Riley's Renaissance

by Francis_hoe

15 Oct 2023 8539 readers Score 9.3 (86 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

Riley had been putting in extra overtime this week at the law firm working on a new case his boss had assigned to him. He needed to do good if he wanted to make partner and his boss had hinted at a promotion if this case went the right way. He ran a hand through his hair then rubbed his tired eyes. Looking at the clock, ‘Fuck! It’s almost 9!” He had wanted to come home early to surprise his long time girlfriend with flowers and some of her favorite take out but had almost lost track of time. He had been accidentally neglecting her since he was so busy trying to make partner, he would reassure her when she complained that it was all to secure a comfortable future for their future family. She understood that he needed to work late but today he managed to finish early.  He quickly saved his work, packed up his belongings, grabbed his suit jacket from the back of his chair and got up to leave.

He struggled to push his key in his apartment door trying to juggle his briefcase, flowers and the take out boxes but he eventually managed. He thought it strange since she usually was hanging out in the living room and would open the door for him when she heard him putting the key in. He opened the door and felt something was off. The room smelled like the candles they used when they had sex and the lights were dimmed. That’s when he heard the moaning. All the hairs on his neck stood up and he found himself moving towards his bedroom. He felt like he was having an out of body experience watching himself from the corner of the room opening his bedroom door. Inside he was horrified to find his best friend on top of his girlfriend pounding away. He was stunned and stood here watching them for a couple seconds before he realize he was squeezing the take out so hard the marina sauce was starting to leak out of the box.

 “What the fuck are you doing!” He yelled. His soon to be ex girlfriend and so called friend screamed. Covering themselves up as quickly as they could. Riley could see his friend's mouth moving trying to reason with him and see his girlfriend crying but all Riley could hear was his heart beat pounding in his ears. All of sudden Riley had his friend by the throat and was smashing the pasta into his face. Once the box was shattered he started to use his fist. His friend could do nothing since Riley was a large 6 foot 2 wrestler who maintained his body by going to the gym everyday before work and his friend as a small 5 foot 9 data analyst. Eventually he threw him to the ground and focused his attention on his soon to be ex girlfriend. 

“Get the fuck out of my apartment you cheating whore, I can’t believe you did this, with my best friend out of all people!” He spat at her. The rest was a blur as she begged and pleaded for him to talk and all he could do was sit in his living room and look at his shaky blood covered hands. After a while she picked up her clothes and helped her affair partner up and left. The following week he was a mess, his ex girlfriends family called and apologized to him for their daughter's behavior, he ignored all calls and texts from his ex friend and ex girlfriend and drank himself into a stupor every night on his couch. Eventually she came around and gathered all her things through tears and pleads and all he could do was sit on the couch and nurse his beers ignoring her crying. He couldn’t bring himself to sleep on the bed that had been tainted. He threw himself into work to distract himself and made all the deadlines. His boss was happy and he even made partner but Riley was just an empty shell, he didn’t care anymore. He spent all his free time after work emptying out his liquor cabinet. 

One night he was starting to get pretty bombed when realized he had drank all his liquor and beer and it was now too late to go to the liquor store, they’d be closed by now. His only choice now was to head to the nearest bar, he didn’t care which one. He got himself in the shower and made himself somewhat presentable threw on a shirt that showed off his muscles and some jeans and headed out the door. He found the nearest dive bar and stumbled in and sat at the bar and ordered a whiskey on the rocks and threw it back. “Another,” he demanded.

“Oof, rough night bud?” Asked the bartender. Riley looked the man in the eyes and word vomited to him his entire story. “I'm sorry friend here, let me buy you a round.” Riley ended up staying til close and got absolutely plastered. He stumbled out of the bar waving goodbye to his new bartender friend and stumbled home. The entire world was beyond fuzzy and he knew he had to make it home before he passed out. He somehow made it home. Struggling with the key,  it elicited a bitter laugh, “HA! ‘Member the last time I couldn't, HICCUP, open this goddamn door.” He opened the door, got in and immediately fell face down on his couch and passed out.  Riley had been too drunk to realize he had been followed home by a stranger, and too wasted to realize he hadn’t shut his door. He laid there snoring on his couch on his stomach as his stalker watched him.

