Alpha Tino Gavras v. the Amateur Bodybuilder Danny Masters

by sexyalphawrestler

10 Oct 2023 662 readers Score 9.1 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Author’s Note:  Mr. X pointed out in a comment that “Danny Masterson” is also the name of a Hollywood actor now serving 30 years for having raped two women.  My choice of that name was entirely coincidental.  I love fiction cause you can change what you want to change.  Hence, I’ve changed Danny’s last name to Masters!  Hope you enjoy Chapter 4!

Round Two


Danny Masters moved out quickly again.  He motioned for Gavras to meet him at center ring.  OrangeMuscle took a few steps in that direction.  Then he accelerated his stride and literally ran at the Amateur Bodybuilder—jumping at the last moment and SPEARING Masters in his solar plexus.  THUD!  “OOF!”  Danny slammed onto his broadly muscled back, gasping for air.  Gavras mounted his prone body and began to rain down fists on the Challenger’s forehead.  POW!  “Ugh!”  POW!  “Ugh!”  POW!  “Ugh!”  Boos and jeers filled the Hell’s Kitchen Arena.  Dawson quirked his brow up in the skybox.  What the fuck, he thought to himself.  More fists hammered into Danny’s handsome face.  POW!  “Aagghh”  POW!  “Aagghh!”  POW!  “Aagghh!”

Masters’ eyes were unfocused.  Gavras sneered “Who’s the pathetic Bitch now?”  He stood, taking Danny with him in a SIDE HEAD LOCK.  He marched the Asian-American Hunk to the nearest ring post, raised his head upwards, then SLAMMED his face into the top turnbuckle.  CLANG!  “Ugh!”  Not stopping, the (apparent) Champ dragged Masters to the opposite ring post and once again POUNDED his face into the top turnbuckle.  CLANG!  “Ugh!”

This time Gavras whipped Danny’s body around and sat him on the middle turnbuckle.  He draped the Amateur Bodybuilder’s arms over the top ropes on either side of the post.  He leaned in, formed a claw with each of his hands and dug deeply into Masters' 52” pecs.  “AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!” screamed Danny.  The pain from the PEC CLAW was excruciating, sending shockwaves throughout his nerve endings.  “HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?” OrangeMuscle taunted as he dug even more deeply.  “AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!”  As Masters' shrieks filled the arena, a few in the audience began to chant “TINO!  TINO!  TINO!”

Master Han had jumped down from the apron and moved along the padded floor to the post where the Contender was being assaulted.  He pulled out his trademark black whip.  He walked up the metal steps until he was right behind Masters.  Han brought up the whip but felt his ankles gripped by two hands.  The hands yanked him backwards and Han’s face plowed into the top metal step.  BANG!  “UGH!”  Coach Stan stood at the base of the steps, grinning broadly.  Han wasn’t moving, apparently concussed by the impact of the steps.  The whip fell from his hand as he laid on his chest across the metal steps.  

Meanwhile Gavras had let go of Masters’ pecs.  He pulled Danny’s right arm from the top ropes, took a few steps backward and WHIPPED the Amateur Bodybuilder’s frame across the ring.  His back CRASHED into the far turnbuckles.  CLANG!  Gavras was on Danny immediately.  As Masters sagged into the turnbuckles, OrangeMuscle gripped the middle ropes on each side of the post and SLAMMED his head into Danny's abs repeatedly.  BAM!  “Oof!”  BAM!  “Oof!”  BAM!  “Oof!”  After the third spear to his lower torso, Masters fell to his knees.  He looked up at Gavras, swayed forward and back, then FACE PLANTED on Gavras’s size 12 orange boots.

The ref began to count “1…2…3” but Gavras would have none of it.  He dragged the Amateur Bodybuilder to his unsteady feet and walked him to the nearby ropes.  OrangeMuscle pushed Danny against the ropes then quickly tied his arms between the first and second ropes.  Gavras reached for the waistband of Masters’ white Speedo and pulled the suit down to Danny’s knees.  Cries of “Oh fuck!” filled the arena as Danny’s fat, semi-hard cut cock was freed.  OrangeMuscle smirked and SLAPPED the big dick, left and right, then up and down.  The battering ram grew harder with each slap and pre-cum droplets fell onto the canvass.  

