The blackmailed slave

by Derekhello

26 Jan 2024 1928 readers Score 9.8 (6 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Nothing more of note happened on my trip in the USA. I didn't return to the fetish club. I thought about it but got busy with sightseeing and visiting my brother. Though when I returned my Master was waiting for me.

'Hey boi, time to lock up again'

We did our usual routine of me blindfolded naked on cam. I would rotate the dials on my combination lock until he was satisfied that I wouldn't know the new code. He asked me had I ever gone a month locked. I hadn't

He thought this would be a good target to try and reach. However, he wanted to push me for more real-life experiences. He ordered me on to Grindr and to try and find more Masters like Master Matt.

I once again searched Grindr, I wished Master Matt hadn't returned to the UK, it would make it a lot easier if I could just text him. The same as last time happened. I struggled to get many concrete replies.

After the ten-day mark of being locked once again, I had two leads. One was in college and had exams and the other lived in the city but would come to my area regularly enough. Both were keen but told me I would have to wait.

The College Master, 23, didn't believe I was dedicated enough and said that I would have to earn the opportunity to meet him. He said I would be assigned three tasks to prove myself.

His first task was for me to go to the local shopping centre and buy hair clippers and fresh razor blades. He wanted my body smooth. I have been ordered to shave my body before, whilst I don't like it, it was nothing new.  

I did as I was ordered. I picked up the clippers for 50 euro and then spent about twenty on razors from a local pharmacy. He was happy with my purchases and ordered me to shave, on camera and of course naked.

It added an extra layer of humiliation shaving on camera. It also meant I had to do it in one sitting. Once again, as I used the clippers, I saw my hair fall to the ground. After almost 90 minutes I was once again smooth from the nose down.

College Master then told me, that when we do meet my humiliation will be public. But he didn't elaborate on what would happen. I was worried that I might get arrested but he assured me it was a private area.

He told me of a spot near me. It was by a river and heavily wooded. He said the trail itself is public but if I walk a kilometre to a stone bride there is an embankment near it that is very private.

This leads me on to my second task. He wanted me to go to the stone bridge and inspect the area. He wanted me to know the way to it, for if and when we meet. The second task didn't seem so bad until he added the caveat.

He wanted me to walk there bare footed. He said from the entrance to the river all the way to the embankment by the stone bridge. Ireland has had a miserable winter and it had been raining all week. I knew it was going to be very muddy.

It was relatively close to my home. It was about a half an hour walk to the river. Luckily, I was allowed to wear shoes for that leg of the walk. It had just stopped raining as I arrived at the trail.

As expected, it was completely covered in mud almost to my ankles. I knew from the messages that I had an almost kilometre walk ahead of me barefoot through mud. He also wanted me to take pictures at various points and a video.

I looked around in case anyone was around. I was nervous. I have had being ordered to walk barefoot before but not for as long and not in mud this high. I removed my shoes and socks and began my journey.

The rain, although adding to the level of mud, was probably a blessing. It meant that there wouldn't be as many people walking by. Its humiliating enough prodding through the mud but in front of people would be worse.

I tried at first to avoid stepping in the mud. But as I scanned the trail ahead, I realised it was pointless. I decided in for a penny in for a pound. I walk through the middle of the trail taking pictures at the designated points.

As I step in the mud, I can see the mud squeeze through my toes and on to the top of my foot. I am so self-conscious that somebody will see me. When I arrive at the half way point I pass a man who just stares at me.

I considered saying something like, don't want to ruin my shoes but by the time I thought of it he had already walked by. I wonder what he thought of me. I look at my feet covered in mud, the mud is also on my shins and ankles.

I finally reach the stone bridge and am ordered to take a selfie and show my muddy feet. I then find the embankment and ask permission to put my shoes back on but am ordered to not do so until I return to the entrance of the river.

In all I walked two kilometres barefoot through two inches of mud, by the time I finished my feet were covered in mud. I tried to wipe them with my socks but it was pointless. I put them back on and walked the 30 minutes back to my home.

Another week went by and I had no contact from either Masters, my online Master loved the picture of my feet covered in mud and was excited and curious as to what the third task would be. I was much more nervous than excited.

My college Master made a group chat on Grindr. He invited another Dom who then gave me my third order. This one was much worse than the barefoot walk. I thought things couldn't get any worse until I read the message.

'Go back to the river, this time I want you to piss yourself, send the video on Grindr as you do it live'

I couldn't believe what I read. They wanted me to piss myself in public and walk home like that. Master Control had made me pour over twenty litres of piss over myself but that was in private.

I considered just blocking them but I had now been locked for over 14 days and I knew my online Master would want me to do this. I decided to do it although was very nervous so I drank a few beers to fill my bladder.


The walk to the river this time made me very self-conscious despite just walking down the street. I also needed to pee really badly. I wasn't even sure I would make it to the river before peeing.

The walk wasn't as muddy as the week before but still quite muddy. When I reached the spot, I was bursting to go. I looked around and was happy to see nobody else was around.  

I took out my phone and opened Grindr, I set up the video but as it began to record, I started to pee, I just needed to go so badly. The pee ran down my legs making my jeans soaking wet, but only in the front.

The feeling of relieving my self was nice, but as I looked down at my jeans it was obvious, I had just pissed myself and now I had a thirty-minute walk home. I walked back down the muddy trail I walked by a woman walking her dogs.

I walked home quicker than I ever had before, I decided to wear a longer jacket when I left to try and hide the inevitable pee stains but it barely covered anything.

