The Alex Chronicles

by Robert Halstead

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Chapter Two

1. Blowing a ginger

4:49 pm. I got into position, bowed to the ground at the side of the bed. I heard the door open and trembled inside, not knowing anything about what this man would be like and how he would treat me but knowing that Billy sent him to prepare me for what is to come. He walked over to me and ordered me to raise my ass just like Michael did. He touched my hole and held His finger there while saying, “I am Robert. Press back against my Finger.” I did what he said and the tip of His finger penetrated me and he held it there for a while. “You yearn to be penetrated. That is what your holes are for, boy.” He withdrew His finger and sat at the side of the bed.

“Remove my boots and socks, boy, and look up at me as you are doing it.” Damn, he is gorgeous. Blazing red hair and green eyes the bore into me, almost hypnotizing me and it seemed to take a long time for me to obey His command and bare His feet. Slight traces of red hair on His toes.

“Lick my feet and get them wet. Learn your place. Nothing else matters but your obedience to every command you are given by a superior Man. Be a good boy. Surrender. Obey. Suck each Toe as if it were a Cock. Take your time. Lose yourself in your submission to my will. That’s it, slave boy. You want me to give a good report to your Master, I know. Show me how good you can be working at this simple task.”

It seemed like a long period of time passed while I got lost in the taste and smell of His toes and the feel of them in my mouth as I caressed them with my tongue. There was nothing else in the world but my mouth obeying His commands. Finally he ordered me to stop.

“Stand up. Hands behind your head.” His Eyes moved over me and I felt like they were laser beams. He touched me with His Fingertips here and there. Each armpit. Each nipple. Sides. Face and neck. Balls and behind my balls. “You are a slave at an auction and I am considering buying you for my friend Billy. Spread those legs more.” He touched my taint and lightly squeezed my balls and pulled on my pubic hair. “Master Billy will enjoy shaving you bare, boy, and you will never again show hair on your body.” He moved His fingers up to my face and then lightly slapped me, not with His palms, but with His fingers, back and forth, not hurting me but causing me to tingle as His fingers pushed my face back and forth. “Now you are wishing I would slap you hard and give you a jolt of pain because you are a pain slut and crave suffering. Keep wishing and hoping. The first hard lash you receive will send you deep into sub space and you will understand what you are, what you are meant to become.” He ran His Fingertips down my back and then over the cheeks of my ass. “All these places crave the lash, don’t they, boy? Answer me and you may use my Name. “Yes, Robert, this boy craves the lash. its body is crying out to be beaten everywhere You have touched it.”

“All of this will happen to you, boy, when Master Billy claims you for Himself. Reach down now and drop my pants down exposing my Cock and Balls to your sight, Alex.” I obey him. Beautifully shaped cock and low hanging balls and flaming red hair around His Junk. “Kneel.” I kneel. “Keep your hands behind your head but lean forward now and touch my Pubes, my ripe red Pubes.” I obey, enjoying my exploration. “Run your tongue along my Dick and let it harden for you, Alex. Hunger to taste me.”

It is a long slow, hypnotic process and I am getting ready to beg him for a taste. He hardens to about 6 ½ inches, thicker than I expected. “Lick my balls and get them wet, Alex. I like it when slaveboys get Me wet, just like you did with my Feet.”

I go to work. I want to lick His Dick so damn much. “You are craving my Cock like a slut, boy. Look up at my Eyes and lick my Cock while you let me penetrate your soul with my eyes.” I get lost in serving him exactly the way he wants. Precum forms at the tip of His Dick. “Lick my Juice, slave boy.” I do so. “Taste it. Savor it. Let it make you high.” All of His words come true as I obey His commands. I am getting stoned by His Dick. “Okay, slave boy, you please Me. Open your mouth wide and do not move.”

I do so. Suddenly he plunges His cock into my mouth and bores it deeply into my throat and I start to gag. “Relax that reflex, slave. Don’t deny me entrance all the way in.” He pulls out and begins a rapid and hard fucking motion and I keep my mouth and throat empty and take His onslaughts, breathing whenever I can. “Tighten your mouth.” I do so. “Good. Just like that, boy. Let Me fuck you.”

