Sol Invictus

by Hunknown

20 Dec 2021 2309 readers Score 9.7 (46 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


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~ Saturnalia ~

Long before the Christians started celebrating Christmas, in ancient Rome the Solstice of Winter was celebrated with the Saturnalia, an entire week of holiday from work and unbridled fun. Everyone, rich or poor, noble or slave, young or old, spent those days just eating and drinking, singing and dancing, and having sex.

Anything could happen at the Saturnalia! The masters served the servants, a slave was elected King of Saturnalia and women could ask for a man’s hand. The last day of the Saturnalia was the most joyful one, when people celebrated the annual ‘birthday’ of the Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun; being the Solstice of Winter, it was the shortest day of the year, and the Sun had to fight its last battle against the darkness, to then rise again the next morning, victorious and unconquered.

When the sun started its descent toward the horizon, going and meet the longest night of the year, the music got louder, the men got drunker and the merriment became even more raucous. Everyone was joyful and careless. Everyone but the Equites, the Imperial Knights.

The night before the Sol Invictus was the most important event for the Knights, as the young trainees were going to be admitted to the chivalrous order and assigned each to one of the twelve Commanders.

Manlius Sextus, at seventeen, was almost the eldest of the trainees, and that late afternoon was gathering with the other trainees and all the Knights in a wide clearing just outside of Rome, for the ritual inspection before the official promotion. He was very excited, because it was rumored that Atticus Gallicus, the Supreme Commander of the Equites was coming to review the horse troops. Atticus was a living legend, as in the many years of his long military career, he never lost a battle. Never once! Manlius was only a knight in training, he couldn’t hope to even speak to Atticus, but just knowing that he was coming made Manlius quiver with excitement.

Truth to be told, Atticus was not the only cause of Manlius’ quivers: that morning Claudia, the beautiful girl he was in love with, had come to his house and asked for his hand in marriage! The guy smiled tenderly, thinking back at Claudia’s face, lit up by a blush of modesty, while she proposed to him.


~ A secret rite ~

“Dreaming about your future battles?” – a voice roused him from his thoughts.

“Felix!” – Manlius exclaimed, smiling at his best friend – “I was waiting for you! I can’t wait to see Atticus! And to become a Knight! And… would you believe that… I’m going to marry Claudia! Great Neptune's beard, it’s the happiest day of my life!”

“Hey, hey, calm down!” – Felix laughed merrily – “Save your energies for later, it will be a long night…”

“Right, that’s something I wanted to ask you about” – Manlius replied, while his smile morphed into a tense grin – “You’ve become a Knight last year, and everyone says there’s a sort of rite of passage, but no one tells me anything. What will happen tonight?”

Felix stood silent for a moment and then spoke, choosing carefully the words: “You are my best friend, but I can’t tell you exactly what will happen. After Atticus reviews the troops, you trainees will be officially promoted to Equites. Then, each trainee will be escorted by two Equites to a tent, where you will be… uhm… prepared to meet your new Commander.”

“I hope I’ll be assigned to Marcus or Ursus!” – Manlius exclaimed with shining eyes – “They’re excellent Commanders, and I could really become a valiant knight under their command! Do you know who will I be assigned to?”

“No one knows” – Felix said, shaking his head – “The twelve Commanders, plus Atticus, will meet after the troops review and will decide. I know that some Commanders specifically ask for a trainee, while others just take whoever is assigned to them. You will know who is your new Commander the moment he walks in your tent, after you’ve been prepared by your fellow Equites.”

“Prepared?” – Manlius asked, doubtful and a bit worried – “What preparation is required before meeting my Commander? I already have my uniform, and my horse is well groomed…”

“Please don’t ask me more, Manlius. I’ve already told you all I could tell you. This will be a special night, a night that you won’t forget; and whether in the years to come you will cherish the memory of this night or despise it… it’s up to you. The Equites are not just a military battalion, we are a chivalry order, and becoming part of it is something that changes your life.”

Manlius looked seriously at his friend, trying to understand the fleeting expression of pain or discomfort that darkened his handsome features for a brief moment. “I won’t ask you anything more about this sort of… rite. But you don’t look like you cherish the memory of the night you became a Knight, do you?”

“I only hope that you won’t be assigned to Ursus. I’m under his command, and you’re right, he’s one of the best Commanders around, probably second only to Atticus; but he’s… forceful, violent, and it’s not easy to… deal with him. Now come, we’re getting late for the review.”

