Nothing's Ever Simple

by TheAussieWriter

26 Feb 2024 961 readers Score 9.2 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

đŸ€ž “Wish me luck”

There are not a lot of times where I’d ever post a selfie onto Instagram but today I’m kind of excited because I’ve put all my hopes into trying to get this job opportunity and even splurged on a new suit that probably costs five times what I make in a week but I wanted to look the best I can as I head for the interview.

I’m filled with confidence heading into the interview as everybody likes my picture and comments on how good I look as I take one last look at myself in the mirror of a CafĂ© bathroom where I just had a coffee and got myself all prepared and I’m set for the interview.

Things absolutely couldn’t have gone worse for me in there because I just became a bumbling idiot where I didn’t even remotely look close to being competent or coherent as my mind goes totally blank on what I needed to remember and what I wanted to say. Leaving the interview, I just wish that the earth would open up and swallow me right now because I was so confident about getting the big job and instead I just messed up so badly that I can just imagine the sound of the shredder going with my resume being torn up.

Heading home, it’s still only mid-afternoon so I decide to head to the gym and keep myself away from everything and everyone because even though I’ve only let a few people know what was going on I can’t really face anyone.

Getting into the gym, I just isolate myself and focus on doing whatever I can that doesn’t need my gym partner Tui because normally he would train me and we’d work together. Spending a few hours in the gym is good because I’m not thinking about how bad I did today before I go home pretty sore because I did way too much.

I get home and it’s just after 5:30 as I sit there and just put some music on my phone and start to cook dinner which again is nothing more than a packet of instant fried rice that tastes nothing like Fried Rice and the other quarter of the Chicken I got from Woolies last night. My place is small and it was all that I could afford on my budget and I mean I can’t complain because it’s in a decent neighbourhood and in good condition so it’ll do a kid who grew up in the outer suburbs of Sydney.

I go out and sit on the balcony which is one benefit although not exactly huge still gives me a surprisingly good view of the city skyline as I eat dinner and check my phone which despite a few people knowing I had an interview, haven’t really asked me how it went which is a good thing because I don’t really want to talk about it. The sun is setting over the city as I head back inside when I hear a knock at my door and wander over to see Judith my neighbour who just had back surgery so can’t do much.

“Sorry to disturb you Jayden, would you mind taking Bucky for a walk today, I was trying to get up and do it but I don’t think that I have it in me
 just to the park is fine,” she asks as I nod my head and tell her that it’s fine to do it. Even though there is a no Pet’s policy in place, I think the landlord makes an exception for Judith because she lives on her own after losing her husband 18 months before I moved in.

I nod my head “Of course it’s fine, I’ll be around in about 10 minutes” I say to her as I change my clothes and put on my runners so that we can go down to the park and have a walk around. It’s always ironic how much I enjoy walking Bucky because as a kid I was absolutely petrified of dogs especially the people down the road’s Chihuahua which used to chase me walking to and from School though everyone laughed because of how “friendly” it supposedly was but I swear it hated me.

I get ready to get Bucky and head next door where he’s already waiting for me where he’s excited “Hey little guy” I say as he just loves me and I gotta say I love him too as a kind of Dog uncle as Judith likes to call me.

We head down to the park where we normally, Bucky is getting on so he’s pretty deaf and doesn’t like getting too far from me so he stays on the leash as we walk and usually see the same guy every day as I hope that he’s there again today because even though I know he’s got a boyfriend, I just enjoy talking to him.

As we get down to the park, I see him sitting on the seat with his dog “Hey, was wondering if I was gonna see you today” he says smiling as I smile back and sit down next to him as Bucky just does his thing still on the leash. “I didn’t know if I would be either, the downside of him not actually being my Dog is I don’t really get a say in whether I walk him or not” I laugh as the other guy smiles.

“Then when are we going to ever catch up?” he asks as I just shrug because this is the first time we’ve ever really talked about socialising outside of when we have the Dogs. “Suppose you could ask for my number and we can get Coffee or just I don’t know go to a Swans game if you didn’t have anyone else to go with” I say looking with a smile as his face lights up.

“That sounds like a good plan
 though as friends right?” I nod my head knowing the whole story. “Of course as friends and it’d be good to have some local friends” his eyes open wide sounding surprised by that comment.

