New York Subway

by Uncut Sailor

22 Apr 2021 3112 readers Score 8.4 (46 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I had training in New York for a business I had. I got to the municipal building early since it was post 9-11. I went through security and attended the first day of training. I was staying in a hotel near Harlem.

I got onto the subway downtown. I had on khaki pants a shirt and tie. I don’t wear underwear and the pants were tight, but no real VPL. I had a briefcase with my supplies and notebook, so I had one hand tied up.

I got into a crowded car but that was expected at 4 pm. By the next stop more people got in and we were squeezed in like sardines. Most in suits and holding briefcases. I was trying not to touch the other passengers, but the bumpy car pressed my body against the other passengers. At the next stop more people squeezed in and there was no avoiding pressing body to body. That is when I felt the hand.

A hand was gripping my jewels. It held my shaft and pulled on it to get it blowing up. My balls were caressed as my dick shot down my pants leg. I couldn’t tell where the hand was coming from, yet alone if it was only one. My erection pointed straight down and pushed my balls to the side. I felt my foreskin slide up off the glans.

My erection rubbed and bumped against other passengers as we stopped and started back up again. I felt increased action on my dick and the hand was actually jacking my dick through my pants, as I stood there in the middle of the car. I tried to look around and no one made eye contact. Actually, nobody was facing me. I am tall and I could see the tops of heads but no faces or body shapes.

After a few minutes the car started to empty, and we were not pressed together it was just a full car.

My dick was still at full erection and pressing against my pants. I was panicking and got my briefcase in front of my body. At my stop I walked out with my brief case in front of me. I emerged from the car and my dick started softening. The looser part of my pants leg was trapped under my foreskin keeping it from covering my glans. The rubbing and pushing kept my dick at half-mast. I couldn’t find a restroom and when the train left the platform emptied fast. I walked away from the remaining passengers and adjusted my dick. I reached into my pants and pulled my dick free from the pants material and pushed the foreskin down over the head.

My dick softened enough to not be obvious, and I casually walked up the stairs to the street above. My hotel was a few blocks away and I looked into a restaurant window to look at the menu on my way to the hotel.

I saw in my reflection the front of my pants. About 4 inches below my balls started a wet spot. It trailed down about three inches and was about 4 inches wide. I was walking around in Khaki pants that looked like I came in them or pissed myself. It was the syrup that pours out of my dick.

I got to my room and took off my pants. I hung them across a chair to dry. The room had a window facing a gap of about a foot between the building. There was a blank window across from me but no lights or anything. I assumed the room was empty or the window blacked out. My dick was still fluffy and I decided to take care of the feelings.

I laid on the bed and started pulling on my dick. I was jacking and wondering who the mystery hand belonged to. I was really turned on, fantasizing about the hand and closed my eyes pretending my hand was the hand on the train. I shot one of the largest loads onto my stomach. The hot fluid filled my bellybutton and ran down my side. I got up and grabbed a washcloth and wetted it. I cleaned off my stomach and was washing my dick when out of my eye I saw a red glow in the window across from me. It was the glow of a cigarette. As soon as I looked at it, the glow lowered and then nothing. Here I was, I just was jacking off thinking about an anonymous hand and was performing for an anonymous person in the room across from my room.

The next day on the ride back from training there wasn’t a repeat of the previous afternoon.

That night was different…