Out of the Blue

by AJ

5 Sep 2022 605 readers Score 9.3 (30 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Sean was incredulous – “Steph you mean to tell me that this damn dinner/dance is black tie, when were you going to inform me of that? I have nothing to wear and I’ll be damned if I’m showing up in a suit with these two studs in tuxes ain’t happening. Fuck correction, three studs. Shit, fuck…UGGHHH.”

Steph was laughing openly at her husband – ‘Calm the fuck down. When was the last time that I let you go out with me where you would embarrass me? Right NEVER. Your Tux is in the bag in the car.  Now as for you Mr. Finn O’Malley – I don’t give two shits what’s going on in your life. I have been your best friend since you were born which means that you need to do me the courtesy of answering my fucking texts or phone calls when they come in and not ignoring me for 12 ½ hours. Do you understand me or do I need to use smaller words?”

Finn was at the end of his rope with the two pregnant women in front of him – “Let’s be clear here, Steph/Nut I love you both but I’m not going to just follow you around like a puppy. Steph, you knew the plan. Meet here at 2 PM have lunch with the family get ready together and head over to the dinner/dance together. The limo will be here at 5:30 PM. The only thing that has changed is that the limo will have 3 more people in it and yes, I did change it to a stretch.

Nut, you can kiss my ass. My blowjob comment was a joke. Nate got it and for fucks sake you have known me longer than anyone here – I would never get involved in someone’s marriage especially given what shit show mine turned out to be. Don’t you dare try to deflect, you thought the worst and I’m not sure I’m ready to make up just yet.

Nate put your clothes in the closet and meet me downstairs to grab some lunch. I need to make sure the kids are not driving Mama nuts.”

With that Finn walked out with his shirt in hand. Steph and Rose tried to get him to talk with them but he ignored them both. When he got to the kitchen his Mama knew something was up – “Bug, what’s going on and don’t tell me nothing?”

Finn smiled at his Mama – “It will be fine but Steph and Nut annoyed the shit out of me. I’ll get over it but I am not going to let their crap screw up my night.”

Quinn took the shirt from Finn – “Go hang with your babies, they always brighten your day. I’ll toss this in the washer to rinse it out.”

Finn made his way to the family room and was immediately swarmed by his little ones. Rory hugged his Daddy – “What’s wrong Daddy?” Finn chuckled – Rory was just like him, more intuitive than the other two – “I’m good. Just a little tired. Show me you’re coloring.”

All three kids squealed and opened a page for their Daddy to look at and he praised them all. He did make some suggestions on using more colors. They all opened new pages and started to color with their Daddy’s input. Harper asked her Daddy if he wanted to color because she would share. Finn thanked her and let her know he would grab some paper from the office and color his own picture so that they could all have a book of their own works.

When Finn returned, Nate was sitting with the kids and they were showing him their works of art. They all thanked him again for the books. The kids were very comfortable with Nate and he looked like he was holding his own, Finn knew in his heart this is the one area that would kill any relationship he ever tried to start. His partner would have to be a good parent and love his kids or it was over. Things were looking good right now.

Finn sat on the floor between Owen and Harper and asked to borrow some crayons. All the kids told their Daddies to use what he needed, so he let them know he appreciated them and would use the colors they weren’t. He started in on a picture – his three little ones. Nate was so engrossed in what Finn was doing that he did not notice Rose, Jarod, Steph, and Sean enter the room – “Finn, what else are you good at? That is phenomenal and it is with the large crayons.”

The other four were trying to get a view of the drawing, Finn turned it over and looked them in the eyes – “What do you want?” Nate took Finn’s hand and squeezed it letting him know he was there.

Rose waded in – “I’m sorry Finn. You are right I overreacted and should know better. I would blame it on pregnancy hormones but that is a cop-out. I was wrong and I’m sorry.” Jarod was next – “Finn, I’m sorry too I should not have let my insecurity of being out to your parents impact my knowledge of who you are. I love you like a brother and I’m truly sorry.”

Steph was shifting from foot to foot. Sean nudged her but before she could speak Finn laughed – “Sean, your wife is a pain in the behind that nudge is not going to get her to speak until she is ready. She knows she is wrong otherwise she would not be standing here.”