I look away at the traffic for a minute as there’s the usual blaring of horns and sirens belting down the main road “You’re not local?” he says as I nod my head. “Now I am, but I grew up near Richmond because my Dad was in the Air Force so was stationed out there
 so I guess still in Sydney just but not really close.”

Richmond is about 65km away from Sydney and was one of the first towns when Sydney was settled back in the late 1700s and being so far away it was very much a country town and still has that atmosphere despite now being on the outskirts of Metropolitan Sydney.

“Oh that’s cool, I wouldn’t have guessed by everything you wear” he says laughing as I take that as a compliment “I grew up in a town called Gilgandra out 450km away” I nod my head knowing exactly where it is, not because I’ve been there but my love of Horse Racing has given me a pretty good guide to where towns are in NSW.

“Yeah, I have a rough idea of where it is
 mainly for the Racing” he laughs as I say that and nods his head “Yep, it’s where the Golf Course is in Town” I nod knowing because you can see that the Racecourse encircles some of the Course.

I look at him “With respect though, you don’t look like a country guy at all” There’s a smile on his face as I say that. “Probably because I’ve been in the city for the past 15 years” I look across at him and think that there is no way that he could be in his 30s because in my head I’m trying to calculate how old he is.

As my head is trying to work out how old he is as I’m talking he stops me “I went to boarding school when I was 13 so the 15 years begin there” he says as I laugh and realise that it must make him 28 which is three years older than me. “It’s funny, we’ve been meeting up here for what about a year now? And this is the most that we’ve ever gotten to know each other and seriously I don’t think we even know each other’s names” We both laugh because we just refer to each other as bud or bro without ever knowing our proper names.

The other guy lets out a chuckle “I guess we haven’t and I mean would be good to put a name to the number that I’m about to get in my phone rather than calling you Park Dog guy” I laugh as he gives me his phone to put my number in which I do and type in Jayden.

I pass him back his phone “Jayden huh? Wouldn’t have picked that” he says as he texts me a simple message.

“Lachie 😊”  he sends back as I smile as we agree to catch up sometime else and he says that he will try to introduce his boyfriend to me as well which I smile as he gets up and grabs his dog Mixy and heads back towards his apartment a few blocks down the other way. The day hasn’t been great but being able to put a name to the face is absolutely amazing as I smile and look at Bucky. “Damn, you’re a guy magnet Buck,” I say picking him up and cuddling him before we walk back to the apartment,

Getting back to the apartment, I always like to take the stairs just as that extra bit of exercise to get up the stairs and as we get back and I’m smiling as Judith opens the door and looks at me with a smile on her face. “I’m guessing he was at the park again?” she asks as I act as if I don’t know what she is talking about because I don’t know how she knows bout Lachie.

I try to play it off “Don’t play shy Jayden
 I know that you and that boy like talking to each other” she says as I sit down at her dining table and unleash Bucky for her. “I don’t know what
 how did you know?” she has a smile on her face and I can’t help but wonder what she knew and had planned.

“The other week, he was sitting in the park with his dog and he knew Bucky pretty well when we went down there and he was asking about you” I just smile and look embarrassed by the fact that my 67-year-old neighbour has tried to hook me up with the guy from the park.

The thought of Judith trying to get me a date is sweet that she is trying to find me someone to go out with but at the same time, there’s a bit of embarrassment because I don’t know what she has said to Lachie. “He didn’t mention that you had been talking to him but nah, we’ve been chatting for all the times you’ve needed me to walk Bucky for you and I don’t want to break the bad news to you if you were trying to set things up but he’s got a boyfriend already.”

Judith looks a touch disappointed but then smiles “Well if things go wrong there then you’ve already got a way in to be the next one” she says as I just give her a curious look. “What? It is an acceptable way to get a man
 I wouldn’t have had Alec for 49 years if I wasn’t hinting” she says laughing as I shake my head and get up and tell her that I’m always happy to walk Bucky and not to think that I’m offended.

Heading back to my apartment, I change into my PJ shorts and lay back on my bed deciding to just watch TV in bed as my phone buzzes next to me. I check it out and see a text message from Lachie but then an Instagram message from one of the guys that I follow both on Twitter and Instagram.

