Road to Re-Awakening

by Midwest Horndog

13 Dec 2022 553 readers Score 9.8 (25 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Tripping Again

I'd known Warren for years but we'd fallen out of contact while I cared for Jan.  He wasn't the only one, I had been a crappy friend to almost everyone when I started spending all of my waking hours making sure she was as comfortable as possible.  Getting a message from him surprised me, but was a welcome sight.  It reminded me that I needed to be more proactive in talking to our old friends.

"Hi Ben.  Stefan said you were working again.  Good to see you are recovering from your loss.  Can you call me tonight after 6pm?  I have a couple questions" was his message.  I laughed since I was used to getting messages from my kids which were short and cryptic and us older people texted like we were writing letters.

"Thanks.  OK, talk then" I replied.  I'm sure Ron would have sent two messages, each much briefer, like "k" and "ttyl" as if he was paying per letter.

I finished work and went home, taking a long walk with the pets.  I noticed one woman riding her bicycle with her dog on a long leash and I wondered if Walker would like a faster pace.  Then I thought about Sylvester and if he could hang on if Walker was trotting.  Once I got home I started making dinner.  It was past six, so while it cooked I called Warren back.

"Hi Warren.  How's it going?" I started out.  We chatted a bit and then I asked about his questions.

I heard him take a deep breath and I wondered what was so serious.  "Uh, I guess the first question is... do you still have your motorcycle endorsement on your license?" he asked.  I had to chuckle since it was a question that was totally unforeseen.  

"Yeah. I think once you get it, it's there for life. Why?" I asked.

"Well, that leads to question two.  I won a motorcycle in a raffle and I really have no use for it.  I thought about selling it, but Emily suggested we give it to our nephew Trevor.  The only problem is that he's way down south and can't really take time off from college to come get it" Warren explained.   Warren was an accountant and always thought in profit and loss terms.  Emily, his wife, was involved in several charities and she was was the generous type that wanted to help everyone.

"OK... how do I fit into this?" I then asked.

"I don't think I can ride all that way on my own and Emily doesn't know how.  I was hoping to find someone that I could trade off with, one driving the car, the other the bike for a bit and swap every hour or tankful or whatever.  Then we drive back.  I think it might take two or three days to get there.  Do you think you might be interested?" Warren asked.

I quickly thought about it and wondered how far south we'd be going if he thought it might take up to three days to get there.  I knew more than a few bikers who considered a hundred miles a day a long ride, so I wondered if he was now one of them.  "I haven't ridden in several years, so I'm pretty rusty.  But, I guess I have a few questions of my own.  What kind of bike is it?  I don't think I could ride one of those small sport bikes very far.  And how far south are we going?  I doubt I'd make it to Miami or San Diego on any sort of bike after several years of not riding at all" I told him.

"Oh, you'd be able to do it on my Wing.  That puppy is comfortable.  This bike is a lot smaller.  Just over a third of the cc's that my Wing has.  That's why I think it might take three days to get to northern Georgia.  I understand the rusty part.  I can't remember the last time I saw you on a bike and it was one of those scary Italian things" Warren said.

I was getting more info with each back and forth.  Georgia I could probably handle on something that didn't have me folded up like a pretzel.  I remember riding to Yellowstone on a 500cc Honda when I was young, so I doubted that a modern 600cc bike would be a problem.  "My biggest concern really is how rusty I am.  Around town I wouldn't worry, but a long trip is different" I said.

"I know.  I tell ya what... why don't you ride the bike locally for a few days and let me know.  I think you're one of the few guys I know that could get the time off like this and has enough experience to do it safely" Warren said.

It made sense and I was envious of the guys I'd met at the cabin.  I used to enjoy riding before life got too hectic.  I told Warren I'd think about it and let him know.  By then the sauce I'd been cooking down was cold since I'd shut off the heat when the conversation lasted more than five minutes.   After dinner, I went out to the garage and looked for my motorcycle stuff.  I found it in the heated storage room under the apartment and dug through what was there.  I found a helmet that was probably twenty five years old, a couple jackets that still had bug splatters on them and a dozen pairs of gloves in a box.  I'm sure some people would call it vintage but I thought more along the lines of "past it."

