Special Delivery

by Michael

27 Sep 2022 5755 readers Score 9.1 (34 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

A gangster and his son get what they deserve

“So, do ya think it will work?” Ian asked.

I looked around the dining room table in the small house in East London. I made eye contact with each of the four men who were seated.

“Yeah, it will work. It will work if we keep to the plan” I replied, my tone firm.

“Those bastards have it coming.” It was Tony who spoke next, he was a wiry guy of Italian descent. He had olive skin and wore his jet black hair slicked back.

“Yeah, they have to pay for what they did to Callum,” added Jake, a London lad through and through. He was in his mid twenties with an average build with close cropped light brown hair. 

“What do you say Fred? Are you in?” I asked the final guy. He was a slightly overweight guy, who often enjoyed a pint and fight on a Saturday night. His arms were big from years and years of working on a building site. Fred nodded in silent agreement.

“We’re not queers, right?” said Tony, “we’re doing this for Callum right?”.

The others around the table nodded.

“For Callum.” Fred repeated.

I poured each of the men a glass of whisky from the bottle on the table. “For Callum.” I said, raising my glass, the others did the same, sealing our pact.

Now, perhaps I wasn’t totally honest with you when I told you about my visit to Bill. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was… is a total bastard. He had ruined many lives, but my motivation was actually a little more personal than I might have let on.

I grew up in East London, not far from the house I was sitting in right now. That’s how I met Callum., Oour mums were best friends and Callum and I started primary school on the same day. We were instantly inseparable. Always together and always getting up to mischief. We remained mates all the way through high school and even after Callum left to do his apprenticeship in his dad’s building firm. Ian was his dad. I looked at Ian now, his face a mask of pain and sadness. He was a big guy, originally from Edinburgh with the start of a gut and a gray beard. His Scottish rugby shirt was tight across his chest and belly. 

Callum did well with his apprenticeship. He loved working with his dad and the rest of the lads. He and all the guys sitting at the table were a tight team. Spending day after day on building sites, having a laugh, drinking tea, and working hard.

Soon enough Callum got himself a girlfriend, a pretty girl called Claire. They had moved into a little flat not far from his mum and dad. 

And then it all started to turn to shit. We were on a night out in the West End and Callum decided to buy a wrap of coke from a dealer in the club. None of the rest of us were that interested and Callum ended up taking the lot. For most people, that would be it, but not Callum. Every time we went out, he wanted another fix, and he was the only one of us indulging. He started to change from the handsome outgoing lad I had grown up with into a secretive stranger. It wasn’t long before Claire left him. I spoke to her about it at the time and she said Callum just wasn’t the same guy she had fallen in love with. He was lost.

He had stopped going to work. Ian had called me to ask what was going on. In truth, I didn’t know at that point but decided to go around to Callum’s to find out. I rang his doorbell and waited. For a long time I thought nobody was in but eventually I heard shuffling coming from inside the flat. The door opened, just a crack. Callum peered at me out of the darkness.

“Let me in, mate,” I said, smiling. He nodded and the door opened slowly. “How you been?” I asked in my cheeriest voice. He looked awful. He had lost a ton of weight and his cheeks were sunken in. I looked around the flat. It was dark and filthy, half the furniture was gone. “Callum,” I said slowly, laying a light hand on his shoulder, “what the fuck happened?”.

“I donno,” he said, his voice sore and cracked, “I donno what I’ve done”.

He then told me the full story. His drug use had spiraled out of control. What had started as a few lines of coke, soon became a few grams, and then someone suggested he try heroin. It was one of Bill’s guys. “Come on,” they said, “you wouldn’t believe the hit. First one’s free.”

Things got so much worse after that. He stopped going to work, all he wanted was his next fix. He started by selling his furniture and other belongings, but when those were gone one of his dealers offered him credit. He accepted, and then he belonged to them. 

Joe, Bill's son, ran a chain of seedy brothels across London and Callum ended up selling his arse in one of them. He’d get fucked by any old guy who had £50 to spare, and the majority of his earnings were confiscated for ‘rent and other services’ - whatever the fuck that meant. He was trapped.

