The Bear in the Bathroom

by Declan West

6 Aug 2023 4628 readers Score 8.8 (86 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

About 5 years ago I purchased a condo repo that needed a lot of work. Whoever lived there before I bought it, had almost destroyed the unit. Most of the repair work was work I could do, but plumbing is where I have limited skills. The previous owner fucked up the water system to run a marijuana grow inside the space, and the entire plumbing system inside the unit needed to be rebuilt.

I made a few calls to get estimates and was shocked at the cost. If I could do any of it to save some money, I was willing, but I would need some guidance. For professional services, I try to stick with reputable companies, but using odd job seekers from Craigslist has saved me quite a bit of money in the past. I replied to a post offering "Plumbing at affordable prices" and scheduled an estimate.

"Eric" arrived on time, which is a huge plus in my book and we were off to a good start. Eric stood about 5'7 and was a total Bear, He was at least 10 years older than me but had no gray hair, just dirty blond curls, a rounded belly, a furry face, and a hairy body from what I could tell. He wore Wrangler jeans, and I could see a small patch of hair and his ass crack every time he bent over. I don't typically go for bears, but I do like big men. I was curiously attracted to him and wondered if he played on my team, or at least dabbled.

Eric was very professional, had worked for one of the larger companies in town for a few years, and didn't like doing all the work and getting only a fraction of the pay. All of his licenses were in order and he had a lot of experience. I proposed being his assistant for the job if we could work out fair pricing. Eric took me through the entire process, made suggestions on how to get it back to residential shape from its current Marijuana growing status, and I was impressed. I may have been slightly partial and swayed by his good looks, but he really did know what he was doing and I hired him.

The bathroom in the Condo was where most of the water was being rerouted from, and where we needed to start. The creativity behind the marijuana irrigation system was pretty impressive and fucked up. I witnessed Eric shaking his head and cursing many times. This was unlike anything he had ever encountered. We went to work and Erik gave me several smaller tasks to accomplish while he worked on the bigger problems.

The Bathroom itself was a rather large space and we were not in each other's way, but it was the middle of summer and hot as fuck. I was wearing shorts and a wife beater and Eric was in Jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "Eric, you've got to be melting over there. Why don't you take off your shirt at least? You don't need to dress professionally for this. I'm paying for your work, not your fashion sense. "Eric laughed at me and immediately took off his shirt.

I could not help but stare at Eric's thickness. He was definitely thick, but not "fat" thick. He looked to be solid with powerful arms, defined pecs, and a round, hard belly. His back was defined and strong and surprisingly hairless. He was like 2 different people front and back. Totally hairy up front, and smooth and hairless on the back. I could only imagine what he looked like without pants, and I was determined to find out. At the end of our 1st day, I encouraged Eric to wear something he wasn't going to die in for the rest of the project. He appreciated my concern and promised to dress more weather appropriate.

The following day, Eric showed up in a t-shirt and cargo shorts. He looked much more comfortable and I finally got a good look at his legs. Strong, thick, and hairless. The man had a carpet on his chest and completely smooth legs. He looked amazing in the shorts, but I was hoping for something more revealing.

On day 2 of the project, we were still working in the bathroom. The temperature felt hotter inside than out and we were both shirtless by noon. I wasted a lot of time watching Eric "work", but I was really just watching him and not paying much attention to the tasks he had given me. Eric was having trouble with a pipe fitting and asked for my help. Where I needed to be was going to put me closer to Eric than I had ever been to this point. I needed to be under him while he worked on something above me. I did not hesitate. I followed his instructions and with each turn of the wrench, his body got closer to mine. By the 3rd turn, Eric was upon me. I could feel his sweaty body pressing against mine. Without any warning, Eric turned the wrench and freed whatever it was he was freeing, lost his balance, and fell on top of me. I maybe didn't react how I should have. I just laid there with him on top of me, not making any effort to get up. Eric didn't seem in a hurry to get up either. The entire incident lasted about 5 minutes in my head but actually lasted only about 10 seconds.

That hesitation to get off me had me thinking. Maybe I've got a chance with this Bear of a man. I tried to ignore it for the rest of the day, but I felt a little bit of tension between Eric and I. I was probably creating it in my head, as I tend to overthink everything. We finished up for the day and we both headed home.

Day 3 would be the last day in the bathroom and the major portion of the job would be done. I wouldn't need to be here for Eric to finish the rest of the work. It looked like we would be finished about noon, but the heat was already getting to us both. Once again, Eric was just wearing cargo shorts, no t-shirt. I was in some basketball shorts, no underwear. I didn't want this opportunity to slip by me without some effort on my part to poke the Bear. Eric gave me the go-ahead to turn the main water back on to test our work. Once I was back in the bathroom, we tested the sink, the bathtub, and the washer hook-up. Everything was back to working how it should. I turned to thank Eric who was standing over the toilet getting ready to take a piss. "One last test," He said. I stood there watching Eric release a thick stream of piss into the toilet. I could feel his eyes on me as I stared at his very thick, uncut cock. Eric finished pissing, flushed the toilet, and turned towards me without zipping up. He didn't have to say a word. I knew what he wanted, and he knew I would give it to him.

I dropped to my knees and took his salty, piss-dripping cock into my mouth, and sucked him. His cargo shorts dropped to the floor and I grabbed his ass cheeks as I pulled his cock deep into my mouth. Damn.. hairless ass, but it didn't matter. I had what I wanted. I pushed Eric up against the wall and rubbed his hard belly as I sucked his thick cock. Rubbing his tummy must have turned him on even more and he picked up the pace of his mouth fucking. Eric fucked my mouth for at least 10 minutes before releasing his seed down my throat. Eric pressed down on my shoulders for a moment, caught his breath then pulled up his cargo shorts. " Fucking needed that," he said.. then patted me on my shoulders and left me there, on my knees with the salty taste of his piss and seed lingering in my mouth.

Eric sent me a text on Friday morning letting me know that the rest of the work we agreed on was now complete. I asked him to meet me at the condo so we could settle up. I was hoping for at least a "blow and go" before I paid him, but knew this would probably be my last shot. At the condo, Eric went through the checklist we had created and he had indeed finished everything we had agreed upon. This interaction seemed very business-like and my hopes of another round with the Bear seemed unlikely. I handed Eric a check and thanked him for doing such a great job. Eric smiled, then proceeded to unbutton his cargo shorts. "One more for the road?" he asked... Fuck yeah," I said. With lust and anticipation, I smiled and dropped to my knees one last time

by Declan West

Email: [email protected]

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