Sometimes Fantasies Come True

by Chuck Miller

17 Dec 2021 2458 readers Score 9.4 (83 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It had been a few weeks since I spent that intensely passionate night with my crush Matt. I was hoping that since my fantasy came true and we slept together I would be able to move on with my life and forget about him (or at least stop obsessing over him as much). It didn’t work. I thought about Matt’s tall, slim sexy body every day. I would daydream, thinking about his big, beaming smile, curly blond hair, kind compassionate eyes and of course his sexy ass.

This is how desperate I’d become. We used to work together so I accessed our HR system just to look at his old profile photo. There he was. That handsome face and beautiful smile staring at me on my computer. It was just a photo but it would have to do.

Nothing had changed with Matt. He was still married and unavailable. We had exchanged a few emails and texts but hadn’t seen each other since our night together. Then one day out of the blue Matt gave me a call. He said he was busy getting the kids ready for back to school but wanted to meet for coffee.

Sure, why not? We’ve friends after all. Seeing him, it might help me move on I lied to myself.  So we agreed to meet at the Coffee Break Café on Saturday at 10:00 am.

I got there a little early and found a private table in the back and waited for Matt to arrive. Just after 10:00 I see a women enter the café. It’s not Matt. Oh my God. It’s Matt’s wife Nicole. I’ve only met her a few times but it was definitely her. Trust me, you don’t forget what your crush’s wife looks like. Nicole was 40, about 5’ 6” with shoulder length blond hair. She was in very good shape too considering she gave birth to four kids.  She saw me right away and made a beeline toward my table.

“Hi Chris. How are you? You look well.”

I was frozen. Unable to say anything. I must have had quite a look of panic on my face. Nicole gave me a slight but warm smile and told me to relax. “You’re not in trouble. I just wanted to talk over a few things with you.”

Her saying that did not help me relax at all. My fight or flight instinct was kicking in and I was scanning the room looking to make a quick exit. What could Nicole possible want to talk with me about? What does she know? Where is Matt? All these questions were swirling around in my head. Nicole left to get some coffee. While she was away I tried my best to calm my nerves. Be a man, I told myself. Just deal with whatever it is she says. Nichole quickly came back with her coffee and sat across from me.

“I know you were expecting to meet Matt here today but I ask him if I could speak with you first”.

The only think I could manage to say was “Okay”.

“Let me cut to the chase. I know that you and Matt slept together a few weeks ago. He told me everything. Matt can’t keep secrets. I know him too well. We’ve been together for 15 years. We met in Grad school, you know. Anyway” Nicole continued, “The thing about Matt is, he has too much integrity not to tell me everything. He’s always been kind of a Boy Scout in that way. But Chris, I am not blaming you at all. To tell you the trust I always suspected that Matt might be bisexual. To be honest I’m surprised that he hadn’t acted on his urges before.”

I’m still in shock and I’m trying to take in all this information. I still don’t know what to say. I know that Matt has always considered himself to be straight and he certainly acts straight but nobody takes a cock up his ass without being somewhat bi.

“The bottom line is, Matt is a great father and husband.” Nicole continued,” I love our life and I don’t want it to change. If Matt needs something else, something that I am unable to provide him, I want him to have it. What kind of wife, what kind of partner would I be if I denied him that? Matt has to be true to himself and true to his nature. If being with a man on occasion is what Matt needs and he is open and honest about it then I’m okay with it”.

I’m not sure if I’m buying her rational but at least I’m listening. What does all this have to do with me?

“I’ve always like you Chris, Matt likes you and the important thing is I trust you. I was hoping, well we were both hoping that you could be that man in Matt’s life.”

This is crazy. Am I hearing this correctly? I finally say, “I’m not sure if I understand what you’re saying. What exactly are you suggesting?” At this point, Matt enters the coffee shop. He comes to our table and we exchange our hellos. He sits down next to his wife, puts his arm around her and gives her a kiss on the lips.

Fuck this bullshit I’m thinking. I don’t need this much drama in my life. Let me just say goodbye and get the hell out of here. Just then, Matt looks up at me with his biggest, brightest smile and it just stops me in my tracks.

“How’s it going Chris? It’s nice to see you. I’m glad you agreed to come today” Matt asks. “Have you discussed our Plan”?

Nicole jumped in, “We’ve just started talking. We haven’t gotten into the details yet. And Chris has been pretty quiet.”

My cue to speak. “It’s a lot to process. I’m not sure what to say. Actually, I don’t know what you’re proposing. What plan are you talking about?”

