Naval Tradition VI: Baseball Dreams

by Bill Drake

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Written with Corporal Cody 

Virginia, Fall 2006

It may have been the hardest phone call I had to make. Sitting at my desk in my old room, I scrolled through the contacts list on my phone and hovered my thumb over the "Call" button. I took a deep breath and dialed Jack Grant's number.

I listened to the dial tone ring once. And then twice. 

I'd had a whole half a year away to reflect on Dad being involved with Jack Grant. I had my sexual past with my own father and his Navy Officer buddy both. And there was certainly lingering sexual attraction I had to both men, attraction that could arise when I let my fantasies or stray thoughts go there. 

I had been bothered to find out Dad was with Jack, for sure. It was complicated because I didn't know how much my feelings were driven by attraction, and maybe a little jealousy, and how much was the normal weirdness a child of a single parent feels when his Dad starts dating again. However unconventional Dad and Jack's dating seemed to be so far - after all, Dad had been more than friends with Jack even while being married - it was the most serious thing he'd had since my mother passed away. 

But time has a way of making things seem more normal, and dating Sean had put me in a different headspace. Even long-distance, I had clicked with someone new and THAT felt more urgently powerful to me lately. 

I found myself being less bothered by Dad and Jack together, and in a lot of ways, I don't know... I wanted Dad to be happy. And I wanted Jack to be happy, too. 

"Jim?" Jack answered in a quick, clipped voice, that familiar Midwestern flat-twang coming out. "What's up?" His tone was all business, but after a second I realized there was some apprehension in his voice, too.

"Hi Jack... did I call at a bad time?" I asked. I tried to hide the nervousness in my voice.

"Nah," he said. "Just getting home. You good?"

"Yeah, pretty good," I said. Normally, I'd probably have more to catch up on, but I had a reason for calling. "Listen, Jack. Dad's coming home in a few weeks. I didn't know if you had plans to come down...?"

I could sense the nervousness really coming out on the other end of the phone connection. "Yeah... I hadn't made definite plans." I know that he and Dad were in regular communication. 

I was nervous, too, but tried to act as if I wasn't. "Well, umm... if you want to come down, stay the night before, whatever, that'd be great. I know Dad would like it."

I could almost see the smile on Jack's face. "Thanks, Jim. That means a lot, buddy."

I felt some of the tension of the last six months melt away. I realized I'd missed having Jack as a buddy, almost an uncle-like gay presence in my life.

Before I could think of a reply, Jack added, "I don't know my plans yet. But I'll reach out to you when I do, OK?"

"Sound great," I said. I knew I'd made the right decision reaching out to him.

"So... everything going well?" he asked, his voice and tone sounding a little less business-like.

"Yeah, good. I have a seasonal job that's picking up. And my first season went pretty well."

Jack's voice took on some of that friendly pride I knew from our relationship before. "That's awesome, Jim. Maybe we can catch up more when I come down?"

The "if" had become a "when."

"Oh yeah," I said. "I'll let you go. But good talking to you, Jack," I said, finally smiling. 

"Good talking to you too, Jim."


My buddy Holt had been telling me I should come visit. I'd been so focused on my job that I held off for a while. But come late October, I figured the timing was perfect. I had two straight weekdays off, and while I thought of going down to visit Sean, from what he described, he seemed busy with his Battalion's needs. Sean told me, practically ordered me in his NCO voice it seemed, to go visit my friends while I had the chance, and he promised that he and I would make up for it later. And while I missed my boyfriend, I also missed my friends, and maybe I was nostalgic about school. I knew I wouldn't have this chance once spring training came around. 

So after hitting the gym on a Monday morning, I drove the three hours up to Charlottesville. Charlie and Scott were still at work when I drove into town, but my buddy and former teammate, Kyle Avery, was done with classes by 2. So I killed some time, dropping by the athletic department to say hi to Coach O'Connor and walking around the Grounds some before heading over to Charlie's and my old apartment - now Kyle and Julie's. 

It was weird being back in Charlottesville, even weirder sitting in the living room of my old apartment, now with more of a woman's touch since Julie moved in. But it was great to see my friend Kyle again. The last time I saw him was at my graduation party back in May. He was still the lanky pitcher but he'd been trying to bulk up some in the off season. As we sat on the couch, he filled me in on the team, and I told him all about life in the minors. I was still in that honeymoon phase of minor league ball, and moreover, it was fun to talk to someone who got it. 

