Online turns to Real Life

by ThatAussieGuy

6 Jan 2024 2267 readers Score 9.3 (81 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Nah, I still don’t know what the details are yet about the trip” the frustrations in my voice are really coming out now as I talk to my girlfriend Georgia on the phone as I walk back to my inner suburbs apartment from the nearby tram stop. “It’s complicated, they need to get everything right because I need to stay overnight in Edenhope because the only flight up to Laughton is 7 am for the miners”.

My frustrations continue to grow and I can tell in Georgia’s voice that she’s getting frustrated with the situation probably more than I am and for more selfish reasons than mine. “Can’t you just tell them this is what you want to do and then we can be back home?” she says as in her job as an events planner she can set everything to the minute and control what she wants but mine I can only do things when the circumstances allow.

“Oh come on G, you know that it doesn’t work like that and I know that you can just schedule your day and everything down to the exact minute but it doesn’t work like that for me…” I say as I can tell in the whininess in her voice that she isn’t happy. “I don’t mean to be like this and yeah I’m frustrated but I’d rather get everything done on this one trip because it means that I don’t have to travel West again for at least 6 months if I can get this done,” I say to her as she reluctantly agrees.

“Yeah I know, it’s just with so much going on I actually want us to do things together as a couple” she says as I just reassure her that when I know anything I’ll let her know as I finally get home and get through the door.

As I walk through the door, I realise that a lot of my frustrations are not with the situation itself but all the whinging and self-centred nonsense that Georgia keeps putting on top of me. I get that there are plenty of things on that she wants to do together and I want to do some of them as well but lately, it’s just been so annoying because I should be putting her first rather than my own life.

Putting my phone down on the dining table, I start to get changed when I hear my phone buzz again and just in my head, I’m thinking just go away Georgia as I put on a pair of shorts and a singlet top and decide to check my phone.

“Sup man, busy?” the message says as I smile and see that it’s not from Georgia but actually from my closest friend Bryce

“Just got home from work and going to cook dinner” I message back to Bryce. Our friendship is pretty unusual because we talk pretty much every day but have strangely have never met in person because we live so far apart and

“Do you want me to voice call you? So you can cook dinner and we can talk” he says as I agree and then he rings me.

“Yo,” immediately there must be something in my voice that just shows the frustration that I’ve got right now as he realises it.

“Did I catch you at a bad time? Want me to just talk later?”.

“Nah, I’d just been dealing with Georgia whinging again all about this work trip and not having dates though I just think that she’s whining because she’s not the centre of attention” I say as start cooking dinner and talking to him at the same time.

“Well you know my feelings about her and everything going on lately” he says as I do because he’s been nagging me to try and get rid of her for a while because he doesn’t think that there is going to be anything good come out of that relationship and over the past 12 months how much of an impact it’s had on me just with the consistent whinging about everything and demanding nature.

“Yeah I know that but she is a good person at heart and we have fun” I say as Bryce just gives me an unbelieving uh-huh before changing topics. “So where is this work trip going to take you this time?” he says as I give him all the details.

“This one is up to do an inspection in Laughton and probably up to Port Kennedy afterwards, but I’ve got to stop off in Edenhope overnight” Bryce’s ears perk up as I finish cooking dinner. “Edenhope?? My Edenhope” he says with plenty of excitement because he’s always trying to get me to take a trip to Edenhope even though he won’t ever travel east to see me.

Our friendship got pretty suggestive one night because the local footy team I played for put up a post-game picture one night where I was standing in the locker room shirtless just in my shorts and Bryce took a liking to it. The two of us got chatting about it and I’ve never been someone that shies away from compliments and I know that Bryce has high standards in what kind of guys that he likes and the thought that he found me hot like that actually kind of turned me on.

The chat between the two of us got suggestive a few times and even though I’m completely straight the thought of Bryce lusting over me was actually pretty hot and I played up to it a few times almost flirting with him. This sort of thing was totally different to anything I’d ever done before but in all honesty, I enjoyed it more than any sort of friendship I had because it was so different and almost dangerous.

“Oh yeah, your Edenhope but I don’t know how long that I’ll be there for because I mean I think that it’s just a stop over to get the 7 am flight up there,” I say as Bryce has a slight groan of disappointment as now he tries to convince me to have a longer stopover in Edenhope although not in the same way that Georgia whines.

“I’m not doing a late night flight into Edenhope and then the 7 am flight up to Laughton in one day so there’s a chance” I say knowing exactly what he was thinking when he made the comment as he laughs. “Yes you’re that predictable… but the big problem is that I don’t know what you look like” I say as he laughs because unlike me, Bryce doesn’t put any pictures up of himself because he likes his privacy.