I begged him to stop, to get help, but it was no good. He was too far gone. A couple of weeks later he was found lying on a dirty mattress with his trousers around his ankles. He had overdosed while he was servicing one of his punters. It made my blood boil and my heart break.

Ian was devastated, as were all of the lads on the site - Fred, Jake and Tony. They had been like a family. It was then that an idea began to form in my mind. An idea to deliver some justice for Callum, and for me and Ian, and the others. A plan that would deliver a punishment that fitted the crime perfectly.

I thought about my last visit to Bill and how good it felt being inside him and my cock twitched. An image of Bill lying on his couch with cum dripping off his face popped into my mind. I wanted a repeat performance, and I was going to get one.


I knew that Bill had his finger in lots of pies, most of them illegal, but some of them were legit. He needed something to give his business a veneer of respectability, as well as a front for laundering cash. Property development fit perfectly. It was easy for Ian to contact Bill’s office about his latest development. He explained that he was running out of cash and wouldn’t be able to complete the project. Bill obviously smelled blood. I could imagine the look in those greedy little eyes as he thought about squeezing Ian, extracting the best price and taking advantage of Ian’s desperation. It was all a lie of course, we just needed Bill and Joe alone.

The day had finally arrived. Bill and his son had asked to come to the site so they could check out the location, see the standard of the work, and how much had been completed. We had chosen an out of town office development. The interior of the building was still pretty much a shell. The electrics had been started, but otherwise it was largely just exposed concrete walls with the tools and machinery needed for the development. There were two foldable workbenches set up at each end of the space.

There was a nervous energy in the team. The lads were doing their best to look busy, but nobody was really concentrating. Given I know fuck all about building work, I stood to the side with a broom, sweeping the same pile of sawdust from one end of the room to the other.

We all looked up as one as the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the building. They were here. Bill came in first. Bald with a hint of stubble, his well cut suit didn’t hide the start of his beer belly, but he was still powerfully built. I recalled someone saying he was a boxer in his youth and it showed. Joe came in after him. Slightly older than the photo I had swiped from his parent’s house. He was a bit taller than his dad. He wore a pinstripe suit with a shirt and tie. He had a long serious face with dark hair which was slicked back. He looked like he had styled himself on one of the Kray twins, the gangsters who had terrorized London back in the sixties. But his eyes, those were his dad’s eyes, cruel and suspicious.

Bill was walking around the site now picking up bits of random timber and looking at the exposed electrics. 

“Who’s Ian?” He asked.

Ian stepped towards Bill, holding out his hand, “I am, and these are my lads.” Ian nodded to the rest of us. They shook hands.

Ian then started walking around the room with Bill, pointing out the various works that his team had undertaken. The team started to get themselves in position. Fred and Tony moved closer to Bill and Ian whilst I made my way towards Joe, who was talking to Jake. Things moved quickly after that. Fred picked up a wooden plank that had been resting on the wall which he swung squarely at Bill’s head catching him hard. Bill crumpled to the ground.

At the same time Jake and I grabbed Joe. He wasn’t as heavily built as his dad and between the two of us we were able to wrestle his arms behind his back, securing his wrists with cable ties.

I looked across at Bill, he was barely conscious, but the lads had already bound his hands behind his back.

I turned my attention back to Joe, his eyes were wild. He was struggling and bucking like mad. He tried to run from our grip but we held him firm. 

“What the fuck… you stupid fucks… you’re gonna pay for this!” I noted the tone of desperation, and yes, fear in his voice. 

I stepped in front of him. “No,” I said coldly, “you’re the one who’s going to pay.”

I reached out and grabbed his crotch. He was going crazy now. Kicking, trying to pull away, anything to free himself. It was no good, as we had him held firm. I started to slowly unbutton his shirt. 

“You sick fucks!” He shouted and then he spat at me. I just laughed.

I looked around to see what was happening with Bill. He was starting to come around after his blow to the head. I could see the realisation of what was happening register on his face.

“Get your hand off him. He’s my boy!” Bill was struggling, fighting Fred and Ian like mad, but he was held firm. 

I saw Tony tentatively reach for Bill’s dick. I could tell he didn’t want to, he was straight after all. 

