Something New

by Scruffy

8 Jan 2021 4268 readers Score 9.1 (60 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


My name’s William, Will to my friends. I’m 24, I stand around  5’8, broad shoulders, naturally defined chest, narrow waist, I’ve been told I have a bubble butt and thanks to not being able to afford a car have muscular legs due to a lot of bike riding.  I thank my appearance to good genes from my parents coming from Italian and British heritage.

Typically I have a high sex drive, I’m definitely not backward at hooking up with a guy and my preference is to top, in fact I’ve never bottomed.  However, I have a confession, I have a kink, a fantasy, but I’ve never had the balls to follow through. I’ve always wanted to experience what it would be like to be submissive, bondage, humiliation and having no control. I’ve seen a lot of guys online that seem to be looking for someone like me... I’ve even set up a time to meet some but I’ve always backed out at the eleventh hour. And true to form late at night while I was horny I’ve set another meeting, I’m supposed to see a guy, Eric, at least that’s the name he gave me, in about 20 minutes. We only exchanged names and email, no images... I really have rolled the dice this time.

I’ve been told to head to a specific park bench at Hyde Park in Sydney CBD at 1PM. I work around the City as a courier during the day and bar/waiting tables of an evening, so the place and time works. I’ve just finished a delivery so I park the van and make my way to the park, I read the email Eric sent me and follow his quite detailed directions. I can see the bench as I round a densely foliaged garden bed and I see a guy, I’m guessing in his late 30s maybe 40s, dressed in a suit, well groomed, quite handsome, not what I was expecting. Other times I’ve been at this stage the guy looked very scruffy giving me the feeling I wouldn’t be safe, but this guy looked different, he looks to take pride in his appearance, his posture made him look like he owned everything around him. I take a deep breath and head over, I can feel myself trembling.

I approach Eric and he reaches out to shake my hand, a firm grasp, solid shake.

“Hi William, have a seat.”

For ten minutes we exchange the usual chit chat, weather, interests, works a bitch, blah blah...

“Okay, let me confirm what you told me in our online chat. If we’re looking at using labels you’re normally a top, but you want to experience being submissive, humiliated, bound - specifically predicament bondage, and to have no control over what happens, correct?”

“Yes Eric.”

I can feel myself blushing and starting to question what I’m doing here.

“Here’s my conditions. You will do anything I ask of you, I don’t want to hear a word from you unless I give you permission to speak or directly ask you a question.  You can refer to me as Sir or Boss, whatever is more natural for you.  There is no safe word however you have a kill switch, if you every say Bananas we stop everything and part ways.  If I call - answer, if I message - respond, if I give an order you will follow it.  Are you willing to comply William?”

I sit staring at this guy, this feels like it escalated quickly and my nerves have really kicked in now. I don’t feel unsafe, he sounds like he has done this before, he seems genuine and the kill switch is always available.

“May I ask a question before I answer?”

Very wise, you may.”

“Can you assure me I won’t be physically hurt? Like broken bones, permanent marks.”

“Yes, I can promise that.”

I think for 30 seconds... I’ve come this far.

“Okay Boss, I submit.”

“Good, you’re going to be a lot of fun.  Unlock your phone and hand it to me.”

 He swipes and taps entering his details into my contacts and hands it back.  Now, stand up and face me, hands by your side, I want to have a decent look at you.

I stand up and face him, as I stand I have a look around, there’s some people in the distance, about 100m away but other than that we’re in a fairly quiet spot mostly surrounded by shrubs or trees. I watch as he looks me up and down from top to toe.

He stands in front of me, I guesstimate he’s about 6’2 so I have to look up to his face.  He grabs either side of my t-shift and starts to lift it up, my instinctive reaction is to step back.

Don’t move William.”

He continues to lift my shirt and tucks the front of it behind my neck, a cool breeze dances across my pecs and belly as I look to my side to make sure no one is looking.

”Eyes forward William.”

I look forward again as the waist button on my shorts is undone and zipper lowered.  My shorts now sit low on my hips as the front of my blue briefs are exposed, again I instinctively move my hands in front of my to cover my groin.

“William, don’t move.  Put your arms back by your side.  This is your last warning.”

I take a deep breath and move my arms back as Eric moves behind me, Eric grabs the material of my shirt behind my neck and pulls my shirt down sliding the fabric down the length of my arms, the material pushing past my lose shorts.  As the shirt hits the ground behind me the momentum from Eric pushing it past my arse plus the weight of my keys, phone and wallet in the pockets of my shorts they slip off my waist sliding down my legs and fall around my ankles.  I listen to Eric giggle behind me as I’m now only in my briefs!

