The Corzo Men

by Jaradon

20 Aug 2023 4980 readers Score 8.7 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Franco Corzo and his father Pedro drove to the family cabin for the weekend , They would be joined by Uncle Vincent and his son Tony. The Corzo men had told the teenage boys that it was all men weekend no women around so they could go as wild as they wanted.

“Everything ok with you son? “Pedro asked.

“Yeah, dad sure” Franco kept staring at his phone.

They exited the New Jersey turnpike and drove down a country road until they arrived at the cabin. It was a beautiful place overlooking a lake. Pedro parked his SUV at the back of the property.

“Looks like we got here first” Pedro said stepping out of the car.

Franco was checking his phone.

“They are running a bit late” Franco said.

“You got a text from Tony? “

“Yeah” Franco had been reluctant to make the trip but now he was happy he had listened to his cousin who had insisted that he joined them.

“That drive made sweat” Pedro lifted his t-shirt exposing a furry beefy belly.

“Take a shower” Franco said trying not to stare at his father.

“You want to join me?” the father teased his son.

“Let’s check out the cabin first.”


The cabin has a spacious main room with a fireplace. Franco looked up and noticed the family pictures on the wall.

“Son?” he heard his father’s voice.

“Yes Dad?”

“You used to call me papa,”

“That’s a child word,” Franco said.

“I know son you are eighteen, but I still miss our closeness.”

“What about the other night?” Franco recalling their incestuous sex play.

“I thought you were old enough to share in our tradition.”

“Did you and abuelo do it? “Franco pointed to a photo of his grandfather hanging over the fireplace.

“Si hijo we did” Pedro said.

“And what about Uncle and Tony?”

“Did you ask them?” Pedro said watching his son.

“I did “

“What did they say?”

“Tony said he liked it.”

“What about you?”

“Not sure I’m kind of confused about it all.”

“It’s ok son we can talk about it- “

“No, I don’t want to about that talk now!”

“ Hijo I would never do anything to hurt you” Pedro said tenderly.

“Dad I.” Franco stammered.

Pedro hugged his son.

“Son I will only do what you want us to do.”

They heard a loud car horn coming from outside.

“They are here” Franco said stepping away from his father.

Tony burst through the door.

“You guys beat us!” Tony shouted. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

“Good to see you” Pedro said hugging his nephew.

“Me too tio!’ Tony said.

Franco watched his father and Tony embrace.

“Where is my favorite nephew” Franco looked up and saw his uncle Vincent walk through the door. He was dressed like his son in t-shirt and shorts

“Hey Uncle Vincent” Franco said.

“Come here and give me a hug, “

Franco felt his uncle’s strong masculine arms embrace him.

“How about me?” Pedro said gesturing to his nephew.

“Sure uncle” Tony said and hugged Pedro.

“We are going to have a wonderful time! “Vincent said.

“Franco let’s go for a swim” Tony took off his sweaty t-shirt.

“Great idea son” Vincent said.

“I feel like taking a nap,” Franco said.

“You can do that later Franco” Vincent said, “Your old man and I can get lunch started.”

“Yeah, I’m starving” Pedro said.

“So, what else is new hermano?”

Franco watched as his father and uncle hugged and kissed; he had seen them do this before but now it looked different as if their embrace was more than just an expression of brotherly love.

“Come on Franco” Tony said pulling his cousin towards the lake.

“Let me get my swimming trunks.”

“Who needs them” Tony said and stepped out of his shorts.

Franco could not help and admire his cousin’s naked body. Tony spent hours at the gym and had the body of an athlete.

“Alright “Franco said and stripped off his clothes. He was not a jock like his cousin, but he had a natural slim built with a light coating of hair like his father.

“Come on last in the water has to suck my dick” Tony shouted as he ran to the lake.

“You are going to lose “Franco said as he ran to join his cousin.

The two teenagers jumped into the cool water at the same time.

“Looks like they are having fun” Pedro said.

“Yeah, like us at that age” Vincent walked up behind his brother.

The two fathers watched their sons from the top bedroom of the cabin, which had a picture window with a stunning view of the lake and the surrounding mountains.

“Glad we came up here” Pedro said.

“Me to” Vincent said and massaged his brother’s shoulder.

“I needed that.”

“You are really tense hermano” Vincent said.

“I’m worried about Franco.”

“He seems to be enjoying himself” Vincent said and kissed his brother’s neck “

“Franco might not want to take part in the family traditions.”

“I will talk with him. “Vincent said as he pulled down Pedro’s shorts exposing his brother’s hairy ass.

“You can try.”

“ I got a persuasive tongue hermanito,” Vincent licked his brothers hairy butt hole.

“You do brother you do” he could feel his brother’s tongue deep within his ass.

