Oh, Brother!

by Jon Royale

17 Mar 2024 2786 readers Score 9.2 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

           The following is a work of erotic fiction meant to be enjoyed by a mature audience. 

Donny Wilson tossed and turned in his bed.  He couldn’t get to sleep.  The heat wasn’t running but he was perspiring.  His eight-and-one-half inch cock was rock hard in the basket of his briefs, the only thing he was currently wearing.  Long ago he had thrown off the covers, now laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling where those images replayed.  Over and over he saw it as if he was still in that no-tell motel with his buddy Bones.  Watching the video taken from a secret cam in the most requested room at that sleazy hideaway.  An adult male and female.  Romping about in the mussed sheets like teenagers.  Him eating her out.  Her sucking his cock.  Him taking her from behind while he squeezed her big tits.  Her crawling atop and riding his hairy cock.  They had been instantly recognizable to Donny.  Knew them both very well.  Married, but not to each other.  She had a husband; he, a wife.  Fornicating adulterers. 

Wrapping his fingers around his heated shaft Donny felt it pulse in his grip.  His big cock was hot and aching.  He stroked it, large calloused hand moving faster up and down the thick shaft.  Cupping his big full balls in the other paw he squeezed them while he frantically beat his meat.  The pressure was already building in his head.  He tossed it from side to side, clenching his teeth so as not to groan.  Digging his heels into the mattress his lower body arced upward, big cock pointed directly at him.  He saw it all again as if he was still watching that video.  The man and his cock, the woman and her neatly trimmed juicy pussy.  The things they had done with, and to, each other. 

Donny’s brawny body was coated in a sheen of anticipatory perspiration as he thrashed in the sheets.  He jacked frantically, visions of the forbidden lovers playing over and over in his mind.  His chunky toes were beginning to curl and his hairy nuts were tingling.  His strong chest swelled and his big cock flexed wildly as, with a barely muffled moan, he fired one load of creamy cum after another.  Hot wads arced up in the air and splattered down over his heaving chest.  Donny continued beating his meat until it was drained, then lay there in his own load recouping.   Curiously he ran two thick fingers through the wad on his left pectoral and brought it to his face, first sniffing and then taking a taste.  At first he grimaced.  It had a nutty, earthen flavor.  But it was his, so he sampled again.  This time he took a bigger swipe.  Still uncertain he gathered more, stuffed the fingers entirely in his mouth and more vigorously ate his own jism.  With his other hand he began jerking his dick, which had begun to whither but was now at full-mast once again.  For a brief moment he thought of rousing his baby brother from his sleep, getting him into the room and ordering him to clean him up.  With his tongue.  With the fear of exposure hanging over his head Billy would do anything Donny commanded now. 

Donny froze, his eyes registering realization.  It was the perfect plan, the way to humiliate and exercise control over both his brother and the philandering husband.  It would be the ultimate in revenge!  He planned, he plotted, all the while unconsciously eating cooling, thickening cum from his warm body.  The stuff wasn’t so bad after all.  It tasted, well, manly.  And Donny was all man.  Fuck, what guy hadn’t tasted his load at one time or another?  Didn’t make him the queer Billy turned out to be. 

In order to make this plot work he would need an assist.  Bones would be perfect.  Besides, he already knew the score.  The multi-pierced twenty-one year old had already fucked Billy once with his steel-ringed dick a few weeks back.  Donny felt certain he’d be up for another round, in payment for helping Donny pull off this coup.  It was going to be stellar! 

Reaching for the cum rag he kept handy under his bed Donny wasn’t at all surprised to find it missing.  It had become a regular occurrence after the night he brought his piss-soaked little brother back from a particularly raunchy session with the local white supremacist group.  When he angrily confronted Billy about it the kid feigned innocence, pointing out that Donny’s room was a mess with clothes strewn all about and suggesting the big oaf had thrown something atop the rag.  Donny may have given a rat’s ass about being tidy but one thing he knew for sure is where his cum rag was located.  Mysteriously it would reappear the next day.  Donny was certain Billy was lifting it, lying naked in his bed beating his meat while he sniffed it, sucked on it and practically ate it while he got himself off. 

 Much as he pretended otherwise Billy was totally into cock now.   Anybody’s cock.  Even the one hanging between the legs of his despised older brother.  Many were the night Donny considered creeping into Billy’s room, shoving his dick into the fair haired kid’s mouth and savagely face fucking him while the parents slept in the next room.  As it was he had lately taken to having Billy, clad only in his briefs, down by his feet licking the leather on his boots clean.  Donny surprised himself by sprouting a roaring hard on while the boy shined his dirty foot wear.  Like always, Billy protested at first but the rise in his briefs showed he was really into it.  He tried to reach up and grope Donny’s crotch but Donny angrily slapped him away.  He wasn’t about to give Billy what he wanted most of all.

What had begun as a game of degradation and humiliation had turned into something else.  By introducing him to some undesirable elements Donny had turned his brother into an unconscionable faggot.  While Billy was still in denial Donny wasn’t fooled.   Perhaps the little shit protested so much in order to coerce Donny into setting him up with even more outrageous sexual scenarios.   Donny had given free license to all his motley buddies to fuck Billy at their will.  Bones, Bozo, Dawg, Rufus, one-handed Deke and even the retard Scratch kept the kid primed whenever Donny wasn’t turning some degenerate loose on him.  As usual Billy played reluctance at first but once he had a dick down his throat or up his ass he was an active participant. 

Donny’s latest scheme was to have been a late night visit to the homeless encampment down by the railroad tracks.  Hobos, winos and all the unwashed down-and-out losers in their cardboard makeshift shacks would have been perfect for the next level of indignity.  Donny already had a stash of liquor samples to hand out in turn for giving the kid dirty dick.  Some of these guys were really raunchy and smelled like fermented cheese.  He could only imagine the odor of their pissy privates.  What he couldn’t imagine was Billy enjoying this at all.  He had imagined pouring liquor all over Billy’s naked body and watching them pounce on him like a pack of wolves for a taste of their favorite beverage.  He fully intended to force Billy to eat their nasty, shitty assholes and drink their fetid cum.  Of course, with this crowd a next day’s visit to Doc Schwartz and another shot of penicillin would be in order.

Since the advent of his latest discovery this scenario was put on hold.  Donny had something far more important for Billy to do, someone more paramount to service.  And Billy would not like it. 


It was just another day at school.  Leers and jeers from Blake Collings, Howie Beechum and others.  It seemed daily the list grew.  The word was out in the halls of this learning institution and Billy’s secret life wasn’t quite as secret anymore.  Twice this week he’d been yanked into Jurek Dabrowki’s janitor closet and royally fucked by the Polish immigrant.  Once he’d been summoned to Principal Fischer’s office and taken a ride on his fat lap.  Brad Jennings, Swim Coach, had fucked him poolside.  It seemed every day he had a new admirer.  Not that he minded all the cock.  He’d become quite the boy whore, a far cry from the mild mannered all-American youth he had previously been.  But his reputation was totally shot.

Riding home on the school bus he couldn’t miss the looks in the rearview mirror from the driver, a grotesquery with knotted unruly hair, a spotty unshaven face, fat blackhead laced nose, gut that spilled over the waist of his pants and ass cheeks uncontained by the seat.  Ralph Springer was only twenty-five but his bulk made him look older.  Billy figured the agency must be hard up for drivers that they hired such an unsightly thing.  Ralph was more suited for farm work, slinging cow shit in the fields with a hoe.  He was always ogling the young girls.  Some of them even teased him.  Billy thought that was a dangerous thing for them to do.  One never knew what a slovenly thing like Ralph was liable to do.  Lately his lusty eyes had been on Billy.  Somehow he must have heard.  Maybe from Collings or Beechum.  Or perhaps he was another of Donny’s motley acquaintances.  From the looks of him, that would figure.

