The Exploration Of Nate

by What You Want To Read

19 Mar 2024 703 readers Score 9.4 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



The rest of Thursday went uneventful. Nate was glad of the rest if he was honest with himself. He’d worked all evening and through all of Friday.

He exchanged texts back and for with Justin, flirty and dirty. But both were in and out of work so nothing more.


JUSTIN: Tan and wax done. 

Justin sent a video to Nate. Nate hit play. Justin filmed from his neck downward. Nate gasped at the slightly darker tan. Justin pulled down the waistband of his boxers and his fully hard cock slapped against his belly as soon as it was freed. Completely bare. 

Nate was just getting in from work. He dropped his bag, jumped on the sofa and reached for his cock. 

NATE: Fuck, what I'd give to be going on that now.

JUSTIN: Show me your pussy.

Nate whipped his clothes off and filmed a clip rubbing a finger over his arsehole. Send.

JUSTIN: I miss you. Seriously. 

A clip followed. Justin filming down toward his cock. Running his fist along the shaft and letting it snap back on his belly again. 

The snap sound as it hit Justin’s belly made Nate gasp again.

NATE: You too handsome. I need a preview of tomorrow. Text me when you're in you're full get up.

JUSTIN: Can I see you after football? 

NATE: What time would that be? We have tomorrow remember? 

JUSTIN: 8? Yeah but I can’t have you to myself.

NATE: Ok. You’re not staying though. You and your big dick can go home tonight. 

JUSTIN: Like you calling me big dick. Just wanna see you a bit. 

NATE: Fine. I’ll buzz you in. Ring me after. Big dick.

JUSTIN: Promise 

NATE: Promise

8:30 and Nate was struggling to stay awake, reading. 

JUSTIN: Get dressed. I know you’re naked up there. It’s a bit cool out so wear a jumper. We’re going for a drive.

Nate thought, ‘what the fuck?’ I better comply. Picturing Justin asking to ‘promise’ almost melted Nate every time. 

Shoving his body into joggers, thick hoodie and trainers, topknot mangled at the back of his head and shoving his glasses on, he trudged downstairs.

Justin’s works van was opposite. Nate grinned but looked down as he crossed the road. Flutters again. ‘He better be in his football kit after me leaving the warm of my home.’ Nate thought opening the door. 


Dirty, sweaty thighs could just about be seen through the dark of the cabin. 

“Get in here.” Justin dragged Nate in and kissed him, hard. Nate glanced down and saw Justin’s beautiful legs splayed, covered in mud and grass.

“David won’t be happy if you’ve scuffed your tan.” Slapping a toned thigh. 

“All dry, it needs to be scrubbed anyway. And look.” Justin pulled his shorts and boxers down to show off his hairless cock again. Still huge even soft.

“Hmmm. Put it away before I blow you right here.” Nate went to sit back down in the passenger seat.

“Fuckin’ tease. Let’s go.” Justin whipped his shorts back up and started off.

“Where are you taking me exactly.” Nate asked. 

“The beach.” Justin looked ahead. 

“Ok, lead the way.” Nate sat back. 

A little while longer, they parked up. A headland that jutted out giving an uninterrupted view of the sea. It was quiet. The noise of the city behind them. 

Justin spoke first. “Love it here. Always come down here and think about shit. Mum, work, stuff. You said you do photo stuff, thought you’d like to see this at this time of night maybe for your book or whatever you call it. Stupid idea you probably already seen…” Justin became totally nervous and goofy. Nate had to stop him. 

He leaned across and put a finger to Justin’s lips. “Justin. Shut the fuck up. To sound like you, ‘you talkin’ shit now man,’ (trying to emulate Justin’s deep city voice). It’s perfect and you’re right this would be incredible for my portfolio.” Nate placed emphasis on the ‘portfolio.’

“So, I’m not stupid then? What was it? Port what?” Justin was still a little nervous. 

“Folio.” Nate smiled widely. He wanted to cry at how adorable Justin was in that moment. 

“Hang on.” Justin gently moved Nate off of him and started the van. 

“Uh what?” Nate said, startled.

“I’ll turn the van around. We can sit in the back and look out.” Justin swung the van round in a swift manoeuvre. 