"Crap, I'd need all new stuff just to feel safe" I told myself.  In the corner under a cover was my old Ducati.  I'd almost forgotten that it was still there.  I pulled the cover off and my heart immediately started beating faster.  Other than some dust and flat tires, the old Monster still looked sexy.  It was about that time that I decided to take Warren up on his offer if I could ride a few days before the big trip on his little bike and assure myself I wasn't going to die.  

He was happy that I was going to at least try the bike for a few days.  I borrowed one of Warren's helmets and rode around.  The first few blocks were awkward, but only a little worse than getting used to any unfamiliar bike.  Day one had me stalling the bike several times while I got used to the clutch.  On day two, I started to ride more confidently and it all came back to me.  Once I knew I could do it, I headed over to the moto-mart in a strip mall and looked around.  It was funny to watch the twenty something kids look at me and try and sell me crap with fringe and a beanie helmet.  Only after Mark came out of the back room did I get some decent recommendations.  I'd known him since high school and it was good to talk with him about my potential trip.

The kids were amazed when they saw the bill and the things I bought.  Almost a thousand dollars disappeared as I bought a new helmet, jacket, pants, boots and gloves.  "Don't assume that everyone over 30 rides a cruiser.  That guy can probably out run you guys on a Vespa.  He used to be really fast" I heard him tell the younger guys as I went out the door.   The bungee cords I grabbed at the last minute held everything on the passenger seat and the backpack held the rest.  Warren was surprised and delighted when I told him I was in.  We did a little planning and I told Sean I needed a few days off.

"Another trip?  Jeez, all you want to do is travel" he said jokingly.  "Be sure you talk business to everyone you meet.  Another multi-million dollar deal would be nice" he added.  I also told my kids about the trip.  Lea wasn't too happy and told me to check in every gas stop while Ron was wondering if he could come along.  That idea sounded like something I should plan on in the future.  A long bike trip with Ron and Kevin could be a lot of fun.  I didn't even know if Ron knew how to ride.  Maybe it was yet another secret he had.

We took off on the following Monday morning, me in my SUV and Warren on the "little" Suzuki.  We had waited until rush hour was over and the roads weren't as crowded.   He seemed to be overly cautious and riding slower than I wanted to drive.  His speed picked up once we got on the expressway, but he was hovering just over the speed limit.  We were getting passed by everything including a little old lady in an old rusty 70's Cadillac.   At the hundred mile mark, Warren pulled off on an exit and stopped at a gas station.   With the bike filled back up, we swapped spots and I pulled on my jacket, helmet and gloves for my first stint.

I took off, expecting Warren to keep up with me.  Apparently he drove cars like he rode the little bike.  With no fairing on the motorcycle I was getting a blast of air, but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to.  The Ducati didn't have a fairing either.  In fact, the two bikes were somewhat similar with the Suzuki trying to be a cut rate Monster.  I lost Warren pretty quickly and found the little bike decent out on the highway.  At the hundred mile mark, I pulled off at another exit, stopping on the side just as the exit ramp began.  About fifteen minutes later, Warren pulled off and stopped behind me.

"It didn't die, did it?" he asked after getting out of my SUV.

"No, I just need to stop to get gas and pee, but since I didn't see you behind me I figured I'd stop here so you saw me.  Do you always drive this slow?" I asked.  

He shook his head and said "Let's just hit the gas station."

When the tank was full and our bladders empty, I told him "Where are we stopping for the night?  I'm enjoying this, so I'll just meet you there.  I plugged the motel into my phone GPS and looked at the map for a more interesting route. I took off leaving Warren washing the windshield.  It was a fun little bike and I made it more fun by not having to wait for Warren.  The smaller roads had lots of curves and I was carving them up easily.  Occasionally I'd catch up to a car, truck or tractor but they were only a minor impediment.  The longer I rode the more confident I got.  The bike might have needed a bit more power and the suspension dialed in but as long as I didn't try to push too hard, it was stable and reliable.

