The Daily Jog

by Niniku18

14 Oct 2022 2508 readers Score 9.2 (41 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Brian's thick, calloused hand held tight against the boy's lips, keeping his screams to a dull roar, even as the bed frame shrieked with every stroke, giving them away to anyone around.  The top post of the bunk bed beat a steady rhythm against the wall.  They both heard the crack and crumble of paint chips, but it was in the distant part of their brains that no longer had a say in things.

Joseph gave one final howl into the man's palm. Cum bubbled, then spurted, into the dense fur of the man's belly. A moment later, Brian finished too. His great body shook and he squeezed the boy painfully still. Brian's hips continued to pump until every drop had spilled out. He slid out of the boy's ass and Joseph grinned as he felt the first beads of semen dribbling out of him.

Brian collapsed next to him and pulled the boy closer, holding him tight again, wrapping around him with his thick arms and legs. A moment later, they were both asleep.

An hour later and the bed post resumed its beat against the wall. After two months away, Brian was finally back. And that was a lot of time to make up for.

"So," Brian panted, "this is your dorm room?"

Joseph blinked dully at the ceiling, his body occasionally twitching weakly.

"It's not bad," Brian went on. "Bigger than mine was. Just the one roommate then?" Joseph nodded a few moments later. "I like when he's away," the older man growled. His lips went exploring down the knots of muscle along Joseph's body.

Before long, he had Joseph on his side. His thick finger slid into boy's rectum and began stroking his prostate again. Joseph moaned weakly in pleasure.

"I missed his," Brian said. He grinned down at the boy, then began to kiss the boy's neck.

In the morning, after a brief bit of teasing that left them both leaking freely, they emerged into perfect fall weather. Brian insisted they leave the room at least once while he was there. The campus was nearly empty now for the Thanksgiving break. They had cafes to themselves, and the theater. And, they realized, as Joseph gave a tour of his lectures halls, the bathrooms around campus were notably empty, as well.

"I think you've gotten bigger," Joseph said, ten minutes later, wiping the saliva from his chin with a shirt sleeve.

"I'm not sure that's how it works," Brian chuckled. He leaned back against the door of the bathroom stall and pulled his pants back up to his hips. He paused as he made to zip up, "Unless you think you can take some more?"

"You're bluffing," Joseph laughed. "There was barely a drop that came out this time."

Brian's strong hands snatched the boy's wrists in a vice-like grip, fast as lightning. "Wanna find out?" he growled.

Joseph laughed and declined. Together, they made their way back down the empty hallway of the lecture hall. Brian told him about his own college days, in Texas.

"Is that where you met..."

"Mark?" Brian asked, then nodded. "Met and married him there, yeah."

They hadn't spoken much of Brian's life from before they had met.

"It wasn't this big, though. It was a pretty small town," Brian went on. "They certainly wouldn't have approved of... well, you and I."

Joseph entwined his fingers with Brian's, and they made their way onto a forested dirt road that led to the annex building. Not many of the classes were still held out there, but it was always been a pain to get out there at seven in the morning. It was a ten minute walk if you were in a hurry. And they, most certainly, were not.

"And what about your love life?" Brian asked. "Was there anyone else you took a liking to, in all your years here?"

Joseph started to shake his head, and then stopped. "Well, there was, but it doesn't make me sound very good..." Brian raised a mighty eyebrow. "It's not that bad," Joseph went on. "It's just, he was also a bit older than me. The assistant coach. For my soccer team," he said, feeling suddenly guilty.

"Oh," Brian said.

The walk became silent, save for the sound of crunching leaves.

"I never did anything. He didn't know," Joseph said quickly. "And he's got a wife."

Brian held up a hand. "No, it's quite alright. I don't mean to be jealous. I'm a bit old to get worried about old crushes," he said, stopping suddenly and pulling Joseph in for a kiss. He held him tightly, only loosening his grip when he felt the boy's cock beginning to stir. "Just as long as they're old crushes."

Joseph grinned. "Oh, you are jealous," he teased. "Are you worried? Are you going to claim what's yours?"

Brian nodded as they started walking again. "Did I not do that already?" he asked.

Joseph shook his head, baiting him. "Is that so?" Brian asked. The boy nodded quickly, and Brian grabbed him quickly by the arm. He glanced back down the road, then pushed Joseph toward the forest line. "Get in there."

"Here?" Joseph asked incredulously. There was nothing but trees, rocks, and knee-high drifts of dead leaves.

A swift crack from Brian's hand against his firm ass sent him hopping. "Get in there," Brian said, his voice lowering to gravel.

Joseph skidded down a small hill of leaves a hundred feet from the path and, before he could stop, Brian pushed him forward onto his hands and knees.

"Hey, I- Woah!" Joseph shouted.