“Get in the back, I’ll go open the door. Don’t want you gettin’ cold. Summer in England is shit.” He marched off out the van as Nate stepped through into the rear part of the van. His foot hit a box near the doors. Then the doors opened. 

“Open it up.” Justin pointed to the box as he pushed the doors at the back of the van open. Nate grinned and opened the unassuming cardboard box. 

Inside was a huge blanket and two beers. “It’s not much but wanted to make somethin’ out of our date if I could. I’m such a lame prick.” He kicked the gravel and looked away.

Nate had to swallow a lump in his throat at how precious this man was being. He lept forward and pulled Justin to him and wrapped his arms around Justin’s back. “You’re the sweetest.” 

Justin smiled genuinely. “Shit, really? This is ok?” Justin tapped the box - clearly a makeshift hamper.

“Yeah. And date? Is this a date?” Nate pulled at Justin’s t shirt teasingly. 

“Uh, I want it to be. I don’t wanna be all intense but yeah. I like you. It’s been less than two days and we’ve done stuff people would never, but yeah.”

“Yeah? I like the sound of that. It’s a date.” They kissed, Nate knelt in the van and Justin stood. 

“Come sit. Let’s talk about things. Do you have a bottle opener? Nate asked.

Justin jumped in next to Nate. “No need, give it here.” Justin grabbed Nate’s bottle and snapped the cap against the door frame and flung it into the back of the van. The echo was ridiculous and they laughed. 

“Thank you.” Nate clinked his bottle against Justin’s. Justin was now lying back, legs hanging out of the van, Nate sat next to him, hugging his knees under his chest. He wanted to know about Justin. What was he possibly getting himself into if this went anywhere? So, with that thought, he dived right into the deep end.

“So, what about relationships? Have there been any?” Nate tested the water while cringing internally. Was that too much?

Justin took a swig of beer. “Uh yeah. One. Messy. Fucked me up. Older. We’re cool now, kinda.” Nate was relieved at the easiness with which the answer came, but sensed baggage. 

Nate was feeling uneasy. “Shit I’m sorry. What happened?” Balancing with concern and outrightly attempting to preserve some sense of protecting his own feelings. 

“Uh, we met about two years ago. Met at a bar. He was out with his mates, me too. Made eyes, the usual.  He blew me in the toilets of the bar. Got each others numbers and started talkin.”Justin shifted slightly. 

“He was goin’ through his marriage ending and I think I was used to be honest. Sex was intense and I fell for him. Hard. I knew I wasn’t good enough for his world, just some bit of rough but when we were together it was amazing. Then he shut me out. He’d be gaggin’ on my cock on a yatcht one week and ghost me for the next two. He shut me off and I can’t deal with hot and cold. I need to know where I stand. We’re cool now but I just didn’t want to waste my time. He’s part of David’s group too. Name’s Jason.” Justin seemed to be remembering pain.

Nate tensed all over. “Chris told me about him. What a prick. If I’ve got the right guy?”

“Nah really, he’s ok, just shit to deal with. It’s ok.” Nate felt like he was at a dead end. “So where are you to at now?” He felt angry for some reason.

“Uh, we don’t really talk. No point really. I think his divorce is finalising soon though. We’re cool when the group meet up. I don’t hold grudges.” Justin said thoughtfully. 

Nate got a sense of unfinished business with the mild defence of Jason’s behaviour. He decided that whatever this was with Justin, was possibly under threat before it got off the ground. In that short time, Justin had come to mean too much to him. Jason was wealthy, handsome, they have history with each other - everything Nate would rather not have to contend with. 

“What about you?” Justin asked. Snapping Nate away from his spiralling thoughts. “Nothing to report. Girls pretty much until like really recently. Guys are something I’m exploring. Clearly.” Nate laughed deflecting his growing insecurity.

“Oh, a little bi boy are we? Better keep you satisfied or you’ll jump ship again.” Justin laughed and settled looking away. 

Nate thought about what Justin said about Jason. 

‘Let’s show him what he’s got right here. No, I won’t be jumping ship either.’

Justin continued to drift in thought for a moment.

Nate thought quickly to bring him back to focussing on him and him only. Nate jumped out of the van and ripped his clothes off.  “Fuck Nate, what the?!” Justin, startled.

