Simply Red

by Lil Guy

18 May 2023 960 readers Score 9.8 (93 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Max’s Perspective

“Right there” I whispered in the darkness knowing that Craig was in his room just down the hall. Brody continued his assault on my wanting pucker. I was on my back with my knees pulled to my chest and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Having Craig with us for the last month or so had been great, but let’s just say our “intimate moments” were less frequent and a hell of a lot quieter than they used to be. The one good thing about it was that every kiss, touch, lick, and thrust was more precious and intense than ever. Nothing makes you appreciate sex more than not having it. Brody smacked my ass with a loud ‘SLAP’ “shhhhhhh” I said. “Craig will hear us.”

Brody pulled his tongue out of my ass just long enough to say, “he’s a big boy, he can handle it.” Ugh. He was right but it still bothered me. Eventually I just gave into my carnal desires and blocked out everything else… damn that tongue! It was so fucking talented breaching my hole and making my body shutter with excitement. I whimpered and pulled my knees so tight against my chest that I thought I was gonna break a rib. Brody put a hand on my lower back and pushed me up, lifting my ass into the air so that he was looking down on it as he went back to feasting on me. His eyes were locked to mine as his mouth pleasured my most intimate area. My own growing cock was aimed squarely at my mouth, and I stroked it as Brody ate me out. Brody reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube out of the nightstand, stood on the bed and slapped his ample tool against my ass crack several times. It’s heat and girth sent shockwaves through my being as he moved it up and down my crack, past my hole teasing and taunting me as his sincere and loving brown eyes stayed locked to mine. He pushed his ass out, bent his knees, and squatted above my ass, lowering his body as he pushed his tool down with his hand and lined it up perfectly. From above, he dribbled the lube onto my hole, I shivered from both the coldness of the gel and the anticipation of his invasion.

“Goddammit, Brody” I groaned in an exhale of lust as he worked the cold gel into my hole. I responded by pushing myself open, then closing around his determined digit. A moan escaped his beautiful lips as he added a second finger to my ass, and lubed up his own cock with his free hand. I just laid there basking in the sensation, letting the anticipation build.

After several minutes of getting me ready, Brody moved his enraged manhood back to my loosened up hole and pushed. His head slipped in and was welcomed by my burning hot hole.  Brody pushed in slowly, damn, no matter how many times we had had sex over the years, each time was still exciting and there always seemed to be something new. My knees were now pinned against my chest by Brody’s tight little body and my ass felt so damn full. We started slow and tried to keep it quiet so we didn’t disturb Craig down the hall… yeah, well that lasted for about three or four strokes, then I grabbed a handful of Brody’s bubble ass in each hand and pulled him deep into me, that was Brody’s signal to turn it up a notch… or six! He picked up his pace, but he was still being tender and gentle, I wasn’t in the mood for tender and gentle so I pulled him in deeper, and encouraged him to pound harder. He got the hint. After a few more slow, gentle strokes he started to thrust harder and faster, his balls slapping hard against my ass. “Fuck me” I begged in a quiet, commanding voice that came from deep inside my gut.  He pummeled me hard, pounding against my prostate and driving me insane.

I started to stroke myself but Brody slapped my hand away and took over. His hand had a light layer of lube left from prepping his own cock, it was all I needed. His slick hand moved up and down my aching shaft in rhythm with his own thrusts, his entire body worked in unison giving me indescribable pleasure. He felt my orgasm building and picked up the pace, I don’t know if he planned it or not but it felt like a well-orchestrated symphony as my load shot into my own mouth, and his shot up my craving passage; the sensation was shockingly pleasurable. He collapsed on top of me, and ended our lovemaking with an impassioned, cum-filled kiss.

It was a Wednesday night just before 10PM and we were just lying there holding each other, basking in the afterglow when Brody’s phone rang; it was Dylan. “Hey uncle Brody, get yer ass down to the hospital, there’s somebody here who wants to meet y’all.” Gina had gone into labor, Dylan rushed her to the hospital, and before they could even call the baby was here. It was an extremely fast and easy birth.

“The baby’s here?” Brody exclaimed in response. I laid next to him listening in, we were both excited. “Well, ya’ gonna’ finally tell us if it’s a boy or a girl?” Dylan and Gina had known the baby’s sex for months but wanted to surprise us all and refused to tell.

“Nope.” Dylan said in a smug voice. “Y’all gotta’ come down and see for yourself.” Dylan was so excited that it was cute.

“It’s too late, they won’t let us in” Brody said.

“The nurse promised that if y’all came she’d make sure ya’ got in.” Dylan said.

