The Biker

by sucker

9 Dec 2016 4577 readers Score 9.0 (87 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

From Part 1............................

I serviced Duke on average about four or five times a week and he became very comfortable being nude with me and seeing me nude when i serviced him in my office.

Then, something unexpected happened.

I went to the bar around noon one day to get some deposit lips that  Duke said were in his desk.  When i arrived, I saw a bike and auto parked in front.  I unlocked the door and immediately noticed that the alarm was off.  No one was around but after amment i heard voices coming from the office.  The door was slightly open and when i pushed it open completely, i found three men totally naked on the floor.

There before me was the last thing i expected to find.

Rusty, the bartender, was there on the floor in a sixty-nine with what appeared to also be another biker while what appeared to be a third biker fucked  Rusty's hot white inviting ass.

Immediately, the action ceased  and all three naked men jumped up, trying without success to cover their hard cocks.

Rusty began to stammer finally saying, "Mark, i wasn't expectiong you here today."

"That's pretty obvious.  Does Duke have any idea what goes on when he's not around?"

"No Mark, he doesen't and please, i beg you, don't say anything.  Duke hates gays and if he knew that there were  gays or bi's in the club he would go crazy.  A few years ago he nearly beat one member to death when he caught him having sex with an male. Please, don't say anything."

"I won't but find somewhere else to play.  I'd hate for anything to happen to you three.  You're all nice looking and built."  With that, Rusty looked at me questioningly as i asked, "How many more members are into man sex?"

"Two, that we know of," one of the others answered.

"And how many members are in the club?s

"Fifteen dues paying members, and three or so that just hang with us at times,"Rusty replied.

"Damn, a third of the membership is into gay sex.  It's unimaginable that Duke doesn't suspect anything."

"We never play when he is anywhere around and today was the first time we have done anything here."

"Well, my advice is to not do it again. Let me get what  i need and i'll be gone and you can then continue if you want to."

I got what i needed and left, parking just down the street to see if they left or stayed. Within seconds, all three men exited the building, with Rusty taking off on his bike and the other to in their car.

That afteroon, i stopped by the bar for a beer and found a few guys playing pool , the two guys that were having sex with Rusty sitting at the bar in their biker leathers, and Rusty behind the bar with Duke sitting at his usual spot at the end.

There was total fear in the three men's faces as i walked up next to Duke and ordered a beer.  As Rusty sat it down,  Duke spoke up saying , "Anything he orders is on the house until further instructions otherwise."

"Got it, boss," Rusty answered.

Grasping my bottle, i turned to Duke and said, "I need to talk to you about some receipts."

"Sure, come on," he replied, leading me to his office.

Once inside with the door closed, he smiled and said, "I was hoping to get by your office this morning, but got tied up.  You want it now? "

"That's why i stopped by," I replied as i dropped to my knees.

Smiling, Duke lowered his pants and slid his rising cock into my mouth.  I hungrily began sucking him as he said softly, "Oh,yes, baby  do your magic."

I hungrily sucked his cock and eagerly devoured his huge thick load when he climaxed.  

As i stood up, he pulled up his pantsquikly and steppedcloser to me.  Looking into my eyes, he smiled slightly and said, "I'm about to do something i never thought i would do.  You service me keep me satisfied and i feel the least i can do is jerk you off in return.  Drop your pants."

As he began rubbing my hidded hard cock, i opened my pants and took it out.

His eyes widened as he said, "Damn, you are as endowed as i am."

He grasped my cock ad began stroking me and as he did i forgot he was stra9ght and began lovingly kissindhis neck and cheeks.  Moments later,my cock exploded out onto the floor as he miked it dry.

"Damn, you shot a huge load."

"I always do when i'm turned on, and you definitely turn me on."

We grabbed a bar towel and cleaned the cum off the floor

I grabbed some blank papers and  rolled them up like they were business papers and we returned to the bar.  I drank most of my beer as we talked  and as i started to leave,i said, "I stopped by this morning to get the papers and found Rusty here busy as a beaver."

Rusty's face went white as Duke said, "Oh yea?"

"He was busy as hell  moping the floor," i added.

Immediately,Rusty picked up on what was said, and added, "I missed some last night and didn't want to think i was doing a below standard job."

"I always knew you could be relied on.  Good work!"

