Opposites Attract

by Faerynail

3 Sep 2023 1473 readers Score 8.9 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

There is good and then, there is bad but what if bad is good and good is bad.

I was brought up to be a proper gentleman, whose destiny was already laid down by my father. After mother died, his emotional state was forever buried with her, so everything was strictly political even with his own children.

Being the son of the Duke, I was never allowed to have my own life, it was all arranged for me, and even when I came out to my father as gay, he never changed his mind so he arranged for me to marry the son of the king of the neighbouring kingdom who; apparently was also gay, inorder to strengthen our little town. It was a mess especially for me.

Everything was always on schedule down to the time I was supposed to wake up. It was a life of hurtful luxury, but for the sake of my sister who had grew up without a mother, I couldn't let another part of her life be taken away from her, so I carried her burdens of politics and allowed her to have a normal life. She refused to attend the boarding school for royals and nobles to my father's dismay, but I argued on her behalf and we won albeit not without her private lessons on nobility three days a week, and it was fine by her.

On a beautiful Thursday, I had done what was on my schedule and I decided to pick my sister from school by myself, so I entered my car and drove to her highschool. It was two miles from home. This was the perfect time to listen to my new Spotify playlist and I turned the volume way up, I was always a good driver, and when I reached the school and stopped the car, I left the music playing. I decided to open the door and didn't bother to hear or watch out for who was coming, so on opening the door, I hit something or rather someone and he fell with a grunt.

"Omg! I'm so sorry" I hurried out to help them and apologize, and there he was, our resident bad boy a.k.a man whore a.k.a slutty ken a.k.a muscle toy, and I didn't need to go on with the names since you get the idea.

I bent down to give him a hand but he slapped my hand away- rude much-

"I was only trying to help" I replied hurt and embarrassed.

"Spare me, I don't need your help" he spat " and next time, observe carefully or else" he continued. Was that a threat? Resident bad boy or no, I was not someone to easily accept threats, ask my father.

" Is that a threat?" I also spat back as he stood up and brushed off the undergrowth that had stuck on his jeans.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me with piercing brown eyes and pierced eyebrows,

" So what?" he replied with arrogance bigger than father's.

" I don't handle threats well so be warned" I held my gaze as I replied and he furrowed his brows together, he held that gaze much longer, huffed and then walked away gently without a word.

When he was a bit distant, I released a long held breath I didn't know I had, my heartt was racing. Guys like him would eat you for lunch, he was taller than me by three good inches, and he was a muscular guy for crying out loud. He had arms that would squash me like a bug and thighs powerful enough to crush me, but he just walked away. My hands were shaking from both fright (which was obvious), and anger because he made me afraid of him.

" Brian, was that RBB I saw you with?" it was my sister's voice that brought me back.

" R what?" I asked her and she said it stood for Resident bad boy. Kids with abbreviations these days. I shook my head and we entered the car, drove away and I was glad we did cause my paranoia had kicked in at that moment.

We reached home in a few minutes and I was relieved to have made it in one piece. All through the way, I was deeply immersed in thought of what had happened. I really don't know why I was thinking it over, but it played over and over in my head like an ear worm. I hardly noticed that we had reached home, and that I had packed the car until my sister snapped me out of it all.

" Augie, are you okay?" she cried rather than call, and I must've scared her by the way I was looking because her face said it all.

I assured her that I was fine and we proceeded to enter the house.

"August, do hurry up!" My father commanded as we had to attend some political party the next day. I really don't want to bore you with the details, but it was all about his stature and title so I went along like a sad old puppy.

It was held at one of his friend's mansions, and when we arrived, he left me to go and meet with his rich friends and ordered me to mingle which meant; go get him more connections. I obliged thinking of my sister and had to stay strong.

"You look handsome tonight Augie" Tony my soon to be fiancé loudly announced me for everyone to hear.

" But did you have to go with tweed, it's so last season" he whispered in my ear with his hand on my arm, he was slowly leading me away from his entourage. He was smiling and greeting as we passed by everyone and his grip on my arm was starting to hurt.

Immediately after leaving the ballroom, the prince led me to the next study room, and started groping me. He was allover me like a dog in heat. He grip on my arm was lost to him touching my bum. I was practically his boy toy as always.

"Your highness, we should stop" I tried to tell him. I felt uncomfortable with him trying to use me like he always does on an important day like this.

His mouth was on my neck, and hardly had he started to unbuckle my belt than I pushed him off of me.

"Why did you do that?" He wailed like a little child. I told him that it was inappropriate but that just made him lose his marbles as he turned me while twisting my arm, bent me over the desk, pressed my head on the table, and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

" If you want your father to be successful, then you are as good as mine, a deal is a deal", I was so revolted but I had no choice. My arm was hurting immensely but I obeyed as he pulled down my pants, slid my underwear exposing my rear. I was so exposed, and I felt torn but I swallowed my pride.

Then, thing I heard next was the sound of a zipper and something like polyethylene being torn. Next thing I know, something slick was fighting it's say into my canal as always.

The desk started squeaking as the prince fucked me.

" God, you are always tight" the prince moaned rather loudly.

I was revolted, and I felt like I wanted to die but I held on. Only a few minutes more and this will be done. He gripped my hips giving him full access to me. He pounded me like a beast, I could feel his cock brushing aggressively against was walls. I'm glad he wass (5'5) inches because I won't survive his painful thrusts.

With every thrust, my pelvis hit the desk and I knew I was going to bruise, but still I held on. My hips were close to bleeding that's when I heard that his breathe had quickened.