We jumped in the shower, got dressed and ready to go. Craig was in his room with Zoey, I stuck my head in and let him know the baby was here and we were going to the hospital. He smiled and yelled back “okay, see you in the morning. Tell Gina and Dylan congratulations for me.” We invited him a long be he decided to stay home. Ricky had come to talk to me earlier that day, I guess Craig tried to kiss him and things got weird between them for a couple of days. He came to ask my advice because he didn’t want to lose Craig as a friend, then he went up to talk to Craig. Craig was smiling again so I assumed all went well.

After I said goodbye, we were off. Brody pulled the Gladiator into the Hospital’s parking lot and we walked towards the entrance, Daddy and BA were coming in at the same time. BA and I hugged a greeting while Daddy and Brody gave each other a casual “hey y’all” type greeting. Brody texted Dylan as the four of us walked in, he was down in the lobby within mere seconds. He was so excited! His face was glowing.

“How are they doin’?” BA asked.

“Momma and Baby are both doin’ great!” Dylan said with proud exuberance. I had never seen him smile so much; he was a proud papa. A sweet young nurse came over to great us, she held Dylan by the arm as she talked to us, then she led us up to the room where Gina sat up in the hospital bed holding our newest family member Margaret James, named after Grammaw… Maggie for short. She was perfect and beautiful, as most babies tend to be. Gina looked like death warmed over.

“You look radiant” I said as we all admired the baby and congratulated the proud parents.

“Maxwell Harrington, you’re so fulla’ shit, I look like hell!” Gina said looking up at me putting BA into a fit of laughter.

“Honey, ya’ll are entitled to look like hell, you just shot a baby out yer privates, and she’s the most beautiful baby in the world” BA gushed. We stayed at the hospital until about midnight then said goodnight to our new niece and left her to get to know her parents. Gina told me to let the school know we had a new future student among us. We headed home and got a few hours’ sleep before the day began.

The next morning, I got up and made a quick breakfast. Brody just grabbed a cup of coffee, kissed me, and went out to take care of Jimmy and get to work, he was in the middle of another pitch and crunched for time. Craig came down all smiles again “Hi Max, did Gina have the baby?”

“Yup” I responded, “a healthy little girl… Maggie.”

Craig muttered and “awesome” as he poured his coffee. We talked about the baby for a little while, then he asked, “Did Ricky tell you what happened?”

I nodded sheepishly, hoping not to open a can of worms. “He didn’t tell me much, but he was worried he upset you.”

Craig smiled and said, “Nah, I was the stupid one, but it’s all good now.” I let out a huge sigh of relief. The last thing we needed was for those two to be mad at each other. Everything seemed to be back to normal at BroMax Farm.

I went to school that morning and had coffee in my room with the usual suspects. When all of them were there, I announced, “Gina and Dylan welcomed baby girl Maggie into the world last night.” All our friends cheered, Principal Simmons heard us and came to see what the ruckus was all about. That morning during announcements he congratulated Mrs. James and her husband on their new arrival.

It had been a crazy couple of months, but after that, things seemed to calm down quite a bit. Gina and Dylan were busy settling into parental life and we all gathered around to help. At school the vibe was different without Mrs. James, and with Mrs. J and I finishing up our final semester. Gina showed up the last day of school with Baby Maggie to introduce her and say goodbye to Mrs. J and I as I closed another chapter in the book of my life.

Back at BroMax Farm we prepared for a big celebration. Ricky, Craig, and Timmy were all graduating and we were hosting a big celebration for the friends and families of all three boys at our place. It was a huge blowout, catered by Fern and Sue. Ricky and Timmy both had tons of relatives show up in support, and Craig had his collected family… and it was a big one. His friend Jake, his family, and a few other friends showed up from St louis to celebrate. Seth, Zach, Rhonda, Laurie, Chip, Alec, Aaron, and Brendon all made the trek too. So many people came to cheer Craig on that we couldn’t get enough tickets to the ceremony to accommodate them all. Each kid got six tickets, Craig chose me, Brody, Seth, Zach, Rhonda, and Laurie to be there and we did a damn good job of cheering him on if I do say so myself. It was a bittersweet moment for me and Brody; we were proud of Craig, but we were going to miss the hell out of him. That little guy changed our lives forever.

