My Straight Friend The Goalie

by BearCub91

6 Jul 2023 1020 readers Score 9.5 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

 It’s been a few weeks since spending the night at Pauls, and I’ve been to two of his pick up games and two real games of hockey. As much as I wanted to be close to him watching through the ice rink glass, and the seating area glass right behind his net where I first took the chance on rubbing my fingers along his thigh feeling his shorts fabric. I decided to go buy a hot chocolate. I was also in a snacking mood, then remembered I brought some M&M’s with me. Finally getting up the stairs of the rink I decided to sit on the right side of his net on the bleachers. Paul was squeezing Some water in his mouth and he looked behind trying to see where I was. He was looking left, looking right, up and down the bleachers, and behind him again. And finally found me after I gave him a wave. My god! That cute smile I see through his helmet while he has his light blue mouth guard in while giving me a lil wave back. Priceless. 

So adorable. So cute. So sexy. 

His team won this game 6-2. When it was all finished everyone started to walk down the bleachers and out to their cars. I honestly don’t like being around to many people at once so I waited until most were out of the walkways and the halls. Making my way passed the locker rooms I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Taking my phone out I send Paul a text.

*I’ll see you outside by the car :) *.  Just leaning with my back on the front of the car on my phone checking Facebook, replying to my couple friends messages. I see a tall dark shadow cascading up my body from my feet in the dimly lit parking lot. I get all happy start smiling, I look up and it’s not Paul. My face turns completely white as snow. My smile goes away. It’s my ex boyfriend Cam. 

I quickly put my car key in between my middle finger and pointer finger in my pocket. He’s standing in front of me eyes dark, breathing loud an heavy I can see the steam from his mouth. (He’s a big guy too. Over six feet tall, medium long scruffy unkempt beard, blueish green eyes, light brown hair, short shaved on the sides and back, messy unkempt medium length hair, kind of muscular in the arms and chest with a light gut, tattoos on his arms, chest, legs,) I do my best to say “W. wh. What are you doing here?” He’s high on something and has been drinking I can smell the beer on him. He slurs out putting his hand on my car hood to stay up as I inch away from him. His eyes watching me following my movements. “ I I I was w w w walking through here an seem you, d d doo you forgive me?” I think to myself screaming at my self in my head watching him. “FUCK! I can’t grab my phone from my pocket to text Paul. Or my friends. I’m an idiot!” My anxiety starts to kicked in, heart starts picking up pace, I try to control my breathing. I start getting fidgety. I don’t want make this situation worse. So I say calmly as I can. “ I have forgiven you Cam. I hope you have been keeping well these passed few years.” His mood switches fast he lifts his hand from the hood, wipes his face and slams it back on the hood. And here we go.

I backed up a bit more when he wipes his face again. I think to myself “Paul please hurry, please!” Cam moves in close to me I say “Please keep your distance from me!” He starts yelling twisting and mixing up his words. Blaming me for things I didn’t do. He raises his hand I get my keys that are interlocked between my fingers, bracing myself for a slap in the face. And nothing happened. I open my eyes and there is Paul. He has a firm grip on Cams wrist. Shaking holding it in place. He asks in a firm tone holding a tight grip while Cam looks at me with angry eyes. “Is there a problem here!?!?!. By the fucking looks of it there is.” I calmly say in a low voice. Hanging my head holding back tears. “There is no problem.” Paul asks me in a firm voice still hasn’t let go of Cams wrist. “Are you sure T!?” I say looking up into Paul’s concerned but angry eyes. “Yes sir there is no problem.” Paul lets go of his wrist. Cam rubs it. Starts laughing and says. “Hahahahah this is your new man, your new Sir!?!!?” T. “No it’s not like that! And it’s none of your business.” Cam keeps going on and on. Paul looks at me, gets close to my ear and whispers. “Give me your car keys, here is my trucks. Go get into the truck.” He wipes a tear from my cheek, gives me a lil nudge. I hand him the keys. He gives me a small peck on my cheek. And he says. “Now go please!” I start walking clearing my other cheek from a runaway tear. I hear Paul talking to Cam I can’t make it all out. I get to his truck and lock myself in. I see Paul in the side passenger mirror pointing maybe telling him to “Get the fuck outta her!” Cam does the macho lunges into Paul’s face, starts backing up and staggers away. Paul walks to the passenger door, knocks on the window. I unlock the truck give him the keys. He leans in worried gives me a kiss on the cheek wipes another tear away and asks in a low soft voice. “Are you ok T? He’s gone now.” All I do is give Paul a tight hug. I say nothing because I don’t have words to say. I can’t make any words out. All I did was sob on his chest in the parking lot. Few minutes pass as I’ve calmed down. Paul says “I know you can’t drive and I don’t want you too. Let’s go back to my place. I’ll ask my friend to give your car a tow again. Is that alright?” I look at him eyes puffy pink faced all I can say is “Yes.” 