Riley woke abruptly to a slap across his face. “Mhhhh, what?” He groaned as he was still drunk, not as drunk as before but still inebriated, and the lights were too bright. He tried to cover his eyes with his hands but realized he couldn’t move his hands. “What the fuck!” He yelled but this time with panic as he struggled and jostled himself around frantically in his bed trying to free himself but he quickly realized as he looked down and that he was tied up to his four poster bed by his ankles and wrists, still fully clothed, shoes and all. ‘HELP! HELP ME HEL-mhhhhh mhhh!” Something had been stuffed into his mouth by a strong hand to muffle his shouting. Whatever had been stuffed in his mouth tasted rancid and made his stomach turn. He had not realized there was someone else in his apartment. He looked up and saw a big tall man wearing all black wearing a ski mask. He felt his stomach drop and his heartbeat became loud in his ears again, sheer and total panic took over him as he again began pulling and struggling against his restraints. 

“Shut the fuck up straight boy!” The man spoke in a low manly growl. He slapped Riley across the face again and he saw stars. He felt the man’s rough hand around his chin as he pulled him towards him making eye contact. A chill ran down his back and his hairs stood up again. Fuck fuck fuck who is this, why is he in my apartment, is he gonna kill me, why am I tied up, what is in my mouth? It tastes and smells familiar. His thoughts raced as the intruder stared into his eyes. 

“Yeah that’s what I liked straight boy, the look of fear in your eyes, that shit gets me going” “MMHHMMM HHMH HHHMMM” Was all Riley could respond. Why is he talking like that, oh god this can’t be happening to me, I don’t need this, his thoughts swam in his once drunk brain. His body was still limp and drunk but his mind had quickly sobered up “I just couldn’t help myself boy, you looked so delicious in those jeans and the whole bar could hear you going on and on about that stupid bitch. I know what you need, and it doesn’t come in a bottle” He grabbed his crotch when he said that. Riley looked down and saw a massive bulge in the man's pants. He once again started jostling around in the bed struggling to escape and avoid his fate. He hadn’t slept in this bed for almost a week now because of the memory of infidelity but that was long gone, it was about to be replaced by a memory way way worse. 

“You like that sock I stuffed in your mouth? It’s one of your used gym socks I found in your hamper, you smell amazing stud” He watched in horror and disgust as his captor walked over to his hamper picked up his gym jock and put it under his ski mask and took a long huff. Who was this sick freak, what the fuck was he gonna do to him. He had never been this afraid. The captor walked back over the bed and sat down next to him facing Riley. All Riley could do was lay there breathing heavily, breathing in his own funk from his sock in his mouth as he was hyperventilating now. He felt his sweat drip down his brow. How was he gonna get out of this, his mind raced. 

“So this is what’s going to happen stud, I’m gonna do whatever I want to you and by the time I’m done with you you’re gonna be begging me for more.” Rileys brow furrowed and he looked at the man with anger and disgust. The man just laughed. “Awww look at you, you look so cute pissed off and tied up. Look how much you’re sweating already god damn you're hot.” The man lifted the ski mask up to his nose and buried his face into Rileys armpit and took in a big wiff. 

“Like a fucking man. Delicious, I’m gonna take that gag out of your mouth and you’re gonna be a good boy for me and not scream okay?” All Riley could do was stare at him and breathe heavily. The man backhanded him across the face and Riley saw stars again. He was not kidding. “GOT IT!? I’m not fucking around here boy look over there,” he pointed to the night stand and Riley saw a gun with a silencer. His blood ran cold. “Play nice for daddy, and you’ll live again to go back to your silly life. Now I’m gonna ask you again, are you gonna be quiet for daddy?” Riley slowly nodded his head. He had no choice to comply and maybe with the sock out of his mouth he could talk his way out of this and reason with this man. The intruder pulled the wet sock out of his mouth and immediately the man rubbed the saliva covered sock all over Rileys face. “Urgggh gross no please stop.” Another slap across his face, fuck if he kept this up he was gonna end up all bruised. “You don’t call the shots here I do okay boy!” 

“Sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t do this. I have cash in my wallet. Take it all. I have a new state of the art laptop please take whatever you want I promise I won-“ Another slap across his face. “Do you think I give a shit about any of that? I have my own money and my own shit. What I want is this” As he rubbed his hands down Riley’s torso tweaking both his nipples as he went down eliciting a gasp from Riley. Fuck why did he just gasp like that. Shit fuck Im so screwed he thought. “Yeah you liked that? You little slut” He rubbed Riley’s nipples through his shirt until they became hard and poked through his tshirt. “Unnggh” He realized the sound escaping his mouth and he quickly shut his mouth. “Hahahaha look at you, you little slut. Only faggot sluts get turned on by nipple play.” The man kept playing with his nipples and became more aggressive. Fully palming his pecs, rubbing them, squeezing and massaging him making Riley blush and start breathing heavily. Fuck why did that feel good. He’d never been touched like this before.

