The Drunk Colonel

by Marine Rope Stud

18 Dec 2023 3218 readers Score 9.8 (42 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I’m remembering how the weight of the young Lieutenant’s body felt over my shoulder, and it felt good. His khaki covered ass next to my face. I inhaled his scent, the terror filled acrid sweat scent of a man who knows he’s been captured and there’s not a damned thing he can do about it. He didn’t even struggle, just laid over my shoulder like a runaway calf headed to the slaughter house.

His ass crack smelled sour and manly at the same time. I couldn’t wait to strip him and get in there and eat him out. And of fuck! I’m going to head to toe this young piece of Marine meat, and all the stops in between.

That’s right, you already know I love to eat man pussy so, just stay with me and enjoy what I’m getting ready to do to this hot piece of Marine meat.

I carried him to the back of the warehouse, touched the panel and watched the secret door swing open revealing a stairway to a lower level. I carried him down the ten steps to the lower level, found the light switch just inside and to the right of the heavy reinforced wooden door, and bingo, my dungeon is illuminated.

It smells of leather, Crisco and a funky odor coming from one of the jail cells, a toilet left unflushed. Standing him on his feet I move behind, lock my right arm around his neck, grab my wrist with my left hand and squeeze steadily cutting off blood circulation until his head droops telling me he’s knocked out cold. Before he crumbles to the deck, grab him under his arms and drag him to an eight feet long sturdy wooden table, hoist him up, then down on his face, grab his feet and stretch him out on top of the table, release his steel cuffs, turn him over and go to work removing his uniform before he comes to. I unbutton and remove his blouse along with the soaked white undershirt, cover my face with it and inhale his funk.

I grab both of his hands and pull them over his head and to the top of the table where two steel cuffs await his wrists, I grab the right wrist, close the steel cuff around and lock it, doing the same to his left wrist.

He’s beginning to come around, still blindfolded pulling at the cuffs shackling him to the table.

“What are you going to do to me, who are you…What the fuck!”

“You’ll find out soon enough who I am LT., so just relax, it’s going to happen to you weather you like it or not”.

I’m standing next to the wooden table that’s holding my young straight LT. captive. Oh boy, he’s one fucking hot piece of beef stretched out and waiting for my next move which is to lower my mouth to one of his brow and pink nips, lick around, tasting his smooth young flesh, then begin to chew and suck on the brown nub puffing it up, and do the same to the other one.

“Oh shit! Don’t do that…STOP…get the fuck off me you God dammed pervert!” He shouts to no one, just me.

Now he’s really beginning to struggle and pull at the cuffs encircling his wrists to no avail, kicking his heels, banging the wooden surface with the heels of his shoes.

“You better settle down you mother fucker or this might be your last day on planet earth”. I say, standing up to deliver several open-handed slaps to his handsome face, knocking his head back and forth until he shuts up.

A tiny drop of blood appears at the corner of his mouth where he bit his lip as I was slapping him.

“Let’s see what you have down below LT., something nice for me to play with huh?" I unbuckle his web belt and pull it all the way out of its loops and toss aside, then unbutton the top button of his uniform khakis trousers and unzip. A musky virile scent assails my senses, it smells like stale piss and the unmistakable odor only a young male can produce.

His head is up and if he wasn’t blindfolded, he’d be looking straight down on me pulling his trousers down to his shoe tops. I like the LT’s black Bates officer shoes even though they are dusty and scratched somewhat. Untying first one then the other I pull each off slowly allowing his foot scent to hit me directly in my face. I cover my face with one and inhale his youthful foot sweat together with the smell of hot shoe leather, then set them aside and pull his trousers all the way off and toss them, pick up his shoes and put them back on his feet, lace them back up. I like the way they look on his feet together with the brown sweaty military socks

He’s still straining to see me working down at his feet if only he didn’t have that black leather blindfold covering his baby blues, he could watch. but I want to get is feet into the steel cuffs first, so I grab his left foot and bring it to the bottom edge of the table and cuff it there and do the same with the right foot. Now he’s stretched out and helpless.

Even stretched out the way he is, it’s easy to see he has a beautifully worked out body, smooth and hairless, developed pectorals, a blond treasure trail crawling down over six pack abdominals to disappear under the waist band of his white boxers.