Nate stepped forward with an intense stare. Yanked Justin’s shorts down. His cock was pretty much hard. Nate jumped onto Justin and spat on his hand. He grabbed Justin’s cock and rubbed the spit all over roughly.

“I’m gonna ride you ‘til the wheels fall off this fucking van.” He slapped the cock over his slit and sat down in one full shove onto Justin’s length. It filled him. He grinned through the initial pain. Then the exquisite pleasure came to his belly. 

“Yeah you are. Fuck. Yes. Fuckin’ use it. It’s yours.” Justin went to grab Nate but Nate pushed him off.  “No - hands back. I’m in control.” With that he squeezed and dragged his arse back and forth firmly in a swift move to affirm his claim. Grinning down at Justin’s now squirming face. 

“Fuck, that’s hot. Keep fuckin’ goin.” Justin raised his head to look up at Nate being driven wild by what his cock was doing to him deep inside. 

“Fuck yes.” Nate used his leg muscles, honed from rock climbing to bounce like a piston up and down solidly. He reached up and grabbed the sides of the van for grip and balance. Nate gathered pace and slammed himself hard onto Justin’s cock.

The van doors began to rattle, the body began to shake loudly. Momentarily Nate thought about onlookers but very quickly concluded that he didn’t actually fucking care. He had this beautiful man spring a date on him in the sweetest way and now he was riding him like his life depended on it. 

Justin reached forward and slapped Nate’s inner thighs before grabbing them and pushing Nate harder onto his cock. The spanks on his legs made Nate growl and quicken his pace even further. 

“Nate you’re hot as fuck when you’re wild like this.” Justin whispered as his  face screwed at the grip Nate had over his shaft.

Nate stood suddenly. Justin’s cock flopping out of him and slapping against his belly. Nate set his foot on Justin’s chest and pushed him flat. “Nate, get back down here. You gotta finish!” Justin pleaded, grabbing his foot. 

Nate squatted high over the cock again. Working it with his hand. “I want your load deep on my belly. Lie back. I’m gonna drain you.” Nate straddled then plunged himself back onto Justin. He grabbed both sides of the van and resumed his relentless rhythm. 

Nate’s back muscles inflated with his efforts to drain Justin. He was starting to glisten with sweat. There was still some mild heat in the air. He closed his eyes and hissed through gritted teeth. Getting Justin to blow up inside of him was all that was on his mind. 

“Nate, oh Nate, Nate, fuck, here it is. Shit!” Justin slammed his head back as the load escaped. 

Nate dropped his hands to Justin’s chest and riled back and forth with his knees either side. “Ah there it is. I can feel you filling me up. Good boy.” They came to rest and Nate slapped Justin’s chest, hard.

“Hungry were you? Jesus.” Justin teased, he reached down and grabbed both of Nate’s cheeks and pulled at them while Nate rocked back and forth slowly, Justin still in him.

Still gathering their breath, Justin spoke. “Hey, your turn to fuckin’ blow. Get it down my throat. Fuck my mouth Nate. Balls deep.” Justin said intensely, looking deep into Nate’s eyes. 

Nate jumped forward and knelt over Justin’s shoulders. Justin kissed Nate’s inner thighs and smiled up at him. “Keep kissing me there. Yeah. Again.” Nate closed his eyes as Justin continued to kiss the inside of his thighs while Nate’s cock bounced on his face. Justin’s huge hands kneading his thigh muscles, making Nate squeeze his eyes shut with Justin’s attentiveness. The kisses sending electric pulses to his insides. 

“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Nate grabbed the head of his cock and pushed it against Justin’s lips in a rush and the cum gushed over Justin’s top lip and down his cheeks. “God yeah, more. Yeah. Fuck.” Justin spoke through the cum gathering on his lips. Wet and satisfied. He reached a hand up and squeezed the head of Nate’s aching cock against his lips, locked eyes with Nate and gave out an approving ‘mmmm.’

Gaining a little composure, Justin spoke. “Shit. You didn’t even touch yourself.” Justin said through licking Nate’s thick head still. Impressed. “Don’t sound so shocked.” Nate said breathlessly grinning down at Justin. “This is what you do to me- when you kiss my body like that, I can’t help myself.” Nate rubbed a hand through Justin’s hair trying to gather himself further.