He returns to the front of me to see my face bright red with embarrassment, not content just yet he pulls the the waistband of my briefs out and has a good look at my flaccid penis.  I look down my naked body to see my uncut cock and balls exposed and it’s now I noticed the gold wedding band. I see him smile and snap the waistband back against my hips.

“Good, you’ll be hearing from me very soon.”

He walks away leaving me to quickly put my clothes back on, in the process noticing someone in the distance is watching me.  I’ve never felt so objectified and embarrassed, do I really want more of this?..  Hell yes!

* * * *

A few days have passed and I’ve haven’t heard from Eric, I’m curious about the gold band, is he straight, a family guy.  Either way the thought of being humiliated by him is a huge turn on.  

I finish the working week and look forward to a relaxing weekend. Saturday morning, 9.30am. I’m in my apartment having a coffee and looking at job ads to try and bring in some more cash when I get a message.  Fishing my iPhone out of my pocket it’s an address a couple of suburbs away, the time of 10.15AM followed by don’t be late.

I drink my coffee and check goggle maps, I think I know the spot so I’m confident I can ride my bike over there with time to spare.  It’s a warm day so I’m in a pair of casual shorts and T-shirt with some casual shoes. I grab my keys, wallet and phone and head down to my storage locker to get my bike. I make my way over and in about 25 minutes I find myself in a semi-industrial area, I stop and check the exact address and make sure I’m heading the correct way, it should just be around the next corner. As I ride down the road I notice there’s a number of empty looking warehouses and also active businesses but very few are open. There’s a few cars driving around but they don’t stop, I suspect they are using the streets as a rat run to avoid the congested main roads.

I turn the corner and find the address about 150 meters down the road. I get off my bike and walk though the abandoned car park, there’s a long lane so I walk over and see a car parked almost at the end of it, a good 100 meters or so away. I jump back on the bike and ride down.  I check the time and I’m 5 minutes early, I get a message as I start looking around the yard.

‘I’ll be out shortly, wait by the car.’

At the car I survey the scene, there’s a loading dock at the back of a brick warehouse, space for 3 trucks I would say with large roller doors and an entry door to the left of them. There’s a grassed area near the base of some steps that lead up to the loading dock and it looks like a path that runs down the other side of the warehouse.  Beyond the grassed area there’s a cemented area with a stack of old pallets and a dumpster, this cemented area connects to the drive and the turning area for tucks I imagine. I hear a door open and then slam shut, I turn and see Eric walking down the steps onto the grassed space, I walk over and I lean my bike against the brick platform for the loading dock and join Eric on the grass.

“Welcome William thanks for being punctual. Are you ready for an experience?”

“Yes Boss.”

“Okay, take my car key and go and get the duffel bag from the back seat.”

I take the key and jog over, I unlock the car and get the bag and jog back handing over the bag and the car key.


I look around the yard to see if there are any neighbouring windows.

“Stop looking around and do what your told.”

I bend over and unlace my shoes, remove them with my socks and also slip my shirt off as I’m bending down followed by my shorts and briefs. I hand all my clothes over which he takes and places on the landing of the loading dock leaving me naked in the yard holding my dick and balls in my hands covering them up.  He comes back and pushes me by the shoulders a bit further out onto the grass into the sunlight.

”Hands behind your head, look straight ahead.”

Eric moves around me looking me over, from behind I feel his hand cupping my left arse cheek before giving it a slap. The sound reverberates around the yard as he moves back in front of me to see my dick pulsing as it swells to a full erection pointing to the sky and making my foreskin slide over the head of my cock.  

“Nice round bubble butt and a hefty set of balls you have, and clearly your a grower!”

I can tell I’m blushing, Eric stands a couple of meters back from me and starts taking photos of me with his phone, walking around me shooting images from every angle.  It’s at this point I start to feel vulnerable as I’ve never allowed anyone to take nudes of me before.

“Give me a number between 1 and 8 William.”

I think quickly and give the date of my birthday.

“4 Boss.”

I watch Eric tapping and swiping on his phone for a few minutes, completely distracted by it as I stand there naked.

“William, I hope you’re ready for your first bondage experience.” 

A surge of excitement runs through my body!  I get ready to make my way inside but I watch Eric open the bag as he walks behind me.  Leather cuffs are fastened tightly to my wrists followed by a collar, my arms are pulled behind my back and clipped together.  I try to reach the clip but it’s out of my reach.  