And he does, hard and fast, holding the back of my head, and I surrender to Him and feel the pain of His fucking as he bores His way down my throat. Then, all of a sudden, he holds my head tightly and shouts out as His pours himself into me. I don’t get to taste it, just feel it pouring into me. I choke but he doesn’t release me. His Fluid gags me. “That’s right, slave boy. Learn the purpose of your miserable throat. It exists for us all. Billy will be pleased with what you have accomplished.” He pulls all the way out. “Lick me clean, faggot.” I do so. ‘Now get down and put my Socks and Boots back on.”

I obey, and once he is all put together he takes His boot and presses it against my chest and pushes me down to the floor. “I like seeing you down like this, Alex. I am going to enjoy lashing you with my Strap while you writhe at my Feet. Now stay like that until after I leave, and then go shower as you’ve been ordered. I look forward to seeing you bound at the whipping post in a few days, available to Us All. I am going to enjoy watching you writhe and hearing you cry out in pain and degradation, just the way you need to be.”

And with that, he presses His Boot into my neck for 30 seconds, then all of a sudden he leaves the apartment and closes the door behind him. I stay there, spread out on the floor, trembling at the force of His words. Finally, I drag my self to the bathroom, crawling on the floor because that is what my inner slave tells me to do. I stand up on shaky legs, set the timer, and turn on the water and, taking a deep breath and a hit of poppers, throw my self under the cold water which hits my flesh like fire. I howl at the humility of it all and the complete force of my approaching slavery. Grateful that this is the last of the cold showers. I lose my mind until the timer goes off, turn off the water and reach for my towel to dry myself off. Shivering, I fall to the floor again and crawl out into the kitchen. I dare to send Billy a text.

Master, may this boy make some coffee?An answer quickly returns.

You may, boy. Robert has given me a good report and you deserve a reward for your service. Enjoy it the way you like it the best. Then set your clock for 8 pm, crawl under a blanket on the floor, and take a nap. Dream of what the head of my Cock must look like, all grown up now. Soon you will be in my Arms, my dear. Soon. No more communication now.

I want to answer and say thank You, but I obey His command to cut off communicating. I am filled with joy at the prospect of having some coffee and of taking a nap. I find that I am exhausted beyond belief.

Soon I fall asleep with Billy’s Cockhead on my mind.


The long-awaited moment finally arrived. I was warm from my shower and nervously pacing when at exactly 8:30 pm the door opened and I heard the command, “Down!” Trembling I fell to the ground by the bed, hardly able to breathe. He walked in and I could smell the food. He laid it on the table and slowly walked towards me. “Oh, my Alex, you look so beautiful like that, bowed to the ground and naked, waiting for your Billy. At last we are together and I am so pleased with you. You have been such a good boy for me and my friends. Raise your ass a bit higher, sweetheart.” I did so, and he smacked me right on my hole and then ran His hands up my sides until they got to my neck. I was trembling and he massaged my neck and gently told me to breathe more deeply.

“Rest, boy, your Billy is here and he has come to get you and take you under His wing and into His heart, my precious, cowering slaveboy. I am here and you are safe with me and home at last.” He sat on the bed and told me to kneel up and gaze at His face. He is so beautiful, so much more so than in the picture he sent me, and tears flowed from my eyes as he smiled at me. He stood and said, “I have something to show you.” He opened His pants and reached inside and show me the head of His Cock, just the head. “Do your recognize it, baby?” I nodded, afraid to speak lest I break into sobs. “Well now it is yours, boy. Your responsibility and your source of joy. Put it into your mouth and pleasure my head.” I took it eagerly. It tasted so sweet, and was so much bigger than I remembered, and I ran my tongue around its ridge andheard him take a deep breath.

“Enough for now, Alex. Put it away.” I did so and he bid me stand up and put my arms behind my back. I did so andh e took me into His arms and surrounded me with His awesome being and I melted into him. “Look at me,” he said, and as I did he put His Hands behind my head and touched His lips to mine and we kissed. Submissively I let him explore the inside of my mouth with His tongue and I tasted His Saliva and he poured some of it into my mouth and I drank of heavenly nectar from His mouth. He ended the kiss and told me to stand back a bit so he could get a good look at me. He put His hands on my shoulders and slowly moved them down to my nipples. “Sweet budding nipples, Alex, and I am going to enjoy them so much and toy with them so often.” He took them into His fingers and began to roll them and squeeze them and I took in breath through my teeth and felt the pain as something sweet. He squeezed harder and pulled them up and I lifted onto my toes. “that’s a good boy. Never hide them from Me. They are Mine.” He dropped His hands and took the right one into His mouth and gently bit on it making me moan, and then moved to the other one and did the same. “they are mine, Alex, aren’t they?”