Nicole looked at her watch, turned to Matt and said, “I really have to run. I’m late for my yoga class and then I have to pick up the kids. I will see you back at home. I’ll let you two discuss the details.” She got up, gave Matt a kiss goodbye then came around to my side of the table. She took my hands in hers, looked me in the eye and said, “Chris, I hope this works out for all of us. I really do.” She bent down, kissed me on the forehead then left the coffee shop while Matt and I watched her leave.

Matt turns back to me with his big, open, welcoming smile and my defenses come down a little.

“Matt, what is going on? What happened? How did Nicole find out about us? What is it she hopes will work out for all of us?”

“So many questions Chris”.

“Just start from the beginning. Tell me everything.”

“The night we spent together changed my life. It was so special and beautiful. I had never experienced anything like it before in my life. I am so thankful that you were the one who gave me that experience.  You’re a wonderful man. I never felt so connected to another man in my life. It was such a powerful night, it really opened my eyes. I realized that I need more of that in my life. I finally admitted to myself that I am bisexual. I also realized that I don’t want to lose you I want you to stay in my life.”

“Wow, that’s amazing to hear. The night we spent together was very special for me too. It was probably one of the best nights of my life. But we agreed it would only be one time and don’t forget, you’re still married.”

“That’s all changed now. Nicole knows. She understands me and wants me to be happy.”

“Wait, go back”, I said. “Why did you have to tell your wife that it was me you had sex with? Why did you have to bring me into this? I wanted to avoid all this drama.”

“I never intended to mention you. She actually figured it out herself or guessed. After our night together it stirred up so many feeling in me. I was confused, upset, happy and scared all at the same time. Nicole could tell there was something wrong and kept asking if everything was okay. I knew I had to talk with her and confess to her my feelings and what had happened. We are married and I had to be honest with her. Without giving out too many details, I told her about our night together. I told her it awakened deep feelings I had buried inside and I had come to realize that I was bisexual.”

“I also told her that I still love her, which is true and I love the kids so much. I didn’t want anything to destroy our relationship, but I needed to be honest and tell her the truth. After some silence Nicole thanked me for being honest and hoped we could figure something out that would keep our marriage intact while I could still fulfill my bi side. Then Nichole surprised me once again and asked if the man I slept with was you Chris.”

“That’s incredible. How did she know it was me you slept with?”

“Nicole said that I had always spoke very highly of you. I would always mention what I good man you were and how I hoped you would find a nice guy and settle down. She must have put two and two together and asked if the guy was you. I couldn’t lie, so I confirmed it was.”

I’m thinking to myself, of course he couldn’t lie. That’s the Boy Scout in him. I suppose his honesty and integrity was part of why I like Matt so much. It is so hard to be mad at this man.

“After about a week everything went back to normal. Four kids and a full time job will keep you pretty busy. But you were always on my mind. I relived out passionate night together over and over in my mind.

“So what are these details Nicole mentioned? I asked. “How am I involved?”

“Nicole and I sat down and talked. She asked me ‘What do you want?’ I told her that I wanted to stay married, I wanted our family to stay together but I also wanted to explore my bi side more. She shook her head and said okay. I think you should be true to yourself and explore your sexuality as much as you need. But I have some ground rules first.”

“She said, if you are going to have sex with anyone I would prefer it was with Chris.  She said she knows you and trusts you. That’s why we are here today. To see how you felt about all this.”

“Okay, I am going to have to think about this a lot before making any decision. What were her other “ground rules?”

“She also said that whatever we did together she didn’t want to hear about it. It would just remain between the two of us.”

“That sounds reasonable”. When I said that I think it come out a little more sarcastic than I intended.

“Nicole’s biggest condition is we can only spend one night a month together. We could meet for dinner, I would spend the night, we could have sex. But after that I would go home in the morning and that would be it for the rest of the month. We could email or text each other but physical contact would be limited to once a month. What do you think?”

What do I think? My first reaction was no way. How insulting! What am I supposed to do, sit around all month waiting for Matt to grace me with his presence? And screw Nicole. I get 1% of Matt and she gets the other 99% of him. I’m worth more than 1%. I care for Matt. I really do but this situation doesn’t sound right to me. Matt could tell by the look on my face that I wasn’t convinced this was a good idea.

“Chris, please just think about it. I know it’s not an ideal situation but I would really love to be with you again. Maybe we can agree to one more time and see where it goes from there.”

I told him that I would think about it and get back to him in a day or so. I left the café with Matt still sitting at the table and not knowing what my decision was going to be.

