The Bon Fire

by Ashton

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Final chapter

It had been five days since Granger and Carson had arrived at the giant medical center after the gang attack.  It was the first time the hospital had allowed Carson to see Granger.

Carson stood silently looking down at his handsome man, surrounded by beeping machines and tubes, gently holding his hand.  He felt a slight squeeze and then saw movement as Granger’s eyes slowly fluttered open.  They snapped open when they focused on Carson.

“Carson, Oh Carson.  Your face, your beautiful face.  Oh my god, are you OK?”  Granger said weakly.

“I’m fine Babe.  You’re the one we’ve been worried about.  How are you?”

“I think I’ve felt better.   What happened?  Last I remember we were at a bar after the Bears game.”

“You don’t remem…”

“Carson, this is Granger’s Dr.  Doc this is Granger’s husband.”  Helen stated as they walked into the room.

“Doc, he doesn’t remember the attack.”

“That is not uncommon.  It may take a few days for his short-term memory to come back.  He took quite a blow to the head.”  The Doc stated as he began checking Granger over.  “Remarkable, simply remarkable.”

“What’s remarkable?”  Carson asked.

“His progress.  The fact that he made it here, that he made it through surgery and how he is doing now.  Don’t get me wrong, he is far from out of the woods and has a long tough road ahead of him, but he’s obviously a fighter.”

“After his head injury I would not have thought he would be able to talk already, and his wounds are healing nicely.  His memory is closer to present than would be expected.  He was lucky that the bullets just missed or only nicked major organs.  The knife puncture was very deep, it was a long blade.  The wound showed how the blade entered, but he must have been moving forward fast, so that it deflected and went in at an angle.  Straight in would have killed him on the spot.”

“It was meant to go straight in.  Straight into me.”  Carson said slowly.  “He dove and blocked it before it hit me.  He saved my life.”  Helen put her arms around the boy.

“Come on.  He needs his rest.  You’ll be able to see him again soon child.”


It had been two weeks to the day since the attack and Granger was able to sit up in bed.  He was able to move around in a wheelchair.  The physical therapist was working with him, helping him stand and even taking a few steps.  It was like he had to learn to walk again, along with many other simple tasks.

Carson was able to spend most of the day in his room now and other visitors were allowed as well.  Helen let them bend the rules a little, sneaking in two people at a time along with Carson.  Each day someone else arrived to visit and Granger seemed to improve with each one.

Tag and Beth came one day, Carson’s parents another, Cody and Slade visited a couple of days while Buck and Cutter took turns looking after Grayson and the farm.  Katy couldn’t stop touching Carson’s face saying it looked so bad and asking if it hurt, over and over.  All Carson could think was how glad he was that she didn’t see his face last week.


It was now day 20 and Carson stood watching the Doc put Granger through the paces, checking all the latest tests.  “Well Granger, do you think you are ready to go home?”

“Damn right Doc, I mean no offense, you have been great, but it’s harvest time and we have a lot of work to do.”

“Hang on just a minute.  You will be doing no such thing.  I have it set up with the hospital in the town next to you.  They will bring the physical therapy equipment you will need to your house, along with in-home therapy for the next few weeks.  After that you should be able to go to the hospital for therapy, but this is a long haul.  You still have a lot of healing to do.  Those damaged nerves need to rebuild and heal.  You are under significant restrictions.  You could mess yourself up for life, if you don’t take it slow.  Promise me you will follow these restrictions.”

“But Doc I hav…”

“No question he will follow them Doc.  You have my word.  Just what the Doc says, right Granger?”  Carson said with an uncharacteristically stern and serious look toward Granger.

“Yes Doc.  I will follow them.  You heard my man.  When he gets that tone, you better do what he says.”  Granger said with a slight smirk.


Granger and Carson rode in the back of the Jensen’s big Suburban as they drove the boys back toward home.  Cutter had driven Carson’s Jeep back to the farm while Buck followed in his truck.

They turned off the freeway to take the highway to their little town.  There on the exit was a small group of people waving.  In front of them was a sign that said, “Welcome home Granger and Carson.”

The boys looked out the window and waved back.  “Wow, I didn’t expect that.”  Granger said with surprise.

Just then Sheriff Thompson pulled in front of the Suburban.  Lights flashing and siren going, he escorted them the ten miles to town.  At each crossroad there were more people waving at the truck with signs welcoming them home.