Steph was annoyed – “Fuck you.” Harper reacted quickly – “Aunty Steph that is a bad word and you should not say that…”

Steph was gob-smacked – “Harper, Rory, and Owen I’m sorry for my foul mouth. Finn, I am not wrong, you should have answered my calls/texts.”

Finn laughed out loud – “You are so full of it. If you truly believed you were right you would be waiting upstairs for me to come and apologize. You are an adult and you knew full well that I was meeting Nate this morning for breakfast and I told you that I hoped it would head in a good direction. I also told you that I would tell you everything when I was able to do so. You don’t like waiting; I get that but you were wrong to lose it and yell at me. You know it, I know it and everyone here knows it.”

Steph turned and went back upstairs. Finn looked at Jarod and Rose – “Thank you for apologizing. The one thing to know is that the agreement from before about controlling the weekend is off the table. We will be making decisions as a group so that we all have a great time. I love you both.

Sean, you have your work cut out with that one. Just know it is definitely worth the effort. Know that I am not apologizing as she is wrong. Why don’t you grab your clothes bags and take them up to the guest room on the third floor?”

Sean fetched their clothes and made his way to the third floor – the home was incredible. The third floor had a central area with three bedrooms on each side of the family area. He knew Finn’s room was to the right at the end of the hall, so he assumed Rose’s would be at the opposite end. While he was trying to determine where to put their clothes, Steph came out of a bedroom left side of the main area. He made his way to her and asked where he should put their clothes. When he got close enough, he realized she had been crying.

Sean threw their clothes bags over the back of one of the couches – “Baby, what’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself?”

Steph looked at him and started sobbing. He scooped her up and carried her back into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed, retrieved their clothes, and sat with her on the bed – “Steph you are making me crazy, what is going on?”

Steph finally looked Sean in the eyes – “I’m being stupid. Everything Finn said was true; I realized on the way up here that I was jealous of Nate. He is taking time away from me and Finn and I got my feelings hurt because Finn is no longer at my beacon call. Let me finish.

I know Finn will always be my best friend and will be there for me whenever it counts but for the last 2 years, he has picked up on the first ring and answered a text within seconds and I know that is gone now and it hurts.”

Sean hugged Steph to his chest – “Babe, I know you are going through a lot of emotions right now with Finn and being pregnant. Keep in mind that you didn’t always pick up on the first ring or answer texts immediately over the last two years. Hold on…

You have been and will continue to be Finn’s best friend and you two will work through the new normal but you have to give him the room to be happy. Nate makes Finn happy; you can see it in his eyes, his smile, and that dopey look he gets when he is watching Nate interact with others. It is the same look I know I get on my face when I’m watching you with others.

Final comment and then we are going downstairs and have a blast with our friends – you were the one to force the two of them together. You knew about both Nate and Finn’s sexuality; so, I have to assume you wanted them together. You need to take this as a huge win – Finn is moving back with us and we will be able to raise our kids together and I’ll bet you that you will be the best man at his wedding to Nate. I love you more than life itself, now dry your eyes, apologize to Finn and let’s get this party started.”

Sean kissed Steph with all the love and passion he could muster and held her tightly to his body. When they broke apart Steph pinched his sides – “I love you with all my heart. You know – Finn is right you are a little soft around the middle. Maybe you and Finn can hit the gym when we all get settled.”

Sean smacked Steph’s butt – “Now there’s my charming and adorable wife.”

Sean and Steph entered the large kitchen and eating area where everyone was dishing up barbecue, salads, and vegetables. Steph asked Finn if she could help get the kids’ plates ready and Finn handed her one of the two, he had in his hands – “Help Harper, thank you for the assist.”

Steph knelt next to Harper, kissed her cheek, and asked her if there was anything special, she wanted for lunch. Harper made sure to get lots of corn. Steph told Harper she was on it. The kids’ plates were put on the table with the booster chairs. They dug in after thanking Nate, Finn, and Steph for fixing their plates.

The three adults filled their plates and went to find a place to sit. There were two seats open at the table and two at the bar. Nate leaned into Finn and whispered – ‘Take Steph to the bar, she wants to talk and it is more private.’ He kissed Finn on the cheek.

Finn nodded to Steph that there were seats at the bar. They took their seats and started eating their barbecue. Finn was not going to make this easy on Steph, everyone knew she was out of line and it was her move.