“Well that has to change and I’ve told you I’m not ugly,” he says as I just laugh and I promise him that I will tell him what the plans are so that we can finally meet up in person as the conversation turns into how things are going with him and then general before hanging up and I eat dinner.

The next morning I head to work and the day goes along pretty quickly so much so that I think that I could sneak away 15 minutes early so I could hit the gym but my manager Anne calls me into her office.

There isn’t a lot of chit-chat with Anne when you get called into her office “So we’ve finally been able to confirm the travel plans and I know it might be a bit rushed but it’s a fly-out Wednesday and then either can get the red-eye flight back on Friday night which I know isn’t ideal or we can book you on the flight on Saturday morning” she says as finally getting some idea on what is happening with the travel is good.

I sit there reading through the plans as she gives them to me as they have thrown an extra stop in for me to go down to the South-West coast and inspect another development project. “The Saturday morning flight back might be better because if I’m heading down to Fletcher Cove then I don’t want to get held up there because we both know the hassles of delays” I say as Anne nods and agrees as we sit there and make the flight plans.

I leave the meeting and message Bryce straight away “Wednesday night ok for you?” I ask him as I know he will be excited about it and he’s been telling me how he’d change any plans just to see my “Cute face and my hot muscled beast body” as he puts it.

I then decide that I probably should tell Georgia about the trip as I sit down at my desk and ring her “Hey G… finally got the travel plans and I’ll be away from next Wednesday to Saturday night, they had to add a second job on and yeah I know that it’s the same night as the gallery opening but your sister would be more interested”.

Georgia is pretty calm about the situation which surprises me and maybe the less time we’ve been spending together has actually been a good thing. The two of us have a good chat on the phone but I still don’t get the sense of care and romance that we had in the past.

Getting off the phone, I read my message from Bryce who is like a kid in a toy store at Christmas with how eager he is “More than ok… I’ve been waiting for you to tell me when” he says as I smile because the eagerness that he has to meet me makes me feel much more appreciated than what Georgia gives me lately.

The next few days feel like a lifetime to get through as now I’m starting to get a weird mix of nervousness and excitement about the trip now as I’m excited to explore Edenhope and meet Bryce but at the same time, I’m nervous because what if our in-person meeting is going to be nothing like how we message and flirt with each other.

“So what about this catch-up? We really haven’t planned anything yet” Bryce messages me on Tuesday afternoon as we are just messaging while I’m at work not doing anything because I can’t really start anything because I won’t be here for almost a week.

“Well, my flight arrives in Edenhope at I think 3 pm your time and after a five-hour flight in Economy class I’d wanna be able to check-in to the hotel and have a shower” I tell him which he agrees would be a good idea and that he has clients to see right up to 5 pm so he will need to change and have a shower as well.

“Where are you staying at?” he asks as I tell him that I’ve got a booking for the Ascot Park Hotel which gets him excited. “Oh that’s perfect, I live in the apartments on the other side of the Park so it won’t take me that long to get there… so how about we say 6?” he says as we agree.

It gets to Wednesday morning and I have breakfast with Georgia which is fine enough because it’s early in the morning and she’s excited about what she has planned and talks about that for the most part. I pick up my bags from home and catch a ride to the Airport and sit and do a bit of plane spotting which is always good fun.

The flight over is uneventful and as I get to the hotel, I let Bryce know that I got here and I’m at the hotel. The thought of meeting Bryce is making me more nervous than I have ever been in the past because this is a guy who knows everything about me and has seen everything about me as well. I don’t know what it is but there is something that just makes me feel so good when we talk and he gets flirty with me.

It’s just after 5:30 and I decide to head down to the hotel bar early just to get a spot and get a drink to calm my nerves as I walk to the bar and just grab a Coke initially as I sit down by the window and have a look watching the traffic go by and the people coming in.

“I’ll be there just after 6 wearing a Navy Gant T-Shirt and tight jeans” he messages me as I reply with a thumbs up as I’m sitting there.

I look at the time and see it be just after 5:40 so there’s still about 20 minutes before he gets here and now I’m getting really nervous about this whole situation and I just don’t know why. Part of me is now getting worried whether this was all a good idea or not, whether he’s going to be who he says he is or he just stands me up.

It’s just after 6:15 and there is still no sign of Bryce even though I know it’s only 15 minutes later but I’m already thinking that he’s left me hanging as my confidence levels drop. I’m about to get up when walking through the hotel bar comes a tall and tanned guy, wearing the exact same outfit that Bryce told me but he looks way too hot to not be showing off his looks.