“I’ll remember that then. Anythin’ to see your face like that again. I’ll do everythin’ I can to make you cum. Hard.” Justin rubbed the softening cock over his lips almost in a trance still locking eyes with Nate.

“You can make me cum from just kissing or looking at me.” Nate slid down and kissed Justin on the lips. Still wet with his load. 

“I am relented.” Justin wiggled his eyebrows at Nate. 

Nate lowered his head to Justin’s chest and laughed. He started thinking. His first impressions of Jason were of a cocky, entitled prick but now, and worse, is he’s possible competition for Justin’s attention? Is there more to this story? Nate knew he had no right to dictate what Justin did but he wanted to protect himself too.

Without looking up, “hey, I don’t want to make you talk about it, but what’s your feelings on Jason now? Like really?”  Nate closed his eyes for a moment and then forced himself to look out at the tide. Hoping he hadn’t over stepped the mark.

“No it’s ok. I broke off the relationship about two months back. I couldn’t take being a dirty secret and being expected to be a supportive boyfriend at the same time. I knew he had baggage and we had an age gap. He’s not old though, just older. 40. The sex was hot, we had fun but I don’t think we would have lasted. He’s out now. Part of the break up I think. The other guys knew about us, he met my friends too. We spent less time with the LBM guys. Jason hated it. Sharin’ me I mean.” Justin laughed. 

Nate felt a glimmer of hope remembering Justin’s offer to walk away entirely if he felt he didn’t want to carry on with the group. Clearly not something Justin thought about with Jason. 

“By the way, don’t feel like he’s a threat or somethin’ we’re passed all that. We just get on with it. Not likely to spend much time with him tomorrow either.” Justin reassured and squeezed Nate’s shoulder as he still lay on his chest.

How true was what Justin just said about Jason not being a threat. Justin didn’t think so. He knew he couldn’t and didn’t want to hurt Nate. This was something real and he had some big feelings beginning to course through him for Nate. He wanted, needed, to protect this from anything that might threaten to destroy it.  

Justin began to reflect though. Jason was complicated. Perfect on the outside but damaged underneath. Insecure, jealous, his drug habit did nothing to help his horrible mood swings either. Justin kept this from Nate. Hell, he kept most of the dark side of Jason from everyone. But he also knew Jason had a hold over him. It was toxic but in a way, it was addictive. He hadn’t thought about Jason for a while until Nate brought it up.

He’d pushed him to the back of his memory to move on. He ran a thumb across his lip, trying to push it back again, while perfect Nate seemed to have drifted off on his chest. 

Justin pulled himself up to rest on his hands. Nate’s head rolled forward still sleeping. Justin smiled down at him and stroked Nate’s hair. “Fuckin’ amazin’ he whispered to himself. 

“Huh?” Nate snorted himself awake. “Nothin.’ You ok down there? Comfy are we?” Justin tapped Nate’s shoulder and laughed. 

“I am actually.” Nate curled up in the blanket and hugged at Justin’s waist. “Good job.” Justin pushed Nate to his back and lay by his side and kissed him firmly. 

“Hey, me and my big dick need to get you home and I need to get home too. I got some jobs to attend in the morning before all the prep shit starts.” Justin stroked Nate’s face.

“Oh shit I forgot how late it was. Ok let’s get less naked to go home.” Nate jumped out of the van to grab his still discarded clothes, he hopped around awkwardly and shove them on.

Justin laughed at Nate and pulled his kit back on. They slammed the rear doors and both crept back over to the front seats. 

“I hope tonight was ok, Nate. I know it wasn’t much but I just wanted to be on my own with you, proper.” Justin looked at Nate with those searching eyes again.

“It was just right. You did good. You did ME good.” He reached forward and kissed Justin and they both laughed. 

On the way back to Nate’s, Nate stuck his legs up on the dashboard and held Justin’s hand over the gear leaver the hole way. They didn’t talk. The silence spoke volumes. Nate felt utterly comfortable. 

“Text me when you’re home please. Thank you for my beautiful evening.” Nate went to close the door.

“Nate?” Justin asked.

“Yeah?” Nate responded, hanging by the door. 

“You’re makin’ me feel happy again. Thank you.” Justin’s words were heavy in the air and Nate gulped.

