Reunited with my dad

by RWD

1 Dec 2023 4881 readers Score 9.4 (51 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Holiday with dad

Early summer, my dad sent me a link to a holiday deal for a week in Mexico. I asked him if he had booked to go away, he said back "thinking about it. Wanna go? My treat". I thought he was messing with me at first but he told me to make damn sure I got the dates free because he was about to book it. And when he sent me the confirmation I was just besides myself with excitement because I almost never got to go abroad! And the fact that only several months of being in my dads life he was already willing to pay for a big holiday for just us two, it made me feel really good! Mom bit her tongue when I told her, like she was resisting the urge to make a snide remark but she was supportive of me spending time with my dad, although emphasised that I need to be careful and keep in touch so she knows Im safe. I was a little apprehensive, as I would be totally out of my comfort zone.

Over the next few weeks he must have told me he was looking forward to it like 5 or 6 times! I dont know if it was just to relieve my apprehension, but I was already sold!

When the date came he parked outside. I ran out with my suitcase and I was so excited that I hugged him, properly squeezed him, and I felt him kinda cuddle into me as well before laughing it off and glancing around nervously. I realized then that I had inherited the bashfulness gene from his side.

While driving to the airport, he talked excitably about how he couldnt wait for me to see this place, telling me its his favourite destination and that he hopes I will love it. He also seemed really pleased that he was taking his son on a trip. He seemed surprisingly emotional while talking about it. Something I hadn't seen from him before.  

The flight was long but smooth. We had some good conversation but we also read and ate and watched movies. We landed early, got through security and got a taxi to our hotel.

The place was really lovely! And i knew how much dad spent and it was quite a lot! 

There was a big pool but it wasnt overly busy. Nearby was also a nice beach!

I was already determined to go swimming and sunbathing, dad told me "thats the plan!". The sun was intense, I looked out our terrace and we had a beautiful view of the sea.

I assumed that we would be getting changed in different rooms but the first day already showed that wasnt to be the case. Dad just started to undress in front of me. Now, he was discreet, he covered his genitals and turned away from me when he was naked. But just being in this situation at all was very significant to me!

I caught a glimpse of his pubic hair and when he bent down to pull up his trunks I swore that I saw his ballsack from behind.

I followed suit, stripping naked, cupping my genitals before pulling up my trunks, dad didnt seem all that interested though as he was unpacking. 

Eventually we went to the pool, got our loungers and swam. Dad was really in a good mood, if a bit tired from the flight. He said he had a headache. I loved seeing him shirtless in the water, his broad, hairy chest looked so beautiful, and the droplets of water in his thick, but groomed beard while he smiled and tried splashing me made him all the more endearing. 

After a swim in the pool, perhaps due to the shrinkage, dads bulge was a bit more pointed outwards in his shorts. 

We lay besides each other on the sunloungers drinking beers and cocktails! I could have laid here all day looking at my dads stocky, hairy body, his chunky arms and legs, his big manly hands and feet and his noticeable bulge in his well fitting trunks! He would turn over to face me, eyes wincing in the sun and he would smile at me beneath his freshly trimmed facial hair then go back to reading or laying back with his eyes closed.

He crossed his leg over and caught me looking and asked "you seen how hairy my feet are?". I said I noticed before. "Sasquatch feet" I said. He laughed and said "thats me, bigfoot" as he wiggled his toes, smirking at me again. 

My heart just melted! Funny how the stupidest things can be so adorable. I just loved watching his feet! I was obviously developing a bit of a fetish, I guess because I didn't see him barefoot very often. I just loved everything about my dad from head to toe, and the better I got to know him, the more fervent my attraction was becoming. He is a hairy, stocky, intimidatingly masculine man and yet so warm and embracing with me.  And sure Id seen him in his underwear a lot of times already but laying besides him with both of us wearing nothing but trunks was a new thing for us. 

I can sometimes sense when he is thinking, when he is nervous/uncomfortable, when he is happy and excited just from his foot and toe movements. 

Unlike most macho men, he didnt really hide his emotions, he was almost innocent and youthful with his humour, and could even be giddy at times! He seemed quite an open and honest person to me. I wondered how my mom could have ever let this beautiful man go, despite their difficulties! But I appreciate that men can change and my dad must have changed a hell of a lot in a decade and a half! 