We get to his house. He lets me in first. He takes me to his bedroom. Gives me a tight bear hug along with a kiss on the lips. And says “you are here, you are safe. That ass hole doesn’t know where I live. You know where I keep the extra pj’s just get changed and lay down in bed. I gotta get my stuff from the truck and call my friend. I’ll be fifteen minutes max. Okay?” I nod yes in his arms my head on his chest. He says “Good. You don’t have to talk about this tonight but talk to me about him when you feel better and safe. Like I said you’re safe here.” He lets me go says I’ll be back. I go to the bathroom I can’t even look in the mirror. I get a glass of water get pjs on and slip into the bed. 

Laying in my right side I feel the bed sink down. Paul wraps his arms around me pulling him to his chest. He kisses the top of my head. I feel his chest rising up and down, his stomach is twitching every now and then and I feel his bulge hanging down rubbing against my butt. He wraps his left leg over mine. I snuggle in close as I can. I softly say “Thank you Paul.” He whispers back “You’re welcome T.” We both fall asleep in no time.

No! No! Please stop! Get away from me Camron! Leave me the hell alone! I punched him right in the face knocking him back a couple feet. I start running as fast as my legs will let me. Can’t catch my breath. My eyes are tearing up. Heart is pounding feeling like it’s going to explode out of my sternum. I hear my name faintly being called in the distance, “T… T… T…“ the voice gets closer. “Babe you need to wake up! You are dreaming!” Opening my eyes in a panic I shoot up quickly from laying on my back. I take a deep breath in trying to catch my wind. I can’t breath, heart is racing, clutching my chest with my left hand having a panic attack. Paul moves me closer to him cuddling, rubbing my chest tenderly whispering “T I’m here, slow your breathing. In and out, in and out. That’s it nice and slow. You had a nightmare. I’m here you are awake.” He rocks me left to right, left to right. I catch my breath lean back on his chest my head on his right shoulder. Face turned to his. Eyes shut. Coming back to reality. I cry for a couple minutes in his arms, as he kisses the side of my head. I open my eyes and see Paul’s face, eyes shut, lips close to the side of my head. I find his hand and give it a kiss. The moon light coming in through the window, I see him look at me, smiles and says. “ I thought I lost you there. I was trying to wake you for a good 10 minutes it felt like.” I reply softly “ thank you babe, I heard you in the distance you got me back.” He smiles a crooked smile half of his face darkened other half moonlit. I take take the blanket off because I am really warm. He says seriously “We do need to talk about what happened in the parking, and who that prick was. We should tomorrow just to get it over with.” I smile running my finger up and down his left arm holding his hand. “Yes I will tell you who he is and what happened. I promise babe.” He replies kissing my cheek three times quick. “Good, now I gotta get some water would you like anything?” Me “Yes please some water too.” He gets up walks to the kitchen I get up and go to the bathroom. Wash my face off make my way back to bed. Paul hands me the nice cool tall glass of water, I take a swig finishing half of it. I say “thank you” Paul says “you are welcome now, now let’s try and get some sleep. It’s 3:23 am.” Once again he wraps himself around me, gets as close as he can. I can feel his chest on the top of my back. His stomach in the middle, and his soft bulge is dropping down right is poking my butt cheeks.

We both slept in that morning. I didn’t have to work until 3pm. Paul called in to say he will be there late in the morning. We woke up I rolled over put my hand on his face circling his left cheek with my thumb. Looking into his eyes watching his mouth just smiling away. I give him a kiss on the lips and snuggle back into him. As he squeezes me tight kisses my forehead and rubs my back, and rotating to my arm. 

by BearCub91

Email: [email protected]

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