In all, it was like we picked up right where we left off. Conversation flowed and it was great to remember just how funny a guy Kyle was. He had me laughing in stitches
practically every other sentence. His Coach O'Connor impression still got me.

"How's Julie?" I finally asked as the conversation moved from baseball to life. 

He smiled. "Great. Things are going real well. Um, actually..." Kyle said with a sly grin, "I've decided I'm proposing to her next summer."

"That's awesome, buddy," I beamed as I clasped his shoulder.

He grinned. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited. She better say yes," He laughed.

I gave his arm a nudge. "Dude, she'll say yes. I don't know that I've seen a couple more made for each other." 

"Thanks," Kyle grinned. "What about you, Jim? Anyone in your life these days?" he asked as he bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Nah," I replied. And I felt bad for lying, and equally bad for hiding Sean. I wished I could talk as openly as easily as I did with Holt. But I felt I already took too many chances, and with Kyle, word could get around. "Not easy to meet girls in the minors," I said, passing it off as a joke.

He looked at me, and I felt like he was reading something into me. But he just grinned. "Well, hopefully you'll meet someone soon, Jim."

"I'm sure I will," I said. Then I changed the subject. "But I wanna hear more about this proposal. You figure out when you're gonna pop the question?"

Avery grinned. "Dude. You better fucking keep this a secret..."


I drove out to Scott and Holt's place on the outskirts of town. The modern ranch-style home that looked more country than city, was still just like I remembered. It was just getting dark when I pulled into the gravel driveway. Scott came out to the porch to greet me as soon as I parked. Dressed in casual sweats and a t-shirt, he was still like I remembered. Now closer to his mid thirties, he still had that bulky muscular build from his days as a college football star. Naturally handsome, with his sea-blue eyes and bit of a thinning hairline at the corners, he now had a bit of a beer gut that actually looked good on him with his taller frame and broad shoulders.

"Charlie's still at the store," he said with his deep and mellow voice as I got out of my car and walked up the porch steps to greet him. "But he'll be here soon." Then as he leaned in to draw me in a quick hug, he added, "Great to see ya, man."

"You, too," I said. "Thanks for having me."

"Come on in," he said. 

Sitting in the living room, it was nice to talk with Scott, just us, for a bit. He was a great fit for Charlie since his personality was a little different. Charlie could be brash, in a fun-loving way, whereas Scott was the kind of guy who always seemed interested in you -  in what you were doing and thinking. He asked me a bunch about my first pro season. He knew the game pretty well, and in any case, seemed patient for the details that would have bored Holt to death.

I asked him how his gym and the supplement business were going and caught up on life in Charlottesville.

"Things are going well. We're focusing on developing the gym side of the business. And having Charlie involved has helped out a lot." Scott paused and realized the double entendre of his words, then gave a wink and a chuckle. I had to laugh, too.

"Speak of the devil," Scott grinned, looking up as we heard the front door open. 

I almost didn't recognize Charlie when he stepped in. He was in a button-down shirt, like a real grown-up businessman. But more than that, he'd slimmed down even more since I last saw him at graduation, still with those naturally beefy genetics, only now without the football padding or any lingering baby fat. His haircut was different too, professionally medium-short on the sides and the wispy thinning hair trimmed on top. Though he still had that ruddy blush to his cheeks. He looked both older and younger.

"McGrath!" he bellowed in that distinctive Virginia twang. "Bring it in," he said with a smile as he set down his keys and walked toward where I was sitting. I got up and met my friend in a tight hug. "Dude... so good to see you, man," he said as he clasped my back briefly.

"You too, Holt," I replied. I was now really glad I'd come up to visit. I'd really missed my best friend.

I pulled back. "You're all professional these days," I said, giving him a good look. 

Charlie grinned and nodded over toward Scott, still seated on the couch and grinning at the both of us. "Well, I got a taskmaster of a boss," Charlie winked.

Scott laughed. "Don't date your boss if you don't want to be told what to do sometimes," he joked. 

Holt smirked and said, quieter, but loud enough for Scott to hear, "Don't listen to Scott, McGrath, I got him wrapped around my finger."

"Is that what you think?" Scott chuckled.

