Prison Protection

by Caliban

26 Aug 2021 11137 readers Score 9.3 (170 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the sparsely populated country where I lived, there was a low-security prison housing several hundred inmates.    

The reason for my revelation; was that I was caught one evening with enough contraband to, possibly send me to this prison. I got a reduced sentence due to my youth and cooperation, without having to spill the beans. In other words, I took the fall. The main perpetrator in this saga was a friend of mine who was already on a suspended sentence. For my ‘assistance’, I received a noteworthy financial incentive from his wealthy father in return. What I naively was not aware of, however, was what lay ahead for me.

Truthfully, I should have recognized the warning signs before my sentencing when I found myself in the cells with a seasoned criminal. As he looked at me, he predicted, “Fuck, buddy, you are going to be in huge shit when you get to the big house. You’re an alpha’s dream come true.”

In my innocence, I replied, “Well, I am not gay, so bad luck to them.”

My cellmate shrugged and started to guffaw at my reply.

All he offered in return was, “Well… Good luck, mate!”

Regrettably, drugs were becoming a real problem in the community, and I was stunned when I received a prison sentence of one year instead of the suspended sentence I was anticipating. Thankfully, the judge added that I could get paroled after six months for good behaviour.

As I got transported to the prison, I was worried. Having fucked up, I only had myself to blame. My cellmate’s mischievous laughter, however, kept resounding in my head. I kept deluding myself that he had exaggerated matters and that I would be fine. After all, I believed I was not gay I would be able to deflect sodomite advances during my incarceration. The prison I was going to was a facility for short-term sentences and men who were nearing the end of their longer terms. I felt sure that they would not screw up their good behaviour records.

As I got inducted into the prison, I had to strip before getting my prison garb. Upon dressing after my uncomfortable naked inspection, the warden informed me that the chief warden of the facility had ordered that I meet him personally. Hoping that I might get special treatment, like a single cell, the invitation overjoyed me.

As I got led away, I asked the warden escorting me, “Is this usual… I mean, do you know why he wants to see me?” I pleasantly inquired.

“No, and no,” was all he gruffly replied.

After knocking on the chief warden’s door, we promptly got invited in.

“McAllister,” the chief warden said, addressing me by my surname, “Please, take a seat.”

As the warden who had escorted me departed, Chief Warden Devlin smiled at me warmly.

“McAllister, I watched your arrival on our monitors and thought that we should have a chat.” Without waiting for a response, he persevered. “Have you ever heard of Podandry sequential hermaphroditism?” he asked.

Finally, able to speak, I answered negatively, not having the faintest clue of what he was asking.

“Mmmm, well, let me sty to explain this to you,” he replied, seeing the confused look on my face.

After placing his hands behind his head, Warden Devlin started speaking.

“Do you know a lot about nature?” he asked.

“No, not really,” I responded.

“Okay… Well, it is a subject that I find fascinating. Did you know that if you put ten male fish in a pond, that after a while, some of them will transform into females in order to breed?”

“No,” I answered in bewilderment.

“Well, in higher animals like us, that is not possible. But, that does not prevent us from emulating their behaviour in extreme circumstances,” Devlin tried to clarify.

I must have looked stupefied by his analogy and sat looking at him blank-faced. 

“Okay, so let me try to explain this to you,” he said with an inflection of kindness. “Do you recall my story about the pond?”

As I proudly nodded, pleased about recollection, Warden Devlin set about his lecture.

“Well, McAllister, in extreme situations, humans can ape the more primitive species in behaviour. Many psychologists have expounded on the sexual needs of humans, and in prison, where there are no females, attractive young males, like yourself, become substitutes. Of course, this does not mean that men become gay in prison, but simply that they adapt to homosexuality to vent to their carnal inclinations. Are you following me?” Warden Devlin reflectively inquired.     

“Well, sir, I am not gay, and so I don’t believe I will need to worry about this,” I calmly retorted.   