When they got to the Ace hardware, that marked the beginning of the two-block business district of their little town, the side of the road was packed with people.

“Holy shit.  I didn’t think there were this many people around here.  Where did they all come from?  They’re all here to see us?”  Granger said in shock, rolling down the window and waving back.

“Honey, you two boys are all anyone around here has been talking about for almost three weeks now.”  Mrs. Jenson said.  “The senseless attack on you two has really brought everyone together.”

“Carson, would you look at that.”  Granger pointed to the marquee sign on the church.  ‘Welcome home boys.  Get well soon.’  In big black letters.  “That’s Cody’s mom and dad in the front of the crowd.  How long have we been gone?”  The farm stud joked.

“Hey there’s Mr. John’s on the tailgate of Slade’s truck, along with the whole gang.”


The next morning Carson clicked on the local news as he made the morning coffee.  On Fridays the station would play the ‘Friday funnies’ of humorous on-air happenings of the week.  The guys always enjoyed watching the morning news team joking around. 

It felt good to finally be back in their own house.  The therapy equipment had been set up in the living room and the therapist was due to arrive this morning around nine. 

Carson helped Granger out of bed and walk to the big easy chair in front of the TV.  It was the first time he had helped the big man walk without someone else helping.  The pain in his ribs told him he would need to improve his method.

The weatherman came on and the news wasn’t good.  ‘Severe thunderstorms were predicted for tonight through Saturday with strong winds and possibly large hail.’

“Kinda like just ripping off the band aid all at once.  We knew we would lose the crop, now I guess we’ll just get it over with really quick.”  Granger sighed.  Carson could see the sadness and worry in his eyes.


Carson slipped out of the house after the physical therapist began working with Granger.  The PT was scheduled to take a couple of hours each day.  He made his way to the big combine and climbed up in the cab.  Carson sat staring at all the controls and buttons on the old machine.  He then pounded on the steering wheel in frustration.  ‘No way would he be able to run this thing.’

“That’s not how you start it you know.”

“Mr. Johns.  What are you doing here?”

“Watching you beat up my old combine.  Let me show you how she works.”  Carson reached down and grabbed the old guy’s hand and helped him up the steps to the jump seat.  “You didn’t need to drag me up the steps.  I can make it on my own.”  The old man growled.

“Yeah, I know.”  Carson smiled.  “How do I start this thing?”

“We should be able to get a little bit cut before the storm hits.  It won’t be a lot but should at least pay for seed for next year.”


“Keep er steady. Nice slow even movements.”  The old man coached as they made the second lap of the front forty. 

“I guess you are right.  We will not get much cut.  It has already been a half hour and we have two laps in.  Granger worked so hard on this crop and look how great it looks.  But that storm is going to destroy it tonight.”

“That’s how farming works son.  You are at the mercy of the weather.”

“Mr.  Johns.  What is that?”  Carson pointed to line of machines turning into their drive.  As they got closer.  “Hey, that’s Buck, and Mr. Jenson, and Slade.  What are you guys doing here?”

“Thought you might need some help getting in these crops before the storm hits.  Buck here rounded up the neighbors combines.  Along with mine, we should be able to make it.”  Said a smiling Mr. Jenson.

“Cutter and Cole are at the barn.  They are going to slaughter your two hogs and take them to the butcher in town to get them processed.  Next week we will take care of that steer you raised for beef as well.  We know with your ribs you are not to do any heavy lifting, so we’ll just git-er-done.”  Buck said with emphasis. 

“What…, when…?”  Carson stammered.

“Buck here planned all this out a week ago.  Though the harvest was not to be till next week, but this storm changed the timeline.”  Slade offered with a big smile.


Darkness fell as the first bolt of lightning lit up the sky, just as the guys walked into the house.  “Mr. Johns, Dad, guys, how can we ever thank you?”  Granger said, his big hazel eyes filled with emotion.  “We would have lost most of the crop.  Given the circumstances, we expected to lose the crop, and you saved it all.”

“Did I tell you that the two hogs are at the butchers?”  Carson grinned.

“Guys you are too much.  I’m going to be forever in your debt.”