 “Fuck, nggh, please dont stop,” he pleaded with his captor. “And why would I do that? My little slut. I’m just getting started.” The man finally let go of his pecs and nipples giving Riley a sense of relief but something told him that it was gonna get worse. The captor got up on the bed and straddled Rileys waist facing him. He then slowly pulled up his shirt until it was snug and tight above his pecs. “Look at those tits,” He harshly began flicking one of his nipples and twisting the other making Riley gasp loudly. He felt his face turn red. Fuck no fuck this no no he thought closing his eyes tightly and trashing his head from side to side as the assault on his nipples became worse. “Look at you, blushing like my little whore just from some nipple play.” The man laughed. Riley felt completely humiliated. He prided himself on being a mans man. Tall and broad, working out every day, working a big high paying lawyer job and now he was on his bed tied up with another man straddling moaning and blushing while having his nipples and tits played with, and since when did he referred to his pecs as tits, it has to be the whiskey fucking with him he thought.  The man let go of one of his nipples and he felt the man's rough hand on his chin again and redirected his eyes back to the man.

 “You like that my little slut” Riley refused to answer, he couldn’t admit to this asshole he liked his tits played with. His gasps and sharp inhales as the intruder played with his nipples and pecs were escaping his mouth uncontrollably. His face felt hot as the man stared at him intently. He felt so embarrassed but couldn’t let him win. He was gonna get out of this. “Fuck nnngh you” He tried to say with as much venom as he could only to be betrayed by his body when his voice cracked mid way. His captor resumed playing with his other nipple he had let go of. The man started laughing. “That’s fucking hilarious look at you, you can’t even speak I got your  tits all hard and sensitive” The man bend down sitting directing on Riley’s lap and began sucking on one of his nipples. Lathering his areolas around, sucking gently on his nipple and then giving it a light bite with his front teeth. “AAAAUUGGGNNNNNHH” A bolt of lighting shot through his body from his nipple radiating down to his crotch as his back arched and his crotch involuntarily grinded up to his captors ass. The man proceeded to do the same to the other nipple driving Riley insane. 

He couldn’t believe this. A week ago he had the perfect life and now he was under some strange man tied up, brain all fuzzy and turned on by his nipples getting sucked on. His body continued to betray him as he writhed around under him as his captor swirled his tongue around his other nipple of course not leaving the first one unattended. He squeezed and swirled the saliva around Riley’s tits with his finger as he sucked on his tit. Riley crotch kept grinding up against the captors ass and was now rocking a half chub. His captor immediately shot up and abandoned his nipples when he felt Riley’s hardening dick on his ass. 

“Well well well, look at this. I thought you were straight. Why is your cock getting hard? Straight men don’t like getting their nipples played with by another man. Now why is that? You must be a faggot.” Riley could not answer him. His mind was blank and his nipples felt cool from the saliva still on them. Fuck this can’t be happening. Why was he getting hard? He couldn't explain it. His brain was slowly coming back down to earth from the nipple stimulation. His breathing was still heavy and his face was flushed. His captor bent down and got close to Riley’s ear. “It’s because your a faggot whore and I’m gonna make you mine.” Right as Riley opened his mouth to respond his captor’s mouth was on his. The violation on his mouth began. He felt his captor's tongue ravish his mouth and kiss him aggressively. Riley tried turning his head away and closing his mouth in disgust but his captor held him in place squeezing his cheeks so hard he had no option to keep his mouth open. The intruder continued his assault on his mouth but then pushed his ass back and began to gyrate his hips against Riley’s hardening dick. Riley let out an uncontrollable moan into his mouth and felt the intruder smile into the kiss. The assault on his mouth and crotch continued and soon Riley was moaning, his eyes fluttering closed, their tongues swirled around each other and all of sudden he realized he was kissing back. He jolted his head away to try to regain his dignity. He turned his head and spit in disgust, making a point to scowl at his assailant. 

“Fucking disgusting. I'm not gay. Stop and let me go.” The man laughed and moved his hips around Riley’s, now a completely  hard dick. A moan escaped his lips and he quickly bit his lip. Fuck me he can’t do this to me, why is my dick hard? Riley's heart pounded and he was completely utterly humiliated. His dick was rock hard from another man playing with his nipples and now he was kissing back his assailant. He was crushed and embarrassed but his dick was rock hard and he was inadvertently rubbing his hard cock against his jeans and another man's ass. Why was he so turned on? I need to snap out of it. 