“Tony, just get on with it,” I shouted, “this bastard fucking deserves it!”

Tony reached out and grabbed Bill’s crotch hard. “I’ll rip your fucking arms off and shove them down your throat!” Bill’s voice was full of rage and hate. 

I ripped open Joe’s shirt. He was smooth with hard brown nipples. I took one of them in my mouth. I heard Joe let out a sound, disgust maybe. I didn’t care. 

“Get this bastard on his knees.” I said to Jake, who promptly kicked the back of Joe’s leg’s forcing him to the ground. 

I took my dick out from my fly. “You’re gonna suck this dick like your life depends on it,” I said in a cool low voice, “because, it pretty much does”. Joe’s mouth was clamped shut. I moved closer. I rubbed the end of my cock against his lips. “You’re gonna suck this dick good or it’s curtains for you and old dad over there,” his eyes widened, “and no teeth”.

His lips parted slowly and I slipped in. He wasn’t bad. I worked myself in and out, he choked when I was fully in. I looked over my shoulder. Bill had been forced down into a seated position. Tony had moved to hold him from the side and Ian had dropped his trousers and shoved his dick in Bill’s mouth. Ian wasn’t hard yet so Bill was really just holding Ian’s flaccid cock in his mouth. 

After a few minutes of this sucking, we dragged Joe over to one of the workbenches and shoved him on it face down. Jake held Joe’s chest firmly on the workbench. I stood behind Joe, reaching around to unbutton his trousers. I let them fall around his ankles. I groped his ass through the cotton of his briefs. Joe was wriggling like mad and trying to kick out. I took two cable ties and grabbed one ankle and then the other, fixing them each to the table. Bill had let Ian’s cock fall out of his mouth and was looking at the scene unfolding in front of him in horror. I ripped Joe’s briefs, tearing them at the side until they were hanging around one leg.

Bill had been shoved to his side on the ground and his trousers had been pulled down to just under his hips. He was twisted in what appeared to be an uncomfortable position. Fred was sitting on him, dry humping him, his bulky frame moving backwards and forwards, up and down. Tony was sitting on Bill’s legs. He had shoved a finger up Bill’s arse which elicited a low groan from the man lying on the ground. The friction must have got Fred hard, he had pulled out his cock and was stroking it whilst sitting on top of Bill.

“Don’t cum yet!” I shouted to Fred, “You need to stay hard. These bastards need to get fucked. It’s only fair”.

Ian had joined us at the table with Joe. He looked down at Joe’s exposed arse. I could see Joe’s tight brown hole twitch. I was desperate to get in there but Ian deserved it more than me, he had lost the most, after all. “You do the honours,” I said to Ian, as I nodded towards Joe’s arse.

Ian looked reluctant. He’d never fucked a man before. His cock was still soft. I stood beside him. “It’s okay,” I reassured him, “he deserves it. Think what he did to your lad”. I reached over and took Ian’s dick in my hand. He jolted. “Don’t worry, I’m just helping you out.” I started working his shaft back and forth, I spat in my hand to make it easier. Soon enough he started to get hard. I put a hand on his back and pushed him towards Joe.

“Get him over here!” I barked at Fred and Tony, “this cunt needs to see his son take it up the arse.” I thought of Callum lying on that filthy mattress and the justice that was being delivered on this day. It was nothing if not poetic. Bill was dragged to his feet, half stumbling to the table. 

“No, fuck no!” he shouted as he saw Ian lining himself up to his son’s virgin opening. “Please,” he begged, “please don’t do this!” So that was interesting, I never thought I’d hear this guy beg. He didn’t beg when I fucked him senseless last time, but this.. this was different.

Ian didn’t stop though. My hand had done its job and he was hard now. He pushed slowly into Joe, who let out a loud guttural scream. It was a sound of agony and shame. At the same time, I heard Bill cry out, a deep loud sound, which echoed around the room. Ian started to pick up the pace, fucking Joe’s arse with vigour, grabbing Joe’s hips as he ploughed into him. I could see he was starting to tire though. He was sweating heavily and was turning a deep scarlett. He wasn’t a young man anymore. I didn’t want him to have a heart attack. I decided to give him a hand and reached under his shirt and tweaked his nipples. It did the trick. Ian bucked his hips thrusting hard into Joe. Ian let out a short grunt as his hips twitched for the last time, emptying the last of his cum in Joe’s arse. Ian pulled out, he looked dazed.