I pulled into the motel and didn't see my SUV there.  The person at the front desk said that Warren hadn't checked in yet so I just waited.  And waited.  My path was longer and I had to make a few more stops for gas, food and bathroom breaks; but my speed more than made up for it.  Warren just shook his head when he finally pulled in and saw me there.  We grabbed a crappy dinner at some chain diner and I told him that I'd rather ride the bike the rest of the way.  He didn't seem to mind so I added that I thought we could make it the rest of the way the next day.

From past experience, I knew Warren was as straight and vanilla as they came and it didn't matter since I spent our after dinner time plotting out my route for the following day.  Warren was happy slabbing it on the interstate and I found the back roads much more interesting.  When I pulled into the hotel in Athens, I wondered how long I'd have to wait.  I texted him that I was there and was going over to a pub nearby.  The response I got a half hour later when he was filling up the tank told me "Trevor will be there in about 15 minutes.  I'm an hour away."

I figured I would be easy to spot since I had my jacket and helmet on one of the chairs next to me.  The pint of IPA tasted good, but I sipped it slowly since I knew I still had to ride back to the hotel.  Almost on time, Trevor walked into the pub and looked around.  He was a good looking guy, about my size but at least twenty pounds lighter, with glasses and a goatee.  Since it was a little cool out, he had a light jacket and jeans on. 

"Hi... Are you Ben?" he asked.

"Yeah,  what tipped you off?" I asked with a grin.  It broke the ice and I got a grin in return.

He looked me over and then said "You're a friend of my uncles?  I thought all of his friends were accountants and you don't look like an accountant."

"Yeah, we've known each other for a long time but don't hang around together much anymore.  I just happened to be someone that had some free time and knew how to ride" I told him.  I'm sure the tattoo was the first clue I was a little different than what he expected.  I took a sip and about then the waitress came by.  "Grab something to drink.  I ordered some nachos to nosh on until Warren shows up.  Hopefully he gets here before closing time" I said.

He ordered a cider and then chuckled about my comment.  "He said you ride pretty fast and he couldn't keep up, but I suppose that's compared to how he rides his huge Gold Wing" Trevor said.  I was looking him over and he wasn't what I expected either.  The pub was warm and he kept his jacket on.

"Take your jacket off and stay a while" I joked and he looked back at me nervously.

"Uh... OK, but only until my uncle shows up" he said.  He pulled his jacket off and he had a tight tee on underneath.  Both arms were covered in ink and I quickly decided that he didn't want Warren to know.  One arm, his right, looked fresh and most of the tattoos on the other were faded and had been there a while.  The longer I looked, I saw a pride bracelet on his right wrist.

"Ah, gotcha.  Afraid of his response to the tattoos?  He seemed really surprised when he saw the one I just got to remember my wife that passed away a couple years ago.  My son has one too, but on his chest.  I should ask my daughter when she's getting hers" I said, laughing.  I saw him relax a bit and decided to change the subject.  "So, you're getting a free bike?  Have you been riding long?" I asked.

"Cool.  It looks really nice.   Uh... I've been riding since I got my license.  It's really convenient down here since parking is such a bitc.. uh, pain" Trevor said.  

"Bitch is probably a better description.  I hope you don't mind a few dead bugs and worn feeler pegs on the bike.  I had a lot of fun riding it down here.  It's a great little bike and I think it's broken in about now.  What is your old bike?" I asked.

"It's an old Honda 250.  Made before I was" Trevor said, laughing.

"This will be a big improvement, but you're going to have to tune it up if you're going to do some serious riding around here.   I stiffened everything up but it still bottoms out if you push it too hard" I told him.

He looked at me curiously for a moment and then replied "Oh, so you really ride and not just cruise?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm here enjoying a pint after riding all the twisty two lane roads and your uncle is still out on the interstate.  By the way, I'd probably lose the bracelet before your uncle shows up... unless you're already out to him" I said.  He looked shocked and that wasn't my intent.  All I wanted was to make sure that the tattoos were the only surprise that Warren got.

"Oh fuck... shit... uh thanks" he said as he fumbled to take it off.  

"It doesn't matter to me.  I taught my kids it's OK to accept everyone and from my last trip I think we succeeded.  I'm not so sure Warren is as accepting, but I don't know" I said.  The nachos arrived and I think the distraction calmed Trevor back down.  