“Damn right you will.  Now get better, cause I am already tired of waiting on your ass.”  Buck snorted, the room breaking into laughter.  “We’ll be expecting a few nice BBQ’s next summer too, followed by a big bon fire.”  Said the big stud winking at a blushing Carson.


Another week made a big difference in the boy’s recovery.  Granger was doing well in PT and was now able to walk short distances without the cane. 

It was a cool late October day.  The occasional leaf blew by the window as Granger looked out across the back field, lost in thought.  Carson was sitting at the kitchen island working on his laptop when they heard a knock at the door.

“Daisy.  What, how, I mean, come on in.”  Carter stuttered in surprise.

“I am sorry to just show up, but I did not think I would go through with actually coming here.  You guys were so kind and seemed so …  Wait.  Why do you have a cane, Granger?  What happened?”

The guys gave her a short version of the attack that had happened, shortly after they had left her.  How they were both lucky to be alive.

“Oh my god, I knew I shouldn’t have come.  So stupid of me.  You guys have way too much going on for me to…”

“Daisy, we were serious a couple of months ago when we met you and even more so now.  We have recently been reminded of what it is like to get help when you really need it.  It took guts for you to come here, and we would really like you to stay.  Your baby must be due any day and you should not be traveling.  Like we said, we have an extra bedroom you are welcome to use.  Let me show you.”  Granger said while he and Carson guided her to the back bedroom.


Daisy was a good house guest and the three helped each other out.  She loved Grayson and frequently played fetch with him while she sat in the big easy chair.  She also began to open up to the guys.

She told them how her boyfriend had got her pregnant and when her stepdad found out he tried to rape her.  She told her mom about it.  Her mom called her a liar and screamed that she was just trying to break up the family.  That’s when she left.

The guys listened sympathetically as she told them about living on the street, after couch surfing at friends’ parents houses for a few months.  The poor girl had been through a lot in her sixteen years.


It was the fourth night since Daisy’s arrival and the rain was coming down in sheets.  The thunder and lightening seemed to be almost constant, lighting up the sky.  ‘Beep, beep, beep’ The guy’s phones both went off.  Carson looked at Granger with fear in his eyes.  “It’s just a flash flood warning Babe.  Nothing to worry about.”  Granger said in a calming voice.

“Oh good.  With all this lightening I feared we may be in for a tornado.  Those still freak me….”

“Ah guys?”  Daisy said, standing in the hallway entrance, her hand on her large belly.  “I think the baby’s coming.”

“What?  Now?  Granger, where’s the bag?  Come on!  We have to go!”  Yelled a clearly panicking Carson. 

“Remember how we agreed to stay calm for Daisy and drive her to the hospital?  Why don’t you go bring the Jeep to the door, while I get the bag.  We will meet you there in a minute.”  Smiled the big stud, holding Carson by the shoulders and placing a quick peck on his lips. 

Granger grabbed the hospital bag like they had planned and the two made their way out in the wind driven rain to the waiting Jeep.  “You sure you are OK to drive?”

“I’m fine.  You call the hospital and let them know we are on our way.”

Carson drove the Jeep down the muddy dirt road for a mile when he came to the bridge over the creek.  The headlights showed a rushing torrent of water.  “OH MY GOD!”  He yelled.  “The bridge is gone.”  In a much lower voice.

“Turn around and go the other way.  Hopefully the big culvert is enough to handle the swollen creek on that end.” 

Carson drove the Jeep past their house as the wind buffeted the 4Xe.  It wasn’t far to where the creek crossed the road again and flowed back behind the house.  Once again, the headlights lit up rushing water where the road should be.

“AHHHHHHH.”  Daisy yelled.  “That was a big one.  Ah, guys?  My water broke.”

Granger could see Carson looking back at him in the back seat.  His face illuminated by the dash lights, his eyes big as saucers.  “Carson, we need to bring her back to the house.  There is no other road to take.”  He said in his calmest voice, knowing his husband was about to lose it.

The two guys got Daisy back into the house.  “Carson call 911.”

“Yes, right between the bridge and the big culvert.  Both are washed out.”  Carson paced as he talked to the dispatcher.  “BUT HER WATER BROKE!”  He was yelling again.  “But, but…  Ok.  They are transferring the call to a nurse at the hospital.”  The young stud sighed, his face drained of color.