“Well, as they say, I think you are listening but not hearing what I am telling you,” the warden concluded.

As I looked at the warden imploringly, he took a breath before elaborating. “McAllister… In the prison system, although we wardens are in charge, we are not in control. In short, you will need protection.”

“What does that mean?” I suspiciously asked.

“Well, there is a man called Ned, Ned Collins, whom I believe will be your best option. I am not sure what Ned’s sexual partialities are, but I know that he will be a great protector for you. If he takes you under his wing, nobody else will touch you in here,” Warden Devlin resolved.

“But what if he…?” I tried to ask before the warden interrupted me.

“Boy, this is prison. In short, if Ned turns out to be an alpha daddy, you have either the option of him or a pack of hyenas hunting you down. In any case, I have decided to pair you up with him in his cell. I am sure he will explain everything better than I can. My advice is not to get ahead of yourself and accept my sensible option. Prison can be brutal,” the warden finalized as he summoned Warden Jeremy, the warden who had delivered me back into the room.   

 “Put him in the cell with Ned,” Warden Devlin then confirmed.

My journey to my new abode was overwhelmed with nervousness. When I finally opened saw my cellmate, I almost had a heart attack.

Ned was the most thuggish-looking man I had ever seen. Tattoos adorned Ned’s entire body, and the swirling mass of ink on his face made him look like an unworldly apparition. My knees grew weak as I got ushered into my new ‘home.’ As Warden Jeremy finally departed, I collapsed on my bunk, staring blankly at the ghoul across from me. 

With a smirk on his face, Ned looked at me and said, “You are in luck because I do not eat human flesh.”

As I formulated his statement, hoping that it was prison humour, I fearfully stared at him.

Within seconds, my morbid fascination got interrupted as Warden Devlin appeared before the cell.

As Warden Devlin’s eyes scanned the cell, he bellowed that he wanted the grid opened. Next, he summoned Ned to follow him. After they were out of earshot, I heard the distant din of their interaction.

Several minutes later, when Ned re-entered the cell, the gates again closed. 

Once Ned got comfortable across from me, and after what seemed like an eternity, he spoke.

“Looks like the boss wants me to be your protector,” Ned declared. As my heart leaped for joy, however, the swords of Damocles fell. 

“Although I will not allow the hyenas to attack you, at Devlin’s request, what happens in this cell is up to me,” Ned succinctly informed me.

Even though I was shitting myself, an inner bravado made me declare, “I am not gay!”

“Mmm,” he chuckled before contemptuously adding, “Well, boy, few of us are gay.  The thing is that there are no freebies in life, so you’ll have to pay your way,” Ned succinctly concluded.

In a relaxed manner, Ned then added, “Although I won’t force to tonight, when we shower tomorrow afternoon I’ll let you get a good look at the hyena pack, so you can assess your options. Just remember that at my signal after that, I have to power to unleash them on you the next time we shower. It’s your call, Dustin,” he announced, surprisingly using my first name.

That night as I watched him, he got naked and had a piss before flopping onto his bed. As I looked at the abnormally large appendage dangling between his legs, my nervousness substantially escalated. In my naivety, I hoped that I would again be able to appeal to Warden Devlin the following day.

When I did approach Warden Jefferies after lunch and asked to see the chief Warden, Warden Jefferies looked at me contemptuously, “Are you stupid, boy? Everything you need to know, Chief Warden Devlin has explained to you. You fucked up, and now it is time to take the shame.”

As I stood before him blubbering, Jefferies solidly took hold of my arm and led me to a room off the laundry area. After locking the door behind us, he pushed a piece of towelling in my mouth and turned my body before pulling my trousers down. With my arms pinned behind my back, I soon felt his cock knocking at my back door. Before I could process what was happening, a sharp pain heralded his entry into my backside. As Jefferies rammed his dick into my arse, I was at his mercy.

“So, pretty boy, am I explaining things better to you than Chief Warden Devlin?”

After my initial discomfort, I found myself coping with the ‘agony.’