“You’re making me happy too. Get out of here, Big Dick.” Nate ran off to the front of his building and grinned. 

Justin drove, grinning. 

He was on the carriage way when a call came through on the media screen in the van’s console. JASON. 

Justin swerved a little at the name on the screen. He weighed it up, should he answer? Knowing Jason, he could be in a total fucking mess, and he didn’t want that on his conscience. 

He tapped the green phone icon and exhaled. “Hello?” Justin said coldly. 

“Ah you’re up. Are you driving?” Jason sounded like he was half asleep. 

“Yeah, just been hangin’ out with the football lads. What’s wrong?” I don’t hear from you these days.” Justin said firmly. 

“Well you broke everything off. Thought that’s what you wanted. My divorce came through so I’m just having a one man party. Just me in my tight black thong, alone in bed. Been rubbing my hole thinking about you fucking me blind on that boat in the south of France. Fuck. Seeing you tied up tomorrow, I’m going to lose my mind.” Justin could hear Jason moving around on his bed. 

“Are you usin’ Jason?” When Jason was like this, Justin was always sceptical. He also found his hand pulling the head of his cock through the leg of his shorts. He subtly pulled at the head, precum slicking up his finger and thumb. 

“Huh? No. Just a stupidly expensive bottle of champagne. Listen.” Jason clinked what sounded like the bottle and the glass together by the phone.

Justin didn’t respond immediately. Massaging the head against his thigh. What was he going to do? Seconds later…

“Play with your pussy.” Justin couldn’t believe what he was saying but he couldn’t control himself. He’d pulled his cock out over the top of his shorts now, pulling it down hard and letting it slap against his belly.

“Just, baby. I’m so open. My hole misses you.” Justin could hear the wet clapping sound as Jason followed his orders. Justin looked up at the night sky, with regret he knew he’d feel, he closed his eyes for a second and said, “where are you?”

“My apartment in town. SHE is gone from the house tomorrow.” Jason became lucid for a moment.

“I’ll be there in 20 minutes. Wait on the bed. All fours. This is a one off.” Justin punched the steering wheel and looked down at his cock. Fully hard once again. How did Jason do this.

“You know the code for the front door.” Jason said lustfully and hung up. 

Justin drove the entire way with his cock out in front of him. Jason did this to him. A relationship, no matter how bad it was for him, was hard to shake. 

Justin parked up. Grabbed a bottle of water from the door and splashed his face and swilled his mouth. He spat the water out in a feeble attempt to wash Nate off him. Hen ran water along his cock too. Hoping that cleaning Nate away was an act of separating his lust from his guilt. 

He grabbed a work t shirt from the back and dried himself off. Still in his muddied kit.

He jumped out and punched in the code for the front door. In the lift, he pulled his cock out and yanked it hard. He’d go in. Fuck Jason into a whimpering mess and leave. He decided.

He jammed his cock back in his shorts as the lift dinged on Jason’s floor. 

He marched to the door. It was ajar. Justin knew this place, most of their relationship had been spent here. He closed the front door quietly. He was wrestling with regret and lust as he marched through the plush apartment and paused at Jason’s bedroom door. 

Jason was on all fours grunting as he played a finger over  his hole. Jason was, slender, toned, no body hair, light brown wavy hair and blue eyes. His elegant 6’0 frame waiting for Justin.

Justin remembered how everything about the way Jason carried himself and that mischievous smile meant Justin would do anything and forgive anything this man did. 

His body displayed in that submissive way made Justin lust for him all over again.

By the door, Justin pulled his t shirt over his neck quietly and pulled his cock out over the waistband of his shorts. He ran a hand over his chest and pulled at his right nipple hard.  With the other hand, he pulled on his cock furiously. Jason looked incredible. Staring at his former flame waiting for him in just a thong in the dim light of the bedroom made Justin awaken feelings he’d pushed aside months before. 

He couldn’t wait any longer and pushed the door open. Still with his cock in hand, he marched over to Jason.  

“Fuck, stud. You’re ready to go huh?!” Jason gasped at Justin came up behind him. 

“Shut the fuck up.” Justin moved behind Jason used his legs to push Jason’s wider. He ran a hand along the waist band of the thong and jammed his cock underneath. He immediately started slamming his dirty thighs against Jason’s pristine legs, holding the thong for grip. “Oh someone’s balls are full. I’ve missed your power Just. Mmmm.” Giving Justin some encouragement, Jason began flicking his hips hard, causing a solid slap between his arse and Justin’s thighs.