After the ceremony it was back to our place for the party. Things were already in full swing by the time we all drove up the gravel drive. Guests had already started to arrive and the parking area was filling up fast. Fern and Sue’s team already had the bar set up and the buffet tables covered with appetizers and ready to go. Craig rode home with me and Brody and his eyes lit up when he saw all the cars and people. One car in particular caught his eye. It was a familiar old green VW Beetle, the one he had cleaned out for Daddy and helped him work on. At least, he thought it was the same car, it was hard to tell with the new metallic green paint job, new tires, and giant silver bow on top with a giant cardboard gift tag that read, “Congratulations, Craig. We love you” with all our names proudly displayed on it (a hand painted Brody James original I might add). Daddy, BA, and Dylan stood next to the freshly painted old car; Gina was there too with baby Maggie in her arms. Craig walked over to his chosen family with his eyes wide and his mouth open in awe. Daddy spoke as he held out the keys “She’s all gassed up and should get ya’ where yer goin’ son. We’re damn proud of ya’.” Craig instinctively pulled daddy into a vice-like embrace. The slight young man held on tight to my burly father in-law as tears rolled down Daddy’s cheek and he hugged the boy back (a rare moment for Daddy). It was a good minute before Craig regained his composure and let go of Daddy. He thanked him then hugged each of the other people standing around the car repeating “thank you” over and over again.

As Craig inspected his new revitalized ride, a crowd started to gather around us, all the folks from St louis came over to congratulate the graduate. Laurie handed him an envelope and said, “This is from all of us, it should help with insurance and gas for a while. The group from St Louis (including Jake’s family) had pitched in to give the boy a thousand dollars. He hugged them each and cried some more, he was overwhelmed. It took a good half hour to pull him away from his new car, but we finally entered the tent in front of the candle barn. The music was playing, people were talking and laughing, the food and drink was flowing. Ricky introduced me to all his relatives as his mentor, that made me proud. They were a great bunch of people who were very supportive of the boy. Timmy was in another corner of the barn with his mother and some other relatives. She thanked Brody and I for throwing the party and for giving her son a job. I bragged on what a good worker he was… and I meant every word. I admit, I had my doubts about Timmy, but he turned out to be a good egg and I was happy he was staying on while he went to community college in the fall. I congratulated him and even called him T-Dog (ugh), that made him smile. He hugged me and thanked me for the party “and everything else” we had done for him, I knew what he meant. It was a celebration that rivaled our wedding, I’d go as far as to say the biggest BroMax farm had ever seen.

We were so damn proud of all three boys. Ricky went from being a redneck punk who tagged our barn to an ambitious young man that I trusted with my business. I knew he’d accomplish great things. Timmy was just a punk when I met him, but thanks to Ricky, I now saw him as a kindhearted kid and hard worker with a lot of potential. And Craig, He was a stranger who came into our lives and changed our world. We were so proud of him for picking up the pieces of his life and forging on. But his graduation also meant he’d be leaving us at the end of the summer to go back to St Louis for school. Damn I would miss him. Craig brought a new dimension to our world; he gave me a greater purpose and I knew wanted to continue to fulfill that purpose after he moved on.

The celebration went late into the night, we closed the candle factory on Monday so we could all recuperate from the big celebration. Tuesday was our first official fulltime day of candle making. Ricky’s Project Management Certification course started the following Monday and ran for five days, so we’d be without him for a week, luckily, we still had Craig, he had decided to stick around until the beginning of August. He and his friend Jake had found a nice apartment in St Louis and were going to live together while they both went to community college in the fall. Zach’s firm had been successful in getting an Injunction against Craig’s father to help ensure Craig’s safe return to St Louis. His father was attending court ordered therapy sessions. Zach had mailed a letter to Craig that was written by his father as part of the therapy. His father still didn’t know Craig’s whereabouts, but his lawyers were in touch with Zach’s firm. The letter was an apology. His father claimed to have many regrets, his biggest one was the incident at Mardi Gras. He never meant to hurt his son, he was just overcome by emotion and things got out of hand. He claimed to be remorseful for his actions, Craig was a smart kid and appreciated the effort, he also saw this as a first step at best. He wanted a reconciliation, but entered with caution. Things were not going to move quickly.

That Spring came with many changes for us, as did the summer. In mid-July my father called me to tell me my grandfather had a stroke while he and Grandma were playing tennis. The Paramedics came and took him to the hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival. He and I had always been close, but had become even closer since his visit to BroMax Farm at Christmas where we bonded over my business, and then later when he helped me carve out a giving strategy for BroMax Farm. He and I talked regularly on the phone and he was a constant source of support, council, and wisdom. He saw a lot of himself in me and never hesitated to tell me how proud I made him… I couldn’t have loved the man more. His death came as a shock to us all. Brody and I flew back to Minneapolis for the funeral, and stayed with my grandmother for a couple of weeks to help her adjust to life without Grandpa. She was a strong woman, but his death came as a surprise and she was a little disoriented at first. Grandpa was a wealthy man and he made sure that my grandmother was well taken care of, he left her everything (of course). Everything that was except a 1.5 million dollar charitable trust which was to be managed by me and used to… and I quote… “Carry on your work building strong gay men, women, and nonbinary adults who can stand on their own by creating opportunities” His will had quoted the giving strategy that he helped write for BroMax Farm. In other words, Grandpa believed in me. He also left me a personal letter, although his death was a surprise, Grandma said he was constantly writing final letters to his loved ones and updating them just in case. He didn’t want to leave this earth without being able to tell the people in his life how much they meant to him… I thought it was a beautiful sentiment (although a bit morbid). I would read you his letter, but I don’t think I could get through without breaking down. I’ll read this line so you get the gist of it: “I am proud of the man that you have become. I’m so happy that you and Brody found each other and I was around to see the two of you get married. I am in awe of the life you have built together. I am leaving this trust in your care because I know you will figure out how to use it to continue to build our family legacy.”