“You got the best ass hermano”

“Are you going to fuck me now?”

“You want me too?” Vincent said.

Pedro saw the two boys standing naked by the lake. It made his cock get harder.

“I need it” Pedro bent over letting Vincent mount him.

Pedro and Vincent made love the way only two brothers can.

“Aren’t you glad you came.”

“I am” Franco said.

The two cousins were lying naked by the side of the lake their bodies glistening under the sun.

“You need more sun,” Tony said rubbing Franco’s leg.

“I burn easily.”

“Girls like a guy with a tan” Tony said.


“Guys do too- don’t you”?

Franco felt his cousin’s hand on his thigh.

“You are horny all the time,” Franco said pushing Tony’s hand away.

“I told you like sex with girls and guys “

“Even with you dad? “Franco asked his cousin.

“Well, that’s different” Tony said,” It’s a family tradition.”

“Yeah, my dad said the same thing.”

“No big deal cousin you liked it when we did it?”

“Yeah, but that was just fooling around” Franco said.

“Sex is good “Tony said and touched his cock.

“But with my dad I don’t know.”

“Did he fuck you? “

Franco looked at his cousin who was casually jerking off.

“Did your father fuck you?”

“He likes other things.

Tony shut his eyes. His cock was fully hard the head glistening with pre-cum.

“Lick me daddy” Tony said.

Franco shut his eyes imagined his cousin getting fucked by his father.

“That feels so good daddy,” Tony said licking his lips.

Franco stroked his shaft

“Fuck me daddy “

Franco imagined his uncle fucking him as on the other side of the bed his dad was fucking his cousin.

“Fuck you boy dad” Franco said.

“Yeah! “Tony said as both cousins came at the same time.

Franco opened his eyes and saw his chest full of his cum.

“Man, you had big load,” Tony said " You must have been thinking about something really hot"

Franco looked back at the house and wondered what his father and uncle were up to.

“Nobody fucks me like you do” Pedro said.

“Time for another brotherly rutting” Vincent said smacking his brother’s ass.

The two dads were standing in the kitchen preparing lunch.

“Later look who is coming up the walkway” Pedro said and pointed to Tony and Franco walking towards the house.

“You guys looks hungry” Vincent said as the boys entered the kitchen.

“We are “Tony said.

They ate lunch outside. The men watched as their sons devoured hamburgers, chips washed down by some ice tea.

“This mountain air must have really opened up your appetite boys” Pedro said.

Come on they are Corzo men we got plenty of appetite,” Vincent said as he poked his brother with his foot.

“This food is great dad.” Franco said.

“Yeah, it is “Tony added licking his fingers.

“I got to watch my weight if not I would have seconds of that potato salad,” Vincent said.

“You are in great shape Uncle Vincent” Franco said.

“I got to burn this off anyway I think we should go on hike.”

“Now! “Pedro said.

“Yes, brother now”

“My knees can’t take those trails,”

“Ok I’ll take the boys.”

“I feel like napping “Tony said.

“You got to help me clean this up young man” Pedro said.

“I’ll help you dad,” Franco volunteered.

“No, you go with your uncle you guys should spend some time together.”

“Tony cleans up lunch and Franco can manage dinner,” Vincent said.

“That settles it” Pedro said.

“Alright let’s go Franco” Vincent stood up.

“Have fun guys “Tony said” Its siesta time for me.”

“Tony help your uncle” Vincent scolded his son

“Just kidding dad.”

“Come on Franco lets got!” Vincent had been in the Marines as young man and sometimes he barked out orders like a sergeant.

“Yes sir” Franco said and followed his uncle.

Pedro watched as his brother and son walked down the path into the forest.

“Its beautiful out here?” Vincent admiring the view.

“It is sir” Franco said.

They were standing at clearing overlooking the valley. They had been hiking for about an hour and had stopped to take break. His uncle who was still in great shape for fifty-year-old man

“Man needs to be out here in nature we need to reconnect with the primal forces “

“Yes sir”

Franco was a bit intimidated by his uncle who was taller than his father.

“Your dad seems worried about you Franco” Vincent said in his most fatherly tone.

“Really; I’m doing in school.”

“Your father is proud of you son.”

“I know that sir” Franco said.

“He loves you just like I do, and I think he wants you to understand that he would never force you into anything you are not comfortable with.”

“It’s kind of like confusing.”

“Your cousin felt the same way too at first.”

“Tony is very confident.”

“Yes, he takes after me.”

“True sir”

“I mean I want you to understand that we have a family tradition that goes back to even before your grandfather it’s a bond between men, father to son, brother to brother, it’s not just a sex gratifying thing its deeper than that.”

“I understand sir” Franco said.

“Do you really son?” Vincent put his hand on Franco’s shin.