“You guys are going to have to deliver my baby.  Do either of you have any experience?”  Daisy said in a desperate sounding voice.

“Are you kidding me?  Do I look like I have delivered a baby?  Delivered a baby, yeah sure, ha ha, like that is even possible.  I’ve never even seen a vagina or even…”

“Carson.  Carson!”  Granger said firmly.  “We have to keep ourselves together so we can help Daisy, right?  We can do this.  I have helped deliver a lot of farm animals.  A calf, a foal, some pigs and a lamb.”  Granger said with pride.

“Oh, great!  Well, if a calf pops out of Daisy, we’ll be all set!”  Exclaimed a pacing, sweaty Carson, drawing a laugh from both Daisy and Granger.

“Huh?  Yeah, her water broke, and the contractions are three minutes apart.  Is it WHAT?  She wants to know if it has a crown.  Huh?  Oh, is it crowning yet?”  Carson said, relaying info from the nurse on the phone.  “Ok, yeah.  I can put it on speaker.”

“Can you hear me?  Ok good.  I am nurse Deb.  I have delivered a lot of babies and will walk you through this.  Who do I have on the other end?”

“The mom to be is Daisy, I’m Carson and also here is my husband, Granger.”

“Granger Jensen?  I’m Deb Stewer, grew up with your mom.  We’ve met a bunch of times.”

“Hey Mrs. Stewer.  I thought I recognized your voice.  How has the summer been fo….grrgghh.”

“It’s coming NOW!”  Daisy barked, grabbing Granger by the throat.

“Carson, take her hand and help her with her breathing.  I’ll check out things down here.”

“OOOOOUUUWWWWWW.”  Carson and Daisy yelled together as a big contraction hit and she squeezed down hard on Carson’s hand.  “HOW BIG IS THAT FUCKING THING?”  Daisy screamed.

“If the head is crowned, push as hard as you can with the next contraction.”

“The head is crowned.  Get ready to push Daisy.  Focus on Carson, breathe in and out.”

“AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!”  Carson and Daisy screamed again.

“Ok the head is out!”  Granger said excitedly.

“Make sure the cord is not around the neck.”

“It is not.”

“Ok, one more big push Daisy.  You are doing great.”

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!”  Daisy crushed down on Carson’s hand again and pushed.

“It’s out!”  Granger exclaimed.  “It’s a girl.  We had a girl!!”  Granger gushed with a huge smile on his face.  “Hand me that towel.”

“She is not crying.  You have to give her a little hit to get her to cry.  She has to clear her lungs.”  Nurse Deb instructed.

“I’m not hitting a girl.”  Granger said, sounding scared for the first time.  “Carson, you hit her.”  As he handed the newborn toward a cowering Carson.

“I can’t hit her, she’s too…..”

“Whaaaaaa.”  She began to cry on her own.

“Ok, good.  Now you have to tie her umbilical cord off.”

“Got it.”

“Lay her on her mom and see if she wants to nurse.”

“Oh my god, she latched right on.”  Exclaimed the new mom.

“Sounds like you guys all did an excellent job.  See you guys here soon, or whenever they can get to you.  If you need anything or have any questions give me a call right back.”

“I knew you’d do great Carson.”

“Yeah right.  Isn’t she beautiful?  What are you going to name her?”

“I was thinking Sofie, after my grandmother.  She was a sweet lady.  I think she would like that.”


Talk about a way to quickly change a household.  Just add a baby.  It had been three months since little Sofie was born and she was the center of the guy’s life.  Daisy nursed her, but it was the guys who did about everything else.  They rocked her, changed her, got up in the night when she cried, everything a parent would do.  Her crib was even in their room.  They tried to involve Daisy, but she would find something else to do. 

She was spending more and more time away from the house.  When the guys would ask where she was, she would get angry.  “I don’t have to answer to you.”  Then later she would apologize, and the cycle would repeat a few days later.

“Have you noticed that Daisy does not seem all that interested in Sofie?”  Carson said quietly to Granger as they lay in bed.  “Do you think she might have postpartum depression?  That is the closest thing I could find online that fit what she seems to be going through.”

“I wish I knew.  She refuses to go in and get checked out.  I’m worried about her.  What if she up and leaves and takes Sofie with her?  That would kill me.”

“Me too.”  Sniffed Carson, spooning up against the big stud’s muscular back. 