"It's what I know," Holt said as he walked over behind the couch and gripped Scott's shoulders affectionately before leaning down for a quick peck. It was cool to see them still in their honeymoon phase. They were clearly joking, but a part of me wondered if Holt's BJ skills were how he kept Scott wrapped around his finger, so to speak. 

"In that case, I better get started on dinner," Scott mock-complained as he got up. 

Charlie went to change into something more casual, and I kind of helped Scott in the kitchen. Dinner was mostly ready, so I set the table and helped take stuff out.

We were nearly done with our meal when Charlie got a knowing smirk on his face. "Scott told me not to hound you, McGrath, but you know I gotta ask about this Army guy of yours."

I'd told Holt enough about Sean so that he knew the basics, but I didn't tell him everything. Maybe I'd been afraid I was going to jinx things.

"Sean..." I said. Then, with a shrug I added, "I don't know... we've just clicked. I visited him in North Carolina when the season was done, and he came up to see me a couple weeks ago."

"So... things going pretty well?" Charlie smirked.

"Yeah," I said, blushing some. "I'm really into him.... I mean, he's really hot," I added. Being around Charlie and Scott let me feel like I could let my hair down a little, and I realized I didn't get to talk this way about guys with anyone else. Maybe Jack Grant, but that dynamic had changed now. 

I saw Scott smirk, and I realized he was pleasantly surprised I was being more open in my desires. I do have a tendency to be guarded. "What's he like?" he asked me. "Charlie hasn't told me much."

Holt chimed in. "Oh, McGrath's been coy as hell. He doesn't tell me shit."

"Let the poor guy talk!" Scott laughed. 

I felt a little bashful, but also amused at their clear curiosity. "Well, he's older, in his 40s..."

"Sounds like the right age for you," Holt interjected, only to be stopped short by a glare from Scott.

I continued. "He's career military, Army guy - now Command Sergeant Major. Tall, dark, handsome, muscle guy, the whole works." I thought of what else to add. "He's from Georgia, and I dunno, his accent does something for me." 

"Sounds like a porn character," Scott said with a smirk.

"Kinda, yeah," I replied with a laugh. "It's fireworks in the bedroom, too," I said with uncharacteristic candor, thinking of various times Sean and I had fucked or sucked. "I gotta pinch myself sometimes. I guess we're taking things slow, and the long-distance thing doesn't help - you know, with him in the Army and me playing ball..." I shrugged, they knew what was unsaid.

"That's great, Jim," Charlie said. I expected a wisecrack from him but instead got a genuine smile. He knew me well and had witnessed my occasional funks about wanting a boyfriend. "So... taking it slow... that mean you guys aren't exclusive?"

I guess the idea had never occurred to me. And that probably showed on my face. "I don't know," I admitted. "We haven't talked about it."

Scott looked on, supportive but a little concerned. "You might wanna have that talk, Jim," he said. "If that's important to you."

I nodded. "Yeah. Maybe I'm still figuring this dating business out." My initial impulse was to be bothered by the idea, the mental image of Sean having sex with someone else. But as I mulled it over for a second, I realized I'd made some assumptions. I mean, it never occurred to me this was something guys would have to establish. But Scott was right: it would be better to talk to Sean about this. "I guess with playing ball, it's good to take things slow," I said. Sincere, but maybe also trying to convince myself. "I feel that with Greg I rushed into something that didn't feel quite right."

Scott continued his advice. "Slow can be good. But there's no one right way... I mean, this one swept me off my feet." Scott glanced knowingly at Charlie seated next to him.

Holt laughed. "Yeah... we both told each other we weren't the dating type... that phase lasted about a month."

We all laughed, and the conversation moved on from me and Sean. We talked a little more, and I offered to help clear the dishes. 

"That's Charlie's job. I cooked," Scott said, pushing back his chair from the table. Charlie winked at me as he took my empty plate and began loading the dishwasher. "We can kick out on the porch... feel like some whiskey?" Scott asked. 

"Sure," I replied. 

Holt said he'd meet us out there in a bit as Scott went to get some shot glasses and a bottle. 

It was that brisk part of fall, but they had an umbrella heater set up that kept it fine. With a hoodie on, I was good, and the liquor warmed me. 

Scott was in a good mood as we nursed our bourbons. "I hope I wasn't giving unsolicited advice just now, Jim," he said. 

"Nah," I answered. "I could probably use all the advice I can get." 

And I could. Scott and Charlie had been together for almost two years. I felt confident and experienced with sex by now, but with dating I felt completely green. Inept, even.