“Yes they are, Billy.” He stood back again and ran His hands lower, finally cupping my balls and rolling them between His fingers and pulled them down and I bent my knees. “No, boy. Do not bend down. Let me pull them.” I straightened up and he pulled them and I realized that nothing of mine was private to me any more. He reached beneath my balls and stroked my taint. “tonight you’ll get a good shaving from me. I want you bare like a boy at all times and I will take care of you as a boy. But enough for now. Pick up one of your pillows and follow me into the kitchen.” We went inside andh e sat down and told me to drop the pillow at His side and get Him a fork.

I brought the fork to him and he told me to kneel on the pillow so he could feed me. He took the box out of the bag and opened it up. “Chicken Lo Mein,” he told me. He took a forkful and put it into His mouth. Then he took another forkful and put it into His fingers. “Open, Alex.” I opened my mouth and he fed the food into it with His Fingers. “Make sure you suck my Fingers clean, boy.” What a tantalizing thing, eating from His Fingers!

“I have wanted to feed you like this for years, Alex. I prefer that everything you ever have comes from me, from my hands, from my caring for you. I want you to be totally dependent on me. I want to take all traces of self-determination from you, to strip you of anything that would indicate the dignity of a free man. You are my boy, my slave, my bitch, my love and my child. You are not worthy of any respect usually given to ordinary men. You are an inferior and all free men are your superiors.” He talks to me this way while he eats His dinner and feeds me my own. My face gets messy as some of the food fails to get completely into my mouth, and I kneel there grateful for the food he gives me, and humiliated by the way he talks to me. I remember how often I felt that remarks he made to me in high school had a slight twinge of humiliation. I remember thinking how he enjoyed to “put me into my place.” Now my place is kneeling at His side, sucking food from His fingers, learning about how he intends to regard me and treat me and actually feeling rather turned on by the way he is bringing me down low into sub space. I never realized before how much I needed to be treated this way because I never had the chance to meet any man who was capable of doing this to me. Now I am where I belong, and I am eager to surrender to His will and His ideas about our relationship. Some might think that he was brutalizing me, but I didn’t feel that way. I felt like he was defining me, that he was pointing out to me exactly what it was that I had always yearned for but could never find. The sound of His voice sent thrills through me and I was prepared to worship him with no hesitation and no resistance.

“I can feel your heart purring, boy, like a little pussy cat, as I speak to you. Realize how much I knew about you when we were kids, how much I knew what your destiny was going to be. Realize how much self-confidence and self-control I have had to wait until this time even though I would have liked this to take place when we were fifteen. I knew I had to let you loose in the world to try to find your own way until at last you would come to realize that you are totally incapable of finding what you need, totally unable to find any man who could handle the depth of your submissive nature. Only me, Alex. Only I know how to handle you. Only I can train you in every single aspect of your life. All the work is mine. All you have to do is bow your head and obey every single notion I have of how to bring you under my feet to the only place where you will ever find any peace.” All this is said between His mouthfuls of food as he places food to my lips and pushes it into my mouth and all I have to do is receive it and suck from him. It is almost as ifh e is reading my mind. “Suck your supper from my Fingers, Alex. my job is to give to you. Your job is to suck from me. You are my sucker. my cocksucker, my ass sucker, my juice sucker my suck boy, my faggot slave and we don’t need to waste any time developing this relationship because it existed back in high school already and now it is time to realize what it is all about.”

He continues to eat and he continues to feed me like a puppy. “You need to know that my parents divorced a number of years ago when my father told my mother that he realized he was gay. I live with my father and His slave. That is right, boy, my father and I are very much alike. my father has a slave, and now I have my slave as well. my father’s slave is just two years older than us and my father claimed him and collared him five years ago. His notion of slavery is not the same as mine, but I have learned most of what I know from him and from what I have been able to observe both at home and in the places my father introduced me to. my father is more brutal than I and His slave is a total masochistic pig. That is not what I intend for you. I cannot be like that with you because I love you, Alex. But do not think that means I will be overly indulgent with you. You will know at every moment that you are indeed a total slave and that I have all power over you to train you and lead you and guide you and discipline you. I am bringing you home with me. my father has asked me to do that because he is anxious to see you. He remembered you well from all the honors ceremonies we attended over the years when you were given academic honors. Those days are over and you no longer have any honor, and to prove that, tonight when I bring you to my father, he is going to take you over His knee and spank you with His very own hands while I sit and watch and enjoy the sight. Keep in mind that I never want you to act brave. I want you to sound out your reactions to any pain you are ever given from me or from anyone else, and especially from my father when he lays into your ass and turns it bright red and aching. You will call him ‘Master William’ and this will be the only time that he will ever interact with you as Master and slave. This is your introduction to the family and it is only right that the marks you as one of us himself.”