“I don't know straight boy, you are a pretty good kisser and that cock is rock hard I felt it. You must really like me” the man bellowed, only further embarrassing Riley. “Get the FUCK OFF OF ME ASSHO-“ Another harsh slap across his face. “I’m not going anywhere straight boy and from now on you’ll either call me sir or master. Got it?!” Riley didn’t respond. His captor twisted his nipple harshly with one hand and with the other he turned around and painfully pressed his fist against Rileys dick. “Do I make myself clear?” Riley tried to hold out but the pain was so much. “Okay sure please stop” Riley responded meekly. Arching his back to lessen the pain on his nipple, only for him to pull harder. “Okay what? I want to hear a yes sir,” “yes…sir” Riley said, gasping and grimacing from the pain. His dick had partially softened from the pain and he couldn’t handle the pressure against his dick or the sharp pain around his newly found sensitive nipples. 

Sir stopped the assault on Riley’s dick, but didn’t let go of his nipple. Instead he now grabbed the other nipple and began twisting both of them harshly. “AHHMMNNNGGHH” shouted Riley, “please sir please please” He whined and pleaded and Sir just laughed at him. “Open your mouth slut” he barked at Riley, slightly lessening his grip on his nipples. Riley sighed a little from the pain relief, opened his eyes and reluctantly obliged. Sir spit directly into his mouth then yanked really hard on both nipples causing Riley to do a sharp inhale inadvertently swallowing Sir’s spit. Sir laughed at him “Look at you, you're such a little whore. Swallowing your masters spit like a good boy.” 

Riley couldn’t explain it. This man had broken into his home, tied him up, humiliated him, assaulted and degraded him but the more the man humiliated him the more turned on he became. He tried to rationalize it, he was drunk, he was in a bad place, he was a victim, but every time he twisted his nipple or sucked on his tit he moaned like a cheap whore. He couldn’t help himself. His nipples had become so sensitive and red. He didn’t know how much more he could endure before he completely broke. No he couldn't do that. He couldn’t lose himself to this man, he has his pride he needed to hold on to. What pride? He had just called his man sir, kissed him back and swallowed his spit. His mind tried to rationalize and think about what was happening to him but couldn’t because his body was betraying him with each twist and lick of his tits. 

“Fuck man, I knew you were hot, but fuck I didn’t think you’d be such a whore. If only you could see your face right now. Mouth opened gasping face all flush. You look like a slutty porn star.” “Please sir, nnggghh plea-nggnhh please” Riley pleaded but he didn’t know what he was pleading for anymore. Fuck this felt so good. Master bent down again and kissed him and this time Riley kissed him back right away. After a good while of making out Sir released his mouth and nipples. Riley, eyes still closed from the bliss of the nipple play, inadvertently lifted his head to continue the kiss then opened his eyes wide when he realized what he was doing. He was willingly kissing another man and leaning into it. Fuck he needed this to end. His head swam but it wasn’t from the whiskey anymore. His dick was rock hard again. The intruder got off Riley’s lap and stood at the edge of his bed observing him. “Let’s see what else on my faggot slave is sensitive’

Oh fuck what was he going to do no. The intruder picked up Rileys rank jock strap and took another wiff. “Damn boy you smell amazing, here you give it a try.” The intruder walked over and lifted Riley’s head, pulled the straps around and over his head so that the jock pouch was fastened on Rileys nose. He could smell his own musk and sweat. He should’ve been grossed out but truth be told Riley always smelled his own jocks after his workouts. He liked his own musk and had rationalized it as he was trying to gauge how good of a work out he had. Now that his shirt was lifted over his tits, his nipples raw and red and overstimulated and his cock hard, the smell of his own musk was turning him on so much more.