"You'll be fine," he assured me. "In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying things with your Army fella."

"I am," I assured him. "That part comes easy for me."

Scott smirked, amused that I was being more open around him. 

I took a sip of bourbon. "So, Scott... you guys ever see Greg?"  I knew Greg was connected to Scott's friend circle, but I didn't think they were close friends.

He nodded. "From time to time, yeah." 

"He doing OK?"

"He is," Scott answered. "Why do you ask?" Maybe Scott thought I still kept a flame for my ex.

"I just feel bad how it ended... like I did something wrong." I felt naive in all of this, and the more I tried to explain, the dumber it sounded.

Scott gave me a reassuring look. "He's dating someone, Jim. He's good."


After my talk with Scott and Charlie, I thought of waiting until I saw Sean in person, but when I got back to Norfolk, I thought more and more about the questions they'd asked me about Sean. So the next time Sean and I talked on the phone, I grabbed the bull by the horns. 

"So, Sean... I guess we haven't had a conversation about being exclusive," I said as I lay in bed, mostly naked - Sean and I in the middle of our late night, before-bed phone call.

"No, we haven't, Jim," he replied in that smooth Southern drawl of his. He didn't seem to be volunteering a fuller response. 

"I take it that's not something you want," I said. I told myself I was going to be mature, but I knew then I wished Sean had said yes to being exclusive. 

He sighed. "Sorry, stud... where I am right now, I'm just not ready for that at this point."

"Oh," I said. I realized then that this wasn't going to be a deal breaker for me. I was into Sean way too much to end things just yet. But I really wished the conversation was going a different direction.

"Disappointed," he said. A question, a statement, I don't know. Sean could read me, like I could him, even over the phone. There was a slight pause. "I don't know what to say, Jim. We're in different states, on different schedules. You'll be playing ball again soon enough, and who knows when I'll get my next deployment orders..." 

"Yeah," I said, rolling onto my side in bed. "You're right." This conversation wasn't changing how I felt emotionally, but I was listening to my head as much as my heart, and trying to see it all from Sean's perspective. In a given year, we'd be lucky to spend 2, maybe 3 weeks time together. Maybe in the future, that would change, but I was realizing what I think Sean already realized: that future, if it came, was still some ways off.

His tone became more reassuring. "I said I wanted to take this slow, Big Guy. But I do want to date you, and continue for us to get to know each other better. We have a real connection Jim, and I want to continue to explore that. But if you don't want that on those terms, I respect that."

Sean was laying it out for me. I didn't want to break up, not then. I was kicking the can down the road, maybe, or else opening myself up to a different speed of courtship. Sean's speed, it turns out. Right then, I decided I'd see where this went and just enjoy the connection I had with Sean, physical and otherwise. 

"We'll take it slow," I said, in a tone that conceded this to him.

"It goes both ways, too, Jim. When we're apart, I want you to feel free to have fun."

I wasn't sure that was going to happen. At least not yet, but I didn't want Sean to think so.

"Yeah, I probably will," I said.


It was a cold, windy morning at the Norfolk Naval Station port when Dad's ship came in. He had been the Captain for the amphibious assault ship for what had been almost a couple years now. I knew enough about the Navy that I knew that if Dad ever got his name on the list for Rear Admiral, his days as a ship's Captain were over. He'd have a desk job on base somewhere until he retired. While I knew he wouldn't say no to a promotion, I wasn't sure he wanted to be tied to a desk for the remainder of his commision. And that time for Dad's promotion was coming up soon.

The roar of the surrounding crowd of Navy families filling the pier pulled me out of my thoughts. They were loud and excited with their home-made signs and cameras as they cheered watching the large ship finally dock. Jack and I were there, hands in our coat pockets, shoulders hunched to keep warm as we made small talk. 

"Bob sure picked a hell of a day," Jack said as we watched the ritual of the ship unloading its Sailors and Marines who were reuniting with their families. "I'm freezing."

My own cheeks and ears were red as well, my tousled blond hair being blown by the wind. "I thought you were an Indiana boy," I teased, looking over at him.

"Why do you think I fucking left?" he chuckled. 

"Not many Navy bases in the state," I replied. 

"That too," he said with a smirk. 