He stands at the door and I notice that there is also a single girl sitting at the bar waiting for someone and when he heads towards her my head drops and I just sit there focusing on my drink and looking out the window.

I’ve lost almost all hope that Bryce is going to come until I see somebody come and sit across from me in the booth as I look across “Please tell me you’re Ollie” he says as I look and realise that it’s the same tall and tanned guy that came into the bar.

“Bryce? Surely not?” he has a big smile on his face and nods as I get up and hug him. His massive frame surprises me as he smiles and he is definitely not what I thought that he’d look like although he did say that he wasn’t ugly.

“You look surprised to see me?” he says as I nod my head because he is definitely not what I thought he’d look like. “A little bit actually, I mean I started to think that you weren’t coming and when I saw you come in I thought no way that it could have been you… especially talking to the girl” I tell him as he laughs and nods.

Bryce now looks like the embarrassed one “Sorry about that, I got caught up talking to my neighbour and then when I got in here my cousin Naomi was over there… and she was kinda excited because I’ve told her all about you” he says as I laugh and I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

“That a good thing or not?” I say as Bryce sits back down across from me and looks at me just smiling with his amazing grin. “That’s a good thing,” he says as Naomi comes wandering to the table and Bryce tells her to go away.

“So this is the mysterious Ollie I’ve heard so much about,” she says as I smile and I can see the embarrassment on Bryce’s face as she talks. “Shut up Naomi… don’t do this again” he says as she brushes him off and introduces herself.

Bryce keeps nudging her to go away but she doesn’t get the hint “Bryce hasn’t stopped talking about this mystery man Ollie for ages and if he is talking about someone then he must really have a thing for them” she says as I can see Bryce wanting her to go away and she finally takes the hint.

I sit there as there is something adorable about the way this tough muscle stud has quickly become so embarrassed but he can’t look at me in the eye. “I’m sorry about all that, it probably made you feel weird,” he says as I shake my head at him because it doesn’t.

“Nah, I actually find it kinda sweet you know,” I say as he pokes his head up and looks at me surprised that I said that. “What?? Really?” he asks me as I nod my head because there is something about him that makes me feel good inside and knowing he feels that way about me makes our friendship feel even more special.

I can see a smile on Bryce’s face as I nod my head at him about the fact that I find it sweet “You’re an amazing guy Bryce and you make me feel more important than anyone else” I say as I rub his hand and it’s weird because actually being with him now feels more special and like it’s a first date rather than just two friends catching up.

Bryce has a smile on his face as I say that and I can tell that he doesn’t know how to react to the situation as he just laughs and struggles to look at me. “Sorry, I was so damn nervous about tonight,” he says with a little laugh as I smile and for some reason find his nervousness kind of adorable for someone as confident as him.

“What is there to be nervous about? It’s just two friends having a catch-up for the first time in a while… or ever” I say laughing trying to hide my nervousness which I think Bryce senses now as well as we sit there waiting for another round of drinks.

Bryce looks across at me “You’re nervous too aren’t you?” he says as I just laugh and nod my head. “Oh you have no idea how nervous I was before this and I had every worse nightmare scenario going through my mind like you not turning up or you being different to what you described… you are you right?” I say joking as Bryce laughs.

The time ticks away as Bryce looks at me “Just tell me when you want to call it a night, I know that you’ve got an early start in the morning” he says as I smile and nod my head but I don’t really want to call it a night yet. “Yeah I do, but I don’t really want to waste the time we have together because this is fun” I say as he looks at me with a smile on his face.

“We could always head up to your hotel room” he says with a wink and a cheeky grin as the offer was actually what I was going to suggest as well. “I was going to say the same thing you know” I wink back as he smiles with a bit of surprise.

“I was only kidding you know because going back to the hotel room generally means…” he doesn’t say the word sex but I know what he is alluding to and I laugh as he says that. “I know what asking back to the hotel room means and let’s be real you’ve seen me naked so I think that’s it only fair that I get to see you naked” I say as Bryce looks around and gets embarrassed yet again.

I just laugh as Bryce walks with me to the elevator “Are you going to come up or not?” I say to him as I don’t think he thought I was genuine about it but the smile on my face shows that I am and I’m so confident about this. Bryce and I head up to my hotel room and even though this is where I should be the most nervous, weirdly this is where I’m the most confident about things.