The next morning Daisy walked into the kitchen.  The guys were drinking coffee and feeding little Sofie in the highchair.  “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, I’m heading into Rockford today.”

“Ok, wait a minute and I will drive you.”

“I can get there myself.  One thing I love about these hick small towns is just about everybody will stop and give you a ride.  Bonus, they’re not creepy.”  She laughed.

“Really, it is no problem.  Just let me get…”

“I said no. I need to have my own life you know.  Can’t always just sit around here.”  As she stomped out the door.

“She’s been gone all day.  Do you think we should call Sheriff Thompson?”

“Yeah sheriff, she left this morning.  Sofie is here with us.  She said she was going to Rockford, but she had a bag with her.  No, we have not looked in her room.  Alright, we will.  Let us know if you hear or find anything.  He said he couldn’t do much officially since she had not even been gone 24 hours yet.”  Granger stated with concern.

“Her stuff is gone.”  Carson said in shock, picking up a large envelope on the bed.  He opened it and started to read the letter.

‘Dear Granger and Carson, I am sorry to do this to you, but I am just not cut out to be a mother.  I see how you are with Sofie and know I am leaving her in good hands.  You two are the most amazing people I have ever met.  Kind, generous and so caring.  You love and respect each other as well as those around you.  I could never find better parents for my baby.’

‘That is why I went into town last week to that lawyer’s office.  Of course, he knew you guys and agreed to help me out.  He filled out all the paperwork and I signed them to make you Sofie’s legal guardians.  All you have to do is go back to him and sign the paperwork.  I know you two will love her more than I ever could.  I can’t thank you enough for all the things you did for me.  Love Daisy.’



Four Years Later


The house now included a large playscape in the back yard, that Granger and Carson had built with the help of the gang from high school.  The two young studs had completely healed from their injuries at the hands of the homophobic city gang. 

At 26 and 28 the young dads had plenty of energy for the very energetic little four-year-old Sofie.  Grayson at 90 lbs was little Sofie’s favorite pillow.  The two were inseparable.

Tag and Beth’s son was the same age and he and Sofie were best of friends.  There were many play dates between the two couples and their kids.

Mr. Johns had passed away a couple of years ago.  He left his savings to the guys.  They used some of it to turn his house into a home for homeless teens.  They named it ‘Daisy’s Place.’  Construction was underway to double its size there was so much need.  Many of them gay kids rejected by their parents.

Buck and Cutter were each engaged to a pair of terrific girls.  They were planning a double wedding next spring. 

Cody and Slade came out to their parents shortly after the guys had returned from Chicago following the attack.  Slade’s parents accepted him as well as Cody, making him one of their family.  They were both shocked that Cody’s parents came around as well.  Seeing how Carson and Granger were treated in the big city really affected them.  Cody’s dads church even raised most of the money for the expansion of Daisy’s Place.

Katy was a big shot lawyer and didn’t make it home very often, but Carson kept her up to date on all of Sofie’s activities as well as what Granger was up to.


“Sofie is finally asleep Babe.”  Carson stated as he sat down on the porch next to the man he loved.  The warm night air filled with the sounds of peeping frogs in the distance.  He reached his arm around the bare torso of big stud and twirled the hard nipple between his fingers.

“Uuuunnnnnn, you sexy stud you.  I still remember how you took advantage of me after the bon fire at my parent’s place in high school.”  He said, reaching over and pulling the shirt from Carson’s jacked body.

“I took advantage of you?”  The younger man said as his hand slid down feeling the rippled six pack.  “I’m just glad you had your boys force me to attend.”  As he pushed the shorts down Granger’s muscular legs.

“Can you imagine if the events the day before and the day of the bon fire had never happened?  That we had not had that amazing weekend destroying my bed?  That we would not have this unbelievable life together?”  Granger asked while removing the city kids’ pants.

“I did that once.  When I almost lost you.  That is a feeling I never want again.  I love you so much.  The feeling I do want again is you laying me down in that warm grass so I can take advantage of my big hot hunk of farm meat.”  Giggled Carson pulling the big stud down into a passionate kiss.  He soon felt the hot muscular jock lift him up, his bare feet dangling down as he was carried down the steps to the warm grass below.

“I love you too Carson.”  As he moved his powerful hips forward.