“See what I mean, you’re a faggot slut. You just had no idea. You’re lucky I came around otherwise you would’ve never know” Riley lost in the fumes of his own musk and horniness didn’t realize his captor was taking off his shoes until he felt his captors face in between his toes. He looked down and saw Sir smelling his feet. He should’ve been disgusted and weirded out but all he could do was watch this man go back and forth between smelling his feet. He rubbed them pressing with his thumb into Riley’s arches, causing him to moan again. Fuck he was driving him crazy with this foot rub. His girlfriend never gave him foot rubs and this felt amazing. Sir slowly took the sock off the right foot and immediately stuck his nose and face in between his toes breathing deeply. Riley watched in weird fascination as Sir began to suck on the ball of his foot. He should’ve been ticklish and weirded out but fuck it felt so good and horny. He licked his whole foot from heel to toes, sucking on each toe getting in between and repeated the same with the second one. Riley was losing it, moaning and pleading, Sir was making his feet feel so good and the smell from Riley’s own jockstrap was making his head spin. The feeling of getting his toes sucked on was so strange but so hot, seeing his big toe come out of this man’s mouth was turning him on so much. Finally Sir stood up, “I had to indulge myself, sexy jock slut with big feet. Now what should I do next?” Riley was so lost, his head spinning from his own odor, his feet wet and shiny from saliva, what other depraved thing was this man going to do to him? Worse off was he going to like it? 

Sir pulled out a large knife, and immediately Riley started to panic. “No please don’t do this, I’ve been a good boy Sir or Master I can call you Master like you wanted please! I haven’t yelled, I’ll do anything please don’t hurt me please, please.” Riley pleaded on the verge of tears. “Wow what a good boy, I wasn’t gonna hurt you but it's good to know you’ll do whatever I want” the man said with a wicked smile, ski mask still half on. He took the knife and ran it down his pants, cutting his jeans off, leaving him in just his underwear that was struggling to keep his hard cock. Riley cursed himself. Fuck, now he knows I’ll do whatever he wants. Master ran a hand up his thigh, stopping on his inner thigh so close to his raging boner. He was lightly rubbing Riley’s thigh with his finger tips. Riley couldn’t stop himself from the needy moans escaping his mouth. It felt like electricity was shooting from Sir’s fingertips to his inner thigh straight to his needy dick. He had not done laundry because he had been so depressed so all he had left was some old white briefs. It was so embarrassing, having another man rubbing circles into his inner thighs, making his cock wet his white briefs with precum.  He was teasing him and his dick was so painfully hard, he was too far in now. 

“Look at my needy whore, not even touching your dick and he’s precumming like a slut.” All Riley could do was lay there and moan as he let this man do unthinkable things to him. Finally Sir grabbed his cock and Riley let out a breathy sigh. His brain flooded with pleasure and he let out the sluttiest moan and breathed deeply into the musk of his jock. “Uhhhfffggghhh please sir please” The intruder pumped his cock a couple of times through his underwear and Riley felt like he was in going to explode. What the fuck was wrong with him. What was happening to him? He used to fuck pleanty of girls in college, he would last hours in bed and make all the girls cum numerous times. He was a stud, a great lay, all the girls he fucked wanted seconds, but now after an hour or so of being tormented and teased by a man and a couple of pumps of his dick through his underwear he felt the pressure building up in his lower abdomen. Oh shit, he was about to cum. Fuck no, this man was going to make him cum. “No oh my god nooo oh shiiittt, sir fuck nggghh please fuck I’m gonna” but just as he felt like he was going to cross the line, Sir released his cock. 

“HAHAHAHA LOOK AT YOURSELF” the man cackled. Riley’s face felt hot, his breathing was heavy. He was humiliated, he almost came from being jerked through his underwear, by a man. A fucking man. He was so embarrassed but he wanted it. Why did he want it? He needed to come, he could feel himself slipping. He wasn’t the sharp shooting lawyer who won cases anymore. He was reduced to a slut slave begging to cum in his underwear. “Let’s get these off now, I have more plans for you.” He slid the underwear off down to his ankles, “I’m not gonna cut these off, I have plans for these sexy tighty whities.” Riley cock sprang out of his underwear and slapped onto his abs, splashing his cock snot onto his stomach. Sir grabbed his dick slowly pumped it from base to tip making his cock spew a large amount of precum. “Look at this little slut, look how horny I got him.” He used one finger to scoop up the precum like he was dipping into the icing of a cake then shoved his finger into Rileys mouth forcing Riley to taste his own precum. He tasted himself, it was sweet and slightly salty. It assaulted his senses and caused his cock to jump a little. His head was spinning, he liked the taste, he wondered if master’s precum tasted good too. Wait what the fuck! Why was he wondering that, he was straight! Straight guys don’t fantasize about other men’s precum. 