The two friends galloped down the low hill they were on and rushed to meet the other Equites, taking their position in the tight formation. The men, on their horses, split into twelve groups, one for each Commander, in three rows: the veterans on front, the rookies in the middle and the trainees in the back.

Usually, each of the twelve Commanders reviewed his own battalion, but that day they took place in front of their men, waiting to undergo Atticus Gallicus’ inspection.

When Atticus entered the clearing, galloping on his black horse, Manlius looked at him with adoring eyes. At first sight, he may have looked like a very old man, due to his snowy white long hair and the equally white thick beard; but when he came closer, everyone looked in awe at his massive body, so buff and muscular that he had to wear a custom tailored uniform.

The shining golden breastplate shone in the setting sun and the long red cape flowed in the wind. A deep silence fell on the army while Atticus slowly moved in front of them; his acute eyes looked and noticed everything, the posture of the knights, how groomed were the horses and whether the uniform was properly worn or not.


~ A shining hero ~

All the men, under Atticus’ gaze, lowered their eyes in sign of respect, but Manlius was so engrossed by the sight of the powerful warrior and so in awe for his commanding presence that forgot to avert his gaze. Manlius’ eager eyes lingered on Atticus’ powerful torso, his bulging biceps and his legs as thick as trunks, and though in awe that no gladiator or wild beast would’ve been be safe if Atticus ever set foot in the big arena of the Colosseum.

The young trainee raised his gaze to the bright white beard and the equally white long flowing hair that contrasted so much with the manly, powerful body of the Supreme Commander. He was so in awe for the seasoned warrior, a true hero in his eyes, that he didn’t realize until it was too late that Atticus was fiercely watching him. Atticus locked eyes with Manlius and stopped in his tracks, as never in his long career a young trainee had kept his gaze.

With a gasp, Manlius realized he had been disrespectful to the Supreme Commander and hastened to lower his head, confused. Manlius couldn’t understand, from Atticus’ impenetrable expression, if he’d got angry with him or what. And why did Atticus stare so long at him? Was his uniform dirty? Was his posture incorrect? Maybe his instructor told to Atticus that at the beginning of the training he once lost his dagger!

“Relax, he’s gone away…” – Felix said to his friend from a bit afar – “Are you crazy? Staring at him that way? I wouldn’t be surprised if you are assigned to Horace, the weakest Commander of the Equites…”

“Oh, no! Not Horace!” – Manlius exclaimed – “Damn, I fucked it up royally, didn’t I?”

“Who knows… But don’t be surprised if later on you will see Horace entering your tent. Now go freshen up in your tent, it’s the grey one with a red curtain over there. Two Equites will soon meet you and… take care of everything.”

Manlius noticed again that fleeting expression of discomfort on Felix’ face, but didn’t ask anything. With a nod of his head, he trotted to the nearby camp, dismounted from his horse and entered the tent.

Half an hour went by, and then suddenly the curtain of the tent opened and two Equites came in: one was Dominic, a black knight coming from the Northern African provinces; and behind him Manlius spotted the familiar features of his friend Felix, with his straight blond hair and his fair complexion.

“Felix!” – Manlius exclaimed, smiling – “I’m so glad you’ve been assigned to my tent! I’m so happy to share this moment to you!”

“You shouldn’t” – Felix curtly replied, and Manlius couldn’t help but notice a sorry expression on his face – “My Commander is evil, he knows we are friend and he chose me on purpose… Please, Manlius, don’t think too bad of me for what I’m about to do. I have my orders.”

“Felix… Why are you so upset? You are scaring me… What are you about to do?”

Reluctantly, Felix nodded to Dominic, and with a swift move the black guy locked Manlius’ arms from behind, preventing any movement. Felix got closer and with a strained expression started removing Manlius’ uniform, the breastplate, the leather straps, the studded skirt and then, hesitantly, even the loincloth covering his friend’s manhood, leaving him completely naked.

“What are you doing??” – Manlius exclaimed – “Leave me alone! Why are you doing this to me??”

“We’re preparing you to meet your new Commander” – Felix replied, taking a bowl of scented water lying nearby. Using his hands, he carefully washed Manlius’ crotch, rubbing his cock and balls and sneaking his fingers to his friend’s nether portal. He wetted again his hands, murmuring: “Forgive me if you can…”, and then stuck two fingers up Manlius’ ass.