I was enjoying this jokey vibe with Jack, it felt relaxed and maybe a little more buddy-buddy than we'd been over the past months. I had to admit, the man looked good in his civilian clothes, his perfectly groomed blond hair side-parted and slicked back with product, the length still pushing those Navy grooming standards. Even as he pushed 40, Jack still had that youthful and classic handsomeness to his face despite the crows feet around his hazel-green eyes. His body still looked perfectly muscled, even under his Navy-issued peacoat - the only military item he had on today. 

But even as I admired the Lieutenant Commander, I tried to not fixate on his and Dad's sex life - I mean, fucking or at least oral sex was probably on both their plans tonight, I realized lewdly. I still didn't fully know how Dad's bisexuality was wired, but I could only imagine anyone would be lucky to come home to a man like Jack. He was practically the poster boy for the Navy.

And after the lack of communication between me and Jack over the past few months, it was good to catch Jack up on my baseball season and my plans for the next year. I thought it might get old repeating some of the basics to people asking, but there was something so ordinary about the day-in, day-out of minor league play that I really relished the chance to see my accomplishments reflected in other people's eyes.

Finally, Dad had the ritual hand-off of duty of the ship with the base Admiral and was making his way over. He still looked as handsome as ever, walking with an easy confidence down the pier towards our location. Growing up, it just seemed like the way he walked. But as I got older, I realized it came in part from his military rank. Authoritative, but not exaggerated. It was just Dad to me.

That day, he was in his highly decorated Dress Blues and white combination cap. His thickly barreled chest and wide shoulders filled out his uniform jacket, and as he got closer, I could see the definite streaks of silver at his buzzed temple, just below the brim of his cap. It took him a second to see where Jack and I were standing, but a big grin formed on his handsome, clean-shaven face. His gray eyes lit up even more.

"You fellas are a welcome sight," he said, stepping in to grip me in a tight hug. His uniformed body felt cool pressed up against me as I wrapped my arms around his strong back. He smelled like the ocean in addition to his cologne. "Slugger," he growled in my ear. His deep voice always seemed to show extra emotion in these homecoming moments.

"Dad," I said, trying to hold my emotions in check as well. I held him an extra second and felt his cool, cleanly-stubbled cheek press against mine, his cap tipping just off his head before he pulled back. He winked, readjusting his cap and then turned to Jack for a grasp of a handshake. Jack's smile beamed, knowing and playful, while his hazel eyes glistened with happiness. And in that moment, Jack somehow looked even more boyishly handsome than before, if that was possible.

"Hey there," Dad grinned, the glint in his eyes communicating more than his words as the two Navy officers shook hands before one of them pulled the other in for a quick hug. 

I guess it hadn't hit me before then just how much they managed themselves in public. Now that I was with Sean, "Don't Ask Don't Tell" seemed more real, and a part of my dating life as well.

It was all small talk as we walked down the dock together. I had to head into work soon, so I told Dad I'd see him at the house after 6. Dad still had the usual Navy stuff to attend to until he was cleared to begin his own time off. 

"Sure thing, Jimbo... glad you made it this morning," he said as I hugged him one more time.

"I'll probably head back to D.C. this afternoon," Jack said with a friendly smile, extending his hand for a similar handshake. "But good to see you, Jim... and good to catch up." I gave Jack a smaller, more bro-like hug before stepping away, turning around to wave at them one last time.

I was glad that I was able to give Dad and Jack some space. And indeed, by the time I got off work, I got a text from Dad asking if I was interested in going out for pizza. No mention of Jack, and I took it he'd gone back to D.C. already. 

I was still in my red polo and khakis work uniform when I got to the local pizzeria restaurant. It was just Dad there waiting for me in one of the booths, he'd changed into casual civilian clothes - jeans and a US Navy sweatshirt beneath his winter coat. As I settled into the booth, I couldn't help but take in how handsome my father looked now that he was back. His features were familiar - his steely gray eyes, Roman nose, his strong chin and jaw, and his graying temples - but after months away, they struck me as different. Maybe I noticed Dad's slightly more aged look on his suntanned face in a way I wouldn't if I saw him all the time.

He greeted me as I sat down. He was already looking at his menu.

"God, I'm starving," he said. "Sometimes you don't realize what you're gonna miss," he added, looking up at me, "but I've been craving a real pizza for five months."

"I probably eat too much of it," I admitted, acknowledging that I was a young single guy who had very little cooking skill. "After a long day, sometimes it's too easy to do take out."