Nate sat next to Rose at the table. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “What was that for?”

Rose smiled and kissed his cheek again – “For loving my brother enough to let him have time to fix a problem with his best friend.”

Nate turned a bit red and Rose didn’t miss a beat – “You are so gone for him, aren’t you?” All Nate could do was nod his head. The emotions of the last 16 years were threatening to come through so he focused on eating. Quinn heard the exchange as she approached the table and sat next to Nate.

Quinn sat next to him and took his hand in hers – “The few doubts I had about the two of you were just put to rest. As far as I’m concerned you are part of this family and are one of my four kids. Know that I have your back just as much as Finn, Rose, or Jarod.” With that, she wiped the tear that escaped Nate’s eye and kissed his cheek.

None of the exchanges had gone unnoticed by Finn, who was getting a bit frustrated with Steph at the moment. His appetite was gone so he got up with his plate and walked to the sink dumping the food into a compost bin. He then went to check on his kids who were doing a good job of eating. He kissed each of them on the top of their head and excused himself from the room.

The back door could be heard opening and closing. Sean blew – “Stephanie Marie Sullivan O’Reilly get your ass out of that chair and apologize for being an ass. NOW!

Everyone, I’m sorry for my outburst. I’m going to go find a hotel as I am at a loss for her behavior. I hope you all have a great time at the reunion.”

With that, Sean got up from the table, cleaned his plate, and headed for the door. Steph tried to stop him from leaving but he told her he needed time and left. Quinn was in the back hall before the door clicked shut. She took Stephanie into her office for a talk.

When Sean came storming out of the house he ran right into Finn and if it weren’t for Finn grabbing him, he would have fallen on his ass. Finn chuckled – “Sean what is going on with you?”

Sean was near breaking but he was pissed – “My wife is being a total and utter bitch right now and I can’t be in the same airspace she is in. I’m going to a hotel and will figure things out tomorrow.”

Finn was floored – “Hold the phone bud, you are not walking out and going to a hotel. You are better than that. I understand you need to cool off before having an adult conversation with Steph but you are not going to act like my kids when they don’t get their way immediately. Let’s go for a walk and you can cool down.”

Finn sent a text to Nate – ‘Hey Natty – I love you. Sean is on fire so I’m going to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Make sure Steph is ok.’

Nate immediately replied – ‘Hey stud – I love you too. Are you ok? I will check on Steph but I need to know you are ok.’

Finn – ‘You keep that up and I’m going to come back to the house and take you to my room for some adult time. I’m good, really.’

Nate – ‘I’ll be naked, on all fours in the middle of your bed when you get back.’

Finn – ‘Deal. I’ll text you when I get home so you can be ready.’

Nate – ‘😉’

Sean was watching Finn during this exchange and saw the total change in his demeanor. When he put his phone back in his pocket Finn noticed Sean smirking at him – “What?”

Sean chuckled – “You have it bad my friend. Hold on, it is great to see you this happy. I know you get great joy from your kids but watching you date for the last 2 years it was clear that no one made you truly happy. I see that with Nate and I’m happy for you.”

Finn winked at Sean – “Thank you, my friend. I have never felt this totally consumed with anyone else. If I’m honest about it, I was pissed at Steph when we were in 7th grade because she was dating the person, I was interested in. Then the fucker started bullying me so I thought well ‘fuck you’. I honestly thought Beth was the one I would spend my life with but I still never had these feelings about her.

Fuck I’m happy.”

Sean and Finn walked throughout the neighborhood and talked about everything and nothing at all. Both of their phones were blowing up with texts from Steph. Finn stopped walking took out his phone and sent a simple text to both Sean and Steph – ‘Steph, you need to relax. We will be back within 30 minutes. You need to give us both the time to calm down before we have any further conversations. To be clear – the ball is in your court.’

Sean and Finn continued the walk throughout the neighborhood and their conversation about the future. They walked down the block and were finally back at Finn’s parents’ home. They both took a deep breath and went in through the back entrance. They had decided that Finn would go first regardless of what Steph wanted.

