my best mate Ryan who has been like my brother since we first met at pre-school when we were three and since then have always been inseparable.

Getting into the limo, I notice Ryan wearing the most obnoxiously patterned Black and White checked suit “Fucking hell Ryno, I knew you teased me about getting it for the formal, but I never thought you were fucking serious,” my eyes dragged to the pattern of it and amazed that not only that he wore it but pulls it off.

Ryan sits there laughing as I’m speechless right now “Abbie rated it and she said it could work with her dress so that’s all that matters”. I just shake my head at him given that the poor kid probably has too much confidence for his own good and the suit is a perfect example of that factor.

“So like I said earlier, everything is all good for us tonight, dropped your bag at the hotel and the drinks as well are in the fridge,” I say as Ryan cracks open one of the cans of beers he brought for the drive to pick up the girls and then to the Riverside Function Centre where we are having the formal.

We drive for a bit before picking up Abbie and Lucy from Lucy’s place and my jaw drops as Lucy looks absolutely stunning tonight in a long Navy blue dress and Abbie somehow matches stylishly with Ryan’s monstrosity of a suit.

The atmosphere going to the venue in the limo is amazing and everybody is looking forward until tonight and then everything afterwards tonight because really this means we are officially done with school forever and now out into the big wide world of adulthood.

We get to the formal and there is a Cocktail function outside where there are more pictures taken especially by my parents who were waiting for us and wanted to get the special photos with me and Lucy by the river. It’s about 6:15 when the parents are asked to leave and we enter the function centre looking at the room decorated magnificently by the special group of girls and Jake Donovan to make this night special by amalgamating everybody’s ideas together.

Wandering in, we all head to our randomly assigned tables which is how the school decided to assign the seating plan after several years ago, the Organising committee actually came to physical blows over where people were going to sit and how some people refused to be sitting with anyone else.

I follow the table guide and notice that Lucy is on the complete other side of the room from me as is Abbie to Ryan but thanks to some swift work, Ryan manages to swap place cards on his table so that even though we aren’t sitting at the table, the way the set up is we are sitting next to each other.

It’s still early in the night, Ryan and I are just talking whilst everyone is still finding their spots and we have to wait for that to be done before we can get up and mingle and dance and whatnot again. I talk to Ryan but very quickly see his attention is turning away from me and I can see him getting annoyed and starting to breathe heavily “Oh fuck no, absolutely not fucking happening” I turn around as he says that and see that on the same table Abbie’s ex Richie Harris is sitting right next to her having been assigned that spot.

Ryan gets up and wants a confrontation straight away because if there is anyone who pushes his buttons it’s Richie Harris for sure. The pair have never liked each other even before Ryan hooked up with Abbie and it’s the way that Ryan can react that always pushes the situation into worse areas than what it should be.

“Bro, not here ok? Don’t ruin what’s meant to be an amazing night for everyone here” I tell him as I pull him outside and grab him by the shoulders to make sure he knows that I’m serious. “Richie has just about every other girl here tonight as his mercy and you know he would have any of them and how many of them would just spread their legs for him?” I tell him as he takes a few moments to calm down as he grabs a non-alcoholic beer and stands there with me.

“Come on Ax, you know how much he has wanted Abbie back ever since she dumped him and then started going out with me and he’s going to go to any lengths to get her to dump me” I nod but reassure him that nothing will change between him and Abbie.

We head back inside and I know that I’m going to have to keep a close eye on Ryan tonight as I make sure that he’s at the table he’s supposed to be while I go and find Lucy to get her help tonight.

Eventually, I find her and pull her away from her other conversation “Did you notice that situation brewing?” I say to Lucy who just throws her head back with a sigh. “He’s been around her so much lately trying to get her back, almost as if his life depended on it,” Lucy says as we watch Richie flirting with Abbie and her not doing anything to resist it.

“I’ll try to keep him calm and not noticing but if Richie keeps going, you know that even I can’t stop Ryno,” I say as Lucy nods and rolls her eyes at Abbie who seems to be flirting back with Richie right now which isn’t the good sign I wanted.