“Oh, I’m not done with you yet,” sneered Gavras as he slid outside the ropes and stood on the apron right behind Masters.  He placed his hands on Danny’s throat and yanked his head backwards causing the Amateur Bodybuilder’s back to arch.  “Aaaaagggghhhhh!” yelled Masters in agony.  The AsianMuscleGod watched from Danny’s corner with a look of dismay, while Dandy Dawson paced furiously up in his sky box.  This hadn’t been the plan.  Not at all.

OrangeMuscle finally let go of Danny’s throat, allowing his body to sag again in the ropes.  He vaulted over the top rope then lifted his left leg high and wrapped his hamstring around Masters’ throat.  Gavras then began bouncing up and down, using his muscled leg to choke the Challenger.  Danny grunted and gasped for air.  “HAD ENOUGH, TOY BOY?” demanded Gavras.  “YESSSSSSSS!” wheezed Masters, “I GIVE!!!”  “NOT FUCKING ACCEPTED, BITCH!” yelled OrangeMuscle.  Chants of “CHAMP!” and “TINO!” broke out as the fans recognized Gavras as the Greek Heel—the arrogant prick who had dismantled one opponent after another to win the title.

Gavras lifted his left leg and Masters’ body sank once more against the ropes.  His fat cock bounced aimlessly, dripping more pre-cum onto the mat.  OrangeMuscle unhooked Danny’s arms from the ropes and the Asian-American Hunk crumpled at Gavras’s feet.  The (apparent) Champ took the opportunity to peel the white Speedo off Masters' legs.  He held the Speedo skyward before shoving Danny’s head through one of the legs loops.  The suit hung around the Contender's neck.  Gavras grabbed the white fabric and dragged Masters' 6’3” 235 pound body to his feet.  He turned away from Danny then, holding onto the Speedo, hauled the Amateur Bodybuilder’s frame onto his back.  Masters gasped as his air supply was choked off.  

Bending forward, Gavras forced Danny’s boots off the canvass.  His legs kicked wildly as his arms tried to pry the white Speedo loose from his neck.  “HAD ENOUGH?” Gavras demanded once again.  His cock had begun to tent out the pouch of his orange Speedo.  Masters could only grunt.  He appeared to say “Yes!” but it was too garbled.  His face turned purplish.  His legs and arms slowed down.  Even his fat cock softened.  Then Danny’s entire body went limp as he hung on Gavras’s back.  Sensing the Contender was out, Gavras let go of the white Speedo.  Masters slid off Gavras’s back and fell into a heap on the mat.  OrangeMuscle kicked him onto his back and placed his right boot on his chest.  He spat at Danny’s face and flicked sweat from his 50” pecs down onto Masters’ body.  Gavras then double bi-flexed his 20” ceps for the crowd.  “1….2….3….4….5” counted the ref.  The fans joined in for the remainder of the count.  “6….7….8….9….10!”


Coach Stan stepped into the ring and raised OrangeMuscle’s right hand to celebrate his second round win.  The crowd applauded wildly—happy the Greek Heel had returned.  There was something about the brutality of OrangeMuscle that delighted the horny TSWF fans.

Meanwhile Dandy Dawson exclaimed “FUCK!  FUCK!  FUCK!” up in the luxury skybox.  His mobile device buzzed and he swiped to answer the call.  He heard the unmistakable bass tone and thick accent of the Hairy Beast, Brutus from Brazil.  “Boss,” the Alpha Male Wrestler said, “You gotta see this.”  “See what?” the promoter replied.  “I’ll text a video clip to you,” Brutus said, adding “And don’t worry, I’ve got things under control.  You’ll know what to do next.”

(To be continued.)

by sexyalphawrestler

Email: [email protected]

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