The bus arrived at his stop.  Billy was last in line of those departing.  When he reached the front Ralph’s chubby arm shot out.  “Hold on, sport.  You ain’t gettin’ off here.”

“B-but this is my stop,” Billy stammered.

“Si’ down,” Ralph commanded menacingly.  Flustered, Billy took a seat directly behind the driver.  The bus rolled on.  There were only two more drop off points.  At the final one Sally and Betsy Hawkins giggled as they passed by Billy and Connor Grant snickered knowingly.  The door closed and the bus rambled on.

Billy swallowed hard as the bus moved at a higher speed through the streets.  “Wh-where are you taking me?”

“Somewheres we can have us a little privacy,” Ralph chortled in his deep, hayseed voice. 

“B-but why?”  Billy asked, as if he already didn’t have some idea.  “Have I done something wrong?”

“I seen the way you been lookin’ at me in this here mirror,” Ralph announced jubilantly.  “And the way you been checkin’ out my junk when you get off and on this here bus.  You can only tease a fella so long before he takes what he wants.”

Billy shook his head.  “No,” he insisted.  “You’re wrong!  I haven’t!”  This slob had a self-inflated ego, thinking that Billy would ever cruise the likes of him.  Although, he was forced to admit, he’d lately been balled by others on the same playing ground as fat, nasty Ralph. 

Billy was forced to grasp the panic bar in front of him when the bus suddenly veered off the road onto an unpaved lane leading into a heavily wooded glen.  Ralph couldn’t avoid the many pot holes, which nearly knocked Billy from his seat.  Up ahead was a dilapidated old farmhouse nestled in overgrown shrubbery.  It was a scary looking place.  Anything could happen here.  A boy could scream forever and no one would hear him.  A chill crept up Billy’s spine as he thought about it.  He was in a precarious position. 

Ralph brought the bus to a stop.  “Ain’t nobody gonna bother us here,” he assured Billy as he hoisted himself out of his seat.  Billy shrunk back when he saw the lecherous look on Ralph’s chubby face and the fire in his non-descript eyes.  He bolted from the seat and ran to the back of the bus and the emergency exit.  But Ralph’s plump hand was on his shoulder, drawing his back.  He tossed Billy onto a seat and threw his bulk atop him.  Billy thrashed about but Ralph had him by more than a few pounds.  The bigger man held his wrists together above his head and used his knees to spread Billy’s flailing legs apart. 

The noxious odor emanating from the beast assailed Billy’s sensitive nostrils.  He smelled of sweat, underarm funk and was obviously a few days behind in a thorough cleaning.  “Get off me!” Billy wailed, fruitlessly attempting to get out from under the blubbery driver’s bulk.  In all the squirming his crotch was unintentionally thrusting up against Ralph’s.  Even through both their pants he could feel the troll’s hardon. 

“Shaddup!” Ralph snarled.  “You know you want it!”

“Actually, I don’t,” Billy remarked snobbishly.  Then again, maybe he did.  The slovenly bus driver had been eyeing him for days.  And Billy had held that gaze.  He’d even popped an erection.  What had happened to make him become aroused by men, especially ones who were creepy, slimy things?  It was all Donny’s fault, of course.  His big brute brother had forced him into things he would never before have considered and now they were most predominant in his conscience.  Damn that Donny!

Ralph released Billy’s hands but quickly grabbed him by the throat, steadying him while he undid his pants with the other.  Billy could easily have landed a few punches, maybe gouged at his eyes.  But he didn’t.  It took big Ralph some time but he eventually got his trousers down low enough to do business.  Shifting his lower quarters closer to the boy he placed his hands on the top of Billy’s head and pushed him down.  Ralph’s crotch was right in Billy’s face.

It was a hairy thing, with balls of what Billy hoped were merely lint in his wiry jungle.  The cock was darker hued than the rest of Ralph, a solid seven inches and fat as the rest of him.  The purple knob was big and wet; balls, heavy and bloated.  And it all smelled quite funky.  Ralph heaved forward and the head mashed against Billy’s pursed lips.  Billy made sounds of protest but Ralph was having none of it.  His chubby fingers pinched the boy’s nostrils (which, in itself, was something of a blessing) and Billy was forced to succumb.  The second he opened to catch a breath Ralph thrust his prick inside.

“Suck that dick, ya little faggot,” he snarled as he sent it charging to the back of Billy’s throat.  Billy made a garbled protest but his tongue was already lapping at the tangy flesh.  Although it tasted kind of fishy, a cock was a cock.  Ralph planted his hands on the window in front of him as he repeatedly fucked into the kid’s face hole.  And when it popped through and into Billy’s throat he was practically delirious.  While Billy might have been clawing at him with his hands his mouth was telling another story.  The cute boy’s tongue was swirling around his charging dick and gulping it down each time.  It was little wonder there was so much whispered talk about Billy Wilson’s attributes.  While Ralph didn’t have all that much experience he could tell the boy sucked cock like a pro. 

Billy clutched at Ralph’s stained, oversized t-shirt as he effortlessly took all seven inches down his gullet.  The purple head plunged into his throat, making his face nestle in the thick, untamed bush.  The odor from that atrocity was nearly overwhelming and Billy gagged a bit, but his reaction made for better throating.  His boy lips hungrily glided over every bit of the bus driver’s meat, making it pulse with satisfaction.  He slurped on the cock as if it was his favorite food, making Ralph gasp and arch into him even more desperately.   A hand ventured up under Ralph’s dangling shirt, feeling the jiggly and hairy belly.  Something about it turned him on and he sucked even more voraciously.  He traversed even further over Ralph’s greasy skin, finding a fleshy sow’s tit.  He yanked at the hairs surrounding it, located the fleshy nub and squeezed.  Ralph shuddered as Billy milked his tit and speared his throat even harder.  He had never felt so good.  The cute high schooler must like him.  Must really like him!

While continuing to fondle the pig’s hairy, sweaty chest Billy hefted his ball sac with his free hand.  It felt extremely heavy, as well it should.  It had been a long time since Ralph had gotten lucky.  For a slob like him, that time had been pure luck.  The scrotal sac filled Billy’s palm.  He squeezed as if he was working a sponge, securing the desired reaction from the heavy bus driver.  Ralph’s cock flexed inside his mouth as he loudly groaned.   Billy countered by squeezing even harder; Ralph shoved his cock deeper down Billy’s throat.

While those hot, tantalizing lips felt amazing Ralph wanted some pussy before he totally blew his gasket.  Plus, he had to get the bus back to the yard sometime soon.  Pulling his meat out of the kid’s mouth he supported himself with his hands on the seat backs to either side of him and hoisted his chubby body off.  Billy was scrunched down across the seat with his lower back against the side of the bus, his head barely reaching the bottom of the window, and looking up at Ralph through sultry eyes, his wet mouth open and panting.  The few, the very few he’d had never looked at him like that.  Ralph convinced himself that Billy was hot for him.  And that excited him even more.  Truth of the matter was Billy wasn’t at all interested in Ralph.  Just his cock.

Ralph reached down to grab hold of Billy’s trousers and yanked them to his ankles.  Briefs, caught up in his grimy paws, came too.  The kid had a nice dick on him, Ralph thought, bigger than his own.  And pretty.  Ralph was a bit jealous.  If it weren’t for the time restraint he’d liked to have gotten down there and chowed on it a bit.  Not that Ralph was really into sucking cock.  It more had to do with the oral fixation.  Oreos, M&Ms, chocolate cake, ice cream, dick---anything sweet and creamy he could put into his mouth.  Taking the teen by the ankles he lifted his legs, exposing his gash.  Oh my, Billy had a real fetching pussy on him, as well.  All soft and smooth with a puffy little hole.  It was a wonder all those cocks could get in there.  Ralph was salivating.  He’d also liked to have snacked in there.  Bet it would have tasted real good.  Instead he reached and ran the blunt tips of his fingers around the satiny lips, which pulsed at his touch. 

