Physical Therapy

by Greg Stevens

20 Apr 2022 5288 readers Score 9.5 (99 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Mom purchased the suit, and we had the salesman measure it for alterations before we left the store to go home.

 “Duffy, my office” Coach Carlson bellowed into the locker room after practice. “Fuck” I said, out loud trying to get my sweaty gear off before hitting the shower. “Yes coach” I said, trying not to sound aggravated as I entered his office. “Close the door” Coach said, looking pretty serious. I closed the door and stepped further into the room. “How are your physical therapy sessions going?” He asked. “Good” I replied, not giving away any details. “Dr. Kennedy tells me the sessions have been very good” Coach said, emphasizing the words “ very good.”  I felt a bit dizzy. Did he know something? “You ok Duffy? You look pale” Coach asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I should get showered. I have a class to get to Coach” I said, turning to the door. “Go ahead Duffy” Coach said, without another word.

“Room 1 today, Brian. Take off your clothes and I will be right in.” Dr. Kennedy said as I walked into the lobby. He was in the process of finishing up with another patient. I walked into room 1 and began getting undressed. “Let’s get you up on the table” Dr. Kennedy said, walking into the room. He was wearing khakis and a navy-blue polo shirt like always. A part of me wanted him to say something about the mall.

“Remove your shorts so we don’t get them wet” Dr. Kennedy said, then moved to the large pan that contained the wet heat pack, he wrapped it in a towel and laid it on my lower back, then began moving around the room getting things ready. A few minutes later he removed the warm pack, and I squeezed the cold liquid onto my back before he began massaging it in. I could feel my dick getting hard under me as he began manipulating the muscles of my lower back to the top of my butt.

“Does it feel good?” Dr. Kennedy asked. The question caught me off guard as he never asked normally. “Yeah” I said, my face down through the hole at the end of the table. I felt some of the slick liquid trail down my ass crack as he continued to massage. The cold liquid slowly ran down further into my crack and felt a bit like something crawling over me. Then Dr. Kennedy began to move lower on my back to the top of my butt applying different types of pressure as he went. Then his fingers began to move towards the crack of my ass, and my body shuddered with anticipation.

His hands continued massaging my butt, with his fingers slowly moving towards the center. The anticipation caused my breathing to become a bit deeper. His palms slid easily over the muscled masses of my butt, while his fingers carelessly slid into the crack, teasing my hole. His hands moved more inward, and his fingers touched my hole more intentionally sliding over the puckered hole then stopping and pressing on the opening. I loved the way it made me feel when his finger began to gently prod the hole. I moved my legs a bit wider to give Dr. Kennedy easier access.

Dr. Kennedy teased my hole for only a few more seconds, then moved his hands back up my back, leaving me feeling frustrated and anxious. He continued moving up and I could sense his body moving to the top of the table as he began to work my shoulders. “Move up closer to the end of the table” Dr. Kennedy said, reaching under my arms and pulling me towards him. I pulled my head from the hole in the massage table and as I lifted it, I saw that Dr. Kennedy’s pants were open and his cock was exposed and hard.

I looked up at Dr. Kennedy and he grinned at me. Then he moved forward so that the tip of his hard dick touched my lips. “Suck it boy” He said softly. There was something about him calling me boy that both irritated and excited me. He called me “boy” in the dressing room when he made me suck his dick. For a moment I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but the throbbing in my dick pretty much made the decision for me as I slowly opened my mouth to let him slide into me.

Dr. Kennedy’s dick was rock hard and there was a sweet salty bit of precum at the tip that rolled over my lips and tongue as his dick slowly entered my mouth. “Oh yeah boy that feels great” Dr. Kennedy said, placing his hands on my shoulders to steady himself. Dr. Kennedy continued to push his dick further into my mouth, careful not to hit the back of my throat and cause me to gag. “Yeah, good boy. Relax and take my dick” He moaned.

I bobbed my head forward and back drawing Dr. Kennedy’s dick into my mouth and at the same time grind my hard dick against the padded massage table. “Relax” Dr. Kennedy said, and I felt him apply pressure to my shoulders. His strong hands held me tight to the table. I reached up with one hand and began to run it under his balls. This caused Dr. Kennedy to moan. Then I felt something that didn’t register at first; it was a hand on my ass, running very gently down my crack.

My mind went wild as I realized there was someone else in the room with us. Someone touched my hole. I tried to pull my mouth off Dr. Kennedy’s dick to see who the stranger was, but he held me still. “Relax boy, it’s ok” He said. Panic began to set in. Who was touching me? Who did Dr. Kennedy include in this and why did he do it without asking me? Dr. Kennedy held my head so that I couldn’t pull my mouth from his dick as a strange hand began to feel my ass and slide fingers over my hole.

The unknown hand felt good, but I was still feeling anxious and trapped by Dr. Kennedy and this other person. “It’s a great ass” I heard Dr. Kennedy say. “Very nice” replied the male voice. It was a deep masculine voice that somehow sounded familiar. Dr. Kennedy continued to slide his dick in and out of my mouth while the stranger continued to touch and prod my hole with his finger. Slowly he began to slide his finger inside my hole. Once again, the initial feeling was fullness, not really pain.