Supper is finished. Billy spits into His hand and uses His wet hand to wipe my face clean and then wipes His hand in my hair and dries it there. “It doesn’t matter that your hair is messy, boy, because you will be losing it before we leave here tonight. I want you nearly bald and I will take care of that before we leave here. Now stand up, put these things into a trash bag for us to dispose of when we leave. Wash the fork and put it away. Then come inside and kneel again at my feet. I will bring the pillow for you to kneel on.”

He gets up and so do I. Billy picks up the bag he brought in with Him (I hadn’t noticed it before) and takes it inside and I do whath e has told me to, and with shaking hands, I bring my self back into the bedroom and kneel before him. “Bend down, Alex, and remove my shoes and socks and then begin to worship your Master’s feet and get them good and wet. Bring along a towel so you will be able to dry them.” my only reaction to what he has ordered is to eagerly obey him. His feet are beautiful to me and even though in the past I have resisted giving foot service to other Doms, right now there is nothing I want to do more than to service him the way he has ordered me to. I find myself salivating as I pick up each of His feet and bathe each foot with my mouth and my tongue and suck His toes the way I was taught to do earlier today by . . . who was it? Robert? I don’t remember at the moment, because the only reality before me is Master’s bare feet and my salivating mouth as I lick and kiss and suck and clean him and show him just how much I am grateful that he has made me His slave. “Good boy. You are showing me how well you know your place.” Now reach up and take down my pants and my underpants. Yes, Masters wear underpants; slaves do not. Strip me down and gaze on my legs and my balls and my cock. Good boy. Now bathe my balls the same way you bathed my feet and also make sure you wet down the area between my balls and my ass. We will save ass service for later, Alex. It is time for you to suck my cock for the very first time, to make real all those fantasies you entertained from the time you were a sophomore in high school and didn’t dare ask for what you wanted so badly. Go ahead. Ask Me now, like this .. ‘Billy may I please suck your cock?” 

I take a deep breath and on the exhale, say, “Billy, may I please suck your cock?”

“You want to be my Cocksucker?”

“Yes, Billy, please? Please make me Your Cocksucker. Please make me Your Slave.”

“Then get over here to my dick. Open your mouth and move it over the end and lick and suck and gradually move down my 7 inches until your nose is buried in my Pubes. Michael told me that you made a lot of progress earlier today. Show me how much you want my dick to own your throat. Suck me, boy. Suck your Billy. Service me with all your devotion and all your humility and all your desire. Choke if you must, but don’t hold back. Give me the best blowjob you have ever given in your miserable existence, slave.”

I worship and suck and choke and gag and force myself to surrender to His cock and to give it all the pleasure I possibly can give. He begins to moan and whisper, “nice, boy. Good job. Be the best cocksucker I have ever had. Suck me boy. Sadly enough I cannot hold off for long. I am going to cum in your mouth and I don’t want you to swallow quickly. I want you to hold it on your tongue and taste every drop of it and then open your mouth to show Me that you have taken my load like the cocksucking slave you are. Here it comes, boy.” He hits me on the back of my head and spills into my mouth. I have to fight NOT to swallow quickly, but do as he has told me and open my mouth to display my submission to him. “Such a pretty sight, my cocksucker holding my cum in His mouth. Good boy! And now, Alex, for the first time, swallow your Master’s load.” I swallow andh e praises me with gentle words. How I love His words!!!

“That was just fine, Alex, so now I am going to reward you. I give your permission to jerk our own pitiful cock while you kneel here before me, and when you cum, I want you to cum on my feet, boy, no where else.” I jerk my self just five times and holler out as I milk my cock of its load and spill it where he ordered me to.