While Ralph fondled him with that dazed look on his ugly mug, Billy untied his kicks and discarded them along with his low-rise socks.  Obviously the lout didn’t know how to undress a boy.  He then pulled his shirt off over his head, fully naked and exposed to the uncouth driver.  Ralph’s eyes flared wider and drool seeped from his fat lips as he took in the youthful splendor of the boy’s trim, hairless swimmer’s build.  Ralph had never, or would ever, have a body like that.  But this one he was definitely going to take.

With a frustrated snarl he grasped Billy by the ankles and yanked him down off the seat.  Billy tumbled into the dirty aisle on his back.  Ralph tore off his shirt as if he was Superman (which he wasn’t) exposing his hairy, blubbery belly and chest.  Ralph looked desperate.  Billy taunted him by raising his legs and fingering his pussy.  A few short months ago he would never have considered during such a thing.  Now it had become easy.  Ralph aggressively growled once again and hurled himself on the wanton boy.

Billy was both disgusted and aroused at the same time.  It was a confusing contradiction.  Somehow he still possessed some minute part of that mild-mannered teenager he had been before all this debauchery started.   The voice urging him to cease these lurid actions was faint, however.  The overwhelming desire for sleazy sex would once again win the battle for his soul.  Billy squirmed on the dirty bus floor under the brute with a pained expression on his cute face, tossing and turning as if in mortal agony.  He dared not look up at Ralph, who was hovering so close he could smell his fetid breath.  The cock head poked at his twitching hole and Billy was all at once consumed with a burning hunger.  He wanted---no, needed---cock ramming inside him.  He bucked his ass up against the dripping tool at the same time Ralph thrust and the foul cock punched inside him.

Ralph saw heaven, hell and everything in between when he sunk his lonely, desperate rod deep into the high schooler’s moist, clutching pussy.  He tossed back his head and practically howled as the moist membranes parted for his intrusion.  It felt so fucking good!  Once he had it all the way up in there he really needn’t do anything else.  Billy was doing all the work, rolling his pussy around on the dick and humping up against it.  The cute teen was really grooving on his meaty cock!  Ralph quickly manned up and started jamming all of his seven inches deep into the kid’s guts.  Billy was moaning and chewing his lower lip in sordid delight.  He could hardly believe he, Ralph Springer, was fucking this usually wholesome, cheerful and adorable boy.

 Actually, the kid hadn’t been so cheerful the past few weeks.  Looked more like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.  But right now he appeared to be having the time of his life.  He knew how to work a cock.  His pussy gaped allowing entrance, then clenched tightly around the cock when buried within.  Ralph fucked with long, full-length strokes and then mixed things up with fast and short rabbit strokes, just punching the head a few inches through the boy’s womb.  The feel of Billy’s smooth thighs against his chunky, hairy ones was almost enough to make him lose his nut.  The kid was fucking gorgeous!

“Ohhh, ohhhhhh shee-it!” Ralph gasped.  “Pussy feels so good, Billy boy.  So soft ! So wet!  Ewwww, baby boy, you gonna make me cum so hard!  Ohh yeah, squeeze Ralphie’s big dick just like that!  Ohhh Gawd! Never had pussy like this before!  Fuck, yeah!  We gonna do this every day from now on!  Got to have this pussy all the time!  You my baby boy! Oh!  Eeeeee!  Yeah!”

Ralph’s hairy, flabby belly lay directly on Billy’s hard cock.  As it jiggled about it sent the greatest sensations through the boy’s sensitive piece.  He’d never felt anything like it before.  Forcing himself to open his eyes he looked up at Ralph.  The close up view was even more revolting than before.  He could practically count the nasty black heads on the man’s rather large nose.  Ralph’s eyes were glazed over and rolling around in their sockets.  He hadn’t even been fucking long and he was already dripping foul sweat.  His matted, unruly hair was falling down over his creased forehead.  There wasn’t one attractive thing about Ralph Springer, but the cock felt awesome drilling through his pussy.  He might not have much else going for him, but he certainly had that.  The way he looked the poor slob probably never got much, Billy figured.  And Ralph wasn’t the worst to ever have laid over him.  A close second, maybe third, but not the worst.  Billy was so sexed up that he didn’t even care.  Somehow, someway, it made it all the more exciting.  Forbidden sex. 

Billy began running his hands over Ralph’s sweat-drenched, blubbery body.   Ralph reacted with surprise.  Nobody had done that to him before.  There was a sultry look to Billy’s eyes as he fondled Ralph’s hairy chest, cupped his udders and squeezed his fat nipples.  Ralph took it as unexpected adoration; for Billy, it was pure lust.  Seeing the reaction he was eliciting from the boor, Billy dug his fingers into the thick nest of nasty hair, rose up and slammed his mouth into Ralph’s.  Ralph whimpered as Billy sloppily kissed him.  That had never happened before, either!   Billy mashed against Ralph’s liver lips, worked his tongue through and swabbed it around in the rank tasting mouth.  Ralph groaned like a first timer on his maiden date and returned the favor.  He literally devoured Billy’s mouth like it was a cream-filled donut.  White cream, his favorite kind.  Could eat a whole box full. 

The result, unfortunately, was that Ralph became overly excited.   The old school bus was really rock and rolling out there in the secluded glen.  Ralph’s hairy lard ass rose and fell mightily as he humped his cock in and out of Billy’s hot butt hole.  Screwing Billy was the best thing that had happened in his sorry life; mugging it out with him only enhanced the experience.  From the way he was slovenly sucking his face Ralph had himself convinced that the boy was madly in love with him.  While Ralph’s eyes were shut with bliss Billy’s were wide open.  He wanted to see this cretin he was groveling in filth with.  Ralph’s beard-in-training scratched against the smooth skin of his cheeks, making Billy even hornier.  It was revolting.  It was sinful.  But if he could successfully make it with this mongrel he could take on anyone, a trait which would be useful for his future financial plans.

Ralph began panting and breathing hard into his mouth.  Billy had been fucked enough to know what was coming.  His pussy went berserk on Ralph’s cock, squeezing, sucking and manipulating him into a massive orgasm.  Ralph tore his mouth from Billy’s and tossed his head back on his fat neck.  His face had turned a dangerous shade of crimson and his sockets only showed the whites of his eyes.  For a moment Billy was frightened.  What if the out-of-shape fuck had a heart attack here and now?  He’d never be able to get out from under him!  Eventually some passer-by would find him under Ralph’s blubbery body.  What an embarrassing situation that would prove to be!

Billy’s paranoiac fears were for naught.   Ralph was merely in the throes a momentous orgasm.  White hot pleasure seared through his reproductive organs as millions of fat baby sperms spurted heavily into Billy’s bowels.  Ralph practically frothed at the mouth as his big body lurched time after time, filling the boy with load after load of jism.  Ralph’s big hairy belly jiggling all over his erect cock drove Billy to the edge.  Panting and whimpering he spot a hefty load of boy cum between their comingled bodies.  They moaned and groaned together through their shattering climaxes.  Ralph dropped on Billy after his final ejaculation, but only to nuzzle his neck, fills his ear with fat tongue and suck his lips one last time. 

Ralph could have lain like that forever.  Billy was the boy of his dreams.  But Billy’s tapping him on the back, reminding him that he needed to get home and Ralph had to return the bus to the station was the only thing that prompted him to remove his dick from the boy’s wonderful pussy and resume his spot at the front of the bus.  Ralph was very talkative on the ride, sharing all the plans he had for future sessions.  In the grasp of after sex guilt, Billy was already thinking about other means of travel.  Once in a while would be one thing, but this fat slob was talking as if they were going steady.  