I read the text first from Lachie:

“Was good to finally put the name to the face today, hope even without the Dogs we can catch up”

I smile reading that because there is something about Lachie that is just so charming and likeable even though I know almost nothing about him other than he has a boyfriend and a Dog named Mixy.

 did you know that my neighbour was actually trying to set us up after she talked to you when you asked her where I was?”

â€œđŸ€Ł đŸ€

I thought she might’ve been actually but I did want your number anyway so

Looking and reading through the messages, I can’t help but smile as I think about that comment and it is good to get know a few more people because most of the people that I know around the city are people I know through work and I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up because I was bullied quite a bit.

I just reply with a blushing emoji before going back to Instagram to see the message from Seb as I smile because it’s actually nice to have a message to see how things went today even though I didn’t really want to talk about it.

Seb: “Hey, just wanted to check in to see how things went today 😊”

I smile at the message because Seb just seems like such a pretty chilled kinda guy even though we’ve never met in person and all our interactions are on social media talking footy, sports or just hot guys in general.

Me: “Pretty disastrous tbh, Had an interview and came out looking worse than what I went in”

I sigh thinking about it all again and how bad it was, just freezing as my mind went blank talking about my achievements working as a Digital Marketing Specialist for a growing Wine company and when I was trying to remember things it sounded like I was making things up when I had done it.

Seb: “â˜č No way it was that bad, you had it in the bag this morning”

Me: “Yeah I know, but I just froze you know and I couldn’t get anything right if I tried, so I think that they’ve probably put my resume in the bin”

Seb: “Don’t sweat it, one failed interview doesn’t mean anything and you still have a pretty good job by the sounds of things so it’s not the end of the world”

I smile at the kind and encouraging words from Seb as I smile and think about how nice it is that somebody cared about what happened today.

Me: “Yeah I know that and it means a lot for you to ask”

Seb: “No problems, I hadn’t seen you post anything about it so wanted to know how it went”

Me: “❀”

The check-in with Seb is good to have someone check in because I know it’s probably not deliberate that the people I’ve told forgot that I had the interview today but to have someone that I don’t really check in that much with other than if we see each other post on social media.

I lay there for a bit watching TV when my phone goes off again

Seb: ‘Sorry, if this is out of line and a bit presumptuous but would you like to get a drink sometime”

I look at the message with surprise as Seb and I have never met in person and anything we’ve done is usually about the mutual support of the same Footy team and talking about hot guys so it takes me a fair bit by surprise.

Me: “Ah yeah, I’d love that actually”

“Just let me know when there is a time and place good for you”

Putting my phone back into its charger/holder and I can’t believe that somehow I’ve managed to get two dates in the space of a couple of hours even though neither can really be called dates as such because it’s Coffee with Lachie and then Drinks with Seb.

Just laying there, I can’t believe how much of a rollercoaster today has genuinely been because I wore my nearly $400 suit and felt really good to losing all confidence after the interview thinking that I had failed so badly then somehow managed to get to know more about Lachie and him wanting more of a friendship with me and then Seb who from all the pictures I’ve seen of him on Instagram (and there are plenty of them) is pretty damn hot with his tanned fit body and light body hair and his stubble beard.

Seb: “Also you in that suit đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„â€

Even though nobody can see me, I’m blushing as I read that message from Seb because if a guy like him who has some of the best styling that I’ve ever seen thinks I look hot then I feel kind of good about it.

The next few days, I’m back at work not expecting too much contact from the Apex Media Group about my interview because I know that I’m not going to get that job which I’ve resigned myself to as much as it was an opportunity that I couldn’t have wished more for and a step up into another big role.

I haven’t heard much since from either Lachie or Seb which is kind of disappointing because I was hoping that one of them would have organised for us to actually have our catch-up at some point but they haven’t so I just wonder if Seb wasn’t serious and that Lachie’s boyfriend might be worried about it.

Not long after I check my phone with another work-related text message, I see my Instagram notifications light up again with the message icon in my notifications knowing that it could only be Seb.

Seb: “Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you, had to dash to Bali for a work thing
 how is Tomorrow night for you at York Bar?”