“Ouch!” – the guy yelled, reacting to the sudden, unpleasant intrusion, but Felix didn’t stop, he took more scented water and shoved his fingers into Manlius’ protesting ass, over and over, until he was thoroughly clean. Then, with a soft cloth, Felix dried off his friend.

“Just in time” – Dominic said, still firmly holding Manlius, while sounds of hooves came from outside – “You’re about to meet your new Commander!”

Manlius held his breath, seeing the curtain being pulled aside from a strong hand; he felt his heart race, as in a moment he would’ve known which of the twelve Commanders he was assigned to. Would it be the violent Ursus? Or the skillful Marcus? Or the weak Horace? Or maybe…

“Magister!!” – Manlius exclaimed with surprise, looking at the powerful torso and the weathered face crowned by long white hair: Atticus in person had come to his tent! He had changed his golden uniform, and was now wearing just an elaborate set of leather straps on his bulging torso and a leather skirt around his narrow hips.

Manlius quickly looked around, trying to understand, but Felix’ surprised expression confirmed him that it was an unexpected, and probably unprecedented situation. Atticus had the entire horsed army under him, he didn’t command a battalion, nor used to take trainees under his command…

But no answers came from Atticus’ fiery eyes. He came closer, and Manlius, though being very strong, realized that the old warrior could’ve broken him like a twig, with his massive muscles, and for a moment he was grateful that Dominic’s hold was keeping him from running away.


~ Rite of passage ~

Atticus extended a hand and immodestly took a handful of Manlius’ virile attributes. The guy blushed crimson red but didn’t say anything. “Are you ashamed of your body? Of showing your nakedness to another man?” – Atticus mocked him. “No, Magister. I’m proud of my body and I take great care of it. I’m only ashamed to be unable to pay you the due respect” – the guy replied, trying in vain to wriggle out of Dominic’s hold.

“You didn’t seem very respectful, earlier, during the troops review.”

“I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, Magister. I was admiring you, you are a living legend, an example to follow. You never lost a battle and I’m in awe for you, Magister. You… You are… my Sol Invictus”.

A fleeting amused smile appeared on Atticus’ face, but it quickly disappeared under a solemn, serious expression.

 “This is a special night for you, kid. Tonight you become part of the Equites. You will face many battles, you will feel the shame of being held captive by the enemy, you will feel the pain of being wounded, you’ll be given the choice to be evil or merciful, and will be granted the chance to prove your valiancy.”

 “I’m not scared of the battle” – Manlius replied with a proud tone – “And I can take the pain like a man. I’m an Eques!

Atticus looked up at Manlius, and truth to be told, the guy appeared fierce and brave, despite his nakedness and the demeaning position he was forced to. “We’ll see…” – was the Commander’s curtly reply – “The Equites are renown as an almost invincible army, and you know why is that? It’s because we are tightly bound to each other, and every man is tightly bound to his Commander. These are bonds forged in battle, sharing the risks and the pain, and the joy of victory, but the first and most important bond, the one between you and your Commander, will be tightened tonight, as we’re about to join in the most powerful and intimate way a man can experience.”

With those words, Atticus started removing the leather straps that seemed about to rip off under the pressure of the massive muscles. Then, with one hand, he unlaced the leather skirt and let it fall to the ground, revealing the most impressive, thick and menacing virile member Manlius had ever seen.

Instantly the guy guessed what was the “most intimate way” he and Atticus were about to be joined, and his heart raced, as in his entire life he’d never felt any attraction whatsoever for his male friends or any other man. And sure enough he never let anything, much less a gigantic cock such as Atticus’, come nowhere close to his rear portal.

Homosexuality was commonly accepted in Rome, but still a sort of infamy marked the boys and young men who had a passive role in man-to-man sex, and Manlius tried hard to wriggle out of Dominic’s hold, and fought so hard that Felix had to help the black knight to hold the captive. “I’m not a concubinus!” – Manlius said aloud – “I’m a man! I’m about to get married next month!”

“I’m glad to know it. I’m a married man, too.” – Atticus replied calmly – “This has nothing to do with love and sex. I know you’ve never done anything like this, and tonight I’m going to take from you something you will never get back, your virginity, and this will tie the two of us to such a deep level that not even marriage can. Neither of us will ever forgive this night. When in battle, I will take care of you, like I’m going to take care of you tonight; and you will give me every ounce of yourself, like you’re going to give me tonight.”