Dad nodded. I almost expected a lecture about learning how to feed myself, but after giving the waitress our order, he asked about work instead. "The job going OK, Jim?"

"Pretty well," I admitted. "I don't know if this is my back-up career," I laughed. "The days can be tedious and then we'll get slammed. We had a rush of local schools ordering gear, but now it's the lull before the holiday season."

"I hope you've thanked Coach Weir for getting you the job," Dad said. 

OK, here's the lecture, I laughed to myself. "Yeah, Dad, I did," I said. "I've stopped by the school a couple of times to keep in touch."

It was always a little strange when Dad had his homecoming. We talked regularly with video calls, and I wrote him regular emails, so it was like we covered a lot of the same conversation topics a second time, only now with more time to go in depth. I could only imagine what it was like for Dad, being away so long. I thought of Sean's experience, too, and realized dating him gave me a different empathy for what Dad went through each deployment. 

The pizzas arrived and Dad wasn't kidding. He wolfed a good bit down. Between regular workouts and my metabolism, I seemed to always have a hearty appetite myself. 

We didn't converse much until we made some damage on the pies we ordered. 

Dad finally wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a sip of iced tea. "I want to thank you, Slugger," he said with candor in his voice. "The way you were with Jack."

I looked at my father, who seemed to be in a good mood. Maybe Jack did give Dad a special kind of homecoming before he left, I thought crudely. 

"I didn't do anything, Dad," I said. Then, I added, "I know it doesn't always seem that way, but I really want to see you happy."

He gave a slight cock to his head and seemed reflective in his tone. "Well, there's a lot that Jack and I have to figure out... we're not exactly public with anything. But you calling him... that means a lot to me."

"Sure, Dad," I said. His words made me feel a little guilty for perving on him, and on Jack, too. But the more Dad confessed to me, the more I felt I was rooting for him and Jack in a way.   

I had thought of not telling Dad about Sean, but now that we were here, the time just seemed right. "Dad... I didn't tell you before, but, um, I'm kind of dating someone."

Dad's gray eyes lit up. Surprise, but also happiness at the news. That look warmed my heart. It was great to know Dad was rooting for me, too.

"Kind of?" he teased as his smile curled at the corner of his lips.

I chuckled. I picked at a paper straw wrapper on the table in nervousness.  "I guess we decided to call it dating not that too long ago. I met him last year." I paused then figured I could say more. "It was at the Army-Navy game, actually. I'd stayed out late and that's when we met. We've been in touch since then.... he's in the Army... stationed at Fort Bragg."

Dad's eyes sparkled. I didn't know what he thought of me dating a military man. "Does this special Soldier have a name?" he prodded, the grin still on his lips.

"Sean," I answered. "We're still figuring out the dating thing, especially long distance. But it feels good, Dad," I said. "I really like him," The more I talked, the more I realized my doubts about Sean receded into the distance. 

"I'm happy to hear," Dad said. If returning home made Dad happy, this news had put him in a really good mood. "So... when do I get to meet this Sean?"

"Not yet, Dad," I said, suddenly feeling like a teeager with a nosy parent. "We're still getting to know each other. Me, with baseball... and him in the military."

"Fair enough," he said. "So... he's in the Army." It was a statement, but also somehow a question. The way his brow peaked seemed to hint at the rivalry between the Army and the Navy. It made me wonder if Dad would prefer Sean were a Sailor or Marine.

"Yes, sir," I said. 


I gave him an exasperated look at his parental nosiness. 

"What?" Dad objected. "A man can't hear about the guy his son's dating? I'd be asking the same things to your brothers, and you know that."

I shook my head at him, but smiling. I knew I'd tell Dad eventually.

"He's a Command Sergeant Major," I replied. "For a battalion in the 82nd Airborne Infantry Division," I replied. I'd read into the history of Sean's regiment enough to know the basics just as well as I knew the history of Dad's Naval fleet. And I was proud of Sean and his accomplishments.

"Oh." That caught Dad off guard, his smile falling from his lips. "So, much older then." 

"Yessir," I said, suddenly feeling a little shy. "He's 43." 

In Mexico, Dad and I had talked about my attraction to older men, but maybe he thought it was a phase I'd grow out of. I felt ashamed at my admission, but then pissed off that Dad would disapprove.  

