Thailand Holiday

by Graham Nancledra

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March 2023.

There is more than one Stephen in my life, someone I have known since university days in Bristol who is also Cornish and during the three years, I was studying geology became a sort of on and off boyfriend.

He is the same age as I am and from Redruth, and for the purposes of this story I’ll call him Rboy. He was studying botany and chemistry.

We’d kept in touch, on and off over the years since we graduated from Bristol, and Rboy became a pharmacognostist. Yes, it’s a strange one but a vital one. He researches plants to find medicines or drugs and looks into other natural cures for diseases and illnesses.  He’s based now in Thailand and works all over Southeast Asia for one of the huge drug manufacturers and gets paid a fortune apparently.

We have met up a few times over the years, but no action takes place anymore, although he is very attractive and had a great build. He also has a younger Thai lover nicknamed Jay, and I’ve had the privilege of staying with them both in Bangkok and at their superb double floored apartment on the top of a twenty-eight floor building in Pattaya which Rboy rents out to people to stay. He tells me that he can get up to $16,000 a month from very eager clients, mostly very rich Russians and Chinese. I have a standing invitation to go to stay, gratis, with some notice.

It was November 2022 and I had been reading an e-mail from Rboy bringing me up to date with what was happening in his life with Jay and how great everything was and was typing a reply. Stephen came up behind me, his huge arms wrapping around my chest as I was typing, and he asked what I was so eagerly writing about.  I told him of the email from Thailand which once again had the open invite to stay in Bangkok and Pattaya. Stephen half muttered to me that maybe we should take him up om the invite. He had never been to Thailand, maybe ask if we could have a couple of weeks to stay out there, maybe in March/April, before we went on our much-delayed honeymoon to the Pacific.

I asked Stephen if he was sure, and he squeezed me harder and reminded me of the weather at that time of year and some warmth and real heat would be welcome for two to three weeks. We had more than enough money to fly out to Bangkok and could pay Rboy well for the use of his apartment. A few kisses on my head and hard tweaks to my nipples convinced me to add a request to my friend.

To my amazement, within a couple days, I had a reply from Bangkok with two sets of dates proposed. “Just get your butt’s out here and the place would be ours for free”. He insisted.

After a chat with Stephen, we chose the dates in March the next year, 2023, and after the nod from Rboy, we booked our flights to Bangkok, on line, business class. Well, we could afford it.

And so, we found ourselves, being met by Rboy at Bangkok airport, well refreshed after catching the BA redeye and sleeping in the business class beds, side by side, having been cruised by the trolleydollies like crazy. The plan was that we would stay in Bangkok for three days and have the rest of the time to ourselves in Pattaya.

Rboy had not met Stephen before. Unfortunately, he had missed our wedding five years earlier and so seeing Stephen for the first time was a slight shock, but he was really taken by my husband, and he whispered his approval to me.

Jay, Rboys, lover drove us to Central Bangkok. Jay was a well-proportioned, handsome Thai man, with a great smile, who wai-ed us. The wai is the Thai greeting with the hands held together as in a prayer. The position of the wai is important according to the degree of greeting, low down by the chest is a low greeting, Way up on the crown of the head is the highest reserved for senior members of the family and for royalty. Our greeting was at eye and nose level. I nudged Stephen to return the wai, and we got a massive smile and a big hug from the comparatively short Thai.

It took thirty minutes to get to the Bangkok home of our hosts, which was spent chatting about our journey and plans. We were to relax, shower, and we’d go out into the city at about nine pm, about four hours later. Rboy and Jay had plans for us. I asked Rboy, how the hell he got such a prize apartment down in the Jomtien district in Pattaya.

“It’s knowing and fucking the right person, or rather both of us knowing and fucking the right person. We have a friend who works for one of the biggest banking groups here in Thailand and is in charge of the bankruptcies department and tipped us off about the rooms being defaulted on, The bank had got most of the money returned from the defaulter but still held the property and it was going to be offered for a real snip of a price, if we were quick, he could make an offer before notice of the auction. The bank was looking for four and a half million baht; just over one hundred thousand pounds. I was with the bank, and I had the money, I was saving for my retirement. My friend recommended an agent who would act as a Thai “name” to care for and nominally own the condo and told me to be very quick”.

Well, we didn’t need a “name”, I have my Jay, but we hired the guy to arrange for someone to look after the apartment and to make the bookings with the greedily over wealthy Russians and Chinese to come and stay and it’s difficult to keep them away. We did the deal within fort eight hours, and it was all legal. Jay and I hardly use the place and we get a great income”.

We were impressed and pleased for our friend. “I hope you gave your friend some extra attention for his help and advice”.

“Oh yes, we most certainly have”.

Stephen asked how much the place was worth.

