The Annex

by Harlonterry

27 Feb 2023 650 readers Score 8.6 (5 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Lost. LLost.  Lost.  Gone.  Gone    Gone

B has disappeared, he left the room some time during the night. We''ve been searching everywhere in the mansion, all of us. I still believe he's close by, too scared to go far. 

"B. B.  B.  Can you hear me?  Where are you?"

The boys said B freaked out when they walked through the equipment room. Called it "daddy's game room", and wouldn't even walk through it. So we haven't checked it very thoroughly.  I'm taking  another look, closer this time.   

"B! B!B!  Can you hear me?"

"I'm waiting for my daddy"

B had wedged himself behind the pillory and the two big crosses. Looking so pitiful, scrunched up in a corner holding that damn plug. I just can't understand why someone would treat this boy so cruelly. Totally fucked up, probably for the rest of his life. I sit on the floor across from B. I see he's been crying, cheeks are streaked with tears. 

"B, your daddy's not coming back. Not for you, not for anything. "

"His game room is here. He loves fucking me in his game room. I know he'll come back. He loves this room"

Oh boy. We had him coming out of his cocoon of his daddy's lies, we take him for a walk where he sees something and it sends him right back. 

"Come on back with me, B. The boys just brought breakfast. I'll bet we're all a little hungry right now"


B and I spend a lot of time together. I've been trying to get him to go outside with me.  Even just to the pool or just to talk outside.  He's scared shitless of even the suggestion. He didn't get to go outside for ten years of his life. Spent most of his time in the basement in his cage. I told him once that I'd go crazy  if I was left in a basement all day.  After talking about this more than once he conspiratorially whispered he had a book. Quite honestly, I wasn't sure if he was literate. He said once, before his plug routine, he saw it under the sofa or chair or something. So he snuck it to his cage and hid it. He was surprised he knew a few of the words. Said he read it many many times, didn't know the name just that it had a man with a really big cock on the cover. The good thing is he's opening up to sexual stuff. Whenever I play with Alex and the boys I offer B my dick, so far he's always accepted. The boy sucks like a vacuum.  I almost feel him actually pulling it out of my balls. 


Rhys came to visit B. Usually both he and his boyfriend come over together but I guess Wiley is doing fan pages upstairs with Raven. Raven fucked Wiley once after he got his junk coated in icyhot. When that shit cools your butt itches like crazy. Rhys introduced Wiley to Raven and he couldn't resist that thick cock. The itch was replaced with a broken hole and rearranged guts. 

"Anything new with B?"

"He's been sucking on #l21 when we all fuck but that's nothing new, I guess"

"Well. my dick could use a wet mouth. Let's see what he says". Rhys talked to B for a long time, I heard them both laughing a couple times, so maybe B is coming back around. 

"We talked about him listening to you guys fuck. He feels left out but at the same time too scared." Rhys had sat himself down across from me on our bedding. We sat there and talked about the livestream we're all in later this week. Huntr, done for the day, joined us on the floor and laid his head in my lap. 

"Well, if it's not one of the loves of my life" 

Nuzzling my crotch, his breathing on my dick starts making me hot. It doesn't matter how often we lay like this, my brother has this effect on me. 

As we talked about ideas for scenes Rhys saw Huntr's dick start to engorge, in a friendly gesture he fondled it. Huntr kept nuzzling my crotch and got my erection in response. 

I'm was amazed how these Annex boys or pigs or whatever can fuck all day long. One after another after another after another, and still play with us almost all night and cum sometimes two times each. Well, they said they try not to cum during the day, unless ordered to, by the time they're done working they're horny as hell. That's what I get for thinking, I guess. At the Academy we fuck maybe four times a day, but Rhys and Wiley fuck constantly. Still pretty much in awe of those guys. They're truly next level fuckers. 