“One thing about most fags, Alex, is that once they have spilled their loads their desire for anything else seems to fly out the window. But it cannot be that way with a slave. And so, to show me how much you want to be my slave, I want you to eagerly lick up your cum from off my feet. And make sure you get it all. NOW, SLAVE!” He is correct. I do feel a tendency to want to curl up in a ball and retreat, but I know I will never dare to do that. I fight my laziness and eagerly do what I have never done before: consume my own load. But now I am Billy’s slave. I NEED to obey him. “Eagerly, slave!” He reminds me. And so, I quickly suck up and lap up everything that I have spilled onto His feet, and do ever more licking just to make sure.

“Good boy. Now go and get a sheet and spread it out on the floor of the bathroom and then DOWN there. It’s time to get ready of all your unsightly hair.”

I do what I’m told and then anticipate what is going to happen and am very turned on by it.

He comes in with His bag of tricks and goes and sits on the closed toilet. “Face around here, Alex,” he commands. I adjust my position then he tells me to kneel up and then sit back against my feet. “First thing is that fluffy boy’s hair. Off it comes so you can have a proper slavehead.”he takes out an electric razor and turns it on. “Bend your head down towards me.” As I do so, he places one hand on my neck, pushing my head down and the other hand begins shaving off the back of my head with the clippers. I breathe heavily. This is difficult, having my head stripped. I was proud of my hair. This is making me feel really really stripped. His hand moves beneath my chin and lifts my head a bit and he continues to shave everything off. I watch it fall on the sheet in front and in back of me. Finally from the forehead back and then my sides. He switches off the clippers and rubs His hand through the little hair that is left. He scratches my head lightly with His fingernails. I moan and sigh. “Feels good, doesn’t it? Being prepared by your Master. Entering your new life.” I can barely get the words out. “Yes, Master.”

“Now for the rest of you. Stand up.” He takes out a pair of manacles with soft interiors and puts one on my right hand, flips them over the shower curtain rod and then puts on the left one. I am standing in the tub now with my hands restrained up over my head. Billy runs the bathwater untilh e feels it is warm enough, takes a bath cloth and wets down my right armpit then rubs some shaving cream in it and takes the razor and starts to shave it. “Boys like you don’t have hairy armpits. Shave it at least once every other day, Alex, do you understand?” “Yes, Billy. I want to be bare for you.” He smiles at me and then washes off the razor and starts with the left one. I close my eyes and sigh. “What is going through your mind?” he asks. “How you are claiming so much power over me, Master,” I reply. “That’s the way it always should have been, baby,” he replies. He does my chest, where there really isn’t much hair except right around my nipples which he denudes with great precision, and down to my treasure trail and then my pubes. “Your crotch must be bare and caged, Alex. Have you ever worn a cage before?” “A couple of times, Sir, but only for a couple days at the most.” “Who held the keys?” “I always did, Sir, because I was never really with someone I knew well and trusted.” “That is good to hear. I means you have ability to look out for yourself and make sure you are safe.” “Is that a good thing for a slave to do, Sir?”

“It all depends on circumstances. In your case it was prudent because of the instability of your life and your slutty habit of one or two night stands all the time. But now things are different. Now you are my slut slave and now your life has stability and you don’t need to worry about your safety any more because am the one who will see to that. You do not have to take care of yourself any more, boy, and, in fact, if I catch you trying to do that the consequences will be most unpleasant. Get it, brat?”

“Yes, Billy. And I do feel safe even while you are doing things to me that no one has ever done.”

“Spread your legs as far as they will go,”he tells me and then slaps inside a bit to help me extend more. “good. Now i can get at your balls and your taint.” It feels strange the way he His handling my balls and, dammit, once again I’m hard. he finishes up, runs His hand over my now bare flesh, then reaches up and unclips the manacles. “Turn around, bend over and spread your cheeks,” he orders, staring into my eyes. I get in position. “A bit of hair there. Off it comes!” and he works my crack the same way he worked the rest of me. No one has ever stared at me back there before. my nakedness makes me feel so good, and thinking that any man Billy wants to see me this way will get to see me. He finishes, takes some baby oil and rubs it into all the spots he has shaved. Feels so good.