Rboy sheepishly told him that at the time of the transfer, the rooms were worth thirty two million baht, about three quarters of a million pounds. “Property is really cheap out here”.

Stephen swallowed and said to me. “I could have bought a place out here and lived like a king with the money I got for my place in Billinghurst, but then, I wouldn’t have you would I”?

We continued the chat.

First of all there was some sad news. The Babylon sauna, was no more. Apparently now a mass of rubble as part of yet another residential tower block. I had been there a few times and had a fantastic time. There was an outdoor swimming pool, restaurant, gym and full cruising areas, including cubicles, dark room, and an orgy room, as well as a dry and steam sauna room and it was usually packed with some of the hottest Thai guys around. I asked Rboy if one of the guys I really liked was still around. He spoke to Jay in Thai and yes he was still around, unattached and if I liked Jay could contact him. The guys name was Neung, meaning One, the number.

I spoke to Stephen and asked if he minded if we met on old flame of mine. Eager nods from Jay and Rboy easily convinced Stephen to agree, and Jay made a call and arranged for Neung to meet us at our first port of call.

We changed into our cool casuals, showing off as much muscle and flesh as we dared, and it was a five minute walk in steamy humid Bangkok to Silom Soi 4.

Much to my bitter disappointment, the Telephone Bar was gone. It was one of my favourite places in Bangkok, with tables on the pavement, inside around a couple of horse-shoe shaped bars and even upstairs a dining area as well. Apparently, one upon a time, each table and bar place had a Telephone with a double-digit number and if you saw someone you liked you’d dial their number and try to cruise them by phone. The fun part was trying to see who else was on a phone talking to you. The system had broken down when I first visited the bar, but the cruising continued, even from across the road at another gay bar. It was now called Circus and the place had been gutted and only the downstairs area and the pavement was available. We chose to sit outside at the pavement level and we were served very promptly by attractive attentive staff. It was not the same. Covid had deterred many of the tourists from the area.

We’d been sitting for about ten minutes when Jay pointed out that Neung was approaching. He looked as handsome as I had and still had his muscled build. At about five eleven he was tall for a Thai and stood out very well, turning the heads of some of the Caucasians, and being wai-ed by Thai’s who knew him. I got a huge bearhug of a greeting from him and Stephen stood up to offer his hand to shake and Neung just looked up at him, all two metre’s of my husband and just uttered a quiet “Wow”.

Neung looked at me and asked if we were really married, and when I confirmed it, he grinned broadly at me. He shook Stephen’s hand and said it was a great pleasure, and then he sat with us, facing us both, looking all the time at us. We ordered a drink for Neung and Rboy asked Jay to order food for us, telling Stephen and myself that the food wouldn’t be too spicy but it would be really tasty.

There were many people, tourists mostly walking up and down the side street, gawping at the gay guys most probably, and I noticed that over the street, a lot of the customers were also cruising us. I was relaxed, I was with my husband, a very good long term friend and his lover, and a very handsome and sexy Thai guy.

Neung was full of questions for us. What were our plans? how long were we staying? Was there anything that we wanted, he could drive us to Pattaya instead of an expensive taxi, take us shopping and show us the Bangkok sights, show us his studio, and so on. Neung was an artist. (another earlier story of how we met to come). I knew that Neung had a generous heart and that he might not take a refusal to accept a bit heart, so I left the decision to give the matter serious thought. Stephen and I were jet lagged after the very long journey, 11 hours flight, 3 hours at Heathrow, 6 hours from home in Cornwall, plus seven hours’ time difference. Plus Rboy was our host in Bangkok.

Rboy was equally as generous, telling Neung that he could stay the night at the Bangkok apartment. That seemed to really please Neung. The food arrived and it really covered the table. Jay told us to help ourselves to what ever we wanted. It was great fun and highly enjoyable. Rboy told us that he was going to be away in a couple of days time when we were due to travel down to Pattaya, but he’d give us the keys to the rooms down there and Neung knew the location of the apartment.

“Maybe I could stay with you guys there”. Neung stated hopefully looking at Rboy. Rboy gave him a knowing grin and agreed. “There are two large bedrooms there, and as long as you take care of things and my guests then OK”. Neung beamed. The Thais know how to smile.

Whilst we were eating the local ladyboys we performing in the street, badly lip-syncing to standard disco songs being played way too loud and camping it up, looking at the patrons of both the bars and flashing their boobs, and over-flamboyant dresses at anyone who looked. The applause was very slight for each act. It was as if most of the viewers had seen it all before. That went off for about forty minutes or so and it went relatively quiet. We had finished the food and drinks and Stephen and I fought a battle to pay the bill and lost. It was just after eleven, and I was feeling the tiredness and so we missed out going to DJ Station, a well-known gay dance bar, usually crammed with guys stripped to the waist and sweating heavily, until the next night.

