The Cut: Halfway Humpin

by Phaggotry

3 May 2023 1846 readers Score 9.3 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Oh shit, I thought.

Morgan was fucking repulsive! He had stank breath. He was scraggly and just fucked up. He wasn’t bad looking. He just didn’t turn me on. Maybe it was the disgraced cop thing, sparing him from doing the hard time I had to do for a fraction of his sins.

He started unfastening his pants. He let them drop to the floor. He had some old ass boxers that looked like he had been wearing them long before I got locked up. They were holey!

He stood there grinning like a special ed student. He dropped the drawers. He had a short dick, a little under average, but it was fatter than the fattest one I’d gotten on after tasting freedom in more than a decade.

Morgan walked up to me and stuck it in my face.

I tried backing up, but Juan had my head so I couldn’t get away. Morgan rubbed his funky dick across my lips.

“You know what time it is, motherfucker. Open up!” He growled.

I reluctantly opened my mouth. He shoved his dick inside. I nearly snapped my jaw and gagged. He grabbed the back of my head and fucked my face like that was what it was meant for.

Five minutes later, he started cumming.

I was able to pull my face away in time so I wasn’t forced to have the full brunt of that on my tongue or anywhere near my guts, but in turn, he just came all over my chest.

After I cleaned up, I made my way over to the kitchen to get something to eat before finally heading to bed. As I walked past the lobby, I noticed a fresh face that wasn’t there earlier.

He was a young’un. About 22, 6’2”, slim and handsome with razor cuts in his brows.

I paid him no mine. I just kindly accepted I lost every piece of dick in the house to him unless he was one of those quiet hardcore thugs that could beat anyone that thought they could climb onto his back. I wasn’t hating or downing myself or anything, I just understood the game, even if this part of it was new to me. In prison, there were hundreds of horny men spread out in a POD, and with their being several prison PODs, demand generally outstripped supply. Here, in the house, there were less than a couple of dozen men. Most were out chasing pussy now that they were free, and those that were either using guys to get over the hump or grew a thing for other men, they were certainly going to shoot for something younger and prettier in comparison.

If the guys saw him before they ran up into my room, my name would’ve been mud. Morgan would’ve rolled through to prove his point, and even if I was still “initiated” into the house, it wouldn’t’ve been nearly as hot or the loads nearly as fierce. Second shots usually aren’t.

I made my way into the kitchen. I settled on a few snacks to make a meal out of before I headed back to my room. And as if I was pulling young’un by an imaginary rope, he followed behind me.

His name was Odell. He’d been assigned to my room after a 2-year stint for robbery, telling me he was replacing Foster as my new roommate.

We began chopping it up. Odell talked about his family and how they held him down while he was inside.

“Any bad experiences?” I asked. Not so much out of curiosity, but to be on the lookout.

Getting done in behind bars can do a lot to a guy, especially those on the light side of thirty. They could either wild out for real or wild out in spurts or wild out in their sleep or a combination of all three.

“Yeah, a couple,” he confided since I was an old head by his standards.

I didn’t press him about it. I figured he’d tell me if he wanted to.

I laid down on the bed and chilled while Odell finished unpacking.

I soon drifted off to sleep and awoke sometime later when nature called.

The room was dark. I could make out the young’un’s form in bed.

From what I could tell, Odell was getting his jack on. He was turned to the wall. I eased out of bed slowly, not to disturb him, and made my way over to the head.

When I returned, Odell was supine, lying on his back. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I could see he was slow stroking his dick, trying to savor the moment.

After I slipped out of my ripped boxers, I began to slow stroke, too, thinking about the scores I got since I’d been here.

I focused on Odell as I leisurely moved to the side of the bed. I sat up, and quietly got off the bed, onto my knees, and crawled over to where he was. I could hear his lotioned hand slapping against his crotch as he stroked his dick.

I reached out and touched it, replacing his hand with mine.

He moaned softly. “Mmmm.”

I began stroking his dick, moving closer in on him, taking a nice tongue-swab of its tip. It was slimy with an endless stream of precum. He was cut. His dick was a good seven inches and on the porky side.

“Mmmmm,” he moaned as I took the head in my mouth.

I spread his legs wider and fingered his balls. I separated them, palmed each of them, licked the shaft, and palmed his dick while I kissed the tip.

I then felt his hand on mine. He moved my hand until it felt the heat of his asshole. He placed my hand between his ass cheeks. I was still a man, after all. I took it from there.

“Oohhhh!” Odell moaned as I slid a finger in his tight asshole. He reached back and parted his cheeks for me. I slid another finger into his asshole. I could see the precum glistening from the top of his dick even more. I licked it clean, only to be replaced by more as if I never cleaned it to begin with. He grabbed my hand. I inserted a third finger in his asshole. “Ahhhh!”

“Young’un’s ready!” I said.

I threw his legs back and licked around his asshole as I fingered it. He squirmed on the bed like I did two years into my bid with that NOI guy, tonguing me down senselessly. But unlike him, I wasn’t going to stop going further on principle. Sure, young’un was young enough to be my adult seed, but he wasn’t. He was just another turned out dick fiend.

“I wanna dick you down, young blood. That’s alright?” I added thickening the sauce in my voice.

He pulled my fingers from his ass, grabbed his legs, and married the balls of his feet behind his head.

I moved between his legs.

His precum had done a number on his dick all the way through the lotion down to his ass crack.

I played in his hole, scooping up as much of the slimy stuff as I could, spreading it over my dick and over his asshole before I slowly slid my dick home.

Once I got my entire dick in him, he pulled me close to him. “Get this ass, Daddy,” Odell caroled, using his love tunnel to choke the life out of my dick.

Young’un didn’t know, I wasn’t that easy. But I didn’t want his first time after freedom to be ruined by the wolves around the halfway house. So, I piped Odell nice and slow throughout the night, covering his mouth to muffle him and licked his face of its tears of joy. And when I was done with him, he’d cum twice while I came once burying my load deep inside of him.

by Phaggotry

Email: [email protected]

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