Rhys has started a friendly stroking of Huntr's dick while we're still talking scenes. Huntr's  big idea is for someone laying on their back getting blown gets laid on top of by a butt getting fucked. Explaining every time the boy gets drilled his mouth is shoved onto the cock he's sucking. Of course, we require a demonstration. Having the smallest dick I'm awarded the bottom. Quite a distinction don't you think. Fuckers!!!  

What an awkward fucking idea, I ended up with a mouth stuck on my dick which couldn't move because of the butt crushing him down. We untangled ourselves and ended up with me getting sucked by Wiley and Rhys getting his ass drilled by Huntr. Much better.  Wiley's mouth was getting me  hot, turning him around I  shoved my dick in his ass. I always new Wiley had a nice tight ass. I fuck that ass for a while then eat it, then fuck it, repeat. Huntr and I traded asses and I was now fucking Rhys. I loved Rhys's ass too, I fuck it then eat it then fuck it..... I loved eating it too, he'd been fucked before he came here so I tasted somebody's cum mixed with our flavored lube (pomegranate) and his butt juices. Huntr and I were next to one another now, the boys we were fucking lay in opposite directions. Nudging the boy under me forward put my sub brother and myself face to face.  We've done this countless times but today watching Huntr as he's obviously loving what he's doing he kind of glowed when we looked at each other.  His smile, I think was reflected by my own, we leaned in and our lips met. I didn't know fucking and kissing at the same time was so romantic even given the circumstances. This light tender kiss became deep, our tongues searching, dancing. This kiss took on some new  previously undiscovered meaning. I never wanted to stop tasting him. We were on fire, fireworks dulling my thinking, I felt us both picking up our rhythm fucking these boys. It was as if we were inside the same boy, both enjoying the act equally. The fire spread to my loins and I knew I was going to cum soon. Resuming eye contact he understood, so while deep in another kiss we both shot into the hot asses the boys under us were shoving up to meet our last thrusts. 

Wiley, yet to cum, turned and pushing Rhys to his side, swallowed his stiff dick as Rhys, in turn swallowed his boyfriend's. Huntr and I could not break eye contact. There seemed to be something new felt between us. We were drained from our intense orgasms, but a new understanding began to bloom between us.  We turned to watch as the two boys in 69 were noisily moving their mouths up and down, sucking, licking. From the dick's head to the ball sacks their tongues were making the other moan. Tugging Rhys's balls, Wiley whimpered in pleasure as his dick was being taken deep into Rhys's throat. The two appeared also not wanting the pleasure to end. As Wiley again took Rhys's dick into his mouth, they met in a groan as they seemed to share the orgasm. Laying spent, both now not wanting to relinquish the bliss reached between them. Rhys sat up , a look of astonishment in his eyes. 

"That was fucking awesome "  then looking at Wiley the eyes met and giant silly smiles spread on their faces. Climbing to each other their tongues began dancing in this public but intimate moment.  

"I'd like that sometime. You all looked so happy. I've never been happy when being fucked"  they all turned to see B sitting in Alex's chair grinning. 


I had stood in the doorway watching this touching display of tenderness, and maniacal fucking. My two boys were in love. I'm wondering how I fit into this relationship now. 

B had been sitting in my chair watching too. His expression was one of wonder. As if he's never seen guys fucking before. Then he spoke. 

"B, any time you want to join us, we'll all be happy together. " now if we could only get rid of that damn plug. 

Lyric and Huntr stood up and took me into a warm family hug. 

"Master, is it possible for three people to be in love?" Lyric almost whispered into my ear. 

"If four can be, three must be able to too" Rhys's had overheard Lyric's question. 

"We're in love with Matt and Dave and they're in love with us. We're a family based on incest."

Rhys grinned, holding on to Wiley. The three in the doorway were still in a warm embrace. B's smiled but soon his smile left him to be replaced by his blank, stonewalled appearance. 

"Let's all go to the desert this weekend " I had a feeling B would have nothing to do with this idea. 

"What's the desert?"

We all looked at B.

by Harlonterry

Email: [email protected]

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