The five of us went back to Rboys rooms about three hundred metres away and although we had been outside for less than three hours Stephen and I were very sweaty and needed to shower. We wished the guys goodnight went to our bedroom and bathroom and showered together returning to find Neung standing in the doorway looking at us with a slight smile and asking if he could join us for the night. I looked at Stephen who gave me a nod and he entered the room with a bigger smile and stripped off to also shower. He returned to the bedroom, looking wonderful with his short but big muscled body. He was just holding a white towel in front of him. I knew what was behind the towel. I watched Stephen’s face as Neung removed the towel exposing his dick. Stephen was pleased.

Although nowhere near as hung as Stephen and I are, out eager muscled Thai friend Neung was absolutely no needle dicked Southeast Asian, in fact he was most generously endowed with a very hard, thick eight-inch member, and importantly, absolutely no silicon injections to boost the thickness of his lovely cock. I had recalled my threesome experience with him during my last visit to Thailand some time back before I had even dreamed of ever meeting, let alone marrying a man like Stephen. I had forgotten that Neung and Stephen had never met before today and that the sexy Thai guy had no idea what Stephen had hanging between his legs.

Stephen and I were lying on the generously sized bed, King sized bit not Emperor sized as we had at home, with the towels hiding our equipment. We had chatted whilst Neung showered and had agreed that we were really tired and jet lagged. We’d promise Neung some fun but emphasised that we’d really like to sleep. There would be time during our visit for some really heavy long session sex with him.

Standing at the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom, Neung had dropped the towel to the floor showing off his complete nudity with his thick long cock hard and expectant. I heard a low rumble of approval come from Stephen’s vocal cords and he waved Neung over to join us on the bed.

To me there is nothing sexier than a naked man with an erection walking towards me. There is something that turns me on so much seeing a sexy guy coming towards me with his hard on swinging to and fro. Neung headed straight for Stephen, announcing that he wanted to see what my husband had for him. There was no resistance from Stephen as Neung pulled away the towel revealing the Ultra Hard proud ten inches of horse-cock that Stephen is blessed with. There was an out-pouring of Thai language from our friend as he stared at the throbbing cock in front of him.

Neung’s muscled chest heaved as he looked down on Stephen’s magnificence and looked over to me.

“I thought you we very big but this one is bigger”. I nodded my agreement. Neung seemed to be in silent awe and reached over to pull my towel away from my groin. “I want to see who is the bigger”. I could have told him but let him find out for himself. As the towel was removed, my dick sprang upwards bouncing in the air.

 I looked at Stephen, smiling at what the sexy Thai man was doing as he looked back and forth at both our dicks trying to decide who had the larger cock taking both of us in each of his hands and squeezing them as if he was checking the ripeness of some fruit or vegetables at the market. Then Neung asked us the question that most people ask of us when they meet us for the first time. “You are not related are you”?

We told him we were not but that he wasn’t the first to mention it. “I think you guys would break my hole and my jaw”. I reminded him that I had in fact fucked him a few times the last time we had met.

“Yes, but I’m a top and haven’t been fucked by a dick as big as yours in a very long time”. He admitted.

This gave us the excuse we were looking for and we told him that we were not looking to fuck that night as we were very tired, but some good oral fun would be fine.  Neung seemed to relax a lot at that suggestion. “I want to suck on both your monsters, please”.  We told him to go for it and we’d be happy to take care of his fine cock too and if he’d let us to have a taste of his fine-looking backside as well. For the next thirty minutes or so we had our suck and lick fest which included both of us being rimmed out really well as well as sucking on his hard thick light brown cock and checking out each other’s muscled bodies. To Stephen’s delight Neung was also well into nip play and Neung and I were able to get Stephen to shoot one of his big loads all over himself as I chewed on his nips and Neung expertly took both of Stephen’s huge balls into his mouth at the same time.

Neung was so excited at what had just happened that he knelt up with his cock level with Stephen’s and jacked himself off with one hand as he held onto Stephen’s cum soaked cock with another and dumped his load onto Stephen’s abs, collapsing down onto my husband’s body after he had shot his load, his head mixing in Stephens cum from his huge chest. That left me, I was now really tired and told the guys so. I had enjoyed the half hour of fun with the guys. There was still the next day and the rest of our holiday to be enjoyed. I sent the guys off the clean-up in the shower together, and I followed them afterwards and the three of us cuddled up to each other and I easily drifted off into a very restful sleep.

