Summer School Heat

by GayBlade90

22 Jan 2023 4053 readers Score 9.4 (55 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

WHACK! My mom’s hand flew across my my face and sent me flying to the wall. The light in the house was very dim. She had a shadow on her face but her golden hair was glowing with the dull orange light peaking I’m the windows from the sunset. 

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again!! ….And I’ve been calling you.” She yelled

”I’m sorry, I lost track of time at the school’s library.”

”I don’t want you hanging with that delinquent either, did he offer you something to smoke, or to drink?” She said coldly

”What?! No! He lives here down the street and goes to the same school!” I said

”Do NOT… raise your voice at me.” She hissed

I saw my stepdad near the garage area starring at me as I shuffled upstairs. There were 4 rooms, last one on the left was my sister’s. The middle room was a play room for when I was younger. I see all my video games have been taken away. I didn’t care, my room was the last one on the right. locked my door and went to my bed and began laying there.

I was thinking about Bobby and what we did earlier. I started stroking myself with my hand, and unzipping my pants with my eyes closed. I imagined Bobby creeping into my room and crawling in the bed. I used a pillow over my face kissing it passionately and my shoes and pants were off. I kept jerking hard and went to my side. I was still horny and had not came, I envisioned Bobby’s dick going into the crack of my ass. I pulled my shirt and underwear off, I was naked except my socks. 

That night I dreamt that Bobby was really in the room fucking me sideways. His big feet rubbing against my legs and socked feet, while he whispered in my ear.

By morning I opened my eyes to a sticky mess. My wet and slimy sheets was going to get me sent through the window of my mom found out. She wasn’t home that morning so I had to quickly change my sheets and stuff them into the washer. I jumped into the shower and change into a blue polo, khaki cargo shorts, orange ankle socks and navy blue converse low tops. I packed my vans authentics in my backpack just in case I was going to the bathroom stalls for “anon” fun, this way I’ll change my shoes so Bobby wouldn’t know it was me. 

At the bus stop there was Bobby, in a salmon colored t-shirt, navy shorts and his flip flops. His feet looked extra delicious today, it looked like the toenails were recently clipped. His feet were definitely manly, long and his toes spread apart naturally.

We gave each other high fives, hopped up on the bus and sat all the way in the back. The seats are against the wall, we halfway face each other with one leg folded on the seat next to us and under the other leg. His right sandal on the floor as he put his foot under his leg. His other leg did not dangle (like mine did) as it was long enough to reach the floor.

In our conversation I’ll see his leg moving around and forward towards mine, but he’s doing this casually and his foot. I would swing my leg a bit and at times it would touch his leg. I could see his crotch, so huge in his shorts, his dick could nearly pop out of the side of his shorts. His free leg was now near mine and without noticing it’s now touching the outside of my foot, and I see that both his sandals are off. His bare foot is trying not to touch the floor, it stays in the air and at one point the big toe goes into the side of my converse , in between the canvas and my sock. His first and second toe was holding on to my shoe which was nearly vertical.

I was precumming in my underwear, but Bobby seemed like he was too. I saw a tiny spot in his shorts. After leaving the bus we went our separate ways. During a break in between classes I had enough time to head to the stalls. I was extra horny, so I changed quickly in the stall into my black vans authentics, and waited.

Eventually the door opens as I hear some flop flops. I see a different pair though; Nike sandals, soccer slides with the red check mark. I waited for a signal of any kind as he was in the next stall. He tapped his foot twice and I did nothing. He tapped it agin twice and I knew , okay I thought and I tapped my foot twice to copy. 

His fingers go down and give me signal to go down. Now I’m on my knees and his dick pops out. It was just like Bobby’s dick, after tasting it I knew was Bobby’s. Huge, thick and long, veins popping out, it would pulse in my mouth. I would feel his dump pump in its blood and juices, the taste of his flesh was sweet and his huge balls were dangling. I cup them in my hand as I’m sucking and then put one of his testicles in my mouth. The smell of his musk from his balls was great, manly smells turn me on like crazy and he was going commando. 

“Uff” he groans and he pulls out and reaches to grabs my dick. He then pats my hip until until turn around. Oh shit. I’m a virgin I thought. I can’t, he was getting rough and grabs my ankles as I stood up to get out. This isn’t Bobby, he was different,

”Don’t worry I’m only gonna finger you.” He said in a low raspy whisper

”Okay” I thought, I was scared 

I went down and put my feet behind me in his stall and my ass was popping into his stall and I felt cool lubricant coating my asshole. Then I felt his fingers start playing with my hole. Until finally it goes in very slowly.

It hurt a bit at first and felt wired. As if I need to take a shit. He makes a shhh noise and says to relax. And he pops in his second finger. 