Justin threw his weight forward on Jason, pushing his top half to the bed. Pushing his hand against Jason’s head. “I’m ploughin’ you then I’m outta ‘ere. Got it?” With that he shoved his hips hard against Jason’s arse. 

“Fuck, do what you want. You’ve always been my Prince. Do what you want to me. Just do it already.” Jason writhed back and forth. Justin had a pang of affection again. Jason always used to call him his Prince. Justin snapped out of it, grunted and bit Jason’s shoulder. 

Justin straightened, pulling Jason with him. Justin wrapped one hand around Jason’s throat and the other roughly guided his aching cock deep into Jason’s pussy. One firm thrust confirmed Justin was right back where he knew he shouldn’t be. He kissed Jason’s neck firmly.

He reached his other hand back up to meet the other and held Jason round the throat and began his powerful, animal like attack. Justin stared at the back of Jason’s head, the full and muscular smacks of their bodies filled the room.

”Yeah. Take my cock.” Justin was bling to how wrong this should be. He used his thighs to slam hard into his old flame’s familiar pussy.

Jason reached for his cock and jerked it frantically, with the other hand he clamped onto one of Justin’s solid globes, willing him to go to hell on his hole.

“Oh my god. No one can do this to me like you. Jesus. You’re so deep.” Jason strained, locked in Justin’s grip. 

Reaching up and yanking Jason’s head back by his hair. “Fuckin’ take it. This pussy has always been mine. You’ve always been mine.” Caught in the frenzy Justin continued to not register what he was saying. He kissed Jason hard, pulling his face to his.

The night was warm in the apartment and sweat was dripping from them both. Justin stopped his thrusts and grabbed Jason by his hips and whispered, his lips brushing Jason’s ear, “you want my load deep in your belly? fuckin’ work for it.”

Justin slammed Jason forward on the bed. “Work my cock. You want that load, make me cum. Like you did when I fucked you in that hotel in New York. Come on.” He demanded.

“Anything for my Prince.” Jason moaned into his arm. He snapped his hips back and for in a furious rhythm working Justin up to bust while gripping the bed sheets. Justin leant back, arms behind him while Jason went to work. Jason’s angle worked Justin’s head into a frenzy deep inside.

“Keep goin. Keep goin, yeah here it is.” Justin jumped forward onto the bed, straddling Justin’s back and hole, he reached under Jason’s belly and let his powerful thighs swing his weight into Jason’s hole. Slaps of flesh and scuffs of wood indicated what was about to happen. Justin fell forward on top of Jason as he flooded him with his load, he came like he hadn’t already that night. Justin shocked himself as the last ebbs of his cock spasms subsided. “Fuck.” He whispered to himself.

Jason murmured from below as he shot his load all over the bed. “Oh baby I’ve not cum like this in months.” He cried with ecstasy into the bed.

Whimpering mess achieved.

They lay like that, in sweat and silence for a minute. Justin still had his shorts wrapped around his thighs and his t shirt, mangled behind his neck. 

Justin opened his eyes fully stopping himself from drifting off. “I gotta go.” He got up, slapped Jason on the arse cheek and bit it playfully.

“Oh baby you fucking wrecked me.” Jason turned over and  spread his legs in the air, rubbing a full hand over his hole. “Just like I remembered. No one can do what you do.” 

Justin grinned at him and the. Looked away. “I gotta get out of here. Told myself I wouldn’t do this again.”

Jason grabbed Justin’s hand. “You’re addicted to me. Us.” He locked eyes with Justin and flicked that dangerous smile at his Prince. 

Justin turned back with a straight face. “That’s the problem.”

He got up and left. Walking fast to avoid the voices in his head screaming at him for making this mistake.

He slammed the door of the van as he started the engine. Slammed his fists on the steering wheel and gave out a huge “FUCK!” 

He sped home, ignoring his phone until the next morning. Jason had a spell over Justin, or was it a curse? Was he addicted to what could be with Jason? Or the lust that came after the pain from the way Jason treated him. 

by What You Want To Read

Email: [email protected]

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