As I read the message, I’m surprised that he wants to go somewhere like York Bar in the middle of the city with how high profile it is rather than just a local pub in the area which there are plenty of them.

Me: “Yeah for sure, what time are you thinking?”

Seb: “Whatever is easiest for you, 6:30?”

I send back a thumb’s up and now really excited but surprised at the suddenness of the arrangement I’m excited that it gives me an extra pep in my step for the day and it’s not long after finishing messaging with Seb that my phone buzzes and it’s a message from Lachie.

Lachie: “Sorry for not texting you but had the Spicy Cough đŸ˜·â€

I’m not fussed because I figured that he was either sick or away for work even though I have no idea what he does for a job at all nor do I know what his boyfriend does.

Me: “Damn covid
 you feeling all good now?”

Lachie: “👍 Yeah, all good so do you wanna get coffee or something say tomorrow morning? If you’re not too busy?

I shake my head not believing that not only on the same day did I get these two guys asking me out (and yes I know not exactly for dates) but now they are asking me out for Coffee and drinks on the same day. I grab my phone and text Lachie

Me: “Yeah for sure, I’ll have to let you know what time I can do it because I haven’t used my WFH days yet this week”

Lachie: “Yeah no worries, looking forward to it and if we get the right time you can meet bf”

I head into the manager’s office as she looks up at me “Hey Jayden, sorry about missing out on the job because they don’t know what they are missing” I smile but realise that as Seb said, it’s not the end of the world because there are so many things happening in the world that missing out on one job, I’ve still got my health and somewhere to live.

“That’s alright, probably wouldn’t have the family feel that I get here”  I say as she smiles “That’s true, anyway what can I do you for?” she asks as I feel bad for even asking. “I know it’s extremely short notice but is there any chance I can use my WFH day tomorrow?” I ask as it’s a dumb question because I know what the answer is.

She types into the computer “You haven’t used your 2 days this week, have you
 you haven’t used your days for months so of course you can, there’s no meetings booked right?” I shake my head. “Perfect, of course, you can use the day off
 any particular reason?” she asks as I sit down and have a smirk on my face.

“I’ve just been asked out for Coffee by a cute guy and then got asked out for drinks by another cute guy for tomorrow night” I say as Jacqui smiles at me and gets really excited because she is like all our work Mom. “Two in one day? Jayden is in hot demand” she says as I laugh but settle things down.

I put my hands up “Calm down, the first guy already has a boyfriend and it’s more about becoming friends because we met at the park when he was walking his dog and I was walking my neighbours a few months back and last week we got chatting and just went from there.”

Jacqui nods her head “You sure this is a good idea, hate you getting into the middle of something.” Everything she says is right but maybe I’m being naïve but I don’t see exactly how getting to know someone better as friends is going to make anything complicated because it would take his boyfriend being extremely jealous because nothing is going on.

“We’re just friends, nothing more” I say as she just goes mmhmm not really sure about what I had to say. “What about the other guy? The drinks guy?” she asks as I shrug.

 well we’ve been following each other on both Twitter and insta for a while and we chat a bit on there and he was the first and only person that night to check how the interview went and then he just asked if I was interested in getting a drink sometime so we got the drinks tonight at the York Bar” Jacqui looks impressed by the choice of venue.

I nod my head “Yeah, so was I because I thought that it was nothing more than going to a pub but that’s a big deal” I laugh as she gets a phone call and I head out of her office and grab my phone and text back Lachie.

Me: “I’ve got the all-clear for the WFH so what time are you thinking?”

I do some more work and it’s about an hour later when Lachie replies to me

Lachie: “How about 9:30? Nick should be able to come then”

Me: “Sounds good, how about at the Grindhouse near the Park”

Lachie: “Read my mind”

I’m excited for tomorrow and even though it’s not exactly a date with Lachie it’s pretty exciting because we’ve always gotten along so well when we took the dogs to the park and just chatted getting to know each other.

The rest of the day I’ve got the pep in my step and even though one of my projects isn’t working the way that I wanted it too, I’m still so excited about tomorrow and brush off what normally would annoy me.

That night, I’m at home when Mum rings me for our usual phone call which even though we text most days she always likes to ring me so that we can talk about everything.