“Hard on. Damn. I’ll be back in a sec. he fastens my wrists up over my head again and runs out into the kitchhen. Ihear noises and then he comes back with a couple of ice cubes in His hand, and he starts to stroke my dick with them. I pull back but then realize what I have done and push forward again and mumble, “sorry, Master.” The moreh e keeps the ice on my dick the quicker it starts to get soft and then decrease in size as it usually does. he drops the ice and nods His head, and reaches down to take out the cock cageh e brought with him and starts to put it on me and lock me in. “I figured right that you wouldn’t have a very big dick. This size will do nicely.” He encloses my limp dick with the cage and then deftly locks things up. He puts the key back into the bag he has. “You don’t need a key, Alex. I will decide when and if it comes off, not you. You no longer have and rights over what goes on between your legs, boy. Your realize that?” “Yes, Billy and that is a relief because this boy’s History isn’t a very proud one.”

“Well, now it’s my responsibility. Your responsibility is for what is between my legs, cocksucker.” “Understand, Master.”

He unclips my hands but tells me to keep the manacles on. Then he says, “Okay, Alex, it’s time to pack you up and bring you home. Get on your hands and knees and follow me into the bedroom.



“SIT UP!” means to get up and sit back on your feet like you did before I shaved your head. Sit up now!” Billy looks over the things I spread on the bed. “Does this blindfold block out everything?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He puts it in the backpack. “These metal handcuffs can cause a lot of damage. Did you use them much?”

“No, Billy. Never had the chance to. Just got them a while ago.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t. You would have regretted it. But most Doms these days use other safer things like what I put on your wrists. Oh, let’s see here, I have much better belts and straps then these. Where did you get that flogger?”

“Made it, Sir, out of rawhide shoelaces.”

“Creative. Get much use?”

“Yes, Sir, quite a bit. And I used to use it on my self at times too when I was desperate.”

“Hmmmm. Okay, we’ll take that. Some day I’m going to like to watch you beat yourself up. Should tell you, Alex, that I like watching other men spank or whip a boy. Of course I do it my elf , but I take after my Father who always enjoys seeing someone else beat His slave. Sometimes he even used Me, especially when he was teaching Me how to use various implements. he used to watch Me practice on crick—that’s the slave’s name. And I am really looking forward to watching my Dad spank your ass tonight. I’ll be the one to determine how much you’ll be taking. Always Me who decides when a thrashing stops. And like I said, it’s your official “welcome” into the family. It’s our tradition now. my Dad used to thrash my ass good and hard until I was out of high school, so even while you were lusting over me back in 10th grade, there’s a good chance I would have had stripes across my Ass that day. And of course, I was fantasizing about watching my father spank the hell out of you. Well, now it’s going to happen. And also, that’s one of the reasons I’m having my Friends Michael and Robert to come up to the cabin, so I can relax and watch them work you over and find out what you’re made of.” He give me an evil wink.

“Don’t see much else worth taking. I have all this stuff and most of it is better quality. Now for clothes. You don’t need much, alex.” He goes through my drawers and closet. “Here, you ‘ll wear these on the way out of here.”he throws them to me. “Stand up and put them on now.” As I’m doing that, he goes through other things. He selects two pair of gym shorts and one pair of cargo shorts. Three dark t-shirts with nothing written on them. He throws one of them to me to put on. Some white socks. Sneakers from the bottom of the closet.he tosses flip-flops to me to put on. Some handkerchiefs. my leather jacket which doesn’t fit in the backpack but will be carried. He never even looks at the more professional clothes in my closet. “That’s all you’ll need for now and probably far into the future if I have anything to do about it. If you ever need anything else, I’ll either buy it for you or send someone back here to get it.”

He faces me and looks at me up and down. “Not bad. The cage doesn’t even show. How does it feel?”

“A little constricting, Sir.” “Good. Let me know if it ever becomes painful.” “Yes, Sir. thank You.” “There are many different models we can try out. It’s important to find the best one because you’ll be locked up most of the time from now on.” I shiver and lower my eyes. “Sometimes my talk hits one of your submissive buttons, doesn’t it, alex?”

“Just about all the time, Sir. I love the way you talk to me. I love the sound of Your voice. I love the way Ypu keep pressing me into sub space just by speaking to me. That never happened to be before.” “Of course not. Because you hadn’t been with the person you were meant to serve.” Sneers and smiles.