They entered the kitchen where everyone was talking and hanging out with the kids. Finn looked directly at Steph and told her to follow him upstairs. She started in – “I need to talk to Sean.” Finn stopped right in front of her – “Listen carefully. You are on thin ice with both of us and we decided how this was going to go down. You need to park your attitude and take your medicine. Let’s go. Sean, give us 10 minutes and you can join us.”

When they hit the third-floor family area, Finn sat in one of the oversized chairs and stared at Steph. She looked like a deer in the headlights. Finn just stared at her for a beat – “Steph, I love you with my entire being. You have been my best friend from the day I was born. That said, you have been a raving bitch for a while now and I am not going to just roll with it. You need to step up and take responsibility for your lack of friendship.”

Finn stopped talking. Steph had tears in her eyes but mustered on – “Finn, I’m truly sorry. You have been a fixture in my life for so long that I just assume you are going to go along with whatever I want to do. You have always been so accommodating to my bitchiness and you caught me off guard today when you pushed back.

I got what I wanted with you and Nate. I pushed the two of you together because I saw the glint in your eyes the first night at the hotel. I want you to be happy. I know I haven’t shown that today and for that, I’m truly sorry. I finally have you back after 16 years of just living. Your eyes are sparkling like they did when we were growing up. That sparkle has been gone for so long that I missed it until the other night at the hotel. I saw that shiver run down your spine and I was jealous at first and then I thought what the hell is wrong with me – so I pushed you together.

I am sorry that I was a bitch about you not responding to me quickly enough. I was hoping for the best but I was wigging out a bit that things went sideways.

Will you forgive me?”

Finn chuckled – “Steph there is nothing you can do to completely shut our friendship down. I cut you out for a few months in 7th grade and it was the worst time of my life. I won’t go there again. I just need you to realize I have a life and while you are a huge part of that, there are other aspects to it. You have to trust our relationship enough to know I will be there until one of us is gone from this earth.”

Steph jumped up and launched herself at Finn. She was crying on his shoulder when Sean hugged her from behind. He whispered in her ear – ‘Thank you, my dear.’ “Let’s get back to the party now that things are back on track.”

Steph turned to Sean – “I need to apologize…” Sean put his finger on her lips – “Steph you did when you made things right with Finn. My frustration with you was because you were pig-headed. I heard everything you said to Finn. We talked about how we were going to manage you and that was for him to take point and I would stand at the top of the stairs and listen. You took care of the business at hand, so it’s done.”

They all hugged again and headed down to the family room. When they walked in the conversation continued and they folded into it without missing a beat. Finn noticed that the drawing he did of the kids was now in a frame on the fireplace mantel. Quinn was watching her son as he walked to the drawing – “You can look but you touch that and I’ll break your fingers, my dear boy.”

Finn turned to his Mama as he picked up the drawing – “You are such a liar. You would no more hurt me than you would one of my kids.” Finn took the picture out of the frame and Quinn was going crazy but Finn told her to relax. He picked up a crayon and signed the picture and put it back in the frame. He turned to his Pops – “How the hell do you deal with all of that all of the time?”

Owen didn’t miss a beat – “She’s great in the sack.”

Rose groaned – “Pops that is way too much information for a pregnant woman to hear.”

Owen took the opportunity – “Rose/Jarod, I have to say I’m disappointed in how you handled your pregnancy and marriage. We would have loved the opportunity to support you as you got married. Please don’t shut us out anymore.”

Jarod placed his hand on Rose’s and squeezed – “Mr. O’Malley…” Owen interrupted – “It’s Dad, Pops, or Owen.”

Jarod continued – “Pops, the secrecy was my fault. I wanted to have a simple ceremony and didn’t want my mom getting all over the wedding. It would have turned into a 3-ring circus and I didn’t want that. I now know that you and Mama are not that way. I’m truly sorry for keeping this all quiet, it won’t happen again and I’ll deal with my overzealous mom.”

Finn jumped in – “Mama/Pops when Nate and I get married it will be a simple ceremony with family only. You will know when that will happen but to be clear it will be simple and small, are we clear?”

Nate was gob-smacked – “Hold the phone here, what if I want a huge wedding?”

Finn laughed loudly – “Ouch, Mama what the heck was that for?”

Quinn shook her head at her son – “You should not laugh at someone when they are asking a question.”