“Yes, I do”

Vincent leaned over and kissed Franco on the lips.

“Sir what are you doing?.”

“Get on your knees son?” Vincent made Franco kneel before him.

Franco was both nervousand excited.

“This is part of the tradition,” Vincent said as he stroked the growing bulge on the front of his shorts.

“Yes sir”

Vincent unbuttoned his short revealing a jock strap that barely held his hard cock and balls.

“Smell it boy.”

Franco leaned in sniffing Vincent's sweaty piss stained jock strap

“Yes sir”

“Take it out.”

Franco pulled on the jock strap releasing a hard eight -inch cock.

“Put in your mouth.”

Franco did what he was told.

“Taste it”

Franco savored the cock in his mouth.

“Suck it”

Franco moved his head back and forth feeling the hard shaft in and out of his lips.

“You’re a good cocksucker boy.”

Franco played with the man’s large ball sack.

“You are a natural Franco”

Franco wanted to swallow it all.

“Like your dad a natural born cocksucker’

Franco licked the head with his lips.

“Oh yeah baby take that Corzo meat.”

Franco felt Vincent’s hands on the back of his head as he rammed the cock in and out.

“You are going to take man’s load son.”

Franco felt the shaft vibrating in his mouth.

“Every drop boy! “Vincent commanded as he flooded the boy’s mouth with his warm cum.

Franco was trying not too gagged as the man’s jizz hit the back of his throat.

“You’re a true Corzo”

Franco let go of the shaft.

“Stand up boy” Vincent commanded.

Franco stood the front of his shorts had tented with the sexual heat.

“Jerk off for me boy”

Franco touched his cock, which was rock hard.

“Cum for me boy” Vincent said placing his hands in front of the boy’s cock head.

“Yes sir”

Franco had his second powerful orgasm of the day filling the man’s hand with a thick load of his seed.

“Good boy”

Franco leaned against a rock.

“Primal Corzo seed”

Franco watched in awed as the man swallowed the cum in one gulp.

“Good stuff” Vincent said licking his lip.

Franco saw the man still had an erection.

“Are you going to fuck me sir? “Franco asked.

“No son “Vincent said,” That is your father’s honor.”

Franco felt dizzy and was about to hit the ground when Vincent caught him. The man lifted the boy and carried him out of the forest.

“Are you alright cousin?”

Franco opened his eyes and saw Tony standing at the end of the bed.

“What happened to me”?

“My dad said you fainted he had to carry you back to the house.”

“I don’t remember that.”

“He said it was the heat “

“He carried me. “

“Good thing my old man is strong as bull,”

“Good thing”

“Anyway, we are about to have dinner if you feel like joining us?”

“I’ll be down in a minute.”

“See ya” Tony said and walked out.

Franco looked around the room. It was a master bedroom usually used by his parents. He got out of bed and saw a photograph hanging on the wall. It was a photo of his father and uncle standing by the lake.

“Here is my boy,” his father said as Franco walked into the dining room.

“Hi dad” Franco said.

“You are feeling alright son” his uncle said.

“Sure; just a bit hungry”

“We got plenty of food, “Tony said as he handed his father a plate.

“You sure you’re ok son” his father asked” We can drive down to the hospital to check you out”

“I’m fine now” Franco sat with the other Corzo men.

“It was the heat son it happens to everybody, “his uncle said as he opened a bottle of wine.

“Thank you for rescuing me “

“We are family that’s what we do.”

“I think the boys have earned their wine today” Pedro said as he poured wine into four glasses.

“Yes, lets toast to the Corzo men and our traditions.”

The dinner was a good as the lunch plenty of food, drink and stories. The men told tales about the family struggle, of relatives the boys had never heard of, and it was celebration that lasted late into the evening.

“Well,” Vincent said,” I think it’s time to hit the bed.”

“Yes I agree “Pedro said “ We can take care of the dishes tomorrow”

“Good idea “Tony said

“Yes, I agree with my cousin” Franco smiled

“Well boys you know the sleeping arrangements are up to you” Vincent said” I got the smaller room this time “

“And I got the big bed” Pedro said.

“Right and we got the kids room, “Tony said with a smirk.

“I like that room with the double beds” Franco looked at his father.

“So I’m the oldest so I will bid you good night” Vincent stood from the table.

“Good night dad” Tony said, “ I’ll join you”

Franco watched as his cousin and uncle walked up the stair into their bedroom.

“Well dad I think I’ll go to sleep too.”

“Good night son, sleep well.”

“Good night dad”

Franco walked into the kid’s room expecting to find it empty but instead found Tony lying on the top bunk.

“Hey, I thought you were going to? - “

“Not tonight “Tony said, “I’m beat.”