As soon as we get into my hotel room, I look at Bryce deeply and I don’t know what it is but I just move in and kiss him softly at first before trying to get it more passionate. Bryce is stunned at first as I press my lips against his but then he puts his arms around me and starts to make out with me.

Our two bodies press against each other as we make out and I can feel him moan loudly into my mouth as we keep making out before Bryce pulls away for a moment. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to Ollie” he says as I look deeply at him “I don’t want you thinking that I’ve forced you into this” he says as I smile.

“You haven’t, I want to do this with someone I care about,” I say smiling as I push him back to the bed and start kissing him again deeply. The feeling of kissing Bryce is different but not as weird as I thought it would be as I think all the time we’ve got to know this option and the flirting has got us here.

Bryce lets me feel my way through the kiss as he takes off my shirt and his hands massage my body as I moan and it feels so good. “Damn, you’re body is even better than what I thought it would be,” he says as he massages it and then takes his shirt off so his muscled body is now pressed against mine.

We continue to make out for a bit longer as this feels more sensual than anything I’ve done in my life as now Bryce rolls me over as he wants to take control of things as I feel him kissing down my firm muscled body and running his tongue over my nipples. I moan as he plays with my nipples as I get to experience something like this for the first time and it feels like the greatest feeling ever.

The moans must be turning Bryce on because every time I let out a moan, I can feel him growing in his jeans as it pushes against my growing bulge right now as his tongue runs circles around my nipples. Each nipple is getting its own attention as Bryce runs his tongue around one and twists the other before swapping over.

As he starts kissing down my body my cock is rock hard and he starts to slide off my pants and my cock springs up as I look at the smile on his face as he runs his tongue down the side of it. “Oh my fucking god that feels good” I moan loudly right now as this is one of the best feelings that I’ve ever had as he kisses back up my body and kisses me again.

“You really enjoy this don’t you Ollie?” he says as I can’t even let out a proper word but just nod my head as we make out again right now. Bryce kisses down my body again and starts to run his tongue down my shaft and on my balls as I arch my back so that he can pull my pants off so now I’m laying on a Hotel bed over 4,000km away from home with a hot guy worshipping my body right now.

I can feel Bryce’s fingers massaging around my balls and my hole right now as I moan loudly because with Georgia she seems to have an issue with playing with my cock at times and only did it on rare occasions which always would leave me frustrated because getting my cock sucked always feels so good.

As Bryce massages my balls and hole, I keep moaning because it’s nothing like I’ve ever felt before as he starts to lift my legs and he runs his tongue on my crack. “Holy fuck that feels good,” he says as I moan loudly and he pulls away for a second.

“This the first time you’ve ever had your hole played with?” he says as I just moan as my cock is hard and I lay there naked while he still has his jeans on but that doesn’t last for long as they end up around his ankles and then he throws them and they hit the hotel room door. “Fuck then I’ve got to give you the full experience,” he says as I let out a moaning nod.

As he gets naked, he starts to kiss my ball sack again before licking up the shaft again before he licks the head of my cock which already has so much pre-cum forming and then goes further down. I just lay there as he started going down further and already this is the best sexual experience of my life because this isn’t just going through the motions but it’s actually sensual and trying to make me the centre of the show.

I lay there and close my eyes, the thought of having Bryce sucking me off right now is actually hotter than I could have ever imagined as my cock goes further down my throat as I open my eyes and see my entire 7 inches disappearing into his mouth. The way that he is able to hold it in there is amazing as I run my hands through his short brown hair right now as I feel him moaning on my cock as he deepthroats it with pure ease.

He keeps sucking me off as his hands explore my body as I can feel myself almost already about to cum “Pull off I don’t want to cum yet” I say as Bryce nods his head and looks up. “You like me sucking on your hot cock don’t you?” he says as I smile and nod my head.

Bryce kisses me again as I wrap my arms around him and just make out with him like my life depended on it and it truly is one of the greatest feelings that I’ve ever had sexually. Bryce looks at me “Anything you want me to do?” I say as I look at him as I nod my head.

“I wanna suck your cock” I say as he looks at me with surprise but doesn’t say anything as he lays next to me. The thought of sucking another guy's cock is kinda weird in my head right now and I don’t think I could just do it to any other guy but being with Bryce really makes me want to do it with him.

As he lays there I climb down the other end of his bed and look at his cock and then look at Bryce who smiles and reassures me that I don’t need to do anything I don’t want to. I start to move my tongue on his shaft just like he did to me, licking the sides first and swirling it around the shaft and then around the head.