The rest of the lads had pulled their cocks out by this point and were rock hard. They had all started wanking themselves off. “Who’s next?” I asked, giving Joe’s arse a slap to make my point. 

Jake stepped forward. His cock poked out of his fly. Jesus that thing was huge. Who’d have thought that quiet unassuming Jakey was packing a piece of meat like that? Joe was lucky Ian had gone first. Jake put one hand on the small of Joe’s back and felt for Joe’s hole with the other. He pushed his dick in hard. Ian’s cum was leaking out of Joe, so it wasn’t totally dry, which I suppose was a small blessing. Joe let out a long painful moan as Jake went in, balls deep. He started a regular rhythm. I could see he was getting closer as his movements became faster and shorter. He came with his cock buried deep into Joe’s guts. Jake stood back, his massive cock semi-flaccid flopped out of Joe’s arse. 

I looked over at Bill. His eyes were scrunched shut. Joe moaned again, “please, please stop.” His voice was strained and broken, tears streamed down the side of his face. “Why are you doing this?”

“Why?” I asked, “Why? I’ll tell you why.”  I stepped round so that Joe could see me. “You are a parasite. You ruin lives. You killed my best friend.” I could feel the anger building in me. “You took away his life. You turned him into a whore. He died alone and afraid.” I paced backwards and forwards. “Well now you’re the whore. You’re the fucking slut.” Get him on the table, I pointed at Bill. Ian and Fred grabbed Bill roughly and dragged him onto the table so he was lying on his back, side by side with his son. “Right lads, you know what to do,” I said, looking at two of the most feared gangsters in London, both bare arsed and about to be fucked rotten.

The lads then took it in turns - first Fred and Jake held down Joe and Bill whilst Tony and Jake did the fucking and then they swapped around. I reached down and started working Bill’s dick, he started to get hard.

Half way through the first fucking, Bill turned to his son, “mate, keep your eyes shut. Don’t look at what they are doing… please.” Of course as soon as he said that Joe opened his eyes. It’s human nature after all. I expect seeing his dad with his legs in the air with a cock up his arse and sporting a hard-on was the last thing he wanted to see. He shut his eyes again quickly.

The lads switched around with Fred and Jake doing the fucking, while Ian and Tony kept the father and son pinned down. I took out my phone and started filming the scene unfolding before me. It was better than any porno I had ever seen. The guys switched around a couple more times so that everyone got a chance at fucking both Joe and Bill. I caught the whole lot on film. Joe and Bill had pretty much given up by this point. No wonder, I’d be surprised if they could walk after this. I went last, first fucking Joe, his hole was pretty stretched after the pounding he had taken. His dark hair had fallen over his eyes and his back was slick with sweat. It was Bill's turn last, I stared him in the eyes as I entered him. If looks could kill I’d be six feet under. I came at last, deep in Bill’s arse. He looked away as I grunted and emptied into him with one final thrust.

After about 40 minutes or so the fucking had finished. The lads had all cum, some a couple of times. “Right, get dressed everyone. We need to get out of here.” They nodded at me, almost in unison, agreeing with my assessment. I looked at their faces, a mixture of confusion about what had just happened and satisfaction that justice had been delivered.

“And you two,” I stepped in front of Bill and Joe, “I have this on film, every bit of it.” I held up my phone. “If anything happens to any of us, then this video is going viral - all over London. Got it?” They both nodded reluctantly. 

I put my arm around Ian’s shoulder as we walked off the site. 

“Better?” I asked.

“Better.” He responded.

* * *

I was sitting in a cafe reading the paper. That MP with the shady PPI deal was on the front page again. He was hiding behind some sort of enquiry, which it looked like the Prime Minister would quash anyway. He’d had a Civil Servant sacked already in an attempt to cover his own back. He was definitely due a visit.

by Michael

Email: [email protected]

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