“Aahhh” I moan

It was so weird and I felt a rush through my body, I couldn’t explain it. He fingers up and down in my hole.

”Jerk yourself off, you’ll love it.” He whispers 

“Ooohhh yeah…you’re so good.” I moan, I jerk off to it and felt this complete rush in my entire body. The best feeling I ever felt, and…

”Ahhhh…” I moaned and shot my load on to the bathroom floor. He pulled his fingers out slowly as my rectum pulsed and tightened. 

”Turn around…tap my balls with your shoe.” He instructed 

His dick pops through the bottom of the stall and I stood looking down at the size of it. I saw his huge balls dangling and I used the tops of my vans to lightly tap his dangling balls. 

“Harder” he said

I do it harder and his left hand jerks his dick so hard and I practically kicking his balls like I was keeping soccer ball in check.

”Uuuhhaahhh….ahhhh…yes” he moaned

His dick vibrating as his the load shoot out and one of the shots dropped on to my right shoe. He quickly stood up and started getting out.

”You’re awesome.” He whispered 

i still didn’t get a good look at him he had a hat and a sweater. I don’t think it was Bobby,  Bobby didn’t have a backpack today. He walked away and I got and and took my vans off and put on my converse and began washing off the cum stains off my shoe. I was gonna be late for my last class.

I caught the bus in time today,I texted my mom that I’m going home. She said that she and my stepdad were visiting my older sister who lived far in the other side of town. They won’t be back until later. Great I thought,Bobby was not on the bus, it was strange. Wasn’t sure if the guy in the bathroom was him.

When I got to the stop by my house I had to cross the main anvenue and my house was on the right. Adjacent to this was another street or terrace as it said on top of the stop sign. Down this terrace are the other houses and I see Bobby riding on his bike up towards me. Without a shirt, in just shorts which looks like swim trunks and he was barefoot.

”Hey, you stay after again?” He asked 

“yeah, not as much as yesterday, what’s up just riding around?” I ask

“Yeah dude, getting in some sunshine and the late afternoons aren’t as bad.” He said

I saw the sweat trickling down on to his six pack, his black hair sweaty and sticking to his face. I could smell a bit of his armpit sweat. A mix of old spice and axe that was covering up his manly smell that made my dick squirm. My eyes were darting down quick at his bare feet flat on the pavement. His bike, even though it was huge and with the seat to the highest setting, wasn’t tall enough for him. If he sat on his seat and had one foot on the pedal then his foot would be on its tippy toe, showcasing those beautiful long toes. They were a bit dirty now, a light dusting of dirt were on his toes. 

“My mom isn’t here, wanna come over?” I asked without hesitation 

“Yeah, just let me leave the bike at my house, come with me” He said

” Yeah, let’s go.” 

We walked to his house, 3 houses down, he walked his bike into his open garage. There were tools and yard work machines in the garage. The floor of the garage was rough and dirty, like concrete but worse. There were extension cords around, nuts and bolts all over the floor and he walks over it like nothing. His flip flops were at the front door, along with a pair of very old athletic shoes (probably his, since they’re big). 

“No shoes allowed in your house Huh?” I said playfully 

“No… well it’s a rule my dad put in the house after moving in…but I’m the only one who follows it nowadays...” He said 

“He forgot about that and will always walk in with his dirty shoes. But If I did that , he starts to get on my case. I don’t say anything now I just leave all my footwear at the door...” He continues 

“If I call him out, his excuse is that he works cleaning sidewalks and roofs with a pressure hose and his shoes are spotless because he cleans them, but I no longer argue, the house can stay dirty. My feet get dirty from in the house rather then outside.” He explained 

“Wow, my house is the opposite, I wear shoes inside, especially the first floor. Since my stepdad works with saws and wood there’s nails and shit on the floor that can roll around so I gotta be careful” I said

”Nice” he said

”Alright let’s go” I said

He still chose to walk barefoot to my house saying his feet were tough enough to withstand glass and nails. I don’t believe him but I look out for nails in the house. So we walk to my house side by side on the dark pavement. The heat was coming off of it like a radiator. It must of felt good to walk barefoot on the warm ground, my converse had thin soles so I could somewhat feel any rocks and rough terrain, and Bobby walks through it effortlessly without wincing. He could give Bruce Willis and the walking in glass scene from ‘Die Hard’ a run for its money.

We reach my front steps and as I walk behind him I see him skip a step and the sole of his foot was black, and it was hot. He was half naked, only in swim shorts, sweaty, dirty and about to enter my house. I texted my mom to text me before she was on her way to see if she wanted me to heat up something for dinner.

”After you.” I said as I open the door. 

This didn’t feel real, this gorgeous guy in my house, and nobody home. I wondered what would transpire next.

To be continued 

by GayBlade90

Email: [email protected]

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