Bryce moans telling me that I’m doing a good job as I run my tongue over his head and I can taste the pre-cum that is coming out right now and it doesn’t taste anywhere near as bad as what I thought it would. I start to take his cock further into my mouth, just focusing on the head at first as I try to adjust to the feeling before I start to go further down taking about 70% of his cock before I start gagging.

“Oh, that feels so fucking good Ollie” Bryce moans as I can tell that he wants me to go faster as he starts to lightly fuck my mouth now which means that more of his 8-inch uncut cock disappears down my throat as I continue to suck on his cock.

I don’t know how long I’m sucking on Bryce’s cock for but it just feels natural right now before he pulls me off and he kisses me again as we make out again before he looks at me with a smile. “Get over the edge of the bed” he tells me as I do exactly what he says as he does that and then pulls my legs apart.

My hairy legs are stretched as I feel Bryce running his finger down my crack as he spreads my cheeks open and starts to run his tongue down my fresh virgin hole. I moan, the thought of getting my ass played with was something that never turned me on but now that it’s happening it’s more amazing than I could have ever thought it felt.

Bryce’s tongue seems to know all the right spots to hit right now as he runs it down and my face in the mattress just moans as my cock is leaking even more than it was before as he keeps rimming my tight pink hole. I lay there and just keep moaning as my wet hole is loosened up by his tongue as he whispers into my ear “This might feel weird to start but it’ll feel good”.

I just nod my head as I don’t know what is going to happen but right now I’m in a sense of ecstasy so I’m letting Bryce just do whatever he wants to right now. As I’m bent over the bed I feel his finger run down crack and then around my tight pink hole before he pushes it in.

The feeling is weird like he said it would be but then at the same time it feels really good as I feel his finger go inside me. I moan as he stretches my hole with his finger and the initial shock and pain are wiped out by how good it feels. Bryce clearly knows his way around a guy's hole as he starts slowly before opening me up with his finger before pushing in a second one as I moan and feel my hole being stretched further and that his fingers go further up my hole and starting to massage my prostate.

I moan as I feel my prostate being played with for the first time and it is the greatest feeling that I’ve ever had and I can tell Bryce is enjoying putting me under his control. “That feels so fucking good Bryce” he says as I moan and he smiles as he whispers in my ear.

“You’re really just a little bottom slut aren’t you?” he says as I nod my head in total control and right now all I want to do is just get fucked hard. “You want me to fuck that ass of yours don’t you?” he asks me as I just nod my head because it’s genuinely what I want right now.

There’s no lube around the place so Bryce comes back and rims me for a bit longer so that my hole is nice and wet so that he can push his hard 8-inch cock in. I’m still bent over the edge of the bed as Bryce starts to push his cock into my tight hole and if I thought that two fingers hurt then the thickness of his cock going in feels even worse but once it loosens my hole it feels good.

Bryce starts off slowly letting me get used to the feeling of the girth of his cock in my hole before he starts pushing in deeper. I moan loudly “OH FUCK… THAT’S BIG” as he starts fucking me hard and I can feel his balls starting to slap against my ass.

“Damn yeah, your straight boy ass is so fucking tight and I love it,” he says as I’m just in pleasure overload right now because I never thought I would be getting fucked by Bryce even though we’ve shared nude pics because it’s always been sexting more than anything. As he picks up speed, my cock is leaking even more onto the hotel bed as I keep moaning and I can feel my cock almost about to blow as I keep getting fucked

Bryce pulls out of me and then pushes me onto the bed and onto my back so that my legs are thrown up in the air and he can push back into me and then when I cum he can see me. Hitting my prostate repeatedly, it doesn’t take me long until I’m blowing a huge load of cum everywhere whilst Bryce is still balls deep inside me.

As I do that, Bryce smiles and leans to kiss me for a moment before he pulls out and starts jerking his cock and it doesn’t take long as he cums all over my body and face as it goes everywhere and then he flops down onto the bed next to me as I’m panting. The two of us are laying there naked each other covered in cum as I feel like I’ve just run a marathon but it all feels good as my hole is still gaping and covered in pre-cum.

“How was that?” he says as I nod and have to admit it felt so good “It felt fucking amazing,” I say as he smiles at me. “Perfect” he says as we lay there and he looks at me “I’m glad that I could open your mind up” he says as we kiss.

We clean ourselves up and Bryce gets dressed and tells me that we can’t let this be the only time that we catch up while I’m here and I promise him that we will. I head to bed and set my alarm for the next morning and just think about what happened tonight because when I thought about meeting Bryce, I never thought we’d ever do anything sexual but right now I’ve absolutely no regrets about what happened and it’s definitely made me want to reevaluate what I want in life.