My wishing star

by Kaysa

16 May 2024 943 readers Score 8.8 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

After breakfast my parents leave for work, they have one job two jobs each, one for the weekends, but still, we can only afford toasts and eggs for breakfast. Clark didn’t talk to me while eating, and now he is leaving me some time alone in my room.  I still can’t believe what’s happening, and I have many other questions for him, but I’m kind of scared of him.

Finally, I decide to go out and talk to him, and just when I open my door he is standing there about to knock.


“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you”

“You just surprised me”

“Can we talk?

“Sure, come in”

Standing in front of him, I realize that it’s not like looking in a mirror like it was last night. He kind of looks more mature, his hair is shorter than mine and he kind of looks bigger, wait.

“Are you taller than me?”

“Oh, yeah, maybe an inch or two. I’m growing remember”

“Two inches in one night? That’s a lot”

“Well, I don’t grow like a human would do”

I start to feel jealous, I have always been the shortest in my class, and now that I have a twin, he grows taller in one night. However, looking at him is like looking at a hotter version of myself, which makes me feel happy. I then notice that I have been staring at him in silence, he has that know-it-all smile again and I feel my face turning red.

“What? Why are you smiling like that?”

“Nothing, I’m just happy that you start to get used to being with me, I don’t like when we are apart”

“It’s only been like an hour dude”

“I know, but still. Now that I’m growing I want to be as close to you as possible”

“That’s not creepy. Anyways, what else should I know about this?” I make a hand gesture at both of us

“Well, let me think. You know that I have these abilities to change memories and understand people’s feelings, something I can’t really control. On the other hand, I can’t change the physical world to make all these things true. For example, even If everybody believes we are brothers, I can’t make a room appear for myself, or I don’t have my own clothes. So, I guess we have to share all of that, unless you want to go shopping”

“Sure, I barely have any clothes for myself, why not buy new ones for you”

“You are being sarcastic”


“You do that a lot, it’s hard to understand, but you are really funny, Kevin”

“Thanks, I guess”

Why is he staring at my like that all the time, it’s like a puppy looking at his owner, so adorable and full of trust.

“Okay, so you can’t change the real things, what else?”

“I still don’t know everything that I’ll be able to do, but anything that helps to keep our bond safe. For example, I healed your wound last night”

“Oh, so I did have a wound!”

“Yeah, it was pretty deep, I was very worried and suddenly I felt like I could heal you”

“Thanks” Maybe he is not that bad after all

“Now that I have answer some of your questions, may I ask some to you?”

“Sure, but I’m not very interesting”

“That’s not true, you are the most fascinating human on earth.”

“You are exaggerating, but thanks”

Even if he is kind of weird, it’s nice to have someone that cares about you so much. I find funny how well spoken he is when he has just learned English (specially when he has learned from me). Clark starts to ask me question after question about my life. We spend several hours just talking in my room. I start to like having him around, he listens to me and looks extremely interested in everything about my life. I tell him about my childhood and how my grandpa was an asshole addicted to gambling and drinking. I also tell him how my parents never defied him, because he paid for some mistakes my parents made when they were young. I tell Clark how thanks to my granpa my childhood was shitty, and I don’t have many friends. I even blame my granpa for my height, I once read that not being well fed as a kid keeps you short. Clark insists on saying that I’m not short and that I’m very cute.

At some point, I notice that Clark’s way of talking changes. He starts talking less formal and his voice sound deeper, he must be getting comfortable. Then I realize is lunch time. I tell Clark that I’m going to make a sandwich for us, he asks for two and asks me if he can stay in the room for a bit. He is looking at my photo album that I showed him while talking about my granda.

I leave him in my room and go to the toilet. I notice that my pyjama feels baggy, probably because Clark dressed me with the one I got from my dad rather than the one I usually wear (that’s the one he is wearing). When I pee, I also notice that my dick feels kind of smaller, probably I cached a cold last night. I’m a good 6” down there when hard, and about 4” soft. Now it feels more like 3”, but it’s probably my imagination.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see some white hairs in my dark long hair. Maybe I have been stressed, my eyes also look tired, not as bright as usual. Anyways, I go down to the kitchen and star making the sandwiches. I finish the last two bread pieces and when I try to grab a new package (in the top shelf), I can’t reach it. In my tippy toes, I stretch my arm as much as I can, but still can’t reach it. That’s when I feel someone pressed behind me, Clark. My back against his chest he grabs the bread package easily. He puts the bread down for me and we stay like that for a few seconds.

After zooming out, feeling Clark’s heat against my back, I turn around confused. Just last night we were the same, now I barely reach his chin. He looks manlier, with a square jaw and broad back. He looks muscular as well, with his chest compressed against my short pyjamas, not longer his sized but still fitting.

“What? How are you getting so tall so fast?”

“I’m not that tall”

“Yes you…”

I don’t finish the sentence. I realize that even if he is getting taller that doesn’t explain why I can’t reach the top shelf. That’s when I notice, I’m shorter, that’s why my father’s pyjamas feel baggy, we have the same size it was never too big (or at least used to be same size).

“Wait, am I getting shorter?”

“Yeah, I think so?”

“How tall am I?”

I nervously look for the metre, I finally find it in the living room. I ask Clark to measure us, and then he drops the news…

“5 foot 4 inches”

“What!? How?”


He is definitely nervous, I can sense that. He is trying to hide something from me.

“Clark! Tell me”

“Okay, but don’t get mad please, I can’t control it, it just happens”

I look at him angrily, waiting for an answer. At the same time, It feels like being angry at a puppy for breaking something, he clearly feels bad about what’s happening and can’t do much about it. I start to feel less angry at him.

“I’m growing, but since we are bonded, I’m taking that energy from you unknowingly. I’m 6 foot now. Also, I’m more muscular, my voice is deeper, while yours is higher and you look thinner. I’m sorry, I can’t control it”

I’m confused. I hate what’s happening, but I feel like I can’t blame him, I can trust Clark, he would do this to me on purpose.

“Okay, okay. Make it stop, and undo it, there is no problem”

“I can’t do that”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“Look, I haven’t explained everything about this bond. We are linked yes, but we are not the same. One of us is meant to become the alpha of the relationship to protect us. It looks like I’m the one and that’s why you are smaller now. I must be more dominant than you”

“What the hell dude?  I’m not gay, and I’m no betta. Tell me you can stop this”

“I’m not saying you are gay, but we are bonded, that’s more special that sexual orientation. Anyways, I can’t stop it, I will absorb your energy in proportion to how submissive you are. So, this should be it, right? If you don’t feel like a betta”

“Oh, now it’s my fault that you are sucking my energy”

“It’s no one’s fault. Stay calm, it’s not a drama, even if you are a bit shorter and skinnier you still look great. Trust me, I know”

I feel so confused. I want to be angry, but the way he talks to me makes me trust him. I feel like crying, and my eyes get wet. Clark notices it and hugs me. Maybe he is right, and it’s not a big deal. I mean, he is taking it well. After that hug we eat our sandwiches. I only eat half of mine and Clark eats both of his and the half I don’t finish. Clark is the only one talking at this point, repeating that everything will be fine and that he is with me. That it doesn’t matter who is the alpha or the betta.

Finally, I have to leave for work. Clark stays at home, he didn’t want to leave me, but I insist I need to be on my own for a bit. We say goodbye and I go to the restaurant with my bike, after adjusting the seat. Hopefully I’ll grow back after a while.

Part 2, End