~ Bonds forged in pain ~

With his big hand, Atticus started massaging his own hefty member, making it grow to frightening proportions. Then he took some scented oil and greased the massive shaft thoroughly, from the base to the tip. When he raised his gaze, he looked like a wild lion ready to grab his prey: “Dominic, Felix! Shove him on the bedroll and hold him down: it won’t be pretty…”

The two knights did as ordered, and quickly forced Manlius down onto a low stray bedroll covered with an animal fur. Manlius felt the knights’ strong hands pin him down, on his back, and raise and part his legs. He fought hard when Felix immersed two fingers in the scented oil and forcefully shoved them into his friend’s anus, greasing and loosening the tight hole as fast as he could.

“Felix, no… Not this…” – Manlius said under his breath to his friend, and silently gasped when Felix raised his teary eyes and replied: “I’m doing this for you, to lessen the pain. I’m dying inside, my friend, but I have no choice…”

Though in a predicament, Manlius felt for Felix, forced to hurt his own best friend in a way that repulsed him. It was true, Felix and Dominic had no choice. But Manlius did have a choice! He looked up at Atticus, getting closer stroking his massive cock, and yelled: “WAIT!”

Though held down in the least manly position ever, with his ass in full view and his legs wide apart, he shot at Atticus a fierce glance: “Magister, I don’t need to be restrained. Give me the chance to show you how brave and valiant I am. Send Felix and Dominic away.”

Atticus stopped in his tracks, surprised, and quickly assessed the situation: without being restrained, Manlius could flee away, but it would’ve put an end to his career as an Eques; and anyway the guy was right: a restrained man can’t give proof of his bravery, he’s just a lamb to the slaughter.

With an authoritarian nod of his head, Atticus silently ordered to Felix and Dominic to leave them alone. “Thanks, my friend…” – Felix murmured while standing up – “I won’t forget your act of mercy. Be strong.”

When the knights went away, Manlius hooked his hands behind his own knees and held his legs up, willingly and bravely offering his most secluded portal to the powerful warrior: “I’m ready, Magister. I know it will be painful, but being joined to you for the life is more than I could ask for to the Gods.”

Atticus knelt behind Manlius’ spread legs, poured some more scented oil on his rock-hard member and pressed the wide glans on the guy’s tight hole. Manlius, looking up at Atticus, for a fleeting moment saw the powerful man’s fierce expression crumble into a smirk of sorrow, and he seemed to hear the man say in an almost inaudible voice something that sounded like: “I’m sorry, boy…”

Then, without farther ado, Atticus’ hips sprang forward, sinking his formidable tool into the guy’s inexperienced hole, all the way to the hilt. Manlius felt like he was torn apart: never in his life he’d felt such a stinging, excruciating pain! He let go of his legs and his entire body stiffened, his hands gripped on the fur beneath him and his legs tightened around the warrior’s narrow waist.

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The instinct of yelling as loud as he could was overwhelming, but Manlius resisted, forcefully chocking his throat, and only a muffled grunt escaped his lips. He couldn’t prevent some tears from springing out of his shut eyes, and blamed himself for his weakness when Atticus growled in a mocking tone: “Are you crying like a baby?”

Manlius quickly wiped his eyes with his hand and took few deep breathes, trying hard to control his voice, and then replied with a firm tone: “No, Magister, I’m not crying. It must’ve been a flicker of the candles.”

“Good…” – Atticus said, and his tone surprised Manlius, because it was no more authoritarian and harsh like before, but warm and fatherly. The sudden change of attitude reflected in the man’s movements, as he started shifting his huge cock back and forth into the guy’s hurting hole with great care, pausing whenever Manlius gasped for a pang of pain or discomfort.

Atticus clearly had a great experience not only on the battle ground, but also in bed; in his long life he had made love with countless women, noble and prostitutes alike, and sure enough he had performed that chivalry rite with many young knights before, and he knew exactly how to inflict the maximum pain when needed, and how to soothe that pain afterwards.

The massive rod moved gently into Manlius’ now loosened hole, pressing hidden buttons into his depths that made the guy writhe with unknown pleasure. Slowly the pain subsided, and was replaced by a warm caress that gave to Manlius a sense of intimacy that he’d never experienced with any girl. He didn’t feel demeaned by taking that massive virile tool inside him, he rather felt powerful and exhilarated.