While Riley was deep in his internal struggle, his captor got back onto the bed and in between Riley’s legs. Riley felt hands pry at his asscheeks and a finger pry at his hole a place he had never paid attention to like that and realized the predicament he was in. “Oh no not that. Anything but that please no, no pleasAAAAHHHGNMMMMHG FUCK NO PLEASE”. It had been too late, while Riley was getting high off his own musk supply from his jock and tasting his precum, he had failed to realized his master was covering his fingers with lube and getting ready for the next stage of his assault. Master was slowly shoving a finger into Riley’s virgin straight hole. ‘FUUUCKK AAH IT HURTS PLEASE STOP’ Riley eyes started to water from the pressure and pain from the intrusion at his virgin asshole. “Say Master please stop fingering my virgin hole, and maybe I’ll consider it.” Riley was crying now “okay’ he sniffled through tears, Riley was fully crying now, there was a finger up his asshole and it burned. “Fuuucknnggghhh Please master ngghhh please stop it hurts ngghhh” His captor just laughed and kept finger fucking his hole. “You really think I’ll listen to your pathetic faggot ass? Look at you, couple hours ago you hated me, then you were willingly kissing me just shut the fuck up and take it.” He kept sliding his finger in and out of Rileys pink hole. “Ngggghhh please please stop I’ll do anythuunngggg.” The feeling of the slick finger sliding in and out of his hole stopped hurting and now just felt like pressure building. He felt pain subsiding and a strange feeling spread from his ass. It felt hot and strange, no longer painful and he couldn't stop hyperventilating. 

“That’s a good boy, you’re opening up for daddy,” His master ripped the jock off his face. “There we go I want to see your face when I do THIS.” A jolt of lighting shot through Rileys body from inside as his captor shoved two fingers up his hole. His cock began oozing precum like never before. He pumped the two fingers in him slowly stretching out his hole. His eyes were wide open but all he could see was stars. “What, I, what was nggh, I, please … sir…NGGGHH” again he felt him touch that spot inside him. He saw white and his cock learched again spewing more precum. This time his intruder kept his fingers there slowly rubbing circles around that spot inside him. What was he doing to me, what was this. His brain was completely fried. He was trying to figure out what was going on with him. His brain was short circuiting from the white searing pleasure. “I…sir.shiiiit please please fuuuckk nggghhh” He was moaning and writing like a whore pushing his ass onto his captors fingers. “You like when I touch you here slut.” 

“I, uuhhgnnn fucck fuck fuck please, I can’t nggh stop” “What was that slut? I asked you a question, do you like it when I do this to you?” He pulled out his fingers slightly, releasing a needy whine from Riley, then rammed it back hard onto his faggot g spot. A flip switched in Riley's head. He could no longer hold back “YESS SIR YES PLEASE MASTER UGGHH NNNNUGGHHHH IT FEEELS SO GOOD’ he screamed. Completely undone shivering from the pleasure, sweat on his brow. Riley felt the words leave his mouth on autopilot and immediately regretted it but that thought immediately escaped his brain as master slammed into that spot again over and over again.  Rileys eyes rolled back into his head as he scummed to the fingers fucking his hole rubbing that spot inside raw. That spot inside him that he never knew he had was making him feel things he never knew he could feel. He couldn’t get enough. It became a need. The more he got finger fucked in that spot the more he needed.  And how much he was loving it. 

“Im playing with your prostate, you little whore. It’s the g spot for men. You straight boys walk around all wound up with your masculinity, meanwhile all you need is some fingers in your pussy and all of a sudden you become a whiny cock whore.”  All of a sudden he felt something incredible. Pressure was building behind his dick, he couldn't place it but he felt like he was losing his mind. It got harder and harder to breathe and the room got hotter and hotter. He looked up to his captor or his master now he was in charge now and whether or not Riley liked it he was completely his. He grimaced in pleasure, made eye contact with his master and threw his head back as his eyes rolled back. His cock began to shoot load after load after load. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably and pleasure overtook him. He could hear the moans and whimpers leaving his body. Finally his orgasm subsided. He had shot cum all over his stomach, chest, and face. He looked up breathing heavily to see that his captor was wearing a wicked smile. He felt the sweat on his skin and his slimey cum sliding down his face. He could only imagine what he looked like. Like a fucking whore. Fuck, the sense of humiliation came flooding back as post orgasm clarity sat in. He was still tied up and had just came hands free from an anal prostate orgasm given to him by a man. 

“Damn boy what a show, and we're just getting started” his master said as he rubbed his cock through his pants fingers still in his asshole.