I head back to the table and see that Ryan is getting more agitated by the second “Ryno… Ryno… oi” I say grabbing his shoulders to get his attention.

“Fucking hell Ax, he’s not even making it subtle anymore or trying to make this a secret” I know that Ryan has every right to be angry and I know that if someone was flirting like that with Lucy I’d be furious even though I know she would reject it. “I know that Ryan, but you getting upset and angry only gives him what he wants and if you said or did something, it ruins everything for Abbie and you” Ryan nods as I say that as the first course of food arrives.

If there is something that can settle Ryan down instantly, it’s food. The portion, though is hardly going to leave a dent in Ryan, especially as salad but he does show a rare amount of etiquette in eating the Caesar Salad and takes some time away from him focussing on the other issue.

After the first course, things have seemed to settle down a lot and Ryan has taken advantage of the free time we have at the moment to hang out with Abbie who looks to be all over Ryan again. “That looks better” Lucy says as she sits down next to me as we look at the other supposedly happy couple of the night.

I nod my head but my gut is telling me that I should be worried about how the rest of the night will go, I just look at Lucy and respond “For now" as Lucy looks at me confused thinking things would be ok.

“Ryno is literally only just holding it together, you know he wears his heart on his sleeve and every blow is crushing especially when it comes to Abbie” Lucy nods then pulls me up to head outside for a minute where she finds an empty space.

Lucy taking me outside to where it’s quiet worries me a lot because if there isn’t anybody around, what she has to say isn’t going to be good. “I don’t think Abbie wants to be with Ryan anymore” I throw my head back as Lucy says that and I look at her.

“I know I should have told you but with everything we had planned, I thought it might prove to her how much Ryan really does care about her and she was all for the plan” Lucy says as I nod along agreeing because there wasn’t any sign that Abbie wanted to dump Ryan at all.

Hearing Lucy say that I sigh loudly “That’s going to absolutely kill him, he loves her so much and drops everything for her, you gotta convince her not to do it” I say to Lucy who just nods and I know that she is trying to make sure that Abbie doesn’t fall into Richie’s tricks.

I head back inside as the main course is being served as Ryan nudges me way too hard in the back always forgetting how much stronger he is than me “Everything ok Ax?”

Part of me wants to tell him about everything Lucy told me and keeping things from my best friend hurts but the truth will hurt him even more “Yeah, Lucy wanted to get some fresh air and away from the music and lights for a little while”.

Eating dinner is good for Ryan and everybody right now because it eases the tension so much as the atmosphere changes as we finally get to dance, take more selfies and then have dessert.

During dessert, the teachers read out the awards for various things and as I wanted Lucy and Me won the Cutest Couple and I was voted the most likely to become famous outside of sport award.

After the awards and dessert, Ryan and I head outside to get some more photos with our mates as I notice that Abbie and Richie are getting super close and cuddly inside and I can see Lucy trying her hardest to drag Abbie away but I can see it’s just not working.

As we finish the photos, Abbie and Lucy come outside as Abbie wants to talk to Ryan in private. They go to a corner as Lucy convinces the photographer to take photos of us in a spot where we can overhear their conversation “Hey, I was thinking that we could head to Richie’s party tonight for a while, everyone is going to be there and it’s gonna be so much fun”.

The look on Ryan’s face says everything as I can see how annoyed he is by that idea and how betrayed he feels because he had to fork out a fair chunk of his bank account to help cover things and that we wanted to make it special.

Lucy squeezes my hand sensing the drama that is about to explode right at the end of our formal “I thought the four of us were going back to the suite with Lucy and Ax” he says as he has had his heart set on this since we planned it months ago.

“Yeah but come on, it’s a Richie Harris party at his Dad’s mansion, it’s got a full-on DJ, proper bar and everything Ry, we can spend time with Lucy and Alex at any point but this is so huge and only happens once, do this for me please?” she says with an almost whine like a petulant child who always gets what she wants with enough whinging.