Me: “Hey Mum, how’s everything this week?”

Mum: “Just busy with work you know and getting the backyard redone is taking forever with the rain”

Me: “Yeah, sounds about right with work?”

Mum: “Sorry about the other job, it’s not the end of the world because you’re happy there and you get free wine”

Me: “Really Mum? That’s all you care about is when I get free wine and pass it on to you?”

Mum: “A little bit
 of course not, but you’re happy there and that’s what counts”

Me: “Yeah and that’s what Seb said about things”

Mum: “Seb? Does Jayden have a new man in his life?”

Me: “It’s nothing like that, we’re just friends that know each other off Twitter and Instagram, yeah he asked me out for drinks tomorrow night but it’s nothing more serious than just that”

Me: “It’s no different to being asked for a coffee catch-up with Lachie

Mum: “Lachie? Jeez Jayden, what happened to my shy little wallflower now getting two different dates in one day”

Me: “It’s not a date, we just got chatting when I was walking Bucky and he was walking his Dog when we were at the park near our places and it’s just gone from there”

Mum: “Bucky? You got a Dog?”

Me: “The lady next door’s dog, I’ve told you about it and you met her and the dog that afternoon”

Mum: “Oh yeah, so you like this Lachie?”

Me: “Yeah
 as a friend and I know it’s not going to get any further than just being friends because he has a boyfriend”

Mum: “Well don’t get yourself caught up in any drama like your brother”

Me: “Mum, Angus can get drama out of Vanilla Ice Cream, he thrives on it”

Mum: “True, but I don’t want you thinking something is going to happen when it’s not and then find yourself in a spot where you’ve got to make both of these boys want you and have to let one of them down because you’ll be the one hurting”

Me: “I know that Mum and like I said, I don’t think anything will happen because Lachie has a boyfriend”

Mum: “That doesn’t mean anything, do I need to remind you about Aunt Beckie?”

Me: “Well that’s because she is a slut”


Mum’s tone of voice after I said that is back to when I was a kid getting into trouble about things at home that usually my brother Angus was to blame for.

 She is your aunt and my sister and we love her dearly”

Me: “But

Mum: “Even if it is true”

Me: “Sorry Mum”

Mum goes on to tell me about some other extended family stuff and I need to promise her again that I won’t let things get out of hand with Lachie in particular but then will be cautious about things with Seb.

I take a shower letting the water run down my body and trimming my body down because as much as I know nothing will happen, I want to look and feel my best tomorrow for both Lachie in the morning and Seb.

Checking my phone, I scroll through Instagram and find myself staring at Seb’s photos and realise how many of them he puts up are from photo shoots and stuff like that where he is only wearing speedos or very little. I look through them and my head starts playing tricks on me like why would a guy like that travelling the world be asking me out for a drink when he has friends everywhere and is probably better than me.

Putting the thought out of my mind, I can’t stop thinking about some of those insta posts that Seb has and his tik toks and looking at his photos my cock starts to get hard as I think about it all and my hands move down towards it as I close my eyes.

Seb is just so fucking hot with that tanned muscled body in the photos and I run my hands down my chest onto my cock and I slide out of my shorts and find myself playing with my balls massaging them as I moan, my fingertips just softly touching the skin which makes my body pulse because the sensual touch of my fingers is amazing right now.

I run my hands back up to my cock which is now fully hard and leaking as I just think all about Seb there as I reach to grab my lube and put it on my hard 8-inch thick cut cock right now as I slowly run my hands over my cock and balls letting a finger run up the side of it up of it and run my finger over the head circling with it.

“Oh fuck that feels good” I moan as I run my fingers over my cock, trying to not rush the moment but I can feel the last few days of cum building up inside me as I start to jerk my cock more and more. I haven’t had a good jerk-off in over a week and I can feel all the pressure inside me coming out as it doesn’t take too much pumping for the pre-cum to be leaking out of my cock but then not long after I blow about 3 or 4 massive loads all over my body and up onto my face as I keep pumping it looking at one of the photos of Seb overseas somewhere.

I get up and grab a spare towel and wipe my body down which is covered in cum as it feels so good to have blown a load like that but then makes tomorrow night feel a bit more nerve-wracking.