The bus pulled up in front of the Wilson house and deposited Billy at his door.  From behind the shade in his bedroom Donny impatiently watched.  Soon as he saw his brother walking up the drive he darted down the stairs and met him at the door.

“Where the fuck were you?” he demanded with an angry scowl. 

“Had swim practice after school,” Billy lied, hoping in his fury Donny wouldn’t realize the school bus didn’t provide after school activity transportation.

“You didn’t tell me that!” Donny persisted.

“You didn’t ask,” Billy sarcastically responded, eliciting a crack to the back of his head from the bully.

“Get upstairs and in the shower,” Donny ordered.  “We only have about a half hour.”

“Where are we going?”

“Don’t worry about it, shithead,” Donny growled, shoving him to the stairs.  “Get cleaned up.  And be quick about it.”

Another excursion.  Billy wondered what new delicious horror he was about to endure.  With Donny acting so anxious it was sure to be a doozy.  He was grateful for the time to wash Ralph from his body.  And drop some of that monumental load from his asshole.  He made a quick, but thorough, job of it and, pretending reluctance, met Donny at the front door.  Donny shoved him into the car and off they went.

Once again Donny was headed to the seedy side of town.  Figured.  It seemed to be his favorite haunt.  There was no conversation.  When Billy attempted, Donny raised the volume of his head-banging music to an ear shattering decibel.  It was just on the outskirts when Donny pulled into the lot of a lone motel which had obviously seen better days.  Billy figured it was a welfare motel.  There were only two cars in the uneven lot.  One was a beat-up old junker with a cracked windshield and a tail pipe suspended by wire.  The other was a sedan which strangely looked familiar to Billy. 

The automobile in question belonged to Dorothy (Dottie) Brewster, who had arrived on the scene less than ten minutes ago for her weekly rendezvous.  She had a standing reservation for room number twelve, the last and least conspicuous on the compound.  As she always did at this time on Thursday late afternoons she parked by the office to pay cash (for which she would be reimbursed by her secret lover) and retrieve the key.  Once in the room she would prepare the glass of Scotch and water, including one for herself, turn down the bed and slip into the seductive lingerie she had purchased just for this afternoon.  Then she would await his arrival.

Some time ago Dottie had realized that she wasn’t getting any younger and the best years of her life were behind her.  Life with her husband, Ed, had grown stale.  They rarely made love anymore.  Dottie wanted---no, needed---to be fucked.  Regularly.  Dildos and vibrators weren’t doing it for her.  She wanted a man, a real man, to satisfy her on a regular basis.  One who was adventurous and willing to do just about anything.  In the unlikeliest of circumstances she had discovered him.  Although they were both committing adultery, neither cared.  He was a real burly stud and, once a week, they fucked like horny teenagers.  Dottie loved his cock; it was much bigger and stronger than Ed’s.  She joyously sucked it, took it down her throat, up her ass and in her pussy.  Her lover was an extremely virile man.   Like Ed, the thrill of sex was over for his wife.  He confessed to Dottie that he’d been fucking around on her for many years. 

Dottie was especially horny this afternoon.  Her clitoris was positively buzzing as she made her way into the seedy motel office.  The same freaky looking youth with piercings just about everywhere who manned the place at this time of day was slouched in a chair behind the counter diddling with his cell phone.  When he saw her he grinned from ear to ear and Dottie felt a chill crawl up her spine.  Digging into her purse she came up with the appropriate amount of money and tossed in onto the counter.  “The key to room twelve,” she announced huffily.

Bones clucked his tongue and shook his head from side to side.  “Nuh-uh, room’s already rented out.”

“What do you mean?” Dottie cried indignantly. “I have a standing reservation for that particular room.”

“Not today you don’t, lady,” Bones countered, rising from his seat.  “Sorry to tell ya, but you ain’t gonna be fuckin’ your boyfriend today.”

“Well, I never!’ Dottie gasped, fumbling in her purse for her cell phone.  When she pulled it out Bones grasped hold of it and yanked it from her manicured hands.  “What do you think you’re doing, young man?” she asked, horrified.

“You ain’t callin’ him either.  Oh, he’ll be here soon enough.  But it ain’t you he’s gonna be meetin’ up with in that there room.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Dottie cried out.

Bones rose, came closer to the counter to reach under and retrieve an envelope.  One by one he laid out the photographs contained therein for Dottie to view.  Dottie gasped again.  They were pictures of her and Him fornicating in the room at the end of the motel.  It was all there.  Every position they had assumed captured on film.  Bones had taken stills from the video footage for this exact purpose. 

“H-how did you get these?” she asked, astonished.

“Big Bruthas always watchin’,” Bones taunted.  “Now, I know that ain’t your husband.  And I figure your husband don’t know about this dude.  Although, he does know him, don’t he, Mrs. Brewster?”

Dottie’s eyes flared again.  “How do you know my name?”

Bones responded with a wide and amused grin.  “Now, unless you want these pictures to go to your old man, you gonna do what I tell ya to do.”

“What do you want?” Dottie recoiled, fearfully.  “Money?  I’ll get you money.  But first I have to speak to…to Him.”

Bones clucked his tongue and shook his head.  “Nope.  That ain’t gonna do it.”

Dottie quickly checked her watch.  “He’ll be here soon.  When I’m not at the room he’ll come here looking for me.”

Bones rolled his eyes and shook his head once more.  “Wrong again, Mrs. Brewster.  Lover boy is gonna be, how you say it, otherwise occupied?”

“What do you mean?” Dottie asked, her face falling.

“You don’t need to worry ‘bout that,” Bones replied, stepping out from around the counter.  Dottie recoiled as he reached down and unzipped his fly.  “This is the dick you gonna be takin’ care of today, Mrs. B.”  Dottie looked with astonishment at the hard young dick with a steel ring flaring out of its piss hole.  She fleetingly wondered what that Prince Albert would feel like in her pussy.  Bones flicked his tongue suggestively and she gasped when she saw the piercing there, also.  Her twat was twitching.

Bones took her hand in his.  There were silver rings on each finger and his nails were dirty.  With her lower lip quivering she allowed him to lead her to a private room behind the counter.  A room with a couch.  She fell back on it.  He knelt, spread her legs, slipped off her panties and dove in under her skirt. By the time Dottie felt that tongue ring on her clitoris she was already gone.


The first thing he saw when he pulled into the lot was her car parked by the office.  Stupid cunt!  She knew she was supposed to park on the side out of view of the road.  He was so distressed he failed to miss one crater of a pot hole.  Having a flat tire here would not be a good thing. Not there; not now.  He tucked his car away in its usual spot and did a quick examination of the damage, but all appeared to be well.

Locking the vehicle he hastily made his way around the building, up on the walkway and to the door of the last room.  Curiously, it was slightly ajar.  Well, she was expecting him , after all.  He was horny as fuck and already half hard.  Been thinking about her hungry pussy all day.  Took lunch with her husband, his work buddy, and while Ed talked his mind was on eating out Dottie’s pussy. 

He pushed the door open, closed and locked it behind him.  The blinds were drawn.  The room was semi-dark.  This part of the shit motel was nestled in a grove of tall trees, blocking out the late afternoon sunshine.  He flicked the light switch, sure he’d find her there in her girly undies undulating atop the bed in anticipation of their weekly frolic.  Instead, he was met with a monumental surprise.

Lying on his back atop the mattress propped up against the headboard with his legs crossed at the ankles in front of him was his eldest son, Donny.   Tom Wilson’s mouth dropped and the color drained from his face. 

“Hey, Pops!” Donny greeted with a big, knowing smile on his mug.  “Oh, shit!  I’m sorry.  You was expectin’ Dottie, wasn’t you?  Well, she ain’t gonna be makin’ it today.  She’s, um, got other things to do.”

Tom’s expression changed from surprise to outrage.  “You little prick!  What’re you doin’, following me around?”