"I want you happy, son," he said quietly. "Just be sure to look out for yourself." His words had the normal lecturing tone I'd come to expect from him sometimes, but there seemed to be something else behind his comment. I knew that in his role, he would know more about the inappropriate sexual activities of the military men under his command, and maybe that's what was driving his suspicions. But he didn't elaborate.

"I will, Dad," I replied, a little upset he didn't trust me or my judgment. 


On the surface, Thanksgiving felt like so many others, at least when Dad wasn't out at sea. Jack Grant came down, like he had two years earlier. And the easy going vibe was back, at least on the surface. It would be just the three of us this year. 

But I had to admit my sexual thoughts went to both Dad and Jack over the two days Jack was staying with us. It had been just two years ago, even, when Jack and I were sneaking sex on the drive down. And now that Wednesday evening, the Lieutenant Commander was going back to Dad's master bedroom to sleep with my father. They didn't make a big deal of anything of course and maybe did their best to act normal, almost platonic, around me. But I could tell Dad was self conscious as the evening rolled on. I probably should have given them their space and headed back to my room first, but I was enjoying just hanging out with them in the living room, watching TV, all of us dressed comfortably casual in sweats since the weather was now much chillier. 

It was one of the few times Dad didn't choose to sit in his bigger leather armchair, but rather sit next to Jack on the large couch as I took the loveseat next to them as we mindlessly watched football. Dad wasn't sitting overly close to Jack, but he did have his arm draped across the back of the couch behind the younger officer, and I could sense a silence developing between them. Finally, Dad patted Jack's knee before standing up. 

"We're gonna call it a night, Slugger. See you in the morning?" he said, just a slight inflection on the question. 

I looked from the TV and up at him. And now at Jack, who was standing up, a sheepish look on his face. That look made me feel bad. These men just wanted to be together and I was making it awkward as hell. Dad was already enabling my minor league dreams by letting me live with him after college, and I didn't want him to wish the nest were emptier. 

"Oh yeah," I said. "Have a good night, Dad... Jack." I put on my best normal face. 

Dad gave a slight nod. Acknowledging silently the new dynamic here. Then he turned and led Jack back down towards the stairs. 

My heart pounded some. I think I'd feared this situation more than it really bugged me. I turned down the volume on the TV and thought over it. More than anything I was envious. I wished I was getting laid that evening, and as I imagined Dad and Jack back in Dad's bed, my cock grew firmer in my sweats. I didn't like letting my idle thoughts linger on Dad's sex life, but that evening that's exactly what happened. Dad fucking Jack. Dad getting sucked. Or maybe it went the other way around. 

I reached down and adjusted my cock. I was rock hard now. I turned off the TV and let out a small sigh. A month earlier I would have called Sean when I got boned like this. Explore sex talk with my verbal Soldier before finally having an intense release. We'd reeled it back some since Dad's return. I mean, my bedroom door could be closed and all, but I felt more self conscious, like I was gonna get too loud having phone sex. 

Maybe that was a mistake. I was really horny now. And Sean was out drinking with his buddies, a Thanksgiving Eve tradition for him. I'd be on my own this evening.

I turned off the lights in the house and went upstairs to my bedroom. I shut my door and peeled off my sweatshirt and T-shirt, leaving me in just my tenting sweatpants and socks. I could have stroked a load out quick, but mentally I knew I needed more. I went to one of the plastic storage bins stashed away in the corner of my bedroom. 

I'd cut back on my porn time since coming back home. I'd rebuilt some of my video library on my laptop, but mostly I channeled my libido into phone time with Sean, and I enjoyed just stroking with my own thoughts and fantasies each morning. 

It took just a little digging through the bin, but I found it. The 11-inch "Supercock" dildo Holt had gifted me. It had been a while since I'd played with it, and I was probably out of practice taking it into my throat. I was gonna practice that night. 

I tossed the toy onto my bed and stripped down completely. I was hard in anticipation as I got on the bed, getting into a comfortable kneeling position where I could still lean over to suck. I picked up the rubber cock, holding it up as it swayed with its own substantial weight. It felt heavier and thicker than I remember. I gripped the base with my right hand and pulled the fat head towards my face with my left. I examined it, then licked it up its length some, and pulled back. This was massive all right. But no more massive really than my father.