The last part of her sentence though I see really sets Ryan off which I can totally get as he starts to say something but stops before actually saying what he wants. “Do this for you? I drop whatever I’m doing for you, I had to actually compromise with you to set up and go to Ax’s 18th birthday because you wanted to go to a concert that night, I had to compromise with you every time I had footy because you magically always wanted to do something”.

As Lucy and I stand there trying to settle the situation, we realise that this has not been the steady relationship that we thought it was. “Any time I suggested we do anything, you always changed it or you told me you were busy which is fine, but when it was the other way and I was busy, you’d just meltdown and whinge about everything until I dropped spending time with Ax, mates or even my family to sit and wait for you shopping, I’m over it and done Abbie, if you want Richie back just have him”.

Ryan storms off as Abbie breaks down in tears like she’s the victim when really it’s Ryan that has been the victim through everything and she tries to call after Ryan who just ignores her.

Lucy squeezes my hand as we look at the situation with the limo waiting “You two take the limo back to the hotel, I’ll stay with Abbie tonight” Lucy says as I wanted her to have fun tonight and I know how much she was looking forward to it.

“You sure? I want this to be special for you and I know how much you looked forward to it” Lucy nods but puts her arms around me and then kisses me on the cheek. “I know, but you’re not going to enjoy it thinking about Ryan and he needs you more tonight” I hug Lucy and tell her how amazing that she is and that I will make it up to her.

“At least let the limo drop you off home,” I say as she tells me that it’s fine and she’ll ring her sister to come and pick her up because she knows the situation and what Abbie is like.

As much as I don’t want to, I leave Lucy and wander down to the river where Ryan is sitting trying to hold back the tears “Come on man, Limo’s waiting”.

Ryan looks at me and just shakes his head “Nah, you and Lucy have the special night you had planned” he says as I put my arm around him.

“You’re the most important person to me and it was Lucy’s idea for us to just spend the night together and for me to make sure you’re alright,” I say as we head back to the waiting limo as I say goodnight to Lucy and she tells me she will call me either later on or in the morning.

Sitting in the back of the limo, I crack open two beers and give one to Ryan “To an unexpected boys' night and a lot of fun” I say as he takes a large chug of his beer as I can see that he’s not in the mood to celebrate which I totally understand but I just want him to forget and let loose.

“I know it’s hard but think of it as a massive W, you don’t have to bow to demands and worry that she’s flirting with Richie,” I say as Ryan chugs down the beer and grabs another can of Rum and Coke and drinks that down pretty quickly as well.

Ryan doesn’t say much as we head to the hotel which is about a 20-minute drive through traffic and roadwork which I can understand and I don’t really want to force him to talk about the issue. Once we get to the hotel, we head straight to the suite and Ryan strips right off to his briefs showing off his thick developing chest and thighs and grabs another bottle of beer.

“You know this feels so good Ax” he says calling from the balcony as he turns the spa on and just looks out over the city. “What the balcony, the cool air or what?” I ask as he yells back.

“Being single, no more bossy bitches and just getting to be a guy again” he says as I don’t know whether it’s him talking or just the drinks starting to take over but it’s good that he’s getting into somewhat of a good mood.

“Yep, that’s it, bro, think of all the positives and I’ll get us some vodka shots” I pour the drinks and head out to the spa. Slotting the drinks back, Ryan seems to be much better now but then he seems to be this way whenever he starts drinking.

I head inside to order some room service as Lucy rings me “Hey, how are things with the big guy”.

I watch Ryan stripping naked and then having another drink and standing over the balcony waiting for the spa. “He’s smashed and standing on the balcony completely naked” Lucy laughs before adding “So he’s his usual drunk self”.

I stay on the phone with Lucy for a few more minutes as the room service comes up and I grab some more drinks and head out to the spa taking my shirt and pants off just leaving me in my black Calvin Klein boxers.

Ryan stops me as I go to get in the spa “You’re not getting in like that” he says as I nod and strip off completely naked as my more toned smooth body contrasts Ryan’s beefy hairy body as it’s a tight fit and our legs rub together sitting opposite ends.