Brian stepped behind him and gripped the waist of the boy's jeans. He tugged hard and they dragged down to his thighs, belt and all. Joseph tried to stand, but his legs were trapped, and Brian pushed him back onto his hands. With another mighty crack against the boy's ass, Joseph kept his head down and pressed his ass into the air.

"Good boy," Brian purred, stroking the flesh of Joseph's inner thigh, making him quiver.

His mouth found the boy's ass, and his lips worked at it hungrily. Joseph's breath turned to panting moans in an instant. When Brian finally mounted him, he let out a guttural, animal sigh that echoed through the forest.

"Say it," Brian commanded.

"Fuck me, Daddy." Joseph felt the man stiffen tighter.

Brian pumped into him harder. The wet sound as his cock slammed into the boy's hole reverberated around them. He gripped the boy by the wrist with one hand, and spanked his ass red with the other. "Louder," Brian commanded.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" Joseph squealed. "Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me with that big cock of yours, Daddy, please!"

Brian grabbed the boy's hips with both hands and pumped like a madman. The clap of skin on skin grew louder.

"Cum inside my tight hole, Daddy," Joseph begged. "Take me, Daddy. Harder, Daddy. Fuuu-" Joseph sunk his head into the leaves and moaned like the dead.

Brian felt the muscles of the boy's body convulsing as Joseph came, spritzing the leaves with jets of white, steaming semen. The muscles of the boy's ass clamped down with all their might, and that was the final straw. Brian reared back, gave an almighty grunt into the sky, and coated the boy's inside thick with his seed.

That night, Joseph fell asleep wrapped in Brian's tight embrace. He was practically buried under the man. They were nude and the covers were long gone, but Brian's heavy muscles and thick fur kept the both of them warm.

"Did you realize this was the most time we've spent together all at once?" Joseph asked, sometime in the dead of night. He wasn't sure if Brian was awake, but the man nodded.

"Go back to sleep," Brian whispered into his ear. Brian shifted, wrapping around Joseph's body until he was nearly on top of the boy. Joseph grinned, and then obeyed.

In the morning, they woke late. They decided to get coffee at a place down the road. They made it halfway there before turning back.

Joseph wrapped his arms around Brian's thick chest. He eased his body up, then slid back down. The chair Brian was seated on groaned beneath their combined weight. Their bodies were already slick with sweat. The fur of Brian's chest was damp with it. Joseph slid up, until the fat knob of Brian's cock threatened to slip out of him. Then he eased back down, agonizingly slow. They both sighed deeply.

Joseph came first, unexpectedly spraying a single strand out. It struck Brian on the hairy patch that engulfed his nipple. Nearly an hour passed before Brian, his body so darkly red that it was nearing purple, with his veins bulging hard against the skin, silently finished, his body shaking violently. Joseph hopped up and down harder until he brought himself to orgasm. Brian grit his teeth and moaned like a wounded animal until the boy stopped.

"What are your plans after college?" Brian asked, sometime later.

Joseph blinked himself back awake. He was still on Brian's lap, with the man's limp cock buried inside of him. They felt fused together, he thought.

"Hmm," Joseph murmured, easing his head back onto the man's shoulder. "I suppose I'll go back home."

Brian's hand stroked his back, but the man said nothing.

"I don't plan to leave you," Joseph said, suddenly sitting upright again. "Christmas will be here in a few weeks. Then I'll be back home for a month. After that, it's one last semester and I'm back for good."

Brian's hands played with the boy's hair, but he didn't meet Joseph's eyes. "And that's... what you want?"

"Yes," Joseph said, pulling the man's face closer to his. "This is what I want."

Brian grinned. "You know it won't be like this forever."

Joseph flexed the muscles of his ass, stroking Brian's flaccid, but still sizable cock. He felt a pulse of blood rousing the man back to life and they both grinned. "Why not?" Joseph asked.

"Because life's not just about cuddling and fucking."

Joseph eased his body back and forth, grinding his plump ass against Brian's lap, feeling the man's furry sack beneath him. "Why not?" he teased. "Did you get tired of me this summer?"

"Of course not," Brian said, suddenly serious. "And I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you."

"Hmm..." Joseph said, still grinding slow against the man's hairy body. "How about, if you can't make me sick of you this weekend, you can try again over Christmas? You know," he said, smiling now, "just so we can say we gave it a proper try?"

Brian stroked the boy's smooth back again, contemplating.

"Well?" Joseph asked, when the man didn't respond.

Brian's arms gripped around the boy's waist tight, and he grinned. Joseph felt the man's cock stiffening rapidly inside his belly. "Deal," Brian said, and he lifted him up off the floor.

Brian was gone the next morning. But four weeks wasn't that long of a wait, Joseph thought. Not if he would follow it with four more weeks in Brian's arms. Joseph felt his cock pulse back to life at the thought of it. He still remembered every moment of that summer. And there was still so much left to do.

by Niniku18

Email: [email protected]

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