Rusty smiled and "Thanks, boss," as  the other two sighed in relief.

As i started to leave, Duke called out, "I forgot to tell you.   I have to be out of town for the next two days, so could you stop by in the mornings  and do my deposit for me?"

"Sure thing," i called back.

The next morning before going to my office  i headed to the bar to fulfill my promise.  After entering and turning off the alarm, i relockedthe door and headed for the office to do the deposit. I was almost finished, when i heard  the door close  and went to investigate.

Walking toward the office was Rusty and the two men he had been having sex with.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We knew you would be here and we just wanted to personally thank you for not saying anything to Duke about what you saw.  How can we ever thank you?"

"Invite me to join next  time," I eplied deciding to show my cards.

"What? You into  men?" Rusty asked.

"Yes, i am and since i'm keeping your secret you have to keep mine."

"You got a deal."

"Great, and who are your buds?"

"Oh,  sorry," he replied.  Indicating the taller  and better looking he said this is Clay and the other guy is Jake.  I later found out that Rusty was twenty-six,  Clay was twenty-five and Jake was thirty.  Clay and Jake worked together for Clay's dads construction company.

"After i finish up here, would you three be interested in playing?"

Rusty looked at the other two who both smiled,then said, "Hell yes.  When and where?"

"My office in an hour?"

"We'll be there," Clay said as i handed them one of my cards.

They left and i finished the deposit and aftera stopat the bank, i headed for my office, only to find three bikes and riders parked in front, waiting. 

I opened the door, turned off the alarm,and let them in.  After relocking the door, i led the three studs to the back room where the bed was.

"Make yourselves comfortable getlemen,"I said as i began undressing.  Immediately all three began stripping.  Moments later we were all naked on the bed and tongue kissing each other and groping cocks.

Soon, Rusty was deep throating my cock as i sucked Jake and Clay ate my ass, drilling his tongue deep in me. We all swapped around and each sucked on each of the other cocks. Then as i began suking Jakes cock working for his load, Rusty slid into his ass before Clay entered Rusty's ass.  Before long,  one by one we climaxed.  After a round of hot tongue kissing, i excused myself to go take a piss.

Then,  unexpectedly, hot muscular hairy Clay grabbed me and said, "Use my mouth."

In disbelief i looked at the others and they both nodded their head.  I turned to Clay, who had dropped to his knees and opened his mouth, and slid my cock into his mouth  as his lips closed my flow began and he instanrty began swallowing some before collecting the rest in his mouth.  After i finished, he pulled off and went to Jake and kissed him feed ing him whatpiss he held in his mouth.

Rusty explained  that they both loved piss play, both drinking and being pissed on,and admitted  that he was thinking of trying it.  I admitted that i enjoyed being hosed down and had considered more.  Clay smiled and said, "Maybe Jake and i can recruit both of you at the same time."

"Maybe so," I replied.

After that, on ocassion whe i stopped by for a beer after work, i would head to the toilet and amoment later Clay or Jake arrived with his beer bottle in hand and had me piss in it instead of the urinal.

Duke was still oblivious to what was going on and continued to feed me his cock and cum before jerking me off.

Then, about a month or so later on a Friday night, Duke knocked on my door about ten.  When i answered, i asked, "Is  something wrong?"

"No, everything is cool.  I just wanted to spend some  time with you.  I told Rusty that i wasn't feeling well and to close  up and do the deposit tomorrow morning."

"Well, it's good to see you," I replied, stunned at what he had said.

Then he said, "Would you mind if i,uh, spent the night with you?"

"Not at all," I replied.  Having been nude when he knocked i had grabbed a bath robe nd put it on.  I now took it off and tossed it aside and noticed that he had began removing his vest and pants and boots.  Within seconds wewereboth totally nude and he came over and sat next to me on the sofa.

Then, asboth our cocks began to stiffen, he said, "Let's get in bed."

He  was acting peculiar but i dismissed it.  I knew that in bed i could lovingly rub his hairy muscular  chest and play with his nipples as i sucked on his big hard cock.

Once in bed, eeach began gently stroking the others cock, and with my head on his shoulder, i gently kissed his ear then neck.

Then,it happened.

TO BE CONTINUED..........................................

by sucker

Email: [email protected]

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