After spending a week of grieving and celebrating the life of my grandpa with my family, we returned to BroMax Farm just in time to say goodbye to Craig. We got home late on a Saturday afternoon, BA and Gina had pulled together a goodbye cookout for him. The smells of burgers, brats, hotdogs, and hotlinks wafted through the air as we drove up in the Red Hot Camaro with the top down. Daddy and Dylan were manning the grill while our family and Craig’s friends were all on the back deck socializing. Ricky, Timmy, Trey, a few friends from school, Harris & Terrance, Sue & Fern, Mrs. J and Jack were all there, Principal Simmons and his wife came too. All the people who had rallied around us and Craig came to say goodbye. Brody and I said a quick hello to everyone before we dumped our bags off in our bedroom, then went back out to the deck to hang out with our family. My first order of business was to grab my favorite (and only) niece out of her mother’s arms. She gave be a smile and I held her most of the night as I caught up with my friends and family. It was good to be home.

Our guests were all gone before 10PM, Craig had to get up early in the morning to hit the road to St Louis. Ricky was coming over at 5AM and driving with his best friend to keep him company, then flying back a few days later after Craig was settled in his new place. Me and Brody were sitting in the living room watching something on Netflix while Craig finished up his packing. At about 11PM he came down the stairs with Zoey behind him and sat in one of the chairs. “Max and Brody” he said, “I… um… just want to say thanks, but words aren’t enough. I… I… can’t… I mean I don’t um… have anything now, but thanks to you guys I know I will someday. So, I wrote this” He held out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me.

I took it from his hand, unfolded it and read it, it was a handwritten pledge to pay it forward. It was a one page letter that talked about how when he was at his lowest and had started to lose hope, so many people came to his rescue and gave him help, hope, and an opportunity for a better future. He promised that when he was able, he would give of his time, money, talents to help others who needed it in our honor. It was a beautiful sentiment. “I mean every word of that, and want you to hold me to it guys.”  He said with sincerity in his voice and eyes. “I never would’ve made it without all of you.” Then he tried to say thank you again but started crying. We both got off the couch and hugged the kid that had changed my perspective forever. It was a very emotional goodbye, damn we were gonna miss him.

The next morning, I was up at 4AM making coffee and packing a cooler with drinks, snacks and sandwiches like any good mother would do when she sent her kid off to college. I also had bags of groceries, toiletries, toilet paper, and a bunch of other stuff he’d need sitting on the counter waiting to be packed into his shiny little bug. Ricky showed up before Craig came down from his shower, I thanked him for going along with him… he was going to miss Craig too. Finally, Craig and Brody came down the stairs and we packed his little car to the hilt and the guys were ready to hit the road. Me, Brody, and Zoey just stood there and watched the little green bug take the boys down the long driveway, and then out of site. It was hard to watch them leave; Craig had changed my life forever.

Grandpa had left me in charge of 1.5 million dollars to use to help young people. I know his intent was for me to use that trust as seed money to build a self-sustaining legacy that would grow and live on well into the future and be there to help guys like Craig, and I intended to do just that. Luckily, was surrounded by the right people to help me make it happen.

I was a lucky redhead who met the perfect little redneck and was able to lead the perfect life. My goal was to give others the chance to do the same. I had found my purpose.

The end (of this part of the story)


Author’s Note: Thank you all for watching following the life of Max and Brody and their adventures on BroMax Farm. I hope you’ll watch for my next series “The Village” where we’ll follow all our favorite characters as they come together to build a legacy of giving back. I am still working out the details, but this series should provide the opportunity to hear from most of the other characters you’ve grown to know. You’ve got my e-mail… please let me know who you want to hear from and I’ll see if I can get them to share.

Be patient as it may take some time before I post the first chapter. I seriously can’t thank you all enough for the ratings, the comments, and especially the emails. I love that you all have emersed yourself in my world and made yourselves part of the ever-growing village. I'll miss this story.

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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