I can see his thick tool through the opening in his boxers, the mushroom head just out of sight, it moves slightly as he struggles, pulling at all four corners of his restraints. I put my nose inside the slit opening and breathe in his young man scent, the tip of my nose resting on one of his hairy cum tanks. I send one of my hands up his leg and into his shorts to encircle and grasp both of his nuts and squeeze tightly.

“Oh FUCK!", he screams out loud… "Shit, shit…let go you mother fucker, I’ll kill you when I get out of here."

This is my que to reach into the opening of his shorts and pull out his cock. It’s becoming turgid and alive in my palm, the shaft filling with blood, the head starting to bloat and leak, it’s straining to reach its full eight inches and leaking more pre-cum as my thumb rubs over the piss slit.

I walk over to a cabinet and remove a pair of sharp scissors, return and cut his white shorts off and discard them. Now he’s completely naked except for those black Bates shoes that I like so much.

His dick is hard now and jerking slightly as he feels me moving around feeling him up with calloused hands, taking in this delectable sight stretched out before me. I bend over and push my face into his crotch allowing my tongue to swipe under his hanging nuts, licking and tasting the short space behind his hairy cum factory leading to his taint.

“I’m going to remove your blindfold LT. and let you see the man who owns you now, you might remember, at least I think you will because I’m the man who beat off in your combats yesterday, so take a good look”.

I walk to the head of the table, lift pretty boy’s blond head, unbuckle the blindfold and remove it slowly. 

He blinks his Paul Newman baby blues as I stand back looking down on him. The expression on his face is priceless as he begins to recognize me, his eyes growing wide with alarm, his mouth agape.

“Staff Sergeant what the fuck is going on here? This is a criminal offence you could go to prison…you can’t do something like this to an officer in the Marine Corps…you can be court marshalled for this…you might never get out of prison”.

His anger is registering high on the Richter Scale. He’s pulling at his restraints, trembling all over, beginning to sweat in a room that is quite cool at the moment.

“Now, now LT. save the sermon for another time, it won’t do you any good here. There is more to this than you could ever comprehend, so don’t waste my time telling me about all the trouble I’m going to be in, because it’s you who are in trouble all the way up to your pretty eye balls”.

And with that I bend over and take a swipe at his dick head with my eager tongue tasting the man I have under my control. It’s slightly salty and almost tasteless. The real taste prize is in his young hairy balls and I intend to have my dinner early today, so I envelope his mushroom head and clamp my lips around it and begin a slight suction pulling out even more of his pre.

“Get the fuck off my dick you ass hole pervert!” He yells out loudly but no one hears him, save his captor.

I’m overcome briefly as his struggling hot body is sending off wave after wave of young man stink. I suck and take the entire eight inches all the way to the rear of my throat and ease the head past my gag reflex. It’s been a long time since I sucked a dick and I want what is residing in this Marines balls. His legs go tense and his stomach muscles contract as he cries out loudly and starts shooting volley after volley of hot Marine cum down my gullet. I pull off so that I can taste the meal he’s serving me. It’s thick and creamy, salty and metallic tasting as I hold the huge volume in my mouth savoring its richness before swallowing. I pull off still holding the shaft in my hand, squeeze the last drops up the urethra and lick that off.

The Lieutenants head is back down on the table, his eyes closed, his breathing coming back to normal.

I pat him on his hard stomach, then tweak one of his nips and say, “Thanks for the meal Sir, I’ll be serving you one of mine soon enough”. And with that I go to the cabinet and return with a woolen blanket and throw it over him.

“See you later Sir, have a nice sleep and get ready for a hard day tomorrow…I have a little surprise waiting for you”.

I walk to the door, turn off the lights and climb the stairs to the warehouse proper.

The next morning finds me back at my MP Station doing paper work neglected the previous day. I’m rushing through all the detailed crap that tends to pile up as soon as your turn your attention elsewhere, but I have something else on my mind when I call to Corporal Dickinson.

“Corporal Dickinson, come into my office and close the door behind you”. I say as I stand and wait for his arrival.

I check him out, head to toe as he walks into my office and closes the door behind him. This is one squared away Marine, perfect high-n-tight haircut, size 12 combats always spit shined, clean shaven, camo uniform starched and crisp and of course that mischievous smile hiding the newest prank he’s calculating to play on his next Marine victim. You got to love this goof ball of a Marine, and I do.