Manlius wrapped his arms around Atticus’ powerful torso and tightened his legs around his waist, feeling under his fingers the warrior’s astonishing muscles rhythmically flexing and relaxing; his experienced hips move smoothly up and down, in an endless motion that felt like an Ocean wave coming to kiss the shore and recede, to then come again, over and over.

Magister, what are you doing to me… I feel like never before…”

“I’m taking care of you, as promised, my boy…” – Atticus replied, and his weathered face distended in a warm smile that made Manlius’ heart beat faster. In that moment, what Atticus told him about forging a bond between a knight and his Commander became perfectly clear to Manlius, and he actually felt one with the powerful warrior: he knew with absolute certainty that he wouldn’t ever forget that night, and that he was bound to Atticus for the life.

Manlius, engrossed by the powerful and unknown sensations radiating from his ass, didn’t realize that his own cock was harder then ever, until he felt it throb and shudder, straining for release. The thick cock inside him started moving faster, and the thrusts of Atticus’ hips became more powerful, as the man was clearly climbing the last steps to his climax.


~ Betrayed promises ~

When Manlius saw that the man was about to explode, he murmured: “Are you going to bathe me with your seed, Magister?”

Atticus’ hips abruptly stopped, and Manlius felt the thick meat being pulled out of his fiery depths, leaving a sense of emptiness. Atticus rose on his knees, clearly putting a great effort in holding back his orgasm, and when he could finally speak his voice was harsh: “Great Neptune’s beard! Do you think I’m doing this for my own pleasure?? I save my pleasure and my manly seed for my wife!”

Manlius felt like he had been slapped on his face. He hated himself for having caused Atticus’ anger with his careless words, but there was something else stirring in his soul: he felt somewhat betrayed by Atticus, as if he was breaking his earlier promise to be bound to him for the life.

“No!” – Manlius yelled, rising sitting on the bedroll – “It can’t end like this!”

With a strong push, Manlius forced Atticus to lay down on his back and then straddled his hips. Heaving for the exertion, the guy reached between his legs, held tight Atticus’ throbbing cock and sat down on it, impaling himself.

Atticus inhaled sharply, taken aback by Manlius’ sudden move and melt him with a hard stare: “How you dare! Nnngghh… Stop! I said stop!!”

But Manlius didn’t stop, and went on riding the hard pole in earnest; he knew he was breaking all the rules, forcing Atticus, the Supreme Commander of all the Equites, to do something against his will, possibly putting an end to his own career before it had even begun; but he didn’t care, he had given his virginity to that man, and in his confused mind he wanted something in return.

What Manlius didn’t think, swept as he was by the storm raging inside him, was that Atticus could’ve easily thrown him away using just one of his massive arms, but he didn’t do anything like that. “I said STOP! It’s an order!!” – the warrior kept yelling, putting a herculean effort in resisting the delightful sensations that were inexorably bringing him towards the precipice – “Nnngghh!! I can’t hold back! No! GGGGGHHH!!!”

Atticus’ entire powerful body stiffened, and Manlius felt the mighty meat in his ass throb and pulse, while the warm wetness of the warrior’s manly seed filled his innermost cavities. The guy bumped up and down on the spurting cock a few more times, and then rested on the man’s hips. For many long moments, the only sounds in the tent were the heavy breaths of Atticus, laying down motionless with his eyes closed, and Manlius, sitting on the man’s still hard cock and watching down at him with a tense expression.

“Why did you do that?” – Atticus then asked, opening his eyes. His tone was not angry: he just couldn’t understand why a guy who was about to get married had forced him, a happily married man, to give him his manly seed.

“I… I felt betrayed, Magister.” – Manlius cautiously replied – “You said we would be joined for the life, but that promise was doomed to be broken as easily as you would withdraw your virile member from my depths. I wanted… I needed you to give me something I could keep with me forever, as a memento of our bond. Now your seed is part of me forever…”

Atticus’ widened his eyes, deeply hit by Manlius’ words. The wise young Eques was right again: now their bond was truly for the life. The old warrior flashed a faint smile of respect, but it suddenly faded when he saw Manlius rise on his knees massaging his own stiff cock, clearly on the verge of blasting his youthful juice.