Donny laced his hands behind his head, thoroughly enjoying his father’s discomfort.  “Didn’t need to do no following of anybody.  It’s just that you’re not too, what’s the word, discreet.  I know all about you shagging Mrs. Brewster every Thursday over here.  Couldn’t you find a better place?” he added with a look of disgust.  “This joint is a real shithole.”

Tom’s hands were balled into fists at his sides and his face had become an angry red.  “What do you think, you got somethin’ on me now?  You think you’re gonna shake me down?  Ain’t gonna happen.  Your word against mine.  And nobody’s gonna believe a hoodlum like you.”

“A hoodlum?” Donny scoffed.  “That what you think of me?  A hoodlum, the bad son.”

“What did you do with Dottie?” Tom demanded, ignoring the boy’s last comment.

“Didn’t do nothing to her,” Donny replied innocently.  “Right about now Mrs. B is probably having the time of her life.  I hear older women get off on us young guys.  Cougars, they call ‘em.  Dottie has traded in your old dick for some young meat.”

Tom angrily advanced on Donny, who deftly slid off the mattress standing there with the bed between them, an amused grin on his darkly handsome face.   Tom was really fuming.  The angrier he got the more delighted Donny became.  Snatching the remote he flicked on the television secured high on the wall behind his father.  “Sit down, Pops.  We’re gonna watch a little movie.”

“I don’t want to watch any fucking movie,” Tom snarled.

“Oh, this one you will,” Donny assured him.  “You’re the star.”

Tom’s heavy brow furrowed, uncertain exactly what his errant boy was up to.  Donny’s fingers flew over the screen of his smartphone.  He looked toward the screen and a satisfying grin split his face.  “Check it out, Daddy-O .  There ya are in living color.”  Tom glanced over his shoulder and registered shock when he saw the action on the screen.  There was no sound, but none was necessary.  There was no mistaking himself mounting Dottie Brewster like a dog, pounding his cock into her asshole, slipping it into her pussy and then back up to her shitter again. 

“Where the fuck did you get this?” he harshly whispered.

“Jeez, I dunno, Pops.  Looks like the same room as this.  Same bed.  Hmmm, must’ve been a camera in here somewhere.” 

“Why, you little sonofabitch,” Tom growled, ready to pounce on the boy.

“Don’t like that one?  That’s okay.  There’s more,” Donny assured him.  He queued up another clip, this one with Dottie flat on her bed, her legs straight up and spread wide like a cheerleader while Tom hungrily ate out her pussy.  Then another, with Dottie bouncing up and down on a prone Tom’s cock.  There was Dottie sucking him off.  The two of them in a wicked sixty-nine.  And on and on, enough footage to make a full length feature film.

Tom forced himself to look away from the lurid display.  “What do you want?” He asked through clenched teeth. 

“What I want?” Donny repeated, as if not understanding the question.  “I wanted you to be a father.  I wanted you to take me to ball games.  Teach me how to drive. Take me camping, fishing.  Give me a pat on the back every once in a while.  I wanted you to love me.  But, no, it was always Billy.  Billy. Billy.”  He fought back the tear which surprisingly had come to his eye.  What the fuck was wrong with him?  Tough guys didn’t cry.

“Don’t try and lay that bullshit on me.  Billy is a good, decent kid.  And you’re nothing but a bum.  Always were, always will be,” Tom shot back.  “Just look at what you’re doing here.”

“Billy? Decent?  That what you think?”  Donny laughed.  “I got an eye opener for you, Terrible Tom. Right there on the screen.”

Despite strong reservations Tom turned to look back at the television.  He was in the process of shooting his load all over Dottie’s pussy when the scene abruptly ended and a different video appeared.  Tom’s jaw dropped, his eyes widened and his face scrunched up in disgust as he saw his good boy, Billy, with a dick in his mouth and one up his asshole.  He watched horrified as heavily tattooed men savagely pounded the poor boy.  “There it is, your decent boy doing what he does best.  Want more?  I got lots more.”  Tom tried to look away, but like a passerby at the scene of an accident, he found that he couldn’t.  Next up was Billy on the hood of a car, Donny’s car, getting banged by some random fruitcake. Then Billy posting on some really old guy who looked half dead.  Tom’s stomach turned.  But the worse was when the action flipped to his pride and joy piled on by several black men.  Tom Wilson was an old school racist and thusly disgusted by what he saw.  He cringed and nearly heaved when cum began seeping from the corners of Billy’s mouth.  And Billy, his darling Billy, was scarfing it down as if he liked it!

With a defeated moan Tom fell heavily onto the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.  “What have you done to that boy?  What have you done?”

“I didn’t do nuthin’ that he hadn’t already started,” Donny snarled nastily, and then proceeded to detail Billy’s seduction of old man Hallahan and his money making college funding plan.  Tom was dumbfounded.  The one decent thing he thought he had done in life was raising a boy with a promising future.  The other son, the rotten one, had dashed all hope of that.  After the reality of it all had settled Tom rebounded.  Rising from the bed in outrage he declared, “I’m going to kill you.”

“Only thing you’re gonna do is strip down,” Donny advised him.

“Fuck you!” Tom growled and advanced. 

Donny held up the smartphone controlling the videos and told him, “I got all this action, just the stuff with you and Dottie, not Billy’s fag shit, I got it all attached to both Mr. Brewster and Mom’s account.  All’s I have to do is press one little icon and they see it all.  Think about what both of them will do when they find out what you’ve been doin’ with Dottie before you come threatening me.”

Tom froze.  He knew the little bastard had him by the balls.  His affair with Dottie would be the ruination of the both of them. 

“One touch, just one touch and it’s all over.  And my finger’s a little twitchy right now,” Donny taunted him.  “Now get your clothes off.”

Suppressing his anger Tom reluctantly followed Donny’s orders, although never taking his evil eye off the deceptive boy.   Shoes, socks, shirt and pants scattered about the floor.  “All of it!” Donny commanded.  Tom stood tall, puffed out his chest and dropped the final garment.  Manual labor at the plant had kept Tom in shape.  He had strong arms and a healthy, hairy chest, rounded hard gut and the impressive Wilson cock.  As Donny appraised his father Tom snorted, “Maybe Billy ain’t the only queer one.”

Donny’s face clouded and he thrust the phone out threateningly.  “You don’t want to piss me off, Tom.  Remember, one click and it’s all over for you.  Now get the fuck on the bed.”  Tom complied, taking the same position he had found Donny in when he first entered the sleazy motel room.  Sitting with his back propped against the headboard, one hairy leg thrust out in front of him, the other bent up at the knee he spread out his arms with palms up.  “So, what do you think you’re gonna do now, tough guy?  Huh?”

Donny’s jaw clenched and his nostrils flared.  “Get in here!” he shouted.  “NOW!”

Tom’s brow furrowed.  He detected a rustling from behind the closed bathroom door.  So, they hadn’t been alone all this time!  Slowly the door opened and, to Tom’s utter surprise, out stepped young Billy.  His youngest son wore nothing more than a sheepish expression on his troubled face.  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” he managed in a small voice.  Tom swallowed hard, not sure how to respond.  The things he had seen Billy do in those videos would forever be etched in his mind.  He would like to believe the boy had been coerced but in several of those scenes it appeared that Billy actually was enjoying it.  As if reading Tom’s thoughts Billy spat out, “It’s all his fault.  He made me do it!  He said if I didn’t he would tell everyone about, you know, me and Mr. Hallahan.”

Donny’s face scrunched sarcastically.  “Shut up, get on that bed and start sucking his cock,” he commanded.

Tom shot his head in Donny’s direction, a horrified look on his mug.  “Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!”

Billy was now at the foot of the bed and climbing up on to the mattress.  On all fours he crawled up toward his father.  “I’m sorry Daddy, but we have to.  He’s going to send those pictures of you and Mrs. Brewster to Mom and her husband if we don’t.  Mom will divorce you and Mr. Brewster, who knows what he will do.”