He’s standing, boots spread, hands behind his back in an at ease position. I watch as those seductive blue eyes betray him moving slowly over my body from boots to crotch. I remember how he seems always to be interested in my crotch. Maybe it’s just a natural reaction for him to check out what another man has hanging between his legs, it’s what men everywhere do in a public shower, no big deal.

As I watch his eyes betray him, my dick wakes up and decides to make a statement, and today, like yesterday, I’m going commando so my rod inflates and snakes down my left trouser leg, its big mushroom head making a display even a blind man could see.

“See something you like Corporal?”. Snapping out of his trance his mouth hangs agape.


“Never mind Corporal , I have a task to perform and I might need your help today, so clear your desk and stand at the ready”.

“Will do Sergeant, your wish is my command”. He says cheekily, clicking his boot heels together, smiles that broad little boy smile, turns and exits my office closing the door behind him.

I sit down at my desk, pull out my cell phone and punch in Colonel Conroy’s phone number. One of his Air Men answers.

“Colonel Conroy’s office”

“This is Sergeant Collins; would you please patch me through to the Colonel?”

“Right away Sergeant”

“Colonel Conroy here.”

“Colonel, this is Sgt. Collins. Didn’t you tell me yesterday that you have an Air Force Major arriving today?”

“Yes Sir, he’s Major Fielding, he will be on assignment to me for the next six months helping put together a tour and lectures at all Marine air bases”.

“Good, good, tell me something about him that you think I should know, and you know what I mean”.

“Well Sir, he is a career officer who takes his job seriously”.

“Stop right there…I don’t give a rat’s ass how dedicated he is, I want to know what he looks like, his general demeanor, you know what I’m after don’t you boy?”

I can hear him slow down and take a breath then speak.

“Sir, a damned good-looking masculine, straight as they come officer, stands about six feet tall, one hundred and seventy pounds or so, a take no shit kind of man who believes himself to be God’s gift to women. A true ginger with flaming red hair. We graduated the Academy together but went in different directions, is that what you wanted to know Sir”.

“Yes, boy, that is exactly what I wanted to know. Get your shit together and stand outside of your building and I’ll swing by and pick you up in about twenty minutes. And by the way, I expect you to hand over those black cowboy boots of yours, I’m betting that you have them there with you so put them in an overnight bag, they belong to me now. We’ll head out to the air field and snatch up Major Fielding, I have some plans for him”.

“Yes, Sergeant Collins, I’ll be waiting, and I do have those cowboy boots”

After talking to the Colonel, I put my cell back in its holder, then call out.

“Corporal Dickinson, go to the motor pool and check out one of the staff sedans, we’re going over to pick up Colonel Conroy and head out to the air field to collect ourselves an Air Force Major’.

“Right away Sergeant, should take about thirty minutes or so”.

I watch him turn and leave my office. My eyes are glued to his round hard ass, the one I plan to tap into later today.

Twenty minutes pass. He drives up and parks at the curb waiting for me to hop in, which I do. I settle myself next to him in the front seat signaling him to start our short journey to Colonel Conroy’s office. He has that sweet disarming smile on his face and I can’t help myself as I reach over and grab his right thigh and give it a hearty squeeze. While staring ahead he takes my hand and pulls it to his crotch where I encounter a stiff boner next to my knuckles. We lock eyes briefly as his eye brows go up and he gives me a quick wink.

I knew this hot son of a bitch wanted me, I just fucking knew it, and now I have three military slave boys to work over and I am about to add to that number with the Major, although I have not seen him I know instantly what I want from him.

We drive the short distance between my Station and his office building, and there he is waiting, still sharp looking in his old-style camo uniform, and yes, those damn hot combats on his feet.

I lower my passenger window leaning out and say to him, “Hop in Colonel, we’re going shopping for meat”.

And yes, he’s carrying a blue overnight bag containing those hot black cowboy boots”. He tosses the bag into the back seat, then climbs in.

I can see out of the corner of my left eye Corporal Dickinson grinning, his blue eyes dancing in the morning sunlight. This boy knows the score alright, no doubt about it.