“How does that feel William?”


As I start to answer a ball gag is push in my mouth, the rubber ball fills my mouth pushing my tongue down.  Leather straps are pulled back around my cheeks and buckled behind my head pulling at my hair.  My feet are kicked apart from behind until my feet are shoulder width apart.  Eric steps back from me and I hear more pictures being taken of me as he moves around to the front of me.

Again I watch Eric tapping and swiping on his phone.

“Okay William, here’s your predicament...”

Lifting his phone up to my face I see a Squirt profile, the pictures Eric just took have been uploaded, unedited, not cropped, my face and entire body on show!  It reads ‘Submissive Boi ready to serve.  He has a challenge to complete, if he doesn’t perform his location will be published, come one come all.’  Fear hits me!

“...I’m going to activate this profile in 60 minutes if you don’t complete my little task.  But we’re not quite ready to start yet.”

Eric goes to the back of his car and pulls out a deck chair and a tripod.  The tripod is put in front of me which he attaches an iPad and then sets up the chair next to me.  He goes over to my clothes and pulls my phone out of the pocket, returning he holds the screen to my face and I watch the devise unlock!  He starts filming on the iPad and then fumbles in the bag and pulls out a simple vibrator which is flicked on and pushed against the head of my hard penis making me groan.

“Now you chose the number 4 right?”

“Yeffpph Opphhh

“You have 60 minutes to blow 4 loads stud with no other stimulation than vibration, so I suggest you get that imagination working.  Oh and if you fall short the profile is activated.

Fuuuuuuck! I don’t know if I can do it.  I watch as Eric starts looking through my phone swiping and tapping, on the iPad in front of me and a can see myself on the screen.  The sun on my skin shows everything, my cock is pulsing with the vibrations, my balls hanging between my legs.  To my surprise I blow a huge wad of cum in the first minute, my hips push forward as 2, 3 spurts shoot out.

“That was quick William, you often have that problem?”


Eric starts moving the vibrator under the tip of my dick making the head swell even more.  I close my eyes and focus on the sun and breeze blowing against my skin as Eric slides the vibrator along the length of my dick.  

* * * *

My arms and jaw are aching, I’ve managed to cum 3 times in 35 minutes and my cock is looking red and swollen from the constant vibration. There’s only 10 minutes remaining and I’m on the edge of shooting my 4th load but I just can’t get there.

“What are you going to do William, tick tok...”

My focus breaks, it’s the first words Eric has spoken since I first cum. 

“I can see the frustration in your eyes, you’re right on the edge aren’t you? Your little dick looks primed and ready to blow.”


“I can help you out so that you can cum and not be exposed on Squirt but it’s going to come at a price.  Give me a grunt if you want a hand.”

I think about it, I know I’m not going to cum in time and I’m desperate for my images to not be made public. I look down my body at my aching dick dripping precum. 


“Just one stroke of your dick will make it blow won’t it William maybe a tweak of your nipples, perhaps you’d like the vibrator pushed into your arse?”

I shake my head to the last suggestion and Eric bursts into laughter. 

“Ahh, I’m guessing you don’t let anyone near your arse based on that reaction.  Okay, let’s see if we can get you over the line then William.”

He drops the vibrator but my cock continues to tingle, with his thumb and index finger he gently runs the pads of his fingers down my scrotum from my body and then down to each nut before lightly running back up barely touching my skin.  His fist grasps my penis.

“That’s like an iron rod William, I’m impressed.”

He pumps my dick fast, my balls rise and I blow a painful load, my 4th load, but did I make it in time?  Eric wipes his hand on my chest and starts packing up his things pututing them back in the car before returning to in front of me.  He runs a hand through my hair grabbing it and pulling on it.

“We’re done for the moment William, take the gear off and put it in the bag and go home.  I’ll message you real soon and I’ll tell you what the price is for saving your arse today!”

From behind me I get a firm slap on my arse and he then reaches between my legs and grips my balls giving them a tug.  The cuffs are released from behind me and he walks away.  I fumble with the buckle on the ball gag and just get it undone as I hear the door slam to the building.  I quickly get the collar and cuffs off tossing them into the bag which I take over to where my clothes are.  After throwing my clothes on I mount my bike and head home.

I’m not going to lie, he gave me what I was looking for.  I was completely helpless, had no control over what I could do or what was going to happen and it scared the crap out of me with the mention of posting those pictures online - holy crap, he still has them on his phone and the video of me!

I make it home and throw my things on the kitchen bench and before I can do anything the phone alerts me to a new message from Eric.