Back at home I sat alone thinking about what I should do. I weighed the pros and cons. On the plus side I get to be with Matt again. I get to have sex with the guy who I’ve fantasized about for seven years. It was the best sex I’ve ever had. On the negative side, I only get him once a month. Matt will never be completely mine. He will still be married. Am I willing to settle for being his second, third or fourth priority? Will I be okay with just being some weird marital aide for a married couple?

I finally came to my decision and made a call to Matt. Maybe I was feeling extra horny or I was just missing his sweet ass and needed to tap it again but I decided to say yes and see where this whole thing ended up.

When I reached Matt, he was thrilled. “This will be great. I’m really looking forward to being with you again.”

“Just one minute.” I added. “Before we finalize this I have some ground rules of my own.”

“Okay” Said Matt. “That’s only fair. What are they?’

“I know you are married and when we’re together you are going to want to talk about your family. That’s fine with me. I want to hear about what’s happening in your live. One thing I don’t want to hear about is yours and Nicole’s sex live.”

Matt chuckled. “Done, that’s an easy one. What else do you have?”

I began. “Matt, you have to understand where I am in my life. I’m 38 years old. I struggled a little coming out but now I’m comfortable being gay and who I am. I would never want to go back into the closet. Being with you one night a month feels like a step backwards to me. I can’t hold your hand in the park. I can’t bring you to the company holiday party and I can’t introduce you as my boyfriend to my parents. I guess ultimately I want what you have; a full time partner. Someone to build a life with. I want someone who I can depend on and who can depend on me 100% of the time, seven days a week. You can’t be that person for me. And that’s okay, at least for now. So my rule is; while we are spending one night a month together, enjoying each other and making love to each other I will continue to look for my life partner. I can’t settle for anything less for myself. I am going to continue dating other men. I hope you understand that Matt.”

“Of course Chris. I totally understand. I only want you to be happy and I never want to put you in a difficult situation. So I accept your rule. It will be up to you. If you ever want to end this, for whatever reason just say the word. I will respect your decision. I truly hope you find the love of your life.”

With that being settled we were able to move on.  We made a date for the following Friday night. Boy, it’s strange to be calling it a “date” but that’s what it is. I have a date with my fantasy man. I just have to put aside all his baggage and just focus on that night.

Friday come around pretty fast. I took the afternoon off from work to get ready. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, bought new sheets for my bed and cooked a delicious dinner for the two of us. I made pesto pasta with grilled chicken, caesar salad and for dessert, fresh berries with cream. The house looked great. I lit some candles and the gas fireplace then jumped in the shower to get myself nice and clean. I obviously had been anticipating our night together because I had a semi-erection all day. I was so tempted to jerk off in the shower but wisely decided to wait.

Matt rang the doorbell at 7:00 pm sharp. I opened the door and there he was, this handsome sexy man standing there planning to spend the night with me. I felt like I was dreaming but knew it was real. He stepped into the house and gave me a hug. It was a long, tight hug that seemed to go on forever. “Thank you for inviting me over Chris.” Matt whispered in my ear. “This is really special and I appreciate you doing this for me. We are going to have a great time together.”

“You better believe it” I replied. I could smell his cologne on him, “Grey Flannel”. It brought back memories of when we worked together and if possible turned me on even more. I broke our embrace by giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “I see you brought some wine. Why don’t you pour us a glass while I get dinner served?” I was anxious to get this “date” started.

Dinner was great. Matt complemented my cooking. I have to admit, I am a good cook. When dinner was over, we cleared the table, opened another bottle of wine and adjourned to the living room. Sitting on the sofa, just a few feet apart we continued our conversation. Even though we have known each other for seven year and had sex together once this really did feel like a first date to me. Through our conversation I think we both learned so much more about each other that night.

We were still sitting too far apart so I move in closer to Matt. I put my left arm around his back and my right hand reached out to his left hand, our fingers intertwined. We just stared in each other’s eyes with big goofy smiles on our faces. I leaned in and gave Matt a kiss on his lips. That’s all it took.  We started making out like a couple of teenagers. Our hands were exploring each other’s bodies. My hands were running through Matt’s beautiful curly blond hair. I could feel his hard on pressed against my hip. I’m overheating so I decide to move this date to the next stage.

I stand up. Without saying a word, I look down at Matt. I extend my arm out to him. Matt puts his hand in mine and I pull him up to his feet and lead him to my bedroom.