“Are you now going to humiliate me spraying your semen on my face?” – Atticus asked with an angry tone. Manlius flashed a hurt glance: “Your words are as painful as a dagger cutting through my heart, Magister. Your white beard inspires me respect, your manliness and your valiancy humble me and your fiery gaze frightens me. I could never humiliate you, you are my hero, my Sol Invictus, and I would give my life to you.”

Manlius gave a few more strokes to his cock, until he felt he was dangerously on the verge of losing his load. He raised his arms and linked his hands behind his head: “I’m offering myself to you, Magister. I’m putting in your hands my essence, my life-giving seed, as a symbol of my own life. I dearly hope you will benevolently accept it and seal our mutual unbreakable bond…”

For many endless seconds Manlius stood still, with his arms over his head and his eyes tightly shut, forcefully keeping a lid on the explosive climax that was enflaming his loins. When he felt his orgasm subside without feeling a caring hand pushing him into the abyss, he felt tears stinging behind his closed eyelids, as apparently Atticus was going to refuse his offer, unwilling to be truly bound to him.

But then he couldn’t restrain a scream of surprise and pleasure when he felt two strong bearded lips closing around his enflamed manhood: “Ohhh… Magister… AAAGGHH!!”

Manlius’ cock exploded in a long-awaited liberating orgasm, and the overwhelming pleasure, coupled with the astonishing notion that the powerful Atticus was drinking his creamy juice, made the guy’s head spin.

After gulping down many shots of warm seed, Atticus recoiled, but Manlius was still in the throes of the pleasure, and lowered his hand to stroke his own spurting cock. He looked down and realized that his sperm was showering Atticus’ face and smudging his noble white beard, but he couldn’t stop shooting like there was no tomorrow: “I’m sorry Magister… I’m sorry… I can’t… Oooohh…!!”


~ Tied for the life ~

At long last, his cock stopped throbbing and Manlius looked down at the sticky mess of Atticus face. Manlius expected the old warrior to be furious for being disrespected like that, but with surprise he saw the man’s face distending in an affectionate, fatherly smile: “Your youthful vigor is endless!” – Atticus giggled – “Bring that stamina on the battle field and you will be invincible!”

Manlius smiled weakly, suddenly feeling deadly tired; the initial forceful and painful violation of his most intimate parts, then the long, loving fuck he got from Atticus, and now his wreaking orgasm had completely drained him, physically and emotionally. “I’m afraid my stamina is not that endless, after all…” – he confessed, lying down on the bedroll; his eyelids were heavy and he was almost drifting to sleep when he felt two muscular arms holding him from behind and a massive hairy chest pressing on his back.

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“I suspected you were special since the moment you kept my gaze, during the troop review” – Atticus said softly, holding Manlius tight, as if he was afraid he could run away – “That’s why I specifically asked that you were assigned to me. Truth to be told, almost all the Commanders had put their eyes on you, but… well, no one can say ‘no’ to me!”

Manlius smiled, finding out how much his skills had been appreciated by the Commanders, and suddenly everything was clear for him: “Now I understand the real meaning of this night, Magister… When you first came in, you talked about my future life as an Eques, but you were talking about this night too. This night has been a sort of preview of what’s coming to me, and possibly a test for me, right?”

“Right.” – Atticus confirmed, pleasantly surprised by Manlius’ intuition.

“Tonight I’ve been held captive and humiliated…”

“…but you didn’t lose your fierce attitude and your confidence” – Atticus added.

“And I’ve been wounded in battle! Great Gods, I’ve never felt such a stinging pain!”

“But you endured the pain like a man…”

“And then you took care of me, you healed my wounds…” – Manlius continued – “and gave me the chance to prove my valiancy…”

“You were also given the choice to be evil or merciful…” – the old warrior commented – “When you were over me I’ve pleaded, I’ve ordered you to stop, but you didn’t. No, wipe away that guilty look from your handsome face, boy. You did the right thing. I can’t say if it was a forceful or merciless act, but you taught to this white-bearded old man something new. I was sincere, my promise to create a bond between us was honest, but it was a one-way bond: you had given me your virginity, a gift that can be given once in a lifetime, and I had only given you few inches of virility…”

“Few inches??” – Manlius exclaimed loud, laughing – “By Hercules, you are as endowed as a Persian Stallion! Damn, it hurt like hell, but now I understand that even that pain had a meaning, a purpose… But, if I may ask, have you murmured something like ‘I’m sorry, boy’ a moment before… err… breaking open my back door?”