As I reached my house, I realised I hadn't transferred the keys from my old jacket. It was bin day luckily. I brought the bin to the front door and rang the doorbell. My house mate answered and I said I forgot my keys.

She couldn't see my jeans hiding behind the bin but said why don't you bring it in the back and I'll unlock the kitchen door. I said no, my shoes are muddy so going to take them off here and not bring mud through the kitchen.

She just shrugged and said whatever. I was so happy she didn't ask too many more questions. Why she didn't say just take them off at the kitchen door I don't know but I think she just wanted to go back to watching TV.

Another 9 days went by and I had reached day 29 of being locked. One more day to go when my online Master text me. He said he will be working nights for the next week so he will let me out a day early a reward for pissing myself.

I of course had to record it and send it to him but at this stage all I wanted to do was cum. He told me if I met the College Master then he will allow me to stay unlocked but he wants me to be locked by my new Master.

I was now unlocked and over the next three or four days I came three times a day. Then the College Master text me to say I'll be used this week. I was happy by that message and expected it to be in a few days’ time. Then a message came through.

'Meet me at the forest at 8:30 tonight boi'

He gave me about 45 minutes to get there, I know it’s only a thirty-minute walk but I had just opened a beer. I quickly downed the beer and decided after all I had done so far. I must meet him.

'Bring the hair clippers, wear your chastity device and bring the keys'

I was confused as to why he wanted the hair clippers but didn't put too much thought into it. I hadn't used a lock with keys in a while so it took me some time to find one. I hurried to the meeting point but arrived 4 minutes late.

Despite being only four minutes late I had to wait almost thirty minutes for the College Master to arrive. I was so nervous so many thoughts went through my head as to what was about to happen.

The College Master arrived and directed me down a pathway. It did seem very private at least. When we arrived at the spot, he told me to stand in front of him. I stood on a metal sewer grate as my new Master looked at me.

He ordered me to strip naked as he took out his phone and started to take pictures of me. I slowly stripped down to my boxers. He then said those too, I removed them leaving me naked outdoors, with only a chastity device on.

I was ordered to my knees, I got down on my knees naked, feeling the breeze on my back. My Master asked me where the clippers were. I had almost forgotten about them. I opened my bag and handed the box to him.

He looked through the plastic blades that could be attached to the shaver before deciding on one. I felt so powerless, knelt naked in the open. I feared he would take my cloths and run away but then something worse happened.

He began to shave my head. I watched as clumps of my hair fell in front of me. I was now naked, by a river having my head shaved. As I looked up, I noticed he was recording the whole thing.

It took maybe fifteen more minutes until my head was shaved. It wasn't completely short, luckily, he had chosen a blade that didn't make it skin tight. I still felt so humiliated though. 

The College Master looked down at his shoes and noticed some of my head hair on them. Then he ordered me to lick the hair off it. I didn't have a choice at this point so I leaned forward and began.

If I thought I had been humiliated before nothing compared to licking, my own shaved hair of the shoes of my Master outdoors naked, whilst on my knees, I could faintly hear the sounds of passing cars.

'Did you at least enjoy it Sir' I asked.

He then took his dick out from his track suits bottoms and said what do you think, he pushed his dick into my mouth and told me to suck. I did for another ten minutes before he pulled my head up.

'You have a choice boi, you can leave now and this will be it all, or I will shave your hair tighter, but if you leave, you will never see me again'

I have been through so much at this point so I decided to have my hair shaved even tighter. It was already humiliating enough an extra bit more won't make a difference. I said shave it even tighter Sir.

He removed the plastic blade from the shaver and began shaving my head again. My head would know be almost bald. The shortest it has been since I was a child. But it was too late now to do anything about it.

He stood me up and was disappointed to see some of my pubes and chest hair had grown back in the last two weeks. He said I don't deserve this and used the shaver to remove the small amount of pubes and chest hair from my body.

He pulled his dick from his tracksuits bottoms once more, it is about 9 inches long and thick. I began sucking again. He pumped my face as he didn't think I was doing a good enough job.

As he was getting close to coming, he pulled his dick out of my mouth he left me there kneeling naked on the hair that had just being shaved from my head. He started to jerk off before coming on the metal sewer grate. 

'You can now lick that up boi'

Through all the years I have been a slave this was my lowest point. I was on my knees naked, in chastity out in the open, my shaven hairs on my knees as I licked cum off a sewer crate. He told me I could finish and kneel again.

He then asked me where the keys to my cage are, I told him in my jacket pocket. He took them out and left me there naked on my knees. I was locked again, I got up and dressed and walked home. Feeling ashamed.

Earlier I said there was two Masters that responded to me on Grindr, that night the other Master the one from the city text me. I told him what I had just done and he loved the story. He wanted to meet the next day at the same spot.

I wasn't sure I wanted to but my online Master said I should. So, I went to meet him, we met at a bar near the river and walked there together. He didn't make me walk barefoot which was good. 

When we arrived at the spot my hair was still on the ground. That made it even more humiliating. He laughed and told me to get on my knees and to strip. Once naked, for the second time in 24 hours he spat in my face.

He then made me lick the mud off his white shoes. Unlike the night before this went on for a long time. I licked both shoes as he spat on my back. Over the course of a day, I have now licked mud and my own hair off two different peoples shoes.

Then as I was kneeling at his feet, I felt piss cascade over my back. This is now the third person to piss on me. Although this time I'm not in a private bathroom but naked in public, albeit a secluded area.

It was warm as it fell down my back through my ass. He spat on me a few more times. Then I was allowed to stand and dress.