When a girl about my age walked past in a skimpy bikini dad jabbed my elbow and said something like "hey, hats on, boy". I didnt know what he meant. 

He said "one for you to get close to in the pool". 

I forced a laugh and said "yeah... Shes nice". 

He made an inappropriate remark, sort of suggesting that hes not made of wood but. .. well you get the idea. I kinda dropped the subject as I felt uncomfortable pretending to leer at a girl.

Later on we got back to the room, showered and took a walk along the promenade by the beach. We walked past some people including another hot woman. I realized dad was watching me, trying to gauge something. Out of nowhere my dad asked "you're not gay are you?".

My stomach lurched! I never expected the question, especially not here in a public place! I said "no" and asked him why he asked. He kinda shrugged and said "that girl was giving you the look and you didnt even notice she existed". 

I said "yeah I did... i saw her..  I didnt see her giving me a look though.."

Dad looked at me dubiously. I felt his eyes piercing deep into my soul. 

Dad shook his head "you just...never look at girls when we have been out".

I was stumbling but I said "Im straight" defiantly. 

"You sure about that?" dad scoffed. 

I was in total shock and disbelief. He was so matter of fact about it, i wasnt sure if he was just winding me up or being serious. I tried to come clean but all I could say was "Im not... i mean..  Ive not really thought much about it" 

Dad asked "but you've had girlfriends, no?".

I said "sort of.. I dont know, its not really a priority for me right now". 

Dad had a faint smile on his face, like smug satisfaction that he had called it, but his tone of voice seemed a bit defeated "oh Im right aren't I" he replied. 

I just know I was blushing and I kept deflecting "Im not gay!". 

Dad just scoffed again and said "yeah alright". 

Well he obviously knew. I still wasnt ready to explicitly say it but the important thing is we had cleared the air to an extent, and dad seemed totally in support, or rather he simply didnt seem to mind. 

Over dinner the subject was brought up again and dad asked me out the blue if I had ever had a boyfriend. He was wincing as he asked it, like it made him uncomfortable to ask. I told him no (which was true), but this time I didnt deny being gay. Then he started questioning how people know that they are gay before they have ever been with a guy (which isn't STRICTLY true in my case but I could not tell him about masturbating with my friend). 

I said "I dont know, the same way you just inherently know that youre straight". 

Dad creased his nose but said "fair enough".

He stayed on the topic but stopped questioning me (because lets face it, he knew). 

He told me he was not a fan of all the pride stuff or "guys in dresses" but he said he has worked with some gays before and that they were alright guys. 

I felt quite relieved that he was not homophobic like I had suspected. And as Im pretty straight acting I figured that he didn't mind what my sexuality was. 


That night, granted we had been drinking most of the day but we had mostly sobered up, but while dad was undressing he made a comment like "Do I need to be worried about undressing in front of you now?". I rolled my eyes and said "no... dont be stupid". Man that was a lie!

I stripped down to my boxers and got under my bedsheets. 

To my surprise, dad stripped fully naked. It happened so fast, I hadnt expected it at all, but I saw his flaccid cock for a split second! And it looked pretty big! Dad gave it a single, subtle "tug" before getting under the bedsheets.

He was chuckling to himself and he said "I saw you looking there". I defensively said "I wasnt..." 

He said "then why are you blushing?".

I told him to shut up but we both chuckled about it. It was kinda funny how he was trying to wind me up but his humour was unwittingly cutting close to the bone. 

Dad dropped the subject. He turned off the main light so the room was only dimly lit by his bedside lamp. He took out a book and started to read. I needed to go for a pee so I got back up and went for one, closing the door behind me. I finished up, gave it a shake, i pulled my boxers back up and went back into the main room, and my dad was sitting up in bed, his face buried in a book. He peered above it and smiled at me as I walked past. I smiled back... then I looked down and saw something I never expected... a big mound in the sheets between his legs! 

I did a double take.

It was standing several inches above his body, the tip was rounded... It was clearly a boner, and dad didnt make any attempt to hide it! I froze for a moment, my legs turned to jelly, my brain seemed to fry in that moment but I forced myself to continue walking to my bed, pretending that I hadnt noticed it.  