"I'm not out to my family.  I don't think they'd be cool with it.  You got kids so I assume you're just supportive?" Trevor said after grabbing a few chips.

I chuckled.  "A little more than that.  Both my wife and I are bi and our kids are too.  That trip I mentioned got me to meet my son's and daughter's boyfriends.  They were so scared to meet me but I was really proud of both of them.  It was good to see my kids had listened to all of our comments while they were growing up.  Make yourself happy first, worry about everyone else later" I told him.  We chatted a bit and finally Warren came in.  Trevor didn't put his jacket on and I saw Warren's expression seeing his nephew.  There was a bit of surprise, but the hug he gave him was genuine.

We noshed on the nachos and then Warren asked "Do they have real food here or just appetizers?"

"Pub food, but from the reviews it's good pub food" I said.  After we finished our dinner, they wandered back to the hotel while I rode the few blocks.   I grabbed my duffle bag out of the SUV and then put my gear away.  Warren laid down on the bed and immediately started flipping through the channels on the TV.

"Anyone up for another beer?  My treat" Trevor said.  Warren bowed out and said he was too tired.  I was the one that should be tired, but I wasn't.

I asked "Go back to the pub?  Or do you have another place in mind?"  The smile on Trevor's face told me he had a much better idea.

"Let me run through the shower and change first.  I doubt anyone wants to see the dead bugs on my jeans" I said as I pulled my tee shirt off.  Warren was glued to the TV, but Trevor's eyes were glued to me.  I tried to be casual but I knew that Trevor saw the other piercings.  The shower was short and I quickly dressed.  With a key in hand, Trevor and I headed out of the room.

"You really aren't an accountant, are you?" he asked as we walked down the street.

"Nope.  I hate that crap.  I own a manufacturing company.  Why?" I asked.

"Uh... The tattoo and piercings and... you're way too cool" he said.  I chuckled at the last part since I never tried to be cool.  We ended up in a club and based on the huge pride flag and that most of the people in there were guys, I guessed a gay club.  I bought the round and we found a table in the corner.  It was obvious that Trevor was scoping out the guys and several came up to say hi.  

I heard a couple comments about the "hot daddy" that Trevor was with.  This wasn't my usual type of place to go to, but I did like the atmosphere.  The DJ seemed to be playing some older disco mixes and I wondered if it was for me.  When I went up to the bar to get our second round, a lot of the guys were brushing against me and giving me winks.  When I got back to the table, another guy was talking with Trevor and it was obvious that his hand was down the back of Trevor's jeans.  I didn't want to get in the way of Trevor scoring with someone but when I made a comment about finishing my drink and going back to the hotel I was told I should stay.

A few seconds after taking my seat, Trevor's friend moved over to me.  His hand roamed over my chest and when he felt the nipple piercings his eyes lit up.  "He wasn't kidding.  You really are pierced.  Is there anything else?" the guy asked.

"No, not yet... anyway" I told him.  His hand immediately rubbed down my chest and squeezed my crotch.  My cock wasn't hard and I really wasn't planning on anything happening on this trip, but after the second squeeze it started to stiffen.  I looked over at Trevor and all I got back was a devious grin.  A few guys around us were watching things unfold but most were more interested in whoever they were attempting to pick up.  Trevor finally introduced us and I found out the guy groping me was Trevor's boyfriend, Greg.

We tried to talk over the music and Greg, continued let his hands roam over me.  Once the drinks were empty Trevor nodded at Greg and I soon found myself getting led to the back of the club instead of towards the bar.  We climbed the stairs to the second floor and there was a large lounge area that had several people using the furniture.  Two guys were fucking against a wall and there was a guy on his knees sucking another pair of guys.  None of it bothered me and I kind of expected it.  Trevor led us to another corner and I soon had both of them kissing me.

Their hands rubbed over my body and I had my arms wrapped around their shoulders.  It didn't take long before Greg pulled my tee from my jeans and then slipped his hand up inside.  Seconds later, Trevor slid his hand up before they pulled the front of the tee over my head.  Trevor kissed down my neck and then turned his attention to my nip.  Greg was right behind and I soon had Trevor's tongue on my right nip and Greg on my left.  The bulge in my jeans grew by the second and it didn't take long before I felt someone unbuckling my belt and then loosening my jeans.      