“NO!” Tom shook his head with alarm.  “NOOO!”

“He’ll do it,” Billy continued moving up between Tom’s hairy legs.  “He’s mean and rotten and he’ll do it.  Believe me, I know.  He said he wouldn’t tell if I did whatever he wanted but still the word is getting around school.  And now you know.  I only went along with him, did those things, to keep the secret about my stupid college funding scheme.  Now that everyone knows it doesn’t matter anymore.  He lied to me and used me like a cheap whore.”

“Shut your fucking mouth and suck the cock!” Donny bellowed.

In the presence of their father, feeling safe to defy Donny, he continued, “He will tell Mom and Mr. Brewster.  It will break up our family and I will never get into college.  It’s the only hope I have left, getting out of town and going somewhere where no one knows.  We have to do this!

Tom cringed and backed against the headboard when his young son reached out and took hold of his half hard cock.  Tom hadn’t realized he had begun to sprout an erection.  “No, Billy!” he warned, but even he knew it was half-hearted.  Billy pushed his father’s hairy thighs apart, stroked the growing cock and looked up at his bewildered father.  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” he breathed as he dropped down to meet the uncoiling erection. 

Tom jolted when Billy’s wet tongue swiped up the thick under belly of his hefty Wilson cock.  This couldn’t be happening.  His cute, fair-haired teenage son was licking his dick, which was hard as steel! The introductory swipe was tentative but soon Billy was painting his entire cock with saliva.  Tom squirmed from the intense heat of the boy’s juicy tongue.  This wasn’t right.  This shouldn’t be happening.  But Billy had been right: there was no other way to appease Donny.  Right now the scoundrel had the phone focused on them, his finger on the trigger.  With merely a sneeze that digit could flex and send the damning evidence of his assignations with Dottie to their respective spouses. He would like to have wiped that amused, satisfied smile off his eldest son’s mug.  But for his own sake and Billy’s, he refrained.

In actuality Donny had his device opened to the camera window and was amusedly recording the incestuous action.  He had to give Billy’s props.  The little guy had taken to Daddy’s dick like flies to shit.  There was nothing hesitant about his actions.  He was really slobbering on that big, throbbing cock.  Donny was no fool.  He’d come to realize that, despite his protests to the contrary, Billy had taken to cock sucking.  Earlier, when he’d outlined to Billy exactly what was going to go down in the motel room, his little brother had profusely objected.  But he detected that flicker in the boy’s eyes and the catch in his breath that spoke otherwise.  He hadn’t hesitated to pounce on big Daddy when the opportunity presented itself.  All that “sorry, Daddy” and “Donny made me do it” talk was smoke screen.  He wanted it; he just didn’t want anyone else to know. 

Billy thought he had the wool pulled over Donny’s eyes, using big brother to procure cock for his pleasure.  Donny began to figure it out in the drug dealer’s den.  What began as a game of abuse and humiliation had turned into perverse pleasure for Billy.  Donny credited himself with the transformation.  While the proclivity may have already been there, as evidenced by the boy’s rendezvous with old man Hallahan, Donny’s machinations had totally jaded young, innocent Billy.

Upon learning of Tom’s misdeeds Donny came to the decision that this would be Billy’s swan song.  Sure he would like to have thrown the kid in with the bums and winos and seen what developed.  But settling with Terrible Tom took precedence.  Not that he regretting a thing he had done, but Billy had been right all along.  He wasn’t the direct cause of Donny’s angst.  Daddy Dearest was.  Humiliating Tom for the way he’d been debased by him all his life was true revenge.  Billy was merely the tool by which he would accomplish this feat.  Donny figured the kid would get into it once things got going.  Tom, on the other hand, would be the true mortified, reluctant participant.  After this night Donny would be holding the axe over his father’s head for now and far into the future.  Billy would be set free to pursue whatever dirty little business he desired.

Billy wrapped his hand around the fat base of his father’s adult rod to hold it upright and swirled his tongue around the flared ridge of the cock head.  Slipping his lips over the crown he slovenly sucked on it while tickling the pisshole with his tongue and stroking the full length of the shaft.  He cast his eyes up to meet his father’s.  Looking down at the innocent boy sucking on his meat Tom moaned, “Billy…Oh, Billy!”  Donny wasn’t sure if it was a cry of disappointment or satisfaction.  Billy savored his father’s dick head with real gusto, moaning appreciatively when he was rewarded with a wave of excited pre-cum. It tasted rich and absolutely awesome.  Participating in Donny’s sick game he came off the dick and, still stroking the meat, innocently said once again, “I’m sorry, Daddy” before swallowing the entire thing from leaky head to musky root.  Tom groaned, tossed back his head and ground his body into the mattress.  He couldn’t believe his baby boy had taken his eight-and-one-half inches in one, unexpected gulp.  Some of the whores he’d procured over the years hadn’t managed that feat.  Snorting through flared nostrils Billy held the hunk of meat in place. Dad-prick throbbed maddeningly in the tight confines of his throat.  He rocked his head back and forth and glanced up to gauge his father’s reaction.  Tom’s eyes had shot wide open.  His thick brows were knitted and his mouth was agape.  His breath was stuck in his throat and his hairy, manly body shuddered with the awesome sensation of having his manhood thoroughly devoured by his boy.  His lower lip quivered when Billy slowly and painfully drew back, steadily allowing inch by inch to come up from the depths of his throat and through his cock-stuffed lips.  He chewed on Tom’s fleshy knob a bit before swiftly sinking back down.  This time Tom let out a long, mournful wail and used his large calloused hands to brace himself on the mattress.  His legs quivered as his adult cock lodged in his son’s deep throat.  Fuck, this was so wrong.   Yet it felt so right!

With his lips plastered around the succulent flesh of the hard family cock Billy began bobbing up and down, fucking his face with it.  Tom’s manly groans grew deeper and more frequent.   His boy’s throat muscles were alternately contracting and constricting as his fuck tool soared through, causing Tom’s balls to churn.  Every time the kid went down with his smooth, fresh face buried in his thick man bush Tom felt a surge of hedonistic lust.  Drool and a good amount of pre-fuck juice was leaking from the kid’s mouth as he pleasured the cock which had fathered him.  Tom’s dick was glistening with son saliva and his masculine working man’s body was slick with excited sweat. 

“Sick Dad-Fuck,” Donny snorted.  “Lettin’ your son suck your dick.  I should make you suck mine!”

“Fuck you!” Tom retorted.  “You’re the sick one, making this kid do all this shit.  Always knew you were no damned good, from the time you was born.  Bad fuckin’ seed, that’s what you are.”

Donny became incensed.  Tom instantly knew he had gone too far.  The boy always was like a ticking time bomb.  Donny advanced on him, waving the phone in his face.  “I ought to send that video of you and that cheatin’ cunt to her husband anyways, you rotten bastard,” he bellowed.  Billy, a bit frightened by the anger in his big brother’s tone, froze with cock in his mouth.  “You never gave a rat fuck about me!  It was always Billy, Billy, Billy.  Well, now you’ve got your Billy.  And I’ve got it all right here in my phone.”

Tom’s face grew dark.  “You’ve been recordin’ this, you little prick?”

Donny smiled evilly.  “Fuckin-A , I have.  Come on, Tom, give me some more of your lip.  I’ll attach this one to the others.”

“Why, you miserable---“

“How you gonna explain that, Tom?  You with your dick down your poor little cock sucking son’s throat?  What are you gonna say?  Big bad Donny made me do it,” he sing songed.  “Yeah, that’ll really go over.”

“Don’t make him mad, Daddy,” Billy warned.  “The madder he gets, the worse things become.”