We arrive at the air field and walk to the small waiting room and there he is.  Air Force old style blue and white camo uniform with his trousers stuffed down into the tops of is combats, something a few Marines do instead of using a blousing strap, shows off more of the boot shafts. His cover folded and pushed down into his right rear pocket. If I told you that a dream just came true and if you saw this tall stud of an Air Force Major, you would know exactly what I was talking about. Every bit of six feet, muscular and confident. A big smile on his face showing sparkling white teeth, and yes, flaming red hair in a modified high-n-tight haircut. He spots the Colonel and closes the distance between us in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, wraps his arms around the Colonel and hugs for a few seconds then let’s go and steps back saying, “bull frog, damn man, it’s great to see you again”

“You too stallion, good to see you”

And if you’re wondering where that nick name came from I can attest to the fact that he is indeed hung like a stallion.

I learned later that day that bull frog is the name the other cadets gave him after learning that when he was a boy he went frog hunting with his father.

The evidence of his nick name is hanging down his left trouser leg. The damn thing is soft and yet looks like a nine incher. He takes a couple of steps to me, his big honker swinging merrily as he approaches and speaks to me for the first time.

“Sergeant take my bags”, handing over a blue Air Force officers duffel bag and a smaller overnight type zip up bag”. He drops them at my feet then walks away side by side with the Colonel.

I’m watching that big hard ass of his wallow around under the tightly stretched trousers. My mouth is watering thinking of the fun I’m going to have with the Major. I want to see that big cock of his, taste it and his big hard ass too, and yeah, I want to sink my fuck stick deep inside that hot hole of his, and take it.

The Corporal opens the sedan trunk and I deposit both of the Major’s bags inside and slam the lid closed.

The Colonel and the Major both get into the vehicle, entering from both sides. Corporal Dickinson turns his head toward me smiling. I can see his eyes concentrating on the rear-view mirror, checking out our new passenger and nodding his head as he turns to me still smiling.

Rabbit’s in the snare and ready to be hauled out I’m thinking to myself as we drive toward the abandoned warehouse area. How did the Corporal know that was our destination? I haven’t even the slightest clue.

The two officers are speaking in muted tones, their heads together laughing from time to time, slapping each other on firm thighs. A little chummier than one would expect, but after all, they haven’t seen each other for many months or perhaps years.

The Major speaks first. “Sergeant, where are you taking us? I’ve been here before and the BOQ (bachelor Officer quarters) is in the other direction”.

“Yes, I know Sir, but the Colonel is interested in a project that I’ve been working on for several months now, and he wants to view my progress”.

I don’t know if my response satisfied him or not. The Colonel has no idea of what I’ve been doing on my own, but he remains silent and continues to look forward saying nothing to the Major

We arrive at the warehouse and park. The Corporal is first out of the car and quickly goes to the Major’s door and opens it while I do the same with the Colonels. They both step out and wait for my next move, which is to usher the two Officers into the deserted building.

The four of us enter the dark building. Light is streaming into the empty room from clear story windows twenty feet up that occupy the entire circumference of the structure. The meager light source creates some shadows of the four of us as we survey the interior.

The Major speaks, “So Sergeant, what is this all about? I don’t see anything but an empty building”.

He continues to look around, I come up behind him, use my heavy combat boot to kick him behind his knees, sending the stunned Major face down to the deck. To my amazement I watch the Corporal go into action, dropping down, his right knee lands in the middle of the Major’s back. He reaches into his handcuff keeper, pulls the cuffs out quickly, twist the Major’s hands behinds his back and cuffs them.

The Colonel and I lock eyes. I watch a large grin form on his lips as he pulls a white handkerchief from his back pocket, kneels, grabs the Major’s head and stuffs the handkerchief into the shocked man’s mouth cutting off any further conversation.

The room is quiet, you can hear a pin drop in this silent chamber. No one makes a move for the first few minutes, then the Corporal speaks looking directly in my eyes.

“Well, Sergeant, you said we were going meat shopping and it looks like we have ourselves quite a large roast here”.

The Major, face down on the deck, struggles, pulling at the steel cuffs holding him captive, shouting into his gag to no avail.  I grab the Corporal behind his neck and pull him into my face, his mouth opens accepting my tongue, we swap spit and devour each other in a long passionate snog. I release him and back off.

“Well, it looks as if we have our work cut out for us now Corporal. You and me are going to have ourselves a party”.

“What about the Colonel, is he part of this scenario? What are we going to do with him Sergeant?”

“I’ll show you what we’re going to do with him…Colonel, drop to your knees and kiss my boots and the Corporal’s also”.