“Okay. Go into the bathroom and clean up the mess. Wrap everything up into the sheet and we’ll throw the sheet away on our way out along with the other crap. And all this shit goes into a trash bag as well.” He gestures to the bed. For a second I think an objection because I’d have to build up my entire collection again if I’m ever on my own. Stupid thought! This is final. I’ll never be back here as a free boy allowed to grow hair again. Unless he is working some demonic kind of sting on me. These thoughts torment my head while I straighten out the bathroom and wipe the tub and sink clean and bundle things up. I stand up straight again after bending down to pack up. He is standing in the doorway watching me.

“Your aura changed, Alex. Dark thoughts? Fear? Regret? Tell me what’s in your fucked up mind?

Come here. Let me hold you.” He holds me tight and I start to tremble. He rubs my back. “You’ll feel so much better when you tell me what you were thinking about.”

“It was stupid, Sir.”

“Of course it was stupid. It darkened your aura. That’s never good and never useful. So, tell, boy. You’re safe. You won’t be punished for what you were thinking. Your thoughts have been punishing you enough.” I struggle but the words slowly become easier to say.

“I . . . When You told me we were going to toss away all the stuff on my bed, I had this thought that I regretted losing it all because I would need it when I ever came back here on my own. Then I realized how dumb that thought was, because this is permanent. But then I began to doubt that, and thought that maybe You were pulling some awful kind of con on me.” He keeps holding me. We stand there in silence for a long time. Thenhe opens my jeans and drops them down and tells me to sit on the toilet, but he puts the seat up so I have to spread my legs to sit on the bare bowl.

“Your mind is full of a lot of piss. Piss it out, boy. This is the way you have to piss now. Always spread over an open bowl. Worse even than a woman. Come on, let those muscles loose and let the piss flow.” He takes out His own cock and holds it over the bowl and he begins to piss right on my cage. That caused my flow to begin and together we pissed. Me like a slave and Him like he was marking me as His own. We finish. He turns to the sink and fills up the cup there with warm water. He comes back to the toilet and pours it over my cage now, rinsing it out. “Put my cock in your mouth and suck out the last couple drops of piss for me, boy.” All of a sudden that doesn’t sound disgusting. It sounds like something I really want to taste. There isn’t much, but I wasn’t too disappointed. “Now put my Cock away for me. Make sure you don’t scratch it on the zipper. Shit! That reminds me. I’d better pack a pair of sweat pants for you too. So much easier to pull down if someone wants quick access to your balls or your ass. Now get off the throne and get down!” I throw my self off and slip into position. I’m beginning to like it when I’m before Him like this.

“Listen, slave, and listen good. The more a slave thinks like a slave, the more a slave is at peace. The more a slave submits and obeys, the more pleasure the slave experiences from just about everything that happens. I know it’s hard at first, and your thoughts frequently pull you away from your slave brain like they did when you were in here cleaning up. That’s to be expected for a while. But what you have to realize, boy, is that while your mind was out of slave mode, you made yourself very sad and unhappy and even suspicious. Those thoughts hurt you, didn’t they?”

“Yes, Master, they did.”

“Keep that in mind. And never be afraid to tell Me when something like that happens. I’ll probably know it before you even realize it. So now tell me this: are you going to have a lot of trouble believing me and trusting in me?”

“Damn, I hope not, Sir.”

“Well then, give me your mind and let go. As much as you’ve thought over the years that you wanted something like this, the more I was waiting and planning for you to finally be Mine the way you were meant to be. Ten years, alex. I’m damn not going to toss this away like some stupid trifling joke. Now follow Me outside, get down and kiss my Feet and then put my Socks and Sneakers back on.”

Crisis averted and he does make a lot of sense. Right then and there, I make a decision: I want to be His. I am going to trust him and see where it takes me. No matter where. No matter what.

Once he’s put back together, he helps me stand, puts the backpack on my back and hands me the leather jacket. He takes the trash bags we’ve filled and hands them to me all as well. I feel like a pack mule. He walks out of the apartment ahead of me, turning off lights and shutting doors, then opens the front door, presses the lock and starts down the stairs. I follow in my flipflips with pack, jacket and trash bags. I go to throw them in the trash and then follow Him to His car. He opens my door and I take off my backpack and get in, keeping the pack on the floor and the jacket in my lap. “Keep the jacket in your lap but open your pants and pull them down,” he tells me as he starts the car. And we’re off.

by Robert Halstead

Email: [email protected]

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