Deeper and deeper his finger went inside me, then he began to slide it out and back in. As my hole relaxed the feeling became more intense, sending waves of energy through my body. Then the stranger pulled his finger out and placed a hand on each of my legs and pushed them to the edges of the table. Then I felt something warm and wet. The stranger was licking my ass. I felt a scruffy beard as the warm tongue licked my hole. I opened my mouth allowing Dr. Kennedy’s dick to slide out and let out a loud involuntary moan.

“I think he likes it” Dr. Kennedy said to the stranger who was poking my hole with his tongue. I did like it, but I wanted to know who it was. I took Dr. Kennedy’s dick back into my mouth as the stranger continued to push his tongue deeper into my hole. The feeling was amazing, and it made my body shudder from the feeling. The stranger repositioned himself, moving his mouth from my hole. Slowly he placed kisses that felt prickly from his beard on my lower back. He continued moving his mouth and body higher until I could feel his body lightly grazing mine.

“Do it” Dr. Kennedy said, and I felt the stranger reach between us, then I felt his dick slide down the length of my crack. Pure shock and horror came over me as the head of his dick pushed into my hole. “No no no” I said almost as a yell. I pulled my head back as I tried to move from under the stranger. “Relax. Take a deep breath” Dr. Kennedy said, lowering himself so that his face was close to mine. “You are going to love this” he added. There was a comforting smile on his face that helped somewhat.

While the stranger pushed his dick slowly inside me, Dr. Kennedy took my face in his hands and began to slowly kiss my lips. I was breathing hard from the fullness in my ass, but his kiss was soft and comforting. A part of me wanted to beg him to make it stop, and another part liked the feeling of the man’s dick inside me. “That’s a good boy” Dr. Kennedy said, then continued kissing my lips.

I felt the weight of the man’s body as he laid on top of me. He placed one hand on my side to prop himself up then he began to move forward pushing his dick deeper into me. Slowly he pulled back, then pushed forward again. Sweat coated our bodies as he continued to slowly gyrate inside my ass. The fear washed away as the amazing feeling filled my ass and emanated throughout my body. Each thrust sent waves from the center of my body over my skin.

I took a few breaths and relaxed even more. As I relaxed the stranger began to fuck me harder. Dr. Kennedy took this opportunity to stand up and insert his dick back into my mouth. My body was wracked with intense pleasure as I eagerly sucked his hard cock. The stranger fucking my virgin hole with growing intensity.

“Fuck I am going to fill your ass boy” I heard the stranger say. He began to grunt and groan and shove his dick into me more erratically. “Fuck you have a great ass” I heard him, grunt as he continued to fuck me. Dr. Kennedy began to shove his dick in my mouth almost matching the pace of the stranger. “Suck it boy. I’m going to cum” Dr. Kennedy said, and warm cum hit the back of my throat. “I am going to cum too” I heard the stranger say, almost at the same time. He shoved his dick deep inside and let out a loud moan.

Warm cum shot into my mouth while the stranger filled my ass. The sensation was crazy and intense. Both men breathed deeply as the powerful orgasms slowly subsided. Dr. Kennedy let his dick slip from my mouth and an arc of cum trailed his dickhead. The stranger propped himself up and I felt him slide his hard dick slowly out of my ass leaving my hole feeling cold and stretched. Dr. Kennedy came around the side of the table and bent down to kiss me. His tongue probed my mouth as he worked to taste his cum.

As Dr. Kennedy continued kissing me, he gently began rolling me over onto my back on the padded table. Then Dr. Kennedy lifted his head and moved away to reveal the stranger. “Fuck” I said to myself as the face came clearly into view. The bearded man smiled as he moved closer. “That was hot Duffy” the stranger said, and I stared in disbelief at the Coach.

I tried to form words, but I was in shock and disbelief. While Dr. Kennedy held me, the Coach bent down and swallowed my dick. I watched as it disappeared in the bearded mouth, and he began to suck my hard cock. Lights flashed in my eyes as the warmth of Coach’s mouth engulfed my hard wet cock. Dr. Kennedy began running his hands over my chest and playing with my nipples. I shut my eyes as the sensations washed over me and I could feel my orgasm begin to build.

I was getting very close, and I tried to make it last. I reached forward and placed my hands on the Coach’s head, running my fingers through his soft hair. Coach moaned and sucked my dick even deeper into his mouth. His bearded chin tickled my balls. “Coach I’m going to cum” I moaned. Dr. Kennedy covered my mouth with his as my dick began to unload into Coach’s mouth.

My body was enveloped in the most intense feelings of pleasure. It almost felt uncontrollable at least for the few seconds of great intensity. Coach continued sucking every drop out of me, then the feeling began to subside, and it felt a bit ticklish. “Stop” I said, trying to place my hand between his mouth and my dick. Coach stopped and lifted his head and a blob of cum clung to his dark beard. Coach smiled and bent forward, Dr. Kennedy leaned past me, and the 2 men began to kiss while I watched. “That was hot” Coach said, getting up off the table. I had never seen him naked before. Coach had a muscled body that was coated in soft dark hair. His dick, even semi hard, was big and bobbed in front of him as he started to get dressed.

“Glad to see your physical therapy is going well Duffy” Coach said, with a smile, then bent forward and gave me a quick, rough kiss, driving his thick tongue into my mouth. Then he kissed Dr. Kennedy and left the office.

by Greg Stevens

Email: [email protected]

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