There was something about the boy calling him “daddy” with his lips so near his dick that made Tom’s cock pulse even harder.  Placing his ham-like hand on Billy’s head and brushing back his hair, he soothingly said, “Don’t you worry, son.  Just keep doing what you’re doing.  That little motherfucker, he’s gonna get his one day.”  Looking sternly at Donny, he added, “Real soon.”

Donny snickered while he captured what would appear to all eyes as encouragement from a father to his cock sucking son.  Tom hadn’t noticed, and Donny barely realized, but the scenario had the eldest son’s cock in a state of arousal.  Gaining his father’s permission Billy returned to the business at hand.  But this time he directed his attention to the hairy, bloated sac nestled between Tom’s thighs.  The scent of adult male filled his nostrils as he wedged his face down there.  Tom instinctively spread his legs wider to allow the boy access.  Billy burrowed in, first licking the furry insides of his father’s thighs and then washing his nuts.  His tongue lapped around each scum-bloated orb, along the seam and down under toward his old man’s t’aint, where things tasted extra manly.  Tom’s nuts were large and heavy but Billy managed to slurp one, then the other, into his mouth and slovenly suck on them.  Tom shuddered.  Billy heard him gasp with pleasure.  Looking up he could see pre-cum liberally oozing down the man’s big shaft.  Billy applied hard suction to the hairy sac as he rolled the nads around in their casing with his tongue, heating up the father load contained therein. 

With his knees drawn in to his chest between Tom’s legs Billy’s ass was fully exposed to the brother behind him.  Observing the younger boy’s pucker winking at him Donny unwittingly groped his own full crotch.  For months he’d playing pimp and camera man, watching all these guys plowing and getting off in Billy’s pristine pussy while he went home with a bad case of blue balls.  Each night he’d throw himself across his bed and beat one off thinking about the lurid things he had made his envied brother do.  Hands down, this was the best.  It was almost too good for him to resist.  He had to give himself props for engineering the whole thing.  Making his father vulnerable in this fashion was absolute genius!  With the threat of exposure hanging over his head Tom had no choice but to comply.  While Billy didn’t appear all that fazed by working over his loving father, Tom certainly was uncomfortable with the entire situation.  But like any guy with talented lips on his man tools Tom just couldn’t resist.  It was obvious he was conflicted.  His mouth said no, but his body was speaking another story.  Sort of like Billy.

Billy finally freed Tom’s now-aching balls one at a time and took a long swipe up the underside of his dick, lapping up all the tasty drool.  Tom’s lower lip quivered as he watched his baby boy consuming his man juice.  When he reached the crest he sucked the head into his mouth and squeezed Daddy’s nuts while reaming the slit.  Tom groaned, his body lurched and another surge of seminal fluid rose up and out.  It was Billy’s turn to moan in appreciation for the tasty offering.  Never once in his life had he thought of his brusque father as a sexual object but here, now, that’s exactly what he had become.  Daddy was a macho man.  Daddy had a hot, hard cock.  And Billy was hornier than he’d ever been.

“Get fucked!” Donny nastily ordered and Billy robotically obeyed.  Rising he moved to straddle Tom’s groin and, pulling his butt cheeks apart, lowered himself.  From behind Billy was quite the picture.  All that swimming and calisthenics had built a nice, firm and learn body.  Donny, on the other hand, was muscular like their father.  Donny lewdly observed his brother’s smooth, robust ass cakes as they came nearer to the big cock twitching beneath.  Donny licked his lips as he saw Billy’s pussy hole bloom open, hungry for daddy’s dick.  He gripped his hard, straining cock through his jeans and squeezed, aware that he was leaking.  Moving to a more advantageous spot he delightfully saw the horror expressed by Terrible Tom.  Instinctively his hairy knuckled hands had latched on to Billy’s narrow swimmer’s hips and he was shaking his head back and forth.  “No! No!” he continually wailed.

“Yes, Daddy, Yes!” Billy countered.  “We have to!”  His own dick was hard and bobbing.  He reached between his spread legs to grip and steady Tom’s cock.  The knob pressed against the dilating lips of his hot hole.  Billy pushed down on the slick mushroom head, which spread him open and slid inside.  Billy’s slimy pussy lips snapped tightly around the thick ridge.  Tom went ballistic.  With his cockhead lodged in his son’s ass he clenched his teeth and thrashed about on the bed, unintentionally driving more of his meat up into the boy.  Billy pushed down on Tom’s straining dick and forced the first couple of inches into his boy twat.  Daddy had a nice, big and pleasing cock head which could easily burrow the way.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” Billy reassured the distressed stud.  “I’ve got this.”  He slid further down the shaft, shivering when it bumped against his sensitive prostate.  Tom’s thick toes had started to curl, his hands were clawing at Billy’s hips and his body was grinding against the mattress.  He growled like a wild beast as he slipped deeper and deeper into the tight, warm pussy.  Sure he was in past the half way mark Tom couldn’t believe how fabulous it felt inside the grasping cavern.  His son’s ass was alive, an entity unto itself squirming and sizzling around his meat. 

“Enough with the fuckin’ foreplay!” Donny snarled.  “Fuck him!”  Following his director’s cue Billy dropped.  All eight and a half inches of daddy dick slammed up into his pussy balls deep.  Billy threw back his head, grunted and ground around on the hairy root.  Tom let out a breathless wail and saw flashes of light before his wondrous eyes.  Billy wasted little time in taking control, bouncing up and down on his father’s thick, hard cock.  His puffy boy labia grasped the dick and held it tight and they glided over the throbbing stalk.  He slammed with full force down on it each time, spurting bubbles of boy juice each time that monster head punched deep in his gut. 

It was quite an erotic sight, a smooth bodied youth riding the strong cock of his hairy, muscular adult father.  Billy played his part well, giving Tom the full treatment.  Tom’s expressions were those of alarm and absolute bliss, making for a great video.  Donny had observed how much his buddies, the Nazis, drug dealers and others had taken pleasure in Billy’s pussy.  And now it looked like Tom has having a similar revelation.  Baby bro must be damned good!  Donny unsnapped his jeans and lowered the zipper, allowing his throbbing hardon some room to breathe.

Billy rose and dropped down time after time.  His ass was soaring over Tom’s massive dick.  He was jerking his own cock with one hand while the other was pressed up against Tom’s hairy, heaving chest.  “I’m sorry, Daddy.  I’m sorry,” he kept moaning over and over.  Tom continually countered with, “It’s alright, baby.  It’s alright.  Oh damn, it’s really alright!”  All this porno banter was making Donny’s dick create a huge wet spot in his briefs.  He was already thinking of the huge money he could make putting this footage up on some pay per view perv web site.  It would serve Tom right.

Donny became giddy with perverse delight when Tom suddenly grabbed hold of Billy’s bouncing melons, held him still and began thrusting his dick up into his son’s pussy.  He plunged into Billy with quick, powerful motions, fucking his snout deep inside the boy.  Billy’s ass ring held onto the pummeling cock with a viselike grip, increasing the pleasure for the both of them.  Donny moved in for a close up of his baby brother’s pouty ass lips clinging to daddy’s dick each time he pulled out.  Tom continued to hammer his hips upward, sinking himself into that cozy son slot.  He knew he was playing right into Donny’s hand but he couldn’t stop pumping.  Billy’s boy pussy felt that good around his big old dick.

After a time Donny barked more orders.  “Get off the pig!” he commanded Billy.  “Lay the fuck down so’s he can fuck you the way he does his bitch.”  Billy really didn’t want to change things up; he was liking things just the way they were.  Daddy’s dick felt awesome pumping his channel.  But when Donny issued a directive he had learned it was best to obey.  Rolling off Tom onto his back beside him he lifted his legs, held onto them behind the knees and splayed himself open like a trained whore.  His asshole gaped hungrily, pussy lips throbbing and anxiously awaiting Daddy’s attention.  Up on his elbows, Tom salaciously ogled the tiny winking hole, amazed that his big dick had actually fit in such a tight, constricted place.  While he’d fucked Dottie up the ass, this was something entirely different.