The next morning, I woke with the alarm I’d set before sleeping. I had deliberately set it for eight o’clock so that I’d adjust for the seven hours’ time difference. Kicking my husband out of bed was a joy as he had his perpetual erection which I took the chance on sucking. Neung was also awake and asking us what we’d want for breakfast. He’d go down to the local street vendors and have some Thai food freshly cooked up for us. Stephen opted for an omelette with pork and spicy northern Thai sausages. I went for a shrimp based Thai noodle soup, one of my favourites. As we devoured the delicious food, Neung told us that my friend Stephen, (Rboy) whose home we were stayed the night, had gone to work, and had sent his Thai lover, Jay, ahead to his condo-apartment in Pattaya to check that the rooms were ready and up to standard for us. That was an amazing gesture to send is lover 150km for us. Jay would meet us there and pass over the keys and show us around the apartment.

The journey down to Pattaya took just under three hours, having to cope with the horrendous traffic in Bangkok, and once on the amazing Skyway out of Bangkok town to Chon Buri and it seemed like we were at the amazing seaside Condo building. What was even more amazing was being taken up the private express lift to the double level apartment building on the twenty-seventh and twenty eighth floors with an amazing view of the coast and the off-shore Islands. No wonder Rboy rented these rooms at $16,000 a month, I had thoughts of charging even more for the over rich Russians and Chinese patrons, before checking myself that both Stephen and I had enough to pay Rboy for our stay and it was only my long friendship with him that got us our stay for free. Stephen and I had rooms for Rboy and Jay to come and stay with us in Cornwall if ever they wanted to come, and we had let them know.

It was just after lunch and Jay was perfect guide showing us around and showing us the codes to allow us into the apartment. Up on the higher level were two very large en-suite bedrooms fully equipped with everything you’d need, and I think that the word sumptuous would be suitable to describe them. On the lower level, was a very large lounge with a panoramic window with electrochromic tinting, and electronically controlled shades and curtains, a fully equipped kitchen and to one side behind another door was a private gym. Entrance to the apartment was via the express lift with a controlled door leading to the fire escape.

Jay was flirting with both Stephen and I and talking a lot in Thai to Neung and after he’d completed his tour of the rooms, he came onto us both, stroking our muscles and rubbing himself against us and asking if he could see us. I looked to Neung who nodded, and I hauled out my dick and Jay immediately went right down on my length with no difficulty at all. He was a talented sucker for sure and from what I remembered about Rboy from our time in university, Jay would have had plenty of sucking experience on a thing hung cock. Stephen was standing next to me and was pushing Jay’s head against my cock and was playing with himself, his cock hanging out of his shorts left side, his foreskin peeled right back. Stephen took a firm hold of Jay’s head and in one swift move, removed his mouth from my happy cock and placed it onto his monster. The shorts restricted the length of cock Jay could take but he manfully took all that he could get in his mouth. Neung had been watching and walked into the kitchen and brought in a sizable length of kitchen roll, and pulled out his substantial dick, and offered it to Jay who again took all of the thickness throat deep. The guy was a talented cocksucker. Stephen took the chance to drop his shorts and expose his full ten inches at which, Jay had caught sight of the full size and let go of Neung’s cock and gasped and said to him in English, “It’s true what you said”.

As Jay went back down and struggled slightly on Stephen’s ultra hard cock, he hauled out his own fine cock and was jacking off as he sucked. It was obvious that Jay loved sucking cock and I wouldn’t have minded giving him the treatment at both ends, but I knew if wouldn’t be up to us to decide if it would happen, it was totally Jay’s decision. The sucker was now taking turns on each of us and wanking his cock with enthusiasm. The kitchen towel was now clearly arranged by the Thai guys as was the cocksucking session. Jay was now frantically wanking his cock and was pulling the three of us closely together so that our cocks were almost touching and was breathing deeply. He was close to shooting. A few words in Thai and the kitchen towel had been placed on the floor under Jay’s dick. He took a deep breath and took in a much of Stephens cock as he could, and Neung was rubbing his cock all over Jay’s face. The load came quickly. Jay gently growled like a lion cub calling for its mother as he dumped his load, directing the cum to the floor onto the paper towel laid out for the purpose. As he shot, he held Stephen’s cock in his mouth, and it looked so attractive and natural.

Having shot his load, he released Stephen’s cock and sighed and looked at both our dick’s and swallowed mine entirely, using his tongue expertly on the underside on my glans, pulling off with a satisfying plop as he let my length go. Jay looked up at us both and thanked us. “Please don’t say anything to Stephen (Rboy)”.  We assured him that this would say secret between the four of us. Jay stood up and cleaned up his dick with some of the paper towel and dressed himself and excused himself and went up the stairs to the upper level and came back down a couple of minutes later. Whilst he was away, Neung explained that Jay played around a lot when Rboy was away from home at his work, but never was the bottom but loved sucking and top fucking.

When he returned, Jay kissed us both, I could taste the minty flavour of mouthwash on his tongue. He embraced us both and assured us that if we needed anything during our stay or any problems with the rooms then we were to contact him. He then left us alone with Neung, who asked if we’d like to go down to the beach.

by Graham Nancledra

Email: [email protected]

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