We have the music going loudly but not at a level that would get us into trouble from the rooms next to us as we sit there our bodies close together. The mood has changed significantly as we both laugh and joke about everything and talk about how special our friendship is and that we are closer than what I am to my brother. That fact is not hard considering that my brother is 33 and I’m 18.

Ryan gets up out of the spa to get some more shots and I can see everything he’s packing and it’s always growing massive as his soft cock flops between his legs as he gets the drinks and then sits down next to me as we are in tightly, everything almost touching.

“Why can’t any girlfriend be as cool as you or you be a chick Ax,” he says as I know right now the drinks have taken over completely. “It’s always so chilled with you, no dramas, no yelling or whinging and we just do our own shit and have fun,” he says as I nod and feel him putting his arm around me as he keeps talking.

As we sit there downing more drinks, I smile at Ryan “This is nice hanging out like this bro, just talking and chilling even like this” I say as he nods. I watch him take another drink as we sit in close before out of nowhere I feel him pull me in for a kiss.

The kiss isn’t a short one which surprises me because I’d never have thought that Ryan ever felt this way or was anything but straight which we both are.

I pull away from the kiss, stunned as he takes another drink and I realise that this is probably just the effects of the alcohol but something felt right about the kiss. After we both take another shot, Ryan comes back in and kisses me deeper this time and I don’t pull away as I wrap my arms around him and make out with him.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought I’d make out with another guy let alone Ryan, but the kiss feels like something I’ve always wanted even though I’ve never thought I wanted it. Our tongues are in each other's mouths wrestling as the passion is through the roof right now.

We continue to make out, I can feel Ryan moaning into my mouth as I moan into his as our drunken lust for each other has us like two boyfriends going at it. Each kiss is more passionate as I feel him rubbing down my body that I shaved so that if anything happened it wasn’t going to be an issue for anyone.

As we continue to make out, my hands run down Ryan’s beefy and muscular body as we continue to kiss each other, making out and moaning as I feel his hands running down my body. His moans turn me on knowing that I’m doing a good job right now.

We get out of the spa and Ryan continues to kiss me as he pushes me towards the bed and starts to kiss down my neck and body right now as we are both just so into each other right now. Ryan kisses down my smooth body as his hands play with my nipples his thumbs rubbing across them flicking them as his other hand moves towards my hard cock as he runs his finger over my shaft.

Kissing down my body, I feel him going over the lower part of my chest before he starts to lick my shaft up and down as I moan loudly right now as I see Ryan smile and start to suck on the head of my cock, licking my slit where I have started to leak pre cum.

I see the top of my cock disappear into Ryan’s mouth as I can see that he isn’t even thinking about how weird this would be as he starts to continue to suck on my cock deeper right now as I moan.

My head goes back and my eyes close as I’ve never thought that having a guy sucking on my cock could be so good but it seems to be instinctive that a guy just knows the right spots to hit with his tongue because I’m already at the point of orgasm.

Trying to hold off is hard as I push Ryan off and roll him over and kiss him again as we make out and my wet cock rubs against him as we grind together moaning loudly and the sounds of two young men discovering sex with each other fill the room.

As we kiss, it’s my turn to go down Ryan’s body and the size of it and the hair is different to anything that I’ve done before, especially with Lucy’s slender frame. Kissing down the body, through my head there are so many contrasting thoughts knowing this isn’t right but then at the same time wanting to make sure Ryan is feeling as amazing as I did.

I take a deep breath as I run my tongue on his leaking cock, tasting his pre and hearing him moan, I slowly go deeper, trying to not to rush and let him enjoy the sensual feeling of my tongue and mouth swirling on his cock.

Laying back, the big Footy playing guy is now just laying there motionless in a total sense of pleasure as I start to suck on his large cock that ever seems to be growing as my nose hits his trimmed pubes as I gag which also seems to turn him on. I keep sucking slowly eventually picking up the speed as Ryan holds my head and controls it right now as he starts to skull fuck me hard.

Eventually, he pulls me off and rolls me over into a position where we start sucking each other's cocks and if I felt good before, it feels even better with him sucking on my hard 7 inches of meat as I hear his moans of me having his 9 inches down my throat and putting him almost on the sense of pleasure.