“Did I say it aloud?” – Atticus exclaimed – “Anyway, yes, I was conscious of the pain I was about to inflict to you, and that’s always the worst part of our rite for me. You got it right, that pain has a deep meaning, is a symbol of the pain you will experience in battle, and is meant to test your reaction when wounded, but every time I have to hurt an innocent young guy such as you I feel sick for what I’m doing.”

“My friend Felix didn’t understand. He still hates his Commander Ursus for what he did to him the night he joined the Equites.”

“Few trainees understand the real meaning of this night. You are special, I told you. If you ask them, they will tell you that during the rite they’ve been raped, or that their Commander wanted to satisfy his repressed lust over them. Truth is that sex is a powerful way to convey emotions and moral values, and this rite usually has nothing to do with love and sexual pleasure. But then… a seasoned Commander like me who has seen it all meets someone special like you and… well… the perspective changes, so to speak.”

Manlius blushed and turned away. He himself, at some point of the night, had sensed that the ‘perspective’ was changing, and now Atticus’s words felt strangely heartwarming. The admiration, the respect and the awe he felt for Atticus had morphed into something different, something more complex. Manlius didn’t know exactly when it happened, but now he knew for sure that he couldn’t imagine anymore his life without Atticus.

He was going to marry Claudia, of course: nothing had changed under that point of view; he wanted a wife and a family, as much as Atticus had his own, but he felt that if the bond they had tied that night was to be severed, his life would’ve been miserable.

There was a long silence, but there was no embarrassment or tension between them, they were feeling perfectly at ease with each other. Manlius’ mind wandered, thinking back to all had happened that day and that night, and a doubt made its way into his heart: “Magister…” – he said, cautiously – “You have the entire horsed army under you, you don’t command a single battalion, so… where does this put me? What will be my duties?”

“You will be my personal Yeoman, Manlius Sextus” – Atticus replied, using for the first time the guy’s name – “You will take care of my needs when in camp, and will fight by my side when in battle. You will hold my secrets, draw my letters and orders, the veterans will respect you and the rookies will fear you, just like they do with me. You will be an example for the youngsters, so you’ll have to keep up with the highest expectations. You will share my life, and let me tell you that it’s not an easy life…”

“I won’t fail you, Magister.”

“Caturix” – Atticus said with a smile, and Manlius turned around to look at him: “What?”

“Caturix. It’s my name. You can use it when we’re alone. I’m Gaulish by birth and was raised in Athens, that’s why here they call me ‘Atticus Gallicus’, but the name my father gave me is Caturix. It’s an old Gaulish Celtic name, it means ‘war god’. Funny, uh? Nomen Omen, our fate is in our name…”

“Definitely” – Manlius said with an adoring smile – “Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me: no hidden fate in my name…”

“What about ‘Sextus’?” – Atticus joked – “When it comes to sex, you’re a natural, kid!”

They laughed heartily, and then Atticus became serious again: “Say… What will happen if you have to delay your marriage? The Eastern borders are threatened by the enemies and I have to leave Rome in two days. Needless to say, I want you to come with me, and as you know well, no one can say ‘no’ to me!”

“Uhm… Will you bring me to exotic lands and fascinating places?”

“I will show you the Pyramids in Egypt and the Gardens of Mesopotamia, if our duty calls us there, but more likely we will visit the misty and cold plains of Northern Britannia and the scorching hot sand dunes of the African desert…”

“And will we fight the enemies of the Empire side by side?”

“We’ll fight and defeat more enemies that you can count. But we could meet our fate any moment, there, on the battle ground. Every minute could be our last one…”

“And will we, err, tighten our mutual bonds when we are away?”

“Sure we will!” – Atticus replied with a knowing grin.

“Then my marriage can wait…” – Manlius replied, resting his face on the wide expanse of Atticus’ chest, and suddenly drifted to an exhausted sleep. But he didn’t sleep long.

“Manlius… look!” – Atticus said, sneaking from under the guy’s head and standing tall, looking East through an opening in the tent – “The Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun is rising, beautiful and wondrous as ever!”


Manlius didn’t turn around to look out, but stared at Atticus’ imposing figure with adoring eyes, admiring his snowy white hair, his massive chest, his bulging biceps and his shining eyes: “Yes, the Sol Invictus has risen, and it’s a truly breathtaking sight…”


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by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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