“Yeah, me too"’

“Turn off the light”

Franco knew that he was dreaming. He was naked chained to a pillar at the center of ancient temple. Men clad in robes stood in a circle around him. A priest entered the temple he spoke in a strange language, which Franco understood.

“Who will claim this boy as man?” the priest asked.

The robe figures were silent.

“If the boy has no claimant he will be sacrificed to the Gods,”

“No “Franco yelled as he struggled to break the chains.

The priest stood by his side. He took a dagger from his robes.

“One last time the boy must be claimed, or he will die!”

“No please help me! “Franco

The white robes figure did not respond.

“This is the will of the Gods.”

The priest raised the dagger over Franco’s heart.

“No” Franco woke up for his dream in a cold sweat.

The nightmare was over.


There was no answer.

Franco looked at the top bunk, It was empty. He sent a text to Tony and waited for a response. There was none. Franco was shivering he stepped out of the small bedroom.

The cabin was dark and silent.

Franco stopped in front of the small bedroom where his uncle was sleeping. He heard a soft moaning sound coming from within. He turned the knob and investigated the room.

“Uncle Vincent?” Franco whispered.

His eyes adjusted the dim light and he saw who was making the moaning noise.. Tony faced down on the bed as his father fucked him from behind.

"Fuck me daddy"

Franco could see the look of total pleasure in his cousin’s face.

He slowly closed the door.

Franco started to walk back to his room when he noticed that there was light coming from the master bedroom.

Pedro was reading a novel when he heard a knock at his bedroom door.

“Dad, can I come in?”

“Sure son”

Franco walked into the bedroom.

“You ok son?” Pedro asked looking at the boy who was wearing a pair of blue boxer briefs.

" I had a bad dream,” Franco said walking closer to the bed.

“Did you wake up Tony? “Pedro asked.

“No” Franco answered” He is with his dad.”

“Oh, I see”

“I saw them making love.”

“And? “Pedro asked noticing the erection in his sons brief.

“Are you going to tell me story dad”?

“I thought you were too old for stories.”

“I need something more tonight” Franco said and removed his briefs.

Pedro admired the beauty of his son's body

“What do you have in mind son?” Pedro felt his cock getting hard.

“I think I need to show you dad” Franco pulled down the covers revealing his father naked body.

“Show me what son?”

Franco began to lick his father’s cock.

“That’s good,” Pedro felt his son swallowing his erect shaft.

Franco eagerly sucked on his father’s cock.

“You are a good cocksucker son.”

Pedro caressed his son’s ass.

“Oh yes” Franco responded to his father’s thick finger entering his hole.

Pedro maneuvered the boy into a sixty-nine position.

Franco kept sucking the dad cock and his father started rimming his ass.

“Oh dad “Franco moaned.

Pedro buried in the boy’s ass using his tongue to give him pleasure.

“Fuck me dad””

“You want me to son?”

“Yes, dad please fuck me,” Franco said.

Pedro guided his erect cock towards his son's ass

"Sit on it son.”

Franco lowered himself on his dad’s eight-inch erection.

“That’s it boy take your time” Pedro wanted the boy to feel pleasure not pain.

Franco could feel his dad’s hard dick going deeper into his ass.

“Son that’ it rides my cock.”

Franco did that lifting and lowering himself on the cock that had made him.

“Dad this feels so good,”

“I love you son,” Pedro he felt the pleasure he was giving the boy just like his own father had given him so many years ago.

“Oh dad!” Franco could feel the shaft vibrating within him.

“Son you’re going to make me cum.”

Franco looked across the room and saw their reflection they had never looked this happy.

“Breed me dad!” Franco pleaded

Pedro had a huge orgasm better than the one he has with his brother.

“Oh dad!” Franco felt his father’s hot sperm coating his ass and he jerked himself off at the same time.

Pedro reached over and squeezed his son’s balls.

“I’m cuming dad,” Franco yelled.

Pedro grabbed his son’s shaft as hot jizz poured out the head into his fingers.

“Dad that was the best” Franco said cuddling next to his father.

“That was nice load boy,” Pedro said as he licked his fingers savoring his son’s seed.

“I love you papa,” Franco said.

“Love you hijo” Pedro kissed the boy on the lips. Father and son fell sleep in each other’s arms.

“Should we wake them? “Tony asked.

“No let them sleep” Vincent said.

Vincent and Tony stood by the bedroom door as sunlight began to filter in through the windows.

“I thought we could join them and celebrate.”

“Will have plenty of time for that later.”

“You know I’m always horny in the morning dad.”

“Go make breakfast” Vincent said slapping his son’s ass.

“Yes sir!”

Vincent watched the sleeping figures and smiled.

Father and son linked in a loving embraced sealed by an intimate act; the Corzo tradition would live on.