I got into bed. My heart was racing! I didnt know what to do or whether I should mention it.  I got beneath the sheets, sat up and tried to get my breath back... I grabbed my phone and pretended to look at it then I glanced back over, not believing my eyes... but it was beyond any doubt my dad's erect cock and it held its position! I felt my own cock stirring something fierce, just growing stiff because of how hot this was! I lay down but I was facing him, my phone in front of my face to disguise my true intentions. I watched that tent in the sheets, wondering what my dad was doing, why he had a boner and why he didn't try to hide it!  He seemed engrossed in his book so maybe it just happened and maybe he was waiting for it to soften again. But it twitched! And the force of that twitch stretched the bedsheet even more! It twitched again then again. Seemingly on purpose! I knew I shouldn't be seeing this but I was transfixed! I couldn't look away!

I couldnt understand. Why was my dad doing this? My own cock became unstoppably erect too. I felt it throbbing so hard. I couldnt make sense of this situation. 

He must have known that I couldnt do anything about this, not without taking a huge risk. But the smile he gave me when I walked in must have been a sign. 

I decided to give into it. I lay on my back, knowing my hard on would be visible. I let my cock stand out proudly, pushing up the bed sheets in a noticeable tent just like dad's. I could see his tent jumping still. I was making mine jump too. Then I saw dads eyes dart over. I knew he was looking although he was pretending to be engrossed in his book, I saw him glance over again. I was looking too. Dad put the book down. He turned his head to face me and said "nice and comfy?". I almost choked. I lost my nerve and moved my legs up to hide my hard on. I said "yeah... Nice bed".

Dads cock twitched again! He wasn't backing down! 

I trembled but asked "hows your book?"

He replied "good, really good in fact". 

I was like "thats good..."

"its a bit racy" he said. 

"Oh!" I exclaimed, thinking maybe thats what caused his hard on! 

I didnt know what to do. I thought I could show my stiff tent again but my concern was if dad was only hard because of the book then what is my excuse?

 Before I could decide... dad said "I need to go for a piss.." he pushed the sheets off, he stood up in front of me, and I finally saw it... this great big erect cock suspended above me, with a slight bounce in it from the motion of getting up! 

I was looking upon the underside of my dad's thick erection! I saw the bit of skin that connected his shaft to his balls, I saw the contours of his cock, I saw the bulbous tip covered by his foreskin! 

I was speechless and stunned! I was truly shocked by this and completely unprepared! Its like dad was waiting for me to say something or do something! Like he wanted a reaction. But I was paralysed from shock! I was also scared that this was a test, this was maybe a way to find out if Im a gay pervert or something! 

I only had a few seconds to act but I did nothing except stare. 

Dad just walked past me casually and went to the bathroom, his big boner wagging in front of him like a dog's tail. I felt myself sweating. I felt my cock tensening! My eyes hurt probably because of how much they bulged out their sockets! I listened to my dad pissing and wondered if he was pushing down his big hard-on. I felt almost trapped, forced to make a decision for how to proceed, but I was terrified to do the wrong thing. I wasnt ready, I didnt feel safe! 

When he came back, of course I looked at his cock again. I saw that it had softened but still pointing outwards a bit and still wagging as he walked, looking semi-hard. As he came back to bed he stood by my bed for a moment and said "sorry about that" as he looked down at his cock. I just smiled and said "oh..." Like I hadnt noticed (as if). He smirked back then got into bed. "Must have been a really racy chapter" I said. Dad chuckled and turned out the light. "Good night" he muttered. I said it back, with a croaky voice. We lay in darkness a few minutes and I was still wondering if this was going to go anywhere. But after a while dad sounded like he was sleeping. I waited and waited but he didnt stir again. The whole thing shook me up.. I wondered if I had totally misread the situation. I was slightly relieved that I didnt do the things that I wanted to do. I guess I took the safer option. I wasnt sure if I was being tested or if dad was testing the waters with me...sexually. It seemed incredibly out of character! 

But it was late and dad didnt move, so I turned over and despite the cogs whirring in my head, I eventually got to sleep as well.

The next day it was as if nothing had happened. I guess in a way nothing HAD happened. But deep down I knew that he had presented his erect cock for a reason. I just didn't know what that reason was. The same day he had called my sexual orientation into question, it couldn't have been a coincidence. Still I wished I knew his motives!