As his breathe grew even quicker, my heart bounced for joy as I knew it was time. With a grunted moan, I felt his cock spill his evil seed, luckily he had a condom on, it took a whole two minutes before he bent and leaned to whisper in my ear,

" Now, that wasn't too bad was it?" then he pulled out, slapped the remaining drops of cum on my arse, and he stepped back to tidy up. He removed his condom, tied it up and threw it at me.

"That does it!" The prince spoke up and that's when I heard snickering and voices. Apparently the prince was showing off to his friends, I was being embarrassed.

This was different, every time the prince had his way with me, it was always between us two but now, I turned and saw a group of five boys including the prince looking at me with their grins and smirks.

I could handle the weekly sex tortures, but what the prince had just done was my limit. He had just raped me Infront of his friend's and they all just enjoyed the show. I was certain that they couldn't record it fear for his public image, but I was so embarrassed.

Even after all that time, I always feel embarrassed and exposed after he's done with me. I felt too tired to stand up but the sound of the door closing woke me up. I needed to use the restroom before I was ready to go back to the ballroom or better yet, go back home.

I got up, checked my bruised waist, I had some skin tears but they were not bleeding a lot. It was a tag of war to bend down for my pants but pulled them up. On opening the door, I was lucky that there was no one but the stand-by guards. I felt so ashamed, but I had to find the restroom and fast.

I asked one of the guards who directed to the nearest lavatory. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen but yet again, I won't bore you with details. This is about me and not the lavish restroom. I proceeded to the toilet, took of my pants and sat down as I let my throbbing bruises and arse cool down. I couldn't stand it and then it was sobbing. I don't know how long I sat there crying until I heard a voice.

"Are you okay in there?" a very familiar voice but I couldn't see who it was. The toilet area was enclosed.

"I'm fine" I sniffled, but the voice wasn't convinced.

" Liar! Liar! Pants on fire" he replied and I did half laugh, half cry.

" I wish I was on fire" I told the voice

and the voice replied,

" That bad huh?" the voice replied with a hint of pity, the good kind of pity that I needed. We talked a bit more and I'm glad that person was there because I decided to vent everything out down to the Prince's horrible ways and father's intentional deafness to my complaints about the Prince's torture. He was very understanding as he was a good listener.

It was time for me to step out of the toilet area so I got up, pulled up my pants, straightened my clothes inorder to look presentable and got out but I was in for a surprise. It was the resident slutty Ken who was as shocked to see me as I was to see him but his poker face was dam good.

"Oh no!" I panicked as I quickly passed by him for the door and I quickly headed for the entrance door.

I ditched my father's car and went on to call for a taxi.

'Of all people,' I thought to myself panicking, 'it had to be him. Now my life was over, he will probably tell the whole world now' my mind was literally mumbling

just as a yellow taxi stopped by me and I opened to take a seat with a sigh of relief.

I didn't notice the guy behind me, he was too quick that he immediately followed me into the cab and commanded the driver to take us to a certain address. It was the slutty Ken guy, I was a mixture of emotions at that very moment, but I didn't really care to argue. If he was going to harm me, then by all means. Death wouldn't be bad and I felt like I had given up on everything. I just needed to go away from here even if it meant the afterlife.

After what felt like hours of eerie silence, we reached a certain location in the middle of nowhere, I got out, slutty Ken paid the taxi and he took me by the hand. Surprisingly, he was gentle with me. He led me up a dirt path, my legs were already tired since I was bruised and hungry.

Suddenly I tripped on a root and my legs finally gave up. I fell down and I definitely would never get up, it wasn't so bad down there but I felt the same strong gentle hands pick me up, and carry me like a child.

'I guess he was just being gentle because he was obviously going to get his way with me.' I thought to myself, but my heart was welcoming anything at this point.

He felt warm and solid, but I couldn't see his face clearly.

A huge cabin came into view after what felt like another hour of walking, rather of me being carried and him walking. It was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. It was well lit and by the time we reached the front door, a delicious smell was wafting from inside. He opened the door and stepped inside. It was a nice woodsy style, neatly furnished.

" And who did you bring us today Brian?" I heard a young girl's voice as Brian( apparently his name) gently put me down on the sofa. It was comfortable and homey for some reason.

" A guest who needs our help" Brian replied in a sweet voice I never heard him use. She must've been the reason Why he was at school the other day. He told her to put on some hot water as he once again carried me to another room. This one smelled like roses but I was too tired to check out the details. The rosy smell reminded me of mummy and my eyes just started watering again. I missed her so much. She'd know what to do in moments like this.

Brian gently put me down, and he began opened unbuttoning my shirt, with cat like reflex's, I pulled back and panicked, yet again hissing through my painful pelvis, but he touched me, looked at me with soft kind eyes and assured me that he was not going to hurt me. I don't know why but I believed him. He then unbuttoned my trousers leaving me in my underwear, unlike with Tony, I didn't feel exposed, I felt safe and protected.

I looked at Brian and saw his jaw clench and I immediately knew why, he must've seen the bruises and skin tears on my waist and groin. Just then, someone knocked on the door, it was the young girl, she had brought the hot water and a small towel. He told her to go just to spare me the embarrassment. He went and got a simple bucket, poured in some hot water, dipped in a towel, and wrang it, then started pressing on my bruises. It stung as I hissed more fiercely but it rather helped a bit. The throbbing was slowly subsiding as my body relaxed. The last thing I remember was Brian standing up and asking me

something about getting a shower and I fell asleep peacefully for the first time in ages.

by Faerynail

Email: [email protected]

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