Looking around, there was a small group of guys sitting on a few couches nearby who were watching us.  The lighting was dim, but I'm sure they knew exactly what we were doing.  Greg moved back up to my lips and and after a minute whispered in my ear "Bi, huh?  Or still in the closet?" 

I turned my head as Trevor tugged down my jeans and replied "Oh bi, definitely.  Been getting shit about it for decades.  The last month or so about has been about fity-fifty women and men."  By that time, Trevor had my boxers down and was starting to lick over the hardening shaft.  He knew what he was doing and had a good technique with a nice balance of soft and firm while giving my whole cock attention.

"Mmm, sweet.  Most of the daddies I meet are so deep in the closet.  It will be nice to enjoy an experienced one that's not afraid to be seen.  So... top or bottom?" Greg asked.

"Both, but I'm in a top mood tonight" I said as I grabbed the back of his head and guided it back to my lips.  It was a hard, deep kiss and I felt him relax, giving in to my control.  After a minute or two, I pushed his head down my body and he sunk to his knees.  Soon, I had a two sets of lips and tongues lapping over my cock.  With the ease that he let me take over I knew that he wasn't too averse to my actions.

Several other guys were looking in our direction and I hoped they liked the show but didn't want to become part of it.  I let Trevor and Greg go a little while longer, trying to decide what was next.  When Trevor pulled back to take a deep breath, letting Greg go down, I tilted his head back and mouthed "fuck?" to him.  I could have just said it since the music volume was only slightly lower than it was downstairs.  At first, his expression was shock but quickly his eyes lit up and he nodded back.

It took a few gestures to get everyone in place, but Greg was sitting on a ledge with his legs spread, Trevor kneeling in front of him and me behind.  Trevor and I were naked and Greg's pants were laying in the pile of clothes too.  Trevor made the first move, taking Greg's cock into his mouth and sucking on it gently.   Greg looked at me, wondering how I'd begin using his boyfriend.  He had an eager look on his face and I wondered if they did this often.  Using some spit and a finger, I worked Trevor open.  It didn't take long before I added a second finger.  Based on his actions, I assumed that he bottomed quite a bit.

When my third finger joined the party, Trevor got more involved.  Just like with the first two, he was tight to start out and then quickly adapted to the digits in his ass.  The spit got pushed deeper and then I drooled a bit more on my shaft.  While they had left a large amount of saliva on my cock, I wanted to make sure I slid in easily.  With one knee on the floor and the other foot flat, I pushed in.   There was a little bit of quivering from his hole as I entered, but it quickly disappeared.  After a moment letting him get used to my girth, I began to rock back and forth.

"Fuck yeah" Greg growled out.   It looked like Trevor had stopped working on his dick as I drove in, but once I began plowing he went back to giving Greg some attention.   All of us were getting attention from the small crowd and a few had come closer.  It reminded me a bit of Ron's party where guys would come near to watch, stroke or rub but always keeping a respectful distance.  Once I got into nice, long strokes I heard Trevor moaning.  He would occasionally thrust back or give a playful squeeze around my shaft but for the most part he let me go at my own pace.

I wasn't in a hurry and it didn't seem that Trevor or Greg were either.  Some times I'd speed up or slow down, giving an occasional hard thrust which would force Greg's cock deep into Trevor's throat.  The onlookers kept watching too.  I figured that after five minutes their attention would get drawn elsewhere, but instead a few that were rubbing their crotches had pulled their dicks out and were stroking along.  A couple more guys had knelt down before some others, hoping to swallow their loads when they finally shot.

When I moved my hands to Trevor's shoulders, he knew I was getting close.  Next, I pulled myself up on to both feet and began to drill him harder.  The group was giving me encouragement along with Greg.  He might have still wanted Trevor's mouth on his cock, but I'd pulled him off and they were now looking at each other.  My thrusts got even harder until my cock started to swell.  Moments later I planted myself deep and felt the pulses shoot out.