After our initial ‘brutal’ encounter, Jefferies regularly fucked me afterward.  I also believe that he was responsible for initiating my future predilection for m2m sex.

The thug that I got paired up with, however, was my real problem. I knew that he would become my nightly reality. My fate seemed preordained, and I knew Ned would make me his bitch.

That evening when Ned and I hit the showers, I awaited the overview that I knew would follow. Unlike Jefferies, Ned did not appeal to me. Ned was coarse and uncouth. Outside of prison, he was like the kind of thug that one would go to great lengths to avoid. Here, however, he was the master of my short-term destiny.

As we stood in the showers under the nozzles, the sounds of cackling of hyenas revelling in the distress of their potential prey materialized about me. As I looked into Ned’s eyes, there was a potent ultimatum of what my decision would be. I had never felt so isolated in my life. The intensity of his gaze issued his final warning.  

As I nodded at him, the scoundrel pack scattered as he roared, “This is my bitch, and you’d better not lay a hand on him.” Like miscreants outnumbered by a superior force, they dispersed with their tails between their legs.

I knew it was a pyrrhic victory for me, but I had no option. This inked ogre had trapped me, and I was now at his mercy.

Upon returning to our cell, I felt hopeless. As I helplessly sat on my bunk, Ned said, “There are two ways this can play out. Both suit me. Option one… Is the gentle approach. Option two… However, will the hard approach. It’s your choice, boy.”

As I began to blub, he chuckled and said, “Tears aren’t going to work, baby.”

With tears streaming down my face, Ned arose and walked to the toilet bowl before arrogantly unleashing a torrent of piss, before flopping his dick about afterward, in a salacious manner.

“I like a bitch who gives good head, baby. You’d better get your jaw ready to suck my dick properly.”

I felt total disdain as I looked at him contemptuously, hating his superciliousness. Unperturbed, Ned smiled at me lustfully. After lights out, the outside security lights still illuminated our cell.

When I saw his paw beckoning me over, I remained motionless in a final act of insolence.

“Listen, baby, if you want the second option I mentioned earlier, it’s not going to be pleasant,” Ned warned.

Reluctantly, I arose and moved towards him. As I stood motionless and fearful, he rose and placed his left icky hand behind my neck. Although we had showered earlier, his stench reminded me of the pong of the boys at school who had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks. They always had an engrained and almost overpowering blue-collar stench seemed to pervade their bodies.   

In another act of rebelliousness, I kept my mouth tightly closed. Ned’s enormous right hand then moved upward, and with his thumb and middle finger compressing my cheeks, he forced my lips asunder. As his thick tongue invaded my mouth, I was defeated.

Gradually, I got forced to relinquish my resistance as his invasion overwhelmed me. When my arms and hands rested on his shoulders to anchor my body, Ned began murmuring his approval.

“Yes, baby, this is what daddy wants,” he cooed.

Comprehensively beaten, my body got coerced onto his bunk with my body cocooned beneath his frame.

Ned now recommenced kissing me fervently as his body swayed above me. After one, then the next of my legs got anchored in his elbows, Ned started prodding my backside with his immense cock. I gasped as his phallus occupied my portal. Unlike Jefferies’s invasion, Ned’s entry was surprisingly comfortable because my arse had been primed earlier that day. In addition, Ned was in no hurry and leisurely plowed my arse sensually. Mixed emotions now overcame me. First Jefferies, and now Ned was stirring feelings I never knew I had, and I wondered if I had been suppressing homosexual cravings all my life. 

Jesus,’ I thought, ‘this bully is a turning into a love machine… How come am I enjoying this?

With every thrust from Ned, I fell into an erotic abyss and I was experiencing a horniness I never believed possible. His cocooning body was magnificent, and his ceaseless stabbing was driving me wild with lust. Although I would have been happy getting fucked the rest of the night, after twenty minutes, Ned reached his climax as his body juddered above me.