I blushed thinking that Jack might be taking care of Dad's phallus at that very moment. I knew Jack was very skilled in the bedroom. I hoped the man was able to take on a cock Dad's size. It was wrong to think that, but I felt strangely invested in Dad's sexual happiness just then. 

I placed the base of the dildo on my bed as I bent over, like I was about to blow an imaginary man as he lay back on my bed. I pulled the dildo back up to my mouth and gave it another deep lick, this time dragging my tongue up to the head. Soon, maybe that weekend, I'd find some adult bookstore to buy a second dildo. One Sean's size.

For now, I was going to suck this one. I opened up and felt the substitute dick press in past my lips. It paled in comparison to a real cock but I savored the way it filled my mouth. The feel, the idea of having a dick in my mouth, of taking care of a man, giving him pleasure. Sean. Dad. Jack. I even thought of other men I'd sucked. That DOD man back in high school, my first uncut cock, a married man who propositioned me to blow him. I don't know why he came to mind, but I got turned on by the memory, leading me to press and wedge more of that dildo into my gullet.

I choked. I almost gagged but kept things under control, pulling the dick back for a second before resuming. 

It took three more goes before I got the hang of it again, regaining that muscle memory. My throat entrance seized up for just a second before it relaxed and just about all of that Supercock was sliding into my esophagus. It was an incredible sensation - I just felt bad that dick wasn't able to enjoy the pulsing sensations I was giving him. I didn't work it too roughly, or rather, I didn't punish my throat. Instead, I moved up about an inch and back down, working that thick phallus in and out of my throat. I tried to clench my gullet at the right time on each outstroke, to complete the Bulldozer Special. 

I didn't know if I'd ever suck Dad again. If not, that was OK, I had the memory and the fantasy of it. Giving head to my father, deep-throating him. In my mind, that's what I was doing now. Letting Dad open my gullet back up. Re-teaching me how to service a huge dick like his. 

Slowly, I backed off until I could more quickly pull off, spitting out the fake dick. 

"Fuck!" I hissed.

I reached over to my nightstand and fumbled for some lube. It wouldn't take much, I was leaking so hard. 

With my clean right hand I set out a spare towel I used to wipe down after stroking. It was splotched with my previous cum stains, and it was going to get a bigger one now.

I went back to that toy. It took some finagling to get the right angle, but soon I was going back down on it. With the spit, the rubber now felt more slippery sliding into the back of my mouth and into the entrance of my throat. I worked more quickly back up to a deep throat, mostly for the sense of accomplishment. But after that, I focused on the top several inches. 

I stroked my aching cock in my left fist and moaned as I felt that soft-hard rubber dick head nudge against my throat entrance, over and over, back and forth. I worked my tongue some and added some suction. I was gonna practice the Bulldozer technique. And practice it on Dad.

My orgasm hit me, a quick build up then a sudden burst of pleasure in my cock and balls. I let it come. Each shot blasted down my shaft, while I moaned around that dildo. My muscles tense and I fired off into the towel, my body shaking some. As I pulled off the toy, my throat now feeling a little raw, I realized I'd needed that. 

I looked down at the dildo, which now lay on the bed, covered in my spit. Part of me felt a little guilty for fantasizing about Dad like that, and Jack, too. But it was just masturbation, and it was just a fake dick.

I wiped down the dildo and wiped off my cock. I put things away and stashed the toy back into the bin, wondering how long it would be before I'd get the urge to play with it again. The more I thought of it, the more I resolved that I was gonna get something Sean's size. I just had to decide whether I had the courage to go to a store to buy it. Or maybe I could order something online. 

Still naked, I plopped down on the bed. It took me a second to realize my dick was still hard. I'd gotten used to jacking off twice a day, but I'd somehow neglected that schedule over the last 48 hours. No wonder I was worked up. 

I reached down with my stroking hand and ran my fingers along my hard prick. It was fat, and I enjoyed how guys seemed to be real into my girth. Other than maybe Sean. We hadn't talked about it, but I think Sean was used to being top dog in every way.

I debated saving my hardon for the morning. I often enjoyed a nice JO session with my morning wood. But I thought about it and realized I could actually go again. Already. 

Reaching over to my night stand, I pumped out some more lube. It wasn't quite yet 11 o'clock. For all I knew, Dad and Jack had already had sex and fallen asleep. I just knew I wanted to stay up a little longer and give myself some more pleasure and enjoy my active fantasy life some more. 

by Bill Drake

Email: [email protected]

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