Once in my bedroom we stand face to face looking at each other. Matt starts unbuttoning his shirt. I put my hand over his to stop him. “No, let me”. I say.

I start unbuttoning his shirt. I take it off him and put it on the chair behind me. He is wearing a white tee-shirt. I grab it from the bottom and start lifting it up. Matt instinctively raises his arms so I can get the tee-shirt over his head. I kneel down and untie his shoes. I gently lift his left leg, slip off his shoe and remove his sock. I do the same with his right shoe and sock. Next I unbuckle his belt, unbutton his jeans and guide his pants to the floor. There he is. The man of my dreams standing in front of me wearing only a pair of white briefs.

I smile to myself thinking I should really get Matt some hipper underwear. Then I think, no, white briefs actually suit him. They are reliable, comfortable and just a little old fashion, just like Matt. Maybe that’s why I like him so much. Not to mention he looks damn sexy in them.

Okay Chris, focus. Why am I thinking of underwear when the man of my dreams is standing practically naked in front of me? Get back to the task at hand. I grab the waistband of his briefs and pull them straight down. Matt’s growing cock is inches from my face. Still on my knees I grab the base of this cock with one hand and his balls with the other. I lean in and place a kiss on his cock head, a kiss on the base of this cock, then on one of his balls then the other. I finish up by swirling my tongue around his cock head tasting a little of his pre-cum.

I stand up, look into his eyes and say “Your turn.” Matt quickly undresses me. When we are both naked standing in front of each other Matt reaches down and takes hold on my cock. He starts stroking and rubbing it. Then Matt looks up at me and says “This is the first cock I have ever touched, other than my own.” I realize that while we had sex a few weeks ago Matt never actually touched my cock. I am so moved by this I just lean in and give Matt a long, hard passionate kiss.

“Thank you. I am honored to be your first cock”. This strikes us both funny and we start laughing.

I guide Matt to my bed and we lay down facing each other. Our erect cocks are pressed together. The moment is so tender and loving. I want it to go on forever.

I roll over on top of Matt. I kiss his lips. I move up and kiss his nose. I kiss his chin. I move down and kiss his Adams apple. I kiss his left nipple. I kiss his right nipple. I move down and kiss his bellybutton. I move down to his crotch. I lift up his balls and kiss underneath them. I kiss his balls then put one in my mouth and suck on it.

Matt’s moans of passion are loud and continuous. I know he is loving this and so am I. I love making a man feel good. I can’t take much more of this. I’ve been waiting to suck this man’s cock for seven years. I’m about to fulfill another fantasy. I start by grabbing the base and put his cock head in my mouth. My lips caressing it and my tongue swirling around it. Little by little I descend his cock until it’s entirely in my mouth.

For me Matt’s cock is perfect. It’s a little under 6 inches, cut and not too thick. I find I can fit his whole cock in my mouth without gagging. Perfect. Matt’s cock is throbbing but I take my time. I pull back when I feel he’s about to explode. I want this to last. Matt’s hands are on my head, guiding my mouth up and down his shaft. It’s hard to tell who is enjoying themselves more me or him. Without warning Matt’s cock erupts in my mouth. I try to catch all his cum but some drips out of my mouth.

“Sorry Chris. I didn’t mean to cum in your mouth. It just happened too fast I couldn’t speak.”

“That’s okay. It tastes delicious.” I clean up the cum that fell on his body while he tries to catch his breath. Then return to lay down next to him.

Matt turns to me and says “That was amazon. It was the best blowjob I ever had. Now I want to return the favor.” Fine with me. My raging 7” cock was begging for some attention.  Matt moved down and took hold of my cock. I knew this was going to be the first blowjob he ever gave so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I am happy to report that Matt did just fine. What he lacked in technique he more than made up in enthusiasm. He licked and sucked and really went to town on it. He might have gone a little faster than I prefer but no complaints. The rookie cocksucker did just fine.

I had been overstimulated all day so I knew I wouldn’t last long. When I was about to blow I told Matt to get ready, I’m about to cum. I think he tried to swallow my cum but I don’t think he anticipate the taste and let a lot of my cum run out of his mouth. Maybe it was too much too soon for him. He moved back up and we kissed. I always get a kick out of tasting my own cum on a man’s lips. What a rush.

We held each other for a long time not saying a word. I would stroke my hand along the side of his face or through his hair. We drifted off to sleep. I was completely satisfied and content. I anticipated our morning together. I was looking forward to round 2 of our love making.

To be continued.

by Chuck Miller

Email: [email protected]

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