As Ned’s sweaty body commenced lifting, he let out a roguish chuckle and said, “I believe you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

“Yes, daddy,” I coyly whimpered.

As he stood next to me, Ned commanded me to sit up straight. With his foamy cock dangling before me, he said, “You know what to do, boy, now get to it.”

When I started licking his dick, a heavenly smell of crotch and spunk assailed my nostrils. As I glanced upward, there was a look of lustful dominance in his eyes. Upon reaching my final assignment and retracting his foreskin, the pungent odour tantalized rather than appalled me. It was as though I was imbibing the very essence of this man. 

Ned now took control of my head, manipulating it in his hands like a precious object. His semi-erect cock also speedily again began stiffening.

As his right hand moved to the back of my neck and the index finger of his left hand pushed down on my bottom teeth, he asked, “Have you ever been skull-fucked before?”

“No,” I whimpered with excitement.

“Okay, baby boy, now do exactly what daddy tells you, because this cock is going all the way.”

Oh, Jesus, this is going to kill me,’ I mentally panicked.

Fortunately, Ned was very gentle initially. Bit by bit, he allowed me to grow accustomed to the enormous serpent infiltrating my mouth and throat, all the while murmuring encouragement. Every time I became flustered, he would back off slightly, but the firmness of his hands left me doubtless that he was going to fulfill his mission.

By the time his dick was three-quarters in, I was drooling like a faucet as I moved onto my knees.

“Relax your fuckin’ throat,” Ned kept intoning as the incursion progressed.

I amazed myself as my throat finally capitulated to his total invasion. Ned now began crooning in ecstasy as his hips rhythmically settled into a comfortable momentum. I was in heaven and loving my first face-fucking. Like n subservient bitch, my hands clamp onto his gyrating hips.

After several minutes, I got rewarded as I felt my mouth coated with a fountain of jizz. In the excitement, I had also begun tugging on my dick.

Once Ned had removed his dick, he lifted my body and placed me on my back. Ned’s head now zeroed in on my dick and commenced vigorously sucking my cock.

“Tell me when you’re gonna cum,” he instructed.  

Ned then cruelly commenced a routine of removing his mouth every time I became too excited and forcing me to cool down before licking my balls and rimming my arse before his next oral onslaught. This ‘torture’ endured despite my desperate pleas for release.

“You cum when I tell you, boy,” he barked.

The more I whined and pleaded, the more inflexible Ned became, even severely slapping my cock and balls to stress his point.

When my body commenced trembling with exhaustion, Ned picked me up and threw me lengthwise on the bed on my stomach.

“Now I’m going to fuck you hard until you cum,” Ned roared as he slammed his dick into me.

The jackhammering that followed was manic, but I did not mind because the friction of my cock against the blanket soon had me reaching the point of no return. As my balls exploded, I did not tell for fear of annoying Ned. My relief, however, got tempered by the thrashing my arsehole was taking. When Ned finally unloaded, our breathing had become ragged. I had just had the ultimate sexual experience.

After that, my prison protector became my hero, and my nightly sessions were the highlight of my life. As my jaw yielded to his enormity daily, my olfactory senses succumbed to his pungent masculinity; his powerful hands not only controlled my head but also traversed my body in an all-encompassing cocoon of domination. As my arse burned with delight, he slapped me into submission. I had never believed that daddy-love could be so intoxicating. 

My passive whimpers in the cell every night garnered looks of respect from other prisoners every day.

In a Shakespearian conclusion, ‘All’s Well That Ends Well,’ Ned and I went on to live a happy life together after prison. Months before his prison incarceration ended, his wife divorced him, and after our prison sentences ended, Ned and I moved in together.

Fortunately, there was no animosity with his ex, and Ned maintained a good relationship with his two sons.

Additionally, my parents took to Ned wholeheartedly and comfortably accepted my new lifestyle. Ironically, my father never stopped thanking Ned for being my prison protector.

by Caliban

Email: [email protected]

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