“We ain’t got all day,” Donny snarled nastily.  “Get on and fuck him!”  Tom gave Donny a long hard and cold stare.  While another might have been daunted, Donny merely snickered.  For the first time in his life he had Tom by the balls.  And Tom was just smart enough to know it. 

Tom crawled between the spread of his son’s smooth, trained legs much the same way he did with the boy’s mother.  Only this was a whole hell of a lot different.  He lay over the boy on his elbows with thick hairy forearms to either side of his favored son with his fat, leaking dick resting against Billy’s hot, panting pussy.  They were practically face to face.  Tom nestled his stubbly face against one side of Billy’s neck and whispered into his ear, “Don’t you worry, boy.  We’re gonna even things up with that little shit.” 

“Oh yes, Daddy!” Billy gushed.  From his perspective it appeared to Donny father and son were getting romantic with each other.  In fact, he almost anticipated Tom mashing his lips to little Billy’s and mugging it up with him.  Damn, that would make for even greater video!  A real father and son swapping spit like lovers!  But instead Tom assumed push-up position, shifted his hips to line his cock up on target and slid his eight-plus inches into Billy’s smooth hole.   Billy wrapped his legs around Tom’s hairy body, effectively locking him into place, and allowed him to take control.  Tom drove the entirety of his cock in one fierce, gut-wrenching stroke, momentarily taking Billy’s breath away.  What ensued was an impassioned pummeling, Tom’s steely hard prick flogging Billy‘s pussy with wild abandon.  His hairy ass rose and fell as he jabbed himself up to the balls inside the boy.  Tom was a savage fucker, always had been.  He didn’t know any other way.  Billy wasn’t complaining.  He’d gotten used to this type of treatment; actually craved it now.  The rougher the fucker, the more he enjoyed. 

Tom’s thick thighs slapped hard against his son with the force of his pumping, driving him back to the headboard.  His big balls heaved to and fro, crashing against the boy’s under side.  Billy’s hands were all over his dad’s hairy body.  Whereas he barely had hair under his armpits, Tom was entirely hirsute.  Arms, back and chest were constantly caressed in the heat of this momentous fucking.  Billy loved his father now more than ever before.  Once again Donny had unwittingly done him a favor by setting this up.  Every nerve in his trim body was pulsating with primal pleasure.  Billy loved his daddy’s cock, loved the way the man was fucking him.  He might not want to go away to college after all, not with this hot fucker living under the same roof as him.  He wanted to be daddy’s boy forever.

Tom was hopelessly lost in the incredible heat and tightness of his son’s steamy puss.  He was grunting and swearing, his body coated in a glistening sheen of perspiration.  He was barely conscious of Donny’s presence, circling the bed like an interested voyeur, capturing them on his phone from all angles.  Billy’s luscious cunt walls were practically driving him crazy, grasping and squeezing as he forged through.  Tom pounded his cock into the juicy fuck hole, not forgetting for a second that it was his good boy he was corn holing.  He was aware that his nuts were tightening and what that signaled, but he was like a runaway train and unable to stop himself.  Pounding even harder, his big body rising in the air and crashing down into Billy’s cunt, he gnashed his teeth and let loose a string of obscenities.  With a deep , gravelly wail he shoved deep and his large cockhead erupted, sending scads of white hot cum into his son’s pussy.  The kid’s insides had wrapped around his firing cock and seemed to be stroking him off.  Thick, hot spunk continued to surge in wave after wave, loading Billy with potential brothers and sisters.  Tom was dripping sweat with his eyes and mouth agape.  He wasn’t sure if he’d ever gotten off so damned good before. 

Exhausted after his momentous release Tom rolled off Billy and lay beside him, his chest rising and falling mightily as he tried to recoup.  Billy was fast stroking his own dick, desperate to blow after such a sinsational fuck.  But Donny had him by the ankles and was dragging him to the foot of the bed.  Billy struggled but his big brother had the upper hand.  Before Donny flipped him over onto his belly the boy was consumed by fear.  There was something in Donny’s eyes he hadn’t seen before.  Something desperate.

With Billy’s cum-dripping ass at the edge Donny back handed it once, then again.  Struggling to rise up on his elbows Tom ordered him to stop abusing the boy.  But Donny failed to heed the warning.  Billy clawed at the bed covering, attempting to skitter away.  Donny yanked him back.  His own cock was throbbing, the thick veins bulging to the surface.  Stepping closer he thrust and rammed his dick into his brother’s fuck hole.  Taking Billy by the hips he proceeded with an all-out pile driving.  His thrusts were intense and meant to punish.  He felt every tremor of Billy’s ravaged pussy through his own battering prick.  Billy was pounding his fists against the mattress, gnashing his teeth and tossing his head to and fro.  Tom rose to break them up but Donny forcefully pushed him away.  He punch fucked Billy with reckless abandon.  His brother was nothing more than a hole.  After what he had just witnessed Donny was desperate to unload and Billy was the only viable prospect. 

Donny fucked his brother with a fury.  Failing to heed Billy’s grunts of pain he mightily bored into the boy’s squirming colon, churning Tom’s cum load and creating foam on his battering dick and the straining rim of Billy’s fuck hole.  Donny’s dick charged deep, pounding fuck out of the boy’s aching ass with an animalistic strength.  His armpits were soaked and his heaving body was all perspiration.  His dark eyes blazed with insane determination.  Billy’s wrecked ass ring spasmed with each lightning-fast thrust.  His boy clit was constantly battered with the savage assault.  He grunted and groaned, clenching his teeth to endure the torture.  And then he was cumming, shooting a voluminous wad of boy cum across the bed under him.  Failing to lose a beat Donny continued to pound the cum out of him.

All at once Donny tensed, his mouth gaped and his eyes flared, staring but not seeing.  His muscular body trembled as his cock exploded in Billy’s quivering pussy.  Still he fucked, shoving his hips back and forth as a geyser of milky white cum drenched Billy’s insides.  Hot wads pelted against the boy’s straining ass walls and scorched his pussy.  There seemed to be an endless amount.  Finally drained, Donny staggered back, his angry dick dripping juice.   Stunned by what he had just done he ran a hand through his hair and stood there shaking his head in disbelief, watching his cum ooze out of Billy’s puffy hole.   This wasn’t supposed to have happened.  Whatever had possessed him? 

Tom read his eldest son’s conflicting emotions and took advantage of the opportunity to gain the upper hand.  But Donny quickly rebounded, snatching up his phone and repeating his earlier threat.  A fatigued Billy crawled up the bed and snuggled against his father’s hairy chest.  Tom enfolded the boy in his big arms and soothed the boy.  Neither noticed the satisfied smile that momentarily revealed itself on the well-fucked boy’s flushed face.  Donny made certain he captured this Hallmark moment for future blackmail. 

Tucking his cock away Donny leveled some choice words at the other two before leaving the room.  He peeled out of the parking lot without bothering to check in on Bones.  Nor had he noticed that Dottie’s car was gone.  He turned the radio volume up super high as he sped off, trying to stave off the deed he had just done.  Bones, sprawled out still nude behind the reception desk, heard the noisy muffler and knew that his buddy had gone.  He toyed with his pierced dick, thinking what a good piece Dottie Brewster had turned out to be.  Once they got going she really got into it.  She’d be back for more. 

Out of curiosity he brought up the feed from that last room in the back and the image of Billy Wilson and his father filled the screen.   They were resting across the bed, son in father’s hairy arms.  Next thing he knew the boy had lifted his face to his father’s and they were mugging it up.  Tom’s hand slipped down to Billy’s rump and he began fingering his son’s wet asshole.  Bones’ dick rose.  

                                              Next up:  the closing chapter of Oh, Brother!

by Jon Royale

Email: [email protected]

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