"Oh god yeah!" Trevor yelled out when he felt my cum fill his gut.  After my third shot, I let go of Trevor which let him get back on Greg's cock.  It may have been a moment too late, since I heard Greg moan loudly as Trevor was going down.  It had been a few days since my last release and I gave Trevor a big one.  When the pulses faded, I left myself inside Trevor for several more seconds and waited for Greg to finish feeding his load to his boyfriend.

I had been so engrossed with my own orgasm I hadn't paid attention to our voyeurs.  The guys on their knees had gotten their reward and in one case, more than one.  I'm sure there were a few puddles of cum on the floor, too.  Trevor's slick hole felt really good, but I reluctantly pulled out slowly.  My cock had softened but still had some stiffness as I stood up.  Greg was stroking Trevor's head with a big grin on his face.

A short, thin, smooth guy quickly approached and asked "May I clean you, sir?"   I nodded while I looked him over.  He wore a pair of baggy cargo shorts with no shirt, had numerous piercings in his ears, a septum ring in his nose, both nipples had rings and as I was about to find out, one barbell in his tongue.  Several tattoos covered his body, a unicorn on his right pectoral, two stars on each side of his stomach and several more scattered over his arms that I couldn't make out in the dim light.  He gave me a wink before sinking to his knees and going to work licking off as much cum as he could find.

This was not his first time doing this and I quickly thought back about the guys that had sucked me since I started my trip to visit Lea and Ron.  They all were decent at giving head, varying from good to great.  It was completely different than when I was in college where I had to teach almost every guy that tried sucking me how to do it.  I doubted that I had gotten that lucky finding only gay sex virgins back then and it was that guys were now learning how to pleasure other guys a lot earlier.  The guy cleaning me moved on to swallowing my cock after he'd gotten most of the cum off my shaft, balls and groin.  

My hand instinctively rested on the back of his head and followed along.  He made it almost all of the way down, giving a few more tries without his face planted in my pubic hair.  With his hands behind his back, he couldn't pull himself the rest of the way, so the next time he went down, I pulled his head the rest of the way.  Surprisingly, he didn't pull off but instead flexed his throat around the end of my cock.  The vibrations from his soft moan felt really good too and I felt some cum start to rise.  Gripping the hair on his head, I pulled his head back a couple inches and showered his tongue with a few weak shots of my seed.

His moan was loud and surprisingly low before I told him "That's what it tastes like fresh."  Letting go of his head, he stood there a minute savoring the cream and my once again softening shaft in his mouth.  A big smile covered his face as soon as he came off my dick.  He looked up to see if I approved of his skills and saw my own smile.  I told him "Thanks" before he went back to his two friends.  They all shared a kiss and I'm sure a bit of my cum.  

Looking back at Trevor and Greg, they too were kissing and I was quickly pulled in to our own three way kiss.  I licked the cum dripping off Trevor's goatee, letting it sit on my tongue a moment.  A minute later, the kiss ended and we pulled our pants on.  The shirts remained off as we cooled down since all three of us had a nice sheen of sweat on our bodies.  Trevor and I sat down on the ledge and Greg said "My round... be right back."

Trevor and I chatted, skipping any talk of the sex we just had.  I thought he might have been embarrassed about letting his hormones take over, but I liked spontaneous hookups like that.  Greg came back with three pints and a huge grin on his face.  "Word spread fast.  Yours is on the house since the bartender wants you to come back and keep the customers happy" he told me.

"The customers or him?" I asked, laughing afterwards.  We finished the drinks and continued to talk.  I suggested heading back to the motel, telling them that they could take the other bed and I'd share with Warren.  I think the decision between a shorter walk versus a bus or two after midnight was pretty easy.  The people on the second floor grumbled when we got up to leave and several more did downstairs too.   I left a generous tip for the bartender and gave him a wink.

The silence on our walk back was broken by Trevor who said "That was so damn hot.  I wasn't sure you were going to be into it, but I wanted to try."

"You could have asked too.  I try not to be too scary.  It was fun, though.  Much better than watching TV with Warren" I replied, giving Trevor a wink.

by Midwest Horndog

Email: [email protected]

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