Finn rubbed his head – “Mama, I know Natty well enough to know that he is jerking my chain. I know that he is probably squirming over there with me talking about marrying him when neither of us has asked the question yet. He also would prefer to have us hit the courthouse with no one in tow.

So, in the future, before you smack me, please ask the question – ‘Why is my son acting in a way that doesn’t match how he was raised.’”

Nate laughed – “Mama, Finn is right. I never really thought I would have this – a man to love, kids, a family that accepted all of me for who I am. I was indeed busting his chops; I would prefer it just be the two of us at the courthouse. That said, I know your family is different from the one I grew up in so when we get to that point I will relax and enjoy a small family wedding. Yes, Steph to answer your question you are family.”

Owen was trying hard not to laugh but was failing miserably. Finn was getting annoyed but Quinn spoke first – “Old man, you keep it up and you will be sleeping in one of the guest rooms tonight. I know our son makes decisions fast and with one major exception has not had a misstep in his short life. That said this seems way faster than normal.”

Owen composed himself – “Woman, you know you are not going to make me sleep anywhere but right by your side. That said, how do you consider 16 years a quick decision? They have been in love with each other since 7th grade whether they both want to admit it or not. Yes, the last 48 hours have been quick and a lot of moving parts coming at us but the decision to love each other was made 16 years ago and the idiots before us finally got out of the way and let Steph push them together. By the way Bug, you are not just your Mama’s boy, you are mee just younger, so I know you better than anyone, even your Mama.”

Rose chuckled – “Pops you just need to do the mike drop motion. Yup that one. I hope you know you are my hero. You know all of us inside and out, you let us make mistakes and love us anyway. I love you, old man. Bug, when will the limo be here?”

Finn looked at his watch – “Bugger, they will be here in just under an hour. We have reservations at The Rooftop for pre-event drinks.”

Everybody but Finn jumped up and headed for the stairs. Finn called his kids over to his lap and had a conversation with them for a few minutes. He let them know he loved them more than life itself. That he needed them to mind Mama and Pops. He kissed each of them and pulled out a small sucker for each of them from his pocket – “You can have those if you will sit at the table and not make a mess.”

Harper, Rory, and Owen in unison – “Thank you, Daddy. We love you.” They took the suckers and ran to the table. They were chattering with each other as they started on their suckers. They shared licks but all went back to their favorite one that their Daddy gave them. Finn kissed both of his parents’ cheeks and let them know he loved them and thanked them again for their support. Before he left the room he turned around and addressed both of his parents – “I hope you know I will be asking Natty to marry me and doing that very soon. I don’t want to waste another day of my life without him.”

Both of his parents nodded – “We know.”

When Finn walked into his room the sight before him, knocked him off his feet. Nate was naked on his bed on all fours and looking over his shoulder – “Do you think you can get us off in time to make the limo?”

Finn walked over to the bed and dove into that fine ass with his tongue like he was a starving man at a banquet. He ate at Nate’s ass for about 5 minutes and then stepped back – “Natty, I hate to do this but we don’t have time to finish. I hope that will tide you over.”

Nate was out of breath – “Babe, that was awesome but know you will be exhausted in the morning because I’m going to wear you out when we get back here tonight.”

The two men quickly showered and brushed their hair and teeth. They donned their formal attire. When Nate went to put his cufflinks on, Finn stopped him and put in a pair of sapphire cufflinks he had bought Nate when he and Sean were walking the neighborhood. He kissed his cheek – “Thank you for coming back into my life.”

Nate was blown away and kissed Finn passionately – “Thank you, I can’t believe how much I love you but be assured I do love you with my entire being.”

The 3 couples made their way to the limo but Finn and Nate got caught up with Harper, Rory, and Owen. Finn’s phone buzzed with texts from Rose, Jarod, Steph, and Sean. He chuckled and kissed each kid goodnight and reminded them to be good for Mama and Pops, then thanked his parents again as he kissed their cheeks. He took Nate’s hand and kissed it as they left for the evening.

He overheard his Mama tell his Pops that it was clear their son was head over heels for Nate and that Nate appeared to be as smitten if not more so. He leaned into Nate – “So are you smitten with me?” Nate chuckled – “You obviously heard your Mama. Yes, I’m smitten. Are you head over heels?”

Finn nudged Nate with his shoulder – “Twice over.”