As we continue to suck each other, the pre-cum is turning to real cum and despite wanting to hold off I blow a load down Ryan’s throat which he seems to just swallow with ease as he continues sucking my cock without stopping. I moan onto his cock as I blow my load as my hand reaches around and massages his furry ass and my fingers play around with his crack.

“Fuck me first” he says in between sucks which surprises me a lot as we pull off each other and I head to my bag to grab a condom. I turn around and Ryan is leaning over the bed waiting for his virgin ass to be plundered.

I put the condom on as I bend down and rim Ryan who moans even louder than he did when I was sucking his cock. I’m running my tongue over his virgin hole and I start to finger his whole stretching it out so that he won’t be totally shocked when I put my cock in.

After lubing up his hole, I push my cock between Ryan’s furry beefy slapping it as he begs me to take the condom off which I do and then slowly push my cock into his tight hole. “OH FUCK” he screams out as I start to push my cock in deeper.

The feeling of Ryan’s tight hole around my hard cock feels amazing as his virgin hole is closing around my hard 7 inches of cock as I slowly pick up the speed as he milks my cock. I start off slowly and then start to pick up the speed holding onto Ryan’s hips as he starts begging me even more “FUCK ME HARDER AX” he says as I start to use all the drunken power in my body to fuck him harder.

I continue to pound his tight hole harder as I pick up the speed and the moaning fills the room as I push my cock even deeper hitting his prostate hard. The moans get louder as my cock is about to let out a second load which I try to hold off on for a while to not fill his hole and make things weird.

Pulling out of Ryan’s hole, I jerk my cock and it doesn’t need too much effort as I blow a massive load over his ass right now. The cum flies everywhere as Ryan turns around and starts to suck my cock again cleaning up the hot load.

Ryan flips me over onto my back now as he starts to rim me and the first time that I’ve ever been rimmed is like nothing else. Having had experience with girls, Ryan seems to be an expert at rimming and I’m sent to a whole new universe right now.

Lubing up my hole with his tongue, the combination of my ticklishness and the sensitivity that he does it with makes it feel even better. Ryan then gets up and starts to slap his cock on my tight hole as I grip the sheets of the bed worried about how his fat cock is going to hurt.

Eventually, after all the teasing, Ryan starts to push his cock into my hole and the pain is nothing like I’ve ever experienced but once he gets fully in, the pain is there but the feeling of a cock inside your hole feels so amazing. Ryan poises himself slowly so that he can get through his muscles and let out his frustration.

I keep closing my eyes and Ryan starts to fuck my tight ass which is stretching with every motion as I moan at the feeling of him stretching my hole out. “Holy shit that’s big” I moan as he goes harder on my ass essentially using it as a tackling bag because it’s been so long since he has fucked or even jerked off.

Pinned against the bed, Ryan is now swearing profusely as he continues pounding me faster and my hole being torn apart as his cock is seemingly enlarging inside me as he fucks me hard and I can’t say that I’m necessarily enjoying it fully but as I get used to it, the feeling is actually turning me on as I feel my cock getting harder underneath me and another wet spot forming underneath me.

Ryan’s cock is leaking profusely inside me and I don’t care whether he wants to blow a load in me because this is all about making the stud feel good which I’m doing right now. The frustration has gone completely and now Ryno is just living up to his name.

Fucking me harder, my prostate being rammed repeatedly and I feel him slapping my ass “Oh fuck yeah, take my cock bitch” he says as I never realised how dominant he was as he grabs my neck pinning me into the bed.

I don’t know how long he pounds me for before I hear him “Fuck yeah take my load” he says as he continues pounding me and I feel his load filling me up and flowing out of my hole with months worth of cum as I turn around and suck the remaining cum out of his cock.

Ryan gets up and has a shower as I just lay there still trying to get my body back to the sense of calm as I look around and only now do I realise just what happened between me and Ryan but as I lay there I just close my eyes and think that the fallout of what happened is a tomorrow problem.