He snaps to and goes down on my boots and the Corporal’s kissing and licking like a starved dog.

“Straighten up and get the Corporals dick out and suck on it until I tell you to stop. He walks on his knees, reaches up, unbuttons the Marine’s trousers, pulls his already throbbing cock out, looks at the Marine’s weapon, staring at it, then wraps his hand around the hard pole, pulls it forward and engulfs the swollen head, teases the tip with his tongue before taking the entire shaft into his watering mouth and begins to suck hungrily.

“Ok Colonel, that will do for now…just wanted to show which side you’re on”.

“I’m on your side Master”.

“That’s right fly boy, you’ll do whatever I tell you to do, is that correct fly boy?”

“Yes Master, whatever you tell me to do”.

“Good, get the Major on his feet and put this blindfold over his eyes”.

I hand the Colonel my green handkerchief, he ties it tightly over the Major’s eyes, knotting it behind his head then looks to me for approval.

“That’s a good boy, good job”.

“You two, grab the Major’s arms and follow me”.

One on each side of him they take his arms and lead him to the rear of the cavernous room. I step in front of them and push the secret panel and watch as the door swings open revealing the long flight of stairs leading down into the darkness.

They follow me slowly as we descend into my dungeon. I flip the light switch illuminating this little torture chamber and jail.

I’m watching my Corporal and the Colonel survey my personal work space. Both of their mouths hang open in dismay as they spot the wooden table where my Lieutenant is spread out, secured, naked, covered with a woolen Marine Corps blanket.

The Corporal walks over to the table and uncovers the Lieutenant. Their eyes meet for an instant and the Lieutenant pleads forcefully. “Corporal, please help me this maniac kidnapped me and has been doing things to me…help me get out of here”.

“Oh, is the little Lieutenant all tied up?” He smiles, “let me see what I can do about this situation” and with that be bends over our prone quest and plants his mouth over the Lieutenant’s forcing his tongue into his mouth in a healthy snog.

The Major, hands cuffed behind his back and the Colonel’s handkerchief still stuffed into his mouth is grunting and cursing into his gag.

Colonel Conroy standing in front of Major Fielding reaches out and removes his blindfold, grabs the Major’s crotch manhandling the enormous bulge. He looks to me with questioning eyes asking permission to take that monster out and give it some air. I nod my head smiling as I watch the Colonel unbutton the trousers, reach in and pull out one of the biggest dicks I’ve ever seen that wasn’t hanging under a horse.  The cock relaxed is hanging over hairy balls the size of lemons and looks as thick as a grown man’s wrist. The huge dick head covered with tight cock skin is showing only a glimmer of a piss slit.

“Just as I remember, pink pubic hair” he says out loud handling the inflating meat tube and using both hands he plays with the enormous hairy balls in his palm. The head is peaking out of its sheath of tight dick skin, and because of the rough handling it’s getting, a pearl drop appears on the tip. It inflates to ten inches or more, not certain, not having a tape measure handy.

“Dam stallion, I remember this hog. You and eight other Cadets jumped me my first year at the Academy and you forced this outsized piece of meat right up my ass and I bled for two days after the attack; you think I’m not going to corn hole your bottom hole for revenge, then, you’re not using your head”.

“Stand down boy…I’m going to be the first man in the saddle, then you and the Corporal can take turns breeding his straight ass”.

I close the short distance between me and the startled officer and drape my arm around his neck in what looks like a friendly gesture pulling him toward the free standing wooden stock. He’s shaking his head “NO” telling me not to do this.

I release his head, turn and grab the top end of the hinged wooden stock with head hole and two hand holes and raise it.

“You two remove the cuffs from our guest and put his neck and hands in the holes”.

They act fast to do my bidding and soon he’s bent over with head and hands through the three holes. His trousers down to his knees. And padlocks on the stocks, I have the keys.

I don’t think I have ever seen a more dick hardening scene in my adult life. I have my cock out, pulling its hood back and forth lubricating the head approaching two mountains of male flesh the color of polished white marble…

Stay with me readers, get hard and pumping ready for Part 4…as more straight military studs enter the pic. Please take the time to comment and rate my story. And remember, this is not literature, this is a male on male fuck story with a little discipline thrown in.

by Marine Rope Stud

Email: [email protected]

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